#maybe he has a squad so the others rotate in from time to time
A Penemily au where Emily is a diplomat who needs a fake date because if she has to have dinner with all these people making homophobic laws she's gonna do it with a woman on her arm to try and prove that gays arent scary. Unfortunately she hasn't actually had the time to date so she rants to her bodyguard (Rossi) who brings up his goddaughter (Penelope) a queer influencer who agrees so she can a) fight homophobia and b) attend all the fancy dinner parties
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skyfallscotland · 5 months
This somehow takes place both within and outside of BRV at the same time. Because unexplained time travel. That's why. It's also completely unpolished because it's 2am and I don't know what I'm doing here.
intertwining souls (we were never strangers) - part one
In the seconds that have passed since he appeared from the tunnel, restraining my hands behind my back, a slight breeze has picked up, blowing my hair over my shoulder. Fuck. Silver-tipped brown strands float out towards him, as if reaching for his hand the way my heart aches to. I know immediately he’s made the connection. “There’s a very reasonable explanation for this.” I croak, my pulse fluttering with fear as he closes the distance between us, drawing one of his twin swords from his back. 
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“Oh fuck,” I curse, groaning as I hold my forearm tight against my closed eyelids. The cold texture of Sgaeyl’s scales is soothing against my throbbing temple and I let out a low whimper, rolling onto my side to press my head into the soft grass. “Holy shit.”
“Lía…” I groan aloud, listening for the heavy beat of wings over the buzzing in my ears. I can’t hear any. Did I blow my eardrums out? Carefully, I reach up with my other hand, feeling for any moisture. Nothing. I falter a little upon the realisation that I can hear wings in the distance, but not…here…
“Lía?” I call out, forcing back the bile that rises in my throat. I’d…fallen. I’d fallen and she hadn’t caught me and…she hadn’t followed me down at all. Slowly, I blink my eyes open, the fading sunlight sending a sharp pain rippling through my head. As I sit up, I run a hand over my hair. My braid’s come loose and the silky strands are now fluttering in the slight breeze, meaning I’ve lost the poisoned wire I usually wind through it. There’s no blood though, at least, so it must just be a concussion. 
My brow furrows as I close my eyes, reaching. I reach…and reach, but…nothing. A panicked gasp escapes me. There’s nothing there. “Lía!” I call more urgently this time. The sky is empty. No. No, no, no, no. Even the time I’d been dosed with that awful serum I could still feel her there, lurking—as if hidden behind a frosted pane of glass. Now though…it was as if I’d never bonded her in the first place. 
Frantically, I look down at my arm, sighing in relief as I see the green dragon relic twisting up and around my bicep, the Daggertail hidden beneath my vambrace. Ok, so we’re still bonded, I just can’t sense her. I don’t think anything could have happened to her—if it had, I’d be dead already—so…what, then? 
The last thing I remember is being knocked off her spine from behind. I hadn’t seen it coming in the slightest. We’d been practicing my balance just over the flight field as she took to the sky, so I hadn’t been strapped in. Did she…not have time to catch me? That doesn’t make sense! Even if she hadn’t caught me in time, she’d still be here now—and so would the rest of my squad for that matter, Liam and Deigh were just ahead of me!
Gingerly, I pull myself to my feet, rotating my sore joints. Maybe I was…dreaming? Or I’m in a coma now, because there’s no way I actually fell from the back of my dragon and slammed into the ground without breaking anything. 
In the time I’ve been contemplating, the sun has gone down fully and the moon has begun to rise, the entire sky a blanket full of stars. I turn on my heel, determined to get back to my room and find someone—anyone—who can tell me what the fuck is going on, when there’s a slight crack and my head snaps up in the direction of the hidden tunnel linking the field with the academic wing. 
For a moment, panic thunders through me and I grip the dagger at my thigh in a closed fist, but then there’s a familiar cool brush against my skin and my spine relaxes. “Xade?” I call out, a slight frown on my face. “What the hell, it’s Wednesday!” I hiss, storming toward the tunnel. “You should be—”
I’m shoved backward, barely able to keep my balance as I trip over my own feet, shadows restraining me in the dark. “Fuck,” I curse. “That’s not funny.” I snap. “I have a concussion and Lía won’t answer me and I can’t channel so don’t—” He steps into the moonlight and my jaw drops. Malek deliver me. “Xaden?” My voice cracks.
He looks so cold, so closed off I barely even recognise him. It’s been a very, very long time since he looked at me like that, if he ever did. There’s movement at his side and Garrick steps through, followed by…Masen. “Oh gods.” If my hands were free, I’m certain one would be over my mouth right now. My eyes quickly run over their uniforms—cadet’s uniforms—and I realise I’m in big, big trouble. They each have two, small silver stars on the shoulder. Second-years. 
“No. No, no, no, no.” I mutter. 
“Yes.” He finally speaks, his eyes trailing over my form from head to toe. “And who might you be?” My partner—but not—paces toward me slowly, his lips tilting up viciously as he croons. “You’re wearing rider black and a wingleader’s jacket, but I’ve never seen you—” He pauses, his eyes widening slightly. 
In the seconds that have passed since he appeared from the tunnel, restraining my hands behind my back, a slight breeze has picked up, blowing my hair over my shoulder. Fuck. Silver-tipped brown strands float out towards him, as if reaching for his hand the way my heart aches to. I know immediately he’s made the connection. “There’s a very reasonable explanation for this.” I croak, my pulse fluttering with fear as he closes the distance between us, drawing one of his twin swords from his back. 
“Xaden, please!” I beg, panic muddling my senses. Something furious flickers in his eyes. “Baby, listen to me—” His shadows slip for a split-second as if in surprise and almost simultaneously, the ground shakes, rattling my teeth together. Half a sob escapes my mouth and I turn on my heel and run. I don’t know what makes me think she’s the better option, that she’ll recognise me when my partner, the love of my life doesn’t. 
“Sgaeyl!” I yell, boot-covered feet carrying me full-tilt toward her. “Sgaeyl!” His shadows tug at my ankles and I don’t know if it’s a happy accident or if he meant for it to happen, but it means I go flying into the grass just as her teeth snap shut where my head once was. “Are you fucking kidding me?!” I shriek. 
“LÍA!” I scream at the top of my lungs. “LÍA!”
“Quiet!” Xaden snaps, his shadows smothering any sound I attempt to get out. “Fucking Sorrengail.” He crouches in the grass, his hand on my throat. “That’s who you are, isn’t it? You’re one of Lilith Sorrengail’s.” I snarl at him, lifting a leg to kick him in the groin, but his shadows catch my shin before I can do any damage. 
Gold-flecked onyx eyes stare down at me without an ounce of recognition. “Who’s Lía? Is that your…” Slowly, he stops as if realising for the first time where he’s heard that name before. I stare up at him pleadingly. His hand trails over my arm, tracing the relic at my shoulder. “Lilith Sorrengail’s youngest aren’t old enough to have bonded dragons.” His hand slips down further to the vambrace on my wrist and he picks it up, turning it to face the moonlight. “What the…” He drops it like it burns him. 
Hot steam wafts over me and I hold still as a giant blue-scaled snout drops down to sniff at me. “That’s impossible.” Xaden snaps and I almost feel sorry for him as Sgaeyl shoves him backward onto his ass. Almost. 
“You…asshole!” I seethe, launching myself forward. I don’t feel even a little bit bad for the crack that sounds through the air as I punch him in the face. Serves him right. I pull my arm back again. “You’re in so much fucking trouble, you hear me! I’m going to—” 
A throat clears. “I’m going to have to ask you to stop doing that.” A familiar voice says, tinged with amusement, before adding, “whoever you are.” 
I huff. “Shut up Garrick. Buzz off and tell Imogen how you feel.” A choked sound escapes the man beneath me. “I’m not kidding.” I tell him when he doesn’t move. “Take Masen and give us some space. I want you out of hearing distance.” 
When I glance up, the older man is gaping. “Who the hell are you? Why would I listen to you?” A warm nudge at my back has me unbalanced for a moment, but I manage to hold my ground, straddling Xaden’s torso. 
“Remi Sorrengail.” I tell him, reaching out a hand behind me to press it to Sgaeyl’s maw. “And you’re going to listen to me because it’s in your best interest. Shoo.” He mouths the last word to himself disbelievingly, before his eyes flit over my shoulder at the Blue Daggertail behind me and my hand currently resting above her nose.
“Ok. You’re on your own, brother.” He says succinctly, before turning on his heel and heading for the rocky outcropping they came from. When I look back down, Xaden’s eyes are narrowed and his mouth is downturned and twitching slightly. He’s definitely arguing with Sgaeyl. Impatience not in the least bit tempered by the one hit I’d gotten in, I slip my hand from his shoulder to his jaw and tug, leaning down to claim his lips with mine. 
For a moment, he’s still, his body rigid beneath me and I feel something in my chest shrivel and die. Desperately, I pour every ounce of love and fear I have into it, begging, willing his soul to recognise mine. Slowly, tentatively, his lips part. My fingers reach up to tangle in his hair and by the time we part for air, I’m curled over him, my eyes just inches from his own. “Look at me.” I demand, my thumb stroking over his cheekbone before I drop my voice to a low whisper. “Read me.”
He jolts, his eyes widening. It’s…clumsy almost when he reaches out toward me and I realise with an aching heart it’s probably because he hasn’t had much, if any practice at this point. He’s only twenty-two. Holy shit. Patiently, I push a memory to the forefront of my mind—laying in each other’s arms, trading bites of chocolate cake on his favourite hillside in Aretia. 
“Holy shit.” He whispers and my lips curve upward. 
“Hi.” I murmur quietly, dropping a chaste, gut-wrenching kiss to his lips. “I’m Remi.” My throat tightens as I force back tears. “And one time you told me it was love at first sight. I’m starting to think that you lied.”
He stares. 
“I’m sorry.” I whisper, climbing to my feet. “I know this isn’t—that you don’t know me.” I choke out. “But I don’t know what happened and I can’t feel my dragon and I’m scared, Xade.” Slowly, he climbs to his feet and takes a step toward me, closing the gap again. 
A hand reaches out to brush my hair behind my ear and a wet chuckle escapes me. I guess some things really don’t change. “Where—when are you from?” He finally asks, his eyes glued to my face.
“Two years from now.” I whisper. “Give or take.” I glance at the two stars on his uniform. “My twin and I—” I pause, my mouth snapping shut.
“Your twin…Violet, right?” I nod, mutely. “Listen, Sorrengail,” he begins and it sounds so strange coming from him that I flinch.
“I don’t know how much I should share.” I blurt. “What if…if this is time travel, then should I be keeping everything to myself? Just in case…” Just in case it changes things. My eyes flit over his shoulder for a second to where Garrick and Masen stand and guilt flares in my chest. I should want to tell him everything, to tell him every detail so he can try and prevent people from getting hurt, but I…I’m selfish. I worry if I do tell him anything further, maybe it will change things and he won’t…love me. 
“Are there things you think you should share?” He asks archly and I chuckle, the sound almost hysterical even to my ears.
“You have no idea.” I croak.  
His lips tilt up, just slightly. “I think I have some idea.” He says softly. “It must have been a pretty crazy two years for me to end up with a Sorrengail.”
I lift a brow. “Because you could never be cordial with a Sorrengail?” I glare, arching a brow. It takes a moment before it clicks and his mouth forms a small ‘o’. “Yeah, that one was fun to find out after almost dying.” 
“You almost died?” He says immediately, his eyes running over me again from head to toe. I shrug, noncommittally. “What can you tell me?” He asks, exasperated and I grin, looking up at him adoringly. 
“I love that tick in your jaw, this one right here.” I carefully slide my thumb across it. “I used to be such a common cause of it.” 
I’m faced with a deadpan expression. “Somehow, I’m certain you still are.” 
I laugh aloud. “Maybe.”
Sgaeyl takes to the sky behind me and I whip around, my eyes following her form as she disappears in the direction of the Vale. “She’s going to get your Lía.” He informs me, his voice low. “To see in person if she knows anything—feels anything from you.” 
I shake my head immediately. “I don’t think so. I can’t feel her at all, like she’s not even there. Although…” I trail off contemplatively. “If anyone in the Vale can help, it might be Andarna.” 
Xaden’s eyes turn distant for a moment before he focuses back in on me. “Sgaeyl won’t tell me what that means.” 
I nod. “She shouldn’t.” I reply simply. She’ll know. I glance over his shoulder once more. “Heading out on a drop?” I ask, noting the bags by Garrick’s feet. 
My partner stiffens. “You…”
I smile up at him fondly. “I really wish I could tell you the story of how I found out right now.” 
“You could.” He suggests. 
“No.” I deny, leaning in to wrap my arms around him. He’s still for a second before slowly, carefully he brushes a hand over my hair, stroking softly. I tuck my face into his neck, breathing him in. 
“We’re…serious, then?” He asks and I can feel his free hand tracing over the Riorson family crest on my vambrace. 
“Very.” I laugh. “You’re going to marry me one day soon.” When I look up, I’m sure my eyes are bright. “Because I’m the best thing that ever happened to you, not because someone else thought it would be a good idea.” 
His lips part slightly. “You know…” 
My heart sinks a little. “I know.” I confirm. “Xade?” I lift a hand to his chest, resting it gently over his heart. “Promise me something—don’t go to Cordyn.” I beg. “If they want to renegotiate just tell them no, don’t go there.” I plead. 
“Why?” He asks carefully, in that way of his that means he’s hiding something.
“Just…promise me.” I beg. “Or promise me you won’t be alone with her, I just…Xaden.” I hold his gaze, pleading with my eyes. 
“Ok.” He relents. “I promise.” I sigh in relief, tension draining out of me as I bury my face in his neck. Maybe it’s selfish, to try and change this and only this, or maybe it won’t make a lick of difference—perhaps whenever this…anomaly is over, I’ll simply go back to my time and he’ll forget ever having met me until that day on the parapet. 
But if there’s even a chance I can change it—this one thing that affects no one and nothing but him—I’ll take it. “Thank you.” I murmur, pressing my lips to his throat. When I pull away slightly to meet his gaze again, I let my thumb trail reverently over his lips. 
“I love you.” I whisper. “I need you to know that.” I smile sadly at the broken, desperate look in his eyes. “I love you more than anything—anyone—I’ve ever loved or ever will love. There is no me, without you.”
Slowly, he lowers his lips to mine of his own volition and my soul sings.
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Part Two
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yoitsjay · 2 months
Hi!! I ador your writing, Especially your male reader ones! There's not enough clone x male reader fanfics out there. So im requesting a Commander Fox x male reader with no specifications. You can do whatever you want with this. And if you don't feel comfortable or you just don't want to, that's fine too I hope you have an amazing day!
Thank you! I couldn't figure out what I wanted to do with this so- I hope this is okay!
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New and Relieving
Pairings: Fox x male senator! Reader
Summary: You were an up and coming senator within the republic, from a planet nobody has even heard of until now. Fox is tasked in protecting you along with the rest of his squad, and though it's a reprieve from the chancellor he can't stand you. You're snarky, kind to others but blunt to those who oppose you. Your kind to Fox and his brothers but he just can't understand why... well, he will soon find out.
Warnings: some fluff, not many warnings.
Word count: 1,559
After a vicious battle on the planet of Cryt,
General’s Anakin Skywalker and Obi-wan Kenobi are tasked with bringing the Senator of Cryt to Coruscant for added protection against separatist assassins trying to take his life.
The Republic Senate places Senator Y/n under the protection of the Coruscant guard until further notice.
Now Senator Y/n must face the harsh realities of true politics in wartime, as well as battling the growing tension between him and his protector, Commander Fox…
Will the Senator persevere?
Two days, half a current rotation. One large celebratory dinner, half eaten rations. You kept track of the number of hours you had been on Coruscant, you tried to eat more than just one dinner and some rations, but the near loss of your home planet had been a lot to carry on your shoulders.
So many good soldiers lost their lives to save your little back water trade route, but they assured you it was essential for the Republic to set up a care center and base of operations there.
You didn’t argue back.
You now had to face the threat of hundred’s, maybe even thousand’s of Senators, arguing on whether or not you- or your contribution is worth having within the senate.
You quickly realized that there were two sides in the Senate, the vindictive, cruel, money driven senators who often side with the banking clan, and the kind hearted, caring senators who always try to fight for the right thing.
You picked your side pretty quickly.
Senator Organa, Amidala, and Chuchi all became good friends of yours, helping you with some of that burden you carried on your shoulders, offering help and advice which definitely had lightened your load a bit.
