#lets be real penelope would do numbers on tiktok
A Penemily au where Emily is a diplomat who needs a fake date because if she has to have dinner with all these people making homophobic laws she's gonna do it with a woman on her arm to try and prove that gays arent scary. Unfortunately she hasn't actually had the time to date so she rants to her bodyguard (Rossi) who brings up his goddaughter (Penelope) a queer influencer who agrees so she can a) fight homophobia and b) attend all the fancy dinner parties
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mizuki-nikki · 2 years
my personal thoughts over the male love interest in "death is the only ending for villainess" manhwa ✨
so lately i've been obsessed with this one manhwa that i found on tiktok. a reverse harem manhwa has always been my favorite genre but this manhwa deserve a standing applause. not only that the story is intriguing, the art was just mind blowing. i fell in love with each of the male lead in this manhwa (note: spoilers ahead. read by your own risk)
lets talk about each one of them 😘
1. derrick eckhart
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black hair and pale skin. what could possibly go wrong with that?
on a first sight, this guy sounds like the typical male lead character that you found in every manhwa. cold, harsh, mature and responsible. he truly acts like the oldest kid in the house.
i truly like derrick's physical appearance to be honest. he fits the type of male lead character that i usually like. however, sometimes i just felt like he should trust the mc more (okay, with her reputation, i know hes just being logical and rational). but still, he's my top 3 pick for this manhwa.
2. reynold eckhart
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i wasn't a big fan of reynold in the beginning of the story.
only in the beginning. he set the trap for penelope and shouted at her most of the time (everyone does but still) although his hatred to penelope made me annoyed during the first chapters, he started to change a lot and grew in my heart. i really like his interaction with main female character, how he started to accept her, helped her and protected her whenever she needed help.
compared to derrik, i think reynold can interact freely with penelope. this made their interactions become more alive.
3. callisto regulus
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hell yeah, who wouldnt fall for the crazy bastard like the crown prince in a otome game?? 💛
if i can name my number one pick for this manhwa, i would definitely choose callisto. crazy, unpredictable yet has a soft spot for the female lead. who wouldnt fall for this kind of character? WHO??
this guy made the whole conversation with the mc super intense yet funny at the same time. i really hope penelope would choose callisto by the end of the story. he made the story progressed in a very interesting way. he believed in penelope but also protected her as much as he could.
dang im so in love with callisto.
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4. winter verdandi
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this guy is too good to be true.
first of all, dont get me wrong. calm, gentlemen, kind hearted and seemed like a stable guy. i would definitely choose him if i found someone like him in real life. i mean who wouldnt tho?
i personally thought that the manhwa didnt fully uncover his potential. he seemed boring to me.. maybe because he didnt have that many interaction with the mc in the manhwa. their conversation feels boring for me..
5. eckles
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the one and only knight concept.
same like winter, i feel like the manhwa didnt do any justice toward eckles. as much as i love the idea of loyal knight for one princess, i didnt like penelope's attitude toward eckles. it feels like he was brought to the place without any objectives at all. sometimes i was confused whether he truly likes the mc or is he just using her to survive..
final verdict
this is a very recommended manhwa. they dont have kiss scene etc, but the subtle interaction will make you scream around. i would definitely choose callisto if i could play this game in real life, and putting also derrick and reynold as my second and third pick
youre missing out life if you havent read this manhwa yet
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alleycat97 · 4 years
Fresh Meat
Description: Queen B, MC (Britlyn) is the new girl and hottest commodity on campus. Quickly climbing the ranks at Belvoire, she’s attracted attention from the elite and she realizes how high she can climb to the top.
Pairing: Chloe x MC (Britlyn)
This is for my special friend @harringtonishot, I hope you like it!
Britlyn was quickly becoming a campus sensation. An unsung hero to the hundreds of students that suffered due to the T’s ranking of them. Britlyn was lucky, she went from farm girl wannabe to Poppy’s Kyptonite. The only girl who would dare stand toe to toe with Poppy Min-Sinclair and soar to the top of the rankings and be alive to tell about it.
Poppy couldn’t tolerate this embarrassment of a girl, but she was impressed at Britlyn and her ruggedness. The girl was not stepping down and was quickly becoming a nuisance.
She tasked her right hand Chloe St. James to stick with her, wear her down and make her vulnerable so she could ruin the pig girl. The throne was Poppy’s, it’s time she reminded everyone, especially the new comers.
Chloe had her work cut out for her, she couldn’t stand Britlyn at all. She was cocky, she was tough, smart, beautiful. Beautiful? Chloe shook the latter from her mind, how could she find Britlyn beautiful, as if. She had to focus. Poppy was relying on her.
Somehow, Britlyn has managed to beat the Dancing Queens and sent the Zeta girls packing, Chloe and Trixie receiving an ear full on how big of a failure they were from Poppy.
Britlyn was excited, she was killing it these past few weeks with the help of her squad, Zoey, Penelope and now, Taylor. Poppy had layed low after breaking up with Carter after the kiss during the game and even Chloe was being nice to her, always being sure to check in her and how her classwork was coming outside the class they shared. That was Chloe’s favorite class ever. She was difficult to read, she showed genuine interest in Britlyn, but again, she showed interest in lots of girls.
The girls found themselves at the campus diner one evening properly celebrating their small victory of attaining Poppy’s fetcher, Taylor. It was a huge score and another Ace up Britlyn’s sleeve. The girls began plotting their next move when Veronica Lombardi walked in.
“Britlyn you’re staring.” Zoey pointed out.
“Earth to Britlyn!” Penelope giggled waving her hand in front of the woman’s face.
“Huh? What?” Britlyn replied snapping from her dream.
