3mcwriting · 1 year
Any Fan's Dream, Part 25
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Any Fan's Dream Masterlist
When you look around and see Avengers Tower in front of you and Peter Parker beside you, you wonder how the hell you managed to get into the MCU.Keep reading
Sorry this chapter is a day late, I was remaking the taglist and that took a lot longer than expected so I just passed out after lol
Taglist: @secretly-sirens, @zeeader, @imdoingathingmom, @x-theolivia, @ainsley-official, @ourgoddessathena, @vine-enthusiast, @hoohoohope, @myfturn, @mjaudrey, @igotthisasajokeyetimstillhere, @starr60, @lauraashley93, @coldmermaidhologram, @daenerysluvrr, @viperchick47, @im-better-than-your-newborn, @mynightandstars, @qvnthesia, @liallerr, @cypherverze, @afraidofshrimp, @alexsmonstercan, @huntress-artemiss, @im-better-than-your-newborn, @marvelwomen-arehot, @benzinaa, @maxinehufflepuffprincess
After your interaction with Steve, you managed to find your way back to the entryway you had come in through. It was just a large rectangular living room with an open style kitchen in one corner and large ground-to-ceiling windows spanning two of the walls. There was a large television in front of the plush couches and one person pacing in front of them. 
Your eyebrows raised. 
For some reason, you hadn't really expected to see him.
The clearly stressed man raised his head when he heard your footsteps, freezing the moment he saw you.
"What's up, Mr. Stank?" you asked. "Sorry for disappearing and everything..." You rubbed the back of your neck sheepishly, hoping he wasn't mad at you. Especially since you would've done it again without hesitation. You weren't really sorry for leaving but more so for betraying his trust.
He looked shell-shocked, completely speechless for once. Well, how was he supposed to react when someone who he thought of as one of his own was standing right in front of him mere days after being stabbed? He had heard the guilt in Steve's voice, felt panic rise in himself at the thought of how badly you'd been injured. The idea that you were only inches from death and that your only chance to live depended on the technology of aliens did nothing to ease his worry. He knew Thor cared about you, but what if the people there didn't want to help you? 
He didn't want to lose another person he cared about.
And wasn't that what every single one of them felt at the thought of you dying?
You weren't really sure what to do with his silence, but hugs had been working for everyone else, so you figured you might as well try it. Besides, in your experience, hugs almost always helped you, even if it was just a little. Obviously, they couldn't really fix your problems but they helped to ground you and remind you that you weren't alone in them.
"Can I give you a hug, Mr. Stank?" 
His expression changed, relief softening his features. "Yeah, of course, kid."
You moved forward, hugging him happily. As you'd said before, you truly were a hoe for hugs. There was something just so comforting about them to you. You knew some people didn't really like hugs though so you always made sure to ask before you did so. After all, if the point was to comfort a person, why would you do something that would make them uncomfortable?
Luckily, with Mr. Stank he seemed to be grateful for the hug. 
When the hug ended, he patted your shoulder. "I'm real glad you're alright, kid." His voice was a little choked up, but you didn't bother to point it out. 
"Thanks," you grinned. "I'm glad you are too, Mr. Stank."
He smiled at your attitude, glad to see you could still smile the same. "What do you say to working in the lab for a while?"
"Ooh! Yes!" You loved all the time you spent in his labs, there was so much cool stuff in there and even more cool stuff that you could build!
A couple hours later (it was only around noon, but it felt later to you because apparently there was a time zone difference from Asgard and earth), Nat came into the lab while you and Tony were drinking juice packets. 
"C'mon, (y/n)," she said as she pulled you out of the room. "You need to have something other than juice."
"Sounds good," you nodded, your stomach agreeing immensely. "See ya later, Mr. Stank!" You waved to the man as you got pulled out of the room, missing the fond grin on his face. You walked beside Nat as she led you to the main living room you had been in earlier. 
