#black writers
cinnn4mon · 2 days
Spam a bitch Friday:
So can you do a fanfic with ony (it doesn’t matter if it’s someone else who tho) when we tell him we’re studying but we’re actually at a party and he see us there and he “punishes” us 🫢
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hey boo, sorry it took me so long to get to this. hope you enjoy this short oneshot♡︎
The sound of the music blared so loudly that it seemed to vibrate in your brain, making you clutch the solo cup just as energetically as you swayed your hips to the tunes. The strobe lights pulsed throughout the space chaotically, synchronizing their flashes to each bass drop.
Your phone buzzed incessantly in your skirt pocket, and you already knew who it was. He probably assumed you had dozed off while studying, which was the excuse you gave him after all.Ony wasn’t your father, so you could attend parties whenever you liked; besides, what he didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him.
This was the biggest college party of the year, and you couldn't possibly let your insecure boyfriend stop you from going. Throughout the night, you successfully evaded any photographs, no evidence no case. You definitely preferred to avoid another lecture from him, your ass was still stinging from the last.
Your heart sank when you felt someone wrap an arm around yours; you winced as your eyes met a pair of furious brown familiar ones. How on earth did he track you down? Surrounded by hundreds in the crowd, you tried to keep a low profile, but alas, it made no difference,Ony was here and you were going to reap the consequences.
“You honestly think I was fucking playing around with you?” Ony growled through clenched teeth, furious. He pulled you from the house, ignoring the pressure of his grip on your arm.He warned you not to come here. Were you really so fucking stupid to think he wouldn't hear about your presence? He shot a look at your revealing outfit, and that ignited his fury.
“you’re hurting me ony.” you whined.
“you think this hurts? wait until we get home.”
Your pussy ached with every powerful movement, he had been pleasuring you for hours and each time felt more exhilarating than the last. You had experienced so much pleasure that you couldn't keep track of the times you came, tears of painful pleasure streamed down your face as you trembled with ecstasy.
“What the fuck did I tell you?” Ony rasped , strong hands gripping your calves and positioning them above your head as he drilled into your quivering cunt. You tried to speak but were left speechless as he plunged into you, body shuddering with pleasure.
A sob escaped your lips as he did a particularly deep thrust.
“What the fuck did I tell you?” he hissed, anger lacing his voice.
“N-not to g-go to the party.” you whined, you longed to reach out to touch him but the rope seared into your wrist with each movement.
“Exactly, so let this be your lesson to listen next time. We’re gonna fuck all night until I deem you punished, I don’t care how many times you cum or how sore you get. You will be punished.”
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luvinghanni · 9 hours
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Watch your mouth baby.
Katsuki Bakugou x Fem!Reader
Hey lovelies! I haven't written in so long so constructive criticism is very welcomed as i'm sure this work will not be the best i've done 😭 this is basically just p0rn with teeny tiny filler plot. ❗️this has not been proofread ❗️
NOTE: EVERYONE IS OF AGE IN THIS FANFIC (Bakugou and all UA students have been aged up to 18 so they are entirely legal) as well as this feel free to imagine the reader however you want as I've tried not to include any terms that can imply the reader looking a certain way (e.g milky to describe skin tone or anything that implies a specific body shape) as I want everyone who reads my work to feel loved and included 💕
Any requests or suggestions please let me know and i'll try my best to fulfill your wishes x
- Hanni 🤍
(Y/N's POV)
You'd be lying if you said you'd didn't find Katsuki Bakugou sexy as hell, of course you would NEVER say this out loud but God damn did you think it multiple times a day. If the opportunity arose you would definitely get with him but who knows if that would ever happen.
"Guys i'm boredddd" Mina groaned out, all of class 1A had gathered in the common room to chill but nobody had any clue what to do. "Why don't we play a game or something i don't know?" you suggested attempting to find something, anything to cure this endless boredom, Mina seemed to pipe up at your half-assed suggestion "Oh Y/N that's actually not a bad idea! I'm down if the others are" she looked around for any sort of agreement from the other students- a very varied response was given.
As Mina decided to choose to play spin the bottle it ended up just being You, Mina, Bakugou, Kirishima, Uraraka, Denki, and Midoriya playing as the others decided they had things that would be a "better use of their time" whatever that means.
"RIGHT who wants to go first? Y/N?" Kirishima asked eyeing you up causing the rest of the circle to do the same, your stomach flipped before you cautiously agreed reaching for the bottle in the centre mentally praying for a good match or at least one of the girls so it wouldn't be too awkward. With one last breath you spun the bottle all eyes focused intently on it watching it slowly fall to a halt, you lifted your gaze to where it pointed and just your luck it was Bakugou himself staring right back at you. You felt your throat go dry and your heart rate increase more by the second how long have you wanted this? You can't even think straight.
"You know what this means guys- up you get" Denki teased "Don't get too wild okay we wanna keep playing" earning him a kick from the blonde before he grabbed your hand pulling you up toward him to follow him to his bedroom.
You could hardly enter the room before suddenly you felt the ground beneath your feet disappear and a soft surface embraced your body, Bakugou climbed above you caging you underneath him you swallowed hard feeling your breath hitch. "What's with that look on your face baby?" he teased with a cocky grin spread across his face "Am I too much for you to handle?" he continued moving his knee in between your legs stopping just before he reached exactly where you wanted him. Where you needed him.
Your eyes drifted down before your face was roughly grabbed "Look me in my eyes when i'm talking to you, i'm not playing these games with you i've been doing it for months and i'm done." pure lust was all that could be found in the blonde's sharp ruby red eyes; just staring into them made your body hot with want for him causing you to subconsciously press your thighs against his knee. "All those short skirts and tight tops you wear- it's torturing me and you know exactly what you're doing." he panted pressing his lips against your own.
"Fuck you look good like this, you have no idea how long i've wanted to get you like this Y/N" he bit his lips moving his hands all over your body, "Katsuki please.." you whimpered "Begging already? You're more of a slut than I thought" Bakugou pulled his black tank top over his head then proceeding to rip your top open buttons flying every which way, a gasp escaped your lips as your bra was pulled down releasing your boobs only for Bakugou to start sucking on your nipples, uncontrollable moans came out of both of your mouths as you grabbed his spiky hair pushing him deeper into your breasts.
"Katsuki..nngh not enough.need you" you begged pulling his mouth of your boob and towards your own, grabbing your face roughly he shook his head at you "Watch your mouth baby stop whining or I won't touch you at all, you don't want that do you?" you shook your head pouting at him trying your best to give him puppy dog eyes in a hope that he'll fold and finally give you the stimulation you've been desiring. This seemed to make him snap instantly as he kissed you roughly flipping up your mini skirt and pushing your panties to the side, his long fingers immediately finding the perfect spot like you were made for him. You'd never felt this good before, he was like a drug and you never wanted to quit him. Bakugou pulled his fingers out and sucked them clean audibly moaning the second they entered his mouth "You taste delicious baby, now get on your stomach I don't know how much longer I can go without being inside of you." you wasted no time flipping onto your stomach arching your back for him, the desperation in his voice making you ache.
Bakugou gave you no time to adjust as he pulled his pants down and immediately thrust into you "So wet for me you've wanted this just as long as I have haven't you baby" you couldn't even form a sentence, the only thing you could think about was how good his cock felt inside of you "Only just started and you're..ugh as fucked out as it gets? I'm gonna have so much fun with this pretty pussy angel" he moaned feeling your walls clench around him at the remark. The blonde pulled your hair forcing you up against his chest, his dick reached your G-spot causing you to moan his name "That's it keep moaning my name- want them all to know who's making you feel this good." he started leaving hickeys and kisses down your neck and shoulders begging you to moan louder for him.
There was no way you could last for much longer, you were in a state of euphoria and all you wanted was him, all you could think about was him, all you felt was him in that moment.
"Fuck angel I'm gonna cum you're doing so well keep being such a good girl for me" his pace increased causing the volume and frequency of your moans to increase greatly, drool and sweat soaked the sheets beneath the both of you. "Katsuki I-" you couldn't even finish your sentence before the immense wave of pleasure washed over you causing your nails to dig into the sheets and eyes to roll to the back of your head, liquid drenched Bakugou's thighs and everything around them as he spilled inside of you moaning and digging his nails into your hips.
He pulled out and fell onto his bed next to you gently touching the marks he had left on your skin not long ago, allowing the both of you to catch your breath "So am I the best you've ever had or what?" he smirked his chest rising and falling heavily "Eh i'll give you a solid 8/10" you teased pulling him in for another kiss "Just warning you if you start this again I might never stop" he muttered in between kisses causing you to giggle against his lips "I'm not complaining."
You and Bakugou were not seen again for the rest of the evening thats for damn sure.
IT FEELS SO WEIRD TO ACTUALLY WRITE AGAIN as I said earlier I know this is not my best personally but lemme warm up to it again and see how things go my lovelies.
Any requests or opinions please let me know 💕
- Hanni 🤍
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sweetvirgin · 1 day
𝓝𝐄𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐎 𝓚𝐍𝐎𝐖 ♡ — ony + black yn [1SHOT]
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˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ baby, i need to know. ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ 𝐢𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡 — reader is put between a rock & a hard place when onyankopon confesses something that threatens her emotional security. dormant (but never dead) feelings are revived. — wc. 2.6k~
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ touch of angst; friends to lovers. black fem reader. “reader” is replaced with the name “adularia.” characters are 21+. i proof read this about 15 times but i feel like there’s prolly gon errors anyway lmao. there’s cussing & the consumption of substances. enjoy !! (◡‿◡✿)
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"getting sleepy, ony?"
a closed-eyed ony was sat between adularia’s legs with his head rested on her thigh as she finished the last of his cornrows. his eyelashes ticked the skin of her exposed leg, and his warm breath fanned on her skin. he had been quiet for most of the intimate act of her doing his hair, instead opting silently rub her skin while she worked and appreciate the faint, sweet smell lingering on her. but he had since then stopped and his breathing had slowed into a steady, uniform pace.
ony deeply inhaled at mention of his name, humming thoughtfully before responding in a clearly-tired voice. "naw, i'm high as fuck." adularia tittered at this while making work of weaving the three pieces under and through each other.
"that shit good, ainit?" she teased cheekily, proud of doing a good job with finding connie (their shared plug). she finished the braid she worked on and quickly grabbed the blue magic grease jar. "we almost done. just two more braids, the beads, and then we can finish this blunt." he hummed in response and resumed rubbing her calf.
his almond eyes hadn't opened during that exchange once, but if they did, she knew they were bloodshot from that zaza. plus, he was a little sleepy - even if he denied it. how could he not be? he had his head laid on a warm thigh while the gentlest hands were tangled in his hair.
she dipped her manicured finger into the blue magic grease then smoothed the gel over the part. he shuddered at the sensation. it was so chilly on his exposed scalp.
