nostalgiabones · 5 years
Family of 8-During one of your pregnancies, Luke had to go on tour. When he gets back, the reunion is EVERYTHING. Tears, sweet words, almost non stop touching and rubbing of your ever growing bump. He's so upset he missed part of the pregnancy, but so so happy to be home.
You glanced around the room quickly, noticing four out of five (technically six, including the bump) of your children sprawled out on the sofas - cuddled under soft blankets to keep them warm. The scent of hot chocolate and cookies was present in the room - a key element of a movie night in the Hemmings household.
Although, tonight would be a special occassion - after a few weeks away, Luke was finally coming home from tour. You and the children had been anticipating this night since he left, which is why you had planned a movie night to occupy them. They were so excited, asking every five minutes if he was nearly home - so distracting them with several Disney movies seemed like the way to go.
“There you are.” You sighed in relief as you spotted the wild blonde curls plonked in front of the front door; blanket and pacifier in tow, waiting for her dad. “Come and sit with us, baby. Dad won’t be back for a little while longer.”
She pouted up at you and shook her head, staying firmly in her spot in front of the door. Luke leaving had been the toughest on her; having just passed her second birthday, she didn’t really understand where or why he had to go. All of the kids missed him, but she struggled just a little bit more.
“Okay, bubs. You can stay there if you want, we’ll be in the living room, okay? We’re watching Cinderella.” You knew sometimes it was just easier to let her do what she wanted, when she wasn’t harming anyone. But she was a sucker for a Disney movie; Cinderella especially, which could sway her away from the door.
It didn’t take long for her to join you, snuggled up in your lap as you stroked through her curls. You were surrounded by four very sleepy children, all so close to falling asleep but trying their very best not to, knowing it’d be worth it when Luke got home. It wasn’t until you got a “In the car now babe, not long xx” text that your heart raced a little at the thought of finally being reunited with him.
Five sets of sleepy eyes lit up at the sound of a key in the front door, excited squeals spilling from their lips as they realised what was happening. An overjoyed chorus of “Daddy!” filled the room as Luke opened the front door, tears in his eyes at the sight of his babies running towards him.
“Hi, babies!” He immediately dropped his bags and opened his arms, accepting cuddles from the twins as they both charged into him. “I missed you so much.”
He pulled Grayson into a hug as the twins still tried to cling onto him, before moving to Poppy, making sure he greeted all of them. He wanted to hold onto them all forever; the comforting and familar feeling of home flooding his senses as he cuddled his babies. 
“There’s my sleepy girl.” He cooed at Willow as soon as he spotted her in your arms, rubbing her tired eyes, overwhelmed that Luke was back and right in front of her. “Can I have a cuddle?”
She instantly held her arms out to him and squealed excitedly around her pacifier, clinging to his neck as he held her close and breathed in the familar scent of her baby shampoo. He followed the kids into the living room where he saw the usual set up of a movie night; the end credits of Moana rolling down the screen. He tried to keep up with the conversations; the twins filling him in on how their football training had been going, Poppy telling him all about the new book she’d started reading. 
“Hi, baby.” He murmured to you, as he wrapped his free arm around you and pulled you into his arms. His expression softened even further as he spotted the growing bump, much bigger than he remembered; resting his hand on it softly, giving it a soothing rub. “Wow, there’s definitely a baby in there then.”
“I guess so.” You chuckled against his lips, revelling in the feeling that he was here and wanting nothing more than to get the children to bed and have him hold you. But they’d missed him too; you knew they needed time with him too.
It took a little convincing but Willow finally let Luke pass her to you so he could go and shower, with a promise to all five children that he’d be back soon - and he actually would be, this time. It wasn’t long before the seven (well, eight) of you were snuggled back on the sofa, everyone feeling a little more complete with Luke back home.
Luke couldn’t stop admiring you, from his spot at the other end of the sofa. The soft snores from all five now-sleeping children occupied the space, the two of you knowing you should really move them to bed, but not having the energy to move. He squeezed your hand from where it was resting in his, pulling your attention from the TV to him.
“Come here.” He whispered, shifting Willow so she was on the other side of his chest, feeling relieved when she stayed asleep. You gently moved Arlo from the middle of the sofa, so you could shuffle in a little closer into Luke’s side. You cuddled into him and rested your head on his chest, kissing his jaw softly. “That’s better.”
“I’m so glad you’re here.” You sighed against his neck, feeling his hand wander down to your bump, resting his large hand on the stretched skin. “We missed you so much. Willow kept sitting by the door asking when you were coming home.”
His heart clenched and he chuckled softly, gently kissing her forehead as she cuddled in a little closer to his chest. He couldn’t help but feel guilty as he rubbed your bump softly, realising just how much you’d grown since he left. “I’m sorry I haven’t been here.”
“Don’t be, Lu.” You gazed up at him, leaning up to press your lips to his in a reassuring kiss. “You’re here now, and that’s all that matters.”
“And I’m not leaving again for a while.” He rested his head against yours, holding you close as he looked around the room, seeing all five of his children content and fast asleep. His heart melted at how relaxed they looked, everything feeling more complete now he was home. “Let’s get them to bed, babe.”
Taglist: @irwinkitten @i-calumhood @gorgeouslygrace @luckyduckydoo @letstaketheups-and-downs @jazzyangel242 @cashworthy @babylon-corgis @norawashere @monsteramongmikey @late-nightdevil @fivesecondsof-mee @maluminspace @fluffsshawn @xhaileyreneex @dammitbands (message me to be added!)
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nostalgiabones · 5 years
Family of 8-One of the kids as a baby has an ear infection and going through teething at the same time. Both you and Luke are losing it. You pick the kid.
“Lu? He’s up again.”
The unhappy cries came through the baby monitor on the shelf in the kitchen, not for the first time that day. You were trying to give Willow her lunch before she would usually go down for a nap, and keeping an eye on the time so you wouldn’t be late for the school run.
It was a usual chaotic day, but made even worst by the fact that Theo was teething; as if that wasn’t bad enough, he had also managed to catch an ear infection. There was nothing worst than seeing one of your babies in pain; especially when they were as little as Theo, and he couldn’t explicitly tell you what was wrong.
“I’ve got him, babe.” Luke reassured you, rubbing his aching eyes as he headed upstairs to get Theo from his crib. The two of you were exhausted. Theo had barely slept the previous night due to the pain he was in, and if he had - it had been on you or Luke, and hasn’t lasted long. He became extremely clinging when he was ill; the only time he wouldn’t cry, was if he was asleep, which wasn’t for long. Getting four children up and ready for the school run was made so much harder, when you were running on very little sleep.
The cries only got louder as he made his way upstairs, heading towards your bedroom where Theo’s crib remained for the time being. He loved having him so close and knew he would miss him when he moved to sleep in his own room, but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t miss having a full night’s sleep.
“Hey, bubba.” He cooed sympathetically, reaching down to scoop Theo into his arms, his heart aching at how hot he felt - his fever still hadn’t broken, with bright rosy cheeks to match, from the teething. He shushed him softly, patting his back and resting him against his chest, so he’d feel safe. “Did you have a good sleep? Are your ears still hurting?”
He settled down a little when he was back in Luke’s arms, rubbing his sore ears against his chest in the hopes of trying to relieve them. “Shall we go see your Mumma and sister? What are they doing?”
“There’s my baby.” You soothed Theo who’s eyes lit up at the sight of you, a little more content now he was back with you and Luke. You ran your hand over his head, through the blonde tufts that were starting to look just like Luke’s curls. “He’s still hot.”
“I know.” Luke pouted at you, bouncing him softly in his arms and kissing his warm forehead. “It’s been a few hours, shall I give him another dose of medicine?”
You nodded and retrieved the bottle from the fridge, handing it to Luke, knowing there was about to be a lot more tears, like there had been the past two times you had given him it today.