As the two of you got closer to the room, a delicious smell began to waft through your nostrils--a delicious, familiar smell. You understood all those dogs you'd ever seen that would sniff the air greedily, behaving much too similarly at that moment. You couldn't help it, though! It smelled so. Damn. Good. And you hadn't eaten in hours and during those hours you had napped, comforted people, and began building a pear cannon for Peter! You were only human! You needed that delicious food that was giving off that heavenly smell.
As the two of you stepped into the living room, you glanced to the kitchen side of the room, your eyes set on the woman who was sitting at the counter of the island. She looked up from her phone when she heard the two of you enter, smiling at you in a way that made your breath catch a little. It wasn't your fault! Wanda's smile was too damn pretty for your weak heart!
"Hey, (y/n)," Wanda greeted. "Nat and I thought we could celebrate you being all healed, so I made your favorite foods and Nat bought your favorite snacks!"
You felt your jaw drop, but couldn't register much else. 
Wanda grinned at your expression, before setting out dishes laden with your favorite food on the low table in front of the TV while Natasha grabbed a bag from the corner of the counter and placed it beside the table.
"This is..." your brain was refusing to work, "I mean—you two didn't have to do all this. It must've taken a while." Your too-slow brain wasn't allowing you to properly process the situation. You couldn't really blame it, though. How—in any dimension—were you to believe that Natasha Romanoff and Wanda Maximoff would know your favorite foods? Or even more ridiculous, how were you to believe that they would take the time to make it for you when they were incredibly busy people themselves? Like, they were literally Avengers.
"We wanted to," Natasha smiled. "Although, I can't say I made much of the food. That was Wanda. I just got snacks." She held up the bag.
"Well, I think of you as a friend, and you were just healed from an almost fatal wound, so I thought it was well-deserved." Wanda's voice was sincere enough that you were almost distracted from what she'd said. 
"You think of me as a friend?" you asked incredulously.
"Of course," Wanda reassured. "Am I not a friend to you?"
"No! I mean—no as in you're not not a friend to me—like, you are a friend to me, ya know?" you tried to explain, losing respect in yourself with every word you said.
Natasha laughed. "Calm down there, babe. We got you."
You let loose a relieved laugh. "Anyway, thank you for everything." You looked to both of them, hoping they knew just how sincere you were being. "I don't think I ever could've imagined having such wonderful people being my friends."
Wanda hugged you, making your brain short-circuit yet again, and laughed. "I think I should be the one saying that." 
"You both deserve friends as wonderful as each other," Natasha said, joining in on the little hug. 
When the hug was over, Natasha grabbed the TV remote as you grabbed your food. She turned on the TV, a familiar movie ready as the screen turned on.
They had set up your favorite movie.
You got to watch two of your favorite movies with Natasha and Wanda, munching on the food Wanda had made and the snacks Nat had brought. Overall, it was practically heaven. To be honest, you were a little disappointed when they got a call and were forced to leave. 
Both of them gave you a hug goodbye which reminded you that you were being stupid getting disappointed because you had still spent four hours with both of them. You were lucky that they had the time to do such considerate things for you. Once they were gone though, you were completely lost as to what you should do for the remainder of your time there. 
You couldn't call anyone because you had broken the phone Tony gave you a while ago so you were just stuck on the couch scrolling through channels--that is, until Scott and Sam arrived in the room and Scott began pulling things out from the cabinets. 
"Dude, how do you know where everything is? You've been here like...2 days." Sam said, confused at the confidence with which Scott was pulling everything he needed out.
"What can I say? I'm a quick study." Scott pulled out a metal bowl and baking sheet. "Besides, if I don't know where something is, that's what looking is for."
"What are you guys doing?" you asked.
"Oh, hey, (y/n)," Scott greeted cheerfully. "We're baking cookies for my daughter, wanna help?"
"Sure," you smiled at him, thoughts flashing to the scenes with Cassie in them.
