#letitia come home the kids miss you
izus-doll · 1 year
Are we expecting Tish on the red carpet tomorrow for the movie premiere or are we gonna get the Oscar’s treatment 🥲🥲
Either way if she’s happy so am I
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blackfemfreak · 2 years
All By Myself
pairing: dom!Letitia x independent!reader
warnings: none really, slight flirting, some sex talk
a/n: OKAY. First fanfic in forever! Should I do a Pt.2? It would be hella smut ofc. Give writing tips, I’m always open to constructive criticism!!!
It was Friday night and you were exhausted from your work week. Boring paperwork was never any fun, but being a corporate baddie had its perks. For starters, the bank to do what you please, as you please. And what you wanted tonight was a long night out doing things you probably shouldn’t. But that’s the fun of being 23 with no kids, no girlfriend and no responsibility. Your life was all yours.
As you sit in the vanity and wrap your long black hair around the flat iron, you couldn’t help but smile to yourself in the mirror. Your long legs spreading out to your chocolate thighs were met by your toned torso. Saying you were beautiful was an understatement and you knew it. Couple beauty with your intelligence and unmatched work ethic, and there wasn’t a woman in this world who could compete with Y/N. You should be proud of all you accomplished, and happy with your life path thus far. And yet, something was missing. Let your mom tell it, you were growing cobwebs down there. You’d been single for two years and focused solely on your bag. And yes your mom is proud, but she always said that reaching the top would never feel comfortable if you had no one to share it with. She was right, you were slowly finding out. But your ex had broken your heart two years ago when you’d found out she’d cheated.
Memories of your ex began to filter through your mind.. the sweet kisses, the flowers, the dates….the sex…suddenly, it seemed the liquor you’d downed twenty minutes ago was finding its home at your core. Your legs rub together finding the perfect pressure against your clit while you finish the last few curls. You have got to have this thirst quenched, and maybe you’ll find satisfaction again.
After touching up your makeup, you pull the black shimmering dress over your body. The cut outs on the sides highlight your almost carved out waist. Anyone would want to snatch you up with one good look at you. You slip your heels on and your phone begins to ring. It’s your best friend and you answer immediately,
“Hey Y/N, I got Kai and Lita in the car, we outside”
“Here I come!” You say before grabbing your clutch and heading out.
As you strut inside, the strobe lights are swinging, the music is pumping and you’re met with hundreds of bodies grinding against each other. Your best friends grab your hand and immediately pull you over to the bar.
“Four shots of tequila!” Kai shouts at the bartender and hands him her credit card. This wasn’t new for them. Typically your besties are out every Friday night. And by Saturday morning you were making omelettes and tending to their hang overs. But tonight, you needed to indulge. As the shots are poured, you take a moment to scan the crowd. Nothing out of the ordinary is happening, but you make eye contact with with a striking pair of brown eyes. Immediately, your stomach jumps and you feel a shiver run down your spine. There, across the room, is the most attractive specimen you’ve ever seen. Slender, muscular frame, hair cut low on her sides with curls like low hanging fruit in front of her chocolate brown eyes. Her skin like Hershey chocolate and you can feel your arousal settling in your stomach.
“Girl are you gonna drink with us or stare at randoms all night?” Lita shouts over the music.
You break the eye contact to turn to your group of friends and grab your shot glass. The four of you raise your glasses, tap them on the bar and swallow them in one gulp. Shots two and three are done the same way, and soon you’re losing the stress of your work in the music. You make your way to the dance floor, smiling goofily before dancing with your friends.
Temptations, it’s knocking on your door
And you’re waiting on me
baby, won’t you hold me close
Baby, I’ll go wherever you go..
As the tempo slows and one of your favorite songs come on, a pair of hands find your waist. The smell of oak and hints of mahogany filter through your nostrils and whoever you’ve deemed your dance partner is, intoxicates you without trying. You’re swaying slow and sensually to the music. And as your back is pressed against the chest of someone you’ve deduced is at least two inches taller than you, you look down at their hands to see silver rings adorn their knuckles. It’s a woman. And my god she knows just what to do with you. So you return the favor. Pressing your ass again her pelvis you grind slowly, relishing the feel of her hands caressing your skin. She’s found a home in the cut outs at your side, and your skin is almost begging for her to roam lower.
And I don’t understand baby,
why can’t you
wait. for. me?
wait. for. me?
You’re working up the courage to seduce the woman when you feel a pair of lips on your ear.
“You are a breath taking woman. My name is Letitia…but you can call me Tish” the woman whispers huskily in your ear. The name sounds familiar, but you can’t pin point where you’ve heard it before. Before you can ask, her skilled hands spin you around, pulling your arms up around her neck before resting right in the cut out above your ass. She can feel almost immediately that you’ve opted out of underwear. And as you finally make eye contact with the chocolate orbs that held you earlier, you notice her eyes darken as she smiles cockily, her silver grill peaking underneath her bottom lip.
“Y/N…and your name sounds familiar.” You speak lowly. Your bodies can’t possibly get any closer. You can feel her hand finally inching to your ass cheek and she gives it a light squeeze pressing your pelvis against hers. The interaction is discrete, and your friends have fully submerged themselves in the crowd leaving you two fully immersed in the moment.
“Don’t worry about it being familiar, you’ll know it soon enough” she smirks cockily. And you can only imagine what she’s thinking.
You and Tish spend the rest of the night with each other. She’s invited you and your friends to her section but she keeps you occupied in the corner. She’s comfortably placed her arm behind you and the other hand rests on your knee.
“I come here pretty frequently. Why is this my first time seeing you?” Tish questions. She quirks a curious eyebrow as she lifts her drink to her lips and takes a sip. If there was any chance she could get more attractive, she’s done it. You watch her eyes drop to your lips and carry themselves to your breast before meeting your eyes again.
“I’m a working woman Tish. You caught me on a night where I needed the relief most.” You respond.
“Well thank God I did.” She states, catching your eyes again as she takes another sip. The desire in your stomach had expanded by now and it didn’t go unnoticed. Tish had noted everytime her thumb caressed your knee, your legs would adjust. A tell tale sign of sexual tension that was pent up and needed to be released. She found it amusing that you would pretend to be so interested in the conversation and wondered what exactly your pretty head had conjured up. She was already thinking of the ways she would please you. And by the fidgeting in your body, she knew you were ready to take everything she had been waiting to release herself.
“Let me ask you something Y/N,” she spoke. You tilted your head waiting for her to go on.
“How long has it been?” She asks catching you off guard. Your eyebrows furrow in confusion as you take note of her cocky tone. Tish leans forward, sliding her hand underneath just the hem of your dress while she continues sliding her thumb across your skin.
“How long has what been?” you ask. You knew exactly what she was asking, but if she was so confident in asking, she would be just as confident telling you what she wanted from you. But she’d definitely have to work for it. You weren’t going to be an easy nut to crack.
See, as a corporate baddie you had learned a few things. Being a young black woman in a position surrounded by mostly white men in suits, you were forced to come out of your shell. The timid Y/N had long disappeared and in her place stood a woman who knew her worth. Knew her charm and skills could elevate the weakest departments, and people were no different. You took pride in stepping into your power and loved the thrill of barking orders. It wasn’t that people feared you, it was that they trusted you when they were struggling. And the fact that is was you who stepped up and made problems disappear, boosted the hell out of your ego.
But you did wish that sometimes you didn’t have to be the front runner. Sometimes you’d love to be able to trust someone else with complex problems and have faith they’d follow through. You longed to sit back and enjoy life while someone else ran the show, letting you enjoy the fruits of your labor. The problem is, nobody else was a match.
“Y/N, you’re a smart girl-“
“Woman.” You interjected.
“You’re a smart woman,” she began again,
“I know you’re a smart woman, so you don’t have to play coy with me sweetheart. How long has it been, since you’ve had someone properly satisfy you..?” she finished. You could feel her heated glare settling on you and it lit a fire in your stomach that had your lower lips beginning to glaze. Boldly, you lean forward until your lips are resting against her ear. Your hand is placed directly between the breasts peaking out of her buttoned shirt, index finger toying with the gold chain strewn across her clavicle. The heat from your breath reaches her ear as you speak lowly,
“Satisfaction is for amateurs, my love. Like most things, I can do that on my own,” you pause sneakily before lightly tugging the chain around her neck so that she has no choice but to press her body flush against yours,
“I like to see stars in the dark. So to answer your question, it’s been a while..”
And as you lean back to get a good look at what you think should be a shocked face, a tattooed hand clasps your cheek. Suddenly her lips are pressed against yours. There’s a dominance to the kiss unlike anything you’ve ever felt before. The hand that was on your cheek is back at your hip, holding you in place while she continues her attack on your lips. It’s fierce, primal even, how she devours every breath you’ve taken since you entered the club. Her teeth graze your bottom lip, and as you gasp at the feeling, she takes the opportunity to explore your mouth with her tongue. She tastes like whiskey and the sensation sends your core a message that you may find yourself in an entanglement that sets your soul ablaze.
In your drunken haze, she parts from you just enough to find your ear and whisper, “Do you want to get out of here?” You’re still dazed from the kiss you two shared. Heart beating double time as you try to steady yourself and think, but at this point, your brain is mush. Your body is putty in her hands and you’re ready to show her exactly what you’re capable of so you nod breathlessly. Shooting your friends a signal that you’re leaving, Tish stands and straightens her clothes before grabbing your hand and making her way out of the section. You were certain that this was going to be a one and done situation. As most of your partners hadn’t been able to show you the “attention” you needed during sex. Tish, on the other hand, had been eyeing you all night, and had the perfect remedy for your behavior.
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faithbethhyden · 4 years
Today in another universe: Universe 669
It happen a month and so since Ruby meet William. Actually it felt like days because time flies with him and lately Ruby spend more time with William than Christina and this has been started to annoy the woman with the platinum blonde hair. The only thing that got her distracted was helping the kids of the neighborhood and the couple things she do in her business
"Tell me, Dee" The woman flip a page of the book she was helping the girl with "Oh, chemical reactions. This is interesting"
"Are you mad at Ruby"
Christina for a second frown without lift her gaze from the book and shook her head before with her usual stoic and calm face look at Diana "No, why?"
