#let's be real it's a bold assumption that bridget's dead
parf-fan · 4 years
In-house shows have been posted!
As always, the following info is from the Faire’s website.
Queen's Court
Join the Mount Hope Welcoming Committee as they greet Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth, at the Globe Stage! See the Queen, enjoy a sampling of the many entertainments available during the day, and learn what lies in store for all visitors to Mount Hope!
[Ah, so they’ve moved it back to the Globe for this year.  Here’s hoping everyone interested in seeing this show is aware of the stage change and doesn’t go sit at Endgame for fifteen minutes wondering where tf the preshow is until they finally look more closely at their daily writ and then say a few choice words along with their best friend as the two of us raced off to the new stage.]
Variety Royale
How can one even begin to pick a favorite act here at Mount Hope? Well Her Majesty aims to do just that. Watch as the festival's performers battle for the title of The Queen's Favorite, and perhaps even more importantly, enough food to feed themselves and their family for a whole week!
[Who needs Chess when you can have a battle of the Humanities department!]
Ultimate Joust
Join Her Majesty and the people of Mount Hope as they preside over the final joust of the day! Strength will be tested, Honor will be challenged, and the very cause of Chivalry hangs in the balance. An explosive fireworks celebration awaits the victorious Knight and their supporters afterward!
[I’d be suspicious of this promise of a “fireworks celebration”, except that I know there are simply logistically not the numbers necessary to stage an attempted insurrection. It may be actual fireworks.]
Disasterpiece Theater 
Years ago, Mount Hope gained a reputation as a testing ground for new and unconventional community theatre. Has it lived up to Sir Walter's lofty goals? Can anything get it back on track? Was it ever on track to begin with? What is a track? Theatre will happen. It might be a Masterpiece, it might be a disaster, but it will always be a Disasterpiece.
[One, thank God. I mean, they’d’ve been daft to cut it, but all the same. Two, Sir Walter was namedropped as a historical figure and that makes me happy. Three,“What is a track?”  The cast this year is not divided by track as they’ve been before! There may not be tracks at all!  This description is fricking clever].
Finale Pub Sing 
End the festival day in joyously boisterous song lead by Demetrius and Friends! Join Her Majesty, Her Court, and the shire folk of Mount Hope as they bid you farewell with songs we all know and love.
[But like,,, its not at a pub, right?  That would be logistically too crowded to be safe rn.]
Music with Her Majesty
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth enjoys singing her favorite musical selections with a few new Shire friends. Don't miss this royal performance!  [It’s back babyyy!]
Tea Time
Come join the two most in-the-know Courtiers in her Majesty's retinue as they discuss the hottest topics of the day. Gossip is illegal, so they definitely will not be gossiping; but rest assured, Tea shall be served, and if some is spilled, so be it!
[Listen. You can’t just go posting things like that.]
Mags' To Rich's*
She's rich. She's poor. But they both can agree on one thing: dating is hard. Join Mags Cockburn and Lady Rich as they sing about men, love, and …other things. *Contains material not suitable for children.
[Ooooh, Jules is Mags again, but as a Bacch! Coolio. My guess is that Lady Rich will be portrayed by Leigh Ann Hamelin, because music. Might not be, though. Musical ability is not limited to those historically on the music track.] [Also can we talk about this show’s title, ‘cause it’s clever.]
Guts & Glory: A Scottish Cooking Demo
Join Scottish Ambassador, Argyle Douglas, as he weaves comedy and storytelling into a cooking demonstration of Scotland's most famous dish, Haggis. This exhibition features an authentic Scottish "plushie" sheep happily providing authentic "plushie" organs thus enabling everyone to savour the experience without any worries about "nasty bits".  This show is fun for the whole Family (bring your children, your grandmother, your dog).
[why...why is “plushie” in quotation marks. what are they implying.]
