#let’s be real this is eventual shadowidomauk knowing me lol
rainbowcaleb · 5 months
Prompt: wet | Rating: T | Characters: Essek and Molly (Caleb offscreen) | Words: 502 | CW: None
“I’ll just be one moment, please make yourself comfortable.” Caleb walks down the short hallway and disappears into what Essek assumes is his private room.
Essek absolutely wasn’t expecting Caleb to invite him inside his room, he wouldn’t even know how to react if he saw a bed— is it large? cozy? are there abundant pillows, or is Caleb spartan with just one? are the sheets rumpled or— the thought of just the bed sends Essek into a quickly tamped down spiral. He can't handle seeing a whole bedroom full of personal artifacts all at once. His mind will try too quickly to gather all the presented information to solve this Widogast puzzle, and this year Essek is very much trying to discover friendship the natural way, not with the help of research or second eyes.
And so Essek perches on the edge of the couch, not quite allowing himself to settle, as Caleb retrieves the notes from that morning’s lecture. Curse Verin for dragging Essek out to breakfast halfway across town. He’ll never believe another ‘emergency’ text from his brother again.
There’s rapid footsteps sounding from the hallway then a small crash as someone runs into the room and bumps into the corner, almost toppling the floor lamp.
“Caleb! I’ve got an idea for where we should take Beau for her surprise birthday next— oh hello.”
Essek does not have his wits about him. If he has any wits in hand at all he wouldn’t be staring mouth agape at the tiefling that has just entered the room. The figure is dripping wet, which explains the clumsy entrance, assumingly having run from the shower. And naked. Which could also be explained by a shower. Essek’s mind is frozen on the full expanse of nude skin before him and, witless as he is, cannot move on past the logical assumption—
“Did you just run out of the shower?”
The tiefling laughs. “I might have. I thought I heard Caleb’s voice and assumed he was home and willing to hear my great plans.” A wink is sent Essek’s way. “I don’t suppose you’d like to brainstorm a party with me? If you’ve come home with Caleb, I’m sure you’re just as smart. He does know how to pick them.”
“I haven’t come home with him.” The scandal is starting to catch up in Essek’s mind but his focus is still a bit left of target. “He is simply lending me class notes.”
“Ah, a shame.” The tiefling approaches and Essek’s gaze is very determinedly trying to stay on the face. It’s a very nice face, wet black hair now curling in front of the eyes. “If you were sticking around I might risk pissing off my roommate by stealing you away. I’m Mollymauk.” A hand is stuck out towards Essek. Years of polite upbringing has Essek taking the hand despite the nearby nudity. “Can I still tempt you to stay awhile? I don’t think I’ve seen you around before, and I’m always happy to make a new friend.”
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