#lexi x nico hischier
ladylooch · 1 year
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What My World Spins Around- Nico Hischier
Summary: Nico and Lexi live in the same building in Hoboken. They become friends and quickly transition to falling for each other. This is their life in New Jersey and Switzerland.
AU Status: Active
The Original Part
More in chronological order:
Early Days
Mail Room
Shift Change
First I love you
Sunday Night Smut
Green Devil
Bachelorettes in Hoboken
Bad Days with you
Morning Kisses
Healthcare Partner
Social Media Hate
Good Morning
Swiss Sunsets and other beautiful things
Just Married
Knee Injury
Baby Fever
Pregnancy Test
You and Your Baby
Lucie Meets the Devils
Post Baby Loving
Lucie's first game
Shot through the heart
Jealous Nico at Event
Remember Paris
Post Game Autographs
Nico's Best Girl
Love and Fairness
When they fought a bit
Swiss Scolding
How Would I?
Night Terrors
Mack's Birth
When Lexi isn't feeling it
Lucie walking in on her parents
Their Last Addition
Christmas Morning
No Hischier Boys
A Slice of Heaven
Surprising Nico
Three Sick Babies
Lexi's Birthday *
Daughter Date
Comforting Mack
Much, much more in their series tag here.
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ladylooch · 1 year
How Would I? - Nico Hischier
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A/N: I am going to be honest and say I am actually nervous to post this. I went back and forth on if I needed to soften this up. Ultimately, I feel it is much better as is. But this is definitely dark, so please read at your own discretion!
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: Robbery, assault, broken bones, pregnancy talk, violence. 
“Hi.” I whisper to my husband via FaceTime. My feet gently rock Lucie and I on the rocking chair in her room. Nico smiles excitedly when he sees my face. He is leaning against the brick wall of the Prudential Center. The team is having a Dine with the Devils charity event at the arena. 
“Hi.” Nico murmurs back. “She asleep?”
“Yeah.” I flip the camera so he can see Lucie’s angelic face. She had a big day playing with Lio at an indoor play house, then having pizza for dinner. 
“Good. Her and Lio have fun?”
“So much.” I smile, turning the camera back onto me.
“Cause trouble too?”
“Of course.” I roll my eyes. “They conspired by hiding in the upper slides. Only came out when Emma started yelling at them in Swiss German.” Nico chuckles. “The other parents gave her quite the look.” Emma holding her pregnant belly with each heavy inhale added another layer to the picture. 
“I’m sure.” He sighs, glancing up and giving a polite nod as a group of fans walks by to the locker room for their tour. “I should be home in an hour or so. Things are wrapping up.”
“Sounds good.” I adjust the screen in my hand. “Can’t wait.”
“Me too, babe. See you soon. I love you.”
“Love you too.” We pucker our lips for smooches, then click off. “Okay, Luc.” I whisper, then stand. My almost five month bump protrudes out as I maneuver Lucie into her bed. She startles a bit, gripping onto her penguin pillow pet. I back away quietly, then shut the door completely behind me. 
I hold my belly as I walk back down the stairs. I feel so huge this pregnancy. With Lucie, it seemed like I stayed small until the very end when she began gaining a pound a week. But with  this daughter, I’ve been popping since last month. I scratch at the itchy skin around my belly button then head into the kitchen. I finish loading the dishwasher, reaching around for the detergent in the bottom cabinet. I hear the front door open and foot steps on the rug in the entry way. I stand up, closing the dishwasher and pushing the on button.
“Wow, that had to have been record speed.” I say making sure the light turns on for the wash cycle. There is no response. I move to turn around but a hand clasps over my mouth. This is not Nico. Fear jolts through my body and I try to pull away.
“Stop. If you do what I say, you and your daughter won’t be harmed.” It’s a man. A voice I don’t recognize. My heart lurches into my throat. I stiffen. “I am going to release you now. The last thing you want to do is scream. We wouldn’t want your little daughter upstairs to wake up, Mrs. Hischier.”
I can sense he has been watching us. He knows Lucie is asleep. He knows where her room is. He knows who I am. Who Nico is. It’s all panic inducing. The baby kicks against my abdomen as he releases me.
“Go to the table.” He presses something cold to the back of my neck. I have never felt a gun against my skin before, but it sure feels like one. I purse my lips together and slowly move to the dining area. I glance around, looking for a weapon, cursing earlier me that cleaned up the kitchen. The knives are across the kitchen. The vase is too far away to grab. And the very real possibility of a gun being on my neck stops any other thoughts of fighting.
“What do you want?” I ask, surprise at how still my voice is. 
“No questions.” He presses the cool metal even deeper into my skin. The more he talks, the younger he sounds. He rips out one of the dinning room chairs and harshly shoves me down onto it. My stomach bottoms out. The baby kicks harder and I push a hand over her. “You’re lucky you’re pregnant. Otherwise you’d be dead.” My mouth crumbles as he touches my hair. I pull harshly away. “I’m going to tie you up. You’re going to be quiet. I’ll grab what I want and leave. You scream, I take your daughter with me.” 