“Open up, bubs.” Luke filled the plastic syringe with the bright orange liquid and brought Theo in a little closer, pushing the medicine into his mouth and cringing when his cries increased. “I’m sorry, baby. Shhh, it’s okay, it’ll make you feel better.”
It broke Luke’s heart to know he was in pain and that there wasn’t much more that he could do. Luke could feel the wetness on his T-shirt from where Theo was drooling all over him, as a result of the teeth starting to come through. “Shall we have a cuddle?”
“Do you want the teething rings? I put them in the fridge earlier.” You asked him, also noticing how his teeth must have flared up again. He nodded as you grabbed them out of the fridge, handing them over with a “thanks babe” from Luke.
Luke laid back on the sofa and pressed play on the show he had on in the background, filling the silence of the room. Theo was cuddling in to his neck, little hands clinging to the neck of his T-shirt as if he never wanted to be put down. Luke slipped the cool teething ring into his mouth, noticing how he instantly relaxed as the cold sensation relieved his gums.
“Is that better?” He murmured to him, keeping one hand patting his back and the other stroking his soft hair, knowing it always settled him to know someone was there. “You’re sleepy again already, aren’t you? My poorly bubba. It’s okay, Teddy.”
It wasn’t much later when you found the two of them fast asleep together on the sofa, and you were happy to see them both get some rest. And although Luke’s cuddles couldn’t solve everything - they did a pretty good job at making him feel better again.
Taglist: @irwinkitten @i-calumhood @gorgeouslygrace @luckyduckydoo @letstaketheups-and-downs @jazzyangel242 @cashworthy @babylon-corgis @norawashere @monsteramongmikey @late-nightdevil @fivesecondsof-mee @maluminspace @fluffsshawn @xhaileyreneex @dammitbands (message me to be added!)
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nostalgiabones · 5 years
Twins? // Hemmings Family of 8 AU
The moment that Luke and you find out that you're not having one baby, but twins. Maybe she finally realizes that's why her stomach's bigger than previous pregnancies. Luke is beyond shocked but completely happy.
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“I’ve missed seeing you like this.”
Luke’s quiet words broke the comfortable silence in the room as the two of you went about your nightly routines. Both Poppy and Grayson were in bed, finally asleep after Luke had read their favourite stories to them, several times. He’d allowed you the quiet time for some self care; you’d taken a bath, put on a face mask, and now you were moisturising whilst Luke brushed his teeth and got ready for bed.
“Like what?” You replied, a curious smile on your face as your gaze caught your husbands, his soft eyes filled with love and awe.
“Pregnant.” He stated simply, moving to sit next to you on the edge of the bed and wrapping his arm around your waist, pulling you into him gently. He kissed your temple, something he did many times a day, so nonchalantly that it was almost like a reflex. But it made your heart melt the same way, every time he did. “I don’t know if it’s just because it’s the third time around, or because we’re so busy with the kiddos that it’s going faster, but your bump seems to have grown out of nowhere.”
“I was kinda thinking the same thing, Lu.” You furrowed your eyebrows, your hands gently resting on either side of your ever growing bump, Luke moving to rest his on top. You were around 12 weeks pregnant - your scan was tomorrow, and you couldn’t help but notice that your bump did seem much larger at this stage than it had with Grayson or Poppy.
“I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about, babe.” He reassured you, watching as your slightly concerned expression didn’t lessen as you gazed at your bump. “Maybe our timings are just a little off, or they’re just bigger this time. But we’ll find out tomorrow, yeah?”
You nodded and let him help you back into bed, settling against the fluffy pillows and letting the duvet settle just underneath your bump, so you could admire it. There hadn’t been proper kicks yet - just squirms and slight movements, which you and Luke would sit and admire whenever you got a quiet moment. You didn’t know when your last pregnancy would be - so you wanted to appreciate every moment that you could.
Your heart warmed as Luke fell asleep with his head on your chest, a large hand resting on your bump. His soft breath tickled your skin as he slept peacefully, your fingers running through the messy curls upon his head. “Good night, Lu.”
“Sorry about the wait.” The nurse politely introduced herself as she entered the room, you already set up for the scan on the always uncomfortable hospital bed. She shook both yours and Luke’s hand, before taking her spot next to your bed. Your hand quickly returned to Luke’s, linking your fingers with his as he gave you a reassuring squeeze. “Lets get started and see your baby, shall we?”
“Please.” You replied, taking a deep breathe as the nurse grabbed the necessary equipment and turned on the scanning machine.
“Sorry if this is a bit cold. You’ll be used to it by now though, won’t you? Is this baby number three?” She asked, making you smile as you thought about Grayson and Poppy.
“Yeah, number three.” You took the opportunity to bring up your concerns from the night before, just wanting to get it off of your chest before she began. “I was going to ask you whether it’s normal that my bump seems quite a bit bigger this time? We weren’t sure if we got our timings right.”
“Maybe, love. I’ll do some measurements and make sure the dates line up. Nothing to worry about, I’m sure.” She reassured you with a soft smile, as Luke lifted your intwined hands to his lips, pressing a kiss to your forehead to remind you that he was there.
You couldn’t take your eyes away from the nurses face as she smoothed the wand over your bump, spreading the gel around as she waited for the baby to appear on the screen. You noticed as she furrowed her eyebrows at the machine, making your heart race as you clung onto Luke’s hand a little tighter.
“Oh my.” She gasped, making your breath hitch in your throat as you tried to ask what was wrong. Luke had also got a little more nervous, which he tried not to show on his face - he wanted to be the strong one. But he hadn’t seen a nurse make that expression at one of their scans before, and he’d be lying if he wasn’t a little scared. “Well, I think this explains why your bump appears bigger this time. You’re carrying twins.”
A sense of relief washed over the the two of you, knowing that wasn’t bad news - there was nothing wrong - there was just two of them. Two babies. At the same time, as well as having two other children.
“Twins? Are you sure?” Luke’s voice increased in pitch as he asked the doctor, not able to close his mouth in shock at what she had said. “Two babies?”
“I know this is a lot to take in.” The nurse chuckled at your reactions, not unusual when from she had told other parents the same news. “But they both seem perfectly healthy, although we’ll need another appointment to discuss this further, as twin pregnancies can be a little different. There’s nothing to worry about, though. Congratulations.”
“Two babies.” Luke kept repeating, as he pulled the car into the drive of your beautiful home. The two of you hadn’t exhanged many words since the doctors - you were trying to process it, and just didn’t know what to say. “Two newborns, at the same time.”
“I know, Lu.” You laughed, still trying to process what had happened into the doctors office. “I don’t know why you’re so worried, though. It’s not you who has to carry them around for the next 6 months.”
He gave you a sympathetic and loving smile, taking one hand off of the wheel to rest on your knee, giving it a reassuring squeeze. You noticed how the smile hadn’t faded from his face since leaving the scan, knowing that seeing your babies always brought him more happiness than he could explain. “I know, baby. But you know I’ll be there every step of the way. It just means we get an extra baby to love.”
You would be lying if you said you weren’t a little terrified - pregnancy was a challenge with only one baby, never mind two. But the thought of having two new little babies with Luke’s nose and curls made your heart melt, and as long as you had him by your side, everything would be okay.
Taglist: @irwinkitten @i-calumhood @gorgeouslygrace @luckyduckydoo @letstaketheups-and-downs @jazzyangel242 @cashworthy @babylon-corgis @norawashere @monsteramongmikey @late-nightdevil @fivesecondsof-mee @maluminspace @fluffsshawn (message me to be added!)