You were currently sitting in your office, one hand in your hair as the other was scribbling on paper, writing signatures on bills for your friends in the Senate. You heard the door to your office open but you didn’t even bat an eye to who entered, just giving them a curt wave as you moved onto the next stack of papers.
You had a small guard squad assigned to you, but you had been so busy these last couple of days so you just didn’t have the time to greet them or ask for their names. “I need an assistant.” You muttered to yourself as you pushed the stack of papers away, leaning back to look at the ceiling.
“Anything I can help with? Senator?” A voice called up, and you jolted in your seat, turning your head in the direction of the voice, seeing one of the guards standing beside your desk. You let out a sigh of relief, offering the armored man a gentle smile. “perhaps… thank you for the offer…” You trailed off, silently asking for the clone's name.
“I’m Commander Thorn.” He introduced, and you smiled a bit brighter, standing as you offered a handshake to him, which he took politely. “Y/n L/n- though- i guess you already knew that.” You chuckled, placing your hands on your hips.
“I apologize if I've seemed unfriendly to you and your brothers, I've just had so much on my plate.” You sighed, glancing at your work before shaking your head.
“It’s no problem at all, Senator. We understand.” Thorn stated, giving you some consolation on your quiet behavior. “Right, well I think it’s time I get to know your squad some more, hm?” You suggested, grabbing your commlink and your jacket, walking out of your office with Thorn right behind you.
There were a few clones guarding your door, and as you walked the hallways beside the commander, they stayed guarding your office. Thorn took you to the main mess hall in the GAR, knowing that it would be where his Marshall Commander and other brothers would be.
He also gave you a small tour around the GAR per your request, and you had some friendly short chats with a couple other clones before entering the mess hall.
It was packed with hundreds of clones, the room went silent when they noticed you, a fancily dressed Senator, but regardless Thorn helped you get some food from the line up. He told you to skip the line but you were adamant on waiting your turn.
Once you had your tray of food Thorn led you over to one of the tables already filled with clones wearing red armor. One of them caught your eye, he had dark short hair, but there was a silver streak running through the left side of his hair. He stared at you before standing in greeting.
“Senator. I didn’t know you’d be joining us.” The man stated, and you offered a light smile. “I decided I needed to get to know the men protecting me. Thorn has been very helpful so far but I'd like to know the rest of you too.” You explained as you sat down at the table, Thorn sitting beside you.
“Right… Well these are Commanders Thire and Stone. Beside Stone is Sergeant Hound.” The clone introduced, and each clone waved or saluted. You waved in response, turning your head to look at the man who was already staring at you.
“So you must be Marshall Commander Fox.” You mused, and the man nodded. “Well it’s wonderful to meet you all, I hope you don’t mind me joining you.” You stated, readying your meal to be eaten.
“Not at all, Senator. You're welcome to join us.” Commander Thire spoke up, and you sent him a thankful look before biting into your sandwich.
Fox narrowed his eyes at you slightly, crossing his arms over his chest as he watched you talk with his brothers. Eventually you felt your commlink going off and you started cursing as you fumbled to get up an answer. “Shit! i forgot I had a stupid meeting.” You hissed, grabbing your tray as you smiled at the men.
“Excuse me, I must go. It was very nice meeting you all.” You expressed, throwing out the food from your tray before setting the tray to the side. Fox then stood up, it being his turn to escort you places, following you out in a brisk walk as you hurried from the GAR back to the senate building to get there in time for your meeting.
When you got to the room you turned to Fox, offering him a smile. “Thank you for escorting me, you are free to do as you please.” You started quickly before entering the room.
However Fox didn’t leave. Even as your meeting went on for hours he stood outside until you were the last to leave. He noticed how exhausted you looked, and sighed. “To your quarters?” He asked, however you shook your head.
“No, I am done for the day, I will return back to my apartment.” You stated. Fox nodded and led you to the building where many senator’s resided, already knowing your apartment number even if you didn’t.
Once you got to the door that led to your chambers you turned to Fox, and spoke.
“I’m sorry if I've offended you in the past couple of days. Being a Senator of such a small planet- it's hard work that I'm not used to.” You breathed out, running your hand through your hair as you stared up at him. He noticed something shining in your eyes, and he wouldn’t lie…
You’ve piqued his interest, more than anyone else ever has.
“I was raised on a farm, I led my community since I was a teenager… They voted for me to become Senator when we sided with the republic. If I'm honest I should have said no.” You joked, opening your apartment door before turning to Fox again, biting your bottom lip.
“Will I see you tomorrow?” You asked, and Fox thought for a moment before he nodded. “Yes, I'll be here in the morning. You’ll have guards stationed outside if you need anything however. Keep your Com on.” He instructed, and you nodded, giving him another look before finally shutting the door.
After that, little walk breaks with Fox became a regular thing, along with the fact that he always brought you home, and was always there in the morning to pick you up. You didn’t see him much in the afternoon, so you looked forward to the evening’s with the Commander.
You and Fox grew closer, and to think he despised you at first- or at least was very untrusting. But now he trusted you alot, he learned all about you, personality wise and… otherwise. Though even as the Republic… rebranded… Fox stayed by your side, permanently transferring as your bodyguard, giving orders when he needed too.
But you helped him lose faith in the republic he had worked so hard to keep peaceful. You resigned as Senator, and withdrew your planet’s support from the Empire, despite their resistance. However you had the backing of millions of people on your home planet…
You and Fox started a rebel alliance cell on your planet, and explored the feelings that had bloomed between you. Fox was gay as fuck, that he found out pretty fast after leaving the Empire with you.
And you were… open to anything he threw your way.
You were perfect for him.
And you knew it.
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hi love your content! thanks for sharing. also the name makes me laugh every time 😊
do you know anymore background on what happened btw Lluis Cortes and the players towards the end of the ‘20-‘21 season that led to him resigning? i’ve always wondered, bc the players seemed to come out of the gate so aggressively at the beginning of the ‘21-‘22 season, and it seemed like the culture / camaraderie actually declined a little? did they think he wasn’t intense *enough*? something else lacking? do you know anything about how/why he went to coach ukraine? would’ve thought he could have more attractive options, but perhaps a national team in europe was a good next step? i think he is still relatively young (coaching really seems to age people 😅)
i think ive seen him be friendly w some of the players when he’s encountered them since (Alexia in Saudi Arabia, and Jenni and others when they played ukraine maybe). thanks for any info!
lluís cortés is a fascinating figure, and he's currently manager of the saudi arabia women's national team. and yes, he has maintained good relationships with a number of former players, including alexia and jenni. alexia was able to catch up with him when she went to saudi arabia and visited with the women's team.
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and cortés reportedly turned down the morocco women's team job after learning that jorge vilda would be involved, in solidarity with jenni.
so his career at barça was not without controversy. so in june 2021, sport reported that barça players (through the captains) went to the board and asked for cortés to be removed as manager for the next season.
we don't know the full details of the locker room strife, but it was probably due to an over intensity (not lack thereof) and lack of squad rotation and overplaying that happened during those years. sport further reported that the "intensity that has been experienced in the last two and a half years has had an impact on coexistence and on day-to-day life and that it is best to start from scratch with a new coaching staff because if it continues like this the team suffer...the wear and tear that has occurred cannot be redirected and that staying the same would not be a good solution."
and then lluís formally resigned later in june. honestly, i think jona was not a better tactician than lluís and certainly learned a lot of things from him when he served as cortés' assistant since 2019. but i did think that jona was a better people manager and had the social aspect of team management down better than lluís did.
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as for why he went to ukraine, well cortés spoke extensively about feeling "burned out" during his time at barça. just like emma hayes said recently, the schedule for being an international manager is just better and less intense than being a club manager, especially a high performing club like barça with a long schedule and multiple cup competitions. to me, that's why it made perfect sense for cortés to go to a national team.
"I felt at the end of the season, I was so tired, I was living far from my home city. I wanted to spend more time with my family, I wanted to rest. I wanted to exit from this stressful life for some time. For this reason, I wanted to leave the team. Of course, it's true, that at the end of the season I felt a lack of feeling with some players but it's normal in a football team...As a coach, when you have all these feelings mixed, you have to make a decision. I think it was the best decision for me, for the club and for everybody."
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so yeah, i think lluís is a talented manager with a lot of skill and is not a bad guy or anything like that. but i do think he's grown up a lot and learned a lot, especially when it comes to team politics and learning how to manage players. he is contracted to saudi arabia through 2027 but i wouldn't be surprised to see him coach a european national team soon.
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Prompt suggestion I loved the grandmas! So Ava's grandmas squad at the wedding maybe? :D
you've been to many, many weddings in your life: your own, the most important; your siblings' and your children's and your grandchildren's, blessing after blessing. most have been fun, and, especially as you get older, you enjoy everyone happily bringing you copious amounts of champagne and an extra slice of cake, dancing with you on rotation.
you've been to so many weddings but, of them all, this might be the most beautiful.
part of it is probably because, as you had discovered, beatrice has more money than god. she's not flashy about spending it; whenever she comes to the country club to have lunch, she's in soft earth tones, but you have been wealthy long enough to notice the clean tailoring and how her hair, especially after she cuts it short — which ava had informed your group of breathlessly one day — is always neat and shiny, her rolex and ring understated but beautiful all the same. it feels, retrospectively, a little like you've gotten to watch them both grow up, and grow into themselves. also, amusingly, you hadn't quite realized how wealthy she was until you'd gone to their home for lunar new year, two years ago, and then you had fully comprehended, with a fair amount of humor, because ava had never mentioned anything and had always been excited and friendly and down to earth, more than happy to spend time with a group of old ladies.
this is also the most beautiful because it's on the beach, and because all of it is designed to be accessible for anyone with mobility aids, even though it's in the sand. everyone has taken their shoes off, and there are flowers everywhere and a small, wooden altar, ornate and subtle, that beatrice and ava stand in front of. there's stephanotis woven into ava's hair, and her dress is all gossamer and lace, small straps over her shoulders and the back dipping low. you've seen her scars almost every week since you'd met, but you've been alive a long time and you know that there's a measure of love that exists in her life — fought for by her; inevitably created by her, you think, too, with her steadfastness and her undeniable charm — that makes those scars just part of this night. part of this love.
beatrice, in a sharp navy suit and a t-shirt tucked in underneath, her slacks rolled up above her ankles, has been crying since she saw ava, sniffling and laughing intermittently, and ava had started to cry while she was saying her own vows. it's a simple ceremony, short and so heartfelt, and angela offers you an ornate embroidered hanky silently when beatrice quietly promises her life to ava; they've invited everyone they love and still she says it like they're the only two people in the world.
at the reception, eventually ava finds you on the dance floor, even though her eyes flit back to beatrice often.
ava smiles at the young man — named keiko, he'd said, one of beatrice's friends from the dojo — currently dancing with you and he kisses her cheek with a laugh when she asks to cut in.
'sorry,' she says, 'if you wanted to keep dancing with him. i will say that he has a very cute boyfriend anyway.'
you laugh. 'i would rather dance with you; it's kind of beatrice to spare you.'
'eh, i have her forever. i wanted to dance with the second most beautiful woman here.'
you laugh. 'she is very, very handsome.'
ava groans. 'i didn't know she was going to wear that jacket. her brother surprised her with it.'
it's gorgeous, maybe one of the most beautiful pieces you've ever seen; angela had gasped quietly when beatrice and ava had walked in, and it had made you laugh around a crostini. 'i've asked all my children and grandchildren this, at their weddings,' you say, and you don't miss the way ava's eyes water immediately, 'are you happy?'
of course, you already know the answer. you've never seen two people happier with each other, more comfortable in and out of each other's orbits together, like you have the two of them. ava reminds you of aaron, you often think, with a pang you've felt for the past seven years — joyful, the entire world a little in awe of them, the delight of knowing that you're the center of their universe overcoming everything else.
'this is the happiest day of my life. i am — it's beyond words.'
it makes you want to cry, but you already have and ava glances over your shoulder with a soft smile, meant for one person only. 'good,' you tell her. 'you will have all the happiness in this life, with the love you've found.'
'it feels like a miracle.' she looks at the ring on her finger, elegant; perfect for her and her constant motion, inlaid with diamonds.
'it is a miracle,' you say. 'a blessing, a love like yours.'
'ruth, i really can't cry again.' you laugh. 'but — yes. i've loved her before, many times, i think. in one way or the other.'
she says it like there's only truth to it; certainty. without doubt. faith. maybe you will be young again; maybe you will meet aaron in some other form and build another life, blessings greater than the stars. beatrice's hair falls into her eyes and she dances with her niece and nephew. 'i believe you have.'
ava smiles. 'thank you for coming, and for the dance.'
you hug her, hold her to you for a moment, one of your favorite people in the world. a slow song starts and you spin her by the hips. 'go dance with your wife.'
she melts a little, a grin on her face. 'yeah,' she says, 'my wife.'
the party goes late, the joy overflowing. beatrice looks asleep on her feet when you leave but you hug her too, with her beautiful jacket and eyes that are always only ever for ava.
'thank you for coming,' she says, hugging you tight, 'and for being so wonderful to ava, and to me.'
'congratulations, on an undoubtedly beautiful life. thank you for letting me be in it.'
she nods, her smile gentle. you find angela and head to her car; thank god she can still competently drive at night.
'burgers?' you ask, and she laughs.
'didn't we eat so much food?'
you shrug. 'milkshakes, at least?'
'you are a terrible influence,' she says, but she grins and drives toward in n out and she's your best friend. another blessing, in this life, another love.
'i'm glad we've lived long enough to see that wedding.'
'don't call us old.'
'what was your favorite part.'
angela smiles, gently, bathed in the streetlights while you wait at an intersection. 'their vows, of course.'
in this life, and the next and the next, you remember. 'they mean them.'
'yes,' angela says. 'more than anyone i've ever met.'
'our grandchildren.'
angela laughs. 'a good night.'
she caves and orders herself a cheeseburger too, and then drives to the beach. you can't sit on her trunk anymore but you roll the windows down and it counts, this life and the next, all the same.
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chaioticcoffee · 1 year
A/N: eyooo!! I found this little comfort fic I wrote a long time ago with non other than my beloved Crossbitch
I'll put a > < to mark the beginning and end of the possibly triggering parts (1st part is mild, 2nd part is a lot heavier)
I rlly disappeared and reappeared with a heavy asf fic LMAO SORRY
keep in mind that- what I made Cross say is just what I really really needed someone to tell me at the time, I knew I would handle things on my own somehow, but i just really wanted to hear those words from someone
_______________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
Truly: you felt miserable.
You are in that phase where you feel like you're just existing with no purpose, like you're just walking around and you have no idea what is going on around you nor what you can possibly do. You have absolutely no energy left, talking to anyone is hard because all you do is force yourself to answer. You're pretty sure Hunter picked up on it quite fast and only didn't confront you about it because he didn't want to make you uncomfortable by picking such a subject next to the others.
Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure
The constant pressure in your chest from the anxiety has been suffocating and has only grown. It hadn't left you for a whole standard rotation and only now that you were back in the Marauder with the rest of the squad did you allow time to yourself to assess your emotions. Hunter and Tech went to run some errands while Wrecker and Omega went stars know where to most likely stir up trouble that Tech and Hunter will have to deal with later. That left Crosshair and you alone. You were sitting on one of the chairs in the cockpit, trying to sort out your loud thoughts and emotions.
All that happened was that you kept zoning out, really. Your mind spiralled into a dark place, full of your failures or your sudden feeling of being completely worthless among the squad for absolutely no reason at all. > Only when you feel your arm twitching and itching for something missing < did you force yourself to snap out of it as you feel the rising heat to your cheeks, you find it a little harder to breathe and you feel yourself tearing up.
You force yourself to take a deep breath and force your emotions down, refusing to break down right then and there. It's okay, you didn't need to cry. Deciding to make it easier for yourself, you make your way towards the only person that always managed to make you smile: Crosshair.
He was sitting on his bunk, legs to the side of it as he cleaned his Firepuncher that layed on his lap. He acknowledges your presence by looking up at you, momentarily stopping what he was doing in order to give you his full attention, in a way of asking what you wanted.
Since you didn't trust yourself to speak without having to cry, you silently make your way over to him, sitting down next to him, slightly more behind him so you could comfortably snake your arms around his waist and lay your head on his shoulder without hindering him from his task too much.
You felt a quick puff of air that was neither too cold nor warm hit your hair and you realized Crosshair let out an amused huff before he returned to his previous activity, not minding your presence since you're not hindering him that much from cleaning his weapon. Quiet moments like these where you both just spend time together either cuddling or just in the same room with a comfortable silence, just enjoying each other's presence, were the ones you both cherished a lot.
