#leto fischer
daxieoclock · 1 year
Hunters Masterpost 2: First Dungeon
(Refer to this post for a summary of the protagonists.)
This will be a summary of all major plot events during the Hunters campaign during the first dungeon: hunting the Celestial Behemoth.
The first few months of sessions had a lot of growing pains, including multiple player characters retconned out of "canon" so I'll be summarizing events with those retcons in mind. Without any further ado...
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Chapter 1: Icarus
Our curtain rises on a quiet Friday in January at Belknap College. It's modern day (minus covid), inner state New York, and we find ourselves in the office of Belknap's dean of humanities: Erin Sakio. She's not here. She triple-booked herself with three students at the same time and didn't show up. In the meantime, those students make small talk and introduce themselves.
Blake Leto, silver tongued young celebrity, famous for being falsely accused of killing a police officer and currently on tenuous parole.
Lena Tarr, rough-talking rabblerouser with a visable limp and a penchant for lashing out at teachers and counselors alike.
Ilse Belanger, who comfortably blends into a crowd. They might qualify for valedictorian if people remembered their name.
Awkward small talk is interrupted by a parcel dropping from the ceiling onto Miss Sakio's desk. A paper wrapped object and a very living bluebird, apparently a robin. Curioisity wins over shock, and the trio unwraps the package, finding a letter addressed to Sakio and an ornate dark key.
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–ensuring that your standard issue equipment is accounted for, please insert the enclosed Tindalos Key into the nearest corner. You may count yourself lucky to be among our ranks, but please know we consider you and each of your peers to be your own unique blessing. The duty you perform is beyond vital, and your success ensures that your home, your Earth, will survive. The World Must Turn On. Signed, V.P. of the Daedalus Collective.
Blake jokingly calls the bird "Icarus," a name that sticks like glue. Ilse, fiddling with the key, tries to follow the letter's instructions. After touching it to a corner of the room, the key vanishes and the walls peel open, revealing an impossible purple hallway. A gate into another world. Curiosity wins out again, and the trio head inside.
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Blake, Ilse and Lena find themselves in an enormous junkyard underneath a violet sky. While they're taking in the sights, they find themselves face to face with another person, a confused looking Camellia Pavel, college dropout, who was personally delivered their own key and letter and stumbled into this world...about a half hour ago.
While Camellia gratefully chows down on a snack Lena happened to bring, Blake and Ilse take inventory of their surroundings. Blake in particular finds a small purple book, a childhood journal they lost years ago, with everything within still as it once was. As they question that impossibility, the four hear a new voice.
The boy’s impish grin widened into a crocodile smile. “My name is Puck, and this,” he gestured to the junkyard around him, “is the Spiral of Forfeit.” He kicked his heels against the backrest of the chair. “It is where lost things are found, where the abandoned flock, where the discarded may be granted a second chance at life. It is also, as you have correctly identified, my home.”
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Puck warns the four of nearby "scavengers," and suggests they arm themselves before vanishing as abruptly as he appeared. Sure enough, a swarm of monsters appear: floating Jack-o-Lantern creatures made of scrap metal, shrieking accusations of thievery. Our newfound party grabs improvised weapons from the junk around them and begins to fight.
While they hold their own as well as they can, the monsters and their fire magic is too much, and the party falters. Blake, however, stares down at their journal as light erupts from their left wrist. Silver text etching itself across childhood pages, a voice without tongue.
“Fuck it… no more. I hear you.” Eyes opening again to a determined stare. “Artemis!”
An ethereal maiden, eyes closed and expression drenched in serenity, a moonlit beauty, both her long hair and that gorgeous bow in her hands braided with the same five-petal white flowers. She reached up, elegantly pulling an arrow – wood woven into a beautiful spiral with a silver arrowhead – from the quiver on her back and nocking it.
Blake brushed a stray hair out of their face and locked their gaze at Camellia. A little smirk graced their lips, and their focus turned towards the scrambling scrap-metal monsters. “If I’m to be the Killer Prince, I might as well play the part. Come then, my other self.” And they snapped their journal closed, bright light spilling forth from some glowing sigil across their wrist. “Let us hunt.”
Artemis's first attack scatters the Pyro Junks, and rallies Blake's new allies. And, it seems, causes a chain reaction. Three more glowing sigils etch themselves in flesh. Three more names leap to lips. Three more Personas make their appearance.
Lena tenses every muscle in her body, then goes almost totally limp. "Well, I'm sure not gonna let myself get pushed around by these fuckers." When she lifts her head, her grin is manic and hungry. "Goliath!"
And a brand forms there. A stone, broken in half. And the giant stands by your side, this monstrous ethereal brute, clad in engorged armor. On his shoulder, a knight, sitting as if to direct the violence. Goliath laughs again, and you can all hear the war drums in his voice.
Ilse looks up to from where they hear the voice. Their call is more of a whisper. "Clotho"
And the string is pulled taught. You know where it leads. There is pain, sharp and intense, and it fades in an instant. A brand resembling a pair of scissors, a few inches below your throat. And a newfound strength in your lungs.
Running would be so easy… wouldn't it? … No. They had more pride than that. Camellia clenched the front of their sweater with their free hand and looked to the sky, eyes twinkling as if full of stars. "Hecate."
Everyone, you feel the bells. Echoing in your ears, ringing to and fro. Hecate rears up beside you, a woman's form wrapped in violet dress, but with four canine legs, and three white-fur wolf heads sprouting from her neck. A staff in one hand, a gem at its tip shining with otherworldly energy.
The four new Persona-wielders make quick work of the swarm and head back towards the gate they came through, only to be stopped by a more fearsome beastie: a lumbering Junk Frost.
While the party holds their own, the final blow is not theirs.
"Chorus!" There is a glimmer of light, and a sudden hum. Not a buzzing but a resonance, a dozen voices in harmony. White robed figures, in masks, floating around the Junk Frost. Singing. They raise their hands in unison, and a bolt of light descends from on high. It strikes the top of the Frost's head and pierces it cleanly, smashing into the earth with a loud crash. Those figures, that Chorus, fade. And the Junk Frost just sort of teeters there for a moment before falling back completely.
As the defeated Junk Frost lets off smoke, you can see someone standing behind the felled monster. A figure in the smoke. You can't make them out at first, but then as some nonexistent wind blows away the smoke, and you can see them clearly.
It's a woman, with reddish-brown hair tied into a tight bun. She's wearing something resembling a knight's armor, but it's made of white cloth, light but effective-looking. A cape-like cloth is draped over her right arm. In her left, she carries a rapier, which seems to shimmer in this odd light. And she is staring at you, with blue eyes wide and her jaw hanging open. You know this woman. You know her very well. But you don't quite remember her every having a tattoo – you think you might recall something as audacious as a musical note tattooed on her throat. And you definitely wouldn't have expected to see her here.
And Miss Sakio, dean of humanities, splutters out "what the absolute fuck."
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Chapter 2: The World Turns On
Miss Sakio leads the party back through the gate into her office, her ostentatious outfit vanishing as she steps back into reality, replaced with the simple sharp suit she usually wears. Even though she, Camellia, Blake, Ilse and Lena are all exhausted, the five still field a long conversation, with the party catching Sakio up on what they just went through, and Sakio herself pulling back the curtain on the hidden world they've stumbled into.
The junkyard is the Spiral of Forfeit, one of many areas within a world known as Fractals, a dark mirror of our world. The monsters the party faced are variant species of Shadow, birthed from collective fear and imagination.
Shadows tend to obey even stronger creatures, the Behemoths, which act as deities. Before they're even fully born, a Behemoth's personality and whims shape the area they call home, and Shadows in that area will align themselves with this "aesthetic," as servants to their g-d.
Behemoths are not always malicious, but they have an insatiable hunger. Even the kinder ones will eat until they grow large enough to emerge into our world, shattering the barrier between Fractals and reality, ending the world as we know it.
The Daedalus Collective is an organization that funds teams of Persona users, giving them Tindilos keys to access Fractals and assigning them to scout areas or hunt Behemoths, culling them before they can grow large enough to threaten our world.
Erin Sakio, dean of humanities at Belknap College, moonlights as a Shadow Hunter for Daedalus. She's been assigned to find the currently-unborn Behemoth that rules over the Spiral, and kill it. Her Persona is Chorus (and her Arcana is Temperance).
Personas are powerful weapons born from oaths of self-actualization. If a human in Fractals swears this oath, their true inner self will manifest under that human's control, etching a "Brand" onto their skin as proof of their bond. Each Brand is distinct, and only other Persona users can see them.
Now that the party all has their own Brands, someone from Daedalus will eventually notice and scout them. To get out ahead of it, Sakio (who distrust the organization she works for) asks the party to join Daedalus as her teammates.
After some time to think, the party agrees, and are whisked off the next day to an unmarked white office building a few miles from the college, which they can now see ethereal blue lettering on, marking it as Daedalus's HQ. Miss Sakio takes them inside to meet with Amil Fischer, her assigned "Liaison"...and ex girlfriend.
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Amil used to be Sakio's teammate, but an injury on the job exacerbated his existing physical disability, leaving them reliant on Daedalus's extremely generous employment benefits. Now they act as a Liaison, ferrying orders to various teams of Shadow-Hunters, and reporting their successes and failures to the hidden higher-ups. An anonymous meritocracy is maintained.