"Dunno, when she come home to see me or hang out you just leave or ignore her"
"I..." she sighs "I don’t ignore her. I am just busy"
"Mom says you have fight over something maybe"
Christina breaking her peaceful gesture chuckle just for one second in sarcasm to then go back to serious "We haven’t. I can assure you that. Now let’s go back to finish this. You have your this exam in a week"
"I am already killing it"
"Do you?" Christina nodded doubting "Okay, let’s see if you can resolve this" she closed the book and taking a piece of paper she wrote a few problems and a few formulas then slide it in front of Diana "You have thirty minutes"
Diana with eyes wide open reading it shake her head a couple time "But this..."
"This is what the book and your notebooks says you have study already. And as you mentioned, you are killing it" Christina standing up looked towards the window making her watch spin to watch the hour
-"Heeeeellooooo. Where’s everybody?"- Letitia’s voice sound loud -"Diana?"-
Christina fixing her posture look at the door "We are in the kitchen"
-"Oh Christina!"
"I don’t understand this!" Diana point to the paper "Wh-"
William staring the long eyelashes of Ruby while this looked aside he went to hold her hand to call her attention back to earth squeezing it softly. Once he did, he curled the corner of his lips "You are far away today"
"Mmm?" Ruby move her gaze to their hands then to his face "Is it bad to feel this down because she’s not making a move, anything to have me back. And is not like I am playing a game like a kid"
William retrieved his hand "No. I thought Miss Braithwhite would go all in, for you. She’s being stubborn. To be honest, I think she’s jealous"
"She’s not talking to me either" William lifting his cup of tea to his mouth did a short sigh after taking a sip "She always has been good into hiding her feelings"
"Oh..." Ruby starting to overthink wanted to stand up
"I wanted to ask you something"
"Wait... you have never tell me why you call Christina, Miss Braithwhite"
William nodding smiles glad "Is because her position"
"Her position?"
"Her family is really wealthy and now that she’s the last Braithwhite. She is beyond wealthy. I like formalities"
"You are weird"
"Maybe I am" He tilt his head "Do you like weird?"
"I... am... not going to responde that" Ruby smiles cheeky
"I like you Ruby. But... I know I have to fight hard. Anyway. I want you to come to a party we are having tonight. I have send you the perfect gown. Is going to be a very formal night"
Ruby clicking her tongue rose her brows "And do you think I don’t have a -very formal gown- William?"
William please by her reacting lean forward in the table "I do know your taste, but this is a gift. From me"
Ruby feeling shivers running her spine automatically smile rolling her eyes "ass"
"Keep talking dirty and will kiss you when you less expect it" William replied fixing the cuffs of this shirt
Ruby laughs "You are unbelievable"
The people were coming over the house. The hired help for that day has place everything so perfectly for the cocktail that when the invitees entered the place they were amused. William met with Christina while this poured a big glass of white wine
"You look stunning"
Christina turn around in a flawless way with the glass in a hand and the bottle in the other "I know" she power walk out of the kitchen
William grow a funny smile following her with his sight as she go "You look good too, William" he sighs "Thank you Christina"
"Mr Davenport here you are. There are a man asking for you sir" A butler announced "Have you seen Miss Braithwhite?"
"I’d be right out. And please. Don’t bother Miss Braithwhite until Miss Baptiste is here"
"Alright, sir"
"Thank you" William pat twice the shoulder of the butler before go out
Ruby still in awe hearing soft jazz music drive humming the lyrics until arrive the house "Holy shit how many people these crazy two have invited" she wonder to herself stopping in the front of the house as a guy opened the door for her and a minute later this drove her car out giving her a token. Some people in the outside stared right at her like seeing a vision which make her confidence grow
Loud music, some people walking in pairs, other little groups having chats. Ruby did her step in the house. A butler help with the coat and she nervously began to walk around not knowing anybody also not knowing why the meaning of the party. She looked for William but he was nowhere to be seen. She accepted a glass of champagne and felt a tickle in the back of her neck not knowing why. She spin around catching the gaze of Christina that looked like frozen and mesmerized staring at her which made her gulp before take the first step towards the woman
"Hi" Christina greet almost in a whisper not believing who was in front of her eyes "hi" she repeated happy
"Hello you too"
"You are here" This time Christina hold the two hands of Ruby "How did you know?"
An old white scruffy man rested a hand over the shoulder of Christina seeing this make a quick gesture of disgust but turn it into her usual blank expression dropping the hands of Ruby
"Happy Birthday little Braithwhite"
Ruby realize why there was so many elitist people in there and more importantly that Christina didn’t wanted to be there but her
"Thank you, Edmund"
"Who is your friend"
"Miss Baptiste. This is Edmund Kean. From London. He was one of my father’s closest friends" Christina had to do her best to not puke in her mouth "Miss Baptiste here is a marvelous singer and an amazing song writer and guitar player. She’s very gifted"
"Such a big words for someone of c-" The old man notice the murderous gaze Christina was giving to him and she shut up "-I think I will find my daughter. She was eager to meet you. Little Christina. If you may excuse me"
"Ruby I am so sorry"
"Why this old piece of crap is so scared about you?"
"I don’t know" Christina did know "I am so honored you are here. How did you know?"
Ruby suspicious just nod but feeling shivers seeing Christina’s excitement showing it by her gaze "surprise"
"You look-" Christina sighs eating Ruby with her eyes "wow"
"You are not bad yourself"
"Come with me. I’m going to get you a drink" The woman said taking Ruby’s hand pulling her gently leading the way
William from far was watching everything with a glass of whiskey close to his mouth. He grin chugging down the alcohol
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theericardo · 4 years
·          Alyssa Milano as Phoebe  Halliwell
·          Rose McGowan as Paige  Matthews Mitchell
·          with Holly  Marie Combs Ryan as Piper Halliwell
·          and Shannen  Doherty as Prue Halliwell
Co – Staring
·          Brian Krause as Leo Wyatt
·          Jacob Tremblay as Wyatt  Halliwell
·          Sunny Suljic as Chris  Halliwell
·          Brooklynn Prince as Melinda  Halliwell
·          Dafne Keen as Coop Halliwell
·          Ivan Sergei as Henry Michell
·          Iain Armitage as Henry  Michell, Jr.
·          Dafne Keen as Hayley Michell
·          Dorian Gregory as Darryl  Morris
·          Victor  Webster as Coop Halliwell
Guest – Starting
·          LeToya  Luckett as Eloise Gannibal
·          Lovie  Simone as Eloise Gannibal’s sister
·          Paul  Giamatti as William Alford
·          Reese  Witherspoon as Miss. Alford
·          Keith  David as Slave #1
·          Uncredited  Baby as Letitia Gannibal
·          Tyrel  Jackson Williams as Zygon
·          Sandra Prosper as Sheila Morris
·          Ken Page as Adair
·          Ian Abercrombie as Aramis
·          Christopher Cazenove as Thrask
·          Jon Stewart as Crill
·          Oded Fehr as Zankou
·          Charisma Carpenter as Kyra
[Scene: flashback to February 27th, 1670 – Salem Village, Massachusetts Alford’s plantation – Eloise Gannibal and William Alford.]
(Elosie was a “House N***er” at that time to slaver owner to William Alford and his missis.)
(With Eloise being a “House Nigger,” she did not have to work outside like the rest of the slaves did.)
(That night, William came home, drunk.)
(Him and the misses got into an argument.)
(The two argued back and forwards with each other.)
(Miss. Alford stormed off, leaving the dazed but drunk William there with Elosie, who happens to have overheard the whole argument.)
(William bolted towards and manhandled Elosie.)
Elosie: *screaming* “Let me go Missa!”
William: “Quiet N***er!”
(William dragged Elosie outside to the side of the house where he raped her tell she stared to bleed.)
(Slave #1 and Elosie’s sister found Elosie laying there.)
Elosie’s sister: *crying* “Elosie.” “Elosie, sweetie wake up.”
(Little did they know, Miss. Alford was watching from the widows’ view.)
[Scene: still in flashback but to February 28th, 1670
– Salem Village, Massachusetts – Eloise Gannibal and William Alford on the Alford’s plantation.]
(Miss. Alford demand for Elosie to not step foot back into their house.)
(Since then, Elosie has been working inside.)
[Scene: still in flashback but to October 31st, 1670 – Birth of Letitia Gannibal on the plantation.]  
(It was raining hail with high gusty winds at the midnight of 31st of October,1670.)
(Eloise along with every other slave was wearing “N**ro Clothing.”)
Eloise’s sister: “Keep pushing Eloise, she’s almost here!
Eloise: *grunts*
Eloise’s sister: “She’s here Eloise!” “She’s here!”
*baby starts crying*
Eloise: *crying, tears of joy * “She’s adorable.”
Slave #1: “What are you going to name her, Elosie?”
Eloise: “Letitia…” “Letitia Gannibal”
[Scene: September 22nd, 2017 – 11:00 pm. Living Quarters at Magic School with Chris, Melinda, Henry Jr., and Hayley.]
(Chris, Henry Jr., and Hayley are chatting among each other)
Henry Jr.: “So you’re telling me, Wyatt tried to kill you?”
Hayley: “Like, kill – kill you?”
Chris: “Yea, he actually did.” *looks over to Wyatt* “I can’t stand him sometimes, but he’s my brother, and I still love him.”
Melinda: *reads Wyatt’s mind* “He’s thinking the same thing Chris.”          
Chris: “Didn’t mom tell you stop reading people mind?”
Henry Jr.: “Yo, you can read minds Mel?” “That’s sick!”
Hayley: “Neither me nor Henry didn’t come into our powers till we were 10-years-old!”  
Henry Jr.: “You’re like 2, right?”
Melinda: *gives Henry Jr. a dirty look. * “Just because my birthday is on a Leap Day, doesn’t mean I’m 2-years-old stupid!”
(Chris and Hayley laughs at Melinda’s clapback at Henry Jr.)
[Scene: Still in Magic school, but with Piper, Phoebe, Paige, Wyatt, and Leo.]
(Wyatt sitting alone from the rest of the kids.)
(Paige orbs in with Piper and Phoebe)
Piper: “Wyatt Matthews Halliwell, get your butt over here now, mister!”
(Wyatt walks over slowly.)
(Wyatt approaches Piper with his head slumped down.)
Piper: “You sir, have gotten out of hand!”  “You used magic in public, that one!” “You used magic on your father, that two!” “You used magic-”
(Leo steps in and cuts Piper off.)