“Please. Let me go to her room. We’ll stay there together. You can take whatever you want. Please. Just… don’t hurt her.” I am sobbing now, thinking of this man upstairs alone with my daughter sleeping. I feel helpless, incapable of protecting her from the greatest danger.
“Your daughter’s safety depends on your cooperation and yours only. Keep your mouth shut and Nico won’t see your dead bodies when he gets home.”
The way he talks about Nico drips with disdain. A gloved hand comes around, grabbing my wrist and forcing it behind my back. I try to fight against him for the other one, but he yanks down on my shoulder which causes a sharp pain through my shoulder blade. No other words are shared as he duct tapes my feet together. Tape gets slapped over my mouth too. Tears immediately trace over the grey strip.
His retreating footsteps can be heard going up the stairs. I’m stuck. I can’t move the chair. If I tip over, I’ll fall onto the baby. I dig my finger nails into my palm, more tear tracks falling down my cheeks. I listen intently for Lucie. She will scream if he goes in there. I know she will. But no sounds come from upstairs. Nothing except the muted foot steps that I’ll never forget the sound of.
His boots hit the hardwood again. My whole body tenses as I feel him approach from behind. I grit my teeth, trying not to show any fear outwardly. Wanting to swing at him with everything in me and rip his fucking eyes out for invading our home.
“One last thing.” He sneers into my ear, reaching for the wedding bands on my left ring finger. I make a fist, trying to keep them on. “Release or I’ll cut your finger off.” He forces my fingers apart, tugging the rings harshly off. As he is pulling back, I’m able to get my finger nails on him. I press hard then drag, drawing blood. “Bitch!” He grabs the back of my head and throws me to the ground. I land hard on my side. I cringe, feeling the pain shoot through my collarbone. He steps towards me. I turn, looking him dead in his masked face. He stands over me. “All you rich bitches are the same. Ungrateful sluts.” He leans down, grabbing my face, pressing his fingers in. “Should untie you and teach you a lesson.” 
“Dude! Lights are coming down the street! Let’s go!” Someone else yells into the house. 
“Guess I’ll have to come back instead. Maybe on your husband’s next road trip.” He releases my face, stepping over me towards the front door. The voices disappear and the house is quiet again after a click of the front door. His final words hang violently in the air.
I close my eyes, heavy tears running down from my eyes. I pant heavily, struggling to stretch my feet to loosen the tape. I don’t want Nico to find me like this. Every movement makes my chest and shoulder shoot with pain. It isn’t long before the pain is unbearable. I fight back the nausea from it. With the duct tape still on my mouth, I’ll choke If I puke. 
“Nico.” I sob against the stickiness over my mouth. Panic is bubbling up, tightening my throat. I stop fighting, eventually growing still, trying to minimize the damage to myself and the baby by becoming calm. 
I focus on my breathing. I go to the happiest memories I can think of with Nico. I imagine I’m in bed with him in the morning. He is holding me close, placing soft kisses along my face, waking me up from a light sleep. I hear soft baby giggles coming from Lucie as he whispers for her to give me kisses too. It works. The sound of the garage door opening breaks through my safe place. Then the door opens. Nico tosses his keys on the counter. He walks beyond it, shrugging his jacket off.
His gasp rocks my body when he sees me.
“Oh my god, Lex!” He exclaims, his Nike’s slapping the wood floor as he rushes to me. His hands grab my tired hands. I yelp. He stops, then grabs the tape. “Sorry, sorry, sorry! Oh my god, baby what happened?!” His brown eyes are wild, mouth dropped open in shock, breathing rapid. “Are you okay?” He reaches down for the baby, then goes back to my hands.
“Don’t pull my hands. I think my collar bone is broken. He gently works my hands apart. Then goes into the kitchen to grab some scissors. When he has me untied, he works me onto my back. 
“Go grab Lucie.” I say. 
“Baby, what happened!”
“Go. Grab. Lucie!” I scream back at him. “Make sure she is okay.” Nico backs up, then runs up the stairs, two at a time, barreling into her room.
“It’s daddy, baby. It’s okay. Just daddy. Let’s go help mommy.” He comes back into view, holding her close to him. His eyes meet mine and his face distorts in pain. He brings Lucie to the couch, then comes back to me.
“Call the police. Someone broke in, tied me up, and took who knows what. All I know for sure is they took my wedding rings.” I hold my hand up, Nico looks at the vacant space. A darkness I’ve never seen before crosses over his features. “Can you help me sit up?” I give him my good arm, then sit up with his help. I run my hand over the baby, anxious to feel her move. Nico watches as he pulls his phone out.
“Hi, I need to report a break in… and um, they hurt my wife.” He is stuttering, barely able to form English words.
The police come. EMTs too. They want me to go to the hospital for x-rays and and an ultrasound for the baby. Nico scours through the video systems we have, including the baby monitor. No one entered Lucie’s room after I did, which is a relief. It also makes it difficult to give a description of the suspect because they cut the wires leading to our security system. The police believe with the quickness of the break in and the retelling of my story that they had been casing the house. They waited for me to put Lucie to sleep. For Nico to be gone. For me to be at my most vulnerable. 