A Whole Experience* 
Join Abe Froman, The Sausage King, and Argyle Douglas, Scottish Ambassador, as they wax poetic about the merry mix-ups in which mature couples find themselves. The Battle for Understanding, Is Compromise Truly Worthwhile in the Long-run?, When Honesty is not the Best Policy, are just the tip of the ice-burg of topics discussed. Ultimately, this show is a celebration of being human and the foibles that come with that condition. Come prepared to laugh and share in "A Whole Experience"!  *Contains material not suitable for children.
[Strictly speaking, this show sounds less like a celebration of being human and more like a celebration of being an alloromantic allosexual human in an érosish relationship, but that could be false advertising.]
And finally, neither listed last nor remotely least....
Whose Jest Is It Anyway?
Just because the Queen is on the Shire doesn't mean the people of Mount Hope need to take themselves seriously all day! Come join the shire folk as they engage in some games of Wit, Hilarity, and Downright Silliness; all based on suggestions from the audience, so every show is different! Here are some testimonials from real audience members: • "I laughed until I stopped!" - Bern D'bread, Baker • "Seriously, whose jest is it? They never answer that blasted question!" - Yuri Gnollcakes, Privy Attendant • "I took an afternoon off inventing to watch 'Whose Jest…?' My brain is now so dead I'll never invent again!" - Leonardo Da Vinci, Early Renaissance Man • "Bridget!" - Bridget Moorhouse, Lat Master of Revels
[FUCK YEAH IT’S BAAAAACK!!!!!  I’ve been waiting years for this!  Granted, that waiting has been much more congenial since I discovered Friday Knight Improv and since they added improv track shows to the Faire day, but I have nevertheless been waiting for this for years!]
[But more important than that, I want to discuss the final testimonial there.  You’ll notice that there appears to be a typo in attributing the quote, beyond just missing the middle ‘e’ from Moorehouse.  There’s a missing letter from the modifier of the title.  It says “Lat”.  Now, while it turns out that “lat” is, in fact, a word, I very much doubt that they are attempting to define Bridget as a former silver coin of Latvia equal to 100 santimi.  No, there are two words that it could be.  One, it could be missing an ‘e’, making the word “late”.  On the outside, that seems reasonable enough; Bridget was in her prime in 1520 and this season takes place sometime after 1558.  But there is yet another option.  The missing letter could be an ‘s’, making the intended word “last”.  The last Master of Revels.  As in: Mount Hope has not had a Master of Revels since Bridget?  Or as in: there is no Master of Revels after Bridget because Bridget is still the Master of Revels and will always be the Master of Revels even unto the ending of the world, for Bridget is forever, possibly Eldritch, a force of pure chaos, unending and unchanging, Eternal.
This is one typo I hope they never fix.]
4 notes · View notes
isslibrary · 7 years
New Books (December)
Sorted by Call Number / Author. Some awesome stuff on this list (I added commentary). Thanks to the Jacobs family for some of these donations, to Mr. Colvin for the art history suggestions, and to students who requested materials. Mrs. Wald, we now have the first three
Magic Treehouse
books in Spanish. As always, if you can't find something, ask me or Mrs. VanHorn and we'll help.
296.1 U
Understanding the Dead Sea scrolls : a reader from the Biblical archaeology review. 1st ed. New York : Random House, ℗♭1992. A sourcebook of articles by the world's leading Dead Sea Scroll authorities.
303.66 Z
Zinn, Howard, 1922-. Artists in times of war. New York : Seven Stories Press, c2003.
