laissez-fire-oh · 3 years
PAC #11 - Your first date/kiss with your next lover
Hello and welcome to my #11 PAC. Who would have thought I would have made this many? Well, anyway, here we are.
Take a deep breath and relax. Take your time to ground yourself and connect with your insight. Once you feel ready, choose the picture or number that calls you the most and check the description. If you feel called by more than one, there might be more messages for you. Being a general reading, take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. This is only made for fun and entertainment.
Every pile is written by using only my intuition this time. I thought I would have channeled 4 piles but I got a nope. Next time I will try to come back on other aspects of this date or following ones - let me know if you might be interested in that!
Sorry for any typo or grammar mistake!
All the photos belong to me and you have no permission to use them.
Piles go from left to right
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Your date might take place in late afternoon/early evening (I’m seing dusk/dark sky). Could be in spring or autumn as the people I’m seeing are wearing leather jackets/light windbreakers. Weather is gonna be chill but not cold. I feel like your person might have invited you out for a walk together, maybe you went to drink something in a café/bar and might have visited the arcade or another place where you can play (and show off -especially your person... but I feel like you’re kinda competitive too and they’ll like that side of you).
You’ll start walking and talking about yourself, things will feel smooth and okay, you’ll feel at ease with them and you might even talk a little about your childhoods and share some personal feelings/experiences you had, but these won’t feel heavy, it’s all gonna be pretty light hearted and the energy will be very cozy and comfy, as if you already knew each other and were just updating each other about what you missed from each other’s lives. There’s gonna be also some light jokes, as if you were close friends/bros.
You’ll walk near a body of water, among some other people and I’m seeing also a ferris wheel and some food trucks, so you may be in a playground/amusement park/fair. I see that you’ll reach a more private spot and at the right moment you might find each other a bit too close to each other and a sweet kiss may happen. For some it will be just a peck or something not too heavy. It’ll feel very sweet and caring, both of you will part slowly and might be a little embarassed but it’s gonna be good, you’ll talk it out and start joking with each other as before this "interruption" - you’re both so sweet oml
I’m seeing someone out at dark, maybe outside a club or near a park waiting for something (may be a concert). But they’re waiting for you as well. They’re sitting near a statue, they seem a statue (they are very good looking too).
As soon as they see you approaching, they’ll stand up and reach for you, greeting you with a warm smile. They’ll try to fake it but they’re very embarassed I swear I can feel their nerves... but they’ll pretend they are fine. Sparks are flying though, they do like you a lot and ig this nervous feeling I’m getting is also because they want the date to go well so that they can see you again and talk with you more and know you better. They’re really fascinated. Don’t worry though this nervousness will fade away during the night, as you’ll grow a little more comfortable with each other.
Your person is a sweetheart though they’ll often ask you if you’re okay, want to drink, or if you’re cold (I do think you’re in a park attending at a festival or something, and they’ll offer you a drink as I’m seeing you holding a cup). You’re gonna chat and talk about music or other events you have been too in the past, favorite artists, your passions... I see also you two kinda singing and dancing to the songs someone is playing (not getting anything specific though, so ig it’ll be very different for many of you -- may also be not about songs but another kind of performance like theater or sth but you’ll talk about it btw).
I think at the end of the evening they’ll want be sure you’ll reach your place safely so they may offer to take you home or call a taxi and come with you. You’ll just say bye and goodnight in front of your door. For some of you, a small kiss might happen, but for the most of you I think you’ll leave a smooch on their cheek that will leave them speechless (so cute!). A real kiss might happen a few days later during another date, aww!
I’m seeing a very nice environment with lot of plants and flowers. Might even be a natural garden (for some, it could be on an island as well - they might have taken you there through a boat trip: it might be a tour on that isle, in which you may see both historical architectures/mansions and natural stuff). But it could also be a trip in a natural place like countryside or mountains (I feel like you won’t be really alone though, even though those other people are not really your friends, there’s gonna be someone else around you).
I see both of you taking lot of pictures and enjoying the tour, but also the nature around you. I feel like this could be something you said you’d like to do and they just decided to surprise you and settled the date on a weekend just to make you happy.
They like these things too btw, but even more to make you happy? It’s like they feel you two have a bond and need to understand a little more about it, so they’re using this date to see how you react and occasionaly talk about things you like. They want to find out more about you... I feel like you aren’t opening up very easily and they see you as a mysterious person but they’r enot scared, just very curioius about you. I feel like they’re going to take photos of you while you’re not paying attention, and really love the results cause “you look even more beautiful when you’re focused on something you like” (be it taking photos or listening to the guide or whatever else). You might catch them taking a pic after a while, and then look at them laughing “you look cute” while you’re being a bit upset. But they’ll show you the pic and say it again “you look cute”.
I see you both have a lot of fun and enjoy maybe a cup of tea somewhere to end the day. I’m seeing you two bickering a little, maybe light touches on your arms, or random hugs (but they’re not really hugs, like for the pic: they may not want you to look at your pic at first and try to hide the camera or viceversa, and someone will happen to hug the other just to catch the camera and take a look... I feel a siblings-vibe in this situation, but pretty cute tbh).
Not seeing a kiss here though, your person is very respectful of your boundaries and doesn’t want to rush you into anything (they want to be sure you want that too before doing anything).
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laissez-fire-oh · 3 years
PAC #12 - A message for you from your future self
Suggested by @icehyunjin
A message from your future self (3-5 years)
Take a deep breath and relax. Take your time to ground yourself and connect with your insight. Once you feel ready, choose the picture or number that calls you the most and check the description. If you feel called by more than one, there might be more messages for you. Being a general reading, take what resonates and leave what doesn’t.
This is only made for fun and entertainment: remember to not take it too seriously and that energies can change, and you can change your own life as well.
Every pile is written mixing intuition and tarots (got myself a home made deck, so it might not resonate well with everyone). As usual, feedback is highly appreciated.
Sorry for any typo or grammar mistake!
All the photos belong to me and you have no permission to use them.
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Honey, I know you feel unsatisfied and unhappy with where you are and where your life is. When we were little we totally thought we would have been in a different situation right now... but I promise you, you’re going to do better. You were born to share your special gifts and your incredible generosity, and to get all the love and appreciation you deserve back to you. Just keep being strong for a little more, okay?