Nico’s fingers gripped mine so tight when the police officer said that, I had to make him let go.
The x-ray confirm my collarbone is broken. They put me in a sling and schedule me for a follow up appointment next week. I can’t take pain killers; they tell me to monitor my Advil intake because of the baby.
It is hours before we return home. Nico’s car pulls up to the house, but it looks different. Dangerous and dark in the early morning hours.
“We are moving.” Nico says as he walks behind me in the garage with Lucie in his arms. “You are not staying here without me. Every time I am gone, you are leaving too.”
“Nico.” I sigh. 
“No Lex. He told you he would be back. I’m not willing to take that chance. Do not argue with me on this.” He shuts the door behind him. “I already sent a text to Steve in hockey ops. He’s grabbing us a place in Hoboken while we search for a new house. We will move into Timo and Emma’s gated community.”
“But this is our home.” I start to cry. He brings Lucie to the couch, then engulfs me into his chest, careful of my sling. He presses kisses along my head, then tilts my face so he can kiss my lips. “This is where we said we would bring all our babies home from the hospital. Where they would take their first steps. And grow up. And be in a safe place. They took that from us tonight!”
“I know, baby. I’m so sorry.” 
Holding me isn’t going to make any of this better, but he tries as hard as he can.
- - -
Nico watches Lexi and Lucie sleep next to him later that night. Lexi is propped up on pillows, the elbow of her broken collar bone supported by them too. To Nico, she looks fragile, with a sling and a growing belly.  He reaches out for her bump, then skims that same hand along Lucie’s head where she sleeps cuddled into her baby sister. 
He’s tried to fall asleep numerous times already, but he can’t.
He is fiercely angry.
Angry that someone robbed his house. Irate that some piece of shit hurt his wife. Poisoned by the visual of his pregnant wife tied up and in pain. Terror still fills his veins on what he imagined he would see of their daughter as he ran up the stairs. 
All these images and emotions run through his mind. He can’t let it go. The police officers had been gentle yet realistic that they may never find the people who did this. 
Fine, then Nico would. If they can’t do their job, he’ll hire someone better. The best money can buy. He’d bring investigators from Switzerland. He didn’t care. He was going to fucking find them.
None of the cameras in the neighborhood caught them. Yet, they were able to pull DNA from under Lexi’s nails of whoever tied her up. That was enough for him. Nico wants five minutes in a room with him to do permanent damage. He understands now how people can be capable of murder.
Him and Lex should have never picked this house. They had other options that provided a security presence, but they thought they were safe. Well, now he knew better. He should have been a better father and husband by forcing the gated community house.
Lexi stirs again her pillows, letting out a soft groan. Nico reaches out for her face, brushing her cheek lightly with his thumb.
“I need something.” She gulps down a tentative sip of water. “Can I take Advil yet?” Nico looks at the time on his watch sitting on the bedside table.
“Yeah, sweets. I’ll be right back.” He gently leaves the bed, careful not to rustle Lexi or Lucie. Their daughter immediately stretches her little feet out to take over his side of the bed. Normally he hates her feet against his back because she kicks him throughout the night. Tonight, it’s everything to him.
Nico comes back to Lexi with two Advil. She sits up to take it with Nico’s help. He rubs her back, anger intensifying at every flicker of pain on her body.
“Baby, I am going to find who did this.” He whispers to his wife. “They’re going to pay for this.”
“Neeks…” Lexi murmurs back, reaching for his face with her good hand. She strokes his skin, eyes wary with worry. Nico looks back at her, gaze hard, until he loses it completely. He drops his gaze to her belly when he feels the tears.
“I almost lost my whole world tonight.” Lexi sniffs because she is crying too. “How would I live without you, baby?” Lexi shakes her head, not sure what to say to her husband. 
Gradually, with Lexi’s guidance, Nico lays his head into her lap. His nose presses into their growing baby while Lucie’s hand twitches against his hair. Lexi and Nico join hands on her bump.
The room is silent. The heavy thoughts of their night hanging over them. 
Lexi finally gets Nico to sleep by gently stroking his hand, continuously murmuring to him that she’s still here.
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ladylooch · 11 months
Has any of the kids cockblocked their parents ? If feel like there's so many babies, that's kinda inevitable! 😂😂
All the time! But I want to talk about the time Lexi and Nico didn’t hear their daughter come in.
Lucie Hischer really wants a cinnamon roll like her mom promised the night before. Her little alarm light on the night stand had started to shine green one minute ago. She expected to smell cinnamon rolls wafting from down stairs when she opened her bedroom door. She didn’t. She huffs, feeling her stomach rumble with discomfort as she heads down the hallway to her parent’s closed bedroom door.
Behind that bedroom door, Nico is buried deep between Lexi’s thighs, having sweet, erotic morning sex with the love of his life. Lexi and Nico smooch at each other, tongues melding together with each of Nico’s presses deep into her heat. 