You didn't expect him to ask you if anything was wrong, truly you didn't even know if you would have told him the truth. You didn't mind this silence- that is until your mind began to spiral again.
> Stars, how you would love to take out a knife right now, just to cut your forearm at least once- maybe even your throat? Not to kill yourself, just.... make you bleed. And let fate decide whether you make it out or not. Perhaps you don't even want to cut yourself that deeply. You've done self-harm before, you know it doesn't actually help you, but sometimes all you find as a means of escape is that short stinging pain and the blood to remind you that you were indeed still just a human. You let out a frustrated sigh as anger starts to build up within you, you had managed to stay clear of such thoughts for so long and Crosshair and yourself had been so proud of yourself for it, and now here you are again. <
You hadn't realized that Crosshair had set his sniper rifle to the side until he turned around in your arms and returned the embrace, his movements already practiced.
"What's wrong, (Y/N)?"
Great. Guess you were obvious after all. Your hold on him tightens as you bury your face deeper into the space between his shoulder and his neck, muttering a weak "I don't know." You don't bother restraining your tears anymore, allowing yourself to let it out now that you finally felt somewhat safe for the first time in weeks. Crosshair only hummed as a response, trying to give you as much time as you needed to figure out your thoughts. His hold on you tightened just a little, hoping he could ground you somehow.
After a while he decided to suggest to you to lay down with him by lowering the both of you slowly to the mattress, without much force as to let you know that you can always refuse his offer at any time. When you didn't, he used one of his hands to pull his blanket above your bodies and his hand reclaimed its spot on your back.
"It'll be okay. Whatever it is, I'm sure we will figure something out. You're not alone."
You let your eyes close and take a derp shaky breath when you feel his lips pressing shortly on your head, which truly melted your heart. You will be fine, because you won't be alone for the recovery. It'll take some time, but it's okay. He's there to support you, even if he won't know how to help to some problems.
"Thank youuu, I love you soooooo much."
A small smile formed on his face, "I love you too Cyare."
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starlightrows · 1 year
14 — Reunion
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Hiding In Plain Sight
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Pairing: Commander Wolffe x reader
Word Count: 5.5k
Warnings: Oral (fem receiving), p in v sex, Wolffe letting someone else be in charge for once
Summary: You’re reunited with your team, and more importantly reunited with Wolffe!
The months you’ve been gone seem to stretch on and on without end. Day in and day out you are treating patients that are terminally ill from the toxic gasses they breathed in while fleeing Atraken. It’s long hours, emotionally and physically draining. But you keep yourself going, because somewhere out there in the universe, Wolffe loves you and is working his hardest to get you back.
You don’t get the chance to talk to him often, mostly just the occasional check in messages and quick responses. You’ve tried com calling him before when you get off your shifts, but you keep falling asleep during them. Wolffe actually loves those, because at least he can hear the sounds of your gentle breathing after you fall asleep and know that you are resting peacefully. It’s the only way he gets to feel close to you.
One afternoon, after what you think is five standard months, you receive a com notification. You, along with many of your colleagues that were reassigned from high ranking battle battalions, are being sent back to your original squad placements to rejoin the war effort. When you read the message you feel a little weak in the knees and have to sit down to read the message again. It’s true, you’re being sent back! You haven’t heard from Wolffe in a couple days and you have no idea if he’s been given this information yet. You decide not to tell him, it’ll be a great surprise!
You feel a bit anxious as you prepare to leave the medical frigate you’ve been living on. You don’t really have anything here that belongs to you, not even the bunk you’ve been sleeping on was technically yours with the rotating shifts of the medical personnel on this base. So you board a shuttle with nothing but the clothes on your back and a small duffle of your second set of uniform clothing, just the way you had come.
Your orders are to rejoin the 104th on General Plo’s ship, which has officially been named The Radiant, before their next deployment. Part of you hopes that this will be an easy mission, the last five months have kept you busy but you haven’t exactly been doing the same level of physical training you were used to with the team. Either way, from what Wolffe has told you, you’ll be able to run circles around the rookie that’s been holding your spot on the team. Still you have a bit of tightness in your chest and a pit in your stomach as your transport gets closer and closer to the rendezvous point.
When your transport docks you are quickly off loaded with a few others on board and the shuttle takes off once more to deliver more medical personnel to their respective squadrons. Even though The Radiant is just a ship, just like all of the other Venator class star destroyers in the Republic’s fleet, it feels like coming home. You walk with a giddy confidence towards the officers quarters, it’s evening time on the galactic standard clock, the squad should be having down time. You bypass the corridor to reach your old quarters and head straight for Wolffe’s door. Your heart is pounding as you stand at the door, with your bag slung over your shoulder. You knock on the door and wait for a response.
You don’t hear anything on the other side of the door for a long moment. You think maybe he is already asleep, or he is in his office working, could be that he is with the lads or in the shower. Just before you decide that he’s not there and turn to leave, the door slides open.
There is a moment of confusion, an extra second to process that it is you that is standing in front of him. Then the grin spreads across his face and he steps forward into you, snatching you into a tight hug. You drop your bag on the floor and wrap your arms around him. His embrace is nearly crushing you, it’s so firm. After a moment he chuckles and pulls away to look at you
“You couldn’t have com’d ahead and let us know you’re coming?” He chuckles
“And miss this?” You grin “You should see your face, I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a genuine smile from you commander”
He chuckles and shakes his head “I missed you Doc”. He wants to kiss you so badly, but there are other officers and servicemen milling about in the area. Everyone knows that you’ve been gone, a hug with a surprise return in one thing, a kiss would definitely draw unwanted attention. Your welcome back kiss will have to wait.
You know this without him having to say it, you step back out of his arms and scoop up your bag. “Come on, I’m going to drop off my duffle. Assemble the team and help me surprise them too”
“I’ll have them meet in the training room, I’ll com the general as well. I’m sure he would be happy to know you’ve returned” he nods. You nod as well and head off down the hall towards your quarters. Wolffe can’t help but watch, he can’t remember ever being this happy or surprised in his entire life.
Your quarters are exactly the way you left them, you drop off your bag and quickly rinse your face with a washcloth. Long hours of travel have left you looking a little dull and sallow. You clean yourself up as quickly and as best you can and go to the training room. You stand by the entrance, just out of sight of the men whose voices you can hear inside. Wolffe is talking to them, spinning some lie as to why they are all there. You peek your head around the corner and see they all have their backs to you, including the general. You move as quietly as you can so they don’t hear you come in. You stand behind Slush, just out of his view while he’s paying attention to Wolffe.
“Now, does anyone have any questions?” Wolffe asks, looking directly at you.
“Yeah, I wasn’t listening at all. Can you repeat the whole thing again?” You call out.
Every head in the room whips around to look at you. Suddenly they are mobbing you in hugs and laughter, shaking you by the shoulders and shouting at you in pure childlike excitement.
“I wasn’t going to admit it, but I really missed you guys” you smile with a small shake of your head. The group had moved from standing around to now sitting on the sparring mats in the training room.
“I think I can speak for all of us” General Plo says “You were dearly missed”
“Thank you General” you nod “Get into any trouble while I was away?”
“Cinder got to do a demonstration for the chancellor and some high ranking admirals” Comet says
“Well, it wasn’t supposed to be a demonstration” Cinder says sheepishly “We were supposed to be transporting the new ion cannons and it just so happened that we needed to use them”
“Ha! Sounds like I missed a party” you chuckle
“It would have been a party if Doctor Kill-Joy hadn’t butt in” Jag rolls his eyes
“Yeah… Wolffe mentioned the new guy is a bit, difficult” you say as delicately as possible
“Difficult is an understatement” Sinker says bitterly “He’s got no discipline, no respect for the chain of command, and seems to have no concept of seniority rules”
“Not to mention he is the slowest and weakest so called soldier I’ve ever seen” Boost says “Seriously, I don’t think he passed basic training for civilian soldiers”
“He can’t be that bad. Everyone has to pass basic training to get put on assignment” you probe, seeing if you can get them to give examples
“Oh just you wait, Doc” Slush shakes his head “5 minutes and you’ll be filling out transfer orders”
“Unfortunately” Wolffe cuts in “He’s on permanent assignment with us. Transfer orders will take months, if we’re lucky”
“Really? But we’ve got Doc back, we don’t need him anymore!” Boost complains
“We’ll figure it out you guys” you say “Whether he stays or goes, at least we’re all back together”
“You’re right, here’s to you Doc. The war wasn’t the same without you”
The evening goes on, you telling them about what actually happened on Atraken, where you were stationed, what sorts of injuries and diseases you had been treating. And them telling you about the rest of their stay on Denarian Prime, other planets they’ve visited while on deployment in that last five months, trouble they’ve found themselves in and the ways they got themselves out of it.
They have you laughing into the early hours of the morning, eventually Wolffe has to put a lid on it.
“Alright lads, we still have training in the morning. She’s here to stay, we can keep swapping stories tomorrow”
As much as you’re enjoying getting to spend time with your team again, you’re grateful for Wolffe shutting it down for the evening. You’re exhausted and very much looking forward to getting some sleep.
Wolffe walks back with you to the split in the hallway between where his room is and where yours is. He hesitates at the junction, wanting to hug you or kiss you so badly. But he knows he can’t get away with a kiss, the hug from earlier was already testing a boundary with the GAR rules. There’s a couple servicemen hanging around the area, and even if they’re not specifically paying attention to you guys, they’re still too much of a crowd.
“See you in the morning captain” he looks into your eyes, hoping you know the conflict he’s feeling right now.
“Sleep well commander” you do, you definitely do.
Even though you don’t get to spend your first night back sleeping next to Wolffe, you do sleep well for the first time in months. The bed in your quarters is still standard issue but is far more comfortable than the bunk cot you shared with countless other medics on the medical frigate.
The following morning you wake up feeling a bit better having finally gotten some real rest. You join the lads in the mess hall for breakfast but don’t join them for morning training.
“You have no idea how behind I am on emails” you complain “I would genuinely rather run laps for the rest of the morning”
“Don’t worry about it Doc, we’ll see you later” Slush pats your shoulder.
You take your time finishing your breakfast and walking to your office. You still haven’t had the chance to have a proper reunion with Wolffe and it’s distracting you. You’ve been longing to be this physically close to him for months and now that you are within proximity to one another, there is always someone around or work to be done. Tonight, you assure yourself, opening the door to your office.
To your surprise, it is not empty as it should be. “Oh? Corporal, I didn’t expect to see you in my office. Was there something you needed assistance with?”
Doctor Roy Faragian sits behind your desk and suddenly looks flustered at your entrance into the room unannounced “Captain! What a surprise. I’m… this office is for the reserved for the lead medic assigned to the 104th battalion and — “
“Indeed it is” you cut him off “And as I am the assigned lead medic for this team, I believe that would make this my office. Is there something I can help you with, Corporal?”
“No… I… I suppose not” His face falls and whatever notion he had about usurping your position collapses when he sees you have no tolerance for his feeble attempts.
“If there’s nothing I can help you with then, I must ask you to find somewhere else to do your notes today, I have quite a few matters that require my attention” you open the door and stand aside, quite literally showing him the door with no room for question or argument.
“Yes sir….” He grumbles, collecting his data pad and shuffling out of the room. You close the door behind him and take a minute to appreciate this little office. You actually never liked this office… there’s bad memories tied to it. You choose not to focus on those memories and instead remind yourself that you had been yearning to return to it for the last several months.
As the hours tick by and you get more of your work done, you’re finding that you’re glad you didn’t participate in physical training this morning. Even though you woke up feeling refreshed this morning, you’re feeling fatigued and foggy now and it’s barely past midday. If you had to make a guess you would say that your body is acclimating to this change of pace or maybe you have the very beginning of a cold. Either way it’s not significant enough that it’s preventing you from completing your work and no way in hell will it prevent you from seeing Wolffe tonight.
The thought of seeing him tonight actually perks you up a bit and motivates you to continue on through your day. When the time finally comes you leave all of your work behind you in your office and head off to your own room. You com Wolffe on the way and let him know you’re ‘off duty’. When you reach your room you take off your boots and service jacket and sit down on the bed for a few minutes. Your energy seems to leach out of your body and into the mattress. You’re tempted to lay down and close your eyes for a few minutes, Wolffe hasn’t responded to your com yet.
You’ve all but made up your mind on taking that nap when you hear the lock turn and the door open. You stand from the bed quickly and open your arms. The door slides closed and locks behind him automatically, he closes the distance between you in two long strides and snatches you up in his arms. His lips are warm and familiar, it almost brings a tear to your eye how much you’d missed this. After a moment or two he breaks the kiss and rests his forehead on yours, eyes still closed, savoring this wish that has finally come true.
“It still doesn’t feel real yet” you laugh a little, moving your head away, only to place it right back on his shoulder. His hand drifts up to cradle the back of your head, rubbing gently with his thumb.
“Mmm” he hums “I hated watching you leave. And was miserable when you were gone”
You hum in agreement. The entire ordeal was miserable. But you don’t want to talk about that, you don’t even want to think about it. You want to be here in this moment with him. You smile against his shoulder, grinning with a girlish excitement “You love me”
He chuckles and grins a little too “Yeah, I’m sorry it took me so long to say it”
“No, it was good. It was what I needed to keep me going” you pat his back lightly and pull away so you can actually look at his face.
“That com call definitely helped keep me going” he smirked “Can I repay the favor?”
Even though you’re tired you have wanted this for months and you could think of no better way to relax and acclimate than getting back into this particular part of your routine. “I almost thought you had forgotten about that Commander” you tease
“Me? Forget you? Never” he grins, pushing your shoulders down so you’ll sit on the edge of the bed.
You don’t resist. You allow him to guide you to lay on your back. His frame seems so much bigger when he’s on top of you. Kissing you with the hunger of a man who's been starved these last five months. His hands are quick and skillful, getting your shirt and bra off in under a minute.
He kisses down your throat and in between your breasts.
“Mmm… missed these” he massages the swell of your breasts in both hands before shifting his attention to just one. His lips close over the soft peak of your nipple, giving it short, deliberate licks and delicate little sucks. It feels good, but stars you want more. You’ve been apart for so long.
Wolffe can feel you squirming beneath him. The subtle way you’re shifting your hips and squeezing your thighs. You’re getting impatient and needy. Another night, he might like to do this again and be mean about it. Go agonizingly slow and force you to be patient. But he doesn’t have the patience for that tonight, he’s been looking forward to this. Thinking about it day and night. Fantasizing about tasting you again.
He pulls away from your breasts and goes back up to kiss your lips. You feel his hands at the waistband of your work trousers, working to get the button and zipper undone. You lift your hips, helping him push the fabric down over your ass. He wastes no time and takes your panties down with it.
You raise yourself up a little, looking over your own chest and tummy to watch him. His eyes are glazed over with lust and desire, focused on his prize. His hands curl around your thighs, pulling you in close so he can drag his nose up your crease. His breath is warm and tickles the sensitive skin down there, it sends a shiver down your spine.
His tongue makes a tentative first pass. Pressing between your folds and traveling up slowly. He groans into you, and pulls you ever closer, his eyes fluttering closed. His tongue moves quicker, up and down your wet heat, purposefully avoiding your clit. Maybe he’s got more patience than he realized, he could still make you squirm and beg. He stays to his task, making long languid strokes, holding your thighs to keep you right where he wants you.
“Mmmgghh… Wolffe” your strangled moan comes at last “You’re doing this on purpose”
He chuckles darkly and flicks his eyes up to meet yours, but he does not answer in words. No he just keeps going, drawing nearer and nearer your aching bud, working you up. But even he wants you to have your satisfaction, he wants you to feel that flood of relief you gifted him.
His tongue draws a gentle circle around your clit, eliciting the sweetest moan from your lips. He can’t help but grin. He cricles and scrubs and devours your clit, pressing his whole face into you. Your sweet whimpers of pleasure mix with his own hungry and desperate groans.
“Wolffe” you whine suddenly, your hands flying to his head, holding him by the hair and shuddering with an orgasm. You haven’t cum in months, it burns so sweetly and leaves you feeling breathless and a little dizzy.
He slows his movements and pulls away gently, freeing himself from your grip. He can’t bear to look away from you. Eyes closed, breathing heavy, but relaxed. Here you are safe. He can keep you safe. Or so he tells himself. He climbs back over you and kisses your lips, letting you taste yourself on him. You kiss him back, keeping your eyes closed.