Leo: “Piper, let him catch a break”
Piper: *exhale* “You’re grounded, for 2 weeks!” “No magic, no video games, no hanging out afterschool for anything!”
Wyatt: “But Chris u-”
Piper: “Don’t you BUT me mister!” “I mean it!”
(Piper starts chanting)
Piper: “I don’t think he comprehend.”
“He uses magic to depend”
“Child lock them for two weeks, till then”
(White orbs form centers around Wyatt.)
(The orbs shift into a form of a lock and magically goes into Wyatt.)
Piper: “When I meant no magic, I meant it.”
(Wyatt walks away.)
Phoebe: “Piper sweetie, I don’t think that was a smart idea.”
Piper: “Whenever that” *points to Phoebe’s pregnant stomach* “comes into his powers, then you can do whatever you want to do with him and his powers.”
Paige: “Uhm, I have kids.” “Matter-of-fact, they developed powers similar to yours Piper.” “Honey, I feel like you did the wrong thing.”
(Piper sits down in a chair.)
(She fixes her long-layered bangs and crosses her legs.)
Piper: “What's done is done.” “I didn’t strip him of his powers, I just put a child lock on them so he can’t use them freely.”
[Scene: Still in Magic school, cuts back to Chris, Henry Jr, Hayley, and Melinda.]
(Chris, Henry Jr, Hayley, and Melinda are still chatting among each other.)
(Wyatt walks over.)
Wyatt: “Chris, can I talk to you?”
Chris: “Yes.”
(Chris and Wyatt walk over to the side from everyone else.)
Wyatt: “You know, I never had the attendance to harm you.” “I never should have used magic on you in the first place.”
Chris: “I never should have cut you off or be an asshole to you, or even st-.”
Wyatt: “Stop it Chris.” “I was in the wrong also.” “For god shakes, I almost killed you!”
Chris: “Can we agree, not to kill each other?”
Wyatt: “I can’t make any promises.” *laughs*
(Wyatt and Chris hug.)
Henry: “Ok kids, it’s time to go to school go to bed.”
(Every child heads to a room to sleep.)
(Henry Jr puts up a biker with Henry.)
Henry Jr.: “But dad, its Friday?”
Henry: “Bed, now Jr.”
Henry Jr.: “Fine!”
(Henry Jr. walks to bed.)
[Scene: September23rd, 2017 – 8:25 am In the Underworld with Prue.]
(Prue is now out of her outfit that was covered in dust “death outfit”.)
(She is now wearing a sheer-black tank top, black high waisted pants, and Yuko-40 platform heels.)
(Prue is sitting at The Source’s throne.)
(Demon shimmers into the underworld.)
Demon with shimmering power: “Prue Halliwell.” “What the hell are you doing here?”
Prue: “Haven’t you heard,” (hopes down from the throne.) “I’m here to run this place.” *flips hair* “And you are?”
Zygon: “Zygon.” “I’ve heard about you.”
Prue: “Ahh, do tell.”
(Zygon walks up to Prue.)
Zygon: *walking circles around Prue* “The Charmed One.” “The Power of Three.” “A trio, well quartet, of sister witches.” “Destined to serve the good and good only.”
Prue: *nods her head* “Stop.” “For starts,” *flips hair* “I’m not a good witch.” “I don’t do good.”
Zygon: “Oh, Honey, do you even remember yourself?” “You’re one of them.” “But something is different about you.”
(Zygon stare into Prue’s eyes.)
Zygon: “You’re newly empowered.”
Prue: “What does that even means?”
Zygon: *still circling walking around Prue* “The Window of Opportunity, my dear.”
“Prue: “What does that mean?”
Zyon: “You, can easily be persuaded to be either good or evil.” “By the looks of it, you’re already chosen that path.”
(Prue folds her arms.)
Prue: “I got to get my hands on that book.”
Zygon: “What book.” “Are you referring to The Grimoire?”
Prue: *little smirk*“No, stupid” “It’s this book, that I keep having flashes about.” “Ritch-violet, red cover, with the named engraved into it, kind of on the smaller side.”  
Zygon: “Never heard of it.”
Prue: “Maybe those women who called me their ‘sisters’ have it.”
Zygon: “Might I say, I could be some help.”
(Prue uses telekinesis tosses Zygon into a wall.)
(Prue then uses telekinesis to pin him down on the floor.)
Prue: “Thanks for the offer, but I got this.” “I’m going to look for that book.” “Regardless of what I have to do.”
(Prue gives Zygon a wink as she astral teleports out from the underworld.)
[Scene: 9:00 am – Split screen phone conversation between Darry, who is at the San Francisco Police Department. Paige, who is at Magic School.]
*cellphone rings* Darryl: “Go for Morris.” *clutches his mobile with phone with shoulder* *Paige explaining to Darryl about Prue* “Say what now!?”
Paige: *abbreviating herself* “Prue, is alive.”
Darryl: “But ho- how?”
(Paige explains to Darryl how Prue came back in further details.)
Paige: “Can you put an IP out for her?” “Just in case she shows up?”
Darryl: “Sure, Paige.”
Paige: “Thank you.”
(Paige hangs up the phone with Darryl.)
(Darryl walks out his office.)
Darryl *in a loud voice*: “Alright, we are putting IP out for a ‘Jane Doe’.” “Caucasian, black hair, green eyes, mid-to late 40’s.”
Female Detective: “Does she have any medical conditions?”
Darryl: “She, doesn’t remember herself.”
[Scene: 9:20 am- Living Quarters at Magic School with Paige, Phoebe, and Coop.]
(Paige hangs up the phone with Darryl.)
Phoebe: “So, what did he say?”
Paige: “Well, he placed an IP out for her, just in case she decides to resurface back on the Earth place.”
Phoebe: “Maybe I could sense her to see if she did.”
Coop: “Phoebe, I don’t think it would be good to use your powers to the distinctive level.” “It might induce your labor.”
Phoebe: This is my sister for god shakes, I at least have to try.”
(Paige pulls Coop to the side.)
Paige: “Piper, Leo and I are going to speak The Tribunal.”
Coop: “The Tribunal?” “Why?”
Paige *bobbing her head*: “For starters, we don’t know, hell, nobody from ‘Up there,’ knows about the book.” “Maybe The Tribunal could help.”
Coop: “Last time you all went there for help, they stripped Phoebe of her powers.” “We don’t know what they might do to Piper for finding the book, let alone for Wyatt for casting a spell.”
(Piper walks in.)
Piper: “That’s a risk I’m willing to take.” “We are all willing to take.” *walks closer to Paige and Coop* “We need answers, and we need them now.” “Even if that requires a consequence of having are powers striped, goddamnit, I’m willing to do so.”
(Leo walks in.)
Paige: “Are you ready?”
Piper and Leo: “Yes.”
(Piper and Leo hold on to Paige and orbs out, leaving Coop with Phoebe.)
[Scene: 9:48 am- Still in Living Quarters at Magic School with Phoebe, and Coop.]
(Phoebe gets into a mediation position.)
Phoebe: “I need complete quietness, please.”
(Phoebe closes her eyes and starts of sensing for Prue)
Phoebe: “I can’t sense her.”
Coop: “Phoebe, I think you should stop.”
Phoebe: “Instead of me sensing her like any other normal person, I’m going to try sensing her through are blood relationship.”
(Phoebe was able to sense her.)
(Phoebe starts to levitate)
Coop *with panic in his voice*: “Phoebe, stop.” “You’re scarring me.”
Phoebe: “I can sense her.” “She’s not in The Underworld, but where?”
(Phoebe’s eyes turn pure white as her premonition power kicks to get a glace of the area.)
(*flashes* The San Francisco Police Department.)
(*flashes* Prue walking into the station.)
(*astral premonition in an invisible form*)
Darryl: “Prue, you don’t have to do this.”
Prue: “Oh, but I do.” “If you’re going to put an IP on me,” *punches Darryl* “leave a women age out of it!” “Oh look, I got blood on your white shirt.” “To bad.”
(Darryl passes out.)
(Prue hears astral Phoebe’s thoughts.)
(Prue starts to chant.)
Prue: “What is not seen”
       “Make seen”
(astral Phoebe visibly fades into a corporal form.)
(Prue gives an evil smirk.)
astral Phoebe: “How can yo-”
Prue: “- You read thoughts?” “I guess my powers are growing also.” “I don’t know where you and your *air quotes* sisters hiding, I will get you.” “I will get that book.” “And I will be the new Queen of the Underworld.” “LEAVE!”
(Premonition ends.)
(Phoebe flops back down to the grown from levitating.)
(Phoebe’s water’s breaks.)
Coop: “I told you that you should have stop, Phoebe!”
Phoebe: “Would you shut up for one second and get me to the infirmary!”
[Scene: 10:00 am- At The Tribunal’s meeting area with Leo, Piper, and Paige.]
(Paige orbs in with Piper and Leo.)
(Piper and Paige starts chanting.)
Piper and Paige: Di! Ecce hora! Uxor mea me necabit!
(The Tribunal appears)
Tribunal all together: “How may we help you this time, The Halliwells?”
Piper: “Well, I found this book while having work done at the manor and I came across this book with the title Book of Damned.’”
(All the Tribunal have a puzzled look on their face.)
(Start to whisper among each other.)
Piper: “Helllo people, we still need answer?”
Crill: “Book of Damned goes back to Salm Witch times.”
Paige: “That is why we seen Melinda Warren in Phoebe’s vision.”
Thrask: “As long as nobody cast a spell from that book, we should be fine.”
(Piper, Paige, Leo give each other a startled look.)
Leo: “Why not?”
Adair: “That book is magically linked to Letitia Gannibal.”
Piper: “I’m sorry who again?”
Crill: “Letitia Gannibal” “Just like how the Warren- Halliwell bloodline stared, the Gannibal-Bennett line started.” “She’s was the first of her bloodline to earn magic also.”
Thrask: “Instead of using her magic for good, she used it for evil.” “Starting the mythological of The Window of Opportunity.”
Paige: “What would happen if such casts a spell from the Book of Damned?
Adair: “If anyone casts a spell out of that book, will awaken Letitia herself!”
Leo: “Well we have a problem.”
Piper: “Wyatt cased a resurrecting spell, which brought back Prue from the dead.” “She doesn’t remember her and she’s using magic for evil acts.”