Be patient, endure all the effort and pain; even when you feel like nothing will ever change: balance and peace are coming in for you. I am saying this for real (I mean, I am here!). Don’t let others take control or make decisions for you: you, and only you, are in charge of your life, of our life, and you’ll take that leading role with great courage once you'll make up your mind, seeing where I am today! You are going to shine, and speak up for yourself in a way you have never done before... it is gonna be huge and sudden, and it is gonna feel great!
You can manifest literally whatever you want, the best outcome for you, for us. And you actually will succeed: I am the proof you will! You’ll get there, here, slowly, step by step, without rushing things but always believing in yourself, in us... my little turtle, slow and steady win the race, remember! You’ll be the abundant person you are destined to be. It is all written in the stars, you only need to start believe. You can trust me, you know?!
I’m waiting for you here.
Lots of kisses, I have trust in you honey!
(*for some: I saw someone upset, looking at a piece of paper/computer screen in a kinda dark room, looking kinda lost and repeating “i’ll never make it”. next image same person in a green environment -i take it as wealth too- happy and smiling, talking with someone else. sunny bright day, cheerful situation - could be work cause of the elegant clothes and a small red document folder in their hands-. WELL... guess you’ll make it? p.s. might want to check pile 3 too cause ig there can be another message there idk)
Sweety, do you have any idea how many things can actually change in 4 years? No? I bet, cause you’re totally going to witness that by yourself. And I promise you, you won’t believe that, not a single bit. It’s going to feel unreal. Until one day, you’ll wake up: and you’ll realize it’s all true: you’ve made it, we’ve made it!
I’m so happy and proud of you, I can’t even find the words...! The way you blossomed, and took your life by the horns! I know, I know it probably hasn’t happened yet and you’re still doubting your own abilities, but trust me, sweets, when you’ll get there... OH MY LORD! The world better be ready, you know?!
You are a fighter, you’ve always rebirthed yourself from ashes and got stronger and stronger. I know you’re doubting yourself, you are re-evaluating your past, our past, our decisions, and you’re in front of a very challenging and important crossroads, but guess what? You’ll make the right choice. Connect with me, connect with our guides. We are here for you. Take your time to evaluate and meditate: your recompense for all the work, for all the pain, for all the effort, is really in front of you, even if you cannot see it now. Take the time to appreciate all you’ve done until now, and be objective, cause I know you play down yourself!
When you’ll be done, when it’ll be time, you’ll be ready to get where I am. It’s all due to you, don’t worry! It all seems so far but it is so close!
Before I leave, a small tip: you’re smart, but you need to plan and organize yourself better, hun! Mwah!
(*for some: I saw someone waking up and realizing the “love of their life” -heard that- were sleeping -snoring, lol- by their side, a beautiful house and got the feeling they were having a fulfilling job as well. Could be also only one of these ofc but the mood was so cozy and profoundly happy/satisfied, like “i’m here, finally. it’s all good”, like taking a deep relaxing breath after a lot of struggles)
Love, you are amazing! Do you remember when you said you wanted to go to that school or move to that country? Well I’m not sure I am supposed to tell you this but... yeah, here we are! Successful and happy! We got new friends that are like family and we are just celebrating each and everyday. That decision has been the best of our life! I know it took you a lot of courage to make it, but you’re so determined! And also, that deep and meaningful speech you listened to at the right moment, it just opened our eyes and hearts. Everything changed from then on, and we went back on our track, you went back on our track, towards our destiny!
We’re going to leave all the pain and hurt behind, all those who didin’t believe in us, they’re staying in the past. We’re gonna keep working and shine bright like stars from now on. Nobody will ever make us feel unworthy of something anymore, not even us. Okay, darling?
It hasn’t been immediate, so many were trying to stop us... but once we put our eyes on a prize, it’s hard to change our mind, isn’t it? It’s been tough, it still is... we had to say goodbye to some people, but we need to look at what we have, at our desires and wishes that are now reality!
Well almost all of them... You know what I mean. Our path is just at the beginning, we still have a lot to do, but together we’re gonna make it once again!
We still need to work on ourselves, on our personal development, cause the road is still very long: we can go much further than this, and I know we will. But if we’re being able to do so, it’s only thanks to you! 
Remember, dummy, it starts today! *Wink*
(*for some: i saw someone in a kinda elegant suit, surrounded by people, smiling, holding a paper looking like they just graduated. i feel this person is happy but miss someone, like their parents, caus ethey couldn’t be there/live elsewhere and cannot celebrate their successes with them, but still they feel good. looks like only a few moments of “sadness”. but this person is really focused on living the moment and their life -i heard “finally” exactly now-, no matter what. they seem to feel free after a lot of time. similar to pile 1 for this part tbh feel free to check)
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laissez-fire-oh · 3 years
Hello y’all and welcome to my latest pick a card!
I wasn’t really sure if to make this about a romantic partner or ourselves, despite I felt a little more called by the latter: glad also some of you agreed and.. well, here we are!
You know how it works, but for those who don’t, here’s a short explanation.
Take a deep breath and relax. Take your time to ground yourself and connect with your insight. Once you feel ready, choose the picture or number that calls you the most and check the description. If you feel called by more than one, there might be more messages for you. Being a general reading, take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. This is only made for fun and entertainment.
Every pile is written mixing intuition and tarots (got myself a home made deck, so it might not resonate well with everyone or at all - I felt like giving it a try though). Any kind of feedback is highly appreciated, especially to help me understand if that deck works for others’ as well.
Also sorry for any typo or grammar mistake!
All the photos belong to me and you have no permission to use them.
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Piles go from left to right: 1->2->3
Hello sweets!
Pile 1
So first thing I see is someone sitting at a desk, writing in a diary (but it could also be simple paper or something).
I think this means you need to meditate and write down all the beautiful characteristics (mental/soul/heart and physical) you have. Please be fair, don’t be harsh: we all can see you are beautiful inside out, so no negativity allowed thanks ;).