“Baby.” Nico moans as she pulses around his hard length. “Fuck.” He moans.
“That’s a bad word.” Lucie says where she is next to the bed. Lexi and Nico both startle. Lexi tugs the comforter higher up Nico’s body. She is pretty sure it covered him completely already, but panic forces her fingers deeper into the cloth.
“Ah, baby. Um. Already green?” Nico sputters in broken English. Lucie nods curiously.
“What are you doing?” She wonders, tilting her head to the side. She steps forward.
“No sweets!” Nico reaches out, then retracts his hand, not wanting to touch his daughter while still being buried in his wife. “Lex help.” Nico mutters, dropping his forehead to her shoulder.
“We are snuggling.”
“I want to snuggle too!” Lucie comes closer still. Nico pulls out of Lexi, flopping onto the sheets, trying to smoother his hard erection. He mentally adds washing the sheets to the top of his to-do list today. Lexi tugs Nico’s big shirt on her frame further down her thighs, curling their daughter into her opposite side as Nico gets adjusted. He grabs his underwear from the bottom of the bed with his feet, then quickly pulls them back up his legs. He shares a look with his wife who cringes, shaking her head while laughing into Lucie’s hair. 
“I panicked.” She admits, cringing. Lucie’s favorite thing is cuddling with her parents. That was bound to end like this.
“You said I could have cinnamon rolls. I want them now.” Lucie whines, a slight pout on her little lips.
“You’re right, I did.”
“You need to add in a please to that.” Nico mutters to his daughter. Her brown eyes look at him innocently. She scrunches her nose at his subtle discipline. 
“Pleaaaaase.” She extends the word, batting her lashes. 
“She get that from you.”
“Oh please. That is Auntie Em.” Lexi squeezes her daughter tight to her chest, then sits up, putting Lucie back on her little feet. Luc jumps up and down, bouncing to the door. “You go down, LuLu. I’ll be right there.”
“Okay!” She sings.
“She didn’t seem to notice?” Nico questions, pulling the comforter back and chuckling at the white, damp spots on the sheets from him. Lexi chuckles. 
“Trauma averted.” 
“Barely.” Nico murmurs, beginning to strip the bed. Lexi pulls her pajama pants back on. “Hey,” he reaches for his wife’s arm before she leaves the room. “We aren’t done with that.” 
“Tonight. Let’s get her really tired and share a bath.”
Nico loves his daughter, but he already can’t wait for her to go to sleep tonight.
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ladylooch · 1 year
TRIGGER WARNING ⚠️⚠️ (miscarriage)
if you don’t mind me asking, do emma and lexie ever get miscarriages and how do they deal with it???
Thank you for putting a trigger warning on your ask! Very considerate and appreciated 😘
(if this is a trigger, skip the blurb below 💕)
Emma does not. 
Lexi does. Mackenzie is 6 months old and her and Nico were definitely not trying. So when she saw the plus sign on the test she is stunned. She didn’t think she was actually pregnant. She’s still breastfeeding and wrapped up in the newness of Mac. She walks back into the bedroom where Nico is watching film on his iPad.
“Is that…?” Nico trails off. Lexi can only nod. “Is it positive?”
“Uhhh…” Nico trails off, mouth agape. Lexi looks at him, chuckling while he reaches to grip her hand.
“What’s one more?” She shrugs. “Maybe we’ll get a boy.” Nico smiles, pulling her in for a sweet and somewhat apologetic kiss.
Her miscarriage comes on a game day. Nico kisses his girls goodbye and heads into the city to face off against the Kraken. Because of Lexi’s medical background, she knows what is happening when the deep cramping begins to assault her lower abdomen. She also knows if she goes to the ER, there is nothing they can do for her. So, she grabs something to collect what is passing and manages it as best she can while playing her part as the captain’s wife. Looking back later, she knows she should have gone home with the girls. But she was so stunned and ashamed. She thought it was best to act like nothing was happening.
“Hi babies.” Nico grins at his girls after the game. Lucie is batting her long lashes trying to fight sleep while leaning into Lio’s shoulder where he watches game highlights on his iPad. Mac is laying in her stroller. Nico kisses his daughters, then comes to his wife. “Hi.” His smile begins to fall when he takes a moment to study her face. “Are you okay?”
“No.” Nico freezes. “I’ll tell you at home.” He nods, gathering the kids and muttering a quick goodbye to his sister and her kids. Lexi and Nico don’t speak the whole car ride home. Lucie and Mackenzie fall asleep in their car seats. Both parents work on autopilot for bedtime- doing pajamas, kisses, and setting white noise machines. Nico comes into their bedroom last, seeing the bathroom door shut and concealing his wife. Inside, Lexi is crying as she changes her clothes and padding before joining Nico back in the room. 
“What’s going on?” Nico practically whimpers at her tear streaked face. He’s afraid of how Lexi is acting.
“I’m losing the baby.” Nico jolts in surprise.
“What? Why… didn’t you….” He trails off as he stutters, realizing shame is not the approach. “We should go to the hospital.”
