#ren faires under covid
Hello, it's me, the COVID vaccine test subject! I'm always first in line to get new COVID vaccines because I have long COVID and I'm not trying to make it worse. Here are some things of note about the new (as of 9/25/2023) COVID vaccine from Pfizer based on the experience of me and my mom who just got it on Sunday.
General info:
The vaccine is usually called Comirnaty or "The 2023-2024 Covid Vaccine" when you're signing up to get it. It's generally not referred to as a booster. All Pfizer vaccines fall under the name "Cormirnaty" so make sure you're getting the latest one, it's always good to ask the office, clinic, or pharmacy you're scheduling with if you're unsure.
According to the pharmacist who administered my shot, it wasn't supposed to be out for a few weeks so some insurances, including Pennsylvania Medicaid, won't cover it yet. It's $190 out of pocket. I would recommend getting in contact with your insurance company or the place you're getting vaccinated to ensure that you're not going to have to pay for it.
The vaccine is FDA approved and uses MRNA technology, the same as the original Pfizer vaccine.
Side effects (I received the flu and covid vaccines at the same time in the same arm, my mom received only the covid one, will update if/when my dad and sibling get it):
I had very manageable arm soreness and swelling. I've gotten this with every vaccine I've gotten, some are worse than others, this was one of the less severe ones. The swelling isn't interfering with my arm movements at all, it's just certain movements are painful.
I also had extreme sleepiness today, I fought to keep my eyes open for most of the morning and ended up skipping class and just going back to bed for most of the day. There are several factors that could play into this. I went to the ren faire on Saturday and my big crashes are sometimes delayed by a day. I also got both vaccines at the same time which can sometimes cause worse side effects. I wanted to mention it because it could be related to the COVID vaccine alone. I would plan to get the vaccine on a day where you don't have work or another big event going on.
My mom had more severe arm pain and limited range of motion. She struggled to move for the first day. She, like me, often gets a bump and/or pain following shots. She (by her own admission) forgot there were things she could do to reduce the swelling so that might have contributed to her having such a hard time with it.
Keep your arm relaxed as much as possible during the shot. Tensing the muscle causes the shot to hurt more.
Move your arm a bit after the shot to reduce pain, but don't do anything strenuous.
If you're able to, take a pain medication with anti-inflammatory properties shortly after getting the shot.
Use a cold compress if the swelling becomes bothersome.
If fear is a barrier to getting a shot, it's perfectly acceptable and actually good to talk to a doctor about taking an anti-anxiety medication beforehand. I use weed or CBD, but you might also be given one dose of a sedative like Ativan or Xanax.
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parf-fan · 4 years
The out-of-house acts have also been announced.  At this point, their weekends are merely listed as “full season” or “partial season”, so I’ll be keeping an eye out for the individual dates.  But for now, here’s the info so far on the independents.
Aaron Bonk – full season
Alpenlaenders – partial season
Archery Through the Ages – full season
Arthur Greenleaf Holmes* – full season
Barely Balanced – full season
The Burly Minstrels – partial season
Cu Dubh – partial season
Demetrius the Minstrel – full season
Don Juan & Miguel – full season
Harper Lee – full season
The Mud Squad – full season
Noble Cause Productions – full season
Paolo Garbanzo – full season
Rowan the Bowin' – full season
Royal Falconer – full season
Scott Alexander – full season
Wine and Alchemy – full season
Wolgemut – full season
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esleep · 2 years
i bought a new dress today and it makes me look like a fairy. i will wear it to a ren faire one day. until then i will wear it to the grocery store.
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freckledsweetpea · 3 years
Hey so ages back you posted some really cute pics of yourself in like a…potion selling elf outfit? That’s the best description I can come up with haha. If you know what I’m talking about, would you be willing to share where you got that? I’m going to a ren faire this fall and I’d really like to wear something with a similar vibe ☺️
so all parts of that outfit were compiled from bits and pieces off of Amazon(🤢 but I don't have $500 to spend on etsy sellers rn) for last years ren fest that obviously because of covid was cancelled. the over dress came with an under dress but I didn't like the way it fit so I paired it with an off the shoulder dress I already had. I'd say just search for Renaissance costumes on Amazon and read lots of reviews for your best bet if you need an affordable option. Eventually when I have a nice job and extra spending money I'll go the sturdier and more handcrafted route, but for the time being I am poor lol.
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gdwessel · 3 years
New Japan Cup 2021 Night 13 - 3/20/2021; Update on State Of Emergency; NJPW Strong Episode 31 - 3/19/2021
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The Finals for the New Japan Cup 2021 are now set, and you can see how we got there now on NJPWWorld. 