** Highly Recommended -- and it's short **
305.38 W
Question bridge : Black males in America. First edition. Question Bridge assembles a series of questions posed to black men, by and for other black men, along with the corresponding responses and portraits of the participants. The questions range from the comic to the sublimely philosophical: from "Am I the only one who has problems eating chicken, watermelon, and bananas in front of white people?" to "Why is it so difficult for black American men in this culture to be themselves, their essential selves, and remain who they truly are?" The answers tackle the issues that continue to surround black male identity today in a uniquely honest, no-holds-barred manner. While the ostensible subject is black men, the conversation that evolves in these pages is ultimately about the nature of living in a post-Obama, post-Ferguson, post-Voting Rights Act America. Question Bridge is about who we are and what we mean to one another. Most critically, it asks: how can we start to dismantle the myths and misconceptions that have evolved around race and gender in America--how can we reset the narrative about ourselves, just as #blacklivesmatter has reset the narrative of civil protest? The founding artists, along with contributions from Ambassador Andrew Young, Jesse Williams, Rashid Shabazz, and Delroy Lindo, will introduce and contextualize the body of the work and provide closing remarks on our current and future social climate.
** This project happened at the Birmingham Museum of Art and it is really interesting **
305.409 D
Doyle, Sady. Trainwreck : The women we love to hate, mock, and fear... and why. Brooklyn, NY : Melvillle House, 2016.
659.1 W
Wu, Tim, author. The attention merchants : the epic scramble to get inside our heads. First edition. "From Tim Wu, author of the award-winning The Master Switch and who coined the phrase "net neutrality"--a revelatory look at the rise of "attention harvesting," and its transformative effect on our society and our selves. Attention merchant: an industrial-scale harvester of human attention. A firm whose business model is the mass capture of attention for resale to advertisers. In nearly every moment of our waking lives, we face a barrage of advertising enticements, branding efforts, sponsored social media, commercials and other efforts to harvest our attention. Over the last century, few times or spaces have remained uncultivated by the "attention merchants," contributing to the distracted, unfocused tenor of our times. Tim Wu argues that this is not simply the byproduct of recent inventions but the end result of more than a century's growth and expansion in the industries that feed on human attention. From the pre-Madison Avenue birth of advertising to TV's golden age to our present age of radically individualized choices, the business model of "attention merchants" has always been the same. He describes the revolts that have risen against these relentless attempts to influence our consumption, from the remote control to FDA regulations to Apple's ad-blocking OS. But he makes clear that attention merchants grow ever-new heads, and their means of harvesting our attention have given rise to the defining industries of our time, changing our nature--cognitive, social, and otherwise--in ways unimaginable even a generation ago"--.
759.2 R
Riley, Bridget, 1931- artist. Bridget Riley : works 1981-2015.
770.92 K
Sherman, Cindy, photographer, interviewee. Cindy Sherman, Imitation of life.
** If you enjoy taking selfies you should really look at this **
811.6 C
Collins, Martha, 1940-. White papers. Pittsburgh, Pa. : University of Pittsburgh Press, c2012. White Papers is a series of untitled poems that explore race from a variety of personal, historical, and cultural perspectives, questioning what it means to be "white" in a multi-racial society.
811.6 J
Jones, Ashley M. Magic City Gospel : poems. Spartanburg, SC : Hub City Press, 2016.
811.6 R
Rankine, Claudia, 1963- author. Citizen : an American lyric. Claudia Rankine's bold new book recounts mounting racial aggressions in ongoing encounters in twenty-first-century daily life and in the media. Some of these encounters are slights, seeming slips of the tongue, and some are intentional offensives in the classroom, at the supermarket, at home, on the tennis court with Serena Williams and the soccer field with Zinedine Zidane, online, on TV--everywhere, all the time. The accumulative stresses come to bear on a person's ability to speak, perform, and stay alive. Our addressability is tied to the state of our belonging, Rankine argues, as are our assumptions and expectations of citizenship. In essay, image, and poetry, Citizen is a powerful testament to the individual and collective effects of racism in our contemporary, often named 'post-race' society.
** Essential Reading **
891.71 B
Baratynsky, E. A., 1800-1844, author. A science not for the earth : selected poems and letters. First edition.