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nostalgiabones · 5 years
Another New Addition // Hemmings Family of Eight AU
@babe-babylon: We have to discuss the hemmings babies and luke adopting petunia! She the real baby here:(
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As though the Hemmings family wasn’t already chaotic enough, with six children under the age of 13, you and Luke had decided that it was time to add a fluffy addition to the mix. Luke had grown up with a dog, and he missed having one around - you were almost sure that he had pestered you for a furry friend more than the children had.
So you were outnumbered. All five children (Theo hadn’t even said his first word yet, but Luke was sure he’d tell you that he wanted a dog too, if he could) as well as your husband had made it too hard to say no to, leaving you with no other option. You found a local shelter with rescued dogs that needed new homes - it was important to the two of you that you adopted a dog that needed a caring and loving home, because that was exactly what you had.
You were a little nervous about how Theo, and maybe Willow, would react. Being under a year old, Theo hadn’t been around many dogs, and his angelic blue eyes seemed apprehensive as Luke scooped him out of the car seat and into his arms, retrieving the pacifier that had been left behind and slipping it between his lips, as an added comfort. The barking was an unfamiliar sound to him, and he clutched onto his dad’s shoulder cautiously, looking for reassurance. 
It was never going to be easy to choose. Seeing so many adorable dogs that needed loving homes just made you want to take each and every one of them with you. Luke was pretty sure he’d heard you say, “Lu, we need this one!” at least ten times, and he realised you’d be there for a long time.
“Babe, come here.” You heard Luke’s voice gesture you over to where he was crouched down, Theo on his hip. His little hand was gripping the edge of Luke’s T-shirt, as he watched his dad smooshing the face of a rather large pitbull, who was very happy to have his attention. She was so sweet - it looked like she was smiling at Luke and Theo, and she seemed so gentle, which is exactly what you needed with a house full of children. You noticed the name tag above her bed, which read ‘Petunia.’ “We need her. Look how sweet she is.”
You instantly fell in love. The three of you spent a little more time getting to know her and giving her more attention, which she was perfectly content with. No words needed to be said - you and Luke silently agreed that she would be the dog for you. So after telling the owners and signing all the necessary papers, it was done - Petunia was yours. She was happy to settle in her bed in the back of your car, Theo’s eyes curiously wandering over to her every so often. You’d decided to sit in between the two of them for the journey home, making sure that Petunia stayed settled in her bed whilst Luke drove the four of you home. She was content to lay across the seat with her squishy cheeks smooshed against your thigh.
You’d managed to get home before the kids finished school, giving you enough time to start to get Petunia settled in, before she’d have five children jumping all over her. Luke knew he’d need to warn them before they were allowed to play with them - especially the twins, who could be boisterous at times. The children had never had a dog of their own, so they were bound to be excited, especially after begging you for one for so long.
“I’m gonna go pick the kids up, babe. You’ll be okay here with her, won’t you?” Luke asked, unable to resist the soft puppy eyes looking up at him and having to reach down to scratch her ears, a chuckle pulled from his lips as his attention was completely diverted from the question he had asked you.
“I’m sure we’ll be just fine, Luke. Make sure to warn the kids to be gentle though, we don’t want to overwhelm her.” You replied, and with an understanding nod and a goodbye kiss to your lips, left the house to collect the rest of the family.
“Okay kiddos. Remember what we talked about in the car, okay?” Luke reiterated to all five children, mainly Oscar and Arlo, who hadn’t stopped squealing excitedly since they heard the news. Willow had reached a little similarly to Theo - holding out her arms as a gesture for Luke to carry her into the house, and not letting him put her down, even when they made it through the door. Luke had tried his best to warn the children in his firmest voice (which definitely wasn’t very firm at all when it came to his children - as much as he tried) to be gentle and that they ‘were not allowed to ride her,’ which had been Oscar’s first question.
“Doggy!” You heard Arlo’s sweet voice call out, as four of your children (Willow was still anxiously attached to Luke’s hip) bounded through the door, making their way over to where Petunia was plonked next to you on the couch. Theo was settled in your lap after a feed, which you had planned, wanting him to warm up the new addition, who was much larger than him. She looked up in surprise, her tail wagging at the sudden increase in attention that she was getting.
“Hi, loves!” You greeted them, watching all five faces light up as they met Petunia for the first time.
“This is Petunia. We have to be nice to her, okay? It’s her first time in her new home, and we want her to be happy here.” Luke told the kids, greeting you and Theo with a kiss as Willow still clung to the front of his tshirt. 
“Hi ‘Tunia.” Arlo murmured at the happy dog sat in front of him, as he patted her head softly. You were less worried about overwhelming her now - she seemed happy with all of the attention she was receiving. Grayson and Poppy had taken to stroking her back wherever they could reach, whilst Oscar and Arlo were taking in her smooshy facial features. 
“It looks like she’s smiling.” Poppy noticed, moving to scratch behind Petunia’s ears. “I love her!” 
“Are you sure you don’t want to say hi, Willow?” Luke asked his youngest daughter, who was still shyly hiding against his neck, and showing minimal interest in their new pet. She wasn’t usually as shy as this, and he didn’t understand why she was so apprehensive about Petunia, although he knew she hadn’t spent much time around dogs before, and she was quite large. “We can all do it together.”
She nodded slightly against his neck, not resisting as Luke crouched down in front of Petunia and reached his hand out to squish her cheeks softly, Willow following in his footsteps as she tapped her head softly. It brought a smile to Willow’s lips, making Luke’s heart melt as he saw her apprehension lessen a little. “Good job, baby!”
And as if the six children that surrounded the two of you didn’t already make your chaotic family feel complete, Petunia definitely did. But you knew, no matter what or who joined your family, you and Luke, and your six children, would always have more love to give. 
Taglist: @irwinkitten @i-calumhood @gorgeouslygrace @luckyduckydoo @letstaketheups-and-downs @jazzyangel242 @cashworthy @babylon-corgis @norawashere @monsteramongmikey @late-nightdevil @fivesecondsof-mee @maluminspace @fluffsshawn (message me to be added!)
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nostalgiabones · 5 years
Okay but willow is potty training and she’s doin so good like hasn’t had an accident yet but then one night she wakes luke up and she she’s soooo upset and disappointed in her self cus she wet the bed ands she a just stuttering and crying and lukes like “baby what’s wrong” so he picked her up and he can feel she had an accident so he’s just calmin her down and tellin her he’s not mad and he’ll clean it up it no big deal 🥺🥺🥺
After successfully raising four babies to be happy and healthy children, Luke was confident in his parenting skills. There was nothing that could faze him anymore - all six of his children knew they could come to him with any problems, and he would fix it. Willow had always been the biggest daddy’s girl of all the children - he was her idol, and she looked up to him more than anyone else in the world.
One of the challenges of parenthood that you and Luke had faced four times already, and were currently doing again for the fifth time, was potty training. Each child had learned at their own pace; you’d never made them feel ashamed for how quickly they had got the hang of using the bathroom correctly. It was going really well with Willow - she seemed to understand that she had to use the potty, and had had next to no accidents so far. You and Luke never expected any of the children to be potty trained without accidents though.
It had been a regular night - Luke had bathed Willow and read her a story in bed, getting her to use the potty before she fell asleep, so she wouldn’t need to go in the night. She’d fallen asleep snuggled up to him in her little bed, which he always hung over the edges of, and he’d tucked her in with a kiss to her forehead, before leaving her to sleep.
Since becoming a parent, Luke had become such a light sleeper that even the quietest noise woke him up. So several hours later, he heard tiny footsteps making their way down the hallway, and distressed sobs that he knew belonged to Willow. He sat up straight away, his eyes adjusting to the darkness of the bedroom as she nervously made her way towards him, rubbing at her wet, tired eyes.
“Willow, what’s wrong sweetheart? Come here.” Luke asked instantly, holding his arms out towards her. She was crying so hard that he couldn’t understand what she was saying, the thumb in her mouth as a self comforting measure, not making it any easier. She wasn’t letting him pick her up, which wasn’t like her at all. “Come here.”