“There is nothing they can do. I called my doctor. She said she can see me in the morning and to monitor the bleeding tonight. It’s nothing of serious concern. Well within the limits of what my body can replenish.”
“Lex, don’t… get medical with me about this.”
“It’s all I know.” She says to him, trembling bottom lip, tear rimmed eyes. His brown eyes begin to fill with tears too. A huge lump forces a cough from his chest. Nico crosses the room to gather her into his arms. “I’m so sorry.” She wails into his shoulder. Nico squeezes his eyes shut, feeling the tears streak down his face. They drip off his chin as he shakes his head at Lexi’s words.
“No, baby. No. It’s not your fault. You didn’t do anything wrong.”
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ladylooch · 1 year
Nico calling lexi his angel as a pet name during sex like “you look so pretty taking my dick, my sweet Angel” 😩
Omg 🤤🤤
18+ below
They’re in Switzerland in the off-season. It’s been a lazy morning that he turned sexy with his floppy brown hair in his eyes and the low, throatiness of his voice when he first wakes up.
They’re rolling around in the sheets until Lexi swings on top. She’s using his abdomen as her anchor as she takes him fully in one press. Nico moans loudly, almost combusting into her wet heat with their previous teasing. She’s up then down quickly, taking him so well she needs to hear his praise.
“You look so beautiful, angel. Taking my cock like it was made for you.”
Lexi whimpers for more.
“My good girl, all wet and tight for me.” She bounces harder, fueled by the liquid of his brown eyes and the way his words wrap around her like a comforting shield. “Just like that, baby. Don’t stop.” He starts to beg.
His breath getting ragged. Loud, needy moans fall from Lexi as she uses him, pressing every which way while she grinds on him. She feels Nico beginning to cum and releases herself, gripping him hard as she shudders against his thighs. The morning light streaks in through a slit in the curtains, cutting across her hard nipples as Nico bucks up into her to finish them both off.
Her hand on his abdomen releases its clench, leaving crescent moons in his flexed skin. She rubs at them, then looks shyly at Nico’s face.
“Good morning.” He murmurs back to her.
She hides her face, then falls forward into Nico’s chest. She giggles as his hands enclose her into his warmth.
She could do mornings like this, with him, for the rest of her life.
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ladylooch · 1 year
omg i have a very soft lexi and nico thought.... nico coming home from a game and being greeted by luc and lex just showering him with smooches and hugs 🥰🥰
or him watching them play together or dressing up and being overcome with love for his girls ❤️
nico is just the softest dad ever 😫😫
Nico is exhausted. He massages his forehead for a moment while he waits for the elevator to bring him to the floor of their apartment. 
Soon, he won’t need to take an elevator at all.
Next week, him, Lexi and Lucie will move into their new home. He can’t wait. Although he is anxious about it happening during the season, he knows it was worth the additional wait to renovate before moving in.
The apartment is silent when he walks in. The afternoon game earlier makes his arrival at home right as Lucie is winding down for bed. Nico is intentionally quiet, listening for where Lexi may be at the goodnight stage with their daughter. He walks to his little girl’s room, finding himself sad at the emptiness he finds. Most of Lucie’s things are in boxes, ready to be moved by the professionals in a few days. For some reason, it makes his chest ache to leave this specific room behind.
If he could, he’s pack it into a box and reopen it to be the same in their new home. It’s a special place. Lexi perfectly curated it when she was pregnant, including Nico even when he was on the road. He spent various nights inside it, moving furniture around with Timo while Emma and Lexi directed. It always ended up back like this with her crib right below her name. 
Nico focuses back to the hallway and sees their bedroom door cracked open with soft light filtering out into the hall. He smiles, hearing Lucie’s soft, excited voice coming from within.
She’s still awake.
Happiness bursts in Nico’s chest. He hates when she is asleep before he gets home. He goes to sleep feeling like something is missing.
But not tonight.
Indiscernible English comes from his daughter’s lips as he steps into the doorway. Her English is difficult for him to understand. He is constantly looking at Lexi for guidance. Somehow, she understands the mumbled language.
“Yes, you can start over.” Lexi murmurs, moving a hair brush through Lucie’s, wet hair. 
“Aaaaaa, Beeeeeee, Ceeeeee.” Lucie extends her letters out. Her sweet, little voice makes Nico close his eyes. His shoulder hits the door jam so he can absorb the scene. 
“Leeeeee.” Lucie continues.
“Close, baby. Try Deeeee.”
“Leeee!!!” She repeats again, more excited. Her little finger points across to the wall where pictures of our family are. One is of all of us with Timo, Emma, and Lio- thus her excitement. 
“Oh you’re right. That’s Lee.”
“Lee.” She repeats firmly, more satisfied with her mama’s response.
“Can you try D?” Lexi wonders.
“Dadeeeeee.” Lexi laughs, kissing Lucie’s newly formed part in her hair.
“Soon, he will be here.”
“I am here.” Nico murmurs gently. Both his girls turn to look at him. He wants time to stand still, soaking up this moment of how excited they both are to see him standing there.
