#lewis tan x assassin! reader
natashacoco · 1 year
Sorry to bother you again 😅😅😅
Can you do another headcanon for Lewis Tan x reader where the reader is an assassin or something along those lines and if you want, Lewis trying to protect the reader as a bodyguard???
I am so sorry that this took forever and I hope that you end up seeing this anon, for some reason this got lost in my inbox somehow for who knows how long and ofc tumblr notifications suck and I just saw this due to another notification i got recently. I tweaked it just a little bit to make things flow just a little more but otherwise, here you go bb
The game: cat and mouse.
The players: You and Lewis.
The objective: you were a trained assassin with a target close to somebody Lewis cared about and he could never know that the person he thought he was protecting needed it more than he thought he did when it came to you.
It started out simply enough, you were assigned a target from your underworld shadow organization. You never questioned why you were being sent or the reason why the picture of the person needed to be "dealt with", but that was just the way it went. Unbridled and unquestioning loyalty imbued in you for as long as you could remember
Your assignment was easy, watch and monitor a target for intel
Unless of course they had to be taken care of. If that was the case, make it look like an accident or a mugging gone too far, by any means necessary
Simple enough, right?
You were used to working in the shadows, stalking your targets and learning their habits and routines better than they did it themselves.
You "accidentally" bump into them one day and end up cloning their phone for easy access to their lives
You find that their routine is almost identical every week without fail, never once faltering or changing
Monday: leave the house at 8:20-8:25 to get to work by 9. Maybe a quick stop by their favorite coffee shop with that 10 minute window they allowed themselves.
Tuesday night: hit the gym
Wednesday: Try a new restaurant with friends
Thursday: stay late at the office so they can leave early on Friday
Friday: meetings in the morning followed by a night of takeout and nights spent at home.
You can't believe that you were sent on this mission, it's almost comical at home easy it'll be to take out your target
It's not until a break in their routine when things start to become a little more complicated.
You notice small changes in your targets schedule after a couple of weeks that don't bother or raise suspicions
it isn't until you start combing through their e-mails and notice the late night calls you listen in on.
That's when you realize why they've become your target: they've found some discrepancies within their company and they're planning on becoming a whistle blower
Your target ends up becoming more erratic at work, outbursts to people, constantly looking over his shoulder. You find yourself smiling and wondering if he can somehow feel your ever hovering presence.
His righteous paranoia comes to a head when he decides to hire a personal bodyguard from one of the best independent security companies in the city.
That's when you're introduced to Lewis Tan
Tall, handsome, tattoos littered all over his body and a professional martial artist
Your interests are piqued of course, not that he'd be able to stop you but that this assignment just got a lot more interesting
You decide to test the waters with how adequate Lewis is with protecting his client
You start off small, following them as they set up a new routine that's completely different from the one your target started with
You scope out the new surveillance camera and system that Lewis has installed
It's simple enough to bypass the system with your skill set, even looping the footage for later use
You decide to tease your target a little more and hack into his personal computer, leaving no hints or clues for him to find
Finally after weeks of observing and reporting to your superiors, you're given the go ahead to take out the target before they're moved to a secure safe house set up by Lewis's team
You expertly end up setting up a Trojan Horse malware that ends up destroying the evidence on the targets computers along with any and all copies made on that computer
thanks to your surveillance over the weeks you know that the original piece of evidence is currently sitting in a safety deposit box under a fake name at the city bank.
That'd be your first stop tomorrow morning before the bank opens and notices it missing by the time Lewis and his team arrive to retrieve it
Your chance comes when a storm hits the town and the power goes out (thanks to a little help of course). No lights, no phones, nothing works
you sneak into the house, completely under the cover of darkness and shadows
You know exactly where your target is
it seems like hours rather than minutes before you've sneaked up behind them
like your assignment you take out your target, making sure it looks like an "accident"
just as easily you sneak out of the house, once again returning to the shadows.
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Ooo can I please request a Tangerine x fem!innocent/shy!reader where they’ve been bf and gf for a while and love each other a lot, and he finally asks her to move in with him. Maybe she doesn’t know what he and lemon do for a living, nor does she really realize how much money this man has (she knows he has quite a lot with how much a spoils her though), and when she walks into his and Lemon’s (most likely) huge house, she’s like “😮”… Tan telling her what he and Lemon do for living in the most soft way possible (the softest it can be when referring to being assassins…). But Y/n says she loves him no matter what and they cuddle and lots of kisses🤧🧡🍊
super cute, I love. hope you like it, thank you for requesting💌
new home (tan x fem reader)
wc || 623
warnings || none
masterlist + rules
Buzzing the gate bell to be let into the driveway, looking around the huge plot of land, gawking at the beautiful trees spread around. The huge gate opens and you slowly drive up the long gravel driveway, taking in the countryside scenery, simply in awe of your new home.
Pulling up out front, you’re greeted warmly by the man you love, who is walking towards you. “Hello love!” Helping you out of the car, kissing you sweetly.
“Hello, handsome.” You cutely reply after parting.
“When is the moving company coming?” He questions in between quick kisses. 