“oo, sorry ony,” adularia apologized hushedly. then she quickly began the braid. she knew he ain’t wanna sit like this for much longer, so she made work of his four-b hair. she went on twisting his ends over and through each other until she was finally finished with the braid. letting go of the freshly-completed plait, she reached over for the blue magic grease and once again, dipped her finger in the tub. adularia delivered the cool grease to his hair. not too much, though. just a little bit to help it lay. this was the last braid. adularia swiftly completed that one while he nodded off in her embrace. she gently readjusted his head.
"just the beads now, ony," she informed him, to which she got an appreciative sigh. she giggled at his dramatics and reached over for the plastic beads (colored black, white, and clear) as well as the applicator.
she could feel ony’s full lips stretch into a smile against her thigh. "i'm finna smoke the fuck outta that blunttt," he sang excitedly as much as his sleepy voice would allow him, and this brought her giggle to a guffaw.
"that's why i be telling yo ass to bring a overnight bag. ion know why you don't. 'cuz you know you be 'bout ready to pass out after you get your hair braided," she bossily lectured him, amusement still evident in her voice. he didn't mind it - after being friends for a decade, he got used to her know-it-allism. he actually quite liked it.
still he dismissed her while she pushed up against the applicator to put the beads at the end of the plait. his voice rumbled against her as he sank back into exhaustion. "i'ma be aight."
she only replied with a “mmmhm.” but the rest of the bead application was silent, save for the music and her eventual humming. even ony felt himself moved by her stereo. he wasn't much of a dancer, but his finger contagiously followed the rhythm with gentle taps. this only motivated her to finish these braids - she really wanted that blunt in her lips and to vibe with some badu.
soon enough, he had a head of cornrows complete with beads. she applied mousse to his braids then went to wash the grit from her hands, meticulously scrubbing her acrylics free of the left over residue. once her hands were washed, adularia thoroughly dried them and then came back to ony - red velvet durag in her hand.
ony was a little more alert, still seated exactly where she left him. his thick lips gently held a blunt while he flicked a lighter at the end. expertly, he absorbed the smoke into his lungs as easily as breathing regular ol' air.
she plopped back onto the sofa. "turn around so i can see yo parts."
ony replied with a curt nod and turned around per her orders. her hand reached out for his face but without touching it, as if asking for nonverbal permission to hold his chin. he didn't know why she always did this - she know he don't care. but he found it sweet she always confirmed it beforehand. as expected, he pulled the blunt from his mouth and muttered a "gone head", smoke spilling from his lips as he did so.
she gently held his soft face in her hand and tilted his face in different directions: taking in the parts, the neatness, and so on. during the process, ony intently held her in his gaze and drank her in. eyes still unmistakably sleepy, but still, he absorbed her. her obsidian irises flickered down to meet his, and woah. he looked so… yum. his line-up was slightly overgrown — but it was still neat. with two low-lidded, exhausted eyes, he observed all of the details of adularia’s face. a beauty mark here, a freckle there, a tiny scar here. he licked his lips.
suddenly aware of the proximity, adularia became timid and averted her gaze. she could smell the blue magic grease in his hair, the woodiness in his cologne… the two were very close. overwhelmed by her shyness, she decided the braids looked damn good. that's all she need to know.
"lemme put this durag on you," she sheepishly offered, just to break the silence.
ony wordlessly obliged and allowed her to lower the durag over his head. but his eyes remained on her. still observing her as if he were having a revelation. however, this time, adularia didn't look down at his face to confirm if he was looking at her. she just tied the durag then comfortingly set a hand on his shoulder.
"okay ony. we all done,” she announced — hands tired as ever, happy with finally being finished. “you look… real good,” she added shyly.
he had the lightest smirk on his lips. “do i? thank you,” his eyes sparkled, despite how sleepy he was.
“mhm,” she affirmed. “hair growing in nice.” then she scanned her nearby surroundings. "now where that blunt at..."
ony volunteered the lighter with an outstretched hand. he passed it. that motherfucker was a little more than a roach, but she didn't complain. ony was the one who bought the weed anyways. and she could barely roll — not at all with her acrylics — so she didn't mind. plus she ain't need as much to get sufficiently high.
she wrapped her glossy lips around it and pat the plastic-covered sofa in search of a lighter, to which ony offered his. she accepted it with a relieved "right on" and sparkled the blunt. inhale. exhale. the passed it back to him.
"naw, i'm straight. you can have the rest."
her eyebrows raised and she returned the blunt to her mouth. another inhale. another exhale.
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in no time, she was highhh. the two had moved to her bedroom and settled into her wine red sheets. ony rolled another blunt because his high was letting up, but she definitely would have a very minimal part in smoking it. she had her fill, and she was starting to get sleepy. nonetheless, when ony outreached a tattooed arm to her, she plucked the blunt from his fingers and took one last hit.
while doing so, adularia noticed ony eying her with that same peculiar expression he had the entire time he been over her apartment. something like a mix between a realization, and acceptance. she immediately furrowed her eyebrows and lowered the blunt from her mouth, fighting a cough before asking him, "why you keep looking at me like that?" she cleared her throat, the smoke tickling her deep in her neck.
ony, expression unreadable, replied with a simple, "like what?"
"like that," she explained... albeit vaguely. she had a braveness to confront what she normally wouldn't - and this was thanks to the drug in her system releasing her inhibitions. she then sat the blunt in her pink ashtray and put the light out.
ony picked the blunt up with a shrug, still quiet and seemingly in thought. somewhat annoyed, she huffed and fell backwards onto the sheets, closing her tired eyes.
a few beats of silence passed between the two friends. ambient noise seeped through the walls of her apartment: a distant police siren, some dogs barking, and random people chattering about shit adularia’s ears couldn't discern. inside her bedroom she played music from her cd stereo. she could hear him striking the lighter a few times (as it was almost out of fluid), with sound of him inhaling and exhaling following. the air smelled like weed (of course), baby powder, and rosy incense. she rocked her head to the current song playing: chaka khan's powerful voice flowed through her home (at a reasonable volume of course, she wasn't tryna get evicted) and eventually, she forgot what she even asked ony.
then he spoke. “fuck it...” he muttered to himself, drawing her from her thoughts. some moments passed as he inspected his lighter, twirling it between her fingers. adularia listened intently, both of concern but also nosiness.
he sighed, and more audible, he settled on saying “i guess lately i just been thinking bout how i feel bout you."
she felt her heart spike a little bit. “and how is that?” she braced herself for the worst — that he didn’t want to be friends. that he hated her. that he felt he outgrew her. so cautiously, she waited for him to get done taking a hit.
he hummed then inhaled. “i know we friends but…” exhale, “i been feeling for you.”
her eyes fluttered open. oh my. what a thing to say. and nothing like she expected, so she braced just to still be taken aback.
it pulled the air from her lungs. she was breathless. the world became so quiet. and so small. and so still. anything beyond her bedroom was filtered out. even the music within dulled in comparison to his sudden statement. the room no longer smelled of roses and powder. instead, it smelled like him. still on her back, she twisted her head to catch his expression, but it was again unreadable. where was this coming from?
"huh?" she questioned.
he spoke with such a conviction, she knew he wasn't trying to yank her chain. "i’m starting to feel for you,” he candidly repeated, bringing the blunt back up to his lips.
she blinked, a little dumbfounded and slightly sobered by his statement. ony didn't react much, just continued puffing on the blunt. but she couldn't just brush past that.
"you... feel for me…? like… romantically?" she cautioned.
without bringing his eyes to hers, he simply replied with a “yup,” popping the P in the process.
her face grew warm. anyone who said black girls couldn't blush lied. she felt hot, and the walls of her bedroom seemed to close in on her. this information sobered her for sure, but she still wasn’t sober. she was still very much high. on weed, and that dizzy feeling she got from ony saying he wanted her.
"how long you felt this way?" adularia softly questioned. she took some of the blanket in between her fingers and fiddled with it.
he hummed. "some months now." he drew another breath from the blunt. “i didn’t want shit to be weird, so i ain’t say nothing.” the smoke poured from his lips with every word. “but every day i feel for you more and more. it’s getting hard to ignore.”
“it’s not weird,” she affirmed. she really wasn’t unnerved by his confession. if she were, she would be a hypocrite. “it’s just… something to take in. i was bracing myself for you saying you hate me, actually.” then she snorted a little.
now, she wouldn’t say she never looked at him that way. but those were fleeting considerations she would quickly dismiss as soon as they came. “he was a friend — girls and guys can be friends without there being anything romantic or sexual between them,” is what she would tell herself before ignoring what she thought to be a delusion. but it seems that, while it’s true guys and girls can befriend each other without desiring each other any other capacity… she desired him. and his confession brought those long-buried feelings back from dormancy. this was a point of no return, and she knew it.
softly, ony whispered, “i could never hate you.” he sounded pained at the suggestion, his face contorted in a wince. he loved her for years, even before he had romantic feelings. he’s always loved her. he flicked the blunt free of ash. “i wouldn’a let you braid my hair if i did.”
“yeah…kinda silly, now that i think about it.” she laughed a little. then she sighed.
“i’m glad you told me,” adularia started, feeling so shy. “i can’t say i never feel the same…” she admitted. ony felt his heart squeeze at the thought of her wanting him back. but there was no trace of it in his face. she continued. “i’m just a little scared.”
she sat up, and ony’s eyes immediately snapped to her moving form. then she clutched her pajama pants nervously. “i’m happy to know but… it’s gon change our friendship. no doubt about it.”
he hummed and ashed the blunt. felt rude to be so intimate but high. “yes. it will. but i don’t regret saying it.”
she agreed quietly.
and that was that. the rest of the night was still as they both were absorbed in their thoughts, undoubtedly about each other and their friendship. it didn't feel awkward or wrong. but the vibe had definitely shifted between them.
shortly after, ony decided it was time to head on home. and so, their shared routine ensued: he rose to his feet. he stretched his limbs. he thanked adularia for braiding his hair and left the rest of the blunt with her. he offered to give her money for the service, she declined. she do it out of love for him. but he made her take the smooth $100 bill anyways. she obliged and thanked him. she walked him to the front, and he enjoyed being enveloped by her silage. they exchanged some last few words at the door as he pulled his shoes on. then he brought her in for a hug, letting her know he would call her. two soft goodbyes would be exchanged (as it was late, and she lived on the second floor). then her door would be gently pulled open and he would sidle out of the apartment. the same as always.
but she could feel the impending change on the horizon. whether it flourished into something life-long or ended in flames, she lacked the foresight. she just knew it would fundamentally change their relationship forever. it’ll never feel the same to braid his hair, for his head to lay on her thigh. to spend the night. to go out together. to hold his face in her hands. to compliment him. to tell him she loved him. when adularia closed the door behind his disappearing form, she knew that she forever lost the friend she had. and that was terrifying.