“Girl you’re staring down Veronica Lombardi as if she was a slab of meat. You’re drooling!” Zoey pointed out. “That’s a no fly zone B.”
“Oh I know....” Britlyn spoke quietly averting her attention to her milkshake, twirling her straw in disappointment.
“What’s wrong.” Zoey said crowding in closer to hug her friend.
“Why do they all have to be so gorgeous.” Britlyn answered taking a sip of the milkshake.
“It’s Belvoire, we’re all gorgeous.”
Before she could continue, Britlyn heard a voice from the back of the diner, it was Chloe hanging out with someone that wasn’t her and it was upsetting her.
Oh she was fuming, this girl was way too close for Britlyn’s liking. Chloe has spent the last month following her around like a puppy. Sure, Chloe was a bitch most of the time, but on a rare occasion, Britlyn got to see the real Chloe. The Chloe that makes her open up, makes her feel special, makes her feel, hope for the two. But as quickly as it appears, it’s gone just as quick.
Britlyn couldn’t stand the laughing from Chloe anymore, if she was going to get Chloe, she needed to do this.
Without a word, she stood up from the table and went straight to Veronica, who wasn’t even on her phone. Britlyn could feel Chloe staring daggers into her head, this better work.
“Hey V.” Britlyn greeted approaching the table.
“Oh hey! Oh I love your outfit! It’s supaaaa cute!” Veronica said extremely chipper.
“Thanks! Wanna take a selfie?” Britlyn asked sweetly.
“Mmmmm I shouldn’t. I do not want to be the target of Poppy’s next blow up.”
“Oh come on...let’s makes some TikToks.”
Veronica was being tested to her fullest capacity. She offered a seat to Britlyn and found herself breaking the rules, engaging with the enemy.
Britlyn was killing two birds with one stone. Piss Chloe off, making her jealous, and attaining Veronica to join her posse. And by the look on Chloe’s face, Britlyn was doing a great job.
Shit hit the fan when Poppy entered the diner, the entire scene began stale. Veronica averted her attention to the back door looking to escape. Poppy noticed her immediately and began scolding her and Britlyn.
“What are you doing in my seat farm girl?” Poppy scoffed. “And V? Why are you sitting with this low class trash?”
“Oh please allow me your majesty.” Britlyn teased as she got up and sat next to Veronica, placing her arm around the girl with a challenging look. “Please, join us.”
Veronica couldn’t help but melt in the warm sensation of Britlyn’s embrace. She was actually touching her! She was quickly pulled back into Poppy land by the girl throwing a hissy fit.
Chloe was seething, she got caught up in the feels and it was time she pulled out the ace up her sleeve. She stomped over to Poppy’s side, much to the latters relief, backup, finally.
“Britlyn? I think it’s time we had a chat. Outside, now.” The demand in Chloe’s voice was music to Britlyn’s ears.
Veronica sighed as Chloe pulled the girl away, missing her touch immediately. Poppy gave her a challenging look that she ignored and unlocked her phone.
“Ouch Chloe! Slow down, you’re hurting me!” Britlyn cried out.
Britlyn found herself being shoved up against the brick wall, Chloe firmly holding her there.
“I do not appreciate you flaunting around and flirting with my friends.” Chloe hissed.
“Well I do not appreciate you hanging with sluts.” Britlyn snapped back.
Chloe growled, “Does it make you jealous?”
“Psttt, as if. You’re the one with you panties in a twist.”
Britlyn knew exactly how to push Chloe’s buttons and it was fun.
“You’re just flirting with Veronica to piss me off. You know she likes you.”
“And? I’m a big girl Chloe. I can see and flirt with who I want. It’s not like I’m tied down.”
That struck a nerve on Chloe, Britlyn was hers, not anyone else’s.
Chloe grabbed Britlyn’s collar and pulled up on it hard, making the girl quiver, “Let’s get one thing straight, wannabe. You belong to me now. Not Poppy, not Veronica, me.”
“Awful big words for someone who won’t commit.” Britlyn challenged. “Besides, I like messing around with who I want.”
“You don’t get it. I’m not asking you, I’m telling you.” Demanding Chloe was a serious turn on. “I’m going to need you to be my personal assistant.” Chloe cooed in Britlyn’s ear.
“Assistant? No way, I’m going for gold here toots.”
Chloe laughed and pulled her phone out, “I don’t think you have a choice.” Britlyn nearly fainted at the images of her and Ina in the library.
“How did you get these?”
“Oh I’m everywhere B, so this is how it’s going to go. You’re going to be mine and together we will overthrow Poppy and I will become the new number 1, with you by my side of course.” Chloe removed her hand from Britlyn’s collar and gently stroked her cheek.
“And if I refuse?”
Chloe giggled, “Then I turn these into The T, and you and Ina are ruined. She will never teach again and you’ll be back on the farm.”
“You’re a monster.” Britlyn gasped.
“I was taught from the best. Now how is that hoe life treating you?”
Britlyn couldn’t answer, she was caught, and Chloe was turning her on, damn hormones.
“All you have to say is you submit, and we will take out Poppy together. I need you B, everyone respects you, we can use that against Poppy and both get what we want.”
“Why do you want to take down Poppy so bad?”
“I’m tired of Poppy getting everything she wants.”
“And what does she want?” Britlyn asked.
“You.” Chloe admitted, shocking Britlyn.
“It’s true, she hides it well. But this time, I get something she can’t have.” Chloe said meeting Britlyn’s lustful eyes.
“So what’s it going to be B?” Chloe asked grabbing Britlyn’s collar again, pressing herself impossibly closer, lips barely touching, “Submit to me B.”
“I...I submit.”
Chloe let out a long moan, god it sounded so good, “Mmmmm, good girl.”
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