“I think… in two hours, so around twelve ish.”
“Good, let me show you around.” He sweetly says, taking your hand to lead you into the house.
“My god, this is huge. I thought it was two houses.” You laugh.
As he shows you the rooms, your mouth fell open, practically drooling over the amount of space this man has.
“Holy…” you whisper to yourself as you stared up at the open foyer.
“That’s not all.” He smiles.
“I got something for you.” Tan says sweetly.
“What?” Trying to hide a smile. He always treats you, he basically spoils you. I mean what person doesn’t like gifts. But you didn’t like him because he spoiled you, he spoiled you because he liked you.
“Oh, yeah.” Leading you up the stairs. “I got this room done up for you.” Pointing at it.
“Wait- what? What is it?” You eagerly question.
He opens the door. “It can be your library or an art studio, a writing nook, an office… whatever you want. When you decide we can look at John Lewis.” He smiles down at you.
“John Lewis?” Your eyes widen. “IKEA is fine.”
“No no, what’s mine is yours and my girl deserves the best.” Kissing your forehead. “We can paint the walls whatever colour you like. Oh and also. It’s next to my office. I’m right there.” Pointing at the door next to it.
“You are so sweet.” You tenderly kiss him.
“Only for you.” Kissing your hand as he leads you back downstairs and towards the kitchen.
You take a seat at the island high chair, looking around taking everything in while Tan makes you both tea.
“Lem will be back in a bit to help.” He says, glancing over his shoulder as he poured water from the kettle into the mugs.
“He will? Thank you.” You say in a trance as you looked out into the back garden. “Babe…?” You say slowly.
“Yes…?” Copying your tone.
“Can I ask you something?”
“No.” Smirking. “Just messing, of course.”
“You don’t have to answer, but why are you so… loaded?” You say, trying to figure out the most polite way of saying it.
“Well…” he passes your drink while taking a sip of his. “Me and Lem are uh- outside contractors. We kind of- you know… sorta like films.” He wryly chuckles, trying to lighten the mood, feeling unsure of how you’d take it.
“So do you go lots of different places?” You sweetly ask, blowing on your drink before taking a sip.
“It uh- doesn’t bother you?” He asks feeling like it was almost too easy.
“Nope.” You simply reply. “I love you, so it doesn’t really matter.” Smiling at him over your mug.
He leans over the island to kiss you from the other side. “I love you.” Pecking your forehead. “I gotta show you the garden- did I tell you about the duck pond?”
Mouth widening, shrieking “no way.”
“Yes, way. It’s gonna rain so let’s go now.” Walking you outside, with your mugs in hand cuddling into each other's sides. It is truly beautiful, you couldn’t believe you now live here too.
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ingeniousmindoftune · 2 years
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Description: in which you witness Kyle (Lewis) murder your boyfriend and he has to decide should he fuck, marry, or kill you in this series.
Warning(s): some smut situations, mature audience only, must be 18+ to read, blood/gore mentions, some rape, drug use, strong and vulgar language.
Pairing(s) Lewis Tan (Kyle Reece) x black reader.
Also, do anyone have gifs of Lewis tan in the scene where he was covered in blood leaned against the food truck?? Please send them to me!
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You listened as your boyfriend whispered sweet nothings in your ear. “Mm, I need to shower.” You whispered, kissing his face, getting off of his lap, he groaned reaching for you, pulling you back to him by your arm, planting a kiss on your lips, kissing his lips back repeatedly, You smiled against his lips pulling away, “Be back.” He bit his lip watching as you crawled out of bed, in nothing but the clothes you were born with. Butt ass naked.
“Damn, I miss the both of you already,” he smirked. You laugh softly, pulling your hair up into a tight bun.
Starting the shower, you heard him talking to someone; thinking he was trying to say something to you. You answered but still couldn’t make out what he was saying, stepping away from the shower door of the hotel bathroom, you strolled to the bathroom door, slowly opening it, you froze seeing some man beating and stabbing your boyfriend to death, you quickly covered your mouth and moved away from the door as the man looked up, trying to hide your breathing. Afraid you would be next, you could still hear your boyfriends muffled screams in agony, and pleads. You heard one last bloody gargle, you silently cried, pushing your body down on the floor, trying to hide in the department in the sink but before you could get your full body in, you were pulled out by your hair, squeezing your eyes closed. Hoping if you didn’t see his face he would just leave you.
“Hmm,” he looked you in the eyes and over your body. Lifting you up by your throat.
He took in your appearance. You were by far the most gorgeous woman he had ever laid eyes on; it made sense how your boyfriend was fighting back so hard. He didn’t want nothing to happen to his prized possession, he didn’t know what your boyfriend had done to piss off his client so much, but they sure paid a fortune to make sure he was out the picture. You? You were just collateral damage… now he wondered what he should do with you. “Open those eyes,” his voice did not match his appearance, you thought to yourself. Fighting to keep your eyes close, you hit at him. “Please, I didn’t see anything; let me go!” You cried. You felt over his face feeling all of the blood, your lover’s blood.
“Can’t trust that, open those eyes.” He spoke again.