You didn’t expect to be so exhausted from just one orgasm, but you are. He lays beside you, caressing your face, down your jaw, your neck and collar bone.
He hadn’t noticed before, he hasn’t had time alone with you until now to notice. But he can see now, the slight creases at the corners in your eyes and darkened skin with it. You are fighting to stay awake. Truthfully he wished you could stay awake together all night, talking and fucking and making up for lost time. But he knows even if you won’t tell him, the last five months have taken a lot out of you. Tonight is only one night, you’re back now, there will be many more nights to come when you’ll be up to your usual enthusiasm. He did say he wanted to return the favor, and make this night for you, and the night is not over yet.
“On the first night after you left, we were still in that grand palace. I couldn’t sleep, not when I was so worried about you. I paced the halls and looked into every room. I tried to remember everything I saw so I could tell you about it” his voice is low, warm and soothing. He tells you about the paintings, the statues, the religious relics, the long halls and high ceilings, and the food. He describes every dish he had tasted while he was there, and the ones he did not because he just didn’t have the stomach for it. His voice seems to surround you, envelop you like a soft blanket, and carry you off to sleep.
You awake in the morning, naked and covered by a thin bed sheet. Wolffe lays on his back next to you, peacefully asleep. It’s early, earlier than you’d like to be awake. But you don’t want to sleep anymore. Last night you could hardly keep your eyes open, your body betrayed you when your heart wanted to ride him or let him ride you.
You move carefully so you don’t wake him until you’re ready. The sheet moves with you and you see that he’s elected to sleep naked too. Good, that will make this much easier. You swing your leg over him, and settle yourself over his hips. He stirs, wincing at being pulled from his sleep. He opens his eyes, adjusting to the darkness and making out the figure of your body above him.
His hands drift up to your hips, he gives them a gentle squeeze and massages your sides a bit. You don’t break this contented silence, you want him to be the first to let out a sound of pleasure or word of praise. You roll your hips gently, just grinding on his soft cock, warming him up a little.
It doesn’t take very long to get the reaction you wanted, all men give a morning salute whether they like it or not, and this soldier did not get a chance to cum last night. You plant your hands on either side of his head, allowing more leverage to move yourself on his cock. When he’s full hard and scheming, he lets go of one of your hips and guides himself to catch at your opening on your next pass. You smile down at him and indulge, sitting back and sinking down on his cock.
Finally he lets out a low groan of contentment, overjoyed to feel you around him again. You lean over and kiss his lips, moving yourself gently as you did so.
“Good morning” you whisper with a light giggle
“Mmm, feeling better this morning?” He groans, allowing you to play your little game.
“Much better” you kiss him again, rolling your hips a little more deliberately.
“Mmg good” he groans “Missed this, this perfect pussy” he gives your ass a little smack followed by a squeeze.
The smack surprises you a bit, causing you to make a little gasp. He loves to be in control, he loves to manhandle you a bit. And to be fair, you love that too, but not this time. This time you’re in charge. This time you’re getting him to be needy and desperate to cum. You’d love to get him to beg for it, but you’re not trying to be too greedy.
“Did you really remember all those things, just so you could tell me about them when we could be together again?” You keep your movements slow, bouncing on him just as slowly as he had went down on you last night.
“Yes” he groans. You move a little faster, grinding your hips against his and lean forward to kiss his neck.
“Did you know you loved me when I left?”
“Yes” he gasps “fuck… I‘ve loved you… ahhh… long time”
You’ve never gotten him this subdued, this open, this honest. It makes you feel confident and sexy that you’re keeping him under you and under your spell.
“How long commander?” You whisper in his ear, moaning a little when his cock catches in a particularly good spot that breaks your concentration
“Second shore leave. I…oh fuck” he stops mid sentence, his head tipped back in ecstasy as he feels your hand reaching between you, pressing your fingers at the base of his cock where your cunt just doens’t reach. “Wasn’t… strong enough”
You remember that shore leave. Coming off that horrible experience with Admiral Sarkany. He had been very attentive and loving on that trip. That’s when he knew that he realized he loved you. And just hadn’t been able to say until the war separated you. You realized you loved him when you were standing there in the moments before you were torn apart on Denarian Prime.
You move your hips even faster, fast enough that it makes an embarrassingly pornographoic sound. Wolffe can’t contain himself, his grip on your hips is bruising with how much he is using it to anchor him to reality. He grits out your name between clenched teeth “Not gonna last…”
“Tell me again” you whimper, maintaining your pace, you want him to cum. You want him to cum inside you. You want to feel it for the next several hours, the next several days if he can go hard enough. And you want to hear it from his own lips when he does.
“I love yo-ugggh” he barely managers to get our the last syllable before he cuts himself off with a moan as he finds his release. You slow your movements, still rocking on him a little to let him fully enjoy this release.
You stop your movements all together and kiss his lips “I love you”
The next few days you feel more and more at home on The Radiant, things are starting to feel kind of normal again. Except for this doctor Faragian that always seems to be hovering around you when you’re working with patients or tutting over your notes. And while you are far more patient and willing to give grace than Wolffe and the lads, it really has only been three days and you’re ready to accidentally open an airlock with him in it.
You’re honestly grateful when mission orders come through, at least on a mission you can order him to do something useful and far away from you. The mission doesn’t sound too bad, just escorting an engineering team to do some maintenance on some deep space telemetry equipment on an outpost that’s a little too close to Separatist controlled space to allow them to work unguarded.
You feel a buzz of excitement climbing the short ladder up to the cockpit of the ship. It feels right, like coming home, that you’re meant to be here strapping yourself into the copilot’s seat. Slush goes through the preflight check with you and engages the engines, he looks over at you with a toothy grin and extends his fist out to you. You chuckle a little and tap your knuckles against his.
“It’s good to have you back Doc”
“I’m sure Jag is a little peeved I’m taking his preferred seat”
“Believe it or not, maybe three days before you got back he was saying that becoming a pilot wouldn’t be nearly as worth it if the cost was never getting to see you again” Slush gently guides the ship out of the hanger and away from The Radiant.
You make a face, “Liar”
“Yeah no, you’re absolutely right. The little shit is probably down there sulking as we speak” he grins “He did miss you though. We all did”
You shake your head with a laugh and let out a sigh “I missed you guys too. I worried that our pack would be smaller when I got back. If I ever got back” you admit. You would never say it to any of them, but you had watched hundreds of clones take their final breaths over the last few months. With all of them having nearly identical faces, you couldn’t help envisioning the faces of your friends beside them. Wolffe’s scar. Boost’s hair. Cricket’s chipped tooth. Cinder’s cheek and chin tattoos.
“You’re not getting rid of us that easily” Slush breaks the silence you had left when you trailed off in thought. ��Besides we had the high and mighty Doctor Roy Faragian to stitch us up and kiss our boo boos”
“Wolffe told me about him while I was away. But seriously, I don’t know how long I’ll be able to keep my cool with him around. I have half a mind to write to command and inflict him on someone else” you roll your eyes and pull up the navigation while you chat.
“You’ve only been dealing with this for a few days. It’s been six months for us with no reprieve!”
You and Slush gossip and complain for the relatively short hyperspace jump to pick up the engineering team from another base. And continue gossiping on the longer jump to the Tuhbukka system where this outpost is located.
Tuhbukka seems to be a nice enough planet, a mix of ocean and land mass like many other planets you’ve visited. After landing near the base you disembark and meet the begin the trek out from the actual structure of the base. According to the engineering team the piece of equipment that needs maintenance is actually several miles out into the woods in a clearing that has better sky view access for the tasks it serves. You don’t really understand what a lot of their jargon means, but they are easy to work with and follow orders as directed. Which is more than you can say for your rookie.
“If we were going to have to hike eight miles in, why couldn’t we just land the ship closer to the equipment?” He complained loudly from the back of the line march.
Wolffe walked a little faster, trying to put as much distance between himself and Faragian as possible without ditching the squad. One of the engineers started explaining the situation to him again with a growing annoyance in his voice.
The terrain wasn’t difficult, but you still found yourself struggling to stay at pace with the lads. You chalked it up to being out of shape from not doing any physical training for six months. Still you refused to complain, fall behind or show any indication that you are not as strong as you used to be. Not that you had any doubt that the lads would shame you for it, but you didn’t want to have anything in common with the rookie or give him any excuse for his own inadequacy for field work.
Finally after hours of hiking the group made it to a large clearing. The woods just seemed to stop and leave a barren strip of land about a hundred yards from a pretty sheer cliff side and deep canyon below it. The telemetry equipment sat about twenty yards from the tree line and looked like a satellite dish or maybe a laser emitter. Either way you were here to do security, not deep space telemetry. Wolffe directed the team to start pitching tents, gather wood for a fire and start preparing food while the engineers got started assessing the equipment. It was already early evening and you had all had a long day of trekking and would be here a few days at least.
You decided to help pitch tents since you were still feeling pretty low energy from the long hike and general fatigue you haven’t been able to shake the last few days. Once all the tents are up, Cricket and Cinder have a fire going and you take the opportunity to sit around it with them and watch the sky darken over the cliff side. As the light from the sun ekes out and soft pinks fade to the black of night, you find yourself unable to tear your gaze from the stars.
You’ve spent a lot of time traveling in the galaxy, mostly because of the war. You’ve visited at least a hundred planets by this point, but you don't often have the chance to look up at the open sky and appreciate it. The whole team seemed to have settled into a quiet lul, either looking up at the stars with you or into the crackling campfire.
The rest of the mission was completely uneventful. Three days of rotating guard duty and essentially just camping with these engineers. Every night you got to sit around the campfire, chat with the lads, laugh and reminisce, and stare up at the sky. And you were grateful for it. It really isn’t much, but to you that time spent doing nothing was everything.
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b0n3s-is-gay · 2 years
Working Class Woman
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Tags: Cannon au, fem! reader, Commander reader, Brother Erwin, Major Character death, Depressed Reader, Comfort from both sides, Mentions of Alcohol, Self starvation mentioned
Synopsis: After the death of Erwin, reader takes over the position that her twin brother used to hold for 5 long years and trys to finish what her brother couldn't. During that time, she shuts down and her close friends take notice. Even her boyfriend, Levi Ackerman, takes notice.. They both end up talking some things out and it ends up with both reader and Levi comforting eachother as a couple.
A/N: this was all inspired by someone who I consider to be my insperation and the person to push me in the right direction to start my writing carrer. I'd just like to say that they are amazing and you should go follow them! @m-jelly \( ̄︶ ̄*\))
I sat down in his chair with a small emerald green charm in my hand, rotating it in my hand and tracing it with my index finger. I saw his face in it every time I stared into the gem. His laugh haunted my dreams and his scent was still on his uniform coats and cloak. I couldn't stand to look at his portrait that hung on the right wall of my bedroom.
I everytime I sat at the commanders table with all the other captains, I wouldn't eat... no I couldn't eat. It made me feel guilty that he wasn't here. Guilty that he couldn't eat the food that he loved, talk to the people he was close with, be there for the advancement of the cause that he commited his life to, and do the things that he loved... I was the embodiment of what he wasn't here for. It hurt to know that he couldn't be here for each advancement that he wanted.
I knew that it would hurt him to see me in this state, but I couldn't help it. I couldn't sleep because every time that I tried, I'd just relive that horrible moment. I cried every waking moment that I wasn't infront of a crowd, friends, and cadets that now look up to me. His dreams would never come true for him just made it worse for me.
"Commander Y/n, are you okay?" I looked up from my cold steak that was on my plate and saw Cadet Arlert standing infront of me. I looked at him with tired eyes and simply nodded at him, his ocean eyes looked over me and nodded swiftly as he left for his seat. Ocen eyes... heh...
I sighed and set my cold food infront of Cadet Braus and left the dining hall. My head was swimming with thoughts of him. Each breath, each step, and each movement of my 3DM gear was spent thinking of strategies and him. His movement and ideas were nothing but there as I progressed.
"Captain Levi and Section Commander Hange, I think something is wrong with Commander Y/n. She's been skipping meals, staying up late, and has looked out of it." Hange and I looked at eachother as we sighed. Hange looked like she was going to say something, but stopped.
"Thank you Arlert, you are dismissed. please gather the rest and send them off to bed." I spoke as I sipped my black tea. Arlert saluted as he walked off to get his squad mates to bed.
"Levi, what are we going to do about her? We both made a promise to Erwin that we'd make sure she'd be okay... What are we going to do?" Hange asked while sighing. They took a sip of whatever alcohol they has tonight. I shook my head and motioned for them to pass their cup. They gave me the cup and I took a sip, much to their suprise.
"I'm not sure, maybe I can go talk to her later..." I sighed while handing her the cup back. They nodded and started laughing a little bit. "What's so funny shitty glasses?" I questioned.
They laughed a bit more and said, "You could use this to confess, you know they like you, ya short stack!" They cackled some more as I blushed. "Shut the fuck up, just give me another sip of whatever the fuck you're drinking!" I shouted as I grabbed their glass and took another sip of the burning liquid.
I sighed as I got up from our shared table and made my way to her office. She was my concern right now, not the tipsy grunt that I associate with. "Alright, I'm out. Don't get to drunk and remember to clean up your mess..." I yelled out while walking out the door.
I was laying on the floor of my bedroom, wrapped in his cloak. It hurt but I wanted, no needed a hug from him. I'd like a two arm hug but I'd kill for his one arm hug... I scrunched up into a ball and sobbed into his cloak, each body shaking sob just made me feel worse.
"Come on, sad sap... Get up..." I cried as I heard his words from the past. "Y/n, please get up. You'll be okay... even when creation comes to die, you can find me in the Sky... Upon the last day, you'll be okay." I sobbed louder as I imagined his hand resting in my head.
"No... No Erwin... I won't be okay! I'm working myself half-way to death, it should've been me that got crushed..." I wailed into the fabric of his hood. My head was pounding into the floor as I shook. "You're not here, you'll never get to talk to anyone... I won't get to have that hug you promised me before you left..." I squeazed my eyes shut as I felt foot steps on the floor infront of me.
"Erwin... Please... I'm not in the mood for you to taunt me, please go away..." I whimpered as I turned over on my other side. I felt someone put their hands on my head. "Erwin, please stop! I know you're not here, you're with papa!" My voice quivered as I took a loud shakey breath. "So please... Go be with him and leave me to rot..."
I felt someone pick me up and hold me. "It's not Erwin N/n, please look at me..." I heard them speak softly. I looked up at his steel grey eyes and tried not to cry more. "Levi... I'm sorry you had to see me this way, I-i'm sorry..." I whimpered looking away from his face out of shame.
"Don't be sorry, we get it if you're not okay. You lost your brother for the walls sake, It's okay N/n..." I cried some more as I grabbed fist fulls of his shirt. I felt him grab the back of my head as he comforted me. I felt him start to shake as he held me.
I wrapped my arms around him as we both cried. "We'll be okay... as the stars align I hope you'll take it as a sign, that you'll be okay... Everyday we'll be okay..." I sang quietly from a song that he used to sing to me.
"Levi... We'll be okay..." I whispered as we held each other while crying. I felt him shakely breathe against my neck. "I know we will..." he whispered back
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nikrei · 5 months
April Comics Round-up
April time! Turns out you can't draw while you read comics, so I got a whole lot of comics read and not a whole lot of drawing done (petition to patch this bug in the next update)
This time around I was reading stuff in event rotation, so I'd read one comic up to the start of an event, then move to the next, so on so forth, then read the event, then do it all over again.
Justice League of America (258-261) (1987)
Finished this in Legends, and it has a super tragic ending, with two members dead (rip vibe and steel) and Cynthia stashed back with her family (that she ran away from in the first place because they're abusive) also not a fan of how they tried to walk back Steel's grandpa's bullshit, implying that his procedures were somehow necessary when the whole backstory is that they were totally superfluous.
Fury of Firestorm/Firestorm the Nuclear Man (43-79) (1986-1988)
Omg i cried so much at issue 66 (Marrrtiin!) But the whole storyline is so good, and I love the firestorm that is his own guy he's precious.
Saga of the Swamp Thing/Swamp Thing (51-70 (1987-1988)
Continues to be A+ excellent. The Swamp Thing's sojourn thru space is a great look at actual very alien worlds.
Blue Devil (20-31) (1986)
Super fun and I'm sad that it ended, should have been longer!
Blue Beetle (1-24) (1986-1988)
Very fun, and a great intro to Ted, but it did feel like it left loose ends when it finished. Maybe they'll pick them up later in JLI.