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© 2024 sweetvirgin. all rights reserved. no copy + paste, no translate, no ai inputs plsss & thank u. ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
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I'm going to update this list as I post more. So make sure to check periodically!
Anon Office Hours: Wed 12:30pm - Friday 6:30pm. (EST)
Feedback Rules
Lesson 1: "White Man Painted Black"?
Lesson 1.5: "Hair for Thought"- how visualizing affects your writing
Lesson 2: “That One Hairstyle? RETIRE IT!” Black Hair is an Art (pt.1)
Lesson 2.1: Addendum to Hair pt 1
Lesson 2: "It Takes HOW LONG?" Black Hair is an Art (pt.2)
Application! Ice's Lazy Loc Wash Routine
Application! How to: Simplified Braid
Application! Daisy E's Simplified Hair Drawing
Lesson 3: "Defying the Default"- Skin Tones and the Presence of Black Characters
Application! What are Black fans looking for in Commissions?
Lesson 4: "Do Black People Blush?" Bringing brown complexions to life
Application! Humanæ- Resource for Skin Palettes!
Lesson 5: "The Same Place As the Music" Lighting & Color
Lesson 6: "Let's Have A Talk, First" Stereotypes, pt 1
Lesson 6: “Why’s she so rude?” (She’s Not)- Stereotypes, pt 2
Lesson 6: "Is He the Threat (Or Are You?)"- Stereotypes, pt 3
Application! How to Spot a Stereotype: An Example
Lesson 7: "That's the Black one!"- Imagery and "Black-Coded" Characters
Lesson 8: “Across cultures, darker people suffer most. Why?” Multiethnic and Multicultural Blackness
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aponii1 · 7 months
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Angela Davis and Toni Morrison in 1974
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nysrage · 10 months
Play Wit It, Onyankopon
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you were putting the last touches on your costume, that was planned by you and your bestfriend. going as the grady girls from the shining. ony entered the room to you bent over adjusting your thigh high stockings and black heels, skimpy dress falling just at the back of your upper thigh. that pastel blue hugging all of your curves just right. the smothering aroma of your flirty perfume. he couldn’t take his eyes off you, let alone those soft brown cheeks peeking beneath your dress but the icing on the cake? we’re those plump outlined lips nestled in your panties just below them. clit practically poking through the thong, while you mindlessly fiddled around with your shoe.
before he knew it, ony found himself standing barely a inch away. hands rubbing against the soft skin of that round ass, thumb dipping just above your clothed folds. “ony, not now..” you started to stand but your boyfriend stopped you in your tracks. “i know.” he breathed out, “i know but fat ma just begging for attention right now..” running his hands over your folds, teasing slow circles around your clothed clit. your legs unconsciously spread to give his hand more room, biting down on your lip from the small shocks of pleasure. “onyaa—”
a small smirk on his lips as he gently cups your pussy, bending down to your level to place a wet kiss behind your ear. “c’mon mama, just let me play with her..” softly running his fingers up and down your damp thong, getting you right where he wanted you. that resolve crumbling away with a small whisper, “that’s it, just play with her..?” rocking your hips back against his hands giving into those pleasurable sensations. ony bit down on his lip with a small nod. “that’s it baby..”
“so fucking wet.” ony groaned, thick tip pushing into those gummy walls. soon as he got his hands on you, he ate and finger fucked you sloppily. slick and spit running down the back of your stocking covered thighs and onto the grey wooden floors of your apartment. those soft hands clutching at your ankles for dear life, pussy swollen and throbbing from the overstimulation. “gimme one more..” slapping that fat head at your clit before sinking it back into that clamping hole of yours. head hazy from the blood rushing down to it. ony wanting you bent over, head down ass up. “mm, papaaa” moaning out at the pressure of him slowly filling you up, still pulsing from the last breathtaking orgasm. “open up, let me have that pussy.” your walls molding around him with every deepening thrust, letting him in easily and gripping onto him tight. a low moan escaping his lips once that soft ass finally meets his pelvis. “mmhm, justtt like that pretty girl, f-fuck.” starting out with a slow deep pace that had you slobbering, face twisted with building pleasure.
“mmm, right there!” whining out for more, which ony had no problem giving you. pounding into you hard and steady, moaning with his eyes trained on that pretty pussy that sucked him in deeper than before, leaving his dick slick and glistening. “you love this dick?” roughly slapping your ass, making you clench down on him hard. “ouuu yesss shitttt!” one hard thrust leaving you screaming out, as he continued to build that pressure almost toppling forward but his hands always caught you. “love how I fuck this pussy? huh?” you nod, his thrusts fast and deep. “words mama.”
“yes, i love how you fuck me papaa!” nails digging into your skin, ony angling his hips up right into that spot that always led to a mess. “cum on this dick.” your eyes rolling back while your legs shook uncontrollably, gushing out a creamy mess onto the floor and the two of you. loud squelching and ony’s moans filling the room as released all of him inside you. “so fucking good, gushy ass pussy.” pulling out and getting on his knees instantly, face met your legs weak, wobbly, and the mess you made.
“you might as well call sash, we ain’t making it to no party..”
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b1ackg1rl-mag1c28 · 4 months
♡♡More of perv shigaraki♡♡
Perv shigaraki who is so obsessed with you that he has a whole stolen collection of your used panties. It makes him throb and leak knowing that your bare lips touched this fabric. He makes him shiver knowing that you leaked all of your slimy juices on them. He likes to bring the wet patch to his nose and take a big, strong whiff. He needs to have your scent etched into his brain. Every inch of his lungs his filled with nothing but your scent. Might take it a step further and licked the crotch so he can taste what remains of you. And it taste like heaven. No sweet candy or high quality dessert could every compare to your sweet and addictive juices. He tells himself one day he will get to taste it straight from the source. He's so nasty with it cause one of his favorite things to do is wear your used panties on his face and stroke at his redden and leaky tip. It feels like his brain is melting and every nerve is on fire. He needs all of you. It makes him throb and shiver just dreaming about the day you allow him to pump his fertile cum inside your gummy walls. Dreaming about feeling your walls tighten around his aching cock, ready to pump you full of everything he needs to give you. One day, he keeps telling himself. Maybe one day you will finally let him suck on your puffy clit with your juices all over his face, with him pleading you to finally let him cum. After all, he has been a good puppy for mommy.
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cinnn4mon · 14 hours
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🍰♡ ༘*.゚🍓
─── toji is a boxer and you’re his highschool sweetheart…
content warning ˚୨୧⋆。˚slutty writing, 18+
word count ˚୨୧⋆。˚ 5k
parings ˚୨୧⋆。˚ toji x reader
semi proof-read, so excuse any errors.
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every night, you waited anxiously for him to come home.the door would creak open and there he would be, bruised and battered from another fight.your heart always ached at the sight, but you knew this was his dream, his passion. you hated seeing your boyfriend hurt, yet you endured it for his sake.
you’d lost count of how many times you had to patch him up, clean his wounds , and hold him while he winched in pain. it was like a ritual now , one you wished you didn’t have to go through. but everytime he looked at you with those eyes, full of determination and love, you know you can’t possibly ask him to stop. this is who he is, and you love him for that.
so , you endure.for him, for the two of you. you just wished he knew how much it hurt you.
as he stepped inside the cozy cinnamon scented home , you greeted him with a tender smile, masking your concern. from where you sat on the plush sofa you could see his bottom lip was busted, his nose caked in blood and there was a gash that showed the pink meat under his pale skin. you wanted to cry, but held it down.
“another tough match?” you asked softly. he nodded, exhaustion evident in his eyes. your hand grasped his and led him to the kitchen, where you had already laid out the first aid kit. you’d patched him up so many times before, it became second nature.
gently, you cleaned his wounds, your touch soft and caring. he would wince occasionally , but never complain. “i wish you didn’t have to get hurt.” you whispered, voice betraying you as it cracked subtly.
you mustered a small smile, eyes glancing over at the picture of the two of you at prom. highschool toji and you, you could remember those days like yesterday. you were just teenagers , full of hopes full of dreams. he was your highschool sweetheart , the boy who made your head race with just a smile.
every morning toji and you would walk to school together, hand in hand, talking about nothing and everything. he was your confidant , your best friend.you two spent hours studying together, laughing at stupid inside jokes, and sharing your deepest secrets. you could still feel the warmth of his embrace when he held you close during those chilly football games.
even now, years later you can’t but smile at the memories.you’d both changed and grown over the years , but those moments you two shared before this will always hold a special place in your heart.
“baby, you okay?” toji questions, legs spread on the chair as he pulls you between them. you give him a weak smile nodding, but he can see right through your facade.
he hated seeing you like this. every time he came home battered and bruised, the look in your eyes cut deeper than any punch he’d ever taken. you doesn't deserve this, having to play nurse and patch him up after every fight. he can tell it hurts you, even though you never say it.
you’re always so gentle, so patient, cleaning his wounds and making sure he’s okay. he wishes he could make it easier for you, but this is who he is. fighting is his passion, his dream. but seeing the toll it takes on you makes him question everything.
he just hopes you know how much he appreciates you , how much he loves you for standing by him despite it all. he didn’t want you to suffer because of his choices, but he also can’t give up on what he loves. it was a constant battle, one he fought every day, not in the ring, but in his heart.
“i made your favorite, handsome.” your sweet,sultry voice pulls him from your thoughts. you look so fucking pretty to him tonight, curls falling a bit past your shoulders framing your heart shaped face perfectly. you’re wearing the pink robe that he loves so much the silky fabric accentuates every curve. your face is bare of makeup and he can see the beauty marks that he loves to trace.
your pretty brown eyes lock onto his, and he feels his heart swoon. there’s something about the way you look at him that makes him want to hold and never let you go. he’s drawn to your plump two toned lips, and he wants nothing more than to kiss you. you’re effortlessly beautiful, stunning, and he’s reminded of just how lucky he is to have you in his life.
“mm’ chicken parmigiana sounds delicious baby.” toji hums, embracing you tightly causing you to giggle.you run your hands through his raven messy hair, it still smells like your strawberry shampoo. funny, considering the two of you had gotten into an argument because he claimed he didn’t use your shower necessities.
usually, you’d chew his ear off about it, but tonight you were just glad your man had made it home.
bruised but safe.
“you have that big fight tomorrow, yeah?” you asked softly, hands massaging into toji’s scalp. he was too wrapped up in your touch to vocally answer, a small ‘mhm’ coming from his throat. you swallow thickly, not being able to stop the knot that was forming deep in your gut as you thought about his match tomorrow.
toji’s a professional, and you know he’s strong, both physically and mentally. but still, the thought of him getting hurt out there makes you sick.
you’ve seen him train, seen the determination in his eyes, and you knew how much this meant to him.
toji’s always so confident, so sure of himself, and you’ve always tried to match that confidence. but deep down, you can’t shake the fear of him getting hurt. you just have to trust in his strength and his skill. he’s worked so hard for this, and you believe in him more than anything.