92 Goldman
92: Biographies are in the Biography Room
Goldman, Emma, 1869-1940. Living my life : abridged. Condensed ed. Anarchist, journalist, drama critic, advocate of birth control and free love, Emma Goldman was the most famous—and notorious—woman in the early twentieth century. This abridged version of her two-volume autobiography takes her from her birthplace in czarist Russia to the socialist enclaves of Manhattan’s Lower East Side. Against a dramatic backdrop of political argument, show trials, imprisonment, and tempestuous romances, Goldman chronicles the epoch that she helped shape: the reform movements of the Progressive Era, the early years of and later disillusionment with Lenin’s Bolshevik experiment, and more. Sounding a call still heard today, Living My Life is a riveting account of political ferment and ideological turbulence.
** Howard Zinn suggested reading this so I got it-- we need more biographies about women, so let me know if you have ideas! **
92 Guevara
Resnick, Marvin D. The black beret: the life and meaning of Che Guevara. New York, : Ballantine Books, [1970, c1969].
92 Joyce
Anderson, Chester G. James Joyce : with 124 illustrations. A biography of the Irish genius relating details of his life to the substance of his books.
92 Wright
Wright, Richard, 1908-1960. American hunger. First edition. A continuation of Richard Wright's autobiography, "Black Boy.".
ES F Osb
ES Section/Español is in the Reading Room
Osborne, Mary Pope. El caballero del alba. Lyndhurst, NY : Lectorum Publications, 2002.
ES F Osb
Osborne, Mary Pope. Dinosaurios al atardecer. Lyndhurst, NY : Lectorum Publications, 2002.
ES F Osb
Osborne, Mary Pope. Una momia al amanecer. Lyndhurst, NY : Lectorum Publications, 2002.
F Bac
Backman, Fredrik, 1981- author. A man called Ove : a novel. First Washington Square Press trade paperback edition. "A grumpy yet loveable man finds his solitary world turned on its head when a boisterous young family moves in next door"--Amazon.com.
F Bur
Burton, Jessie, 1982-. The miniaturist. First Harperluxe edition. Engaging the services of a miniaturist to furnish a cabinet-sized replica of her new home, 18-year-old Nella Oortman, the wife of an illustrious merchant trader, soon discovers that the artist's tiny creations mirror their real-life counterparts in eerie and unexpected ways.
F Pea
Pearson, Ridley. Dark Passage : Kingdom Keepers Book Six 6. New York, NY : Disney, 2013.
F Pea
Pearson, Ridley. Disney after Dark : Kingdom Keepers Book One 1. New York, NY : Disney, 2005.
F Pea
Pearson, Ridley. Disney at Dawn : Kingdom Keepers Book Two 2. New York, NY : Disney, 2008.
F Pea
Pearson, Ridley. Disney in Shadow : Kingdom Keepers Book Three 3. New York, NY : Disney, 2010.
F Pea
Pearson, Ridley. The Insider : Kingdom Keepers Book Seven 7. New York, NY : Disney, 2014.
F Pea
Pearson, Ridley. Power play. 1st ed. New York : Disney/Hyperion Books, c2011. For the five teens who modeled as Disney Hologram Imaging hosts, life is beginning to settle down when an intriguing video arrives to Philby's computer at school. It's a call for action: the Overtakers, a group of Disney villains, seem to be plotting to attempt a rescue of two of their leaders, both of whom the Disney Imagineers have hidden away somewhere following a violent encounter in Epcot. A staged attack by new Overtakers at Downtown Disney, startles the group. A dark cloud in the Kingdom Keeper era is unfolding, and with dissension in their own ranks, it's unclear if there's any chance of escape.
F She
Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft, 1797-1851. Frankenstein. New York, NY : Signet Classics, 1965. The monster was supposed to be man's benefactor, but, scorned for his ugliness, he swears revenge on his creator and the human race.
SC Doy
Doyle, Arthur Conan, 1859-1930. Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Racine, Wis., : Whitman Pub. Co., [1965].
0 notes