Legends Event (1-6 + all tie-ins) (1986-1987)
Legends my beloved, I've read this one twice before, once just the main event, once with all the tie ins, but this time I was reading with just about full context and that was awesome. I love this event a lot, actually.
Booster Gold (1-25) (1986-1988)
Love this guy, hate what happened with his sister, that was bullshit. The ending also felt v rushed, but it is deffo worth the read.
Justice League/Justice League International (1-21) (1987-1988)
Was not expecting this to be so funny coming off the previous justice league title, but it is v v funny, highly recommended.
Captain Atom (1-23) (1986-1988)
Picked this guy up cause he was crossing over with other titles a lot, and I was surprised by how much I liked it! Unhappy propaganda hero Adam I love you. The source of General Eiling (asshole).
Suicide Squad (1-22) (1987-1988)
Oh man 1987 Amanda Waller is so good, she's such a complicated bitch I love her. The series as a whole is also v good, but it can be disjointed because of the rotating cast.
Wonder Woman (1-24) (1987-1988)
So I am mad about what the crisis did to the wonderfam but also this incarnation of Diana is So Good, I love her 500%
Flash (1-20) (1987-1988)
Wally u are so different from Barry but I am excited to see how you will learn and grow. I'm very into the set-up he's got going. It was super funny to me that they were like... hmm give him money problems, no wait, we don't want to deal with that, give him cash, no wait, we Do want to deal with that, take all his cash.
The Question (1-25) (1986-1989)
Vic Sage is a nerd but also hello Lady Shiva! Very much darker, mature label, but not often excessively so? Doesn't tend to be gritty for grittiness' sake alone. Tells stories well.
The Spectre (1-20) (1987-1988)
Ended up with this run because it has a lot of mystic backstory going on and had two issues in millennium. Not really my favorite title, but does have a lot of important stuff happening.
Zatanna Special (1987)
Important in between of Zatanna's last appearance in JLA, Swamp Thing, and Spectre, but I do not think it would make sense as a stand alone.
Dead Man (1-4) (1986)
If I had realized that this mini follows up on the tail end of the last dead man mini I would have read it last month, but I didn't realize that, rip.
Phantom Stranger (1-4) (1987)
This mini is in direct conversation with Spectre and the Dr. Fate mini, and is pretty important for knowing whats going on in the mystic side of DC.
Dr. Fate (1-4) (1987)
This mini is pretty much a sequel to the Phantom Stranger mini, and follows up with the big mystic happenings.
Millennium Event (1-8 + all tie-ins) (1987-1988)
Millennium my beloathed. The event itself is well written and has an engaging storytelling, but I hate hate hate what it does to the tie-in issues, just having random trusted characters be traitors for no good reasons. Totally wrecked Infinity Inc and The Outsiders, and other titles didn't get away unscathed either.
The New Guardians (1-5) (1988)
This series is the pay off of millennium, with this team of heros being gathered and taught all through that event. It's not a mini, issue 6 is when it hits invasion. Got a lot more serious a lot quicker than I thought it would, but honestly I'm a little disappointed because the millennium event ends with them basically being enlightened beings and you don't really see any of that in their own series.
Power Girl (1-4) (1988)
This is a fun mini to help set up Power Girl's new origin story (deffo read the secret origins issue before the mini). A good stand alone that manages to not make me too angry about coie retcons.
Deadshot (1-4) (1988)
This mini is basically an off-shoot of Suicide Squad, not a standalone. V v dark and edgy but a good glimpse into deadshot's psyche i guess
Checkmate (1-10) (1988)
Involved with suicide squad and JLI so I picked it up. Not really my fave, but love that Harvey fuckin Bullock is a high-up in this secret government spy organization i had no clue.
Doom Patrol (1-16) (1987-1988)
Told some friends I would read this one. I was a little bit lost because it is deffo a sequel to the previous doom patrols and I only ever saw them in crossover issues. Good so far.
Animal Man (1-5) (1988)
Not a mini, issue 6 is when it hits invasion. What i got to was honestly a lot more serious than I expected it to be (look animal man is a goofy name), but it really works for the environmentalist stories that they're telling.
Green Arrow (1-13) (1988)
We are continuing with dark and gritty Ollie i guess. I like him better than he was in long bow hunters, but he has lightened up a bit from that. Enjoying the series so far.
Forever People (1-6) (1988)
This mini was disappointing at first cause the starting vibe is Extremely Different from the 70s Forever People, but it ended up with a similar vibe. I don't think its as good as the og, but Kirby can't be beat, so they did a good job trying.
Starman (1-4) (1988)
Not a mini, issue 5 is when it hits invasion. I like it a lot so far, this guy is a good original sort of hero and the run itself is fairly humorous.
Batgirl Special (1988)
Follows up with Bab's doubts about being a superhero that were introduced in coie, her final case that leads to her retirement as Batgirl.
Batman: The Killing Joke (1988)
I guess as Joker stories go this is a good one? But its deffo v v heavy on the gritty shock value alone, and obvs does babs v dirty.
Detective Comics (582-593) (1988)
We've moved away from tec and batman being completely intertwined. Interesting to note that Robin did not show up once, even in the background.
Batman (415-425) (1988)
Ahhh its the beginning of the end for Jason TT-TT. I stopped before death in the family cause I'm pretty sure that technically happens post invasion.
Batman: The Cult (1-4) (1988)
This mini is sorta pointlessly dark and gritty. Its supposedly self contained but a lot of shit happens that should have lasting effects on Gotham but are never mentioned again. Some good Jason moments but not worth the rest of it. Written by Jim Starlin (heavy sigh)
And we are almost almost to the invasion event!
Bonus: the first 4 weeks of the Comic Kon reading club, where we're currently reading the origin of Superboy! It's a fun server and its only a few issues each week so its very manageable, folks should join! (it'd be pretty easy to catch up right now!)
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bobattef · 1 year
Tech Support:
I had to use this GiF because…well…
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Hmm” you tilt your head to the side. 
Hoping the different angle will have a different outcome on your mind but it’s no good.
*Has he always been this…alluring?*
 You ask yourself.
*no, no! Don’t do this! Look what happened last time you started to show feelings for another* 
You try to talk yourself out of it, but it’s no use.
He looks scrumptious right now relaxing by the fire.
Maybe it’s his posture? 
Propping himself up on his elbows, his legs are spread casually as he gazes up at the night sky.
Your mind starts to wonder as it tries to figure out your sudden attraction to the bad batch member.
Working with Clone Force 99 hadn’t been in your list of things to do whilst you traveled through the Galaxy but here you are.
You ended up being quite the asset to them after helping them with a mission back with Cid a few weeks ago.
So tagged along for a few more.
“Y/N? are you warm enough?” Echo’s voice lures you out of your thoughts.
“Mmm hmm” you answer him, pulling your gaze away from his team mate, just as you were undressing him of his armour with your eyes.
“Come closer to the fire Y/N” Omega pipes up as you walk over to her, conveniently sat next to Tech.
He shifts slightly as you place a hand on his shoulder to steady yourself whilst you sat on the blanket Omega had dragged outside.
It was her idea to come up here, to come see the meteor shower.
You always had a duty of care for the young clone.
Being away from your own younger siblings for so long you weren’t surprised when you both latched onto each other the first time you met.
Hunter always admired that about you.
He knew you’d do anything to protect Omega.
“How much longer Tech?” Wrecker shouts out, making Tech almost jump out of his own thoughts.
He grabs his data pad, stuttering a little as you lean over towards him to catch a glimpse of the screen.
“According to the star map, we should be encountering he first of the space debris enter the atmosphere in T-minus 3 minutes” he manages to tell Wrecker as he looks over to you, locking eyes with him through his googles, you almost blush.
“Aaah I’m starving!” Wrecker exclaims as the rest of the squad roll their eyes in sync.
“Here Wreck…” you call out to him whilst rummaging through your bag slung across your chest.
Pulling out a couple of snack-crackers you toss a few over to the clone whilst slipping a few to Omega also.
“You’re the best Y/N!” Wrecker says in between chomps.
“Easily pleased” Tech sighs out and you giggle.
You haven’t giggled at anybody in a fair few rotations, are you really in that deep with Tech.
Hunter looks up at you, narrowing his eyes.
Like he does when he can sense something is coming.
*surely he can’t sense this sudden attraction at his team mate*
You think to yourself as you look away from his peering gaze.
You hear him chuckle.
*dank ferrick! He knows!*
The meteor shower isn’t as spectacular as you would have thought giving how excited Omega was at wanting to see it but it made her happy.
The few lights that passed directly above the 6 of you were beautiful, lighting up the ground you sat on every few minutes, you and Tech exchanging looks at one another every so often.
After about 25 minutes of straight flashes of light, it seem to of fizzled out.
“That was the last of it” Tech states to the rest of the squad.
“Good, because it’s passed someone’s bedtime!” Echo states as he stands nodding towards Omega.
“I’m not…even” *yawn* “tired yet” her little voice calls out.
She must of done it with out you realising but she’s laid her head on your lap as you drape an arm around her.
“Come on!” Hunter says to her, lifting her up from her comfy position on you, he walks over to where the Marauder was parked.
You feel the sudden loss of heat from her embrace and shiver.
“Put the fire out Tech, I don’t want to lure anyone here whilst we sleep” Hunter calls out over his shoulder.
“But Y/N’s still cold” he answers looking at you.
“I’m fine” you shrug at him but it turns to shakes as you feel the cold a little more. 
Wrecker walks over to you both sat on the blanket still and pulls it away from underneath you.
“Wrecker!!” Tech shouts at the stupid manoeuvre that caused you both to roll into each other.
But the clone just laughs out loud as he wraps it around your shoulders.
“Thanks Wreck” you manage to say to him between laughs.
He salutes you goodnight as both him and Echo follow Hunter towards the ship.
You still have your eyes on the squad walking away as Tech stands, he wipes down his armour that got slightly dusty by the ground roll.
You watch him intently as he walks over to the little bucket of water you had collected from the lake earlier.
Pouring it over the fire, it sizzles in protest but withers away eventually.
“There” he says, breaking the silence that had fallen over you both.
“Suppose we both better get to bed ourselves” Tech claps his hands together but then quickly moves them into a surrender sign.
“I mean, I didn’t mean, I’m sorry” he starts to stutter again as you stare at the clone in confusion.
“I wasn’t implying I mean, I didn’t mean to imply we should go to bed together” he starts to explain himself.
“I was just simply saying, simply stating that us, too should get to the bedroom, er bed cause of well an early start tomorrow for sure!” 
He adjusts his goggles as he finally stops talking and you erupt into laughter, you realise what he was apologising for.
“Oh Tech!” You start to slow down your chuckles
“Never change will you” you say to him as you get up from your spot by his feet.
He walks slightly behind you as you both climb the ramp into the Marauder.
“Goodnight Tech” you smile at him as he turns to face you, you think he’s going to say something to you but instead he just smiles and nods at you, disappearing behind the curtain to his sleeping quarters.
The next few days passed by without much interest.
You spent more time back at Cid’s, running a few errands, than with the Bad Batch lot.
You missed the mix-matched clones greatly!
Even Omega. This place was boring as raking the deserts on Tattooine without her singing and dancing around the place.
You didn’t mean to shine so much excitement on them all when they arrived back after their latest mission. 
But it didn’t last long for you noticed Tech was being held up by Wrecker as he limped in.
“What happened??” You asked, your brows furrowing as Omega ran up for a hug.
“Tech got crushed!!” she shouted.
“Crushed?!” you didn’t mean to shout back but your heart dropped.
“I’m fine” Tech sighed hating the fuss “just need a breather that’s all”
“Well hopefully not for long techy boy…” Cid piped up, “I got-a-nuva mission for you boys”
“Tech’s no good” Hunter almost grunts at Cid.
“I’m fine Hunter!” Tech protests but the man can’t even stand up without Wrecker’s support.
“It’s a little one, not too far” Cid tries to sell it to the other clones, she wants the bad batch to go on this one rather than having to risk disappointment sending another one of her cronies.
“Tech will have to stay” Echo argued back, “he’s not fit for the field” 
You almost heard the eye roll from Tech at the comments and chuckled.
“Fine, he can stay here with Y/N, she’s helping run the place whilst I’m ya know, other wise occupied” Cid says whilst slapping you across the back.
“Tech will love that!” Wrecker laughs out but quickly gets cut off by Hunter’s glare.
You’re not sure what to do.
You’ve helped Wrecker set Tech up in the back room at Cid’s bar before the team set off.
It’s where you lay your head when you’re not out on your travels or missions with the bad batch. 
You’ve tried offering Tech food, drink, a gaming data pad, but he’s declining it all.
You’re sure he isn’t enjoying the fuss.
In between helping serve punters at the bar to cleaning down a few booths on the floor, you take time to walk out the back to check on your favourite Clone.
Yet on this occasion he isn’t laid out on the bed where Wrecker had left him. 
“Tech??” you call out.
“Mmm…” you hear his voice mumbling from the fresher.
“Everything….ok?” you ask him, placing your ear up to the door.
“Erm..well I er, wanted a shower of some sort but ergh, never mind…I’m fine” Tech doesn’t usually find it a struggle to think of words.
“Do you need help?” you ask, your voice laced with a little bit too much of happiness at talking to him once more.
“Ha, with what? You going to scrub my back or something?” Tech answers amused.
“I can do” You answer him, secretly wishing he’ll take you up on your offer but you know he’ll just laugh you off. 
Tech doesn’t say a word and you instantly regret being so forward with him.
You go to apologise to him, you don’t want to jeopardise any friendship that was established before between you both, but he opens the fresher door instead.
You don’t mean to look him up and down, it’s such a cliche thing to do but he’s shedded most of his upper armour, only wearing his black slack shirt, that’s been rolled up at the sleeves.
He’s still in armour from his waist down.
“The trickiest part seems to be the legs” Tech says to you, his voice is a lot softer than usual.
“Your injury… on the left or right leg?” You ask him, trying to stop your heart racing right now.
“Left” he states to you as you sink down to your knees.
You’re sure he takes in a breath at the sight of you kneeling in front of him.
But you had a plan as to why you were here, and it wasn’t because of the obvious thing.
You gently pull up his injured leg, resting his foot on top of your thigh you unclip his combat boot and slide it off.
Reaching round to the back of his leg, you pull open the clasp holding his lower part of armour together as the piece almost clanging on the floor.
You then drag your hand up towards his thigh, feeling for the clip for the strap his has hugging his thighs so tightly, you notice his muscles flex under your touch.
You don’t realise you’re holding a breath at the same time he is as when you release strap you both sigh out.
Glancing up at the clone quickly, your eyes lock his as he’s been watching you intently this whole time.
A smile spreads across your face as Tech’s mouth almost falls open.
Gently placing his foot back onto the floor you switch to the other side.
Slower this time as he has to balance on the weaker foot, you repeat your movements of removing his armour pieces one after the other.
You freeze when it comes to the cod piece, if you had more confidence, you’d just grab the clone by his waistband and push him inside the fresher to have your way with him but you need to know if you can go this far.
You stay kneeling on the floor in front of him.
You gulp as you look at him back into his eyes, the reflection from the fresher light bouncing off of his googles.
“Can I?” you ask.
Tech tilts his head to the side, working out what you’re implying.
“The er…cod piece?” You’re even too shy to say the words out loud.
Tech clears his throat, nodding at you in response as he can’t seem to find his words for the second time tonight.
You un-clip the utility belt he had wrapped around his waist, the metal clinking as you do.
It almost wants to fall open, like it wants you to have access to this particular area.
You slowly pull the cod piece down, carefully so you don’t knock his already injured leg but also because you want this to send signals to him.
Yes, you offered to help him into the fresher but he’s smart, surely he knows you want more from him than just to be there for support.
Your hands are now back up to where his bottom half of his slacks meet the top half.
The bottom half lazily hanging around his hips, as the top half has ridden up slightly, exposing the v line he has.
You run your fingers alongside it, and down, almost feeling the hair there underneath the waist band.
Tech takes in a shaky breath under your touch.
He’s often thought about you, when he’s had some alone time back on the Marauder.
He’s had to stop himself moaning out your name just in case someone heard him.
The other clones are already convinced something has happened between you both.
But he’s never been brave enough to make a move on you.
You lick your lips as you glance back up wards at the clone, he’s a sight for your eyes as he’s leaning against the fresher door frame now.
One arm out stretched above his head as it’s bent at the elbow. 
His free hand starts to reach out, to cup your face but he changes his mind almost immediately out of shyness.
He’s so freaking hot standing there like this that you completely forget he’s actually injured right now.
You can’t help but flutter your eyelashes at him.