“i wanna come watch.”
toji retracts his head back, a quipped eyebrow raised at you. you never wanted to attend his matches, he didn’t blame you. it would be hard to see any person that you loved getting pummeled. so he was a bit taken back at your sudden willingness to attend.
you nodded with a smile, “yes. i want to come and support my man,” you giggle. toji grins, nodding.
“well, i’ll make sure i don’t get my ass kicked.” he pulls you into a kiss, his touch instantly melting you. you want nothing more than to let him ravage your body on the kitchen table but he needs to eat and rest for tomorrow, he pouts when you push him away.
“down boy,” you tease.
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your face pulls into a scrunch as you eye the frostings held in each of your hands , you’d decided to bake a cake for toji’s team. but, you were conflicted on which frosting to buy, buttercream or whipped cream. while you loved the taste of buttercream you hated how quickly it would melt and crack. on the other hand you also loved whipped, but you hated the way it leaked and you were unsure if it would be able to hold up the heavy cake layers.
baking had always been a hobby of yours, ever since you were a little girl. the smell of the fresh dough, the sound of the mixer , the warmth of the oven. you loved every step, and the best part? watching toji take the first bite of all your treats. his eyes would light up, and you’d know you’d hit the jackpot.
toji was always happy to be your taste tester, always ready to sample whatever new treat you’d whipped up. wether it be cake, cookies, or something simply experimental he was always game. it had become your routine, you bake , he tastes.
your thoughts were interrupted when a voice spoke to you.
you peered up, a man a bit older then you was standing in front of your cart. he had beautiful blue eyes and long brown hair that hung in his face, you assumed that you were blocking his away, after all you were standing directly in the cake aisle.
“oh, shoot! i’m sorry am i in your way?”
“not at all! i just couldn’t help but notice how beautiful you are. and i was wondering if i could have your number?” he questioned.
before you could even open your mouth to speak you spotted toji storming up, an irritated look on his face as he watched the man talk to you. you’d sent him to go grab sticks of butter, not even ten minutes gone and some fuckface was trying to get with you.
in a flash toji was at your side, one inked arm around your waist protectively. if looks could kill this man would be six feet under the way toji glared at him.
“she’s not interested, fuck off.” toji said unamused, you could feel your cheeks warm in embarrassment at your boyfriends ludacris behavior. it was no doubt toji was the over protective type, but sometimes it could get overwhelming. but part of you found it attractive and incredibly romantic, in a strange way.
“toji,” you pressed your hands against his chest,”that’s not necessary.this gentleman was just asking me where the flour was.” you lie.you were afraid toji would beat the man into a bloody pulp if he knew the truth, your frantic eyes begged the man to go along with the quick lie. if the man had even said one thing that toji found offensive you knew paramedics would be peeling him off the floor.
“yeah…thanks for the help with the aisle number.”
a sigh of relief pushed through your lips when the man turned on his heels and left. you couldn’t blame him, toji was a six foot three muscled monster, you’d have to be insane to willingly fight him. and his scars from all of his previous fights only made him look more intimidating.
“was that necessary?” you ask, annoyance lacing your voice.
toji shrugs, “very.”
you facepalm,” whatever. let’s just hurry up and get home so i’ll have time to bake.”
buttercream it is.
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the two of you had barely made it to the match, toji quickly got dressed and prepped by his team. while you offered red velvet cake around.
“don’t die on me fushiguro.” was the last thing you’d told your geared up boyfriend before he was whisked away to the ring.
the arena was buzzing with excitement as the crowd roared, but all you could focus on was him. your boyfriend, the love of her life, stood in the ring, muscles taut and eyes determined. you had seen him fight so many times before, but never a real match.
there was a palpable tension in the air, and you couldn’t shake the feeling that he needed you now more than ever.
from your seat, you watched intently as the bell rang, signaling the start of the fight. his opponent was relentless, landing punch after punch, and you winced with every blow he took. it was painful to watch him struggle, his usual confidence wavering as he was pushed back against the ropes. your heart ached seeing him like this, but you knew you had to stay strong for him.
“come on, baby! you can do it!” you shouted, voice cutting through the noise of the crowd. you saw his eyes flicker towards you, a brief moment of connection that seemed to reignite something within him. you kept cheering, your voice unwavering and filled with love.
“you’ve got this! i believe in you!”
with renewed determination, he straightened up, shaking off the pain and fatigue. your words echoed in his mind, giving him the strength he needed to push forward.
he dodged a punch and countered with a powerful blow that sent his opponent staggering. the crowd erupted in cheers, but all he could hear was your voice, guiding him, encouraging him.
the fight turned in his favor, each punch he landed bringing him closer to victory. you watched with bated breath, your hands clasped together, silently praying for his success.
when he finally knocked his opponent to the ground, the referee began the count, and you could hardly contain her excitement.
“yes! yes! you did it!” you screamed as the final count was made, declaring him the winner.
you rushed to the edge of the ring, her heart pounding with pride and love. as he stepped out, battered and bruised but victorious, you couldn’t help but throw your arms around him.
“i knew you could do it,” you whispered, tears of joy streaming down your face.you kissed him passionately, not caring about the sweat and blood, just overwhelmed by the sheer emotion of the moment.
he held you tightly, his exhaustion melting away in your comforting embrace. “i couldn’t have done it without you,” he murmured, his voice filled with gratitude and love.
the two of you stood there, wrapped in each other’s arms, oblivious to the cheering crowd around you two. in that moment, nothing else mattered but your love and the strength you found in each other.
the living room was dimly lit, casting a soft glow over the cozy space. you nestled into the couch, your head resting gently on toji’s chest. the rhythmic rise and fall of his breathing was soothing, a stark contrast to the intensity of the fight tournament they had just returned from.
you were so happy you had decided to go; seeing him in action, giving his all, had filled you with pride and admiration.
his inked arm was wrapped around you,holding you close, and you could feel his calm heartbeat beneath your ear. you smiled to herself, savoring the quiet moment. the adrenaline from the evening had finally worn off, leaving them both in a peaceful, contented state. you thought he might have fallen asleep, his breathing so steady and deep, and you didn’t mind at all.
you wished things could always be like this—simple, serene, and full of love. the chaos of the outside world seemed so far away when you were together like this, just enjoying each other's presence. you gently traced circles on his chest with your finger, feeling the warmth and comfort of his body next to yours.
in that moment, everything felt perfect. the fight, the cheers, the victory—they all led to this, a quiet evening wrapped in each other’s arms. you closed your eyes, letting yourself drift into the tranquility of the moment, wishing that your lives could always be filled with such simple, beautiful peace.
“you know, i almost gave up.”
you lifted your head to toji, “what?”
“then i could hear you cheering me on, then i knew i couldn’t.”
before you could reply to your boyfriend his soft lips were on yours, earning a surprised shriek from you.his kisses held so much passion it made your stomach swirl with desire.you could only moan as his lips slid down to your neck kissing,licking,sucking bruises onto you that you’d have to cover tomorrow.his touch was fucking electric, each gentle peck of his lips on your skin send shocks throughout your body.
“let me show you how much i appreciate you princess,” toji husked darkly, beginning to move downward.you couldn’t help but let your eyes flutter close as he began hiking up your oversized shirt, the feeling of his large hands kneading your doughy thighs making your stomach swirl in anticipation.
toji had barely touched you and yet here you were falling apart from the way he kissed your body.a gasp left your swollen lips as toji’s mouth brushed over your clothed cunt,you smelled so fucking good to him, sweet just like all the treats you’d bake him.
you looked so fucking pretty , your doe eyes gazing down at him with longing from beneath delicate lashes, legs spread in want.there was an excited glint in his eyes as they landed on your pink lace panties decorated with a bow on the hem.your stomach churned, “this pussy is perfect” he groaned.
“p-please touch me.” your soft voice cracked.you needed him to do something, anything, you were bursting at the seams. you gulped as you observed him kneel further down, feeling your legs spread further apart as he took you in. a smirk appeared on his lips.
“already so wet, and i’ve barely even laid a finger on you pumpkin,” he chuckled deeply.you felt your neck grow warm in embarrassment, he wasn’t lying your pussy was practically a water slide with how wet you were.
toji looped his fingers around your underwear and pulled them down your thick thighs,groaning at the sight of your quivering pussy. you let out a cry as he ran his finger along your juices and brought it to his mouth.the taste, an intoxicating blend of sweetness and bitterness sent waves of pleasure through him.
“so good,” he moaned.
your head tilted backward as his soft pink lips lazily licked over your pussy, savoring every drop of your essence. your stomach twisted as he opened your slick folds and ravished you, his nose brushing against your sensitive clit, causing pleasurable mewls to escape from you.
you grabbed his messy raven hair and pulled, evoking a deep moan from him as your short acrylic nails pressed enticingly into his scalp. he was looking forward to the the scratches you would leave on his back. a hand reached under your shirt to your sensitive nipples, toes curling as he played with the hard bud.toji knew your nipples were extremely sensitive yet he was always playing with them, sucking, biting, licking.
just before returning his hand to your trembling thigh, he gave your nipple one final tug.
toji released weeks of built-up sexual tension with his tongue onto you, remembering every time you brushed against him and every moment you kissed him, your warm body pressed against his. you’d denied him each time, knowing he needed all the rest he could get before his upcoming match.he expressed all his desires without any remorse for your trembling pussy.
his mouth wrapped around your swollen clit and your back arched.
“fuck, i’m so s-sensitive! s-slow down toji," you begged, as his tongue swirled quickly around the sensitive bud. a jolt of shock coursed through your body when his teeth grazed it, causing you to gasp. you were nearing your climax and fast. though you felt embarrassed about reaching this point so fast, each touch from him was wrapped pure ecstasy.
each fucking touch of his tongue made your lips quiver and he wrapped his arms around your thighs, drawing you deeper into his embrace.”t-toji," you whimpered, your words stuck in your throat.
"damn, i enjoy hearing you say my name like that," he murmured against you, the rumble of his voice intensifying your pleasure. he glanced up at you, feeling excitement as he took in the sight. you hung your head forward in ecstasy, your mouth open as a stream of whiny moans and expletives escaped. your eyebrows knitted together above tightly shut eyes. he noticed your arms trembling under the effort to hold yourself up and grinned.
his actions left your head spinning, and you couldn’t help but grip the sofa as your eyes rolled black.
toji knew you had a tendency to run and he has you locked in his arms, legs wide open. he quickly took advantage of your flexibility bending your legs backwards until they were inches from your face.
his tongue found its way to your asshole warming a squeal from you, your stomach was twisting as he licked around the ring of your ass. “toji!” you cried out as he ate your ass hungrily.toji had always been an ass eater, he always begged to do it even if he wasn’t getting anything in return.
his tongue feels warm and electric. he’s eating you softly and sensually, bliss spreading slowly throughout your body. he picks up speed, he’s rough and passionate now, tears pricking your eyes, every lick lighting up your senses.