“Dadeeee!!!!” Lucie stands, beginning to stomp her little feet across the comforter. Her toes are painted a light pink that accents her chubby appendages. He wants to eat them up to hear her squeal in protest. He steps forward, grabbing her around the ribs and scooping her up.
“Did you hear her ABCs? She got stuck on D.” Lexi asks, tossing the hair brush onto the nightstand.
“Again?” He chuckles.
“Yeah, all she can focus on is da-deeeee.” Lexi jokes, a smirk wrinkles her nose. He goes to the end of the bed, leaning down to kiss his wife’s lips. “Oh yeah, I need one more of those.” She murmurs, getting to her knees and pulling him back to her by his neck. Their lips connect, then their tongues, as Lucie rests her head against Nico’s shoulder.
“Go put our daughter to bed, so I can have you in ours.” Lexi demands when they finally pull away to breathe. He chases her lips for one last kiss, then turns to do as he’s told. 
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ladylooch · 11 months
Nico getting a lot of attention from other women either at a party or at a game and lex gets SO possesive over her man
Hes so surprised at this side of his woman hahahaha
"Is it just me or were the signs obnoxious on the glass for you tonight?" Lexi asks, crossing her arms over her chest. Nico's car strolls through the streets towards home. Lucie is asleep in the backseat, nook tucked safely in her mouth.
"I didn't notice." Nico says as he turns his blinker on to change lanes.
"How could you not? And that teenager with her boobs out? So disturbing. Where were her parents? Lucie will never be wearing outfits like that." Nico purses his lips together to smother a chuckle. This is new.
"Sweets, you see more than I do. I have a different focus."
"Sometimes I don't think you realize that you could have any girl, in every arena you play in." Lexi's voice is low and growly. "Like you flip your hair and they fall to their knees for you." He can hear rather than see her eye roll. "I want to mark all over you tonight. Like cover your neck with hickies and bite your lips until they're swollen from my mouth." Whoa.
"I.... okay." He finally decides on. "Make the hickeys so I can cover them up during interviews though."
"That is literally not the point of the hickey."
"Babe, I can't look like that. I'm the captain, not Holtzy."
"Emma marks T all the time." Lexi grumbles. "It seems to work." Nico reaches over, lacing their fingers together on her left thigh. He strokes along her wedding bands assuringly.
Nico has a better idea than rashy bruises.
The next, home game day, Nico stops by Lucie's camera hole at warm ups like he always does. Lexi smiles at his timed approach. He reaches his left hand out this time, letting his wife see the white silicone ring on his hand. In the middle of the band 'L&N" is stamped in black ink.
"Always yours. Especially here." He says to her through the glass. Lexi pouts, reaching her hand out for him to hold with their daughter's.
"I love you." She tells him.
"Love you too, sweets."
"Kick some ass." She winks at him, insinuating she wants the same thing later.
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ladylooch · 1 year
Lex falling asleep in Nico’s arms 🥹
13 floors below me, Hoboken refuses to sleep. 
Cars and people dash around on the concrete like the night is still young. It’s after bar close, so why that is the case is beyond me.
From my perch on the balcony, I rub my eyes tenderly. They are gritty with heavy bags underneath them. But I can’t sleep. Not until Nico is home. The city life helps keep me awake until then.
An hour later, a gray Mercedes with vibrant bright lights rolls down the street. Finally. After 11 days apart, he is in my immediate vicinity. I scurry excitedly to my feet, feeling a brief wind of awareness stroke through my body. I stuff my feet into my slippers, then run down the hallway. I am standing in front of the elevator when it opens. Nico startles, then beams at me.
“You’re home!” I squeak. “Yay! Yay! Yay!” I barely even register Timo standing next to him. “Hi, T.” 
“Hi.” He holds up a large Louis Vuitton bag. “One of Emma’s Christmas gifts.” 
“Ah. We will take good care of it… as long as it isn’t something I want.”
“Nico, do better.” Timo chuckles, handing me the rope handles. 
“I have your present.” Nico grumbles, snatching the bag away. He glares back at his brother in low. “Go get my nephew back to sleep.” Timo waves Nico’s sass off as the doors close.
“Lio is up?” I ask as Nico wraps his arm around my shoulders. He kisses my hair, then nods.
“Yeah, Emma called him and said he better get his ass back into their apartment at lightning speed.”
“She’s had a hard time with Lee. I’ve been down there a lot.”
“Thank you for that. I’m going to miss them when their house is done.”
“Me too.” I murmur, leaning into his side. “Big trip for you.” He smiles, clearly satisfied with his and the team’s performance. “You and T on the power play together is basically a guaranteed goal right now.”
“I know. We are clicking so well.”
“Glad you convinced him to come here?”
“Yeah. For many reasons.” He reaches out for the door handle, turning it and leading me in with his hand on the small of my back. “Why are you still up, babe?”
“Cause I wanted to see you the second I could.” Nico chuckles, setting the bags in his hands by the door. 
“You so whipped.”
“Yeah, have you seen yourself? Plus, we are still in the honeymoon phase. Don’t think we ever actually left Spain.”