Huh. Since Steve and Tony hadn't really ended up fighting, Scott never got arrested. 
He wouldn't have to be put under house arrest and his relationship with Hope wouldn't end up horrible. 
Your smile got a little wider.
"Awesome!" Scott said. "Her favorite are snickerdoodles."
"I don't think we followed the directions right," you proclaimed, looking down at the sad little heaps of dough that Scott had just pulled out of the oven.
"My nephews can bake better than you, Scott." Sam laughed, hitting Scott on the back jokingly. "I don't see a future in baking for you, my man."
"They can't be that bad," Scott protested, reaching to grab one only for it to start oozing when he did so.
Cue screeching from the three of you--screeching that ended up bringing Steve and Bucky into the room tensed and ready to fight. 
"What's wrong?" Steve asked, searching the room.
You were too busy laughing on the floor at the look on Sam's face to answer so Scott had to. 
"I'm afraid our cookies are alive, Captain." Scott answered, the serious expression on his face only making you laugh harder. 
"Oh," Steve didn't seem to know how to handle the situation. 
Bucky peered at the lumps of goo on the baking sheet and winced. "Those look disgusting."
"I didn't know we had two Captains in the room." Sam said, not taking his comment too kindly. "Captain America and Captain Obvious."
"I mean, we could always remake them," you piped up, finally recovering from your laughing fit. "It's only like five."
"You're right, (y/n)!" Scott gave you an appreciative look. "Let's get cracking!"
"Are you gonna join us?" you asked Steve and Bucky. 
Sam looked to Bucky. "Yeah. You gonna join us instead of just judging us silently, ya weirdo?"
"I don't know how much help we'll be." Steve answered. "But I don't see how we could make it any worse."
"Damn!" you put a hand over your heart. "That was uncalled for, old man."
Contrary to what Steve had said, it could get worse.
In fact, the five of you didn't even get any cookies into the oven before a towel lit on fire and flour ended up on Steve's face.
You were almost crying from laughter at the look on Steve's face, clutching your stomach while he looked confused. You were forced into shocked silence when Steve threw a handful of flour at you. 
You gaped at him, looking like you had taken a dive into cocaine with how much flour was covering you. 
"What was that for?" you demanded.
"Stop laughing at me."
"Oh, you petty-" you threw a handful at him, hitting Scott on accident when Steve moved. 
Scott turned to look at you.
"I didn't mean it! I swear!" 
With the kitchen covered in enough flour to bake a life-size cake statue of Thor, you were lucky to be pulled out before cleanup time. You would've felt guilty if not for the fact that everyone in that room had hit you at least once with a handful of flour. Even Bucky!
Either way, you didn't regret anything about that day--it was the most fun you'd had in a while. 
But now you were going home.
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horansqueen · 1 year
Who are your favorite people to follow on here?
tbh i dont talk to many ppl anymore but i will always love these ppl:
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sushiniall · 4 years
@liallerr ha respondido a tu publicación “doesn't it feel weird to read other stories from other writers (on...”
Omg Yes! 😂😂I get the same feeling bec of Liv😂😂😂
exactly! 😂😂😂i always read multiple stories at the same time but ever since i started reading livia’s ones, i can’t read anything else lol
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3mcwriting · 1 year
Any Fan's Dream, Part 24
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Any Fan's Dream Masterlist
When you look around and see Avengers Tower in front of you and Peter Parker beside you, you wonder how the hell you managed to get into the MCU.Keep reading
Sorry this chapter is a day late, I was remaking the taglist and that took a lot longer than expected so I just passed out after lol
Taglist: @secretly-sirens, @zeeader, @imdoingathingmom, @x-theolivia, @ainsley-official, @ourgoddessathena, @vine-enthusiast, @hoohoohope, @myfturn, @mjaudrey, @igotthisasajokeyetimstillhere, @starr60, @lauraashley93, @coldmermaidhologram, @daenerysluvrr, @viperchick47, @im-better-than-your-newborn, @mynightandstars, @qvnthesia, @liallerr, @cypherverze, @afraidofshrimp, @alexsmonstercan, @huntress-artemiss, @im-better-than-your-newborn, @marvelwomen-arehot
Hope I finally got everyone!! Also, if anyone is getting notified for the first time in a while about this fic, just know my acc has been bugging for a while so you may have missed the recent updates.