List your strengths, but also your weaknesses, so you can love them and yourself even more (we all have them, we all have something we don’t like about ourselves, just try your best to appreciate them too or work on them to make them change as you want. You are powerful, never forget!).
I think you should also start writing love letters to yourself (maybe on big occasions, like on your birthday or after every accomplishment you reached, but even the smallest one like cleaning your room - I mean, I really should do that). 
Find ways to make yourself happy everyday, stop arguing with yourself. Find your peace within yourself, one little compliment at time. Find a structure in this, be consistant, even on those days when you feel particularly down: it’ll get easier, I promise.
Oh, okay this just popped up in my mind: you can make notes with different compliments, maybe like 30 different ones or something (you can add as many as you want, maybe even one for each day of the year!), and put them in a box. Every day of the month, after waking up or before going to sleep (or maybe both), you have to take one out of the box and read it. Remember, it’s all true and we all know. :D
I hope this could cheer you up, pile 1!
Pile 2
Hello huns!
First image I get is of someone with a bright smile going shopping.
Yup, this person is really enjoying that: they wear new sunglasses, a furry coat and carry a few bags. This totally means you should get something "material" for yourself. Gift yourself that dress you want, that piece of forniture, or those books... anything material you have been thinking about recently.
I heard “spoil yourself” (a little: this doesn’t mean you need to spend all your money ofc, but I think your guides want to tell you that you can indulge a bit, and buy yourself a moment of happiness, especially if you’ve been avoiding random and "unnecessary" expenses for a while.
I also heard “you deserve it”: it may mean, at least for some of you, that you’ve been through a rough moment, and you need to “cuddle” yourself now: you can totally do that also by buying something for yourself). For some this could mean also an afternoon in a cafè, or a new haircut (the one you always wanted to try - I heard “hairdresser”, take as resonates) or a day in a spa.
Maybe also with a friend or a loved one (same goes for the shopping bit: the person I saw wasn’t alone). Sharing some good time with someone you care can be really healing.
I feel like you need to turn a page, leave something in the past, maybe a belief -you may be trying to avoid indulging in this kind of activities for yourself and save money because you’re planning something (maybe you need those money to start a business or move or study...), but guides want you to know that you’re gonna do good, and things will be even better than you expect if you start attracting positivity into your life by treating yourself with positivity and love. “Don’t always be that harsh/strict on yourself”.
Love yourself, pile 2! You deserve that!
Pile 3
Hi beauties!
I see someone happy, with a backpack on their shoulders, ready to travel the world. But mostly I see nature and mountains.
I really think you may need (either or both) to reconnect with nature (I see a lot of green in this image) and to disconnect from something in your life that is taking a hold onto you (I was writing something else, this just came out of nowhere) - maybe disconnect from your daily life, take some time for yourself, to reallineate with your inner self, to meditate, to do something just for yourself that could help you unplug and free your mind (I see painting).
I sense you need to do something pretty relaxing and calming (this pile energy is like a huge “stop” signal to everyday life - me likey). I see yoga as well. 
I feel like some of you are being taken advantage of (family, work, friendship, school...), or are feeling stuck and lacking energy/enthusiasm... I think you may feel scared of your future, and feel the need to plan, to focus on what’s ahead of you but don’t really know what to do. Maybe someone is asking you why you still have no plan (or if you’re sure about your plan), while for others, you may not feel happy with whatever you are doing (I’m feeling different options for this energy).
I heard “What do you really want to do?”. I think you need to stop a little and think on a good answer for this question, but also a plan that could help you reach the result you wish. This will bring happiness and love for yourself back into your life, expand your heart, and share all this also with those you love.
Back to the image, I think some of you may need to travel to find your answer: changing your sight/location for a while might help you and your creativity to blossom again (I feel there might be a blockage in your thinking - ? that’s what I heard). Maybe some of you are artists/creatives and are going through a blockage in their art/work - ikyk but change is generally good in this case: at least, you can say you’ve seen a very beautiful place ;). For a few, I’m seeing/hearing even a change of culture: this means your trip might take place in another country / ”different/far from what you are used to”.
For others, a walk in the park or somewhere close to nature/water or growing a few plants could be enough to adjust your mind and soul and see your purpose/goal better.
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laissez-fire-oh · 3 years
Pac #5 - Your in-laws first impression of you
Take a deep breath and relax. Take your time to ground yourself and connect with your insight. Once you feel ready, choose the picture or number that calls you the most and check the description. If you feel called by more than one, there might be more messages for you. Being a general reading, take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. This is only for fun and entertainment.
Please notice that all I am writing is only based on my intuition. Any kind of feedback would be deeply appreciated to help me grow.
All the photos are mine and you have no permission to use them.
I may use he/she and husband/father/wife/mother, but take as resonates, it could simply refer to the energies I sense/see.
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Pile 1
I see a loving grandma's smile here. She looks happy that finally their nephew/niece seem to have found someone good for them. It could also be someone of your fs' ancestors, or their spirits, being happy that they finally met you (honestly I almost wrote this referring to you too, so it could be valid for both you and your person. I heard soulmate, so maybe your soul family is gonna be happy that you two reunited on Earth). The grandma seems to think you are the best match: determined, able to keep your fs grounded enough (your fs' chart may be filled with air/water or they embody those- they might be living a lot in their head or not always end every task they start). Their parents will think the same, I think you will meet them for a lunch (I don't think it is their place, it looks more like a celebration somewhere in a restaurant - grandma's bday? Or something like Christmas, take as resonates) and they may judge a little how you behave while eating? I see your fs' mom looking at you. Lol they may be a very traditional family so that's why the grandma stood out so much (she look sooo lovely though!). After a kind of cold (embarrassed, more likely) start, I think all of your fs' family will start interacting with you (someone will find an excuse to talk or say something funny, probably the grandma or your person), and everything will go smoothly! I see 1-2 years later the family may recall this moment and laugh about it with you. You look way more relaxed. The grandma wants you to sit near her and occasionally hold her hand. I think she wants to pass her knowledge about the family to you, you may be very dear and special to her, not just cause you love her nephew/niece. She may have recognized something inside of you, something that may belong to her as well (like I mentioned could be a soul connection or maybe a matter of origins, you may come from the same area as her). I think you will like her for the same reason and she may remind you of your grandma too somehow. Such a beautiful bond!