“Go outside. That should catch you up.” His hands come to my hips. He pulls me flush with him as I toss my arms around his shoulders. I pull his black beanie off, threading my fingers through his long hair.
“You are too attached to this. Need to let your hair flow like it’s meant to.”
“You wanna keep ragging on me? Or would you rather go have sex?
“The second one.” I say, barely ready for his lips to fall onto mine.
Nico’s lazy fingers trail along my bicep as we lay naked, tangled in our sheets. My eyes are closed, listening to the steady beating of his heart. I miss this so much when he is gone. The constant reassurance that he is okay, safe, right here in my arms where he belongs. A heavy sigh raises and lowers my head on his chest. 
“I’m so happy to be home with you, Lex.” He tightens his grip on me. He gently nudges me more to the side, rolling onto his opposite hip so we are facing each other.
“Prove it and hold me all night.” I mumble.
His fingers brush my hair behind my ear. My cheek is pressed deep into my pillow. I scoot forward until my nose touches his bare peck. Nico’s lips find their home on the crown of my head. His finger tips trail feathery strokes along my spine. It all feels too good to resist. Sleep is welcomed in my body with each brush of his hand on me.
My breathing evens out. My grip on reality is weakened. But I still hear Nico crystal clear:
“Wish I could feel this happy all the time. But it’s only when I’m with you. I love you. Sleep well, baby.”
Another soft kiss and then I’m gone.
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ladylooch · 1 year
does Lexi ever get bullied by fans?
Unfortunately, yes 😔 I wrote about that here!
The bullying stays on social media though. Nobody says anything to her face and a majority of fans are very sweet to her and their family.
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ladylooch · 1 year
Hockeymom!emma, when lio starts getting into hockey a little more seriously, and timo hasn’t retired yet so he can come to all his games and practices
“You’re going to video me for dad right?” Lio asks as Emma maneuvers his jersey over his shoulder pads. He is gearing up for his first championship hockey game and can barely sit still long enough for her to help pull his jersey over his head. 
“You bet, baby.” I lean forward, pressing my lips to his cheek.
“Mama, no.” He whispers, harshly pulling away.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I forgot you’re too old for good luck smooches. One day, Lee, you’ll want those again… but not from me.” She admits at the end.
“Girls are gross.” Lio mutters. “Hockey is my one love.”
“Uh huh. Good luck. Play hard and be safe.” Emma says, walking from the locker room to grab a seat. 
Emma is at the game on her own today. The rest of the kids are with her parents who are in town visiting Nico and Lexi’s new baby while Nico, and Timo, are on the road. They’re all gathered at the Hischier house so Emma could be fully present for Lio’s game. He’s having a hard time with Timo not being here for his first big hockey game.
“Woo! Go Lio!” Emma cheers as the opening face off begins the game. 
It’s a decent game right off the bat. Lio is flying around the ice, his little 96 jersey flapping in the wind with each of his strides. He’s faster than the other kids and difficult to defend against. One of the defenseman on the other team is getting visibly frustrated with him. His body language skating off the ice after the latest shift is sluggish and defeated. 
The next time Lio is on the ice, he gets taken down by that same defenseman with an accidental trip close to the end boards. Emma straightens, concern tightening her shoulders when he doesn’t pop back up. The ref comes over to him, then waves for Lio’s coach and the tournament athletic trainer to come onto the ice. Slowly, Emma gets to her feet, crossing her arms over her chest, gripping the dainty, gold necklace Timo gave to her with the kids’ initials. Lio’s coach crouches down next to him, then glances into the stands. His eyes meet Emma’s and he waves her down. 
“Mama.” Lio is wailing when she gets there.
“I’m here baby.” She kneels on the ice next to him, ignoring the way her jeans get soaked. 
“Hi mom, Lio’s arm is hurt. We are going to splint it quick and then move him off. He is in a lot of pain and can’t rotate his arm. He’ll need to go get an X-ray.” The trainers says as she finishes the splint. “You’re doing a great job, Lio.” She praises him when she is done.
It’s a long couple hours at Children’s hospital for Lio and Emma. She called Timo, but hasn’t heard back from him because of his pre-game nap.
“Hey baby, sorry I missed your call. My settings weren’t working and didn’t let your call through.”
“It’s okay.” She murmurs against Lio’s head. They are waiting for his discharge paperwork and then will be going home. Lio has a sling and they have an appointment in two days for a hard cast to be put on at a different clinic.
“How did the game go? Did he win?”
“Um, well, I’m not sure because we are at Children’s.”
“Fuck, what happened?”
“Mhm, a broken arm. No surgery, but they want another X-ray before his cast goes on to confirm he won’t need pins.”
“How is he doing?”
“Um, not good.” Emma answers honestly. “He’s really upset about missing the game. Lots of tears.” She smooths his hair back.
“Can I talk to him?”
“Yep.” Emma puts it on speaker. “Daddy wants to talk to you.”
“Hi buddy, are you doing okay?” Timo’s voice is sweet and soft with their son.
“It hurts.” Lio mewls.
“I bet it does buddy.”