Blake, Ilse, Lena and Camellia work through their remaining concerns and agree to work for Daedalus. Blake, impromptu leader, names the team "the Hunters;" and they are given their first mission:
Travel to the spire within the Spiral of Forfeit, climb it and slay the Celestial Behemoth at its peak.
The next few days pass in a blur as the Hunters prepare in their own ways.
Lena meets up with "Twitch" Blum, a classmate and acquaintance with a campus reputation for his public displays of anxiousness and general jumpiness. Him and Lena hit it off pretty well, but it's still an awkward affair.
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Blake has an unexpectedly tense back and forth with their RA, Masumi Saito, well-kept head of the student body and "sharpest motherfucker alive" award four years running. Rumor has it she keeps a gun in her dorm and gets away with it. She also has some manner of history with "Saint Sakio," and treats Blake with cold suspicion for their newfound affiliation. The two exchange veiled barbs and then part ways.
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(Masumi, though an NPC, is the creation of @lilyhoshikawa who also plays Blake, and permitted me to use Masumi for this campaign)
Ilse visits Lena (and Lena's longtime friend and roommate Rita) and the two make clear their mutual distrust of Daedalus's shady bullshit, with Lena in particular suggesting that saving Behemoths might be an option, though neither knows how to go about it yet. When Ilse returns to their room, they ponder over an old damaged angel figurine, a knickknack from their childhood friend Stephen. They remember how alone they felt when they left him. They don't feel quite as alone anymore.
Blake sees a patch of flowers near campus and remembers the field of wild sunflowers next to their home, the one they'd sneak out to when their parents would fight. They wonder if it's still there, like the journal is. Lost. To be found again.
Lena heads to the student store to spend her first paycheck from Daedalus, and gets immediately distracted helping out the two deeply bisexual work-study employees: Bee and Theo. Bee is a neurotic control freak and Theo is a former surfer dude, and the two are fucking inseparable, the best of friends. Lena offers to help them find some stolen store product (initiating a detour sidequest with Ilse I won't cover in full) and fun banter is exchanged.
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Camellia's rent anxieties drive them to stop by Amil, awkwardly asking about bonus opportunities. Maybe even solo work? Amil gently pushes them to stick to working with their team, and promises to advocate for early assignment pay if things go pear-shaped in Fractals. They've got Camellia's back, same as the rest of the Hunters.
Chapter 3: The First Hunt
The Hunters assemble in a small break room in one of Belknap's buildings. Sakio used it when she and Amil were on a team together: the Hound Table. It's a windowless room with a single round table, a bunch of chairs, and a plastic potted plant. Still, pomp and circumstance and legacy. Sakio produces a Tindilos Key (rationed to her by Daedalus), opens the Gate into Fractals, and the party heads inside.
And immediately gets seperated, with Sakio landing at the base of the Spire, while the rest of the Hunters are plopped back in Puck's "living room" for another round of Q&A with the fae boy – and a chance to show off the new Fractals-only combat outfits given to them by Daedalus. After reaffirming that he's on the Hunters' side, Puck magically opens the way forward, giving them a clear shot to the Spiral Spire, home of the Celestial Behemoth, where Sakio meets back up with them.
As they all travel inside, Artemis starts feeding Blake environmental information through text in their journal, her navigational skills making themselves apparent. The Hunters go floor by floor of this tower of junk, fighting a number of minor Shadows, each made of discarded scrap. It takes them a couple days of expedition, using an in-built dumbwaiter as shortcut, and taking multiple days of break in between to not burn out.
During one of these breaks, Camellia asks Sakio to come with them on what they present as an impromptu walk in one of Belknap's graveyards. Camellia spends the whole walk cracking wise, to the point where Sakio clearly starts to suspect they're forcing it, when they reach a particularly well maintained grave. "Frey," with the last name carefully scratched out so no trace of it remains.
Camellia's mask slips as they place a metal flower on the grave. This was a friend of theirs. This was their best friend. Sakio silently takes that in, and reaches into her pocket to pull out a small scuffed metal pin with an etching of a rose on it. She places it down on Frey's grave and thanks them for the chance to meet.
Meanwhile, Lena delivers a handmade flowerpot to Amil, Ilse and Twitch visit a nearby museum together, and Blake visits their favorite place: a cat cafe named Le Petit Prince with the very old and very friendly calico Herbert.
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Finally, the Hunters return to Fractals and storm through the remaining floors of the Spire. However, on their way back, they end up running into a classmate fighting for their life against a powerful Shadow. They recognize them: Sammy Cabra, college freshman and general Silly Fellow (gender neutral). Sammy found the blue robin Icarus in reality and was guided to and through the gate, where they found themselves in Fractals and awakened to their persona: Neko Shogun The Hunters help rescue Sammy, and after a quick debate, agree to have them become part of the team. Sakio takes Sammy to get registered with Daedalus, and the rest of the Hunters crash, resting up for the Behemoth fight.
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Chapter 4: Red Bloom
After a few days of rest, recuperation and bond-building with their new teammate, the Hunters return to Fractals. Sakio, Blake, Ilse, Lena, Camellia and Sammy use the dumbwaiter to ascend the Spire, stepping out into the tenth floor vestibule, beyond which the birthing Behemoth waits in his chamber.
There is someone in their way. Someone who radiates fury and strength. Someone who may not be exactly human.
The moment she sees the woman, Sakio lets out a sound like she's been stabbed, eyes wide and fearful. She stands motionless at the top of the stairs, frozen. Almost shaking.
The woman gazes to the side, through those cracks in the metal of the tower walls. Has the breeze picked up? Or had it always been nearly howling, quiet, like the distant sound of snarling wolves. "My father called me his little primrose, once. I would say that's the best of the names he called me." If her tone was calm before, this is anger. Fire boiling beneath every word. "But flowery language doesn't suit this place. Ugly, and garish." She looks back at you, almost through you, like you're made of paper. "You may refer to me as Prim. Or, if you like, you need not refer to me at all."
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[Full dialogue for this scene is available here for those interested.]
Prim verbally dresses down the Hunters one by one, making clear she doesn't want to stop them from killing the Behemoth. She just wants to see if they're worthy of Puck's attention, of being his crusaders. This is a test. And every word is a failure.
Sakio, furthermore, clearly has a history with this woman, a history that fills her with dread. She doesn't take a step.
But Blake does.
They tuck their book under one arm, right hand reaching over and gripping their left wrist tightly. “To answer your question. I do intend to take full responsibility for my teammates here. And if you’re intent on interfering, I ask that you…” they flinch, muttering a curse under their breath. “I ask that you go through me first.”
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While Prim isn't phased by this display, Blake's courage does soften her approach somewhat, giving the remaining Hunters a chance to freely advocate for their worth. When Lena openly mocks Prim's sharpness, Prim lists off three names: Vladamir, Amelie, Roland. Three of Daedalus's that she's killed. Three of Daedalus's that Sakio watched her kill.
When she turns her attention to Camellia, Prim finds an odd ethereal resistance, like the air itself wants her to leave them alone.
"How curious. And here I thought he didn’t pick favorites.”
After one last bout of open disdain, Prim manifests a shadowy flicker, like a Persona bathed in dark, and uses it to punch a hole in the vestibule wall, vanishing through it.
The Hunters explode in argument, all ire turned towards Sakio and her festering secrets, but she pleads with them to wait. She'll answer their questions, she promises, but they need to kill the Behemoth still. Begrudgingly, the party makes their way into the room beyond the vestibule and prepare for battle.
The world uncurls. Almost as if it's resisting the motion, pulling back into a form by strength of will alone. You finally see the thing before you, the so-called Celestial Behemoth, in all its horrid glory. His skin is grey and stretched, like a bodysuit pulled too tight, and it's covered in green lines and odd indentations like inconsistent scales. His hands are outstretched, fingers long as his palm. And his wide mouth is full of sharp teeth, and a long black tongue that lolls out the side. Bulging eyes spinning in a reptilian skull. Those eyes focus. First up, towards the sky. Then down, towards you. And he screams. A roar that could spit the heavens.
Blake, your journal snaps open. Shuddering with fear and hunger, Artemis writing not in silver but in crimson ink as dark as blood.
The Celestial Behemoth Star Arcana J A B B E R W O C K
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[Full fight and extra art is available here for those interested]
The Jabberwock is a more powerful opponent than any they've faced before, protected by a divine veil and habitually charging up devastating attacks behind an anti-magic barrier. The Hunters are caught off-guard by one of these attacks, explosions rocking the room. Camellia uses their last Salvation to protect Ilse. But Sammy, just out of their reach, is knocked unconscious.
Sakio, in a panicked rush, crushes a golden bead – a late-game revival item – and sprinkles the dust over Sammy, who gasps back to lucidity. Still injured, but conscious again. When the Hunters recover from the shock of seeing their teammate collapse, they turn back to the Jabberwock with vengeance in their eyes and hearts. Sakio stops holding back, and empowers her students with an enhanced version of her Rebel Will skill.
The Counterstrike begins.
The Hunters unload damage on the Jabberwock, bringing it to its knees for Sakio to deliver the coup de gras, sending the reptilian Celestial through the floor of the arena, crashing down through layer after layer of its Spire. It does not rise again.