“tell me how daddy’s making you feel,” toji moans, licks now back working on your shivering cunt.you cry out as his tongue flutters against your throbbing clit, words caught in your throat.a crack of his hard thunders across you thigh, a squeak erupting from you.
“don’t be rude princess, tell me.”
“g-good, sooo fucking g-good daddy!” you whine, thigh stinging.
a high pitched whimper left your lips as he slid two fingers inside of you, the stretch making your body churn in pleasure. toji and you hadn’t had sex in weeks so you were extremely tight and his two fingers felt like four.”so tight, guess i’ll have to break you in baby.” toji laughed, fucking laughed.
he knew he possessed complete control over you, and this exhilarated him. you were putty in his hands.
his lips reattached to your clit as you let out a soft moan; the sensation of his finger combined with his tongue on your clit bringing tears to your eyes.he added another finger, causing you to wince at the stinging sensation, a mixture of your fluids mixed with his saliva seeped from you onto the bed.
every thrust from toji had your stomach fluttering.your pussy gripped his fingers tightly, he realized you were approaching your edge, which spurred him on to pound your pussy even more fiercely.
“damn,already? i wanted to have more fun.” he chuckled.
“f-feels s-so good,” you whined out.with one final glide of his fingers combined with a teasing lick of your clit, you found yourself reaching the peak of pleasure as your body arched in ecstasy.toji continued his movements, his fingers curling into that particular spot, you were a sobbing mess.
your stomach clenched , and before you could snap your legs closed you were squirting all over toji.he quickly retracted his fingers and rubbed your clit in hard circular motions,a wide smile on his face.
“squirt on me baby.”
surprise washed over you when he opened his mouth and started drinking your fluids, collecting each drop from you with his agile movements. your arms grew weak, and your back slammed against the sofa arm.
when he finally pulled away, a string of your juices mixed with his saliva broke.the lower half of his face glistening with your wetness, you beckoned toji with your pointer finger. he wastes no time wrapping his hands around you, crashing his lips against yours, swiftly removing your shirt.
while his hands explored you, yours explored him.as you looked at him, your eyes traced the lines of his physique. his toned stomach and buff arms were a testament to his dedication and hard work as a boxer. each muscle, each curve of his body told a story of countless hours spent training and pushing his limits.
your gaze softened as you noticed the scars and bruises from his match. they were reminders of his strength and resilience, each one a badge of honor. you couldn’t help but feel a surge of affection and admiration for him.
you leaned in closer,lips gently brushing against the marks on his skin. you kissed each bruise and scar tenderly, as if your touch could somehow ease the pain and heal the wounds.
“they don’t hurt baby,” he said softly, thumb caressing your cheek lovingly.you nodded, fingers wrapping around the hem of his sweatpants and swiftly pulling them down.you gulped at his dick.It was easily nine inches long and had the girth of a soda can, you’d forgotten how big he fucking was.
as if he could read your mind he spoke up, “promise i won’t break you beautiful.”
your lip caught between your teeth and you nodded, a gasp of surprise leaving you when toji pulled you up and forced you to lay stomach first on the sofa.
the sound of moans engulfed the space as he penetrated you, stretching your sensitive pussy further than you ever thought possible with his full length.he was so fucking deep it felt like he was in your stomach.
your legs trembled with anticipation before he even started, you pressed your cheek against the cushion and closed your eyes.
“just breathe,”
the wind was knocked out of you as toji began pounding into you,your ass clapping against his stomach with each thrust of his hips.you cried out and gripped the edge of the sofa, he hadn’t even let you get fully adjusted and the sharp pain that encased your pussy had your head reeling.
“d-daddy!” you panted in pleasure, you felt so fucking good around his dick and it had his head light.your round ass jiggled with each movement,he spread your cheeks and let out a groan as he watched your greedy pussy lips suck on his dick each time he pulled out.
you felt pathetic underneath him, you could feel his hand pressing into the small of your back, forcing you to arch deeper.you whined in pleasure as he angled himself deeper into you.
“play with your pussy babe,” he husked,one hand placed on the small of your back whilst the other held your ass.”o-okay,” you whimpered, cheek still pressed against the sofa as you began rubbing your sensitive nub.
the sensation of his dick prodding into you and your clit being stimulated had you sounding like a wild animal.you hadn’t been fucked like this in a while and didn’t realize how much you missed it.you looked so fucking sexy to him,plump lips frowned, a thin coat of sweat glistening on your brown skin.
his knees buckled underneath him as he felt your hand grip around the base of his dick, stroking him as he pounded into you.”f-fuck,” he whined breathlessly, your stomach churned.his whines were so fucking pretty, they were a mix of deep and high pitched and it made you want to cum right then and there.you gripped his base so tight it had his head rolling back,he was fully consumed in pleasure as he thudded into you, fingers finding their way to your ponytail and forcing your head up.
“you’ve been waiting for this huh?”
you gulped down a moan,back arched as he wrapped your hair around his hand.
“y-yes.” you admitted breathlessly.
“i know baby.” he cooed,releasing your hair roughly causing your head to jut forward.he reveled in the feeling of your pussy around him,he couldn’t help but bury his face into your neck.his soft grunts and moans played like music in your ears,”you’re fucking me so good.” you moaned.
your soft voice spurred him on, he was nearing his end and quick.he didn’t want to finish so quickly,but the way you spoke,felt, and even the way you always fucking smelled like strawberry shortcake had his stomach filled with knots.he retracted himself from your neck and grasped your ass with both hands,using it as leverage as he drilled into you. he refused to come before you did.
“fuck toji! I’m so close!” tears cascaded down your cheeks as you placed both hands back onto the sofa, bracing yourself.he was fucking you with more passion, more desire and it had you in shambles.you couldn’t help but let your hand find its way back on your sensitive clit, rubbing in time with toji’s thrust.
”a-ah!” you sobbed as you feel his swollen tip prod against your g-spot.
“found it.” he chuckled and you cried out underneath him each time he pressed against the spot.your entire body was shivering from pleasure as he bucked his hips into you mercilessly.your back arched as you felt the pressure in your stomach release, you were a whiny, cumming ,mess and it made toji even harder.
“creaming on my dick like a good girl.” he grunted admiring the sight, a ring of cream covered his dick and stuck to his pubes.he found the sight erotic,and with another buck of his hips he was cumming on your back.his eyes shut tightly as he stroked himself, spurts of hot cum trailing down your back onto your ass.
“good ass pussy.” he shakily stated,pulling you up and turning you around.his soft lips were back on yours, kissing you softly.you moaned,wrapping your arms around his neck.he couldn’t get enough of you, he needed more, he wasn’t ready to stop.he gently placed you down on your back and settled between your legs,your jaw falling slack as he pushed back inside of you, his deep moans mixing with your higher pitched ones.
your legs wrapped around him burying him deeper into your weeping cunt.
that night, you were wrapped in each other’s arms, lost in the passion and love that flowed between you.every touch, every kiss, was filled with an intensity that seemed to transcend time. the two of you made love all night, bodies moving in perfect harmony, hearts beating as one.
nine stressful months later, you find yourself holding your beautiful baby in your arms. it was hard to believe that this tiny, perfect being was created from that night of pure, unbridled love. as you look down at your child, you feel an overwhelming sense of awe and wonder.
you remember the way you held each other, the way you two whispered sweet nothings in the dark. those moments of intimacy and connection have now given you two the greatest gift of all. your baby’s eyes flutter open, and you see a reflection of both toji and you in those innocent, curious eyes.
tears fill your eyes as you think about the journey the two of you have been on, the love that has brought you to this moment. holding your baby, you feel a deep, unbreakable bond with both of them. your love has created a new life, a new chapter in the story.
as you cradle the child, you whisper promises of love and protection.in your heart, you know that this is just the beginning of a beautiful, lifelong journey together.
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to have this life, sigh.
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eternalxvenus · 5 months
⇢ ˗ˏˋ broken promises pt. 1 ࿐ྂ
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summary: Rafe promised to take you out and spend your birthday with you, but you don’t hear from him all day and then suddenly he shows up at your door trying to explain. (angst version to my first birthday girl blurb) (title changed for series — previous title “birthday girl angst version”)
cw (for whole series): 18+, rafe x f!reader, mentions of drug use, angst, eventual smut, violence
wc: 0.6k
notes: honestly i’m thinking about making this particular blurb a series but i’m not sure though
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You woke up on your birthday excited to get your day started. Your boyfriend Rafe told you the day before he would pick you up for brunch, and then you would spend the day doing whatever you wanted.
By the time you showered and were ready to go, your stomach was growling, prepared to have some delicious food. You checked your phone and saw the time read 10:45. Rafe said that he'd be here by 11:00.
30 minutes later, you hadn't heard anything from Rafe, so you decided to call him. Each of your calls went straight to voicemail. You were starting to get worried, so you decided to check social media and see if he may have posted anything. You clicked on Kelce's close friend's story and saw a party happening at his house. A few videos later, you saw one of Rafe doing coke off the table in front of him.
Your eyes start to water. He had promised you that he would stop doing drugs when you guys started dating. You knew it made him irritable and hard to be around. It also made him forgetful, which means he was probably high out of his mind somewhere and probably doesn't remember he promised to take you to brunch. Or the fact that it's your birthday.
You wipe the few stray tears off your cheek, careful not to ruin your makeup, before calling Sarah, inviting her and the pogues to have breakfast with you at your place. When you asked her about Rafe, she said she hadn't spoken to him and didn't know where he was.
The time was currently 10:22 pm, and you had just gotten home from your birthday dinner with your family. Rafe was supposed to be there too, but you had to lie and say he hadn't been feeling well. You could barely enjoy yourself. You still hadn't gotten so much as a text from him.
You slipped off your heels, but before you could make it up the stairs there was a ring at your doorbell. You opened the door to see Rafe standing there with flowers in hand.
"What do you want, Rafe?" You really didn't want to sit around and listen to his excuses.
"Baby, I'm sorry, really. Just please let me explain."
You scoffed but leaned against your doorframe, prompting him to keep going.
"Okay, so Kelce was throwing this party, and I wasn't going to go, but everyone kept messaging me saying I should at least swing by and everything since they hadn't seen me in a while. I went and it was supposed to be no more than 15 minutes, but things got out of hand..."
"Yeah Rafe, things got out of hand as in you stayed at the party and started doing fucking coke? Out of hand as in you got so high you didn't text me all day, on my birthday, while I'm worried sick about you?"