“Can you come home?” Lio has big tears falling down his face. Timo is quiet on the other end. Emma can imagine him now, eyes closed, lips pursed as his heart shatters into a million pieces.
“I can’t, buddy. I’m sorry. Mama will take good care of you. I bet she’ll make you some mac and cheese when you get home.”
“I’m done now.” Lio hands the phone back to Emma. She takes it off speaker.
“He hates me.” Timo mutters to her.
“No, he just doesn’t understand. He will one day.” 
“I gotta head to the bus. I’ll call you tonight.”
“I’m so sorry I’m not there.” Emma can’t make this better for any of them.
“I know. We love you, T.”
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ladylooch · 1 year
Lady Looch AUs
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Kevin Fiala X Sam Stalock
Sam and Kevin begin a secret relationship after his trade to Minnesota from Nashville. Sam's older brother, Alex, requests his little sister to steer clear of his newest teammate.
Blog Tag: Letters in your last name AU | Series Page | Pinterest Board
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Nico Hischier X Lexi
Nico and Lexi live in the same New Jersey apartment building. Their friendship quickly turns into something more. Lexi is the perfect balance of fun and practicality to the serious and sexy New Jersey Devils captain.
Blog Tag: What my world spins around au | Series Page | Pinterest Board
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Timo Meier X Emma Hischier
Nico Hischier's sister, Emma, finds herself in sinful cahoots with a different Devil.
Blog Tag: TM: Loving & Leaving | Series Page | Pinterest Board
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Lucie Hischier X Connor Wood (from Lio & Lucie)
Lucie Hischer and Connor Wood were destined to fall in love with each other. Tropes on tropes of romance novels that Lucie grew up reading about have her first year in NYU finishing with a bang. Literally. Her and Connor rush through life, trying to manage school, being semi-famous and the tempting desire to play house. Things get real quickly for our two risk taking love birds when Connor is traded and Lucie ends up pregnant.
Blog Tag: Lucie X Connor (also see Lio & Lucie) | Series Page | Pinterest Board
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Lio Meier X Savannah Miller (from Lio & Lucie)
Lio Meier likes two things for most of his adult like- hockey and women. After being drafted first overall, he made a long-term commitment to hockey in New Jersey, but runs away from committing to women like his ass is on fire. Until Savannah Miller starts working for his team. There are bumps along the way, but even before Lio can accept it, he feels like Savannah is endgame. Now all he has to do is lose everything to get her back.
Blog Tag: Lio x Savannah (also see Lio & Lucie) | Series Page | Pinterest Board
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Liv Meier X Luca Fiala
Liv Meier grew up in a complex position as the middle child and the only daughter in her family of 6. She was a self-proclaimed wall flower until Luca Fiala came home to his roots to train for his sophomore NHL season. Watch as a summer fling turns into their perfect forever.
Blog Tag: Liv X Luca | Series Page | Pinterest Board
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Mackenzie Hischier x David Carlson
Mackenzie Hischier grew up as the middle child in a pack of brave and beautiful women. Her heart yearns to travel the world, while touching base back in NYC when she feels like sticking around. David Carlson grew up in a much different life in rural Iowa. But his shot at the show came calling and he is making the most of his one life with the Rangers. Two enemies can't help but become lovers through their witty banter and hot, hot sex.
Blog tag: Mackdavid AU | Series Page Here | Pinterest Board: Here
Inactive AUs
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Kailey X Miles Wood
Summary: Starting a new life in Colorado was supposed to be a breeze for two kids from Boston. Until it wasn't.
Blog Tag: Shot in the dark AU | Series Page: here | Pinterest Board
Other useful posts: AU Central (timeline, family tree etc) | All AU Birthdays | When AUs Collide tag |
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ladylooch · 11 months
I'm jumping a little bit into the Connor x Lucie train. Because I need to know more, since his parents are going to have an au at some point.
Tell me who Connor talks about his love life, dad, or mom ? And who the first one he said that he was in love with Lucie hischer?
Also, if you want to describe Connor a little more, I would love to hear. Like personality and stuff.
WELCOME, WELCOME, WELCOME!!! Plenty of room for all!
Connor, oh sweet Connor. He talks about his love life with Miles mostly. Miles is blown away that his kid bagged Lucie Hischier. Nico and Lexi are held very highly in the veteran NHL world, so he's proud of his kid for grabbing someone so admirable. Connor's mom, Kailey, is very protective of him and he kinda wants to keep her at a distance because of it. Except for with Lucie. He wants his mom to meet her as soon as possible. She is the one after all.
There are a few blurbs of Connor's description below. Spoiler alert, he is HOTT. one. two. three. four.
In general, we have affectionately labeled Connor as the bimbo boyfriend. A lil stupid, extremely hot, and ridiculously in LOVE with Lucie Hischier. My favorite blurbs for Connor are probably this one and this one. Connor definitely says I love you first. I'm not sure that we wrote that one out though? It was early on, think weeks into the relationship. He loved her right away.
And if you wanna do nothing else tonight, the series page is here too. 😘
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