She was mumbling ‘no’ in between her sobs, and he was becoming increasingly worried as she’d never not let him hold her before, and he wasn’t sure how else to comfort her. Her cries weren’t slowing down, and in his tired state, he reached forward to scoop her into his arms, her small figure not being able to stop him. Her cries increased even more, and his heart ached in his chest when he immediately felt the wet spot on her pjamas.
“Willow.” He cooed softly, holding her close and rocking her side to side in his arms, whispering little shushes in her hair to calm her down. She hid her face in his neck, ashamed and embarrassed about the situation, and not wanting Luke to be upset with her. “Daddy isn’t mad at you, okay? You’re still learning, and you’re doing so well. We’ll get you all cleaned up, yeah? Shh, sweetheart. It’s okay, we can fix it.”
At this point, you had woken up too, and after helping Luke to reassure her that you weren’t upset with her, you went to put her sheets and bedding in the wash. Luke quickly ran her a small bath and cleaned her up, not wanting to put her back to bed until she was clean and in fresh pjamas again. She was still upset, sad tears spilling down her cheeks, occasionally sniffing as Luke tried to assure her that everything would be okay.
“You don’t need to be upset, baby girl. We aren’t angry at you, okay? Everyone has accidents, that’s how you learn things, Willow.” He murmured to her, scooping her up into a towel as she yawned sadly into his chest, the warmth from the bath making her fall asleep again.
And as the three of you laid back in bed together, Willow tucked up in her fresh pjamas under Luke’s arm, he thought about proud he was of her, and of all of his children. They were bound to have accidents and make mistakes, but it would never falter his love for them.
Taglist: @irwinkitten @i-calumhood @gorgeouslygrace @luckyduckydoo @letstaketheups-and-downs @jazzyangel242 @cashworthy @babylon-corgis @norawashere @monsteramongmikey @late-nightdevil @fivesecondsof-mee @maluminspace (message me to be added!)
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nostalgiabones · 5 years
Okay but 🥺 little one crying cus she misses lu when he’s on tour 🥺🥺
(this is quite an old ask but i’m gonna answer it in relation to my Hemmings Family of Eight AU! I hope that’s okay♥️)
“Willow? What are you doing, love?”
It was late. You’d put her to bed at least four hours ago, after the six of you had FaceTimed Luke before bedtime. It had become the highlight of their days since their dad left for a month, struggling to adjust without him there. He couldn’t stand to be away for any longer - a month already felt too long, especially with you being in the early stages of your sixth pregnancy. But this was the best way that their schedule could be worked out, and it wouldn’t last forever.
“Cuddles, mama?” She requested softly, reaching her hands out towards you. It was unlike her to wake up in the middle of the night, usually one to sleep through until the morning. But since Luke had been gone, it had become more of a regular occurance.
“Come here.” You moved over a little, helping her to climb into the giant bed. She immediately settled into your embrace, her head resting on your chest. “What’s wrong, baby girl? It’s not time to wake up yet.”
“I miss Daddy.” She mumbled sadly into your skin, your heart aching a little as you listened to her sad voice. You kissed her forehead and ran your fingers through her silky curls, the texture familiar to that of your husbands.
“I know you do, love.” You cooed, pulling her in closer to your body. “Shall we call him? We have to be very quiet though. We don’t want to wake any of your brothers and sisters up, do we?”
You knew you shouldn’t really be letting her talk to him without the other children there - it was a little unfair on them. But they were older and had experienced Luke being on tour before. This was the first tour where Willow was more aware of what was going on, so it was a little rougher on her than the others.
“Is the baby sleeping, mama?” She enquired curiously, her little hand reaching down to the small baby bump forming between your hips. You smiled at her sweet question, loving how inquisitive she was - especially towards the new baby in your stomach.
“I think so, sweet pea. They’re moving around a little, but they usually sleep when mama sleeps.”
You grabbed your phone from the bedside table, where you had left it on charge after sending Luke a good night text. The photo of him napping in bed surrounded by all five of your children lit up your screen, your heart warming at the sight. Willow’s tired eyes lit up at the idea of speaking to Luke, and she waited patiently as you pressed the FaceTime button on his contact.
He answered quicker than you were expecting, which you were grateful for. He was sat in his hotel room alone - you could hear the TV in the background. He looked confused, after realising that it was the middle of the night where you were. You flicked the lamp on your bedside table on, so he could see you.
“Hey, baby. It’s so late where you are, are you okay? Is the baby okay?” Luke’s groggy voice pondered, your heart melting at seeing him in his relaxed state, his natural curls a mess on his head.
“Hi, Lu. Someone wanted to say hello.” You replied, turning the phone towards Willow’s sleepy face, who suddenly went shy.
“Look who it is! What are you doing up so late, sweetheart? You’re meant to be asleep.” Luke wondered, his heart melting as his youngest daughter all sleepy and soft, her head settled on your shoulder.
“I miss you Daddy.” She murmured, sticking her thumb in her mouth as she spoke, her usual self comforting technique. Luke’s stomach dropped, knowing she was finding it hard without him there. All he wanted to do was rock her to sleep and promise that he’d be there in the morning, but he couldn’t.
“Aww, Willow, I miss you too.” Luke assured her, his arms aching through the phone to pull her into his arms. “I miss you so much. Have you been having fun with Mumma? What have you been doing?”
He’d had this conversation with all five of the children several hours earlier, but now he only had Willow to speak to, he could focus all of his attention onto her. He loved hearing her babble, and tell stories that made no sense to anyone but her - especially when she was half asleep.
You jolted a little when you felt the soft kicks of the baby beneath the stretched skin of your stomach, clearly waking up at Luke’s voice. Willow gasped softly, her hands going straight to your bump.
“Daddy! The baby is awake.” She exclaimed, cutting off whatever he was saying. He melted at the excitement and wonder in her voice, watching as you moved the phone to position the camera on your stomach.
“They must’ve been listening to you talk, sweet pea. They know when their big sister is around.” Luke suggested to her, a soft but sad smile growing on his face as he watched the sweet scene on the screen in front of him. “I think it’s about time you got some sleep, Willow.”
“Wanna talk to you, Daddy.” She murmured sleepily, her sad eyes already drooping as she settled in your arms again.
“I know, sweetheart. I promise we can talk more tomorrow, okay? I’ll stay here until you fall asleep with Mumma.” He promised her, feeling the tears burning the back of his eyes at her sad face. He didn’t really want her to go to sleep - he could’ve stayed up all night talking to her. But his practical Dad brain took over, and knowing it was so late, she needed to sleep. The last thing you needed tomorrow was a sleep deprived Willow. “Goodnight, baby girl. I love you so much.”
You ran a hand through her soft curls, knowing it would always make her fall asleep faster. Luke kept talking to her as her eyes struggled to stay open, his heart aching at the sight. He just wanted to be there with the two (well, technically three) of you. It wasn’t long before her breathing evened out and she was fully asleep again.
“I’ll let you go to bed, baby. Call you tomorrow. I love you.” He whispered, watching as your eyes were closing more frequently, too. “Good night, my love.”
“Goodnight, Lu.”
Taglist: @irwinkitten @i-calumhood @gorgeouslygrace @luckyduckydoo @letstaketheups-and-downs @jazzyangel242 @cashworthy @babylon-corgis @norawashere @monsteramongmikey @late-nightdevil @ashtonsghoul @fivesecondsof-mee (message me to be added!)
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nostalgiabones · 5 years
Hey my boo💕 how about number 06+ telling all the kids you're pregnant for the 6th time (a willow meltdown would break my heart but yk) ily💕
06. “Can you believe we’re going to have another baby?” with family of 8 and Willow. I love your writing!
06. “Can you believe we’re going to have another baby?”