- 3/20/2021, Sendai Xebio Arena (NJPWWorld)
Jeff Cobb & Great O-Khan [United Empire] d. Juice Robinson & Yuya Uemura (Cobb > Uemura, Tour Of The Islands, 8:44)
Toru Yano, YOSHI-HASHI & SHO [CHAOS] d. Bad Luck Fale, Chase Owens & Jado [Bullet Club] (Yano > Jado, Schoolboy, 7:58)
Tetsuya Naito, SANADA & BUSHI [Los Ingobernables] d. Taichi, Zack Sabre Jr. & DOUKI [SZKG] (SANADA > DOUKI, Skull End, 11:19)
Kota Ibushi, Hiroshi Tanahashi & Kazuchika Okada [CHAOS] d. Jay White, KENTA & Yujiro Takahashi [Bullet Club] (Ibushi > Yujiro, Kamigoye, 10:26)
New Japan Cup 2021 Semifinal: Will Ospreay [United Empire] d. David Finlay Jr. (Stormbreaker, 21:04) 
New Japan Cup 2021 Semifinal: Shingo Takagi [Los Ingobernables] d. EVIL [Bullet Club] (Last Of The Dragon, 22:43)
Shingo gets the win over his former stablemate, whilst Ospreay ends the Cinderella run for Finlay. With that, the Final is set, and it will be the second tournament final meeting between Shingo v. Ospreay. The first time, of course, was the Best Of The Super Juniors 26 final on 6/5/2019, which Ospreay would win. Since that time, neither man wrestle as a juniorheavyweight anymore (and to be fair, Shingo never was), Ospreay has become a heel unit-leader, and Shingo has been the best wrestler in NJPW for the last three years, and possibly the overall best in the world (in my opinion) were it not for Jon Moxley. The last singles match between these two was last year’s G1 Climax, when Shingo beat Ospreay on 9/27/2020. Hell of a venue for a rubber match, then.
Kota Ibushi returns to the lineups, after being out for most of this tour. We still don’t have the IWGP World Heavyweight title belt. Ibushi’s presence here is for the winner of the Cup tomorrow to stare him down so we can start the build to Sakura Genesis on 4/4/2021. 
On that very related note, it would seem that Sakura Genesis, and the Road to Sakura Genesis mini-tour, will take place in a more relaxed environment, as the government is now lifting the state of emergency on Monday in Tokyo, Saitama, Chiba and Kanagawa, which had been extended whilst the rest of the country had already lifted it. The government is citing a reduction by 80% in COVID-19 infections since January, although, as you can imagine, there is criticism of this, which is not in any way unfounded, especially since, cynically, it seems the government’s focus is not health & safety, but more, the beginning of the Olympic torch relay this coming Thursday 3/25/2021 in Fukushima.  As we’ve mentioned before, the government is Hell-bent on the Olympics happening, and, well, it hasn’t exactly been a smooth road for them to achieve this goal, not least because the pandemic is still going. (No word on whether or not Kazuchika Okada will still be a torch-runner for Aichi Prefecture, as reported here way back in December 2019.)
The articles do state that prefectural leaders are still asking citizens to act as if they are still in emergency, and are asking restaurants, cinemas, etc. to end at 9pm rather than 8pm under the order. This will probably lead NJPW to go back to the 6-match cards in Tokyo, including Sakura Genesis, rather than the 4- or 5-match shows that have been going on since the state of emergency was declared. 
There is still every possibility another state of emergency could be declared, especially if COVID-19 infection numbers start rising once this order ends Monday. However, the world at large seems to be working towards opening back up, and to be fair, vaccinations are a huge part of this, but the pandemic is nowhere close to being over as yet either.
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The Road to Strong Style Evolved continues on NJPW Strong, with two more qualifiers for the New Japan Cup USA 2021 happening here.
Jeff Cobb [United Empire] d. Alex Coughlin (Tour Of The Islands, 5:58)
New Japan Cup USA 2021 Qualifier: Ren Narita d. Misterioso (Narita Special #3, 11:12)
New Japan Cup USA 2021 Qualifier: Brody King [ROH] d. Bateman [ROH] (Gonso Bomb, 13:25)
Brody King wins a pretty physical affair, whilst Ren Narita’s push on Strong continues. Both of them go on to the New Japan Cup USA later in April. Jeff Cobb is here to remind us that this is a show that is pre-taped weeks and months in advance. Next week’s episode features two more qualifiers, with "Dirty Daddy” Chris Dickinson v. Blake Christian (spoiler: Blake Christian is now at the WWE Performance Center), and Clark Connors v. *spits* TJP.