As the bright lights carried you back to Earth, you couldn't help but curse yourself for not talking to Heimdall. 
It was Heimdall for goodness sake!
You were extremely disappointed in yourself. He was so cool! He deserved someone to appreciate all the times he had committed treason in order to save Asgard! You couldn't believe yourself. You hadn't even said one word to him!
You stopped berating yourself when the rainbow lights began to fade, taking in the familiar surroundings when the Bifrost was gone. You looked down, feeling both guilty at the marking on the ground and also in awe of it. On the one hand, it was proof of the Bifrost but on the other hand, it looked like a lot of work for the gardener to fix.
You were pulled out of your thoughts when Natasha grabbed your hand and began leading you to the compound. 
With Natasha on your right side, pulling you along, Peter walked beside you on your left side. He looked like what you imagined you looked like the first time you saw the compound—of course, his curious face was undoubtedly more adorable than whatever face you had been making. That experience had been surreal.
The three of you had appeared relatively far from the building itself, so when you were about halfway to the compound, the doors burst open and half of the Avengers came pouring out. Wanda and Steve reached the three of you first, but Clint and Scott weren't far behind them. 
"Are you okay, (y/n)?" Wanda asked, accented voice soft. 
You nodded and grinned, spreading your arms. "I'm all healed."
"I'm glad." She smiled back. "Would it be okay if I gave you a hug?"
Your grin got even bigger. "Of course!" 
How could you say no to Wanda motherfucking Maximoff???? She was literally amazing and strong and kind and caring and-
You reciprocated the hug eagerly, more than happy to receive a hug from the one and only Wanda Maximoff. It wasn't a very long hug, which you had expected considering you hadn't really interacted with Wanda much (which was such a shame) but you were more than happy with the short, reassuring embrace she gave you. 
When she pulled away, she smiled at you. "I'm glad you're alright."
"Uh..." Your brain had stopped working at the realization of how pretty her smile was. "...You're super awesome, Wanda."
She laughed. "Thank you, (y/n)."
Wanda patted you on the shoulder one more time before moving out of the way for Clint and Scott to approach you. Scott gave you two thumbs-up and a bright grin while Clint gave you a side-hug, telling you softly that "he was glad you were okay". At that point, you were pretty much on Cloud Nine; after all, you had just been given a hug by Wanda and you got to interact with Scott and Clint who were both wholesome dads and with your parental issues, they seemed like incredibly amazing parents to you.
"I know everyone is relieved to see her, but we should go inside so she can sit down. She needs her rest," Natasha spoke up, having watched you greet them all with a smile on your face that caused a smile to grow on hers. 
You wanted to protest, but you knew that you had worried Natasha a lot recently so you figured you could listen to her. 
The little group of you, Peter, and Natasha, had more than doubled with the four new arrivals. You all walked back, Peter still beside you while Nat moved to walk beside Clint as she talked to him. As you looked at the people around you, you couldn't help but notice Steve's silence.
Your thoughts about them were halted when you realized you were about to step into the compound. Any time Steve had brought you to the compound, the two of you had stayed outside and just gone on runs. Never had you gone inside, though. It wasn't even that Steve had said you weren't allowed or anything, there just had never been a reason to go in. But as the rest of the group walked in, you felt yourself take in a quick breath. You were about to enter the Avengers compound. To you, it was practically sacred ground.
You weren't given much time to soak in the awesomeness; instead you were ushered to a free bedroom by Natasha and insisted to rest for a little while. The healers on Asgard had said it would be a good idea to rest for a couple days, just because you were mortal and they were used to treating humans. You didn't really mind the rest, even if you felt guilty for making everyone worry, because for the last week you hadn't had one hour of sleep that wasn't riddled with nightmares.