Pile 2
I see your person's parents sitting on a sofa in front of you. Their mom is talking to you, lightly reclining her body a little closer to you. She seems kind but inside she may be a little worried: she may talk a little too fast or move her hands on her legs occasionally, trying to relax a bit. You probably don't look like what she had in mind for her child. You may be a foreign too. She is totally trying to scan you inside/out and try to see what their child saw in you. The father is way more relaxed (I got an image of someone wearing glasses sitting with his legs crossed reading a newspaper - it's not that he will actually do that, ofc, he respects you, it is just to explain how chill he is, especially compared to his wife). He probably thinks their child needs to be trusted. I feel like they may offer you tea and biscuits or whatever else, as you are guested in their house and they want to be welcoming. Your person is going to enjoy seeing their mother a little nervous tbh, I see them smirking but trying to cover that with their hands. Please don't think that your fs doesn't love you and is doing this just to get a reaction out of their mother, at all. They are crazy about you. This is just a funny plus in the story for them. Don't worry btw, I don't see many problems with their family tbh, their mother will accept you once she'll talk alone with her child and start to know you too ofc. I think she may even teach you how to cook their child's fav food or want you to cook yours for her? It seems she is going to be more open with you and may even wait for your children? She would love to be a grandma tbh (ofc take as resonates - she may be even happy with a small dog too) I see her with this little baby, head over hills, trying to give them whatever they may ask for (I heard spoil). She may even offer you and your person the chance to spend some time alone (a night or weekend away) so that she can babysit her nephew/niece. She his carrying them around singing lullabies aww she is a cutie, I knew that! Sorry, the father just kinda disappeared lol he is very chill tbh, but a happy grandpa too.
Pile 3
I see you very anxious in front of a door. It is night. You might be invited for dinner or just be able to meet your in-laws after dinner/work (not sure if you or your person, maybe both, could work until late). You may already be living together or maybe just spend a lot of time one at the other's place (maybe some of you you are in a campus?). Your person is trying to calm you down, maybe it wasn't really planned for you to meet their family already. Probably your person mentioned something without thinking or their parents met you two together somewhere, like at the mall filling the same shopping cart, and so they invited you over to know you better right on the spot. Their parents seem nice tbh, but you may feel not enough to be with their child. They look really wealthy and elegant (I am seeing a mansion, and your fs' mother may wear jewels and a fur coat- it may be just a symbol) and you may not feel at the same level? You fear they won't accept you because you are coming from a different background or social class. Or maybe you share a huge age difference with your fs? Your person's father may be a lawyer or a doctor. Maybe their mother has a similar job as well. I see the couple welcoming you though, trying to make you feel at ease. Idk, maybe at first, when you will mention your background they will look a little lost but I feel like your person's mother will try to make you feel at ease and even caress your shoulders (probably not literally). You may eat with them though, the table is huge here, many paintings on walls. You will feel really nervous (sorry it is so much about you but their parents don't seem to have a very precise reaction/impression here, maybe they think you may even break up one day as you are both very young or bc of the age gap or maybe they don't think their child is someone into serious relationships - not as a wish, more like a random thought they have. You seem kind, shy but good-mannered so they are okay with you atm. They may also appreciate that you decided to study in a specific field, could be the same as theirs or their child's: maybe you are gonna be a doctor too or you are already - could be any other job tbh). For some of you things may change a little after you and your person will get engaged (they may be worried about your status/age then), but I see only temporarily. You will find a solution with your fs.
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laissez-fire-oh · 3 years
PAC #2 - Who are they?
(Your next romantic partner - FS characteristics)
Take a deep breath and relax. Take your time to ground yourself and connect with your insight. Once you feel ready, choose the picture or number that calls you the most and check the description. If you feel called by more than one, there might be more messages for you. Being a general reading, take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. This is only for fun and entertainment. 
Please notice that all I am writing is only based on my intuition. Any kind of feedback would be deeply appreciated to help me grow.
All the photos are mine and you have no permission to use them.
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Pile 1
(tw: slight mention of s3xuality)
Your fs/so is someone who may be quite intellectual or have a prominent intellectual side. Book lovers. They may study history, math or science, or maybe work into economy or similar. Tbh I saw an archaelogist at work in the sand or in a very light brown/reddish ground. It may be their field or they may love to make new discoveries and solve problems through their mind. Sapiosexuals? They may have light hair color (blonde, red, light brown) and curls. Dark eyes, it seems. Also dark skin tones (could be even just a tan). Some might like to wear black. I see glasses too, but it could be a symbol. I think they see you as a puzzle, their personal one. Maybe you look mysterious to them and they totally would like to solve you. They look kinda slim, but some may have a more toned/round body.
Pile 2
Your fs/so may be someone quite active and determined. Maybe into sports. They are competitive, this for sure. I had an image of them driving a rally car (this could not be for everyone ofc, but maybe sport races could mean something for someone). They have piercing eyes, you are gonna feel enchanted and captured by them since your first meeting. They are also curious and smart, and you are never gonna be bored by them. They are adventourus, and might often come at your place to take you on a sudden trip somewhere. They may have dark hair and clear eyes, or there's something (a detail) quite clear about their features. Maybe a prominent one, or a scar. They may have piercings or multiple earrings. I don't see a specific skin tone or ethnicity, but their body is muscular and strong (take it as it resonates according on genders). I think there might be an overlay with pile 3.
Pile 3
Prince charming. These are the first words that pop up into my mind. Blonde hair with clear eye color (grey, green, blue), they seem to have just come out of a fairytale. They have a way with words, they may use them a lot for work (Journalist? Writer? Into communications/media? Or in general, a job that needs to have to talk with other people), and they can charm and talk themselves out of many situations. Pretty funny and sweet, they know always what to tell you to make you feel better about yourself, or after a bad day at school/work. You may not want to believe them at first, they feel manipulative (and they might occasionally be so), but with you they won't be. They seem very interested and captivated by you. I feel there might be an overlay with pile 2.