The finale to the New Japan Cup 2021 is tomorrow, and will be live on NJPWWorld. As has been the standard, we don’t have the full card for this yet. But let’s face it, we’re here for one match and one match only tomorrow.
- 3/21/2021, Sendai Xebio Arena (NJPWWorld)
New Japan Cup 2021 Final: Shingo Takagi [Los Ingobernables] v. Will Ospreay [United Empire]
More TBA
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Doom Patrol Season 2 Episode 9 Review: Wax Patrol
This Doom Patrol review contains spoilers.
Doom Patrol Season 2 Episode 9
“Let the past die. Kill it if you have to. It’s the only way to become who you were meant to be.”
Kylo Ren’s quote in The Last Jedi could just as easily apply to the Doom Patrol season 2 finale, “Wax Patrol,” as the team not only confronts toxic imaginary friends from their childhoods, but Jane uncovers Miranda’s own buried past – and Dorothy is forced to leave her life behind as Niles’ innocent little girl. 
Still, despite being a good episode, “Wax Patrol” feels more like the setup to a finale, rather than the finale itself. And there may be good reason for that. According to Insider, the season was supposed to have 10 episodes, but production was interrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. 
That abbreviated schedule also explains why the story begins focused on Miranda’s past, rather than Dorothy’s big confrontation with Candlemaker.
As for that past, after seeing Jane floating in the Underground well – dispatched by Miranda — the 1969 flashback introduces a younger Miranda working at a Wisconsin diner, and meeting a folksy boy who sings like Bob Dylan. It is a sweet scene of courtship, even though the boy triggers Miranda’s memories of Kay’s abusive father. Still, we eventually learn that the two move in together. Miranda looks in a mirror to tell her other personalities she’s doing it for all of them. But is she really seeking to move forward for Kay, or is this all about Miranda’s autonomy?
The couple doesn’t remain happy very long before Miranda learns her folksy boyfriend, now a company man, has arranged a sex party in their home. Considering her own traumas, it’s no surprise that things get dark when the boy convinces her to sleep with his co-worker. Doom Patrol has featured sex before, and typically in a positive light, but the orgy scene is creepy, and disturbing (and its participants call to mind the restless sex ghosts from “Sex Patrol”), especially in light of Kay’s PTSD.
Thus, we learn how Miranda lost the job of Primary; she not only failed to protect Kay, but she let down the entire Underground. But with her “death,” Crazy Jane is born, and proceeds to rebuke the boyfriend, and the orgy-goers. 
It should be noted that Diane Guerrero continues to deliver an amazing performance with her nuanced portrayals of Kay’s personalities. After Miranda faints at the party, there is no mistake that it’s Jane who gets up.
But the twist is that the “real” Miranda has been dead all along, buried under silt in the well. Kay, who is more active in the Underground than we’ve seen before, is on the case to find Jane – but who is it that’s now playing the part of Miranda?
Although this moment feels like the big reveal of the episode, there’s still quite a bit happening at the carnival with Candlemaker asserting his power. 
Read more
Doom Patrol Season 2 Episode 8 Review: Dad Patrol
By Aaron Sagers
Doom Patrol Season 2: Dorothy Spinner is Forever Young
By Rosie Knight
But we also see the team come together as a family for the first time all season. Vic is able to pull himself away from being heartbroken about Roni going super villain (and away from The Cure). And Cliff, who finally made amends with his daughter enough to score a ticket to her wedding, has to run away from her once more to save the world. Surprisingly Larry steps up to lead the mission and give the “We’re all we have” family speech. 
Sadly, when they flit into the wax-covered fair, they are dispatched rather quickly when Candlemaker takes the form of each of their imaginary friends from childhood. Even formidable drunk wizard Kipling is easy dragged away by his pretend playmate from the 16th century, a Punch and Judy puppet. 
Each of the team’s confrontations feels spot on here. Larry was so repressed that it makes sense his imagination was too tightly controlled to allow for one. And of course, Vic’s affirming pal Dr. Cowboy would wear the face of his father and exist just to pat him on the back. Rita’s is a paper doll with her mother’s eyes; abandoned once Rita saw with her own what mommy dearest did to secure her breakout role. 
Cliff’s imaginary friend being a Southern foul-mouthed, roundhouse kicking Christ is an especially genius surprise. Both Robotman and Jesus know what it’s like to have complicated relationships with their fathers, and imaginary Jesus has serious abandonment issues after Cliff dumps him following one summer at Bible Camp. Following some messianic butt-kicking, it’s heartening to see Jesus and Cliff hug it out, but the former ultimately shows he is Candlemaker and blows the latter to a pile of waxy spare parts. 