It had been a manic day. From start to finish, all five of yours and Luke’s children had wanted to cause trouble in some way or another, despite their usual well behaved nature. Being a parent was never really easy, especially not to 5 children under the age of 12, but today, was especially testing. But despite the hard days, it didn’t falter your love for them. They were children, they were always learning, and you didn’t expect them to have good days everyday.
You’d been having symptoms that you’d been trying to ignore. Feeling slightly sick in the mornings, suddenly hating certain food and smells, and being more exhausted than usual. Luke had noticed something was off too, and after five previous pregnancies, there was the lingering thought in both of your minds, that there was about to be a sixth.
“You feeling okay, love?” Luke asked, a concerned expression on his face as he helped you clean up from lunch, the kitchen always messy after the seven of you ate together. He’d seen this happen five times before. He knew what was wrong, and he knew, that you knew it too. “You didn’t eat much of your lunch.”
Your eyes caught his, holding his gaze for a little longer than usual, a knowing smile on your lips. You nodded softly, replying “I just don’t have much of an appetite, but I’m okay, Lu.”
He acknowledged your words, knowing nothing else needed to be said. You were doing the dishes, and he came up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist gently. He spoke quietly in your ear, aware that the children were in ear shot. “Have you got a test? I can go and get one for you, if you need me to. We’ll do it when the kids go to bed, if you want.”
Your heart melted at his words. He had always been the sweetest husband, the best dad, and you knew he’d do absolutely anything for you, or any of the children. “I think I have one in the bathroom upstairs. We’ll do it tonight.”
You and Luke definitely hadn’t planned for another baby, only two years after having Willow, and adding another child into your already chaotic family made you a little anxious. But also, the vision of another tiny baby Hemmings made your heart melt, and took over all of the fears - there was no better sight than Luke with a newborn baby. The memories of finding him asleep somewhere in the house with a tiny baby cuddled up on his chest, or watching him feed them with a bottle for the first time, or seeing him so naturally be able to comfort them straight away. It made your heart melt, and suddenly, the idea of another baby seemed much less daunting.
The day seemed to drag on after that - not that you wanted to rush the kids into bed, but you just needed to confirm yours and Luke’s suspicions, and know for certain whether a new baby would be joining your family.
“Okay babe, they’re all asleep. I had to read Willow three different stories, but she went off eventually.” Luke announced, entering your shared bedroom and closing the door quietly behind him. “Are you ready?”
“To do the test? Or for another baby?” You chuckled softly, watching as he shook his head playfully and rubbed his eyes.
“I’m exhausted just thinking about it.” He replied, watching as you made your way into the en-suite, ready to take the test. “It’ll be nice to have a newborn again though. I miss Willow being that small.”’
The three minutes waiting time seemed to feel longer every time you did this. You’d done countless tests over the years, and the anxiety in the pit of your stomach always felt the same. Six children. There were so many thoughts racing through your mind - is six too much? Would the children be able to adjust to another baby? Would Luke ever be able to go on tour again?
Luke’s words pulled you from your thoughts. “Imagine if we had twins again.”
“Don’t do that to me.” You groaned, smacking your hands lightly against his chest as he held you in his arms, his hands settling on your lower back. He didn’t want to get his hopes up, but the thought of you being pregnant again made his heart rate pick up. There was nothing he loved more than seeing your bump grow month after month, to accommodate your baby. There was nothing like the feeling of the baby kicking for the first time, or getting to attend the scans. He loved every moment of it, and he would be lying if he said he didn’t want to do it for a sixth time. “I love the boys and wouldn’t change them for the world, but I’m not sure we could handle another set.”
The timer beeped on your phone and you both took a deep breath, suddenly feeling much more nervous. “Will you look? I can’t do it.” you asked Luke, knowing in your heart you’d be a little disappointed if you saw a ‘not pregnant’ sign the stick. He nodded and kissed your forehead, and then lips, softly before picking the test up from the counter. He murmured a quiet “You ready?” and you nodded, one of his hands keeping ahold of yours, as a comforting measure.
As soon as he checked the test and his eyes lit up, you knew the answer. “You ready for baby number six, sweetheart? Because if not… you have about eight months to get ready.”
“Oh my god.” You stood up from your spot and fell into Luke’s chest, a few happy and overwhelmed tears spilling down your cheeks. Luke held you close to him, holding your face in his hands and gently wiping the tears as they fell. “Can you believe we’re going to have another baby?”
“Six children, baby. Are we insane?” Luke murmured against your mouth, not able to stop his lips from kissing yours over and over again. 
“A little.”
You decided to wait a little before telling the children that they would be getting another sibling. It was better to wait until you’d had a few scans, to make sure everything was okay, not wanting to excite the little ones in case of anything going wrong. But after several confirmations that everything was perfect, you thought it was about time to tell your babies, about the new baby.
They were lined up in the garden in front of you and Luke, restlessly waiting for you to let them open the boxes set on the ground, each with a name on. You’d come up with something a little creative, filling the boxes with a few of their favourite treats, hidden by a balloon that said ‘Big Brother’ or ‘Big Sister.’
“Okay kiddos, open your box!” Luke called out to the five children in front of him, kneeling in front of Willow and helping her to open hers, that was nearly bigger than her. “What does it say?”
“You’re having another baby?” Poppy squealed, rubbing over from her spot to wrap her arms around you. She loved being a big sister, and knew she would be delighted with the new addition. Grayson and the twins followed, all giving you so much love and so many hugs, making your heart melt. “I’m gonna be a big sister again!”
“Willow! You’re gonna be a big sister!” Luke told her, knowing she didn’t quite understand what was going on. “Mumma and Dada are gonna have another baby!”
Her expression didn’t quite change like he’d hoped. Instead of the happy squeals he was expecting to hear, like he had from the other children, she looked sad, and confused.
“But I’m the baby, Dada.” She pouted, and his heart broke as he realised it was going to take a little more for her to come around. The biggest Daddy’s girl of all of the children - he knew she’d struggle to adjust a little more, as she was used to being the youngest baby.
“You’ll always be my baby, sweetheart.” He lifted her into his arms, and she hid her face in his neck as she began to cry. “Hey, Willow, don’t cry. You’re still our baby, okay? I promise. You get to be a big sister, just like Poppy!”
“I’m the baby.” She whined against his shoulder, shyly hiding her face from you and her siblings. You thought she’d be a little more excited, even though you knew she’d struggle to understand it, being so young. She’d come around.
“You are, sweet girl, I promise.” He reassured her, rubbing her back softly. It hurt his heart to see her so sad, but he knew she’d just need more time than the others to get used to the idea. The twins had been the same before she was born, so he knew how to handle it.
She clung to him for the rest of the day, hiding in his neck whenever you tried to get her to look at your very slight bump. After a few tries you gave up, not wanting to push her too far. Luke saw your sad eyes when she refused, but he knew she’d be okay eventually.
“Can you believe we’re adding another one to this crazy bunch?” Luke asked you softly, in a quiet voice, not to disturb the five content children around you. You’d decided on a family movie night to celebrate, and after spending at least twenty minutes deciding on a movie, you had five sleepy children snuggled into the two of you. Willow was yet to let go of Luke, claiming her spot on his chest. The twins were settled at either side of you, and Poppy and Grayson were sprawled out on the chairs. Looking around them, you couldn’t believe in just a few months, there would be another Hemmings to add to the bunch.
“No, I can’t.” You replied, linking your free hand with his, bringing your intwined hands up to your mouth and kissing his knuckles. “Do you think we can handle it?”
“I’m looking forward to finding out with you.”
Send me a number (and whether or not you want a blurb from the hemmings family of eight AU) from this list!