Adair: “Prue is going through the Window of Opportunity, meaning that she has 48 hours to choose a side to align with.”
Piper: “What the hell you mean the Window of Opportunity, she was already a good witch!”
Thrask: “By the looks of it, she self-choice evil.” “She has time to algin with good if she pleases.”
(The Tribunal looks among each other.)
Crill: “As for Wyatt, he will be held accountable for his acts for using forbidden magic.”
(The Tribunal summons Wyatt present.)
Wyatt: “Why am I here?”
Thrask: “Wyatt Halliwell, you are charged with using forbidden magic, by awaking a force of evil.”
Wyatt *with range in his voice*: “How the hell I suppose to know it was an evil book.” “Bullshit!”
Piper: “Language, mister!”
Wyatt: “I want a trial!” “I demand a trail now!”
Thrask: “Piper, Paige, I’ve just been informed that Phoebe just had her baby.”
Piper: “Paige you go back and check up on Phoebe, I’m staying her.” “There is no way in hell they are going to strip Wyatt of his powers.”
Adair: Actually Ms. Halliwell, we prefer Leo to stay while you and Paige go back to aid your sister.
(Piper rolls her eyes.)
Paige: Piper sweetie, just come on.
Piper: “Fine!” “Leo, let me know what happens.” Don’t leave any details ou—”
(Paige orbs her and Piper out before Piper gets to finish her word.)
Crill: “Let the trail begin.”
Adair: “For the plaintiff side, we have Zankou”
Leo: “Zankou!?”
(Zankou is summoned in flames)
Zankou: “Miss me?”
Thrask: For the dependent side we have Kyra.”
(Kyra is summoned in white orbs.)
Kyra*with a big smile on her face*: “I guy!”
Leo: “Kyra, I haven’t seen you since- ”
Kyra: “Since I was vanquished.” “I know.”
The Tribunal: “Let us begin!”
[Scene: 1:20 pm- Magic School’s infirmary with Phoebe, Coop, Piper, and Paige.]
(Paige orbs in with Piper.)
(Phoebe is swaddling her newborn.)
Piper: “Phoebe.” “Phoebe, are you ok.”
Phoebe: “I’m fine Piper.” “Everything is fine.”
Coop: “I want everyone to meet Ryan Victor Halliwell.”
Piper *with a smile in her face and tears forming in her eyes *: “Victor.”
Phoebe *smiling, crying*: “Dedicated after are father Victor.”
Coop: “He weighted a whooping 9 pounds.”
Paige: “Well, we know he was going to be healthy because Phoebe kept her mouth stuffed with food.”
Phoebe: “Hello, right here!”
(Everyone busted into laughter.)
Phoebe: “We got to get Prue, because she has Darryl in the Underworld.”
Piper: “That’s it.”
Paige: “What Piper.”
Piper: “She has to go.” “Paige orb me to the manor to get the book to from the attic.” “
Paige: “Piper, she’s are sister.” “You just can’t vanquish her like any other demon.”
Piper: “Are Prue died in 2001.” *in tears* “Are Prue would never attack a friend, yet alone an innocent.” *wipes tears* “She needs to be vanquished.”
Phoebe: “Hey, we are not vanquishing our sister Piper.”
(Phoebe climbs out the bed.)
Phoebe: “I got an idea.” *wipes the tears off of Piper’s face* “It requires the Book of Shadows and Sheila.”
[Scene: 2:50 pm- In the Underworld with Prue, Darryl, and Zygon.]
(Prue has Darryl pinned down in a chair.)
Zygon: “Why do you have this mortal in The Underworld.”
(Prue is sitting in The Source’s throne)
Prue: “Have you heard of touch your goddamnit nose.” *crosses her legs* “He’s leverage.”
Zygon: “Ahh, for what?”
Prue: “the Book of Damned, dip-shit.” *sighs* “I read your mind when I first meet you and know you was slow.” “But good god, I didn’t know you was this god damn slow.”
(Darryl wakes up dazed)
Darryl: “Pru- Prue?”
Prue *mimicking Darryl*: “Pru- Prue?” “Stop calling my name like that!” You wouldn’t like for me to call your name like that.” “Da- Darryl.”
Darryl: “Why can’t I move?”
Prue: “Because, I’m using my powers to tame you.”
Darryl: “What do you want from me?”
Prue: “It’s not what I want from you” “It’s what I want to trade you for.”
(Darryl brakes loose from Prue’s telepathic withholding.)
(Zygon used his powers to melt Darryl’s shoes in spot.)
Prue*walks up to Darryl*: “Poor Darryl.” now you don’t have any shoes.” “Now, shut up and SITT!”
(Darryl flops to the ground.)
[Scene: 2:45 pm Magic School’s with Phoebe, Piper, Paige, and Sheila.]
(Paige orbs back into Magic school with Piper and Sheila)
Sheila: “So let me get this straight.” *tilts her head at Paige* “You want me to roam free in The Underworld, just to use me as bait?”
Paige: “Yep, that’s the plan.” “But, trust us, we will be right there behind you.”
Piper: “Phoebe what did you want with the book?”
Phoebe: “I’m looking at the binding potion in the book.” “Something had me thinking, what if we tinker with the potion.
Piper: “Go on.”
Phoebe: “Instead of binding with Prue’s powers, we remove them, hoping it would break her from The Window of Opportunity.”  
Paige: “That might actually work.”
(Ryan, who is in his bassinet, starting crying.)
Phoebe: “Oh is little Ryan hungry?” “Oh yes he is, Oh yes he is.”
(Sheila walks over to the bassinet.)
Shelia: “He looks just like Coop.”
Phoebe *bottle feeding*: “He really does.”
(Phoebe stops bottle feeding Ryan.)
(She takes him out the bassinet, burps him a couple of times, and places him back in.)
Phoebe *walks over to Coop in the other room*: “Ryan has been feed and sleep.” “I’ve pumped milk just incase he wakes back up.”
Coop: “Phoebe-”
Phoebe: “Be safe, I know.”
(Coop kisses Phoebe on her forehead.)
(Paige, who has already made the revamped binding potion, approaches Phoebe and Coop.)
Paige: “Ready, Phoebe?”
Phoebe *nods*: “Ready”
(Phoebe, Piper, and Shelia holds on to Paige as she orbs them into The Underworld.)
[Scene: 3:00 pm- The Underworld with Phoebe, Piper, and Paige, and Sheila where Prue was with Darryl.]
(Phoebe, Piper, Shelia, and Paige orbed into The Underworld.)
Shelia *running over to Darryl*: “Darryl, oh honey, are you ok?”
(Darryl mouth was shut and he was still.)
Shelia: “Honey what’s wrong?’
Prue *struts out the shadows* *mimicking Shelia*: ““Darryl, oh honey, are you ok?” “No, he’s not.” “He’s under my control.”
(Prue uses advanced telekinesis to throw Shelia.)
(Paige catches Shelia using telekinetic orbing, placing her back on the ground.)
Paige: “I don’t think that’s nice, Prue.”
Prue: “You’re right dear, let me pick on someone my own size.”
(Prue uses advanced telekinesis to create a telekinetic energy ball, and chucks it at Piper, Phoebe, and Paige.)
(Piper explodes it, midway.)
Piper: “Nice try.”
Prue: “I’m going to ask one more time, where is the book!?”
Phoebe*pulls out the Book of Damned*: “This book?”
Prue: “Yep, now be a gem and hand it over, or Darryl here will be a vegetable for the rest of his living, breathing live.”
Piper: “Now!”
(Paige throws the potion as Phoebe opens up the corked glass bottle so that she would be able to capture Prue’s powers.”
Prue: “No!”
(Prue uses advanced telekinesis to have the bottle bust before traveling her way.)
(This causes the bottle to burst in front of Piper instead.)
(The potion working biding every sister power, but Phoebe, that makes them Charmed - Piper’s Molecular Immobilization, Prue’s Telekinesis, and Paige’s Telekinetic Orbing.)
(The bottle then magically teleports back to magic school.)
Prue: “I’ve had it with the games!” *tries to use telekinesis but does not works*
Phoebe: “You know what Prue, me to.”
(Phoebe’s lounges herself using levitation at Prue.)
Phoebe: “Feel this, bitch!”
(Phoebe uses her Empath and Premonition power to make Prue see her childhood and make her experience the emotions that occurred during that time period.)
(It was enough to knock Prue out, releasing Darryl her Telepathic hold.)
(Shelia and Phoebe walks over to help Darryl)
Paige: “Ok, Let’s go now!”
(Paige orbs all of them out of there back to Magic School.)
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readingalcove · 4 years
31 Day Horror House, Day 28
   Day 28: Anything you want! - The Chauffeur/Coachman
Cynthia elbowed you, making you jump. You had been nodding off in one of the library armchairs.
"What time is it?"
"Almost dinner time. Do you hear that?"
You listened, and could barely pick up the noises of a creaking hinge in the distance.
"That's the master of the house getting home."
"I was under the impression that she was home this whole time."
"What?" asked Cynthia. "No, she hasn't been."
"Mister Rishel said, or at least implied, that they've been speaking."
"She's far too busy to hang out around the house. Rishel has his ways. Come on, we have to get ready for dinner. I'll take you back to the guest room."
"I don't have anything to get ready."
It was true, but you mostly wanted to avoid the corpse that was probably still there, no matter what Mister Rishel had said.
"Okay, just wait here a minute so I can get out of my lab coat."
Cynthia left and returned in only a few minutes, now wearing a soft sweater with the collar of her blouse poking up above the neckline.
You followed her through the library, stopping as you rounded the last corner to the entrance.
A skeleton in a suit and a long, gilded overcoat, complete with a matching hat, stood near the doorway.
"Just who I've been looking for!"
Rover snapped his head toward the door, then toward you and Cynthia.
"This is a li-"
"We're leaving!" you interrupted, ignoring the skeleton in order to make better time toward the door.
"See that you do!"
The door clicked shut behind you and Cynthia, the skeleton's hand still on the knob.
"Sorry about that," he said in a deep, reverberating voice.
"As long as we're out of there."
"Gerald! How are you?"
"Very well, Cynthia, thank you. I just wanted a chance to meet our guest before dinner."
He turned to you, and as he stepped forward, you realized that he too was very tall, although, being a human skeleton, he was not as tall as Mister Rishel, and certainly not Rover, who had several meters still coiled each time you saw him.