He opens his mouth, you know he’s about to say something but you’re both startled out of your thoughts running when the main door to the back is thrown open.
“Well, well, what do we have here?” Hunter jokingly mimics the look of shock the both of you have now.
“Ergh…she was helping me out of my armour” Tech sounds annoyed at the intrusion.
“We can see that” Wrecker pipes up, almost roaring with laughter.
“For the fresher…” you start to explain.
But you’re still knelt in front of Tech, his armour strewn around you.
It’s not exactly painting you in a good light right now.
Echo now joins you all out back as he doesn’t say a word, you just clock his eyes widening at the strange scene he’s walked into.
“Y/N!” Omega screeches from behind Echo completely oblivious to what’s going on and runs towards you, almost knocking you over.
You both laugh as you get up onto your feet.
You’re too embarrassed to look towards Tech, so you’re unsure what he was thinking about this interruption but you get dragged passed the other members of the clone force by a hungry Omega.
Not saying a word to any of them nor making any eye contact as you’re sure your cheeks are heated.
The bad batch members were hungry, starved almost. 
You had cooked up a full plated meal for each of them.
Cid will definitely be displeased with the amount of food you’ve used up but you wanted to busy yourself in the kitchen to avoid any prying questions from them.
Tech has managed to join you all at the table, with the help of Wrecker, as you sit down to eat your food also.
“So” Hunter speaks first “want to tell us what went on back in the fresher there between you two?”
Wrecker snorts out loud at Hunter’s forwardness.
“The fresher??” Asks Omega “what happened in the fresher?” 
“Nothing!” Both you and Tech say in sync.
Causing Wrecker to laugh even more.
You glare at Hunter, narrowing your eyes at him and then glancing from him to where Omega was and then back again.
*Surely with his enhanced senses he’ll understand every word you just said to him*
He holds his hands up in surrender and continues to eat his food.
You all do in silence pretty much.
Due to you and Tech not wanting to be asked any more questions but mostly because everyone seems to be enjoying their food so much.
Clearing up shortly after with Omega’s help, you manage to prolong the very obvious questions that will be coming your way soon from the members.
The washing of dishes distracting you from your own questions too.
*what is this with you and Tech?
A crush?
Something deeper?
Wreckers comments about Tech loving the fact to be stuck at Cid’s here with you, implies that the other members know of Tech’s likeness to you.
But does he like you?*
“Y/N!” Omega shouts as you realise the water had run a little too close to the top of the wash bowl and started to spill over.
“Dank ferrick!” you curse as you grab some towels and start to mop up the mess.
“Everything ok in here?” Echo comes to check in on you both.
“Y/N wanted a swim I think!” Omega laughs and it causes you to laugh with her.
“Come on Omega, you’re staying up later and later every night” Echo ushers the young clone around the spillage on the floor as you high five her.
“Goodnight Y/N” She sighs out, she doesn’t enjoy bedtime routines but then, what kid does.
“Sleep well Omega” you say as you grab a few more towels for the floor.
Hunter must of been in stealth mode as you didn’t realise he was standing in the doorway to the kitchen until he speaks.
“Going to answer my question now Y/N?” He asks you as you ignore him and continue to clean up.
“He likes you ya know” Hunter tells you after realising you’re not going to talk.
“Huh?” His comment makes you stop what you’re doing and look at him.
He crouches down towards the floor, so he’s eye level with you.
“Tech…he does like you, he’s told us…in his own little unique way” Hunter drifts off at the last part.
“His unique way?” you repeat him.
“Tech’s not like anyone else” Hunter starts to explain.
“I know that!” you say a little too quickly.
He smirks “In a way where he can’t just say to you that he likes you” Hunter continues. 
“Ok” you shrug.
“So you might have to er, be more forward with him?” He tells you whilst tilting his head to the side, like he wants to read the understanding of his words on your face.
“Why are you telling me this?” you mimic the tilt in his head with your own.
Hunter sighs “because he really does like you” 
*because he really does like you* 
Hunters comments from earlier on replay on your mind as you try to sleep.
You gave your main bed here at Cid’s up to Tech to rest his injured leg, which was fine of course!
But having the Bad batch stay here also meant you were kicked further down the ranks and were currently tossing and turning on a floor bed out the front.
You get up, surrendering any chance of getting some sleep and make your way down to the bar in search of some instant mocoa instead.
You shouldn’t be too loud for the others sleeping off their latest mission, the bar backs onto the main room that Tech is laid up in only, whilst the others were a little further back down the corridors.
*hmm, I wonder if Tech is sleeping ok.
He should be, that’s my comfy bed he’s laid in!* 
You almost laugh at your silly comment. 
You’re obviously ok with him being in there whilst he recovered.
But then you repeat your thought once more.
*Tech’s laid up in MY bed*
The realisation almost makes your cheeks heat up.
The very man that you’ve been fantasising over, been flirting with, trying to have your way with, is laying in YOUR bed and you’re just standing in the bar searching for a caffeine beverage?!
It’s like your legs make the decision for you before you think about your next move.
But you find yourself being walked over to the door just behind the bar area.
*shall I knock?
Shall I just let myself in?
It is my room but then, I did offer it out so it’s polite to treat them as the occupant* 
You raise your hand to knock but then quickly stop yourself, what if Hunter hears your rapping on Tech’s bedroom door in the middle of the night? He’ll never let you live it down.
So instead you choose to open the door ever so slightly.
“Tech?” You barely even whisper but you don’t want to sneak up on him.
“It’s me…” you say as you step into the room, closing the door ever so quietly.
Focusing on where the bed is situated as you can’t see a thing in the dark, you practically tip toe over.
Again thinking to if Hunter can hear anything but even more so, is you’d hate to be interrupted for a second time.
You place one knee on the mattress, it groans slightly under the pressure causing you to freeze.
Tech stirs in his sleep, and you almost feel a pang of guilt.
Should you be waking the clone up?
After all, he needs all the rest he can get and there’s you, wanting to jump on him because you’re horny and can’t sleep.
“Tech?” you barely whisper his name but his eyes fly open.
He distinctively grabs your wrists as if holding off an attacker, pulling you downwards and swinging you round on the bed, he’s now towering above you as your arms are pinned above your head and his legs are either side of yours like some sort of cage.
“Tech, tech?? It’s me!” you stutter. 
You’re not sure if it’s due to the surprise attack from the clone or the way he is gripping onto you, pushing you into the bed with his whole body but you seem lost for words.
“Y/N??” Tech squints his eyes like he’s trying to focus on if it’s really you attacking him whilst he sleeps.
“Wh…what? What are you doing?” He asks you but he doesn’t release you, almost as if he thinks he could be dreaming right now.
“I er..I couldn’t sleep and thought I’d come er…check up on you” words start to fall from your mouth but you’re unsure they’re making any sense right now.
“Check up on me?” Tech almost scoffs in his answer.
“You pounced on me, a trained soldier, as I slept, not the best of moves y/n?” His normal, matter of fact, voice was back. 
“I’m sorry” you mumble and try to wriggle out from his hold on you.
Your earlier confidence had started to deflate.
This was a bad idea.
Tech’s grip on your wrists tightens though, he shifts more of his weight down onto you as you spread your thighs a bit to adjust to him laid on top of you.
“What is it that you want Y/N?” Tech lowers his head towards yours, you can almost feel his breath on your face.
You swallow, hard.
You have no words right now.
It’s not like you made a plan.
You’re no good at strategies, that’s more of Tech’s skill zone.
“Tell me Y/N…” his voice now changes to match his body language.
“I can …show you…” you whisper out to him.
Your confidence starting to build back up again, alongside your need for him.
“You’ll show me?” Tech repeats you as he stares straight into your eyes, seemingly pushing you to hold to your words.
You nod at him as he sits back on his heels.
Freeing your arms from his hold, either one of his thighs sit straddled over you.
“Your leg?” you ask him and he shrugs.
“Pain tolerance is heightened in the state of arousal” he states.
*still such a smart ass* you think to yourself.
You start to get up slowly, your face coming so close to the clones that he was sure you were going in for a kiss but you take him by surprise when you buck your hips upwards to him, causing his to lose his balance on top of you.
As he pushes out an arm to catch himself you pull your legs out from under his, instead wrapping them over his waist and as his back hits the mattress, you now lean forward, arms either side of his head as he’s the one captured underneath you.
“Fascinating” is all he says as he watches your chest rise and fall with each breath you take.
You want to be quick, show him how needy you are to finally have him and also, you’re very conscious about someone interrupting you both again.
But something about the way the clone is gazing at you, like you’re one of the most delicious things on the planet right now shifts your want into taking it slow with him.
You don’t even realise you’ve caved and you allowed your lips to crash against his until you hear him moan softly into your mouth.
You’ve thought about kissing the clone many a time before but always chickened out.
But now, now you’ve finally got your hands, and lips, on him and it’s better than you could ever of imagined.
It’s hot and passionate but it also has hints of tenderness in it.
A perfect mix of both lips and tongues.
It’s needy enough for you to feel his hardness pushing through his slacks as you start to feel your shorts get damp.
“Mmm maker!” You moan out loud as you start to grind on top of him, the friction from the little cloth separating you both, starting to do wonders.
You’re taken a back as he bites down on your lip, it pulls you out of the trance you were currently in.
“You’re going to have to be quieter than that” Tech looks up at you with his half lidded eyes. 
“So do you…” you smirk up at him remembering the beautiful sounds he moaned into your kiss.
“Oh I can be very quiet” he starts to tell you but you move off your position sat on his lap, smiling at his comment as you shift yourself down the bed.
Your hands quickly find the waistband of his slacks just like that did in the fresher last night.
You start to palm his hardness through the fabric at first, Tech almost pushing his hips out to meet your hand.
He holds back a moan as you stop your movements on him, glancing up to look at his face, he nods like he understands what you’re asking of him and you waste no time in pulling down his slacks, freeing his beautiful cock as it strained against the fabric.
You hardly give him time to steady himself, propping himself up on one of his elbows so he can watch you as you take him in your mouth.
Your lips wrapping around the head of his cock as you flick your tongue on the underside of it.
Tech uses his other hand to grab your face, moaning out loud, it causes him to push his cock further into your mouth.
You take him with no protest at all as you widen your jaw to fit him inside.
You want to take his full length but quickly run out of throat space, deciding to use a hand to wrap around the part that your mouth can’t quite reach. 
Tech seems to like that as his hand has switched from cupping your face to grabbing your hair.
It’s like he holds your head in place whilst he moves his cock in and out of your mouth faster now, like he’s fucking your face. 
You’re almost glad that your mouth is full with him as you’d love to be screaming to the world right now with how he’s making you feel.
With every thrust of his hips, his cock pushes it’s way further down your throat, you concentrate on not gagging but a few escape your mouth.
“You can take me, can’t you y/n?” Tech says to you in between the snapping of his hips.
But you don’t answer, not that you think it’s an answerable question anyways.
Instead you allow him to fuck into your mouth deeper.
Starting to move backwards with how hard he is going you find yourself now laying back on the mattress.
Sideways almost from your original position whilst he holds your head up slightly so he can angle his face fucking better.
The sounds that are falling from the clones lips goes straight to your core, you clench your thighs together so you can feel some sort of friction down there.
“Dank ferrick y/n!!” Tech almost hisses out now. You can tell he’s close to climax as you feel his cock pulsating inside your mouth.
“Such a…such a good girl for me…taking me so well” He grunts out praises to you and your eyes almost roll to the back of your head.
Who knew that sucking this man’s cock would be such a turn on for you also.
He’s bunched up your hair into some sort of pony tail now as he releases the hold he had on your wrists and instead, places his hand around your throat.
Groaning a little too loudly as he can feel the movement of your throat muscles as he moves his cock in and out of you.
“Maker! It’s like your mouth..your mouth was made for this, for me” 
You’re sure Tech isn’t supposed to be saying this out loud but you’re glad he is.
The noises coming from your throat sends him into a spiral as he calls you all sorts of names under the stars.
It doesn’t take much longer, just a few more movements of his hips before you feel that familiar feeling of thick, warm liquid.
You’re sure Tech starts speaking Mando’a as he releases the hold he had on your throat, you keep your head still, allowing him to fill your mouth with his come.
He starts to slow down his assault on your mouth, pulling out from you with a pop as you swallow down every drop.
Drool has gathered in the corners of your mouth whilst he uses a finger to wipe it away, he glances into your eyes, tears starting to form in them from him hitting the back of your throat over and over again.
He smirks at you as he pulls you upwards to towards him, he settles back on the headboard  so you’re laid on his chest.
He takes a little while just holding you there, using a hand to rub circles on your back.
You almost feel yourself shutting your eyes under the comfort that washes over your body.
“Y/N?” Tech’s voice lures you out of your snoozing.
“Mmm?” You manage to reply to him. 
“Could I…May I return the favour?” 
You chuckle lightly at him being so polite, despite the fact he just called you all sorts of lewd words whilst he fucked your mouth silly.
“You can do what ever you like Tech” you’re sure he can hear the smile on voice as you realise you won’t be getting much sleep any time soon.
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Idk if your still takin the AU asks, but I've been slowly building an AU where the Kamados have a sixth sense. In summary, Tanjiro sees ghosts and acquires many ghost friends over the course of canon (including some very angry demons and former Hashira who want to see him punch Muzan in the face)
!! oh Hellyeah ill still take these!!! [cracks knuckles] ill see what i can do!
the amount of time it takes a ghost to manifest post-death depends on the person-- sometimes its Immediate, other times they Take A While if they're particularly stubborn about realizing it. the amount he can see them changes depending on how focused he is-- being clear and legible when he's looking for them or extremely tired, or barely a whisper if he's in Go Time mode. they cant interact Much physically-- the most they have is Mild Ghost Shenanigans if they try really hard.
so obviously the interludes with tanjiro's family showing up are just For Real instead of Ambiguously Metaphorical. theyre the first to show up, and offer moral support occasionally :)! [they primarily tag along with nezuko to keep her company... and also to maybe possibly help her wake up more. theyre worried about her :( ] this is followed by sabito and makomo, who are Slightly more active and tag along to keep an eye on him and make sure he stays safe. (they were originally surprised tan could Continue Seeing Them and were originally going to just fade off with their work done, but... well, they felt compelled to stay. something about this kid, yknow.)
of course, not every ghost is exactly Friendly. like the swamp demon for example. this is where sabi+mako come in! Tanjiro Protection Squad. tanjiro cant exactly fight a ghost even if he Can see them, so they have to take care of it. and they do a damn good job of it. ...also members of the Tan Protection Squad is the Kamado Family, which the fox duo were a little concerned about, but its Shocking how effective a scolding from a Genuinely Disappointed Mother (+Equally Disappointed Children) can be to disarming a ghost. even with the protection squad on duty though, tanjiro is actually Pretty Good at dealing with Ghost Shenanigans because. hes him. its hard to feel spite over someone who genuinely cares so much, against someone who sympathizes even with creatures like demons. Hes Got Such Kind Baby Eyes. a lot of the time, ghosts are free to just... pass on. some stick around, some dont, but they're usually offered at least some kind of peace.
i cannot even fucking Imagine the chaos that happens when they accidentally run into muzan in the city.
ghosts dont just tether to tanjiro! sometimes he will meet someone and they'll have several ghosts following them about. they dont always speak to them, but he can Feel them-- how they're feeling, what they're holding onto. he has a reputation in the corps for mysteriously appearing, saying something ominous (yet oddly reassuring) or bringing a gift and Leaving... and then you realize youve never spoken to him before, how did he know about your favorite food? favorite animal? where did he learn this..?
on a similar line, whenever a ghost decides to tag along (temporary or otherwise,) tanjiro tends to pick up little trinkets or charms for them that they'd like. it feels polite somehow. they seem to like it, anyway. this means he has little charms on his belt and such all the time! :) he doesnt have a lot of space on him to carry them with, so he rotates them every so often (with a few exceptions he keeps on him at all times.)
its a heavy burden to bear, but he can handle it. he's the eldest son, after all.
. anyway this is a ridiculously fun concept-- i tried to keep it to Important Things(tm) but i am constantly in a state of doing Everything All The Time Always ! so theres a handful of misc stuff under th cut <33
rengoku becomes part of the Permanent Ghost Squad, but he kinda just... haunts Everybody, Always. all those rengoku flashbacks/manifestations? Theyre Canon Now. rengoku jumpscare <33
muzan has a ridiculous amount of ghosts tagged onto him-- theres so many of them you can't really tell where one starts and another ends, just that they are truly, deeply enraged. he seems entirely unbothered.
yoriichi is a bit of a fickle ghost. he rarely shows up-- only in those echoes and flashbacks + when tanjiro utilizes sunbreathing. he tends to wordlessly leave immediately after. (maybe theres some sort of lingering guilt there...)