Taglist: @irwinkitten @i-calumhood @gorgeouslygrace @luckyduckydoo @letstaketheups-and-downs @jazzyangel242 @cashworthy @babylon-corgis @norawashere @monsteramongmikey @late-nightdevil @ashtonsghoul @fivesecondsof-mee (message me to be added!)
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nostalgiabones · 5 years
hi pumpkin, can you 9 and 14 from the dad!sos prompt list with like any kiddo from the family of 8 pls? i wanna cry lmao thank you lauren❤️❤️
09. “I think it’s broken.”
14. A child getting injured whilst under one parent’s supervision and then needing reassurance that they aren’t a bad parent.
Luke was confident in his parenting skills. After 13 years of being a parent to six different children, he felt like there was nothing that would faze him or surprise him, as he’d literally experienced everything that he thought he could as a parent.
But one thing that never got easier as a parent, was seeing any of his children in pain. Especially if it was something that he couldn’t easily fix, and all he could do was reassure them that he was there. And this was made even worst when he was taking care of the kids alone, as he didn’t have you to help him when he was freaking out about them being in pain.
The day was going smoothly so far; he had been alone with all six children for at least three hours, and nothing had gone wrong yet. Theo was down for his usual nap, and he’d managed to get all of the children in the garden to burn some energy. It helped him out that Grayson and Poppy were a little older and they could take charge of the games too, as it took a little pressure off of him, so he could also keep an eye on Theo.
They’d taken to playing a game of tag, which was fairly harmless, but Luke had already warned the twins to be careful with Willow, as they tended to forget that she was little and didn’t like playing games as rough as they did. But he trusted them, and knew they’d never intentionally hurt their little sister. At the same time, Theo’s cries had started up through the baby monitor that he had brought into the garden with him. He knew he shouldn’t really leave them unattended, but he trusted Grayson to keep an eye on them, and he’d only be gone for a minute.
“Hi, Teddy. Did you have a good nap? Come here, bubs.” He cooed to the sleepy bundle, lifting him into his arms and resting him again his chest. He kissed his temple, grabbing the blanket from the crib to wrap around Theo’s back, making sure he wouldn’t get too cold when they went outside. “Shall we go see what your brothers and sisters have got up to?”
It wasn’t until he heard a cry of pain, that went straight to his heart and made his blood run cold, that he was suddenly very concerned.
“Daddy! Willow’s hurt!” He heard the voice of Oscar, making him look over in the direction of where his children had ended up, at the other end of the garden, and it was then he noticed that Willow was curled up on the floor and crying. With Willow being his softest baby and the biggest Daddy’s girl out of all of the children, Luke’s heart broke as he made his way over to her, still with Theo in his arms.
“Hey, what’s happened, baby girl? Come here, it’s okay.” He tried to soothe her, even though his heart hadn’t stopped racing since he realised she was hurt. He hoped so badly that it was minor, that he could easily fix it, and that he wouldn’t need to call you and distract you from your day out with a friend. “Gray, can you take Theo?”
He passed his youngest baby into the arms of his oldest child, as he tried to focus on seeing what was wrong with Willow. She was sobbing, almost hyperventilating, and it made his heart ache as he panicked at what could be wrong. “Show Daddy where it hurts, baby.”
“Ouch, daddy.” She kept crying, and his heart hurt more with every word. It wasn’t until he sat her up properly and she yelped out in pain as soon as he touched her arm. She was holding it close to her body, and wouldn’t let him look at it.
“Can I see your arm, Willow? It’s okay, bubs. Just let me look at it.” His stomach turned at the sight when she reluctantly held it out to him. He wasn’t a doctor, but he didn’t need to be to know that her arm definitely didn’t look right, and a feeling of panic took over him, knowing she’d need to go to the hospital.
He could just about handle looking after six children when he was at home. But taking six children out to a hospital alone, when he knew they’d be waiting around for a long time, was just not going to happen.
“Okay, sweetheart. I’m gonna call Mumma and your Uncle Ash, then we’re gonna go and make sure your arm is okay, yeah? Come here, we’ll go sit inside.” He tried to stay as calm as he could, trying to ignore the sick feeling that had taken over his stomach. He couldn’t help feeling that if he hadn’t gone inside for Theo, and would’ve been watching, it wouldn’t have happened. Kids always had accidents, and he knew that, but he couldn’t ignore the guilt knawing at his mind.
“Is she gonna be okay, Daddy?” Arlo asked, as the rest of his siblings followed Luke back to the house, with Willow in his arms, crying against his shoulder.
“She’s just bumped her arm Arlo. But we’re gonna go get it all fixed up, and she’ll be just fine.” He reassured his son, as much as telling himself that she would be okay.
He got them all settled on the sofas inside, Willow still whimpering into his chest, her uninjured arm wrapped around his shoulder and playing with the curls at the back of his neck to distract herself. Luke pulled out his phone, first dialling Ashton, hoping he was available to watch the kids whilst he took Willow to hospital.
“Luke? Hey, what’s up?” Ashton’s familiar voice came through the phone and it calmed Luke down a little immediately - he felt less alone. He explained the situation, that you were out for the day and he was in charge of the kids, and that Willow had gotten injured. Ashton agreed to head over as soon as he could, leaving Luke only one job, to call you.
“Babe? There’s been a bit of an accident.” He admitted, as soon as you answered the phone.
“An accident? Who? What do you mean, Luke?” You asked, your heart rate increasing immediately at his words.
“They were just playing in the garden and Theo was crying so I went to get him, and I was only gone for a minute, but then I came back and Willow had fallen and landed on her arm.” He explained, his heart heavy as he recalled the events of the last 10 minutes. “I think it’s broken, babe. I’ve called Ashton to take care of the kids whilst we take her to get it checked out.”’
“Oh my god, we need to take her to the hospital. I’m closer to there than home, can I meet you there?” In your heart, you knew they were only children and accidents happened, but you were upset knowing Willow was injured and you weren’t there. The tone of Luke’s voice broke your heart, knowing how guilty he would feel that this happened under his supervision. “She’ll be okay, Lu. And bring Theo with you, we don’t want to end up taking Ashton to hospital too.”
Moments later, Ashton arrived at the door, sensing the stressed atmosphere in the house. “Look whose here, guys! It’s your favourite Uncle.” He was greeted with lots of hugs from his nieces and nephews, but he felt sad seeing Willow hiding against Luke’s shoulder.
“I’ll keep you updated, Ash. Thanks for coming over.” Luke told him the main things he needed to know, but as the twins were old enough to know where everything was and there were no babies left in the house, he knew they’d be fine. He bundled Theo into his car seat, making sure he had everything he needed as well as balancing Willow in his arms, trying not to move her anymore, to avoid causing her anymore discomfort.
She cried more as he settled her into her car seat, gently shushing her and promising that they were going to fix her arm. He felt uncomfortable and anxious the whole car journey, knowing she was in pain, and hating that he couldn’t do much about it. He couldn’t wait to see you - although he felt awful that he had ruined your afternoon with your friend, that you much deserved. He hoped you’d understand, and that you wouldn’t be annoyed at him, even though he felt annoyed at himself.
“There’s my baby.” You felt relieved seeing them enter the hospital waiting room, where you had already signed in to tell them why you were there. It was just a waiting game. Luke handed Willow to you, letting you comfort her as he got a better grip on Theo’s car seat, in which the baby had remained unfazed and managed to fall asleep in. “I already told them why we’re here, Lu. We just have to wait.”
It wasn’t long before her name was called, and the four of you made your way through to the doctors room. She confirmed it was broken, and after painkillers and many more tears, Willow found herself with a yellow cast fitted onto her arm.
“It looks funny, Daddy.” Willow commented, not taking her eyes away from the bright yellow cast that adorned her broken arm. “It feels funny too.”
“I know, baby. But this will make it feel better.”