"I'm Gerald Baxter, the driver for our household. I was very excited to hear we would have a guest when I left this morning, but I had to take the master for some important errands and haven't come home until now."
"I didn't mean to come here this morning," you said, eyes narrowing, and not for the first time. "I hit something with my car and ended up getting chased here."
"Oh, of course, I must have been mistaken."
There was no use in trying to read the expression on a face of still bone, but you were certain that he was humoring you. You opened your mouth, but couldn't think of the right question.
"Now, how about I walk you and Miss Cynthia here to the dining room?"
Cynthia took his elbow, and you saw no other course but to follow them there.
There was a burst of chatter as Gerald opened the dining room door, but it all died out as you stepped in.
First you saw Letitia, sitting on a royal blue cushion beside the fireplaces at the back of the room, a large empty bowl in front of her. Then letting some actual situational awareness in, you realized to either side of you were Perrine and Boniface, facing inward as though to protect the doorway, though each had a tea table set with sturdy looking china before them.
Your seat was still empty, but to one side sat Nesch, with Peb beside her, and to the other was Rishel. You took your seat, and Cynthia took one beside Benny, with an empty space beside her.
Although the master of the house wasn't there, to either side of the head of the table sat Nathan and Grady, her sons. Next to Grady was Maxine, then two empty spaces beside her. Between Benny and Nathan was Thaddeus, straight across from his pupils. Nathan looked bored out of his mind.
In the third seat from Maxine sat the doorman, next to Rhoda, and at Rhoda's other side was Rover, who had somehow beaten you to the dining room. Then there was Gerald, the driver, who had taken the seat between Rover and Mister Rishel.
Adelaide sat, glaring at you from behind Nesch and Peb and, though you took a moment to see her jewelry dangling above the table, Cornelia sat between them and her. You couldn't help but be thankful for the three person barrier.
Rishel tapped your shoulder, then gave a brief explanation of the table wear, napkins, and finger bowl, before allowing Peb to take over the conversation with excited chatter about your car.
The conversation rose and rose through the room, and Forsyth carried terrines of food to the table, as well as a bowl of some kind of porridge for Letitia, who ignored it, and two separate roasts, one to each of the gargoyles. He left for a moment, then returned, no longer in his chef coat, with the slightly longer hair atop his head combed down, and took his seat next to Maxine, who exchanged a smile with him before returning to her animated conversation with Grady, which, though you couldn't make out the words, you could see Nathan occasionally interrupting, earning glares from the kids.
There was a click almost inaudible over the fuss, and everyone fell silent, looking to the door.
I made a list of everyone who would attend dinner (that is, removed those who wouldn’t such as the pests, the fountain kraken, etc) and made a seating chart for them. to make sure it made sense. All in all there are twenty seats. The two that remain empty are Sipos’, as he’s been recently banned from entering the communal spaces, and Bertrand’s, as he is busy being the night watchman. Yes, unless it’s an even more formal occasion (more formal than ‘guest is over’?? yes, it can happen!), everyone eats together.
I thought I had more to say about Gerald but I mean, he’s a skeleton. Got a fancy coachman’s outfit. Isn’t around most of the day, and has to keep the mistress’ secrets safe. Not much more to say about him, at least in the context of a quick meeting before dinnertime.
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thesocialfables · 4 years
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Reynard “Rain” Bannister, II was never wanted to live in the house next door to his mother. However, it wasn’t because of his mother’s endless prying, but rather he was tired of being stuck with his infamous brothers.
“RAIN!” His mother’s voice rung from outside of his bedroom window, acting as an alarm clock to pull him out of his sleep. As if the indistinct noises coming from downstairs hadn’t done enough damage to his slumber.
“I swear she picked your room.” Kendie groaned as her eyes peeled open as well. As she climbed out the bed and started to dress, she was sure to keep her body low from the window and Juliette’s trained eyes.
“REYNARD!” She called again, as the young man she was calling laid still watching Kendie move carefully around the room. “Well shit, KENDIE! One of y’all better answer me!”
Rain let out a soft laugh before climbing out of his bed and approaching the window to answer his mother, “Ma, you cannot be screaming like that in this neighborhood.”
“Fuck this neighborhood! Your brother called, he needs some more clothes. I don’t know why he just ain’t take all his shit with him. Either you can take ‘em or Kendie can. Y’all need to be up anyway.”
Rain smiled a little, before looking over to Kendie, who was using hand gestures to deny the responsibility. “I’ll take them, Momma.”
“I got some biscuits and gravy if you’re hungry. Lord knows, I ain’t seen not one bag of groceries go in that house yet.”
“I cooked him breakfast already, Miss Juliette.” Kendie quickly called down the woman. Nearly tripping over Rain’s drafting table to make it to the window. She was definitely lying, but Rain just softly pecked his girlfriend’s forehead to try and solidify her win. Even though he knew that his mother would see straight through their façade.
“Mmmhmm. Well, then y’all should be ready to go.” She said before turning around going back into her own home. “And tell Shadow he can stop sending them fucking kids over here to ask me for shit!”
Closing his window and pulling down the blinds, Rain turned to Kendie. “So is you really gone cook or…”
“I’ll pour you some cereal, Momma’s Boy,” Kendie answered before kissing Rain passionately. Just as he began to take the top she had just put on, back off, Kendie pulled away. “And you better tell her it was delicious.” As Kendie exited the bedroom, Rain shook his head. If she really did make him a bowl of cereal, he was definitely having breakfast at his Mother’s.
After getting dressed, Rain headed downstairs. He knew that Heaven would be sitting in the living room complaining about there being nothing left to watch on Netflix, but the rest of what he was walking into was a gamble. Rain and his siblings may have grown up together, but he was nothing like them. By the time Rain was born, his father was a made man in the streets, running his outfit with the 218 drug syndicate. Desmond would try and be a present father, but with all the bullshit he was involved with, it was better that he was away more than he was home. Rain was nine years old when his father was sentenced to twelve years in the penitentiary. While his older brothers quickly stepped up to fill the void Desmond had left behind monetarily, Rain remained close to his mother.
“What’s that smell?” He questioned as he passed by Heaven in the living room. It was obvious the smell was breakfast being cooked, but just like his mother had mentioned – they didn’t have any groceries.
“Kia making breakfast.” Rain stopped long enough to pass Heaven a look that questioned, who the hell was Kia. Heaven’s response was a light chuckle and a Bannister smirk as Rain quickly understood to pretend he had heard all about her from Heaven – and her only.
Inside the kitchen, Rain took in the scene – speechless. This is why he didn’t want to live with his brothers. They were animals. Sitting at the island, was Shadow and three of his four children. As one of the Princesses moved around the kitchen preparing the group something to eat. However, Princess wasn’t alone as she worked around Tempest, Kendie, and who Rain assumed was Kia. While Princess and Kendie were dressed appropriately, Tempest and Kia were still in their undergarments.
“Okay then,” Rain said sitting down next to his niece. “Well, what’s for breakfast?”
“Cereal.” Kendie answer before sitting a bowl of Lucky Charms in front of Rain, while Princess served Shadow a plate full of grits, eggs, bacon, sausage, and French toast topped with powder sugar.
“Thank you.” Rain said before pecking Kendie’s lips – those biscuits and gravy were calling his name now. But before he could put the spoon in to eat, the kitchen erupted in laughter as Kendie slid the bowl down to one of the children.
“Your Momma not gone be talking bout me.” She said before maneuvering around the women to make it back to the stove. “Cause I know you still gone eat some of them biscuits.”
“My Momma made biscuits?” Dasun asked coming from the bathroom, dressed only in the towel wrapped around his waist.
“And I made waffles. Fuck you gone do with a biscuit? Go put some clothes on!” Tempest ordered as Dasun stole one of Shadow’s sausages and headed up the stairs to his room.
“I don’t know my momma biscuits pretty good.” Shadow added to the conversation, while his twin spoke up from the living room.
“Guess that’s what I’mma be eating. Since everybody else seems to be getting their food before me.”
As this Kia person and Heaven began going back and forth, Rain tried to make sense of what he was seeing. Rather than just making one large meal for everyone, each woman was in the kitchen making a separate meal for the Bannister Boy of their choice. While he knew it would be something for his brothers to talk shit about and compare later, all Rain could think about was the food that they were wasting.
“I’m fine with just cereal.” He spoke up, as Kendie looked back at him from the stove.
“It’s fine, Reynard.” Whenever she used his government name it was a subtle suggestion that he was overreacting. Unlike his brothers, who kept a revolving door of women, Rain had only been with Kendie since they were 17. He had even properly introduced the girl to his mother – unlike his brothers.
“I just think-”
“You always thinking.” Shadow shot as he sat back from his half-eaten plate and began texting.
“Its fine,” Kendie said presenting Rain with a plate of scrambled eggs, hash browns, and biscuits. “I don’t know how to make gravy.” She admitted as Rain just smiled happily.
“That’s fine. I don’t even like gravy.”
“Why you lying? That’s the only reason Momma makes that shit.” As Rain tried to explain his lie, Kendie just shook her head and exited the kitchen – leaving one of the other girls to clean up, just like Rain anticipated they all would.
“What you gotta do today? Don’t you wanna take Little Man his clothes?” He asked Shadow while digging into his plate.
“I got my kids today.” He responded flatly.
“What about you, Dasun?” He asked as his brother entered the kitchen to get his food.
“I ain’t got time today.” He spoke before pecking Tempest’s lips, raising a whole new set of questions for Rain. “I gotta go to the store and get some food for these plates. Plus, I gotta go to work later.”
“Wouldn’t the kids like the beach?” Rain attempted to bargain with Shadow.
“Now, why would you say that word?” He quickly shot before standing and turning down the cries from his children to go to the beach.
“I’ll do it.” Heaven joked. Or course no one paid him any attention because he was house arrest and couldn’t go any further than the stop sign. “Why you don’t wanna go? You ain’t even been down there. Its cause of Letitia, ain’t it?”
“Just tell Little Man to come outside and get his shit. You ain’t gotta go in there.” Dasun informed him about avoiding their father’s new wife at the request of their mother.
“You been in the house?” He asked and Dasun nodded his head.
“I’m not scared of Mom.”
“I’m not scared of her.” Rain defended himself, only for his brothers to tell him that he was wrong.