Rafe's eyes widened, obviously not expecting you to know about that. He outstretched his hand that was holding the flowers to you. "Baby I... I'm sorry. I can take you shopping to make up for-"
You smacked the flowers out of his hand and he flinched. Your voice was shaky as tears pooled in your eyes. "No Rafe! Money isn't going to fix this. Obviously, I'm not important enough for you to keep your promise. Getting high means more to you than being there for your girlfriend."
Before he could speak again, you slammed the door in his face and made your way upstairs even as he started to talk to you through the door before moving on to blowing up your phone. You blocked his number and went to bed, unsure of what was next for your relationship.
part 2
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likes, comments, and reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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ellieswyfe · 1 year
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"oooh waitaminuteee.." the position he had you in was absolutely nasty. he had your knees pushed up to your tits in missionary and was repeatedly hitting your sweet spot which drew stars from your eyes. "unghh...all i-in my tummy pa," you looked up at him teary eyed.
"yea? you like that baby- show me where you feel it at mama." he responded. a mixture of wet sounds, moans, and the bed-board, was all that could be heard in the room. it smelt like straight sex- pure sin and if you weren't in the position you were in you would probably be disgusted- you should be but it felt too good to even care. "looook, i-it's right hereee," you sobbed, reaching your tiny hand past your belly pudge to show him where he was pleasuring you.
in between feeding you deep, long strokes, he looked down at the connect of his dick inside your thick wet pussy and moaned. flipping you over on your belly, putting you into a new position, while beads of sweat dripped down his forehead and abs. "mhm gonna make me nut ma..fuck” he threw his head back in satisfaction at the delicious sight.
“s-shit aah..too much sl-slow downn” you whined when feeling his tip prod at your cervix. the pleasurably painful thrusts becoming too overwhelming for you in this position after you’ve came countless times already. you make a damn near deadly mistake when you reach down to push at his lower torso hoping to stop the extent of the thrusts.
“nu-uh move ya fucking hands..not done wit you yet,” he said picking up the pace smacking your hands away…not being in the position to complain all you could do was take it and hope your not too sore the next morning. </3
mood song
: ONYYY, connie, erenn, maybeee jean if you squint
a/n (not my best work but ive got writers block 😔 so send me some asks nd ill write them!!)
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tvgals · 6 months
and if all the black writers left this app, then who would be writing all the good content, tumblr?
oh that’s not-
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klipkillakai · 6 months
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|pt 2|
humming the smooth melodies of jhené aiko’s music, you slowly walk down the aisles of the bookstore, picking up books and looking at the back reading the synopsis, this morning you woke up and decided you wanted to go to the mall..
usually you go with your bestie but she’s been in florida all week, so you decided to go by yourself, this was a little anxiety inducing but you went straight to your safe haven.. barnes and nobles.. where you can pick any escape you want
you decided you wanted to pick up some romance novels, it probably having to do with it being february and your new found crush but your gonna be delusional and pretend that’s not the case..
you think about him as you look through the books, you haven’t seen him at school all week and you feel worried? it’s odd because you wouldn’t have noticed before but now it’s different..
you haven’t attempted to text him out of fear, but you notice he hasn’t texted you either, it hurts a bit and deep down you can’t help but feel like it was too good to be true..
you shake the thoughts away and collect your books and head to the cashier..
connie silently follows the guards as they lead him out to intake, he’d been locked up the past few, some bullshit about a warrant.. he knew that was a lie.. he knew they needed to get him on something, but unfortunately for them he has one the best lawyers in the country..
he smiles when the guard roughly uncuffs him, muttering for him to get dressed.. the guards leave and immediately he shoves off the jumpsuit wrapped around his waist pulling on his cargos and tee he was last in, he opens the ziplock baggie with his phone in it, calling his employee, he tucks the phone between his ear and shoulder and laces up his shoes
“im out, send the car”
connie hangs up and shoves the phone in his pocket along with his keys and wallet and zips up his jacket, before pressing the button notifying he was done changing—
you hop off the bus, and start walking back to your house, you carry the few bags of things you bought and shiver at the bite of the cold
“oh nah” you whisper and start to walk a bit faster
a few blocks in you feel the urge to look behind you, you peep a hellcat going slow down the street but you don’t recognize it exactly, you think that’s odd so you keep walking silently keeping note, starting to feel paranoid you turn around again and it’s still following you.. not knowing what to do you keep walking faster until the car finally pulls up next to you and rolls down the window, you prepare to tell the whoever in the car off until you hear
“hey mama”
you stop dead in your tracks and turn to look at the man you’ve been thinking about this whole week
you walk closer to the car and he puts it in park and gets out, before leaning on the door, he smiles
“you missed me?”
wanting to say yes you shrug and say
“where you been? i haven’t seen you at school since last week”
he slowly slides his hands in his pockets and looks at you for a beat and says
“i was locked up, got pulled over on a warrant or sumn, but i got out quick because they had nothing to stand on”
you brows slightly furrow “jail? what kind of warrant did they say it was?”
connie slowly walks closer to you and, softly grabs the bags from your hand and nods towards his car..
“cmon, take a ride wit me real quick”
he goes around the other side of the car opening the door, before you slip inside, he places the bags on your lap and mutters a “seatbelt” and shuts the door quickly walking around to his side and looking around before slipping in the car, the car starts and plays loud drill music before he quickly turns it down and pulls off..
“you didn’t answer my question..” you say softly looking at him
his jaw ticks for a second and his thumb taps the wheel, “ion want you to worry about that aight?” he shoot’s a lazy look towards you..
“should i worry about it” he shakes his head no and you ask..
“is it gonna happen again?” he softly licks his lips and says “i’m gonna make sure it doesn’t”
you look in his eyes as he says that and you get the slightest flash of something sinister behind them, that erupts butterflies in your belly and you softly squeeze your thighs together
“okay” you whisper, and he looks at you again with a slight smile..
after 20 mins of driving you finally ask with a little laugh “where we going?” he pulls up to a parking garage entrance and pulls in before saying
“my crib” your heart skips a beat and, your feel yourself get a bit hot.. “oh” you whisper
“is that okay?” he asks with a teasing smile, pulling into a parking space, “yea i just didn’t expect that”
“don’t worry your safe, your always safe wit me”
you look up at him with a bright smile, and connie nearly wants to fall to his knees, he looks at the brightness in your eyes before it quickly lowers to your lips and he looks away, almost wanting to laugh at how smitten you’ve gotten him..
he opens your door, taking your hand and you walk away hearing the car lock, he leads you to an elevator, and he presses the fob to the button and presses the 10th floor..
you feel his thumb softly go back and forth on the back of your hand “you cold?” he says softly and you nod.. “i could tell when you were outside” he shrugs off his big carthartt jacket and drapes it over your shoulder.. the elevator dings and he pulls you into the hallways stopping at his apartment door, pulling out his keys, unlocking it and nodding you inside
you walk through the door looking around, it smells just like him, the fresh masculine smell, slightly twinged with weed, he kicks he shoes off and you do the same, pulling off your hot pink crocs and neatly placing them next to his shoes…
“so did you just get home today?”
“yea a few hours ago actually, i haven’t been home in a week, i fucking missed it” he pulls off his hoodie causing his shirt to lift under it and you catch a glimpse of his happy trail.. you want to scream because you find that so attractive but you look away fighting back a smile..
you walk further into the seemingly large apartment, looking around at the masculine decor, the black couches and large tv mounted on the wall, you slowly turn and notice a book shelf, you slowly walk towards it, hearing connie in the back opening a fridge.. you graze your fingers on the books about finance, stock investing… and your finger stops on a book about secret society’s.. you look back at connie before you keep scanning the books.. others filled law.. others about cars and guns…
“you like to read?” you ask connie
“that’s how i learn, knowledge is power” connie says as he stands behind you, slowly dragging his hand up your arm.. then slowly moving your braids to one side.. and dragging his lips up your neck inhaling your sent at the same time..
you let out a slow breath.. and you feel his large hands slowly press against your lower belly, and you feel heat slowly pool there..
“your so beautiful you know that?”
you softly smile.. “sometimes i don’t”
he softly pause before slowly turning your face towards his.. “i’m gonna ensure you do”
he looks in your eyes for a beat before letting your face go, “im gonna hop in the shower rq, then we’re gonna dip aight?”
you let a breath “mhm” you nod for reassurance and he smiles a bit before turning around and walking down the hall..
10 mins later you sitting on his couch tapping through stories.. you start to think about who connie is.. he got out of jail today and you still have yet to know what.. and.. and that phone call! the last time you were in the car together he told you the same thing “don’t worry about it” do you trust him enough to not worry about it? are you going to let curiosity kill the cat?
you hear the bathroom door open cutting your thoughts short, you look up at connie.. the towel wrapped around his waist, water droplets rolling down his abs.. gold chain dangling around his neck.. and his tattoos.. god you love his tattoos.. a snake winding around his arm.. a cross on the side of his neck and a large chest and back piece..
“i can feel you staring pretty girl”
you immediately look away feeling your body heat up from embarrassment.. he laughs a bit and shakes his head.. “it’s okay.. i stare too” you softly turn towards him and look in his eyes.. “i really like your tattoos”
“oh yeah?” “yeah” you whisper back shyly and he smiles at that, connie likes making you nervous.. he likes catching you stare and that little dazed look on your face..
“your gonna come wit me to pick sumn up, and we gon get food after or sumn aight?”
“you know.. you never ask.. you just tell” you say with a teasing smile..
“would you like me to ask? even if i knew the answer already”
“what makes you think i’ll say yes?”
“you haven’t said no yet..”
“maybe i will”
“well let me know when you decide to do that”
you roll your eyes and connie slightly smirks before walking into his room and changing clothes, he goes into his closet looking behind him before grabbing his piece and tucking it his pants, he covers it with his shirt and grabs a thick jacket and pulls on his timbs..
he sprays some of his cologne and slips on his rings and opens his nightstand and grabs his other phone slipping it in his pocket and leaving..
he walks out the room and sees you still patiently waiting on the couch, hearing your nails tap against the screen.. “cmon mama”
he watches your pretty head snap up, you quickly hop up, pulling up your pink sweatpants and rounding the couch walking towards him..
he grabs your hand and you walk out the door together, heading to the elevator and eventually ending up in the parking garage again, this time getting into a different car, he quickly pulls out, nodding to the security guard and pulling into the street..
he zooms pass other cars as he picks up his phone from the cup holder, calling someone..
he looks around before he turns, and starts to speak
“im pulling up, have it ready” soon after he pulls into a warehouse building, you hear his tires crackle against the the gravel and a man stands there holding a large black duffel bag, connie rolls down the window, dapping the man up before reaching down and opening his trunk, silently plopping the back the trunk and shutting it, without another word he begins to walk inside, connie pulls out the driveway pulling out into the street again..
you almost open your mouth to ask what’s in the bag but you choose not too, do you really want to know? do you need to know? it seems connie doesn’t think you do.. so you stay quiet..
connie softly looks over to you.. “whatchu want to eat?” you smile a bit thinking about it “mmm i dunno you pick” he shrugs and smiles “i don’t care about what i eat, i’ve been eating prison food for a week”
you think about it, and you smile getting an idea “let me cook for you” connie slightly pauses and looks over at you, his heart slightly soars and he says “forreal?” “mhm” you nod and connie looks at you with an amused expression on his face, like there’s an inside joke he’s having with himself..