A few hours later, all of the commotion was over, and after the children’s excitement of “wow Willow! Your arm is yellow!” and finally releasing Ashton, you’d managed to get everyone into bed. Luke had wanted Willow to sleep in your bed for the night, wanting to keep an eye on her, and mainly just wanting to hold her - so he knew she was okay. Her pain medication had worked and she had crashed in between the two of you, her head in Luke’s neck.
“She’s okay, Lu.” You reassured him, answering all of the worries in his head, without him saying a word. You could see it all over his face. He felt so guilty, that under his supervision, she had gotten more injured than she had in her whole little life.
“I should’ve been watching them.” He replied quietly, running a hand through her soft curls that were tickling his jaw.
“We have six children, Luke. That’s a lot of kids to handle when there’s two of us, never mind on our own.” You told him, trying to ease the guilt in his mind. “Theo was crying, so you went to get him. If you’d have stayed to watch them, no one would have got Theo. You can’t be everywhere at once, love.”
Your words eased his anxiety, reducing the fears in his mind that he was a terrible dad, and Willow would blame him forever. He felt much better now that she was calmly sleeping against him, no longer in pain.
“We’re both doing the best that we can, Lu. She loves you. She won’t even remember this, I promise.”
He reached over, careful not to jolt Willow, who was using his chest as a pillow. He kissed your lips softly, several times, which always calmed him down. “I love our crazy family. Even if we can’t handle them a lot of the time.”
You laughed softly at his words, and it made you happy to see him smile a little, the worry seeming to leave his expression. “Goodnight, superdad.”
Send me a number (and whether or not you want a blurb from the hemmings family of eight AU) from this list!
(gen!! I love you so much, thank you for requesting this!!♥️ @i-calumhood)
Taglist: @irwinkitten @i-calumhood @gorgeouslygrace @luckyduckydoo @letstaketheups-and-downs @jazzyangel242 @cashworthy @babylon-corgis @norawashere @monsteramongmikey @late-nightdevil @ashtonsghoul @fivesecondsof-mee (message me to be added!)
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nostalgiabones · 5 years
Omg is willow that type of kid to run away naked from bath time though? Because I can see it happening.
Definitely! She’s so mischievous - and can you imagine the process of trying to bath like four young children at the same time? It would take you and Luke having to work out a system. The twins would want to bath together so Luke would handle that, whilst you tried to handle Willow and Theo. Then when everyone was bathed, Luke would take over the youngest two whilst you helped the twins get dressed for bed.
Especially if it was when Willow had become more confident on her feet, she’d just want to run everywhere. So as soon as you set her down on the floor with her little duck towel wrapped around her, ready for Luke to dress her, she’d be trying to get out of the bathroom straight away.
“Willow? Where do you think you’re going?” Luke would call from behind her, hearing her giggles increase as her little legs carried her as fast as she could. Luke would be trying to catch up to her, Theo wrapped up in a warm towel in his arms, also waiting for his dad to dress him in pyjamas. “Come here, bubs. It’s time to get dressed for bed.”
“No daddy! Play time!” His eyes caught her running into her bedroom, knowing she’d be going back to the game she was playing before bathtime.
“No playing right now, baby. We need to get you and your brother dressed and ready for bed.” He tried to reason with her, following her into the small bedroom. Theo was giggling loudly in his arms, clearly amused with chasing his big sister around the house. Luke managed to grab hold of Willow and pull her into his body with one arm, expertly managing to hold both children in his arms. After six children, he was used to juggling several babies in his arms, and he was pretty sure being a dad was a better arm workout than any time he had spent in the gym. “You little monkey.”
He’d finally manage to get the pair dressed, Theo easier than Willow, as he wasn’t able to get up and run away from him. It took him a while but he got there eventually - and he had two sleepy babies ready for bed, when he was finally done. He scooped Theo into his arms, resting Willow on the ground but then feeling her wrap her little arms around his legs.
“Up, daddy?” She asked, reaching her arms up towards him. His heart melted, knowing she was tired and not being able to resist pulling her into his arms.
“Come on, babies. Time for bed.”
Send me a number (and whether or not you want a blurb from the hemmings family of eight AU) from this list!
Taglist: @irwinkitten @i-calumhood @gorgeouslygrace @luckyduckydoo @letstaketheups-and-downs @jazzyangel242 @cashworthy @babylon-corgis @norawashere @monsteramongmikey @late-nightdevil @ashtonsghoul @fivesecondsof-mee (message me to be added!)
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nostalgiabones · 5 years
03. do you want to sleep in our bed? with one of the twins please 💕
03. “Do you want to sleep in our bed?”
As a father of six, Luke was no stranger to a wake up call in the middle of the night. He almost expected it - he couldn’t remember the last time he had a full nights sleep, without some sort of distruption. With Theo being only six months old, his crib was still in your room and he usually woke up for a feed, meaning Luke would wake up even though he didn’t need to.
It had been a long day - spending most of the morning at the studio before heading home to help out with the children, who seemed to have a million and one different things that they wanted him to do with them. He’d helped Poppy with some homework, Grayson with a song he was working on, and Willow wanted to show him what she’d learned about how to paint at nursery. It was nothing out of the ordinary - he was just exhausted.
He was more than happy to be in bed - he all but crashed against the mattress as soon as the kids had fallen asleep. He’d nearly drifted off in Arlo’s bed, as he was reading a book to him, Oscar and Willow. The twins were getting a little older, and at 5 years old, they were starting to be more independent. The wake up calls for them were less frequent, it was more likely to be Willow, so when he felt a little hand tapping his shoulder, he expected it to be her.
He opened his eyes to see Arlo stood in front of him, quiet tears rolling down his soft cheeks. He was sniffly softly, rubbing at his tired eyes, and the sight hurt Luke’s heart.
“Hey, Arlo, what’s the matter, hmm?” Luke murmured quietly, instantly sitting up in bed and perching on the edge of the mattress. Arlo instantly moved closer to him, holding his arms up as Luke lifted him to sit on his knee. Arlo felt calmer straight away, resting against Luke’s shoulder, his head in his neck. “Why are you crying? It’s not time to get up yet, bud.”
Luke noticed that Arlo almost seemed embarrassed, like he thought he was a little too old to be waking his Dad up in the middle of the night. But Luke didn’t mind - in his eyes, his children would never be too old to need his comfort.
“Did you have a bad dream?” Luke questioned further, feeling his wispy blonde hair tickle his skin as he nodded against his neck. Luke made a comforting noise, knowing Arlo was a little more sensitive than his twin brother. “It’s okay, it wasn’t real, I promise. Shall we go back to your bed?”
This instantly upset Arlo again. He shook his head quickly, a few more tears escaping as he cuddled closer to his dad. “No, dad. There’s something under my bed.”
It was then Luke realised what his dream must’ve been about. He’d struggled with his fear of the dark since he was a toddler, and he knew it was unlikely that Arlo would go back to sleep in his own bed tonight. He also knew that he should be learning to sleep in his own bed, and not get too comfortable sleeping in yours, but when it was only for one night, it was okay. “Okay, bubs. Do you want to sleep in our bed?”
He nodded against his shoulder again, his tears finally slowing down, knowing he was safe in his Dad’s arms. Luke laid back down in the bed, letting Arlo rest under his arm, his head on his shoulder once again. Luke kept one hand rubbing his back softly, knowing it wouldn’t take long for him to fall asleep again. “Good night, Arlo.”
Send me a number (and whether or not you want a blurb from the hemmings family of eight AU) from this list!♥️
Taglist: @irwinkitten @i-calumhood @gorgeouslygrace @luckyduckydoo @letstaketheups-and-downs @jazzyangel242 @cashworthy @babylon-corgis @norawashere @monsteramongmikey @late-nightdevil @ashtonsghoul @fivesecondsof-mee (message me to be added!)