. anyway i just think that Team Ghost Gang should get the chance to kick the shit out of muzan post-canon. they deserve it. ghost violence <33
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bepisbee · 1 year
I hope you're ready for more random aus I might or might not write KEKW
This ones a smidge darker also not explicitly described but TW for suicide mention
Blorbos death au rotating on my mind
After the end of four swords (following manga) the goddesses were impressed by shadow links change that they gave him an option: be at peace in death, or come back and serve them. He chooses to serve them in hopes he can come back to link(Vio)
They make him the god of death. Give him the typical hoodie and scythe get up. Only thing that changes about him is that he physically ages as link does until adulthood when he'll stop growing and his eyes have black scleras.
Vio finds out after a magic accident where he dies. He sees Shadow and Shadow sends him back. He's the god of death he does what he wants ™
Vio has several secret "accidents" to see him again and Shadow gets a magic necklace from farore who pities them and is awed by the reckless abandon of Vio's life for just a glimpse of his soulmate. Vio can now always see shadow when he's around. If there's enough death energy shadow can physically manifest for him. Doesn't happen for a long while.
Insert LU situation few years later
Early on ish in the adventure?
They're transported into an empty battlefield. Recently finished maybe a week ago tons of bodies from both sides. Shadow appears they both don't think anyone else can see him physically manifest. Comes up behind Vio, clawed hand up his neck with a soft squeeze and the other around his waist. Leans in real close from behind. A greeting not to startle him and also to give affection. While he's cat rubbing against his cheek and squishing it. Soft little "hello love," because he's with other heroes and they still don't think anyone can see shadow until wind starts screaming. (They were in the back of the groupl
Apparently other people don't see shadow. Only their eras link (the colors) can. So it looks like some fucked up skeleton Eldritch thing is feeling up their archer. Then they're like holy shit it's the personification of death and it's touching Vio who is the group weirdo ™ how isn't he dead he is getting smooched by death on the cheek. (it leaves a lil black lip mark like lipstick would that fades after a few hours)
Only legend and time remain sorta calm and are like "love?? Wtf is happening? Why does the four links look like they've seen a ghost except Vio? Why is this skeleton thing death touching him?? Is Vio dating death??" Everyone else is panik
It takes a LOT of talking the team down and very angry color squad at keeping this from them. At first they all get an abridged version since Vio clearly has not told them he's died. Multiple times. Most of which on purpose. And that he's kinda technically immortal because shadow refuses to reap his soul and just returns it. (Later plot to reveal he hasn't aged at all since the first accidental death where shadow returned him which is why he is the shortest no blue it is not because he doesn't drink his milk or eat properly or get any sunlight )
Cue the "is that why you're so creepy?" From someone with no filter
It also takes a hot minute for them to realize that they are seeing a version of shadow link and everyone else sees skeleton with clawed bone hands
His form dissipates mid convo and now only Vio can see and hear him because the energy's worn off. Cue more slight panik and suspicion over why he can see him what's the actual details before Vio breaks down and tells them the truth about it. Nicely of course.
That he had been using a meld of his earth life magic and shadows old dark magic to try and bring him back and it wasn't working and not that he knew at the time but it was because shadow had been blessed by the goddesses to become their servant and. How it backfired on him and slapped his life away and he saw shadow and then woke up with red spider lilies braided into his hair.
And how he did that a few times and always woke up like that until he woke up alive like that with a necklace and Shadow hovering over him worried and hopeful. And that the necklace allows him "sight into death's door". Accidentally reveals he sees souls of dead people too sometimes if they're strong enough, shy look over at time (mask spirits)
Nooot sure if I wanna take that into a dnd ish warlock type of thing they accidentally made a warlock pact with shadow as his patron?
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antisocial-mariposa · 2 years
~ read at your own risk ~
Apologies for the long rant, but my mind is racing-
A part of me thinks Crosshair is already working for Rex and Ahsoka and Senator Organa's fledgling rebellion.
Ik it's a long shot but just hear me out-
It's what Rampart said to him:
"Funny, isn't it? How clones around you keep disappearing?"
So... What if CROSSHAIR is behind all the AWOL clones? But Rampart has found out about TBB being alive, so what if he's maybe trying to play Crosshair while Crosshair was maybe trying to play him?
So another thought: What if Crosshair actually isn't siding with the Empire, but is the Luthen Rael of TBB now?
"I'm condemned to use the tools of my enemy to defeat them. I burn my decency for someone else's future. I burn my life to make a sunrise that I know I'll never see. And the ego that started this fight will never have a mirror or an audience or the light of gratitude. So what do I sacrifice? Everything!" - Luthen Rael, ANDOR S1:EP10
Crosshair keeps saying he does what needs to be done.
We don't know when or IF Crosshair got his chip out... So that's what's making me kinda iffy on this theory. If it was, I suspect it was early on in S1.
So that would mean he wounded Senator Onn Free Ta, he killed his TK squadron, he killed Governor Tawni Ames, he went above and beyond to show his loyalty to the Empire... But if his chip is out, what makes him different from dummy droids or even chipped regs who can't fight it?
He has to live with it.
We see he's having trouble sleeping. Instead of being with his brothers, he's surrounded by people who don't even want to eat a meal with him. He suffers degradation from his superiors and is not even a ranking officer anymore, and apparently went 32 rotations before being so graciously rescued by the Empire Rampart distinctly told him... left him for dead.
He knows he's worth nothing to them. He knows he'll never be considered a big part of the Empires predicted success. He'll be used and discarded.
But what if Crosshair's first act of saving clones from the Empire was making them think his own family was dead and they have no clue, he just made them think he was siding with the Empire since they refused and he didn't want them to know anything to protect them in the end?
But what if Crosshair was already working for the Rebellion in the last episodes of S1? And he wanted to recruit his family into the Empire because like he and Rex said, their squad could be a tremendous asset? They could help people?
This theory makes me nervous tho, for there always comes a time where the person on the inside gets found out... And die somehow.
More recently, Tala Durith (Obi-Wan Kenobi) and Lieutenant Gorn (ANDOR) to name a few.
In conclusion, in this episode, I saw smth different in Crosshair which is also why I've created this double-crossing theory. To me, he didn't look like the emotionless regs under the influence of the inhibitor chip. He looked kinda shifty. Wary. His obedience both in tone and physical demeanor seemed forced. And the way he and Commander Cody interacted in front of the Memorial, it was almost as if they were speaking in code. I don't believe Cody approved of Crosshair's ways on this mission. He was disappointed, obviously, and I think wants Crosshair to fight in a different way of their aware of each other's double-crossing, hence his parting words:
"You know what makes us different from battle droids? We make our own decisions. Our own choices... And we have to live with him too."
Cody made the decision to flee... He may be regretting it now seeing the extent Crosshair went to ensure he could if he was told to contact Crosshair by a trusted ally. He wants Crosshair, who apparently does think for himself, to think more carefully. He might not want Crosshair to feel what he might be feeling now: not liberated, but loathing. Himself.
Ofc I'm aware of the second theory: Cody has suffered the same fate as Wilco... So when Rampart says this to Crosshair, maybe this means that there's been lots of deaths in the Clone Army, and Cody is dead like them now. And what Rampart said to him is a veiled threat that the tiniest of slip up will result in the same fate for Crosshair. Heck, he'll probably push and pull him a few times for fun, he probably doesn't mean to keep him around for long
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crab-instruments · 2 years
What’s Coming to Me Part 17
Master <Part 16 Part 18>
Pairing: Crosshair x Sniper Reader (GN)
Rating and warning: killing and ambivalence to killing, hella angst
Beta Reader: @unfocusedfish
a/n: This one's rough, y'all. We be semi canon compliant
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Kamino was an awful planet, you decided. Maybe it wasn’t so much the planet was a drag but the fact that you were stuck here, sitting on the bench and a majority of the population looked exactly like the next guy. There were a few clones that didn’t suck but many didn’t like The Bad Batch to begin with, so your association with them along with being a nat-born made you unsavory company in their eyes. These regs, as The Batch referred to them, kept their distance from you.  
Still, some soldiers saw you as a challenge, wanting to see what the legendary bounty hunter could do. It was easy to ignore the snide, petty comments, having never cared before. Being nonverbal sucked the fun out of their taunting as you never responded. Your novelty never fully wore off since the clones were in constant rotation.
One clone started to become friendly. He was stuck in a similar medical situation, practically healed but the squad was off-world. He seemed more mature than most, in attitude and age. His skin was tattered with blaster burns and scars and many of the other clones shut their mouths in his presence. His Dallas style mustache and somewhat contained mop hairstyle stood out against the other clones who were mostly clean shaven and well kept. Gator was what he had asked you to call him, before realizing he would never hear the name come out of your mouth. He said he wasn’t a big shot, but he had fancier armor than others, a green pauldron and kama. Gator’s helmet was well worn but had triangle teeth along the edges, yellow eyes on the sides, and faded scales on the back. Some referred to him as an ARC Trooper, but the classification meant nothing to you.
You stayed willfully ignorant of rank, treating everyone with the same amount of respect you felt they deserved, which wasn’t much. The longer you stayed in the GAR without understanding how the hierarchy worked, the funnier it became. What, only one pauldron? Come talk to me when you have two.
Gator enjoyed talking to you during down time, glad to have someone who wasn’t intimidated by him or just wouldn’t tell him to shut his mouth. Of all the clones you’d met on this waterlogged planet, he had the most charisma and cheeky smile, but it was a very low bar. His friendship also confirmed that The Bad Batch wasn’t oddly loyal to you; when a clone decides you’re friends, you’re vode. Gator made a point of sitting next to you in the mess hall and hung around during check-ups.
You expected he would eventually give up, your indifference never fading on the outside, but he would walk up with a toothy grin, make the same joke about how oddly quiet you were that day, and then ask to spar. You rarely ever turned down his offer.
The clone preferred to practice with living beings rather than training simulations. There was always a bit of distrust in his voice when he talked about the simulations, how life can’t be predicted by an algorithm. His happy expression melted into something serious and unreadable. “Machines are gonna fail and the system's gonna fail... then, survival. Who has the ability to survive? That's the game - survive.” Gator would say that to himself a lot and look off in the distance for a moment, as if reminiscing over something tragic and overwhelming.
The sparring room only had two other clones in it today, but the Jedi from before was watching from the observation room. Allora monitored your practice with a keen eye, either to observe your progress or to catch you red handed doing something wrong. You enjoyed the brief moments she directly interacted with you, a break from the constant flow of stoic clones. She always had a calm exterior but you could tell how much power bubbled like lava just below the surface. The bounty hunter-turned-trainer next to her looked less than impressed with you, though he had been smart enough not to challenge you.
After throwing Gator on the ground, winning another match, Gator chuckled. “One day I’m going to figure out how you always throw off my balance right when I think I got ya. Just not today.” He grunted before speaking again, eyes mischievous. “Maybe saying nothin’ has its advantages. Loose lips sink ships, eh?” You huffed and offered him a hand to help him up.
As you pulled him up to his feet, something felt wrong. Bad. It hurt, a pain that you had never felt before. Despair and hopelessness. You started to fold in on yourself and it became hard to breathe. Gator would have fallen to the ground with you if he hadn’t sensed something was off with you.
“Something wrong, Shev’la?” You could hear Gator but his voice was drowned out by the overwhelming feeling of dread and turmoil. Just as you couldn’t bear the feeling and your knees gave out, Gator caught you. He was speaking but you couldn’t comprehend what he was saying. The sound of a transmission came in from the observation room above, the only clear noise in the fuzziness you were experiencing. Only a few moments later did you hear blaster shots and the sound of a lightsaber igniting.
Both you and Gator spun around to see Allora on guard with her lightsaber backing up in the small space in the observation room above. The Jedi blocked incoming shots from clones, but the bounty hunter was caught completely off guard. He fell to the ground, lifeless.
“What the kriff is goin’ on?” Gator asked under his breath. You couldn’t move, eyes locked onto the scene unfolding. Allora continued to retreat, the other clones following hastily.
You made eye contact with Gator, pleading with your eyes for a rational explanation. Was this a training exercise? Is this real?
Gator only shook his head in disbelief, “Those shots weren’t on stun… They intended to kill—”
One of the two other clones in the room, forgotten up until now, opened a comm. The message relayed was given by a gravelly voice, ringing in your ears like a siren. You didn’t know what the message meant but it felt like nails on a chalkboard.
“Execute Order 66.”
You didn’t have time to turn to Gator to find out what that meant before arms wrapped around your neck, crushing your throat. Your fingers clawed at the arms, the lack of air making it hard to focus. A panicked noise escaped and you thrashed your legs. Once you gained some footing on the ground, you threw your head back into your assailant’s face, crushing his nose. It was hard enough that he let go and stumbled back. When you finally got a look at him, your mind went blank and you stumbled.
It was Gator.
Gator turned on you. He tried to kill you. The man—who just moments ago was joking with you— attempted to strangle you.
Your blood ran cold, eyes wide.
He was still stumbling backwards, shaking his head. When the two of you made eye contact, for a moment, you still saw the clone you knew, who was confused and scared. It faded away to a dull, far away look.
Gator was gone.
No. No. No no no no no no! The Jedi will know what to do. Find Allora, she will explain this. She will fix this!
Shaking, you forced yourself to focus, winding up a punch to one of the clones in the face as they closed the distance. With a step forward, you roundhouse kicked the other clone in the gut, sending him flying into a punching bag. Gator threw a punch, you side stepped as his hand almost grazed your face. You grabbed his extended arm and used his momentum to throw his body towards the first clone. Gator was easily throwable, it was lucky you never helped him improve that.
All three clones were knocked down momentarily and you made your escape, slinking around the corner and down the hallway. Alarms and flashing lights filled the air, the sensation of being crushed under the weight of the water on this planet had never been more prevalent. You were sore, confused, and forsaken.
The sound of Allora yelling in pain caught your attention, coming from the next room. You watched a clone get hit by his own rebounded blaster shot and fall through the doorway, slumping dead against the wall. His blaster fell towards you so you snatched it up, glad to have a weapon. Leaving the sparring room empty handed was a rookie mistake you had never made before, but today was all about new experiences.
Peaking around the corner, the Jedi was… not faring well. She could only block so many incoming shots by herself. Allora was getting tired and it showed in how her movements became sluggish. One accurate shot and she could no longer stand. It only took a few more shots before she was down.
Your body moved before your brain told it to, finger pulling the trigger faster than the clones could register another hostile target. The room became quiet as you eliminated each clone in the vicinity, the blaster shots reverberating in the open room.
The Jedi was still breathing but she wasn’t… She didn’t…
You crumbled down next to Allora, hands hovering over her body, unsure of what to do or where to start. Her eyes fluttered open and she realized you weren’t trying to kill her. With the last of her strength, she pushed her lightsaber into your hand.
With the remaining life she had left, she gave you an order. “Run. Survive.”
The fire in Allora’s eyes was snuffed out, flames smothered with betrayal dealt by the very men she trusted.
A water droplet fell on your shaky hand. You looked around to find the source. Oh. It came from your eyes, you were crying. It had been so long you forgot the sensation. The slow tears felt hot on your cheeks. This is what defeat felt like.
Weaver’s last words echoed in your mind:
“… Oh, it’s almost tragic when you think about it. The clones you now care for as your own will turn against you one day and very soon. It’s written in the stars… or rather, their programming, but the stars sounds more striking…
“… I wish I could be there when it happens, the look on your face when you realize everything you’ve acquired the past few months will come crashing down with one measly command…
“… I had hoped to take you with me when the Republic fell, but this is a fitting end for someone like you; to die completely and utterly alone. You’ll get what’s coming to you.”
You released a deep, low growl and slammed your fist into the ground. This was all planned! And Weaver rubbed it in your face! All of the clones were programmed to turn against the Republic at the whim of some horrific mastermind…
It felt like all the air in the room evaporated and you felt dizzy.
… All? Did that include The Bad Batch? Would they try to kill you too? More importantly… Was this their choice? If they were programmed… Could they be deprogrammed? If that was possible… I need to find the medical wing where they make the clones.
Clone voices kicked you into action, diving to dodge blaster shots. You ignited Allora’s saber and used it to block the next couple of shots until you could fire your own blaster. The Jedi was more talented at the weapon, the weight was lighter than you anticipated and you couldn’t round the shots like she had earlier. Your swings were clumsy but it was enough. When the two hostiles fell, you took a moment to look at the blaster in your other hand.