“aight, bet” he quickly makes a u-turn zooming pass cars and soon after pulls into a whole foods.. he parks and nods for you to get out too, you walk hand in hand inside the store and you grab a basket quickly pulling on his hand, leading him to where you need to go..
you stand in the aisle looking at different types of beans as connie stands close behind you, softly rubbing your back “what are you making?”
“rice and beans with jerk chicken” he groans softly and whispers “sheesh” you smile and continue shopping, quickly grabbing all the ingredients and heading to self check out, connie helps scan and pays of course and you quickly put the bags in the car and head back to his place..
the tv is playing in the back as you cut up vegetables, the meat is already marinating in the fridge, and your just focusing on the rice and beans at this point, connie is standing next to you washing the rice..
connie loves this, cooking with someone, allat wifey shit.. that gets him bad, he hears you giggle at a joke from the show and he smiles, when you proposed the idea of cooking for him he almost fell in love with you on the spot, he likes that wifey shit because he knows he can match that energy by providing, he’s always wanted to be that.. a provider.. it’s just in his nature, he knows dudes who want a wife but act like bums when the opportunity arises, nah he’s gon take care of you back.. always.
he finishes cooking the rice and looks over to you “you need me to do something else?” you finish giggling at the joke and shake your head no “no thank you” you say sweetly.. and he nods before pressing a kiss to your cheek.. “i’m gonna be in my room aight?” “mhm” you nod and he walks down the hallway as you cook..
an hour later your rolling balls of cookie dough and placing them on the baking sheet in front of you, you hear the door open and connie’s comes out the room, he changed into grey sweats and a wife beater he smells the kitchen “damn it’s smells good in here”
you smile and grab the sheet, placing it in the oven and go to the sink to rinse your hands off “we can eat the food is done, i was just making some cookies”
he walks behind you, reaching up grabbing two plates and forks handing them to you, you go over to the pots on the stove and start making his plate..
“you eat alot? you ask and he walks up behind you softly rubbing your lower back “mhm” he hums and you start to put more rice and another piece of chicken and you hand him his plate before making yours..:
you end up on his couch, he puts on a movie and you start to eat.. “you wanna smoke?” he asks and you smile “you stay trynna get me high” he laughs and shakes his head before reaching on his coffee table, grabbing a box and starting to roll up, he sparks it and hits it before passing it to you, you pass it back and forth until your both faded and you start eating
connie takes his first bite and groans softly, pointing and nodding at the food “this is so fucking good mama” you smile knowing that it’s good and you take your fist bite “shiiit” you say and you both laugh high asf..
you talk and eat for the rest of the evening, you open up about yourselves, telling each other things about your insecurities, your outlook on life.. who you want to be as people, and that draws you closer, you both begin to understand that your just people that want love, and company and support.. and that connects with both of you, both of you falling deeper and deeper and not even realizing it..
you and connie cuddle, both wrapped around each other eating the warm cookies fresh out the oven, the high still hitting, you feel his hand softly rub small circles on your hips, and you feel butterflies erupt in your belly, and heat slowly trickling down..you softly adjust yourself, and connie notices looking down, he softly smiles and against his better judgement he slides his palm down, softly rubbing your lower belly, his pinkie lightly grazing under the waistband on your sweats and you softly bite your lip..
you reach back softly, and rub his hand on your belly, softly rubbing it, connie softly presses a kiss to your cheek, slowly moving down to your neck, nipping and sucking softly, your eyes lower and you shudder, you softly turn around, sitting up and connie follows,
you slowly climb on his lap, and his hands immediately finds your waist, you both hold eye contact only breaking it it look at each others lips,he leans in looking up at you for consent, you softly nod and he captures your lips in a kiss, you kiss him back the kiss is slow and sensual, as if your both making a map, slowly figuring each other out.. his tongue grazes your lower lip and you open your mouth , you tongues now dancing around each other, you slowly roll your hips into his his, and that sends a sharp shiver down your spine.. you almost gasp at it..
he hands slides up your chest and up to your neck, grabbing it and squeezing it, pulling you closer, the pace of the kiss becoming faster, more passionate..he softly pulls back softly biting your lip before kissing you again.. you wrap your arms around his neck, your nails grazing against the nape of his neck, causing him to shudder and his bulge under you twitching, this slightly intimidates you.. your a virgin and all of this is new to you.. your just going with the flow.. but damn does it feel good.. it feels better than any words you’ve ever read when reading your silly little romance novels.. even better than when you touch yourself late at night..
you slowly pull away, a string of saliva connecting you both, not wanting you to separate, his eyes are low and filled with lust.. he leans back and groans softly rubbing your ass “you gonna drive me crazy mama” your face heats and you smile “yeah?” you whisper sweetly while you softly rub his chest..
he watches you, and you lean in, laying your head on his chest, he softly rubs your back.. this combined with the weed and food, starts making you sleepy, your eyes begin to lower and connie notices..
“you can sleep baby, i’ll drop you off later” you sleepily nod and you feel connie pull a blanket over you and press a kiss to your forehead.. and you drift off to sleep, feeling safe and warm..
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yalll! did you miss me?? hehehe i don’t think you guys understand the bull i just went through!!! tumblr dead deleted half my draft! i’m officially traumatized guys! i see why you guys write in word or like google docs or sumn! but i just wanted to say thank you for over 1000 notes on soft thug 1!! like ermmm i did NOT expect that thank you so much guys!! ily 🩷
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Lesson 1: "White Man Painted Black"?
Okay, I recognize that this is a strong foot to step off on! But! If you learn nothing else from this series, if you decide for whatever reason to forsake me: this is the ONE perspective I'd like you to take away!
You may have heard this quote before, when Black fans deride a character design as 'a white man with the brown bucket tool'. On its face, it means exactly what was said. But specifically, what it means is that we recognize that whomever designed the character drew the way they normally draw for a 'default' character in their mind- default usually meaning White/Eurocentric features- and they added a shade of brown within the line art to make that character now 'Black'.
Now if you're feeling defensive, wait just a moment! This discomfort is not inherently a bad thing!
I'm going to use both a 'real world' example first, to show you what your Black fans and peers are seeing, and perhaps you will also understand our discomfort!
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(if anyone was curious, my folder for this lesson is titled 'brad' lmao and you'll see why)
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(I'll have y'all know that I actually worked very hard to make Blackface Brad look mildly presentable lmao I'm sorry, I'm wheezing, I can hardly breathe looking at him 🤣)
You see how, despite knowing where this was going, and using one of the darkest shades of brown in my Skin Tones arsenal, you still know that that's Brad Pitt? That nothing about his hair texture, his lips, his nose, or really anything other than the palette change... changed? And you can still see that?
It's incredibly hurtful to be told that that's supposed to be you. You know it's not, you know why it's not, but rather than hearing how it makes you feel unseen and what they could do to be better (since they wanted to draw a Black character!), the artist lashes out at you.
And as an artist, you might have worked VERY HARD to do this! That might be a real handsome guy you drew!! But... is he really Black? Did you walk into it with the intention, that you were drawing a Black Character, or did you draw a character that just happened to be Black? It seems like a silly thing, but it matters!
Okay. I just finished laughing over Brad. Now let's get into some more perspective changes:
Now, imagine you drew a character. You want to make her Black, so you change the hair and skin colors. All right! You have your Black character... right?
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Changed ONE feature about her? (You should obviously change more than one feature, but let's just go with the simplified example.)
What if, instead of just changing her palette, we changed her:
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There isn't nearly enough time in the world, let alone in this little scribble and blurb, for me to describe the IMPORTANCE of Black hair in Black character design. There are so many ways to do curls, afros, braids, twists, locs, SO MANY HAIRSTYLES!! Get used to searching in the 3C-4C hair textures!!!! I plan on doing an entire lesson or two on hair alone, but suffice it to say, Hair Texture is thee BIGGEST giveaway that you 'painted a white person Black'- from cartoon styles to realistic! It reveals itself in your writing as well- just based on how your character takes care of their hair, how your describe the texture, how other people might perceive it... it lets me know just how much research was done. Because we can have straight hair! But again, that's a conversation for a whole 'nother lesson so- come back later 👀?
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I love our lips, I really do. There's a long history of shaming Black women in particular for the way our lips look. So when I see them done in all their glory, it makes me very happy. Two-toned lips vary in shade and intensity, so make sure you're using references if you want to be 'realistic', but it doesn't have to be that hard. Even a little subtle shift like this in the design/story description lets me know that a creator was thinking about me.
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One thing I've noticed ever since I starting drawing is that... people in a lot of mangas/manhwas barely have noses! I admit, out of all the features on the face, the nose isn't the most important. I think they should be, especially when you want to emphasize that your characters look different! People have different types of noses! I especially want to gear this towards those with a goal of drawing realistic portraits and the like- there, the nose is ANOTHER dead giveaway. There are Black people with aquiline and straight noses- we aren't a monolith- but is that why you drew it? Consider why you went for that nose specifically. That's part of the intent, in all this!
Now, you might be looking at me and going "Ice... this is just character design". To which my answer is: Yes! It is! It feels so basic, and yet if you ask your Black friends/peers how often they've come across this feeling of not being properly drawn/written, from fanart to professionally produced works, it's unfortunately common despite how simple of a concept it is.
I hope that you can walk away from my first lil lesson with new eyes. Remember, it's the thought that counts, but the action that delivers!
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paisholotus · 6 months
Black women expressing themselves. ART!
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nysrage · 6 months
okay walk wit me sis.. 😌
make it fit connie.. or like fake sympathy condescending connie while y’all fucking.. FUCK I LOVE THAT SHIT.. 😩
ouu girl i’m walking! lemme see if i can get it to slight jog tho!
connie wasn’t oblivious to the fact he had a big ass dick. no, not at all. he’d spent most of his late high school and early college years figuring out where’d he’d fit on the inch chain as he liked to call it. most girls not being able to handle it or wouldn’t even attempt to tame it once they saw the monster that lay behind his sweats. many of his friends making fun of him that he didn’t get pussy but in reality, no one was bold enough to take it for him. not until he got his hands on you.
the girl at his university know for her unique street art. from the city and a splitting image of a bratz doll, who was never scared of a challenge felt she was ready to tame everything in life even her above averaged boyfriend.
that is until she found herself atop of him, positioned in reverse cowgirl to give her a man a view he’d never forget. thighs burning from riding dick splitting her open as she sank down a few inches onto him. “f-fuck i can’ttt .” finding herself scurrying back up to the tip, running the longtime lovin’ he was giving you. “thought you wanted it mamí? let papí give it to you.” connie teased, long thick dick hitting every stop imaginable inside of you. “s’too much!” you whined.