Similar to Miranda’s failure to keep Kay safe, Niles has failed to keep Dorothy safe, and is reduced to crawling in the wax. Slava returns in corporeal form to encourage their daughter to assume a warrior stance, along with warrior boots. Only Dorothy can defeat Candlemaker at this point and considering the pretty bad-ass souped-up Mjolnir weapon she conjures, she just might do it. Niles’ little girl is gone, but is she strong enough to fight this entity? Her confidence makes it appear like it’s possible … right up until Candlemaker absorbs her, and the episode ends.
With the episode snuffed, the season ends, and we have a cliffhanger until Doom Patrol (hopefully) returns. 
It is unfair to give the show too much grief because the finale feels incomplete, but it does highlight that we still don’t know a whole lot about Candlemaker’s motives, or exactly what his deal is – other than being connected to Slava’s tribe. However, Jane’s story has gotten a whole lot more compelling. 
The post Doom Patrol Season 2 Episode 9 Review: Wax Patrol appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3a645MH
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parf-fan · 4 years
Hi! I have a question I hope you can provide some insight into. I really want to go to the faire this year, but am a bit nervous about whether or not the safety measures will still be listened to by the end of October? I really want to go, but am worried about being a hypocrite for going to faire in the middle of a pandemic. Do you have any idea if the safety measures are actually being followed and if it is actually not as crowded? Sorry for bothering you. Thanks!
I’m sorry for not getting to this sooner, I posses neither time-management nor memory nor executive function.
There are more safety measures in place at the Faire than anywhere else I’ve been since the 2020 covid pandemic began, and more measures are being followed at the Faire – both proportionally and by raw numerical value – than anywhere else I’ve been since the 2020 covid pandemic began.
It is not perfect. With the caveat that I have no concept of amounts in general, I'd say that 90-to-95 percent of patrons are wearing masks correctly when not eating or drinking. Of the 10-to-5 percent who aren't, some are trying to pass off clearly inadequate face-coverings as adequate, having presumably ditched their actual masks upon entrance; some wear proper masks incorrectly; some seem to think that merely holding food or drink but not actively consuming it is perfectly fine, even in the midst of a crowd; some do not isolate themselves before eating and drinking; and some just don't friggin' wear their masks.
Nevertheless, I've seen fewer folk unmasked at the Faire than I have anywhere else I've been since the 2020 covid pandemic began. The two times I've been thus far, I felt safer than I do at the grocery store.
Social distancing is a little tougher to call. Remember how I don't conceptualize amounts? Yeah, I dunno how long six feet is. However, I'm pretty confident in saying that distance of six feet is definitely being observed less than mask wearing is. But this is something that you yourself can have good deal more control over than others' mask-wearing. First day I went, I incorporated a cane in my costume that I would just hold out horizontally if I was approaching a crowd. Cane wasn't six feet, but it plus arm might have been. Second time, the same but with a fake cutlass. I've taken to bringing a blanket that I drape over the benches of audience area as though I'm saving seats, but it's actually just to keep everyone six feet away.
My experience is limited, though. I have yet to enter a shop (I'm there for the in-house shows and maybe two-and-a-half out-of-house groups, not to shop, not in this economy, not with what tickets cost), but I saw a fair amount on the magical Book of Face about shopkeepers having trouble with patrons removing masks in shops. Only saw that after the first weekend, though, not this past one, so it may have been sorted out.
My personal main worry had been for the actors, but of all the people on the grounds, I am the most confident in the performers' safety. They are definitely being protected.
Of course, I have no way of knowing if the safety measures will continue to be followed into October, but I think that they will. The people spearheading the safety measures know what the fuck they're on about and do not take bullshit. I know this because the people in question are the same people performing, some of whom are immunocompromised themselves. My sources here are the weekly livestreams of one of the actors, and an article somebody linked to in the dot-netters group, which will only let you open it once unless you buy a subscription.
Provided that you've naught going on to put you at greater risk to begin with, I would lean toward going.  Bring at least one extra mask so as to be able to change it when you inevitably snot it up halfway through the day, bring things with which to hold people at bay, and do whatever you need to reconcile yourself to probably sitting farther away from stages than you usually would.
And if you decide not to go, I've been filming what I can as best I can. Thus far they've only been posted on the PARF-fan facebook, because of chronology reasons, though I keep intending to at least link them here, but they exist and are watchable, and barring unseen catastrophe, will continue to happen.
Never feel that you need apologize for “bothering” me.  No ask has ever bothered me; I’m just forgetful and procrastinatory as hell.
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