After Natasha and Peter left you to relax, both giving you a hug, you found yourself unbelievably bored. Thankfully, a knock at the door was able to catch your attention.
"Come in!" you called out, fiddling with the thick comforter before your hands froze as you saw who it was. "Oh."
Bucky immediately noticed your halt in movement. "I'm sorry. I can go, if you'd like."
"No!" You winced at your own volume, especially when you saw him cringe at it. "Sorry. I just meant that it's fine if you stay."
"Are you sure?" He was clearly reluctant to take up your time. You thought it might be because he wasn't very comfortable with people quite yet but your theory was wrong. You didn't have a clue that his actions were motivated by guilt, which was pretty stupid considering guilt is something you'd gotten well acquainted to.
"Yeah. Promise." You smiled at him, shocked and delighted that Bucky Barnes was approaching you. 
He cleared his throat, looking away from you. "I just came to say thank you."
You blinked. "What for?"
Bucky looked at you questioningly. Had you lost your memory during the fight? He felt even guiltier at the thought of that, but that would explain why you seemed so happy to see a criminal—
"Ohhhh," you realized, "I'm stupid. It was my pleasure—well, I mean getting stabbed wasn't ideal but I'm glad you didn't get hurt.
You smiled at him earnestly, hoping to convey your appreciation for him through the gesture. He was one of the heroes who suffered the most and you found hope in his strength. 
Bucky didn't really know what to do. How could he? You had risked your life to save his and now you were saying it was your pleasure? It took him a moment to realize who you reminded him of. The reckless actions for the greater good? The putting aside your own pain to save others from it? You were just like Steve was before the war. Optimistic, unapologetically willing to do the right thing, and with far too little regard for your own safety. 
Just thinking about the similarities between you and his best friend, a small smile came to his face. "Well, still, thank you. I probably would have died had you not stepped in and I am indebted to you."
"There's no need for that. I mean, it sound kinda cool to have an Avenger be in my debt, but I'd rather you just be my friend." Your eyes were so honest and hopeful and Bucky had a hard time accepting what you were asking. 
The entire situation didn't make sense though, so maybe he was dreaming?
"You want me to be your friend?" Bucky asked slowly, as if he was listening to another language and slowly trying to decipher the meaning behind the words. 
"I mean-" you were starting to regret your words. What if he didn't feel comfortable with it? You didn't want to make him feel obligated to be your friend. "-I just think you're cool. If you don't want to be, I understand. I just thought it would be nice..."
He still didn't know how this situation was happening, but he wasn't averse to your question. He just didn't want to hurt anybody. Having friends meant the possibility of hurting them. "If you would like me to, I would be honored."
Your heart stopped when he smiled at you. 
"Uh..." you were slightly dazed before snapping out of your stupor. You didn't want to scare him off. "Awesome! Oh—also, my name is (y/n) (l/n). I just realized we never really officially introduced ourselves."
"I'm Bucky, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." 
When Bucky left, he still couldn't believe what had transpired. He'd gone in expecting you to be mad at him for your wound, which wasn't his fault, but he still felt guilty for it. He had expected fear or regret but had been greeted with excitement and earnest friendliness. 
He could understand why the rest of the people in this place seemed to care for you so much. 
You rubbed the crust from your eyes, groaning as you began to wake up. You weren't sure how long you'd been out, but you could already tell that had been one of the greatest naps of your life. What with the chaos of the past week, you hadn't had a good nights rest for a while and your body was paying for it. The healers on Asgard telling you to take the next couple days easy was something your sleep deprived self desperately needed and while you would've preferred to be completely okay, you couldn't deny that you were relieved. Besides, even if you tried to avoid resting Natasha didn't seem like she'd go along with that.