“Just tell her you gotta go to work and Legacy gotta come get his own shit.” Kendie spoke up as she came back into the kitchen, she had put on her jacket and was carrying her phone and keys in her hand, as she leaned in to kiss Rain goodbye.
“You not eating anything?” He asked.
“I had a bowl of cereal, I’m good.” As Rain went to explain how that too made no sense, Kendie gave him a look to let him know there was no reason to interject. “I’ll see you when you get off?”
“Aye, if you really gotta go to work, that’s not lying. It’s like an hour drive just to get down there.” Heaven said, as Rain just sighed softly. He really didn’t want to stay here with his brothers. They all acted as if their mother was the nosey one, but it was really them.
“It’s not that bad.” Rain responded in a low tone. He didn’t mind taking the drive, but since he didn’t have to be to work until later this afternoon he was hoping to spend some more alone time with Kendie. “You didn’t want to ride with me?” He questioned his girlfriend. “We can drop Legacy stuff of and check out the beach down there.”
“I was going too. But my Mom just called me, and you know how she gets. Almost make me wish I was Juliette’s daughter.”
“Tsk, I don’t.” He said with a smile before kissing the girl. While Rain was hoping it would be a modest kiss in front of his niece and nephews, Kendie slipped her tongue inside his mouth and pulled his hands up to grab ahold of her butt. At that point, simply for the sake of their audience, Rain pulled back.
“I’ll call you later.” Kendie said flatly as she headed towards the front of the house.
“Why she with your square ass?” Shadow shot, opening up the floor for his brothers’ childish laughter and crude jokes. Rain, however, was not laughing as he followed behind Kendie to walk her to her car. As he went to call the car back to him for a proper goodbye in the semi-privacy of the enclosed porch, he heard Kia’s voice call from behind him.
“Hey! Can I just ride with you? You going to Oz’s, right?” As Rain turned to look at the girl, who was standing on the porch, still dressed in her boy shorts and cropped baby doll shirt. He cleared his throat and instead, motioned over to his mother staring out of her kitchen window at the porch.
Meanwhile, Kendie looked over Kia with a cross look. She knew Kia in the same way everybody did, she was neighborhood dope boy’s Emil’s real girlfriend. And with whatever she was up to with Heaven, it didn’t give her a reason to speak to her so candidly in front of Rain. “I was going past that way, yeah. My Momma wants some oysters from Nanny's.”
“At 9 in the morning?” Rain questioned, keeping his eyes on his mother – who was obviously ranting at Kia’s presence from behind the window and sending Rain signals to get rid of the girl.
“I don’t know what she be thinking. I just do what I’m told, love you.” Kendie responded before quickly walking towards her car parked on the street – since no one was allowed to park in the driveway.
“Can I get that ride?” Kia called out to her, way louder than she needed to be. Just as Juliette was pulling open her window to do her dirty work for herself, Rain motioned for Kia to step back inside the house. “What? I’m not scared of y’all Momma, y’all grown ain’t y’all?”
“Some of us are.” Rain mumbled under his breath, before closing the door behind her and going to answer his mother’s questions.
“Who the hell was that, and where the hell her clothes?”
“I think those are her clothes, Momma.” Rain attempted to joke from outside her window.
“She must be there with Heaven, his nasty ass. And boy,” Rain just sighed. Just because he had done the right thing and introduced Kendie to his mother, didn’t mean she liked her any more than the rest of the girls her sons kept around them. “Kendie lying to you. Don’t nobody need no damn oysters this early. Nanny’s ain’t even open yet.”
“They’ll be open by the time she gets there.”
“Maybe when she had that little hooptie. But thanks to you, I’m sure she’ll get to where she going pretty quickly.” Rain took a moment to look over to Kendie inside her Audi coupe. Obviously, his mother believed he had purchased the car for Kendie, but he hadn’t. However, the circumstances revolving around how she did get it were still unclear. So instead of trying to explain something he didn’t even know, Rain just looked back up to his mother in the window.
For a second he wanted to tell her he had to work and couldn’t do what she asked. But with Kendie off running errands for her own mother, he’d still be in house and Juliette would know he was lying. “She even know that girl?” Rain turned back to see what his mother was watching as Kia climbed into the front seat and the two girls drove away.
“I guess. I’mma come grab Little Man clothes.” He said walking around towards the front door.
“It’s all in that bag right there by the door.” She informed him, as Rain looked on at Kendie’s car driving away.
The controversy around Desmond’s new wife didn’t come with how quickly the two married after his release from Fox Island, but instead, the fuss was that she was one of the numerous women Desmond had slept with while he was still dating Juliette. While his siblings ignored their mother’s request to steer clear of Letitia, Rain did whatever it was his mother said.
“Thanks, man. I was bouta turn some drawls inside out.” Legacy joked as he opened the backseat of Rain’s Pontiac Grand Prix.
“Why not just wash them?” Rain asked from behind the wheel.
“I don’t know how to do that. A garbage bag, really, Ma?” Legacy spoke to himself, as Rain stayed seated. “You not gone come in and speak to Dad?” Growing up, Rain and Legacy were almost like twins themselves. He was Rain’s best friend, up until high school, and then Legacy began acting just like the rest of the Bannister boys.
“Naw, I gotta go to work.”
“The Comic Store don’t open for another two hours, you can come say hey.” Legacy paused for a moment. While he didn’t make fun of Rain for following all of Juliette’s rules as everyone else did, he still didn’t understand why he did it. “Look, go through the back. That way you ain’t gotta tell Ma you were in the house.”
Turning off the engine, Rain disagreed with him and climbed out of the car. “It’s not Letitia. It’s him.” He admitted, only to grow silent when he noticed a car in the driveway. It was a 2020 Dodge Challenger SRT, a Hellcat, the official car of the Bannister Boys. “He got a new car?”
“Oh, that’s mine.” Legacy admitted. “Before you start, I told Ma I would come to get my clothes myself. She said you was gone bring them, and I knew not to argue with her.”
“True,” Rain said. “Heir bought it?”
“Naw, Pops did. Said he wasn’t finna drive me around all summer.” As Rain looked over the car, Legacy headed towards the front of the house. “I can’t take it to school. You can have it once I leave if you want.”
“Naw, I’m fine.”
“Go ahead and go in the back. We’ll meet you back there.”
Before Rain could explain he didn’t want to see Desmond, Legacy walked into the large house. Alone in the driveway, Rain took a moment to look around the neighborhood his father had settled into. And he thought about how come it didn’t bother his brothers more. For the twelve years Desmond was away, their family continued to struggle in the Samuel-Young projects in Little Rico. All the while, Shadow was spreading both his seeds and weed, Heaven had turned his apartment into The Carter and Dasun acted like his hands were lethal weapons. Then of course there was the Godfather himself, Heir. When Desmond was released, he figured his work with raising the boys was done. Since they were graduating high school or in the twenties, and he somehow managed to ‘retire’ down by the beach in Key Beach Park. In a lovely five-bedroom beachside cottage, with a private pool, game room, and his mistress who was now the boys’ step-mother.
“Rey J!” His father called from behind the three-story home. Rain just exhaled slightly as he began to travel towards the back. That was until something much more interesting caught his eye.
He tried not to stare, but amongst the picturesque scene of mansions, rolling hills, and ocean air, the young woman walking her two French Bulldogs was a sight he had to stop and take in. Rain could hear his mother’s voice in the back of his head, cursing him for gawking. But as he took in the girl’s exposed peanut colored skin that was covered in various tattoos, he figured it wouldn’t hurt to disobey his mother for one moment longer.
“Hey Amina,” Legacy called as the girl passed by Desmond’s house. Of course, Legacy knew who she was. She was far too beautiful to stay off of a Bannister’s radar. “This my brother I was telling you about.” Rain turned to quickly look at his brother and was not shocked to see Desmond too was staring at the girl.
“The one who’s name you don’t know.” She responded, stopping at the edge of the driveway for Rain to take in the full view of her slim body and long natural locs.
“I told you I knew his name. I just don’t know what he’d want you to call him.” Legacy spoke, as Rain smiled a little. Only Legacy understood how much he hated both Rain and Rey J.
“Reynard,” Rain introduced himself.
“Nice to meet you, Reynard,” Amina answered, lifting her hand for Rain to shake. She said her name herself before questioning. “Little Man, said you draw? Is that true or more bullshit.” Rain tried not to smile like a schoolgirl, but he couldn’t help it.
“Yeah,” He spoke up, ignoring Desmond and Legacy’s snickers. “Why’d that come up? If you don’t mind me asking.”
“I paint. It came up when I met…Ummm, he had another weird-ass name. Shadow?”
“Oh shit, sorry, about that.” He joked and Amina laughed.
“Told you he was corny. Bring yo ass to the back when you done talking.” Legacy said.
“Yeah, I got something I wanna show you, Rey J.” Desmond added before the two walked away, just as fast as they appeared.
“You live here too?” Amina questioned. Rain shook his head no, before wondering what lies Shadow had told the girl. Unaware of how far the two of them had gotten.
“Did Shadow tell you he lived here?”
“No. Your brothers lie often though, huh? I swear mines would probably drop dead if they ever had to tell the truth.”
“You have brothers?”
“Four. Don’t worry though, they all bark and no bite.” Rain continued to smile as his mind drew blank, he had no idea of what to say next. He didn’t want to stop talking to Amina but felt the urge to bring up his relationship with Kendie, which was the last thing he wanted to say. “Well, I guess I’ll see you around then, Rey J.”
“I would definitely rather you call me Rain then that.” He said before laughing awkwardly. Rain was the name his mother began calling him, to offset the fact he was named after Desmond’s father. Amina chuckled along with him, smiling brightly before agreeing to stick to Reynard.
“You better be careful, Rey J. Your Momma can sense when one of us smiling.” Desmond teased as Rain found his way into the back of the house. Even though the beach was a short walk away, Desmond had a large pool in his backyard where Letitia was lounging in the sun in her swimsuit and a thick pair of shades, completely carefree. “Come here, I want you to see something before you leave.”
Rain softly spoke to Letitia, as Juliette would be twice as pissed if he didn’t show his manners before following behind his brother and father. “Now,” Desmond started as they head down a small path, towards the sand of the beach. “Don’t be getting all sensitive with me, but you 20 or 21?”
“20, his birthday in two months. And don’t call him sensitive, that’s worse than forgetting how old he is.” Legacy coached his father.
“You go back in the house. I know you dying to figure out this code.”