This time without hesitation, you opened your eyes to him. He smirked slightly, looking into your beautiful eyes. “Mmm, such a waste. Killing such a vibrant beauty. With such smooth skin.” You struggled as he tightened his grip around your neck. Although it was turning you on, you also feared for your life. Dangling in mid-air, he placed you on your feet. “Ah, Ah. Don’t even think about it,” he grabs your arm tight, leaning over grabbing the robe you hand laid out on the counter. “Turn off the shower. Be discreet. You’re coming with me until I figure out what I’m going to do with you.” Shaking your head no. “No. I’m not going with you! Kill me right now.” He smirked. “That’ll greatly be my pleasure,” he reached in his waistband, grabbing the gun aiming it in your face. You stammered. You didn’t want to die. You wasn’t ready to die. “Okay. O-okay! I’ll do whatever you want me to do, just please, don’t kill me.”
You dressed in the robe and some slippers like he asked, he cleaned himself off, with the bathroom door open to get a good look at you. He slipped on the matching robe and your boyfriends slides, “As we go in this lobby, do not signal for help or even hint that we aren’t together. Is that understood? I will not hesitate to kill you or anyone else that gets in my way.”
“Y-yes.” You stammered. The both of you exited the room, you dropped your head noticing the cameras. He smirked because he had already cut all feed, leading you on the elevator, he placed his arm around your waist tight and firmly; his gun pointed to your side. “Don’t try anything.” Tucking his gun into the waistband of his pants, he led you off the elevator. “Now smile.” You forced a smile, but than it turned into a real one; why wouldn’t it? The man in front of you was fine as wine, but than you remembered.
You’re being kidnapped by your boyfriends killer.
Once you both entered his car. That was on the side of the building, he looked you over. “I’m going to have loads of fun with you, but how about we play a little game for awhile, I want you to give me a reason not to kill you. Ever heard of Fuck? Marry? Kill?” The way the word kill rolled off his tongue gave you chills. “T-that’s not exactly how that game works.” He glanced bet after you with a little smirk, than away at the road. He placed child lock on your door incase you tried to make a run for it, you tried to unlock the door and open it when bam, the bud of his gun came across your face, you were knocked out cold.
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As you slept, he threw you over his shoulder and led you inside his home. A glass house in the middle of no where in Los Angeles, California. That’s right. He brought you, miles and hours away from your home. He tossed you down onto the bed, tying your hands to the bed, he looked you over as you slept, knocked out cold, he undressed himself. He was no rapist. But he couldn’t help the thoughts that ran through his mind, he looks you over one last time before walking off to the adjoining bathroom. Opening the door, he turned on the shower. Stepping in, he washed himself down real good.
“You’re awake,” he smirked drying his hair off.
You just looked at him, rattling your hands and the chains, you looked down seeing you were still clothed but the once white robe was now covered in your blood. “Let me go, please.” You pleaded, you was so scared. You didn’t know what this man had planned for you; what your boyfriend had gotten himself and you in. You were just trying to get out of this situation. “That’s not happening, you’ll be here until I decide what to do with you. Besides, I’m sure you’re a prime suspect in your boyfriend’s murder.” You didn’t know what to think, what you would be going back to if he did let you go. “Then let me go, they’ll just assume I killed him.” He clicks his teeth. “I haven’t had my fun with you, yet.” You watched as he opened the drawers on the dresser, you couldn’t help notice the size of his dick, cause of course, he was naked. He slipped on some briefs, looking back at you. “What? Never seen one this big?” You stammered on your words.. “N-no.”
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He smirked. You couldn’t help but notice the burns from his ear down the side of his face and back, but you never questioned him about them. “Let’s get you fed and clothed, shall we?”
@skyesthebomb @laylasbunbunny
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saturnville · 3 years
play pretend.
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*not my gif*
pairing: lu xin lee x black!of
prompt: 23. “Just pretend to be my date.”
“Just pretend to be my date. Just for the weekend.”
“Am I supposed to say yes like they do in corny, cliche movies?”
His eyes swiftly rotated in their sockets. His neck rolled in frustration and his hands ran over the smoothness of his favorite, perfectly tailored pants. She purchased them for him a year ago, claiming the dark blue suit asserted “dominance.”
“It’s corny!” she exclaimed. A mocking giggle fell from her lips as she tossed her head back.
“But it’s for me! I need to make a good impression and apparently being single isn’t the way to go.” It was her turn to roll her eyes. Damn those business executives. They didn’t know he lived like a rolling stone. Wherever his hat was, his home was for the night. “Baby, please.”
She hated when he did that—begged. He did it so well that she could never resist. His eyes would turn toward all innocent-like, gleaming like the stars. He’d purse his lips and grip her hands within his strong ones. He’d step towards her and she’d get a whiff of his cologne; the musky one that reminded her of the Hollister store she was obsessed with as a teenager.
“I want burgers at the end of the night and coffee tomorrow morning,”she demanded, which earned a sigh of relief from him. He pressed a gentle kiss against her forehead before jogging towards the door.
“Be ready by 8! Wear something sexy for me.” He sent her a wink.
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