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nostalgiabones · 5 years
Hemmings Family of Eight AU - the Children
So here are the names, ages and descriptions of the Hemmings children in my Family of Eight AU, which I started in the story A Sunday Afternoon. If you have any ideas for this AU or there are any specific stories you’d like me to write involving them, please let me know! It can be pretty much anything, involving any of the children or the whole family! Let me know here ♥️ thank you!
Grayson: He’s the musical genius of the children - so gifted at music just like his dad. He’s able to play the guitar, piano and drums, and always wants to learn more. His favourite hobby is learning to play new songs on his instruments with Luke, and tagging along to the studio with him and his uncles. He is protective over all of his siblings, and is the most sensible child - he has Luke’s kind nature. Looks wise, he is more alike you than Luke, but has Luke’s nose. He has never been into sports like his brothers, but does enjoy supporting his siblings with their sporting achievements.
Poppy: She’s world smart - she cares so much about all animals and nature, and has always been so confident and intelligent. Luke thinks she could be a motivational speaker. She always tries to educate those around her, especially her family. She is enthralled with academia, loves school and learning new information whenever she can. She can always be found doing school work or reading, as she is a massive book worm. Her favourite hobbies other than school are swimming and netball. She has been nicknamed Luke’s ‘little flower’ ever since she was born, due to her name. She always wants to do her bit to help the environment whenever she can.
Oscar & Arlo: The twins are inseparable from eachother, and always have been ever since they were born. Both boys love football and are willing to play any other sport that they get the chance to. They can be boisterous, loud & playful, they always have far too much energy, and you and Luke always know where they are because they can be heard from far away. Arlo is a little less confident than Oscar - Oscar is the one who convinces his twin to do mischevious things, and can sometimes get the pair into trouble.
Willow: She is the shy baby of the family, as well as the biggest daddy’s girl out of all of the children. She is quiet but mischievous. She looks just like luke with wild blonde curls and his nose. She always follows in the footsteps of her older twin brothers, and wants to be involved in any games that they play. Her favourite things are Luke playing guitar or reading stories to her. She can always convince her older sister to play or nap with her - her and Poppy are the closest of the siblings, despite their eight year age gap.
Theo: He is such a quiet and content baby, has the calmest nature out of all of the children. He can literally fall asleep anywhere, in any situation, because he is so used to noise and being fussed over by his five older siblings. He loves any attention that anyone wants to give him, and is happy for anyone to hold him as long as you or luke are near. He loves cuddles, especially when he first wakes up, or as he’s falling asleep.
Taglist: @irwinkitten @i-calumhood @gorgeouslygrace @luckyduckydoo @letstaketheups-and-downs @jazzyangel242 @cashworthy @babylon-corgis @norawashere @monsteramongmikey @late-nightdevil (let me know if you want to be added!)
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nostalgiabones · 5 years
Okay I read this fact that when babies start emoting, they have to look away when they smile at you because they can’t handle the feeling of joy and need to calm their heart rate down 🥺🥺 imagine Luke experiencing this with all his lil babies- he wouldn’t be able to cope with how cute it was 💜
This is LITERALLY the cutest thing I have ever read like 🥺 I’m dying!
But imagine Luke’s just having afternoon cuddles with Grayson, who has just woke up from a nap so he’s in such a good mood, and he’s happy to have Luke’s attention. And he’s at the age where he’s just started smiling and Luke can’t get enough of it, so he’s like kissing his cheeks and pretending to chew on them and making a funny noise and the giggles he’s getting from Grayson are just too much for his heart🥺 then Grayson would just start beaming up at him and end up rolling himself forward and hiding his face in Luke’s neck, because he was so happy. Luke would be all like “where did my bubba go?” and then he’d pick him up and hold him in front of his face, repeating the process and making him giggle all over again. He’d love it so much, and it’s something he’d definitely notice and do with all of his babies 🥺
Come and talk to me about dad!sos♥️
Link to my Hemmings Family of Eight AU which is where the names in this blurb came from!
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nostalgiabones · 5 years
when it’s a full family dinner what do you see bring cooked?
I don’t know if it’s just me (it’s not because @babe-babylon agrees with me) BUT I just don’t see Luke as an amazing chef LMAO like I love that man but I just cannot imagine him being able to cook very well. But I can still picture them having big roasts on a Sunday (I’m so British lmao) where they all spend time together and just like relax for the week ahead, or maybe you and Luke would try and get the kids involved in cooking somehow? I mean, you can imagine the mess it would make trying to get 6 children to help with cooking, but say if you were making a roast you’d get one child to peel potatoes (most likely Grayson or Poppy because they’re the oldest) or get one of the twins to stir something or set the table. They’d all be keen to get involved and help, and of course Luke would always tell them “it’s even better knowing you helped!”
Come and talk to me about dad!sos♥️
(Link to my Hemmings Family of Eight AU which is where the children in this blurb are from)
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nostalgiabones · 5 years
ugh ur mind 😩 what is the girls relationship like? poppy is a great big sister what kinda special things / activities do you see them having?
They’re the closest sisters!!! I can imagine there’d be so many times where you or Luke would find them asleep in bed together, after Poppy had been reading to her and they just ended up falling asleep together🥺 Poppy is so smart & loves teaching people new things that she learns and Willow is great for that because she’ll just sit and listen to anything her big sister says, even if she doesn’t understand it. I imagine they’d do a lot of baking together too! It would literally obliterate the kitchen and would take a Long Time to clean but it’d be so worth it when you saw how much fun they were having. I think even from when Willow was a tiny baby Poppy would love helping out bathing or feeding her or trying to get her to sleep, so they just naturally grew up as close sisters from when Willow was born.
Come and talk to me about dad!sos♥️
(Link to my Hemmings Family of Eight AU which is where the children in this blurb are from)
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nostalgiabones · 5 years
dad!sos prompt list 💕
so! I know I’m a mess and I keep changing which prompt lists I’m doing but I’m back with dad!sos feels so, I thought I’d make my own little prompt list for people to choose from!
I would mainly like it to be dad!luke in relation to my hemmings family of eight AU because I really want to write a few more things about them! so if you do want that universe, let me know which child you’d like the blurb to be about (if you have a preference!) and any other details you’d like to be included 💕 but if you really want it to be with another boy, I will do that too! so here is my ask box💕
01. “Shh, he/she finally fell asleep.”
02. “Don’t be scared, it’s not real.”
03. “Do you want to sleep in our bed?”
04. “Why is there paint all over the walls?”
05. “Can we go to the park?”
06. “Can you believe we’re going to have another baby?”
07. “Have you seen my _____? I can’t find it!”
08. “You can’t hide from nap time!”
09. “I think it’s broken.”
10. “Look! She/he’s walking!”
11. Child/ren’s first day at school
12. First night at home with a new baby and all of the other children wanting to help out
13. The children meeting their new siblings for the first time at the hospital
14. A child getting injured whilst under one parent’s supervision and then needing reassurance that they aren’t a bad parent
15. A big family holiday
16. A restless night where the children don’t want to go to bed/sleep
17. Child/ren being ill or sick and having their parents and siblings help make them feel better
18. Throwing a birthday party for the child/ren with all of the family
19. Taking the child/ren swimming for the first time
20. The parents and children competing for the youngest baby to say their name as their first word
so here we are! your request can be as detailed as you like, some of these are quite vague so feel free to tell me anything you’d like me to write! thank you 💕
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nostalgiabones · 5 years
what are the (general) ages of the kidos in your au??
I can write them at all ages! it depends on the situation, I just make their ages fit into whatever the request is ♥️ but if it helps: grayson is the oldest, poppy is two years younger than him, the twins are four years younger than her, willow is three years younger than them, and theo is two years younger than willow ♥️ i’m sorry if that’s confusing LMAO let me know if I can explain it any other way!
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