Pile 4
I think your so/fs might be quite artistic, I think painters (I am seeing a palette), drawers or photographers, or maybe something related to clothes/fashion. They may also have their own business. I see them behind their desk, sitting with a leg on the chair, in a pretty grey/blue toned office with some paitings and a mirror on the walls. They don't wear a suit though, they have something beige, comfy. They seem to smirk. Lol they are funny and know what they are doing and what kind of influence they have. Even on you, I feel? This is a side of them though, I think they are also nice and empathic (or at least they try, also bc of their work: they wanna get and give emotions to others). They seem to have dark hair and eyes, but they may change colors of either a lot (dye hair, wear lenses). Tattoos? Probably.
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laissez-fire-oh · 3 years
Pick A Pile #1 - Who are you?
Short messages
Take a deep breath and relax. Take your time to ground yourself and connect with your insight. Once you feel ready, choose the picture or number that calls you the most and check the description. If you feel called by more than one, there might be more messages for you. Being a general reading (and my first try too), take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. This is only for fun and entertainment. 
Please notice that all I am writing is only based on my intuition.
Any feedback is more than welcome to help me grow.
All the photos belong to me and you have no permission to use them. 
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Pile 1
I feel you might be strong soldiers' pile. You are someone pretty straightforward and determined in whatever you do. I sense a lot of fire and earth energy here, but mostly fire: you may have fire in your chart or embody the characteristic of the corresponding signs. You take pride in your successes (and for a reason, I’d say!). You don’t let others and life take you down too easily. You know when and how to fight. You are also very smart and choose your battles wisely. You stand up for yourself and those you care about. You like to solve problems and are up for any new challenge that may come up into your life: you know you can win them all, or at least learn a new lesson. I can picture you working with a lot of concentration, putting all your effort to reach your goal, and I see you making it too. I see a lot of red and dark tones in your image. I see you wearing glasses (it may or not resonate with all, it could just be a symbol for the word "focus" or smth) and carrying a book or some papers in your hands. You may be a student or have a job or work/study/planning to get a job or willing to open your own business. I also see a dark suit, so many of you might work (or want to work) in finance, advocacy or similar fields.
Pile 2
I sense a cute, smiling and playful group of souls here. I sense some air and water energy among you, but you don’t have to have a lot of them in your chart. You might only embody these characteristics within you. You are a funny ball of sunshine, always up for taking spontaneous trips somewhere with your friends, or just go to a concert or a movie night. You also love your friends/loved ones deeply and like to be near them and cheer them up. You actually love to make your friends laugh especially when they are down. They know they can count on you for whatever need they may have. I feel your smile is contagious. You also like to be in the spotlight, and don’t mind playing the fool in parties or during your nights out. I see you hanging around in your room, walls filled with posters and photos, with a lollipop in your mouth, jumping, dancing and singing along to your fav songs. You energy is so welcoming and plenty of light that fills up every little dark space around you; that’s one of the reasons why people loves to have you around: you make them feel better just by being there. Yellow and white clear light + beige/warm/earthy pastels tones are very strong in your image.
Pile 3
I think this might be the pile for little sweet shy empaths. I sense a lot of water energy here, but maybe you just embody this energy. You don’t trust others easily, you might have been hurt in the past or simply fear getting hurt. You also may pick up others’ energies before they even speak or make a move (try to make boundaries, pls). You always try to give your love, affection and help to all those you care about, and are very kind, and you are loved for this. At times though, you feel left out because of the difficulties you have in opening up to others: they perceive this as if you’re being a little stuck up even if you are not. I see a little more dark/grey color here, but it’s not a scary dark, it’s more a nostalgic/sad feeling, and I bet it’s because of all these misunderstandings between you and your friends/close ones. I’m so sorry, I would love to hug you all. Know that you are very special and that it’s not your fault. It’s nobody’s fault. Forgive yourself and forgive your friends too. The day in which you’ll feel like sharing more about you with someone special is not that far. I can see that, I can see you at night, smiling, a beer or a drink in your hand, talking with someone who really really likes you.
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laissez-fire-oh · 3 years
PAC #9 - What is coming for you
"Life is made of both big and small beautiful things. And if you look carefully, you may see hidden hearts just for you."
Take a deep breath and relax. Take your time to ground yourself and connect with your insight. Once you feel ready, choose the picture or number that calls you the most and check the description. If you feel called by more than one, there might be more messages for you. If any of them is calling you, there might be no messages for you. Being a general reading, take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. This is only made for fun and entertainment.
Every pile is written based solely on my intuition. Any kind of feedback is highly appreciated. It gas been a while since the last time I did a pac only through intuition so I might be a bit rusty. Sorry!
All the photos belong to me and you have no permission to use them.
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1 - 2 - 3
Pile 1
I see especially an offer for you. It can be studies/school/work related in particular (it might involve money and a plan/idea/dream of yours being successful). I see an agreement, like you are shaking hands with your future boss/partner, and I am sensing lot of happiness/pride on your side. Color dark blue and grey may be of importance.
I see this as the start of something important for you, that might change your life and bring you lot of money and success. Some of you may need to relocate in another town/country as well.
Congrats pile 1, I am proud of you!
Pile 2
I see lot of warmth for you, serenity and peace. But most of all, I see love. I am not sure if you are manifesting new friends, love or a change in your relationships (whatever kind they may be), but I think it is working! I see a golden hour warm light and someone smiling happily, while being kissed by that light.
It's you: you are not alone, you feel content and strong, ready to keep going through your life. Again, you may have felt alone for a while, but you are not. And you are gonna find someone else that will remind you about this everyday.
Aww! I am very happy for you pile 2!
Pile 3
First of all, I am seeing a lot of green. You are surrounded by this green vibes/light. It is a very natural green color, like leaves (I also see leaf's veins). I don't feel anything bad, I feel quite peaceful. I think you may be turning much more in contact with yourself and your needs.
You are starting to value yourself more, giving the right worth and credit to all you have done and accomplished until now. I think nature is going to help you even more in this. I see you meditating more, and being more nurturing to yourself and your environment (people included). You may be even growing a plant or a small vegetable garden.
I am very happy and proud of you, pile 3! All the love to you.