Part 1 Epilogue: Red Wilt
The Hunters return to the Hound Table, spent beyond belief. Once again, they turn to Sakio, waiting for her. The truth, as promised.
"After I left my first BaSH team – after Amil was injured – I joined a Daedalus operation requiring a large number of Persona-users, to slay multiple Behemoths which had cohabitated together and grown as one." She purses her lips. "The Director oversaw that operation firsthand. And, once it had been completed, that was when she struck." Her tone tense, eyes distant. "She injured multiple Daedalus operatives in a mad gambit to murder the Director. Two of the Director's personal aids were..." Sakio trails off. "From the reports afterwards, all I was told is she is likely some manner of rogue Persona-user who has decided to ally herself with the Behemoths, for whatever reason." And she looks at Blake. "That is all I know."
It's not the full truth. But it's not a lie either. The party leaves, exhausted, frustrated. Victorious and unsatisfied.
Blake, Lena, Ilse, Camellia and Sammy wake to the sound of a robin's song and the corner of their rooms peeling open. A gate not violet, but a steady velvet blue. Through it, they find themselves back in Fractals, in Puck's junkyard abode. The Spire collapsed, but the Spiral remains.
Puck greets the party warmly, congratulating them both on slaying their first Behemoth and being lucky enough to be visited by Prim – a joy he hasn't shared for months now. The two clearly have history, but Prim has resigned herself to solitude, and her visits have become more and more frequent. And, he won't tell the party what her "deal" is. Secrets better kept than confessed.
However, he does expand the limits of his services. Through his permission, the Hunters (Sakio excluded) may freely travel into Fractals to visit him without the use of a Tindilos key. He'll also keep a stock of valuable items, purchasable with simple and generous barter (a little snack here or there). And...should they wish to speak Prim again for whatever reason (Lena and Blake seem especially interested)...he'll find a way to let them.
The curtain closes on a little fae boy's impish smile, and the distant grumbling of a red-eyed murderer.
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TV: Rickie Vasquez
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“My So-Called Life“ (1994-1995) es de esas series que han dejado huella aunque nunca haya pasado de la primera temporada. Es, más aún, de esos programas que han merecido que fans y críticos atacasen a las esferas más altas de un canal televisivo por no haberle dado otra oportunidad a una joya que casi pasa al olvido, caso reiterado en otras maravillas televisivas como “Freeks and Geeks” (1999-2000, una temporada) o “Anne With An E” (2017-2019, tres temporadas), por citar sólo dos ejemplos cuyo destino interrumpido ha dejado un mal sabor de boca a los fans.
Gran exponente de la adolescencia noventosa (mención de honor para su creadora, Winnie Holzman), la historia se enfoca en la joven protagonista Angela Chase (Claire Danes), que nos pone al tanto de sus experiencias familiares, sociales, escolares y, desde luego, románticas. Así conocemos a su mejor amiga Rayanne Graff (A. J. Langer), a su vecino y compañero Brian Krakow (Devon Gummersall), a Jordan Catalano, el chico rebelde que le gusta (nada raro, considerando que lo encarna el ganador del Oscar Jared Leto) y, claro está, el inolvidable Enrique “Rickie” Vasquez (Wilson Cruz), considerado el primer adolescente abiertamente gay en una serie de primetime.
Al principio, sólo parece el “amigo afeminado” de la protagonista, pero a partir del tercer episodio, en el que se toca el tema de las armas en las escuelas, su personaje se vuelve más complejo y su historia comienza lentamente a tomar mayor importancia, aunque sin abandonar demasiado ese rol secundario. Por caso, en el undécimo episodio, narrado por Brian, Rickie se enamora de un chico nuevo, de nombre Corey Halfrick (Adam Biesk), atento a su intuición que le advierte de que puede ser gay debido a sus coloridas zapatillas y a su estilo tan peculiar como el suyo. Más que enamoramiento, su fascinación puede deberse a la posibilidad de compartir su experiencia con otro chico gay.
Sin embargo, su historia tendrá mayor relevancia a partir del episodio navideño llamado “So Called Angels”, en donde Rickie aparece muy golpeado y huyendo de su hogar, que compartía con sus tíos. Si uno conoce al personaje, ya se imaginará lo que en realidad le sucedió (aunque no se explicita mucho en el capítulo), pero allí es un alma perdida, vagando por las calles en el crudo invierno y “protegido” por una misteriosa y angelical figura, encarnada por la cantante Juliana Hatfield. El propósito del episodio es reflejar la realidad de los chicos que han sido perdidos o abandonados por sus familias y, al final del episodio, se publica un número telefónico para llamar a la acción del público.
Posteriormente al final feliz del capítulo, el siguiente lo encuentra siendo recuperado y protegido por los Chase, pero esta tranquilidad dura poco, ya que decide volver a escaparse tras escuchar una preocupada conversación entre los dueños de casa. Simula estar bien y asegura tener un hogar adónde ir, pero la fachada de seguridad es descubierta por su profesor de Lengua, Richard Katimski (Jeff Perry), que le encuentra un lugar donde chicos como él pueden cobijarse. Rickie vuelve a escaparse... para llegar a la casa de su profesor, que vive con su pareja, que es otro hombre, adonde vive de forma temporal. El cierre de la temporada, que es el de la serie, lo muestra junto a Delia Fischer (Senta Moses), la chica que se ha enamorado de él, confirmándole que es homosexual, pero que, en caso de no serlo, sin duda la elegiría a ella como pareja.
Un personaje esencial en una serie imprescindible cuyo eco resuena desde entonces, como ejemplo cabal de los sinsabores de la adolescencia LGBTQ y ha servido para ofrecer visibilidad y esperanza, incluso, para el propio Cruz, como lo recalca en esta nota:
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lionmom-svenomverse · 4 years
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New refs for the Porco/Pieck/Yelena (Yelepokopiku) family! More info on each under the cut!
⦿Porco Galliard: Younger brother of Marcel Galliard. Husband of Pieck Fischer and Yelena Chayka. Father of Marilyn Galliard (bio), Denzel Galliard (bio), Leto Fischer (bio) and Zarya Chayka. Marleyan Officer. Co-holder of the Jaw Titan. Member of the Council of Shifters. Representative of King Willy. Has ADHD and autism. Trans Male (He/him), Bi
⦿Pieck Fischer: Wife of Porco Galliard and Yelena Chayka. Mother of Marilyn Galliard, Denzel Galliard (bio), Leto Fischer (bio) and Zarya Chayka (bio). Marleyan Officer. Holder of the Cart Titan. Member of the Council of Shifters. Representative of King Willy. Has ADHD, autism and chronic fatigue syndrome. Apagender (She/her), Bi 
⦿Yelena Chayka: Wife of Porco Galliard and Pieck Fischer. Mother of Marilyn Galliard (bio), Denzel Galliard, Leto Fischer and Zarya Chayka (bio). Marleyan Officer. Advisor for Marleyan Warchief King Consort Ezekiel "Zeke" Jaeger. Intersex/Agender (She/her mainly), Queer
⦿Marilyn Galliard: Daughter of Porco Galliard and Zarya Chayka, stepdaughter of Pieck Fischer. Older half-sister of Denzel Galliard, Leto Fischer and Zarya Chayka. Airship Engineer. Guard of the Marleyean Royal Family. Has ADHD. Holder of the Shark Titan. 39 y/o. Demigirl (She/her, They/them), Pan. Voice Claim: Amanda Miller (Sully). Dating Bernadette Caven
⦿Denzel Galliard: Son of Porco Galliard and Pieck Fischer, stepson of Zarya Chayka. Younger half-brother of Marilyn Galliard, older brother of Leto Fischer, older half-brother of Zarya Chayka. Marleyan Officer. Baseball Player. Has ADHD. Holder of the Tarantula Titan. 35 y/o. Trans Male (He/him), Bi. Voice Claim: Gerry Rosenthal (Jimmy Hopkins). Dating Prince Demetrius Reiss
⦿Leto Fischer: Child of Porco Galliard and Pieck Fischer, stepchild of Zarya Chayka. Younger half-sibling of Marilyn Galliard, younger sibling of Denzel Galliard, older half-sibling of Zarya Chayka. Marleyan Officer. Baseball Player. Has autism. Holder of the Weasel Titan. 29 y/o. Genderfluid (They/them mainly), Queer. Voice Claim: Vella Lovell (Mermista). Ex-partner/rivals-with-benefits of Kasmira Smith
⦿Zarya Chayka: Daughter of Yelena Chayka and Pieck Fischer, stepdaughter of Porco Galliard. Younger half-sister of Marilyn Galliard, Denzel Galliard and Leto Fischer. Marleyan Officer. Airship Pilot. Horse Trainer. Holder of the Ram Titan. 27 y/o. Cis Female (She/her), Aro/Bi. Voice Claim: Rachel Bloom (Autumn Blaze)
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
Star, May 18
Cover: Richard Gere finally tells all 
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Page 1: Letting his heart run away with him Ben Affleck gives new love Ana de Armas a $200K ruby engagement ring 
Page 2: Contents, Cindy Crawford 