You sat up in the bed, reality hitting you like a frying pan when you remembered that you were in the compound. You still hadn't yet seen the extent of your actions. You could guess that the team hadn't split up because Steve and the others were at the compound but you didn't know that for sure. And you still hadn't seen Tony so you didn't know what was happening there. Plus, there was the matter of you releasing the Accords to the public and you hadn't seen the effects of that either.
Overall, there was a lot of shit you still had to deal with, but for the moment you were allowing yourself a moment of rest. You knew that even if you had somehow miraculously been successful in your attempts, there was still the matter of the future and that purple wrinkly bitch's stupid ass plan.
You rubbed your temples, knowing that you couldn't forget the dangers of the future but that you also needed a moment to focus on something else. You left the room to go seek out that distraction you craved. You walked back the way Natasha had led you to the room, unbelievably curious to see what else was in the building but also not wanting to get in trouble for snooping.
That's kinda funny...you didn't wanna get in trouble for snooping but you leaked government documents...aNYWAYS-
You were pulled from your thoughts when one of the many doors in the hallway opened, a familiar figure exiting the room. He froze as he saw you, looking divided and...sad.
Why was Steve sad?
"What's up, old man?" You grinned at him, hoping to lift his spirits.
With your words, he looked even sadder- 
Not sad. 
“(y/n).” He nodded at you. “I hope you’re alright now.”
”Oh.” You felt slightly put off by the way he was speaking. “Thanks. How are you? I hope you didn’t get hurt during the fight.”
He barked a laugh, the sharp noise unexpected. “I’m fine. I’m not the one who took multiple stab wounds to my side.”
“Well now you’re making it sound serious or something.” You tried to joke. 
“Could you, for once in your life, stop joking?” The anger in his voice shocked you, the unexpected situation making you feel vulnerable.
”…Are you mad at me?” 
Something in your voice made him take a step back, reining in his temper. “No, (y/n). I just—“ he sighed. “I’m so sorry. You didn’t deserve any of this. My attitude or your injuries. I should’ve—none of this should’ve happened.”
And you began to understand.
He wasn’t mad at you.
He was mad at himself.
But why?
He had done what he set out to do. Bucky was safe for the time being, nobody had gotten arrested like in the movie, and everyone was alive with hopefully minimal injuries. 
Even as your mind searched for a reason he would be so angry, you missed the most obvious answer. 
"I'm so sorry, (y/n)." This time, he sounded defeated, seconds away from his voice breaking. It was scary to you. He was one of the strongest people you knew so to hear him so sad broke your heart. "This is all my fault."
Even as you struggled to wrap your mind around the situation, you found yourself reaching out to him, trying to grab his hands and give him a reassuring squeeze. Unfortunately, he only moved his hand away, shying away from your touch. You could understand not wanting to be touched when you were emotional, so you respected his boundaries, putting your hands back at your side.
"None of this was your fault," you told him. "The Accords were always going to happen. Besides, you found your best friend and saved him from being wrongfully imprisoned-"
"That's not what I'm talking about." He raised his head, looking you dead in the eyes. "You almost died. I know you're smart so I know that you understand what happened. You're still a teenager for God's sake. You didn't deserve this."
You refrained from pointing out that you were technically an adult. Also, you couldn't help but feel like you did deserve what happened. You'd known about the bombing at the Accords and had failed to prevent it. People had died because of you. 
"People don't always get what they deserve," your voice was far less cheery than usual, it's usual lightheartedness gone. "Besides, you were what? Also 18 when you enlisted? Even now," you sighed. "You're like 27 and you've been through hell."
Steve was shocked by the numbers. His life felt a lot longer than that. "I'm 26. And that's different. I signed up for this. You didn't."
"Well it's not like you dragged me there while I was kicking and screaming. I chose to be there." Your voice was firm. "And I don't blame you at all, okay? None of this was your fault."
You could tell he was still having a hard time believing your words of assurance. 