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laissez-fire-oh · 3 years
PAC #8 - A warm message for you
'Tis the season, and this is my gift for you. Hope you all will have the chance to spend some nice and healing time, no matter if you celebrate or not. The message could come from a soulmate, your Angels and Guides, a friend, your fs/sp... someone already in your life or not yet/anymore. I left this kinda free to flow to you.
Take a deep breath and relax. Take your time to ground yourself and connect with your insight. Once you feel ready, choose the picture or number that calls you the most and check the description. If you feel called by more than one, there might be more messages for you. Being a general reading, take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. This is only for fun and entertainment.
Please notice that all I am writing is only based on my intuition and the help of a few goodies.
All the photos belong to me and you have no permission to use them.
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Pile 1
Take a break from all the anxiety, please. I know it might not seem easy, especially now, but you need to slow down and take a break, my dear. Have fun, smile (I love your smile). I want you to enjoy your life, every little bit of it. Soon I will help you too, we’re gonna have a lot of fun together, I promise. And I will distract you whenever you’ll start to overwork or overthink, or stress yourself. We’ll play videogames, we’ll go out and have a blast. I’d do anything for you, to not see you this nervous and sad anymore. Please be patient, and take care of yourself for now. I will do that too once I’ll be with you. 
I honestly see someone with a beautiful smile, with their arms open wide, trying to enjoy the moment. I guess this is what the message is about too: enjoy what you have, enjoy the brightest side of your life. Go out, go running and start yelling from the top of the hill, as you have always wanted to do. Pretend to be an airplane! Bring happiness to those around you and to yourself. Soon, you won’t be alone anymore: when things will get harder, you’ll know who to rely on. Always. Take care, pile 1!
(Message seems to come from your inner child. They are asking you to be more in contact with them. For some, it could be from another person’s higher self too, waiting to be in contact with you.)
Pile 2
Babe, I hate to see you like this. I’m sorry. I would love to be there with you, you know it. You can feel it. Remember what I always told you? Listen to music, go take a walk and breathe some fresh air: breathe in and out in relief. I know this is only temporary but so is pain, this I promise you. Whenever things are getting too much and too difficult to bear with, remember who you are: you are wise and strong, you are able to get out of that and transform into an even more amazing human being. Don’t worry, I’m near you, my queen/king. Can’t you feel my warm hug right now? We’re going to meet soon (again), anyway. Someway, somehow. I love you so much.
I see someone looking kinda broken. Sitting on the sidewalk, hands over their face. I’d really would like to hug you. What can I say is “nothing is forever, everything can change”. Never forget this. You are the master of your life, and for as difficult as it may seem now, you’re gonna see the sun again. I see you with a bunch of people, looking at the sunset, holding a friend, and smiling. It won’t be too long, I promise. Hold on, and try your best to take care of yourself and your mental health. Your joy will come too, pile 2!
(Message seems to come from a soulmate, it could be of any type -romantic or not-. You may also have had a past connection in this or in another life)
Pile 3
I’m proud of you. I’m very proud. I’m proud of who you are: all the work you’ve done and all the struggles you went through, all this helped you to become the beautiful person you are now. I couldn’t have dreamt of anything better for you. But why am I so suprised? You’re always been my star, my beautiful, amazing, precious star. I knew you would have made it, but seeing you there, it’s so fantastic. My heart feels so full. I know you still have a lot to go through, a lot to do and to heal, but now I’m sure you’ll make it once and for all. And I will be here to watch you become the brightest of all the stars, fullfilling all of your desires with the hard work and your beautiful smile.
Differently from the other two piles, you seem a little more content right now. I feel like you’ve already been working a lot on yourself and you’re getting out of a huge transformation period. You look confident. Ofc, deep inside you may still feel something is missing or isn’t clear, but you’re on a good path already. I see you succeed in every field and every project or plan you have in mind, just keep working and be confident in yourself. It all will pay off. I see you on a stage, with a prize (take it also as a sign for a general “victory” in whatever you want, pile 3!)
(Message could come from someone from your family, someone that may not be in contact with you anymore for different reasons. They always watch over you. They’re very loving and warm. - I specifically saw a grandmother, but could be just the type of energy, and only for some)
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laissez-fire-oh · 3 years
Pac #6 - What your guides and ancestors want you to know
(Short collective messages)
Take a deep breath and relax. Take your time to ground yourself and connect with your intuition. Once you feel ready, choose the picture or number that calls you the most and check the description. If you feel called by more than one, there might be more messages for you. If any of these call you, there might be no messages for you. Being a general reading, take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. This is only for fun and entertainment. 
This time, I tried to use some goodies together with my intuition to find out what your guides may want you to know. Any kind of feedback would be deeply appreciated to see if this kind of divination can work on pacs as well.
All the photos are mine and you have no permission to use them (but you can actually enjoy my stoopidful dog in some analogue and out of focus images I took of him ♥ he was/is a healer btw).
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Pile 1
You may be going through an healing moment regarding some past traumas (might be also past life related for some). Know that you are cared and you are doing a very good job. Your emotions are all valid, just pass through all of them and don’t be scared, your guides are by your side. Take time to analyze your feelings, and stop pretending you are feeling in a certain way just because others wants you to. Allow yourself to just feel your actual emotions. It’ll be better. Don’t rush things. You’re gonna feel relieved one day, I (we) promise.
Pile 2
You may need to be more in touch with your intuition and trust it or have been trying to get more in touch with it. Keep going, study and get all the infos you think you may be missing: your guides are by your side, you can ask them as well for confirmations, they are gonna listen to you always. If you feel anxious, or your thoughts are a bit out of control, take time to relax, connect to your breathing. Try to find peace near a body of water or just try to meditate anytime you can, your ancestors may appear to you and will happily guide you.
Pile 3
Release. This word popped out in my head immediately. You need to let things go in order to shine again. Trust your inner self, this situation taught you what you needed to know and understand, you have been overthinking about it too much already, now it’s time to move on. Find a way to make yourself happy again, go get that puppy or a tattoo, dance, live. You deserve happiness now. “You’ve been treating yourself too harsh sweety pie” (exact words), now it’s time to release and smile again. Abundance is on its way, allow it to reach you.