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Page 3: Colton Underwood walks his new dog Zooka, Amy Schumer and husband Chris Fischer on their new Food Network series Amy Schumer Learns to Cook, Jessica Alba on her 39th birthday, Carrie Underwood after a workout 
Page 4: In a new interview Katie Couric gives a peek at what she’ll unveil in her much-anticipated memoir 
Page 5: Rihanna’s toned down her raucous party-girl lifestyle but she can still crank up the volume according to her grousing L.A. neighbors, Felicity Huffman got busted for paying $15,000 to boost daughter Sophia’s SAT scores to help her get into a top college but it all proved for naught when Sophia proudly announced on Instagram that she’d been accepted into Pittsburgh’s prestigious Carnegie Mellon University this fall, a week after Michael Buble was accused by fans of rough horseplay with his wife Luisana Lopilato elbowing her and grabbing her arm as she talked over him during a livestream the two presented a united front in a workout clip 
Page 6: It was supposed to be a boom year for Chip and Joanna Gaines but 2020 is shaping up to be a bust because they were set to debut their new Magnolia Network in October but it’s been forced to halt the launch due to the economic downturn, despite rumors of battles over creative control behind the scenes of Big Little Lies last year there’s talk there might be another season and Zoe Kravitz is really pushing for it, Star Spots the Stars -- Adam Sandler, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Sharon Stone, January Jones, Billy Porter 
Page 8: Star Shots -- Heidi Pratt working out, Maren Morris and baby Hayes, Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott took a pig and their youngest kid Beau for a walk 
Page 9: Nicky Hilton Rothschild, Adam Sandler on a bike 
Page 10: Miranda Lambert making vegetable soup, Reese Witherspoon and dog Lou, Mariah Carey 
Page 12: Gisele Bunchen and her kids Vivian and Benjamin, Kylie Jenner, Hailee Steinfeld and dog Martini 
Page 13: Kevin Hart in the pool with kids Heaven and Kenzo and Hendrix, Joe Keery and his dog 
Page 14: George Clooney in his car, Drew Barrymore on her laptop
Page 15: Ryan Phillippe goes for a jog, Elizabeth Hurley, Kym and Robert Herjavec celebrated the 2nd birthday of their twins Haven and Hudson 
Page 16: Ian McKellen stepped outside his front door in London to join the weekly clap for caregivers dealing with the coronavirus crisis, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and daughter Jasmine, Kristin Chenoweth reading 
Page 17: Hilary Duff
Page 18: Shay Mitchell and daughter Atlas, Rita Ora, Mindy Kaling 
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Page 19: Scott Disick on his dirt bike, Jason Statham with son Jack on his shoulders 
Page 20: Normal or Not? Katy Perry dresses up as hand sanitizer -- not normal, Heidi Klum and husband Tom Kaulitz and his twin brother Bill Kaulitz show off their food babies -- normal
Page 21: Andy Cohen without pants for the virtual RHOA reunion taping -- not normal, Chelsea Handler showed how to turn a bra into a mask -- normal, Jared Leto hugs a tree while walking his dog -- not normal 
Page 22: Fashion -- black Chanel -- Margaret Qualley, Margot Robbie, Maggie Rogers 
Page 23: Penelope Cruz, Saoirse Ronan 
Page 26: Kanye West and Kim Kardashian leading separate lives -- as the couple approach their sixth wedding anniversary the cracks in their long-distance marriage are resurfacing 
Page 27: The change in plans for Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez’s Italian wedding will cost them around $1 million but they’re using the delay to create an even more lavish celebration, Britney Spears believes it’s only a matter of time until boyfriend Sam Asghari proposes but she figures he hasn’t yet because of money so in an effort to get things moving she’s prepared to pick up the tab for the engagement ring herself, Love Bites -- Katherine Schwarzenegger and Chris Pratt are expecting a baby, Hope Solo and Jerramy Stevens welcomed twins, Lea Michele and Zandy Reich expecting, Timothee Chalamet and Lily-Rose Depp split, Leslie Grossman and Jon Bronson split 
Page 28: Dolly Parton is secretly struggling while caring for husband Carl Dean now in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease, those closest to Liam Hemsworth are breathing a collective sigh of relief that he has found Gabrielle Brooks who can bring calm to his life, Gigi Hadid and Zayn Malik expecting 
Page 29: Jay Cutler and Kristin Cavallari’s divorce gets nasty 
Page 30: Cover Story -- Richard Gere is telling pals he has no regrets about his colorful past and says he’s happier than ever with his wife and babies 
Page 34: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s anniversary from hell -- it should be a time for a celebration but two years into their marriage a forlorn and bitterly disappointed Harry and Meghan are under siege from every side 
Page 36: Mark Harmon is done with Hollywood -- he’s had a wild ride on one of TV’s most popular shows and now he may finally be ready to head into the sunset 
Page 38: Celebrity Hall Passes -- stars reveals the Hollywood crushes their partners have granted as freebies 
Page 42: Style -- color pop sneakers -- Karlie Kloss 
Page 44: Beauty -- stars DIY beauty recipes -- Kendall Jenner
Page 45: Karrueche Tran, January Jones
Page 46: Health -- Julianne Hough 
Page 48: Entertainment 
Page 60: Parting Shot -- Good Morning America contributor Will Reeve appeared suited up to give his report on the morning show but viewers got a bit more than they bargained for when the graphics on the bottom of the screen disappeared and Will’s camera setup revealed a slice of bare thigh under his TV-ready top half
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guyyanai · 5 years
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Gilboa Balcony Door  2019  
Oil on canvas 150x120 cm
Exhibited at Nino Meir Gallery, as part of To Paint is To Love Again
Curated by Olivier Zahm
Participating artists: Trey Abdella, Rita Ackermann, Adam Alessi, Alphachanneling, Joe Andoe, Vanessa Beecroft, Judith Bernstein, Dike Blair, Maurizio Bongiovanni, Molly Bounds, Brianna Rose Brooks, Jean-Philippe Delhomme, Joshua Dildine, Urs Fischer, Evita Flores, Hell Gette, Luca Giovagnoli, Jenna Gribbon, Michael Kagan, Ralf Kokke, Becky Kolsrud, Mike Kuchar, LETO, Malcolm Liepke, Paul McCarthy, Rebecca Ness, Marika Thunder Nuss, Ariana Papademetropoulos, Raymond Pettibon, Cindy Phenix, Brad Phillips, Lauren QuinRene Ricard, Gideon Rubin, Gus Van Sant, André Saraiva, Jim Shaw, Peter Shire, Jansson Stenger, Alison Elizabeth Taylor, Mark Tennant, Amanda Wall, Anna Weyant, Guy Yanai, Hiejin Yoo
January 18 – 28, 2020
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leanstooneside · 4 years
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mrsathya · 4 years
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@VENOM - THe Nemesis of 🕷️🕸️Spiderman🕸️🕷️" The darkest Anti - hero of Entire MARVEL "# The Lethal protector " . *SONY * intended to kicks of their own shared Universe in 2018 with #VENOM as on the SPIDER MAN characters after the success of MCEU ,with the "TOM HARDY" as their Titular character & Ruben Fischer as director . As the movie arrived in Cinemas it panned by critics & literally loved by the fans . As "TOm HARDY" brings his own charisma to the character with his excellenct performance in movie , without "ToM Hardy" the VENOM movie will be such a great disaster . As VENOM brings huge Box office success to SONY genrated over 856mill WOrldwide. It gives a hope to SONY to joyfully start a Shared Universe about "SPiDER Man " characters as they owned so SONY's Marvel Universe arrived & now Andy serkis 's #VENOM2 & Daniel Espinosa's MORBIUS starring JARED LETO are on the way to Big screens . All SONY'S Marvel universe will be huge success as they deserve. https://www.instagram.com/p/B-8h07SnCES/?igshid=bv6r6whhumzc
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savetopnow · 6 years
2018-04-05 09 CELEBRITY now
Kim Kardashian's Hairstylist Shares a Snatched Space Buns Tutorial
Justin Bieber Makes Cameo in "Racist Superman" YouTube Sketch
Kim Kardashian Is Proof You Really Can Have it All: How She Juggles Kids, Fame and an Empire
Watch Jenna Dewan's Eerily Accurate Tarot Card Reading That Foreshadowed Channing Tatum Split
Megan Fox and Brian Austin Green Turn Up the Heat on Hawaiian Getaway
Hollywood Life
Kim K Shares First Family Photo Since Chicago’s Birth & ‘All 3 Kids Started Crying’ After Taking It
Channing Tatum Still Wears Wedding Ring As He Shops With Daughter, 4, After Jenna Dewan Split
NeNe Leakes Accuses Kim Zolciak & Brielle Biermann Of Racism: ‘They Don’t Like Black People’
Jenelle Evans & Husband Slam Parkland Shooting Survivor Emma Gonzalez: She Should Be ‘Locked Up’
Gwen Stefani & Blake Shelton Reportedly Planning Romantic Mexican Summer Wedding & A Baby
Media Take Out
Desiigner Caught Taking A PIZZ On Someone’s House!! (PICS)
Comedian Sinbad Appears To Be SNITCHING On Russell Simmons . . . Says ‘MORE WOMEN’ Are Gonna Come Out With RAPE Claims!!!
Shirley Strawberry From Teh STEVE HARVEY RADIO SHOW . . . Is Being Sued . . . For Being a ‘DEADBEAT’!!