“too much..?” connie chuckled, grabbing ahold of your hips and taking a good look your tight two toned pussy wrapped around him. slick dribbling down his dick as you started to fill that emptiness inside you. “nah i think my good girl can take a lil more..” sinking deeper into that clamping hole of yours, moaning at the pressure of him slowly filling you up and sitting you down on his dick. “shittt.” relaxing your body as your walls loosening with warm slick and pulsing as you adjusted to his size. slowly molding to his curvature, filling you deliciously. connie knew it just took a lil work for you to get where you needed to be. “mhm, keep opening that pussy f’me, you right there mamí.”
giving you a final deep thrust that left your soft ass flush against his pelvis, leaving stomach full and mind in sex crazed haze. “fuck this pussy s’good.” groaning as he bounced you up and down his dick, removing his hands once he felt he set a steady pace for you. Inching your hips and down slowly trying your best to take every single inch. Connie landing a rough slap to your ass that left your body jolting from the stinging pleasure. “go down on it princesa, don’t be lazy.”
“thought you said you could take it.”
ass ripppling like waves as he met your hips and fucked himself up into you focused on that pretty pussy sucking every inch of him deeper than he’s ever felt before. nails digging at his thighs for dear life as your body bounced above his, “your so fucking deep” whine barely audible above the loud gushing of your pussy let him know that it’d take every inch happily. “s’ too muchhh! con—” fucking you down on him harder as he reached the spongey spot within that always started the waterworks. “awe that’s all you can take mamí..?” voice rough and full of feigned sympathy as he held up your ass mid air and fucked up into you hard, taking his pounding like a champ and meeting his rough thrusts. A smile creeping on connie’s face once you start riding out the literal high your body was about to reach.
“and you whining it too much, pussy the perfect fit for papí.”
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nova2kss · 8 days
No chill
Plug!Connie x black reader
Ever since you and Connie first had sex, he’s had NO chill.Connie didn’t necessarily do anything for you to block him, he only gave you the best dick and aftercare of your life and damn near had you in love with him.
That’s why he absolutely HAD to be blocked otherwise you would’ve probably be impregnated with his seed right now! Per your request.
You knew Connie had been trying to get in contact with you from the various text now numbers that have swarmed your phone since the morning he woke up expecting to see you on his bed side, only for him to wake up to you long gone with no way of contacting you.
His first instinct that morning was to text your mutual friend Sasha and figure out what the fuck was going on, there was absolutely no way in hell you were about to give him some heavenly pussy and then block him on everything including TikTok.
Connie had to find a way to see you and if you weren’t going to face him like the grown woman you claim you are he would have to come up with a way to make you see him.
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You sprayed your face with the urban decay all nighter setting spray, the night you were about to have with your friends Sasha and Mikasa you needed your makeup on all damn night!
Just finished flat ironing that all black 30 inch buss down, applying gloss, and blinking the FUCK out your mink eyelashes, you felt unstoppable right now.
The outfit you wore was basic, but the face made up for it, besides according to Sasha she was just throwing a small kickback with a few familiar friends EXCLUDING Connie.
You had to make sure the excluding Connie was very much mentioned when she pitched the idea, and she promised you that he wouldn’t be there even tho she had no idea why you don’t want him around you anyway.
You couldn’t tell her cause it would be far to embarrassing to say “I can’t be around him because the dick is toooo good and I’m gonna become an obsessed dickmatized slut if I keep talking to him”
Not that it was any of their business anyway.
As you were getting lost in your thoughts you got a text from your group chat
“Y/nnnnn we’re outsideeee”
Getting up so excitedly after not being out the house for so long, it felt nice to finally get out the house and even it was for just for a few moments.
Walking out of your apartment doors you spot Sasha’s blacked out kia k5, sash in the passenger since Mika didn’t drink she would’ve been the designated driver.
Hopping in the car happy as fuck! To see your girls after a long time, when you got in reaching up to the front to give them hugs you noticed the opened Don Julio and Hennessy bottles sitting under Sasha feet.
“Damn bitch you started without me?”laughing as she was already bending down to pass you one of the bottles
“I’m sorry pookie I couldn’t wait, you know I wasn’t gone leave you hanging tho” sash responded laughing obviously tipsy
Taking your sip twisting your face as the burning sensation hit the back of your throat, it was never a feeling you could get used to.
The effects you loved tho.
Mikasa driving while west district by party next door played had you zoned out and before you knew it you were outside of Sasha’s big ass house
Multiple cars parked around the block, and at this point you were confused cause it was supposed to be a small kick back??
“Umm Sasha this is a big ass party” you could literally even see people splashing around in the pool.
“It was supposed to fucking be” she said visibly upset
She seemed to have sobered up seeing all these people here, it was evident that she didn’t know all these people were gonna be here.
She immediately got up and stormed inside looking to see where would yall friend group be since somebody in there had to be the culprit that told one to many mofucking people, and of course you and Mika stormed right behind her cause who was running they mouth like that.
as soon as y’all spotted yall group you all stormed over there
Until you spotted a familiar face that had you stopping in your tracks.
Upon Sasha running up to the corner the resided in heads turned toward her, seeing Sasha Connie instantly turned his head past her looking for you.
And he seen you, frozen and confused, his eyes seemed to have darken looking at you, and you didn’t know what thoughts ran through his head you just know they weren’t good ones.
Slipping past an upset Sasha making his way towards you his brown eyes locked on yours.
You don’t know why you didn’t move, walk away, or just leave.
Part of you wanted to see him yes possibly for an apology maybe but the other part really didn’t, I mean there was a reason you blocked him right?
His hand touched yours bringing you out of your thoughts, you weren’t scared just confused because why is he not mad at you?
“Hi..?” The tone of confusion is very evident on your voice
Connie didn’t respond with words, instead he quickly wrapped his hand around your neck bringing you face to face.
“Why’d you block me y/n”
You were to stunned and turned on to speak, his grip tightened around your neck making you whimper and close your eyes
“You don’t wanna speak baby? Mhm k” he let go of your neck and grabbed your hand leading you to the steps of the home
The butterflies in your stomach were going crazy as You could only imagine what he was about to do to you.
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“Mmph mmphhhhh”
The squelching as Connie fucking your throat was absolutely disgusting.
His hands resided on the sides of your face roughly thrusting into your mouth as you sat in front of him on your knees, spit dripping down his shaft and down your chin.
“Ouuu fuck ma” Connie hisses
“You don’t wanna tell me why? Ima just have to fuck it out of you baby”
He gripped your hair, pulling you away from his dick, gasping for air as you came up.
With one hand on your hair and the other resting below your chin he looked down at you
“Open your mouth” complying with no further complaints Connie spat directly on to your tongue not letting you swallow before sticking his fingers down your mouth.
Pushing you backward onto the bed he sat on his knees, grabbing your thighs before licking a long stripe up to your clit.
The moan you let out was audible, your skirt still on thong to the side as Connie constantly lapped up on your juices.
The fingers that were previously in your mouth began to rub ferociously at your clit while he tongue fucked you.
You Tried to push his head away, an unsuccessful attempt to get away from the brutal pleasure you were receiving
It was all to much
“Co-con pleaseee, oh myyy FUCKKK”
The orgasm washed over you quicker than you anticipated it to.
Your juices rushing out against his face as he desperately tried to suck up every last drop, while rubbing against your clit with his four fingers.
It was all to much and you felt like you seriously couldn’t take it, not when even after you squirted all on his face he still was licking your soaked slit.
“Mmphhh”, his long arms wrapped around your thighs as you tried to run as he kept his face nuzzled into your pussy.
“Stop trynna run from me mama” his arms had your legs on lock you couldn’t move
“He gave your sensitive bud one last lick before he came up gripping your neck pulling you in for the sloppiest kiss.
“Vas a decirme por qué me bloqueaste, incluso si tengo que joderte, bebé”
You had no idea what he just said, but to be honest you don’t really care with the way he had your ankles resting on his shoulders, just watching him stroke his thick veiny shaft.
His reddened tip had pre cum leaking out of it
He took his thumb and wiped some of it sticking his thumb in your mouth making you moan at the salty taste
“You so wet for me mama” he moaned sliding his tip up your slit
The gasp you both let out as he slipped inside of you was universal
He laid his head by yours as you wrapped your legs and arms around
Moaning at the feeling of his thick cock stretching out your warm walls
The feeling was so so good it had you moaning at the thought of just getting fucked by him.
“Connie m-move please baby”
He followed your command slowly pushing more in groaning slightly
“You want me to fuck you baby?”
“Mhm hmmm” you answered so quickly shaking your head
“No y/n I told you this last time” he said grabbing your chin lightly slapping your face “do you want me to fuck you?” The whine you let out was so desperate.
He was so sexy being this dominant
“Yes Connie please fuck me”
His thrust sped up immediately
Your neck was his hands resting place as he fucked into you
You felt so good right now his moans in sync with yours
In fact everything was in sync
The rhythm of everything matched together perfect like a puzzle piece
His hot heavy breathing in your air had you feral
“Oh my fu… Connie you’re so deeppp”
You swear you felt him in your brainnnnn, this is why you couldn’t keep talking to this man he was hitting it so right.
“Where you feel me at baby”
You couldn’t respond, not with the way he was fucking on you
“Y/n talk to me” he wanted you to speak cause he had a lot of things to question you about.
“Con I can’t” you cried out, eyes shut legs shaking, and your orgasm nearing
“Oh yes you can mama, if You can tell me you can’t you can tell me where you feel this dick y/n”
You moaned, he was talking to you so nasty and you loved it
“I feel it baby” you whined in response
“right here” your hand lightly rested on the bottom of your stomach
His hand reach down pressing onto your lower abdomen making your mouth form an O shape
“Oh shit connieee fuck”
“Mhmm I know mami, I know”
The pressure, combined with his slow sloppy strokes had you about to come.
“Connie I’m gonna cum, oh fuck I’m gonna cum”
The words were rushing out of your mouth quicker than you can think.
“Cum for me baby, cum on this dick baby”
And that you did with a long drawn out moan you were squirting and creaming all over his throbbing dick.
“Oh fuck ma” his thrust were slowing down trying not to nut with you
“Intentas volverme loco en este coño y dejarte embarazada, ¿eh?”
He pulled out slowly rubbing against your slit
“Turn around and get on all fours”
“Connie.” You puffed out of breath
“Nah turn around, you still gotta tell me why you blocked me mama.”
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AHHHH I need him so bad
Did y’all like it? And as always not proof read
The first ep of influencer island is coming….once I start writing it 🙂‍↕️
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