Pile 4
You have a lot of passion in you, a red fire burning. You also put a lot of effort in anything you do, may it be work or a hobby: you may be involuntarily manipulate things or use your intellect/words to get the result you want to. Your heart and mind are superb, your guides are very proud of you and all you are doing. But you need to have more fun. Right now it seems everything is just a job, everything you do is for money or recognition: don’t forget, there’s also more than this to live for. Enjoy your time, find a new real passion.
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laissez-fire-oh · 3 years
Inner child - What could help you feeling better?
Take a deep breath and relax. Take your time to ground yourself and connect with your insight. Once you feel ready, choose the picture or number that calls you the most and check the description. If you feel called by more than one, there might be more messages for you. Being a general reading, take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. This is only for fun and entertainment.
Please notice that all I am writing is only based on my intuition.
Any feedback is more than welcome to help me grow.
Edited images belongs to me.
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Pile 1
You are my sunshine my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are grey; you’ll never know dear how much I love you, please don’t take my sunshine away
That song just popped up into my mind. Maybe your inner child loves to sing this song, or any random song. Or someone used to sing it to you in the past (I feel a mother or grandmother). I think you were quite artistic as a kid, into drawings (I spot a palette), coloring and singing. I see this happy kid with their hands covered in a temperas’ rainbow. Their smile is soo big. Maybe you liked to invent stories or draw about them? You also loved to show adults your works, you were proud of yourself anytime they were looking lovingly at them. Maybe some of them were put on the fridge as a prize? You might also have been a bit of a loner. You didn’t like much parties with other kids. When you were asked to draw in school, you knew you could do better than them btw. I see you looking at the others and smiling to yourself and your drawing. You really were/are talented. You should try those activities again, if you have stopped. Sing, dance and draw, paint again.
Pile 2
When you were little you loved to cook. Some of you still do that probably, either for passion or job, or are fascinated by chefs’ TV programs and dream to be in one or just dream to be a chef. I saw a kitchen, those small toy kitchens that many kids have, with pots, the oven and all the things you need to bake cakes or cook (fake) meals to your parents. I see you wearing a chef’s hat and an apron. So cute! And so focused on the things you have to do. I think you got the kitchen as a gift. Or maybe there's a gift hidden that needs to come out, and it is related to a kitchen. You loved to help your mother of grandmother when they were cooking. I see especially an older female figure, but it could be your dad too. You loved to read cuisine books and were happy whenever you could say you cooked something during a family gathering. You used to jump on a chair, tell a random poem or just the menu, that you had decided with your mom. Ah, the clappings after the announcement! You loved that. Try again, cooking is cool. And you can take care of others too through it, not just yourself.
Pile 3
Little flowers, how are you? I see someone that loves going into nature and picking up flowers to make crowns or just to give them to the people they love. You smile big after being thanked for giving an adult (probably your mom?) this little bunch of wild flowers you found in a meadow near a forest. Some birds are chirping, you are running happily on the grass, wearing no shoes. Maybe you went on a pic nic with your family? It doesn’t matter, the mere fact to be in nature heals and help you be yourself. You should take walks in nature, gardening, or just breathing good fresh air as much as you can. Maybe go on the hills or on the mountains, go hiking, find herbs or just grow that small plant you always wanted to take care of. Start from the seed and see it grow with you, for you, thanks to you. I bet you’ll be really proud of yourself. And you'll be able to distress too. Also getting a pet could be an option here (a bird, a fish or a turtle even).
Pile 4
You are the true loners here. I think you always loved to be alone, reading a book, studying or just staying on your own. Very introverted/shy babies. I see kids with glasses but it could just mean you loved to study and learn. You were curious about anything; you just didn’t enjoy physical affection very much, and tended to avoid it. Like, on Christmas (take as resonates, it could be any other festivity) when your aunt used to kiss your cheeks or pinch them, and you had to let them do that to make your mother happy, despite you hated that. I see you trying to run away, and call it the “worst day ever!”. You might have been the one who used to struggle with emotions, a little scared of the uknown and new, and for that you were always in need of learning, so to not be scared anymore. This side might still be prominent in you. You need to learn and understand others. Take time to breathe, be open to change and new. Give yourself space and time to meditate, to learn (we never learn enough). To read by a cup of tea. And try to be more open to others too, not all of them are like your cuddly aunt, I promise. Just teach others about your boundaries, and let them help you get over them, if you feel this need. Going out, sharing with others, giving and receiving, having fun, all these things will help you too. (And if you feel like you have no one to do this with now, don't worry. They will come soon).
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laissez-fire-oh · 3 years
PACs List
#1 - Who are you?
#2 - Who are they? (s/o-fs)
#3 - What could help you feeling better?
#4 - Where are you gonna meet them? (next general encounter)
Collab #1 - How they will propose to you
#5 - your in-laws first impression of you
#6 - what your guides and ancestors want you to know
#7 - giving and receiving
#8 - A warm message for you
#9 - What is coming for you
#10 - Special Love Yourself
#11 - Your first date/first kiss with your next lover
#12 - A message for you from your future self
#13 - Something you need to hear right now
fs first impression of you
how your colleagues/classmates see you
what are you manifesting
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laissez-fire-oh · 3 years
PAC #7 - Giving and receiving
(What is going on in your life and what may happen as “’tis the season”)
Take a deep breath and relax. Take your time to ground yourself and connect with your insight. Once you feel ready, choose the picture or number that calls you the most and check the description. If you feel called by more than one, there might be more messages for you. If you don’t fall called by any of these, there might be no message for you. Being a general reading, take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. This is only meant for fun and entertainment.
Please notice that all I am writing is based on my intuition. Any kind of feedback is always deeply appreciated.
All the photos belong to their owners.
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PILES GO FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: 1 red ribbon - 2 no ribbon - 3 red and white ribbon
Hi dear pile 1!