Kim Kardashian Shares First-Ever Photo of Her Adorable Family of Five
Newlyweds on the Beach! Amy Schumer and Husband Chef Chris Fischer Hold Hands in Miami
Today's Kathie Lee Gifford & Hoda Kotb Celebrate 10 Years on Air: 'We Just Laugh All the Time'
Utah Man Allegedly 'Forced' Missing Teen to Watch Her Boyfriend Die Before She Was Also Killed
Pregnant Jinger Duggar's Husband Jeremy Vuolo Surprises Her with a 'Lovely' Lakeside Date
Perez Hilton
Kris Jenner Momaging Kanye & Travis Scott Now?? Not So Fast…
The Kardashians Think Blac Chyna's Defamation Lawsuit Is BS!
Dream Kardashian In Crisis! Roseanne Off The Rails! And…
NeNe Leakes Says Brielle Biermann & Her Family 'Don't Like Black People'
Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson FINALLY Explains What Caused His Fast & Furious Feud With Vin Diesel!
Jennifer Garner Jets Off to Hawaii With Her Kids to Celebrate Easter With Ben Affleck
Mark Wahlberg Shares a Shirtless Easter Message For Fans, and Our Eggs Are Cracking
JAY-Z Opens Up About His Mom Coming Out: "I Cried Because I Was So Happy For Her"
Former Disney Star Alyson Stoner Pens Heartfelt Essay About Her Sexuality: "Dare to Be Yourself"
Eggs, Bunnies, and Chocolate! Here's How Your Favorite Stars Celebrated Easter This Year
Reddit Entertainment
John Krasinski Made a Customs Agent Very Angry When He Said He Was Married to Emily Blunt
New CBS procedural 'Instinct' copy-pasted scenes from two episodes of 'Bones' that aired almost 10 years ago
'Roseanne' revival wins in the ratings, holds strong in its second week
Fox & Friends' Brian Kilmeade enthusiastically admits he likes laugh tracks. Somebody should publish daily F&F highlights with a laugh track.
Keanu Reeves and Bill And Ted co-star Alex Winters on upcoming Bill and Ted 3
Lou Diamond Phillips Pleads Guilty to DWI, Must Stay Sober for 2 Years
Chris Pratt Takes Down Another UFC Legend, I Love MMA!
Karrueche Tran Thought Man at NOLA Airport had Gun, Gives Props to TSA
Martin Luther King Jr.'s Daughter Bernice Says Trump's Anniversary Tweet Rings Hollow
Jared Leto Hitches Ride with NASCAR Driver at 165 MPH
The Shade Room
Black Panther Breaks Records AGAIN! Officially The #4 Movie In U.S. History & Is Predicted To Pass ‘The Titanic’ For That #3 Spot!
Mother’s Boyfriend Charged With Beating 3-Year-Old Girl To Death In Queens
Sesame Place Becomes The World’s 1st Theme Park To Be A Designated Autism Center
Parents Say Jacksonville Teacher Used N-Word & Played ‘Slave Game’ In Class
Woman Who Opened Fire At YouTube Headquarters Held A Grudge Against The Company, Claimed YouTube Discriminated Against Her
Us Weekly
Larry King: Kardashian-Jenner Family Are ‘Uncomfortably Important’
Teen Mom 2 Tots: My, How They've Grown!
A Look at 'Martin Luther King Jr.: The Hero Whose Dream Changed America' Special Issue
Everything You Need to Get Through Allergy Season
Stars — They're Just Like Us!
0 notes
cysnews · 4 years
Již popáté se během čtyř srpnových dnů centrum Brna promění v hudební metropoli. Od 13. do 16. srpna se můžete těšit na explozi originality a nadupanou směs hudebních žánrů, mezi kterými nebude chybět rock, pop, groove, taneční a romská hudba, opera, folklor, world music, klasika či hudba z muzikálů. Festival nabídne pestrou nabídku žánrů v unikátní dramaturgii, uznávané hvězdy i mladé talenty, projekty šité festivalu na míru a busking v jedinečných pokojících Kateřiny Šedé – to vše ve městě, které se jako jediné v Česku pyšní titulem Kreativní město hudby UNESCO.
  Zpěváci na ulici ve špajzu i v garáži
„Bezuliční busking v loňském roce přinesl bytové koncerty přímo na ulici. Ve čtyřech otevřených pokojích bylo možné sledovat koncerty hudebníků a současně je přitom navštívit. Živou hudbu jste mohli sledovat z vany, manželské postele, nebo od jídelního stolu v kuchyni. Letos půjdeme ještě dál a v ulicích Brna najdete doslova celý rodinný dům! V dětském pokoji odstartuje poprvé v historii Maratonu hudby Brno dětský busking a ve špajzu nabídneme kombinaci hudby a gurmánského zážitku,“ popisuje autorka Kateřina Šedá.
  Stovky účinkujících na desítkách míst během čtyř dnů
Zahájení festivalu proběhne ve čtvrtek 13. srpna na Jakubském náměstí. Vůbec prvními interprety budou Pavel Fischer & Jakub Jedlinský, na které naváže cimbálová muzika Ivana Heráka. V dalších dnech návštěvníky festivalu čekají desítky živých vystoupení, koncertů a představení na tradičních i neobvyklých místech v centru Brna. Můžete se těšit na moderní bubenickou show Ritmo Factory, multižánrový Epoque Quartet, na rock metalová Morčata na útěku, Moniku Načevu, Khoibu, Jana Bendiga, na sólový recitál Radka Bagára nebo večer Zdeňka Krále. Ve spolupráci s Mezinárodním hudebním festivalem Špilberk se představí VUS Ondráš s projektem Jiřího Slavíka nazvaným kRok za kRokem, folklor bude také zastoupen Tanečnou školou Šej-Haj-Hop, která svým fanouškům nabídne výuku verbungu a čardáše z Priepasného. Vydavatelství Indies ve svém programu oslaví 30 let působnosti a zavzpomíná na Jitku Šuranskou. Oslavovat bude také smyčcové kvarteto Indigo Quartet, které ke svým 20. narozeninám přizvalo herečku Andreu Buršovou, klavíristu Zdeňka Krále a akordeonistku Kláru Veselou. Alfa pasáž bude kromě Pianoštafety hostit také nové představení z dílny Hausopery – Hra o malinu. Spolupráce s Národním divadlem Brno obohatí festival o představení Rusalka od Antonína Dvořáka a vůbec poprvé přinese společný recitál Romana a Tadeáše Hozových. Do programu přispějí i jazzmani z Hannoveru, partnerského Kreativního města hudby UNESCO. Na muzikálové scéně se představí zpěváci Aleš Slanina a Lucie Bergerová z Městského divadla Brno. Sono centrum se během pátečního večera promění v tepající taneční parket, těšit se můžete na mejdan, který rozproudí Circus Brothers.
„V tuto chvíli máme domluveno přes třicet míst, na kterých se bude hrát. Chybět nebudou ta známá a oblíbená, jako Pianoštafeta v Alfa pasáži, Nekonečné varhany u Jezuitů nebo Guest stage na nádvoří Staré radnice, ale plánujeme samozřejmě i novinky. Kromě nových pouličních pokojů od Kateřiny Šedé, to bude třeba Groove nebo Muzikál stage a proběhne také tradiční spolupráce s festivalem Na prknech, dlažbě i trávě,“ popisuje manažer festivalu David Dittrich.
„Stejně jako v loňských letech, tak i letos doplňujeme do Maratonu divadelní linku naším festivalem Na prknech, dlažbě i trávě. Zacílili jsme na prezentaci brněnských umělců a divadel a program komornějšího charakteru koncipovaný pro menší skupinky diváků. Je tvořen z větší části pro dětského diváka, ale také dospělí si jistě přijdou na své,“ doplňuje k programu Jana Janulíková, ředitelka TIC BRNO. Festival se odehraje na Alžbětinské scéně Divadla Husa na provázku a na Moravském náměstí. Vystoupí například Divadlo Líšeň, Divadlo DNO, Divadlo II. pád, Mikro-teatro nebo Divadlo Polárka.
Tolik první ochutnávka toho, co zažijete na Maratonu hudby Brno 2020. Sledujte web maratonhudby.cz, kde vám budeme postupně přinášet další festivalové lahůdky.
V průběhu celého festivalu budou platit doporučená bezpečností a hygienická opatření odpovídající aktuální epidemiologické situaci.
Festival Maraton hudby Brno chystá novinky i ověřené projekty, které jinde nepotkáte Již popáté se během čtyř srpnových dnů centrum Brna promění v hudební metropoli. Od 13. do 16.
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prazskytankista · 5 years
FAEI.cz: Češi pomáhají rádi, říká ředitel Nadačního fondu Kapka naděje Jan Fischer
Nadační fond Kapka naděje slaví letos 20 let od svého vzniku a během této doby svou pomoc rozšířil do řady nových oblastí. „Svým záběrem pokrývá široké spektrum dětské medicíny od novorozenců přes pediatrii a chirurgii, dětskou onkologii až po dětskou psychiatrii a paliativní péči,“ říká ředitel nadačního fondu Jan Fischer v rozhovoru pro portál Finanční a ekonomické informace (FAEI.cz). source http://www.parlamentnilisty.cz/zpravy/tiskovezpravy/FAEI-cz-Cesi-pomahaji-radi-rika-reditel-Nadacniho-fondu-Kapka-nadeje-Jan-Fischer-611564
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gpsdanoticia · 6 years
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Operação Xeque Mate: STJ julga prejudicado pedido de HC de Leto Viana O ministro Félix Fischer, do STJ, julgou prejudicado o pedido de habeas corpus impetrado pela defesa do ex-prefeito de Cabedelo Leto Viana, preso durante a Operação Xeque Mate.