“Ain’t nobody worried about that little lock. The whole window open in the back.” Desmond stopped to reprimand Legacy, and Rain was slightly impressed. He figured Legacy was down on the beach running a mile on Desmond, but apparently, he still had chores and other responsibilities to take care of. “Let me know when you getting ready to leave. I wanna show you the pier.” Rain agreed as Legacy headed back up the walkway.
“He just as pesky as Son-Sun was, always speaking up for you.” Rain reminisced with his father, thinking about the time when the boys were children and all got along. “So the twins are 21 now?” He questioned, keeping up the small talk as they traveled down the walkway. He was still wrong, but Rain just reminded quiet to see where this was going. “When I bought this place, I didn’t know this little shack back here was included. Then the HOA started fucking with me about some overgrown bushes and I was like where! Shit, I pay my gardener – well not really – he a crackhead I used to serve from back in the day, but he does good work. So I’m like, show me some overgrown bushes. And then that’s when they showed me.”
At the end of Desmond’s story, the two had come to a small structure right on the beach. Obviously, Desmond’s gardener was now keeping up with the HOA’s rules, as the small bushes in front of the place were perfectly trimmed to lineup with the walkway, creating a serene entrance to the small bungalow. As Desmond approached the door to put the code in the smart padlock, he continued talking for some reason, “The code your Momma birthday. I think.”
Opening the door, both men stepped inside and Rain quickly understood what Desmond wanted to show him. “I was gone offer it to Shadow, trick his ass into fixing it up since he still works with Big Rey. But, he got all them fucking kids and I know one of them Princess still be sneaking in y’all momma house.”
“Legacy told you that?” Rain said admiring the small area. It wasn’t much now, but an open space and a small kitchenette. But Rain saw the perfect place for him to work alone, without any distractions from his brothers.
“Ever since your Momma got sick when she was pregnant with you, she’s coddled you.” Desmond paused for a moment, he never knew how to talk to Rain. “Look, I admit I ain’t much. But I don’t need nobody to tell me anything about my sons.”
“Besides our birthday.”
“Well, shit, we was popping y’all out back to back, I’m bound to forget one of y’all every now and then.” As much as he didn’t want to, Rain couldn’t help but laugh. Juliette often mixed him Rain and the twins' birthday herself because they were so close. “I figured Big Rey could give us some materials, and we turn this into a loft. You can put your drawing table somewhere over here, so you can still work on your comic. Make it a little sitting area or something, because we gotta fix this small ass kitchen up. You know your Momma ain’t gone let you miss a meal. And that’ll be the first thing she finds to complain about. Fix the plumbing in the bathroom, it’s a tub right now. Don’t no man take no bath. You’ll be 21 soon, so a little bar or maybe a bookshelf over here.”
“Bookshelf,” Rain muttered imagining the space with his father. “You already talk to Ma about it?”
“I wanted to talk to you first. Otherwise, I’d be fighting with that woman for nothing if you don’t want it.”
“She’ll probably be here a lot.” Rain admitted.
“That’s your business. Them HOA motherfuckers, say it’s supposed to be a private entryway, but other than walking through the back like that, I don’t see shit. Maybe that’ll keep her nosey ass on the boardwalk. We’ll figure out how to work Juliette in though if you want it.”
“What if I don’t?”
“I’m still gone fix it up. Find that private entrance, rent it out. That’s what most of the neighbors do.”
“What if I wanted to help?” Since Heir had taken on the providing role with Desmond’s absence, the boys’ Uncle Reynard, Jr – the real Rey J if you asked Rain – would bring the boys’ with him to work with the family’s construction and landscaping business. Surprisingly, Shadow kept working with Uncle Rey into his adulthood, but Rain actually missed spending the summers working on houses.
“Oh, I’m definitely gone need that. Little Man scared of sweat. How y’all all grew up together, I don’t know.”
“I wonder the same thing.” Rain answered, laughing with his father and admiring the space.
“So what you think?” Legacy asked as he and Rain walked the beach’s pier.
“Is that the boardwalk?” Rain asked, peering out into the ocean. Although they lived in Andreas all their lives, they only saw a half of the city from Little Rico.
Legacy laughed a little before answering his brother, he asked the same question when his father brought him down here. “Kinda, that’s Mason. You can’t see Little Rico from here. It’s like a whole new world, in the exact same place.”
“I think that’s beautiful.” Rain joked as the boys continued to walk. “So, what’s it like?”
Legacy passed Rain a quick look. He knew what Desmond wanted him to say to convince Rain to stay down on the beach with them. But Rain was too much like their mother to fall for the silver linings. “Desmond can’t afford that house. He really don’t sell drugs no more. Uncle Rey won’t give him a job, because he thinks Pops gone play him like he did back in the day and Letitia’s fat ass don’t work. Only reason why he stay there is because it’s all he had left once he came home. He figured with you and me staying there, Heir’ll help him pay for it.”
“All he had left? He been had this house?” Rain spoke upset, and rightfully so. Heir may have managed to move them out of the projects, but that was eight months ago. This whole time, they could’ve been living down here away from police sirens and gunshots.
“Momma didn’t wanna live here. He brought it after you was born, trying to make up for everything. She said she ain’t nothing else from him. Only reason why the feds ain’t take it is because he had it in someone else’s name.”
“Probably Letitia’s.”
“Probably. I don’t say shit to her, and Pops don’t make me. I wake up, get dressed, and find me something to do. But you, you ain’t even gotta see her. Or Desmond.”
“Where I’m supposed to park, though? How I even get down there, and what about my job?” He questioned and Legacy just smiled before walking away. Rain sighed, before checking the time and following Legacy’s wicked smirk.
It was a short walk from where the boys were standing to a quaint little bookstore right on the busy pier. “Motherfuckers keep saying it’s a private entry, but Pops thinking about just expanding the driveway, so you can just drive right up there. Amina however,” Legacy said as he pointed to the girl through the window of the bookstore. “She park right on the beach. Her spot be lit after the beach close.” Right as Legacy went to enter the small store, Rain noticed a help wanted sign going up in the bookstore’s window. “I swear we had nothing to do with that.”
Rain just shook his head, not believing him, as he followed Legacy inside. “And what about Kendie?” He whispered as the two of them began to approach Amina inside the shop.
“Bring her with you. What she doing in Sam-Yo? Unless,” Legacy teased. “If I would’ve known you was coming down here, I would’ve just sent him with you.”
“Like you got something better to do. You ain’t never been to the pier either?” She questioned, Rain figured Legacy would answer for him, but instead he remained quiet for the first time in his life.
“No,” Rain spoke up for himself. Pausing for a second to clear his throat and speak with a little more bass in his voice. “Growing up right on the boardwalk wasn’t no need to see another beach.”
“Fair enough. So, I guess you ain’t never been to Mason either.”
“Oh, we definitely gotta go. That’s where Amina from. She know all the spots.”
“That explains it.” Rain said attempting to flirt a little with the girl. “Cause you definitely don’t look like anybody around here.” Amina blushed a little before responding.
“Too bad you’re the one with a girlfriend. So far, you’ve been cutest.”
“Don’t get too excited, you still haven’t met Heaven.” Legacy butted into the conversation, setting up Rain to brag about himself. However, Rain didn’t take the hint and instead, he inquired.
“What about Heir?”
Legacy shook his head to himself, while Amina smiled, “He aight.”
“Yeah, well, you still haven’t met Heaven.” Rain awkwardly laughed once again, as Legacy cringed and Amina giggled. “You work here?” He recovered.
“Kind of, I use the back to work on my art. One of my brothers owns the place.” Rain just looked over Legacy, once again thinking about the timing of the help wanted sign. Yet the boy just denied the timing of it all once again.
“So, y’all really hiring?” Rain asked goofily as Amina agreed and went to grab her brother, as he and Legacy took a seat at one of the tables inside the bookstore. “Ma is not gonna let me move in with Kendie.”
“Don’t tell her that part.” Legacy said as he and Rain both pulled out their phones. “Oh shit,” He said looking at Facebook. “Maybe you should.” He finished as he passed Rain his phone. As Rain waited for Kendie to pick up his call from his phone, he looked at a status she had posted to her Facebook about twenty minutes ago; All niggas do is wear white tees, text fifteen girls, fight demons, smoke, and lie “Damn, Rain. What you do?”
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donettekhull02-blog · 6 years
Features Contents On Spam, Firewalls, Keeping Kids Safe Online & Security Program Reviews.
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A further subculture of the bishonen arena is Yaoi." Yaoi is an entire globe you really did not know existed that focuses on fetishizing certainly not only very kids, however quite kids crazy along with other attractive young boys, (in shorts, homosexuality).In the very early days pink was looked at a young boys different colors as well as blue was thought about a ladies shade. Typical playthings for boys and also females can easily show specific gender duties that can contravene a kid's very own sex identification or interests.Show all of them that boys NEVER EVER struck or hurt a gal, however instead regularly safeguard them off harm. People want to know the scientific research or even reasoning behind this, which foods items will certainly provide a young boy or a gal, and also if this sufficients to promise that they will definitely obtain the sex that they desire.Along with blue, white colored and also dark bedding, there are going to be loads of decoration options for an ended up bedroom you'll's correct; a comforter along with a bit of black, a burst from blue and a white colored backing, you have actually an illumination, breezy look-almost a salty existence.
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latestnews2018-blog · 6 years
There Were Zero Things Better This Week Than These Grandma Twins
New Post has been published on https://latestnews2018.com/there-were-zero-things-better-this-week-than-these-grandma-twins/
There Were Zero Things Better This Week Than These Grandma Twins
Welcome to Good Stuff, HuffPost’s weekly recommendation series devoted to the least bad things on and off the internet. 
The best thing I saw this week was this photo of two old women I’m going to assume are twins because they look exactly the same and are wearing matching pink outfits. If I’m wrong, sue me.
Why do I like it? I don’t know. I just do. Maybe it’s been a so-so week, but I can’t think of anything else that has brought me more joy. Look at their outfits! The shirts! The glasses! The hair! Are those called shorts or pants? Who cares! I love them!
My colleague Ashley Feinberg described this photo as “fucked up,” claiming “there’s no way you get to 80 and still keep buying matching outfits with your twin without something being extremely fucked up.” She is wrong. Sometimes two cute twins (presumably) are just two cute twins (presumably).