No wonder they need several to take out a Jedi, thing’s a piece of kark. Amazing that I’ve managed to hit anything at all.
Before looking for answers, you’d need your equipment. You headed towards The Batch’s barracks.
Getting to the barracks was straightforward, not having to duck around many clones. Most were running towards different sectors, taking care of other hostiles. It also helped that The Batch’s room was further away from the rest. When the door opened, the stale stench greeted you like an old friend, oddly familiar and comforting. Since being discharged, you stayed here, taking over Crosshair’s bunk. You had cleaned up the trash and mysterious objects that stunk the most, but the smell lingered, integrating with the walls.
Quietly, you put on your armor and packed your bag with the small amount of items you could claim as your own. You hesitated when you looked at the few things Crosshair had by his bed. His designated area was a reflection of himself. It was sparse and aloof, but if you took the time to explore, you’d find the treasures Crosshair cared for most. Your favorite piece was a broken scope that once resided on his Firepuncher. It was from the forth or fifth time you challenged The Bad Batch that you got the closest to killing Crosshair, but he moved out of the way at the last second. His scope didn’t survive.
You softly smiled at the memory and the influence the moment had on Crosshair to hold onto the scope. You held it in your hand, contemplating on taking it. If The Bad Batch wasn’t affected by the same order as all the rest, the scope would continue to be a marker of how far you’ve come. However, if they were affected, this would only serve as a reminder for what you lost; the squad you saw as your family, the person you cared the most for, and the ability to trust. You shoved the scope in the bag, deciding you could get rid of it later if you changed your mind. Maybe bury it in the desert or on the planet you broke it on.
A dark figure reflecting on one of Crosshair’s sniper mirrors caught your eye, causing you to freeze in place. You decided you weren’t going to make the same mistakes as you had before, broken and vulnerable. If they saw you as an enemy, you’d passionately play the part. In one fluid movement, you grabbed your sniper, spun around into a kneeling position, and shot straight through the heart.
The blood drained from your face as your conflicting emotions fought for dominance. It was only a few days ago that you were trying to think before shooting. None of that mattered now, the ones who preached critical thinking were nothing but mindless killing machines. You’d be a fool to extend the same kindness after they so rudely stabbed you in the back and twisted the knife without mercy.
Grabbing your bag, you slowly walked towards the body in the doorway, listening for others. No other footfalls were heard, no other signs of life. Whoever laid dead in the doorway was after you and knew where to find you. As you stood next to the clone, the bitter spark of repulsion rose inside you and you allowed yourself to give into the desire to kill anyone who stood in your way. It wasn’t the same numbness you felt before as a bounty hunter, it was a red hot demand for vengeance.
You unceremoniously stepped over Gator’s body, not taking a second look at the man you once might consider a friend. In truth, this was a more merciful ending for Gator. If it was true that the clones weren’t in control, killing them would be the last kindness you could give to the clones. Gator was free now.
“That's the game – survive.”
Gator’s words left a hollow feeling as they rang in your ears.
It was eerily quiet as you walked down the hall. You pulled out your holopad, opening the blueprints of the facility you downloaded from Tech’s datapad a few days prior. The medical wing was on the other side of the base and you’d face more hostiles along the way. Knowing the Kaminoans with their dubious morals, the information you were looking for would be hidden extremely well. It would take time to uncover, so you found a dataport you could access in a small, unsuspecting room.
You did your best to sneak around, avoiding security camera sightlines and main hallways. If you came across any other beings, it was only clones, no Kaminoans. Your disgust of the species only grew as you experienced their cowardice. Of course they wouldn’t participate in the battle they helped create. Not all the clones were hunting, some cleaning up bodies and removing machines. Their faces held no emotions and their eyes felt far away, not in control.
However, you didn’t hesitate to take out any clone or droid that got in your way, not bothering to hide the evidence. They should feel the same misery for the deaths of their vode as you did. Each kill never satisfied the animosity you felt, emotions bleeding into your normally detached professionalism. Every fallen soldier was another notch in your fragile sanity. You preferred to use Allora’s lightsaber, each kill became a tiny bit of personal retribution.
When you made it to the medical bay, you did a quick sweep for cameras and personnel before slicing the terminal. You were sweaty, tired, and unhinged. The terminal screen flashed with different windows as your program worked its magic. You could only hear your heart beat and the sound of your nervous shallow breaths. Minutes ticked by but you had nothing to show for it, you couldn’t find anything about what could be controlling the clones or this Order 66. You checked every digital nook and cranny but everything came up empty. Desperate, you slammed your fist on the panel.
What if… there is no way to reverse this? What if everything was a lie?
You groaned in frustration, refusing to face the reality of being a helpless bystander in all of this. Your foot kicked a lower panel, denting the metal. There had to be something, anything, or you would take everyone down by yourself, even if it cost losing yourself in the process.
“You won’t find what you’re looking for on that terminal.”
The small voice came from behind you. In a second, you ignited Allora’s lightsaber and spun around, facing the being who escaped your sweep. The green reflected back onto a child’s scared face and you hesitated. She was blonde, half your height, and in an outfit you hadn’t seen before. The girl stumbled back but didn’t have much space to do so, her back hitting a wall. Your resolve waivered, unable to hurt a child without a reason and you lowered the saber a tiny bit. She was most likely hiding from the chaos.
“You’re Shev’la, right? A part of The Bad Batch?” You flinched, suspicious. Her accent was similar to that of the clones, but it was possible she picked it up living here. Paranoia was starting to creep in. “My name’s Omega, and I want to be part of The Bad Batch too. They’re different from the rest.” A battle raged in your head, scolding yourself for faltering after having been stabbed in the back by the entire Republic army but pointing a weapon at someone who was most likely swept up into this mess unknowingly. She was obviously scared of you but forced herself to breathe evenly.
Was she… stalling? She sounded sincere. I’ve never encountered someone so small that wasn’t a clone…
“You’re looking for information on the chips, yeah?” Unsure what she was talking about specifically, you nodded slowly. “The chips are what they used to control them. The Kaminoans hid their existence at first but then said it was to control the clones’ aggression once a rogue clone found them.” Each word weighed on you, making you more exhausted as the secrets spilled from her mouth. You weren’t even sure if she was telling the truth, but the look of determination in her eyes in comparison to all the clones told you she wasn’t lying.
When Omega moved, you tightened your grip on the lightsaber. She backed up again. “I can show you… We’ll need to go to a different terminal, though.” You didn’t move. “It-it’s in a room more secluded than this, so we won’t be found by any clones.”
… She’s the only lead I have, I have no choice. My future depends on a child. Well played, Force, well played.
You holstered the lightsaber and swung your rifle around front, gesturing for Omega to lead but showing her you wouldn’t allow any funny business. She gave a sheepish smile before leading you down the hall. The hallways became more narrow and circular. Tunnel was a better way to describe them, like you were burrowing deep into the earth but there was only water on the outside. You contemplated the likelihood this was a well executed trap but if that was true, you’d have to give her credit. Omega seemed so innocent and sincere. She activated the same protective instinct in you Siari did.
“Here we are.” Omega led you into a small, cramped room that had long been forgotten. It wasn’t noted on your map, something unsuspecting to be the cave of a child. You hesitated before crossing the threshold. It felt like you were invading her personal space, but this was no time for courtesy.
The ceiling was lower, so you had to lean awkwardly and there wasn’t much room for you sniper. You slung it on your back to keep it out of the way. There wasn’t much lighting, just a dim bulb connected with haphazard wires. There was an older terminal in the corner Omega booted up. “I disconnected this from the network a while back. It’s a bit slow but it stores data I need it to.” As she continued fiddling, you looked around, studying the items she’s collected over time. Broken bits and pieces you couldn’t name, so probably not weapons. The walls had sketches etched in them, different customizations that you had seen on the clones and many you had not seen.
What stood out was a corner that was dedicated to The Bad Batch. The symbols of each member and a sketch of their face were on the wall. Well, you assumed that’s what the sketches were. They weren’t clear but you conceded Omega was a child who had worked all her life and did the best she could to etch into the metal. There was a scrap of red fabric and broken goggles near the sketches, too.
“I pulled the data about the chips when I overheard them lie about it to the Jedi. I didn’t… I didn’t know it would lead to this.” Her voice cracked before quiet tears rolled down her cheeks. You were overcome with an emotion you weren’t familiar with. You were… uncomfortable? Omega looked gloomy and broken, and you were unsure how to handle this. There was no amount of training that could have prepared you for this. You didn’t necessarily care to console her, you just needed the data, but that led to a sharp pang of guilt. How does one comfort a child when they themselves didn’t have a gentle bone in their body?
You kneeled so you were at her sight level. With extreme hesitation, you reached out with an unsteady hand, pulling back a few times before making it to the destination of her head. Omega froze and made eye contact. Unsure of what to do now, you patted her head a few times awkwardly before taking your hand back. You tried to keep your face even, but you were sure it was clear you had no idea what you were doing.
“You’re going to save The Bad Batch, right?” You didn’t even know if they could be saved but you sighed and nodded in agreement, exhausted. You handed her a data stick and she took it, discreetly wiping a tear away. “What will you do until they get back?”
Kid, I don’t know anything anymore. I didn’t have time to think anything through and I can barely deal with what’s happening right in front of me.
Omega sniffled. “You could hide out here. I know it’s small but no one would come back here but me. I’ll bring you rations when I can… It might be difficult for me when… if things become normal again.” The terminal pinged and Omega handed the data stick back to you.
Well, this isn’t the worst place I’ve camped out.
Finagling your sniper off your body and leaned against the wall, you sat on the floor and shut down to the sound of Omega chatting. You imagined being swallowed by the waves of Kamino, allowing the loneliness to creep in, the emptiness being filled with salty water.
Part 18
Gator is based off of Burt Reynolds, because I had been watching many of his movies. The quote is his line from Deliverance.
Mando'a: vode - brothers
Star Wars Cursing: Kriff, Kark
Tag List: @rintheemolion @salamiwrites @lokigirlszendaya @jinxedleo @dionysuskid21 @awkwardwookie @welcometothepedroverse @gabile18 @xxglossii @imalovernotahater @littlemisscare-all @seeley-marie23 @badbatch-simp24 @goddess-of-congeniality @sunipostsstuff @admiralmaple @dwarfnip @whatshxrname @ttzamara @crosshair-is-the-superior-clone
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ridiasfangirlings · 1 year
So I saw your gender fluid Enomoto ask and i just thought imagine if Enomoto finally comes out and everyone is supportive so he starts feeling more comfortable wearing different clothes when in S4 or going out. So on their day off he and the squad are outside hanging out and some stranger makes a rude comment about him and Fushimi almost stabs him while rest of the squad is thinking about 100 ways to hide a body without losing their jobs
I dunno that feels a little OOC, everyone knows Munakata wouldn’t fire anyone for something as silly as hiding a body ;D Going back to gender-fluid Enomoto ask, maybe once everyone knows about it Enomoto starts getting more comfortable in exploring his gender identity while off work and even while on shift, Munakata absolutely does not care if Enomoto wears the male or female uniform (though Enomoto wears the more ‘normal’ women’s uniform not the one Awashima wears, exploring gender does not mean he wants the world to see his underwear. He works in the vans most of the time anyway so it’s not like the longer skirt we see Yayoi wearing in that one chapter of  Dog and Cat would hinder him at work when he’s not normally sword fighting). On his days off he rotates between whatever he feels like wearing and the squad all get used to it pretty quick, whatever makes Enomoto feel comfortable is fine with them.
Maybe one day they are on a mission and Enomoto’s in the women’s uniform. The squad has taken care of things and are coordinating the cleanup standing outside the vans with Fushimi and Enomoto. Enomoto’s reading out some location data when one of the passers-by milling around stops and starts watching them. Enomoto realizes almost immediately and starts to feel a little uncomfortable but he keeps reading out the report anyway. That’s when the guy watching starts making all kinds of rude nasty statements about ‘the police having some weirdo in drag working for them’ and other sorts of things. 
Enomoto himself probably has to hold Hidaka back from punching the guy, trying to tell him it’s fine while Hidaka is just ready to start grabbing this guy and yelling because he’s not gonna stand for someone insulting his friend. Fuse gives the guy this super cold stare and wonders about loudmouths who need to keep their shitty opinions to themselves, Akiyama and Benzai try to diffuse the situation while also probably giving all these backhanded scathing remarks that only sound polite. The guy doesn’t get the hint though and starts getting unruly, coming closer to yell at poor Enomoto more and the squad are ready to throw down with a normal person pretty much. That’s when everyone hears this low tongue click and the next thing the guy knows he’s been pinned to the ground by knives. Fushimi doesn’t even blink, just tells everyone to move this to the vans where they won’t have any annoying bastards making noise while they’re trying to work. He’s acting like he was more angry about the guy just being loud than how the guy was haranguing Enomoto but it’s clear that he was actually trying to help out and Enomoto’s just giving him this thankful look like ‘Fushimi-san…’ while Fushimi shrugs and looks away. 
Afterward maybe the guy makes a complaint that S4 were harassing an ordinary citizen and Munakata calls Fushimi into his office to explain. Fushimi blandly says the guy was being a hindrance to their work. Enomoto suddenly walks into the office, all worried that Fushimi’s going to get in trouble because of him as he tells Munakata what happened and offers to take responsibility. Fushimi denies he did it for  Enomoto’s sake as Munakata asks if what Enomoto says is true, Fushimi does admit that guy was saying a lot of irritating crap. Munakata gives this smile like ‘I see’ and tells them both they’re free to go back to work. Enomoto nervously asks about the citizen complaint and Munakata says it’s a pity, he seems to have misplaced that complaint after all and so no action can be taken. 
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garciapimienta · 1 year
Hiiii! I just wanted to ask, since you seem very knowledgeable about this things🧐, what’s our best option for DM next season/ this transfer window? I know we have some La Masia kids( gosh saying that sounds weird when I’m also just 18😭) that are really good and I think you mentioned Federico Redondo at some point but I would like to hear you thoughts at this point in time. I’m not saying I don’t like what the club is doing this transfer window because they are doing a great job but the missing DM player on the team is really making me worried. Anyway, thanks for answering this when you find the time and much love for you and your spectacular blog❤️❤️❤️
First of all thank you, you are so nice!
In regards to the DM question, I'm not even sure myself to be honest, and I am really worried too. In my opinion the best solution, and by miles, was Declan Rice. I know he wasn't exactly affordable but I think the club should've at least attempted to get him and I also think he was worth shelling out a little even if it meant we couldn't afford as many other players. But of course, I understood that with the financial situation, it maybe wasn't doable.
The second option for me, and the more realistic one (well, kinda) was Zubimendi. I personally think he's great and would suit the team so well and he's also ready for the club (not as in 'he's top level already, he doesn't need to learn anything more' but just that he's ready even though ofc he'll continue growing and developing and getting better). That said, Zubi is as loyal as they come, so there's really not much the club could do, he wasn't going to come this season.
Now that both of them are out of the question, I think Oriol Romeu, which seems like the most likely one now, is fine-ish??? He's not a player I absolutely love or someone I think has the general level to be a player for us, but it's also true that there's not much out there that isn't a) very young, or b) not for sale/out of our league in terms of what the club could pay. So basically it seems that we'll have to settle for someone, which I hate because I think the club should've prepared for Busi's retirement much better and has had years to do so.
So yeah, to summarize because I got carried away, I think maybe the best option for now is to settle for someone reliable and temporary like Oriol Romeu and also sign a young developmental pivot for the future (my preferences: Mats Wieffer (highly recommend checking him out, he's really good and has an incredible potential too), Redondo or Vermeeren), while still continuing to develop the Masia prospects who are looking better suited for the position and with a lot of potential (Pau Prim and Marc Casado being the most obvious and most talked about ones, but there are others with high quality and a lot of potential too, like Gerard Hernańdez).
I've just realized I have not mentioned Nico (González) at all in this reply and tbh I 'm actually on team "Xavi should give him a chance" even though I've always said that I've never been fully convinced on wether he can play in that role in the way I would want him too. It's just that considering that there are no better options and Nico is a player that's already in your squad and who has shown a lot of potential and has a lot of talent and resources (even for an interior, which I know we don't need but if he doesn't work out as pivot you could still benefit from using him for rotations every once in a while for one season before selling him/loaning him out again), I think we should give it another try. But if Xavi doesn't like him/isn't willing to do it, then there isn't much to do, seeing as to how he's the coach...
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