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
Us, May 18
Cover: Brad Pitt at 56 -- new love, new life -- in lockdown with Alia Shawkat 
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Page 1: First Look -- Olivia Wilde goes for a walk in L.A. 
Page 2: Red Carpet -- Skai Jackson 
Page 6: Loose Talk -- Jimmy Kimmel on daughter Jane doing his makeup, Tiffany Haddish on taking her Zoom meeting to the bathroom, Jodie Turner-Smith joking about being a new mom, Kourtney Kardashian responding to a TikTok video of Kylie Jenner impersonating multiple scenes of hers from KUWTK 
Page 8: Contents 
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Page 10: Hot Pics -- Princess Charlotte turns 5
Page 11: Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom rock matching hoodies paying homage to Dr. Anthony Fauci, Victoria Justice gets slimed on Nickelodeon’s virtual Kids’ Choice Awards 
Page 12: Khloe Kardashian and daughter True, Jesse Metcalfe and Cara Santana 
Page 14: Mommy Dearest -- Guess Which Kids Belong to These Hollywood Stars -- Julianne Moore, Reese Witherspoon, Thandie Newton, Kate Hudson, Chrissy Teigen, Uma Thurman 
Page 16: Habits Dye Hard -- rainbow hair is the mane attraction right now -- Taraji P. Henson in red, Dua Lipa is orange, Bella Thorne is green, Sarah Michelle Gellar is pink, Georgia May Jagger in two shades of blue, Lauren Alaina is blue 
Page 18: Chill Out -- Hollywood hunks take time to pamper -- KJ Apa, EJ Johnson, Stephen Colbert, Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard 
Page 19: Jared Leto, Anwar Hadid and Dua Lipa, Antoni Porowski 
Page 20: Busy Philipps is all dressed up with nowhere to go 
Page 22: Stars They’re Just Like Us -- Adam Sandler rides a bike, Danneel Ackles cleans up, Heidi Montag works out 
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Page 23: Amy Schumer and Chris Fischer cook, Joe Keery goes on a juice run, Bella Hadid and mom Yolanda Hadid garden 
Page 26: Kids They’re Just Like Us -- Jessica Simpson’s daughter Birdie is a snacker, Matthew McConaughey and Camila Alves’ son Livingston does laundry, Jessie James Decker’s daughter Vivianne pampers herself 
Page 28: Hollywood Moms -- Jewel on her son Kase 
Page 29: Haylie Duff on kids Ryan and Lulu during quarantine, Tia Mowry’s daughter Cairo inherited mom’s acting genes 
Page 30: Love Lives -- Rob Gronkowski of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and girlfriend Camille Kostek making moves in lockdown 
Page 31: Stassi Schroeder’s bride demon has been slayed by the pandemic, Taylor Swift and Joe Alwyn still going strong in lockdown and may be engaged soon, Eve doesn’t take husband Maximillion Cooper for granted especially now 
Page 32: Hot Hollywood -- Lori Loughlin might get off easy for her role in Operation Varsity Blues 
Page 33: Kristin Cavallari and Jay Cutler’s separation has gone from sad to downright nasty, Baby Update -- Anderson Cooper is a dad to Wyatt Morgan, Ashlee Simpson and Evan Ross are expecting, Zayn Malik and Gigi Hadid are expecting a baby girl 
Page 34: A Day in the Life At-Home Edition -- Molly Sims 
Page 35: Don’t Worry, Be Happy -- these stars give us a reason to smile during these trying times -- Her Campus is holding an I’m Still Graduating event featuring commencement speeches by stars like Eva Longoria, Tom Sandoval and Tom Schwartz of TomTom bar have raised more than $50,000 for their employees, Queen + Adam Lambert released a new rerecorded version of We Are the Champions with all proceeds going to the World Health Organization, Kansas City Chief Laurent Duvernay-Tardif has a doctorate in medicine and is volunteering at a long-term care facility in Quebec, Machine Gun Kelly supported local businesses by providing lunch at 12 restaurants in his native Cleveland 
Page 36: Cover Story -- Brad Pitt’s new lease on life -- he’s happier than he’s been in a long time and he has actress Alia Shawkat to thank 
Page 40: Tampa Bay Buccaneers QB Tom Brady and Gisele Bundchen -- the secret to their marriage 
Page 42: It Takes a Village -- get to know the glam squads that keep Hollywood’s most fabulous looking so good -- Cardi B, Jennifer Aniston 
Page 43: Kim Kardashian West, Lupita Nyong’o, Mariah Carey 
Page 44: Hollywood to the Rescue -- A-listers inspire us to turn to shelters to find furry friends -- Please Adopt, Don’t Shop -- Ian Somerhalder, Hilary Duff 
Page 45: Taylor Swift, Chelsea Handler, Gabby Douglas, Colton Underwood 
Page 48: Style -- Winning Sets -- Alessandra Ambrosio 
Page 52: Hilarie’s Happy Place -- actress Hilarie Burton opens up about her new memoir, life on the farm and finding her person in Jeffrey Dean Morgan 
Page 54: Take Five with Catherine Reitman 
Page 58: Fashion Police -- Fringe Edition -- Heidi Klum, Cara Delevingne, Rosalia 
Page 59: Dascha Polanco, Tinashe, Hunter Schafer 
Page 60: 25 Things You Don’t Know About Me -- Brie Bella 
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gazetadalapa · 6 years
Cleo Pires promove boa ação, dá fim em guarda-roupa e reverte dinheiro para ONG
Cleo Pires (Foto: Divulgação)
A atriz Cleo Pires, no ar em O Tempo Não Para, novela da faixa das 19h da Rede Globo, está promovendo um bazar beneficente.
+A Fazenda 10: Luane Dias reclama de falsidade e faz desabafo
A global começou a campanhar para vender suas roupas e reverter todo o lucro para a ONG Casa, Arte e Vida, do qual é parceira há anos.
+Após negar rumores de affair com Marília Mendonça, Henrique, da dupla com Juliano, anuncia que será pai
Em entrevista para a revista Maire Claire, Cleo contou sobre o projeto: “Minhas avós incentivaram muito isso. A vida é assim, a gente sempre precisa de ajuda, não dá para viver sozinho. Eu acho que consegui chegar aonde estou e conquistar o que tenho hoje com a ajuda das pessoas também, e quero sempre poder ajudar, não só quem está próximo a mim, mas no geral. O pouquinho que nós fazemos pelo outro pode ser transformador.”
+Gugu recusa convite para o Teleton, Xuxa não aceita substituí-lo e Record decide o que fazer
Questionada se sente dificuldade em se desfazer de algumas roupas, ela admitiu: “Mas se tratando da lojinha, é por uma boa causa e eu consigo me desapegar mais, faço com carinho e pensando na verba que será direcionada a quem precisa.”
Cleo Pires falou sobre a fama de só falar sobre sexo (Foto: Reprodução)
Cleo Pires deu mais uma entrevista reveladora para o canal no YouTube de Caio Fischer. Durante a conversa, a filha de Glória Pires e Fábio Jr., tinha que falar se “pegaria” ou não alguns famosos que foram listados pelo apresentador.
+Após se assumir gay, ex-atriz mirim da Globo muda o visual e choca ao surgir com os cabelos rosas
Logo no início, a atriz, no ar na novela O Tempo Não Para, contou que ficaria com Chay Suede e Rodrigo Simas. Apesar disso, acabou ponderando: “[Simas] é bem gato, pegaria. Mas acho que ele é muito novo”. Ela também revelou que pegaria Nego do Borel, Tiago Iorc, Maluma, Jared Leto, Drake e Criolo.
Cleo Pires contou que pegaria o ator Rodrigo Simas
“Mas não sei se ele ia gostar de mim”, disse a atriz se referindo ao último mencionado da lista. Cauã Reymond e Nando Rodrigues foram descartados por Cleo Pires. Confira o vídeo completo de toda a entrevista feita com a atriz:
Nesta terça-feira, 02 de outubro, Cleo Pires está celebrando a chegada de seus 36 anos. Nas redes sociais, a atriz ganhou mensagens especiais de diversos amigos e até mesmo dos familiares. Orlando Morais, atual marido de Glória Pires, fez questão de homenagear sua enteada.
O cantor publicou uma foto da atriz e lembrou quando começaram a ter uma relação de “pai e filha”. “Filhinha amada. É o mesmo olhar cheio de coragem e verdade. Você me apareceu aos 5 anos de idade, sorridente, feliz, sempre muito forte. Desde então, minha vida mudou, você mudou minha vida quando me disse: ‘eu quero te chamar de Pai’. Te amo até o último dos universos… Parabéns!!!!!!”, escreveu Orlando Morais.