First thing I see is a pretty dark environment. I feel like someone may be feeling kinda alone right now. This person is holding a giftbox, and rolling it between their hands thinking “What am I doing with this?”. I feel like some of you may not be able to give the gift (could also not be material, but maybe even just affection or else) to a specific person. Or for some of you, you may feel like your gift (not material) is not appreciated enough by others or understood and you don’t know anymore what to do/how to deal with it. For others, it could be that you may be far from your dearest ones and won’t be able to reach for them during this holidays (could be cause of work/study)? I feel a lot of sadness (I heard “grief” tbh). Maybe you are regretting something, something you or someone else did or said, and this is “ruining your plans” right now. I feel blocked tbh. Unable to move or find a solution. Kinda lost. Maybe you wanted to do a surprise to someone? Travel to go meet someone, but cannot anymore for whatever reason? For some, the other person might have moved on from you. It’s a very sad energy. I’m very sorry.
But I see things getting better next year. Honestly, I see a very sunny day and a big smile on your face: and you in an amusement park? Yeah! I see you being able to travel, to move, to have fun and be happy again. Also, you may be meeting new people, and go on adventures with them: they will love to accept your gifts. Yk, it’s very specific but I have to mention for someone: you may have planned to declare your love to someone but they may have turned you down or something happened between you two (it could also be a friendship that ends bad tbh, or something inside you changing)... no worries my dears, you’ll find someone else, and they will be perfect for you, or you are going to feel better with yourself and accept yourself even if others haven't (someone will!). You’re going to get all your desires fulfilled and whatever is planned for you will arrive into your life. This moment is going to pass, or better “This too shall pass”, as I keep hearing in my head. Endure through this darkness, through this pain and tower moment you’re strong enough to make it: you’ll be rewarded abundantly. Come on, dears!
Hello pile 2!
I see someone reaching their family to spend some time together (I see a Christmas tree in the background, but take as resonates). The room is cozy, it’s seems like a very warm and happy family gathering. I see an older woman welcoming you and smiling brightly, could be your mom or granny (for some of you, your person’s mom or granny). There are lots of gifts under the tree and you’re adding yours, but it’s not just physical, I see also that what you can actually give to your family as a person, was missing before your arrival. I feel like everything is more balanced and complete now. So I think like you’re apart of a “machine” that needs you to be complete. What you give, whatever is your ability/gift, in general, only you have the power to give it the way you do; only you have that specific energy and without you, the mechanism is not complete (and tbh I wish everyone could read this cause it’s true for every living soul). In terms of receiving, I feel like your family is going to recharge you: I see them very welcoming to you, present. Also, some time away from your duties, together with your dearest ones (could be also friends, I see a comfy chat with a friend on a sofa, drinking an hot chocolate together and gossiping? Lol just chatting about whatever), is going to make you feel better and loved. You’re going to get love and appreciation (and for some, even more than they usually give, which is good! It’s like, you’re making a reserve for the rest of the year).
When things will get a bit more crazy (work and school will start again), you’ll remember this moments and feel energized and warm inside. You may even stay in contact with your family/friends online or start a new hobby (like taking care of a plant/gardening- Idk why I see a lot of green/beige/gray stuff after the Xmas image, maybe you try to be aloof or look more aloof on daily basis), to remind yourself of those moments. You’re a nurturer, in the end, and this is why you’re highly appreciated, even if at times not everyone might show you that the way you need them to. But deep down, you like giving cause it feels tremendously good, it makes you feel better (may it be a nice word or a small gift for someone, living your sitting place to an elder while on the bus, you will do whatever to put a smile on someone's lips and make their day a little better). I feel like the cozy and warm enviroment in that house were because of your arrival. Thank you pile 2!
Hi pile 3!
I think you really love to receive a little more than to give on a general note, and you may be called to give more to others now. You enjoy receving a lot of attention, you like being spoiled. I feel like many of you also love to give and being thanked and highly thought for this (someone is an attention seeker maybe? Slightly? - I mean, we all are deep down, it’s our human nature). I see someone smiling big while sitting on a sofa and opening their giftbox. You are almost sure about what you’ll find inside of it, cause you asked for it. Also, “the box is big so it’s good” I heard. There’s nothing bad in this tbh. I mean, who wouldn’t enjoy to be treated so well (“like a queen/king/princess/prince” I heard), appreciated so highly, everyday of their lives? Let’s not be fake or envious here. Also, its not your fault, you are just used to being treated like this (some of you may have worked for this too) or would love to get used being spoiled by people, especially family and lovers. You love celebrations cause you can’t wait to get gifts! You may also be still pretty in touch with your inner child: your eyes get so big everytime someone comes closer to you with a box. And Christmas' mornings still have magic in them. Yeah, as I mentioned, half of the times you know what’s inside your box cause you’re pretty obvious in your requests, but the fact to get your dreams fulfilled still gets you. It’s a beautiful feeling, I sense such a deep real happiness! You also love when people surprise you with a random “Let’s get out to see Christmas lights and have a hot chocolate or go ice-skating?” I see your open mouth and shining eyes in front of the lights. Please, can I ask you to never lose this? Never lose the ability to be so happy and surprised by good things and gestures, no matter if it’s actually you asking for them like we all did when we were kids. 
Especially during this season, do not forget about others’ needs (even more your dear ones’): give them attention, and think about ways to spoil them a little too. Everyone deserve to feel the magic and good feelings of these days (and life, in general) as you do, even if they never show it. Bring a change into others’ lives and in yours, study for a way to surprise them: their happy and surprised reaction may have you addicted for a while and you’d want to get more of that. You’re cute and nice, I hope you can smile and be happy throughout this season and not only pile 3!
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laissez-fire-oh · 3 years
was attracted to 2 and 3 of your pac and it resonated so much <3 thank you for your effort
I am very happy it resonated, thank you sm for the feedback I highly appreciate it <3 TT
Wish you a lovely day!🥤🌻
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laissez-fire-oh · 3 years
Hey! I wanted to offer you some feedback on the pac! It was really awesome. I was attracted slightly to both the first and second pile and they resonated pretty well together! Also I’m really glad to see you working more on creativity and development ✨💞 I hope you’re doing well nonetheless 🌈💝
Hello dear❣ I am doing good thank you, and you?Thank you sm for the feedback. It's my first try and I had a thousands doubts 😭
I am very happy it resonated for you and thank you sm for your support and help!! 💞💛🌻
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