Do you know these twins? I would like to interview them. Thanks. ― Maxwell Strachan
Jonathan Chait’s BOFA Tweet
On July 12, in the year of our Lord 2018, at 10:51 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, persecuted white man Jonathan Chait tweeted three perfect words: “What is BOFA?”
BOFA, as any self-hating internet user knows, is “bofa deez nuts.” It is the “What’s ‘updog’” prank, only vastly stupider and consequently infinitely funnier whenever an unsuspecting target takes the bait. Jonathan Chait took the bait, and the result was more beautiful than any of us could have ever hoped to deserve. 
Jonathan Chait, however, deleted his tweet — the tweet in which he asked, “What is BOFA?” — and deprived us of our constitutional right to dunk on Jonathan Chait. Just one more example of illiberal deplatforming from the radical left.
Anyway, congratulations to the remarkably damp Jonathan Chait on giving brief, beautiful life to a perfect tweet. We should all be so lucky. ― Ashley Feinberg
Sweet Soccer Boys Sharing Gentle Hugs
This week I wanted to recommend hate-watching (or more like “confused-watching”) Fox’s nightly special “World Cup Tonight,” but my editor made me turn it into a standalone blog. 
Instead, I will recommend a more healing aspect of the World Cup spectacle: watching the beautiful boys of soccer comfort and celebrate with each other through emotional embraces. Jezebel’s Sheena Raza Faisal saluted these loving clinches in a very on-point post that features not quite enough images of man hugs ― check the comments for more, especially England manager Gareth Southgate soothing Colombia’s Mateus Uribe after Uribe missed a crucial penalty kick in a shootout against England.
Boy, it sure is dusty in here, etc., etc. ― Claire Fallon
Glynnis MacNicol’s New Book
Illustration: HuffPost/Photo: Simon and Schuster
After hearing Glynnis MacNicol talk about her new memoir, Nobody Tells You This, at the Strand in New York City, I’ve had this one sentence stuck in my head. When asked about the plight of unmarried, childless women and our society’s treatment of them as somehow other or incomplete, MacNicol hit back with a statement that resonates with me still: “We look at women as a problem in need of a solution.”
In her book, MacNicol draws attention to the ways strangers feel they have a right to women’s bodies and lives in service of the ultimate goal, motherhood. The shame around it all, the general lack of freedom or agency, is really frightening. Although I have yet to read Nobody Tells You This, I’m excited to. And I’m ready to recommend it as a refreshing take on what life can be like for women who choose not to do what is expected of them. ― Anna Krakowsky
The Birth Of Kulture
Kulture ❤️❤️anything else woulda been basic 💁🏽‍♀️💁🏽‍♀️💁🏽‍♀️Okrrrrr
— iamcardib (@iamcardib) July 12, 2018
Cardi B had the baby and her name is Kulture with a K. That’s self-explanatory Good Stuff. ― Julia Craven
When June Smacked The Shit Out Of Commander Waterford On “The Handmaid’s Tale”
In a moment when it feels like terrible men are trying to whittle away women’s rights on a near-daily basis, sometimes you just really want to see a lady righteously smack the shit out of a dude who deserves it. Enter the “Handmaid’s Tale” finale!
June (Elisabeth Moss), who has spent two seasons being psychologically tortured, raped and belittled by Commander Fred Waterford (Joseph Fiennes) ― a man who desperately wants to be powerful and desperately wants the approval of women he knows are better than him ― finally stops bottling up her rage and lets him have it, right across the face. I could watch this GIF on repeat for the next two years. ― Emma Gray
England’s Loss
WATCH: Mario Mandzukic scores the game winning goal in extra time to put Croatia in its first ever World Cup Final. #ENGCRO #WorldCup pic.twitter.com/dnRpjSNPHo
— Jurado (@JuradoNYC) July 11, 2018
It’s not coming home. LOL. ― Travis Waldron
The Enya Song In “Eighth Grade”
You know a movie’s good when an Enya song pops up in a pivotal scene. But even without “Orinoco Flow,” Bo Burnham’s “Eighth Grade” would be an indie masterpiece ― one you should definitely, totally, run to the theater to see.
It follows “Most Quiet” superlative winner Kayla (Elsie Fisher) during her last week of eighth grade, as she tries to come to grips with her social anxiety and lackluster lifestyle before high school. Behind her phone, she’s confident, even funny. But in real life, Kayla is quiet, a loner. Burnham allows viewers to study her every move in a tech-obsessed world while contemplating their own adolescent memories. It’s beautiful, raw and utterly sweet. ― Leigh Blickley
Megan Amram’s Emmy-Nominated Web Series
Please watch “An Emmy for Megan,” a hilarious and weirdly poetic exercise in doing the bare minimum, while remaining utterly extra. The concept is simple: Writer Megan Amram, best known for her work on “The Good Place” and Twitter, decides she reeeeally wants to win an Emmy Award. (It’s her favorite award!) So at the last minute, she decides to write, direct and star in a short web series about making a short web series to win an Emmy.
The six episodes, under 10 minutes each and created in the week leading up to the submissions deadline, use the constraints of the Emmy requirements like forms of meter and verse. There are tears and tantrums and alcohol-fused meltdowns and even a surprise MUTINY along the short (so short) way.
Amram’s feat is not only hilarious but effective. On Thursday, the series was nominated for two Emmys: Outstanding Actress in a Short-Form Comedy or Drama Series and Outstanding Short-Form Comedy or Drama Series. Don’t sleep on the most inspiring tale of our time. ― Priscilla Frank
A Podcast About A Cult
When I was a kid, my best friend’s name was Robin, which was kind of weird because my mom’s childhood best friend’s name was Robin. The difference between my Robin and my mother’s Robin (aside from their being entirely separate humans) was that the latter ended up in a “Wild Wild Country”-ish cult.
My mom told me the story of her friend’s descent into Cult Town, U.S.A., and the teen girl power rescue mission that boldly extricated her a million times. Everything about it fascinated me. For a while, I actually thought it was a cosmic inevitability that my Robin would end up in a cult from which I’d need to liberate her. Anyway, she didn’t. But “The Gateway” is a good podcast about a cult. ― Katherine Brooks
Road Trip Music
Over the past few years, there’s been renewed interest in the work of John Fahey, the instrumentalist who put American primitive guitar on the map. As the genre has surged in popularity, acolytes and like-minded explorers have come out of the woodwork. Specialty labels have reissued private-press recordings that had long since gone out of print. It seems as though every town had an uncelebrated devotee of these obscure, mystical tunings. Worshipful but questioning, celestial and homespun, primitive guitar uses repetition and drone to access the pleasures and enlightenment of devotional music.
In April, Fahey’s hometown of Takoma Park, Maryland (just outside D.C.), honored the genre he helped create with a multiday festival. Lauding his work, it also shone a light on others who followed a similar path, devoting years to decoding the light and limber picking of Mississippi John Hurt and replicating the primal thump of Reverend Gary Davis. It was only fitting that one of this generation’s best pickers showed up ― Marisa Anderson, a guitarist based in the Pacific Northwest.
Anderson recently released a new album, “Cloud Corner,” which should be her breakthrough. She does something that I think most Fahey followers miss. She captures his melancholy, favoring mood as much as speed and technique. Her songs put you in places and moments. One song off an earlier album, she has said, is a tribute to her favorite swimming hole in Kentucky.
The new record lands on weightier subjects like the Syrian refugee crisis while other tunes process Tuareg-style playing through her fuzzy, electric style. But mostly, the songs ring clear, notes hushed or plucked pure. The album is meant for one of the few modes of escape where we can all still worship in peace: the road trip. ― Jason Cherkis
And Finally, The Women Of Color Who Dominated The Emmy Noms
Noam Galai via Getty Images
Sandra Oh was nominated for her role in “Killing Eve.”
This week in Good Stuff for me was the plethora of amazingly talented women of color who got Emmy nominations for best and supporting actress, including Sandra Oh (the first Asian woman to be nominated for lead actress in a drama), Tracee Ellis Ross, Issa Rae, Zazie Beetz, Letitia Wright and my queen Thandie Newton. ― Zeba Blay
Get last week’s Good Stuff here.
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fhjardis82198-blog · 7 years
Father Posts Image Of Sexually Abused Kid Online In Contribution Plea
Concerning one million little ones are actually affected through divorces in the United States every year. I try to be actually guaranteeing, to say their dad is actually smart, sports, beautiful - all attributes from his they inherited. The daddy from the new bride must create themselves readily available for the wedding celebration rehearsals. Essentially, possessing possessed a missing father is actually decision for a quest that can easily result in psychological development, freedom and also empowerment for a female. If like several papas, all yours is actually a large softie deep down, obtain him a personalised photo frame with a pleasant photo of you each within. Consequently our team emotionally increase in Him as our experts find out much better over the course of time the best ways to comply with God as the Child abided by the Dad. To really feel whole with mankind is actually a complicated job, however these individuals are a lot more furnished at pursuing that, fitnajutro-Blog2016.pl handling that and also prospering at this. The father amount instances in their lives not are actually considered an affliction, but can easily come to be a good thing in masquerade. . As a result, when utilizing the Web to locate return to instances, you have to be sure that you are actually looking at existing examples from resumes that are considered acceptable as well as valid today. When a mother or a papa simulates a pal to their children, discuss one another's sensations and ideas all times, that little one would certainly presume a 1000 times prior to performing glitch. On-line education plans are actually on call in practically every state in America and also a high percent from those are convenient for solitary dads on a minimal budget plan. James's daddy Thomas Silvanus Landon was actually the youngster sibling of John, Letitia's papa. So you recognize this makes good sense to acquire your Xmas present online however you've still received the problem of precisely just what you will definitely get everyone. Allow me backed-up only a little bit: In 2001, before the major updates, my father retired from a renowned and also popular setting in my hometown. After twenty-eight days of residing in your home, the loved ones took off in terror, delivering with them only a few items (Lutz online). Although certainly not a flick star in the standard sense, every Papa from the New bride is actually as beautiful as George Clooney, ingenious as Jay Leno as well as sophisticated as Cary Give. In February 1893, Grietje's papa remarried in Amsterdam, however did not recover his children. Our team expound our meaning from dad visibility in the following area of the paper. She constantly whined about sexual interruptions and professed she was actually additionally tormented by the sens of her lifeless father and her departed Auntie Mina.
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