Vale lembrar que Cleo Pires é fruto do relacionamento que Glória teve com o cantor Fábio Jr. A atriz está casada com Orlando Morais há 30 anos e com ele tem três filhos, Antonia Morais, de 26 anos, Ana, de 18, e Bento, de 13. No dia dos pais, a atriz fez questão de prestar homenagem ao padrasto.
O post Cleo Pires promove boa ação, dá fim em guarda-roupa e reverte dinheiro para ONG apareceu primeiro em Gazeta da Lapa.
from Gazeta da Lapa https://ift.tt/2Db5B1y
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luisdemen · 7 years
En la cuarta Gala Anual en Saint-Tropez de la Fundación Leonardo DiCaprio (LDF), BMW Francia tuvo el placer de donar un BMW i3, diseñado por Maurizio Cattelan y Pierpaolo Ferrari de la revista TOILETPAPER para la subasta anual para recaudar fondos. Después de varias pujas intensas, el vehículo eléctrico completamente funcional que también es una obra de arte única se vendió a un coleccionista suizo por la cantidad de €100,000.
Los anfitriones de la gala fueron el Fundador y Presidente de LDF, Leonardo DiCaprio, el Director General de la fundación, Terry Tamminen y el Presidente de Recaudación Global de Fondos, Milutin Gatsby; así mismo, asistió la Alcaldesa de París, Anne Hidalgo. El evento contó con la presencia del Príncipe Alberto II de Mónaco, Cate Blanchett, Marion Cotillard, Philippe Cousteau, Penélope Cruz, Tom Hanks, Kate Hudson, Doutzen Kroes, Jared Leto, Tobey Maguire, Edward Norton, Emma Stone, Uma Thurman y Kate Winslet. Entre los invitados se encontraban Adrien Brody, Sean Penn, Taylor Hill, Iman Hamman y Gerard Butler. El artista estadounidense Lenny Kravitz hizo una presentación para los invitados. Asimismo, Madonna también realizó una participación sorpresa.
Vincent Salimon, Director General de BMW Group Francia externó estar complacido porque “nuestros compromisos con el desarrollo sustentable y el apoyo a la creación contemporánea se unieron para recaudar fondos para la Fundación Leonardo DiCaprio. El “Spaghetti Car” BMW i3 fue creado por Maurizio Cattelan y Pierpaolo Ferrari por iniciativa de BMW Francia y los Rencontres d’Arles con los que BMW lleva asociada 8 años. La donación de esta obra única para la gala anual de beneficencia de la Fundación en Saint-Tropez refleja, una vez más, la cultura de la empresa: atreverse, innovar, crear en completa libertad, con un espíritu responsable y sustentable”.
El subastador Simon de Pury, junto con la curadora Lisa Schiff de SFA Advisory supervisaron la venta de docenas de obras originales de artistas internacionalmente renombrados como Jeff Koons, Tracey Emin, Urs Fischer, Paul McCarthy, Adrian Ghenie, Rudolf Stingel y el actual beneficiario de la beca BMW Art Journey, Max Hooper Schneider. La subasta ha recaudado 30 millones hasta ahora, pero continúa en línea para beneficio de los programas de la LDF.
El BMW i3 “Spaghetti Car”
En ocasión del Festival de Fotografía Rencontres d’Arles 2016, el artista italiano Maurizio Cattelan (*1960) creó una “escultura rodante” con un BMW i3 (60 Ah) junto con el fotógrafo Pierpaolo Ferrari (*1971). En 2009, Cattelan y Ferrari co-crearon la publicación gráfica semestral TOILETPAPER. Para el exterior del BMW i3, TOILETPAPER empleó su estilo distintivo de imágenes de acercamiento de spaghetti. Cattelan señaló lo siguiente acerca de su obra: “¡Éste es considerablemente el mejor auto Spaghetti que he saboreado! ¡Todos esos años de perfeccionamiento rindieron frutos! ¡Es absolutamente sensacional!”
Maurizio Cattelan es considerado uno de los artistas más importantes de su época, pues sus principales exposiciones están en museos internacionales, incluyendo el Museum of Modern Art, el Centre Georges Pompidou, así como el Guggenheim Museum en Nueva York. Su escultura “Him” (2001) se vendió en una subasta de Christie’s en 2016 por un monto de $17 millones de dólares. Ese mismo año, instaló “America”, un retrete de 18 quilates de oro sólido en el sanitario del Guggenheim Museum para uso del público. Cattelan ha participado cuatro veces en la Bienal de Venecia.
Desde Andy Warhol y Roy Lichtenstein hasta Robert Rauschenberg y Jeff Koons, BMW ha colaborado con artistas en la creación de Art Cars durante casi medio siglo. La empresa lanzó el BMW i3 en 2014 como parte de su marca BMW i, que representa conceptos y tecnologías de vehículos visionarios con servicios de movilidad conectada, así como una nueva comprensión de la gama Premium definida por la sustentabilidad. El “Spaghetti Car” de TOILETPAPER es un auto eléctrico completamente funcional con un certificado de autenticidad firmado por TOILETPAPER (Maurizio Cattelan y Pierpaolo Ferrari) como co-creadores de esta obra de arte única.
SAINT-TROPEZ, FRANCE – JULY 26: A general view at the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation 4th Annual Saint-Tropez Gala at Domaine Bertaud Belieu on July 26, 2017 in Saint-Tropez, France. (Photo by Victor Boyko/Getty Images for LDC Foundation)
SAINT-TROPEZ, FRANCE – JULY 26: (L-R) Sean Penn Leonardo DiCaprio are seen on stage the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation 4th Annual Saint-Tropez Gala at Domaine Bertaud Belieu on July 26, 2017 in Saint-Tropez, France. (Photo by Anthony Ghnassia/Getty Images for LDC Foundation) *** Local Caption *** Sean Penn;Leonardo DiCaprio
SAINT-TROPEZ, FRANCE – JULY 26: A general view at the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation 4th Annual Saint-Tropez Gala at Domaine Bertaud Belieu on July 26, 2017 in Saint-Tropez, France. (Photo by Venturelli/Getty Images for LDC Foundation)
SAINT-TROPEZ, FRANCE – JULY 26: Thomas Girst (2ndL-R), Maurizio Cattelan, Carl Hirschmann and Fiammetta Cicogna at the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation 4th Annual Saint-Tropez Gala at Domaine Bertaud Belieu on July 26, 2017 in Saint-Tropez, France. (Photo by Victor Boyko/Getty Images for LDC Foundation)
SAINT-TROPEZ, FRANCE – JULY 26: (L-R) Lenny Kravitz, Leonardo DiCaprio and Madonna are seen on stage during the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation 4th Annual Saint-Tropez Gala at Domaine Bertaud Belieu on July 26, 2017 in Saint-Tropez, France. (Photo by Anthony Ghnassia/Getty Images for LDC Foundation) *** Local Caption *** Lenny Kravitz; Tobey Maguire; Leonardo DiCaprio
SAINT-TROPEZ, FRANCE – JULY 26: (L-R) Leonardo DiCaprio and Madonna pose backstage during the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation 4th Annual Saint-Tropez Gala at Domaine Bertaud Belieu on July 26, 2017 in Saint-Tropez, France. (Photo by Victor Boyko/Getty Images for LDC Foundation) *** Local Caption *** Madonna;Leonardo DiCaprio
SAINT-TROPEZ, FRANCE – JULY 26: Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio are seen on stage during the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation 4th Annual Saint-Tropez Gala at Domaine Bertaud Belieu on July 26, 2017 in Saint-Tropez, France. (Photo by Anthony Ghnassia/Getty Images for LDC Foundation) *** Local Caption *** Kate Winslet; Leonardo DiCaprio
El BMW i3 “Spaghetti Car”, se vendió en la Gala de la Fundación Leonardo DiCaprio En la cuarta Gala Anual en Saint-Tropez de la Fundación Leonardo DiCaprio (LDF), BMW Francia tuvo el placer de donar un BMW i3, diseñado por Maurizio Cattelan y Pierpaolo Ferrari de la revista TOILETPAPER para la subasta anual para recaudar fondos.
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
Life & Style, May 18
Cover: Kristin Cavallari wife from hell, Jay Cutler fights to protect $50 million fortune 
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Page 1: Photo Flash -- Ana de Armas wearing a $200,000 ruby ring on her middle finger although it may be an engagement ring from Ben Affleck 
Page 2: Contents 
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Page 4: The Top 10 Floral Looks -- Lupita Nyong’o, Natalie Portman, Kelsea Ballerini, Elle Fanning, Jennifer Lopez 
Page 5: Laura Dern, Mandy Moore, Olivia Wilde, Kaitlyn Dever, Julia Garner 
Page 6: Twinning! Rosie Huntington-Whiteley vs. Diane Kruger, Jennifer Lahmer vs. Cheryl Burke 
Page 8: Michael Buble is facing backlash for apparently elbowing wife Luisana Lopilato in an Instagram Live video -- while some fans worried about the state of the duo’s nine-year marriage others went as far as urging the Argentine actress to leave the feather of her three children 
Page 9: An official Whitney Houston biopic is in the works with the full support of her estate but who will portray Whitney -- Zendaya is the front-runner but there are a lot of young actresses like Amandla Stenberg and Yara Shahidi and Keke Palmer vying for the role, Throwback -- Celine Dion, Biggest Spenders of the Week -- Lindsey Vonn, Drake, Blake Shelton, Behati Prinsloo, Sofia Richie 
Page 10: Khloe Kardashian has been unable to keep up with her filler routine and now she is worried that her current injections will wear off while she’s self-isolating with baby daddy Tristan Thompson because she’s very insecure about her looks and she is terrified Tristan will go running if he sees the real Khloe, Rihanna has been putting her $6.8 million bachelorette pad to good use since splitting from boyfriend Hassan Jameel throwing parties almost every night and the neighbors can hear loud music and see flashing lights and cars coming and going in the early hours of the morning but since it’s Rihanna no one dares report her 
Page 12: Felicity Huffman is ready to start rebuilding her life after serving time in prison for her role in the college admissions cheating scandal 
Page 13: The cast and crew of Filthy Rich wonder if Kim Cattrall has always been so difficult to work with -- she’s clashed with staffers and stopped production several times and even made her co-stars cry, Zoe Kravitz is doing everything she can to reunite the Monterey Five for season 3 of Big Little Lies even though Nicole Kidman and Reese Witherspoon are super busy, VIP Style -- Jason Oppenheim (pictured), Whitney Port, Billie Eilish, Karlie Kloss, Alysia Reiner and Amber Valletta, Drew Taggart, Tyler Cameron and Venus Williams 
Page 14: The Week in Photos -- Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez 
Page 15: Kourtney Kardashian and daughter Penelope, Mindy Kaling
Page 16: Amy Schumer and husband Chris Fischer, Joe Kerry and his dog, January Jones 
Page 17: Adam Sandler, Jesse Metcalfe and Cara Santana 
Page 20: Ryan Phillippe
Page 22: Rosamund Pike lent her voice to a special royal-themed episode of Thomas & Friends, Alan Cumming and his rescue dog Lala, Jared Leto, Bella Hadid helped plant lavender on her mom’s Pennsylvania farm 
Page 24: Stars Behaving Badly -- Andy Cohen not wearing pants for RHOA reunion day, Amber Heard drove down the road with her foot up on the dashboard of her classic Ford Mustang 
Page 26: Say What?! Amy Schumer giving workout advice to pal Selena Gomez, Cindy Crawford on growing to love her signature facial feature, Halle Berry recalling how Pierce Brosnan saved her life while shooting Die Another Day, January Jones on blazing her own fashion trail 
Page 28: John Cena and Shay Shariatzadeh’s dream wedding 
Page 29: Although Emma Watson has described herself as happily single she has actually been dating California-based businessman Leo Robinton for the last six months
Page 30: Cover Story -- What Really Went Wrong Between Kristin Cavallari and Jay Cutler -- a decade after falling in love Kristin and Jay end their marriage with a bitter divorce battle 
Page 34: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle couples therapy confessions -- as their second wedding anniversary fast approaches Harry and Meghan attempt to solve growing problems 
Page 36: Kanye West is moving to Wyoming and taking the kids -- after a brief trip to his ranch with their four children Kanye realizes he might be better off without Kim Kardashian by his side 
Page 38: Hollywood Baby Boom -- Lea Michele designs her dream nursery, is a proposal next for Gigi Hadid 
Page 39: Katherine Schwarzenegger gets doted on by Chris Pratt 
Page 42: Who Lives Here? Kesha 
Page 44: Entertainment 
Page 45: Star Review -- JoJo, As Seen On-Screen -- Kelly Ripa wore Morgan Lane’s Katelyn Fiona Set in Twilight for $356 pajamas on Live With Kelly and Ryan 
Page 48: Beauty Beat -- DIY Hair Color -- Mandy Moore 
Page 49: Hilary Duff, Lea Michele, Emma Roberts 
Page 52: Diva or Down-to-Earth? Down-to-Earth Miranda Lambert takes over in the kitchen, Down-to-Earth Halle Berry curls up with a good book 
Page 53: Diva Rachel McAdams enlists a baggage handler, diva Molly Sims puts her kids on pampering duty 
Page 54: Social Stars Posts of the Week -- Eva Longoria and son Santiago, Shakira, Heidi Klum and Tom Kaulitz and Bill Kaulitz, Neil Patrick Harris 
Page 55: Diane Kruger and Norman Reedus, Reese Witherspoon, Jonathan and Drew Scott and Melissa McCarthy and cousin Jenna, Dwayne Johnson and daughter Jasmine 
Page 56: Horoscope -- Taurus Megan Fox, They’re Not Together But They Should Be -- Cancer Khloe Kardashian and Taurus Channing Tatum 
Page 58: Made Ya Look -- Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott and son Beau and their pet pig 
Page 60: What I’m Into -- Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino 
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tabloidtoc · 5 years
Life & Style, August 19
Cover: Brad Pitt in love with Margot Robbie 
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Page 1: Photo Flash -- Beau Clark and Stassi Schroeder 
Page 2: Contents 
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Page 3: Say What?! Nicole “Snoozi” Polizzi, Brad Pitt on Leonardo DiCaprio, David Spade, Melissa McCarthy, Lance Bass on Britney Spears 
Page 4: The top 10 Fendi looks -- Danai Gurira, Emma Roberts, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Yara Shahidi, Shailene Woodley 
Page 5: Olivia Culpo, Emma Stone, Zendaya, Kiernan Shipka, Zoey Deutch 
Page 6: Twinning -- Busy Philipps vs. Jessica Alba, Olivia Munn vs. Daisy Ridley, Charli XCX vs. Kourtney Kardashian 
Page 8: Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are neighbors from hell 
Page 9: Mark Wahlberg and Rhea Durham renewing their vows, Throwback -- Gwen Stefani, Biggest Spenders of the Week -- Tyra Banks, Dwyane Wade, Justin Bieber, Kourtney Kardashian, Bella Hadid 
Page 10: Gabrielle Union and Julianne Hough are butting heads behind the scenes on America’s Got Talent, Jennifer Lawrence threw a party for 60 friends at The Greenwich Hotel in NYC and defied the hotel’s policy to come inside at 11 p.m. and were rude to the staff, Whose Back Tattoo Is It? Angelina Jolie, Lady Gaga, Scarlett Johansson, Rita Ora, Mena Suvari, Lily Collins 
Page 12: Tarek El Moussa and Christina Anstead’s co-parenting tips 
Page 13: Sarah Jessica Parker hates to spend money on herself and only uses free samples from the makeup counter, is anybody safe in the RHOBH shake-up, VIP Style -- Kristen Taekman, Karlie Kloss, Ian Harding, Beth Stern, Josephine Skriver and Jasmine Tookes, John Legend, Charlotte McKinney, Sara Evans 
Page 14: The Week in Photos -- Bella Hadid and Gigi Hadid 
Page 15: Lake Bell, Ryan Seacrest and Selena Gomez 
Page 16: Angelina Jolie and daughter Vivienne, Helen Mirren and Jason Statham
Page 18: Mariah Carey and twins Monroe and Moroccan, Orlando Bloom and his dog Mighty, James Corden and Terry Crews and Keegan-Michael Key 
Page 19: Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi and Deena Cortese and Angelina Pivarnick and Jenni “JWoww” Farley 
Page 22: Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello 
Page 23: Kate Hudson and Danny Fujikawa and her sons Ryder and Bingham, Tamron Hall 
Page 24: Stars Behaving Badly -- Melissa and Joe Gorga, Kendall Jenner, Madeleine Stowe 
Page 28: Lady Gaga’s plan to make Bradley Cooper jealous 
Page 29: Justin Theroux flew out to be with Jennifer Aniston at the funeral to their beloved dog Dolly, Courteney Cox and Johnny McDaid won’t ever get married
Page 30: Cover Story -- Co-stars Brad Pitt and Margot Robbie cause a stir with their cozy relationship 
Page 34: Kanye West and Kim Kardashian separate lives 
Page 36: Hannah Brown headed for heartbreak again as Tyler Cameron has already moved on 
Page 38: Julia Roberts desperate to save her marriage 
Page 40: Stars get FaceApp -- Carrie Underwood, Drake, Hilary Duff, Jared Leto 
Page 41: Courtney Cox, Miley Cyrus, Mario Lopez 
Page 42: Who Lives Here? Ellen DeGeneres 
Page 44: Entertainment 
Page 45: Star Review -- JoJo Fletcher, As Seen On-Screen -- Kristen Bell’s Bliss and Mischief’s BAM Gaze Slim Tee on Veronica Mars 
Page 46: Fashion -- Denim trends -- Olivia Culpo, Margot Robbie 
Page 47: Katie Holmes 
Page 48: Nicole Richie, Shailene Woodley 
Page 49: Olivia Holt 
Page 52: Diva or Down-to-Earth? Christian Siriano and Danielle Brooks, Ciara 
Page 53: Eva Longoria, Katie Holmes 
Page 54: Social Stars Posts of the Week -- Nicole Kidman, John Legend and son Miles, Anne Hathaway 
Page 55: Amy Schumer and husband Chris Fischer and their dog Tati, Miley Cyrus 
Page 56: Horoscope -- Leo Mila Kunis, They’re Not Together But They Should Be -- Libra Bella Thorne and Gemini Shia Labeouf 
Page 58: Made Ya Look -- Kate Walsh 
Page 60: What I’m Into -- Mayim Bialik 
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