"Would it be okay if I gave you a hug?" you asked, not wanting him to feel uncomfortable and hoping that maybe it would help him believe you were sincere. Plus, you loved hugs from any of the Avengers.
"I don't think you want to."
"Is that a yes or a no?"
"Fine." Steve could feel a small smile begin to form. "Only if you it's safe for you, though."
"Psh, nothing could keep me from hugs."
While the hug you gave him was short, you hoped it still helped lift his mood. You knew what it felt like to be burdened with guilt.
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horansqueen · 3 years
HEY LOVE. HAPPY NEW YEAR🎉🥳. I missed you loads🥰🥰. Hope you're doing wonderfully and that this year brings u nothing but joy💖💖💖. I love youuuu😍😍
omgggg babe i miss you so so much!!! you know you can message me whenever you want right? i never message you because im always scared to bother you, i know youre super busy! i love youuuu!! Happy New Year, youre still like a little sister to me, ily!!!!
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horansqueen · 4 years
LONG! I loveeee your long storiesss😍
thank youuu thank you! i know i lost a few readers for AMC and YOU&ME because it was too long. i mean one person messaged me about it and if one person thought that then that means a few more thought the same but didnt tell. so im a bit scared to lose readers for Stuck With You, especially that its not as popular as AMC and YOU&ME were, but at the same time i dont want to end the story now, i like to build the tension. i dont want to give the readers a small rush i want to give them an intense rush of feelings lol you know me! thank you, i love you so so much!!! 💕💕💕
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horansqueen · 4 years
You killed me in a goood wayyy! 😂💖
Btw I had a sudden question come to me. Is niall ever gonna sing any of the songs he write about Dev to her? Sing it publicly or privately to her atleast? Bec he's so smitten ove rher (in his own way) and I wish she'd know it already 😂💖💖 also Niall performing would give her more of a reason to fall in love with him more, naturally
now i can post this! it was your request! i know you sent that a month ago but i kept it because i know id write it at some point! i love you so so so much!!! hope you liked it!! 💖💖💖
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horansqueen · 4 years
Ughhh yesss! It's so annoying! Especially when the 2 people in this supposed "relationship" keep denying it! I mean really if they really were in a secret relationship don't u think they'd have come out by now? There's no more management controlling them and there really is no reason for them to hide. It's not like they're gonna be "shunned" or people are gonna be against it 🤦🏻‍♀️it makes no fucking sense
Harry doesnt deny much but at the same time, the kid doesnt talk much at all lol. Louis tho, i feel so so bad for him and his girlfriend. it must be horrible to go through that, especially with people who call themselves your “fans”. and i agree with everything you said. there would be no reason for them not to come out if it was true. its not. larries were wrong and still are. its time to let go. but i know it wont happen. itll be 2060, theyll both be married with grandchildren, and larries will still scream its a stunt. so wtv, i give up lol i just feel sorry for them. 🤷‍♀️
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horansqueen · 4 years
I just realized that I want Lewis and Louis hanging out together so bad. Sarcastic sassy hilarious kings😂💖. The poweeerrr they'd hold😂❤️Both if them done with Niall and Devie's bullshit is gon be everything 😂😂. (I also kinda really want them to hang out in rl but oh well😂)
lmaoooooo! you MAY be reading in the future tbh! because i have a few things planned lmao ahahha! im so happy you like Lewis! and yes theyre both so over their bullshit and they may do something about it lmao who knows :P thank you so so much! i love you so much and i miss you!!! 💖💖💖
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horansqueen · 4 years
I. Can't. WAITTTT !!!
the worst is, im rolling my eyes because i feel like its SO BAD. so im keeping my fingers crossed that it doesn’t disappoint you! i love you!
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horansqueen · 3 years
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horansqueen · 4 years
"If we were in a room full of beautiful people, it's you I'd stare at." I let out clumsily, closing my eyes. "Because you're beautiful, and because you're the only one I care about. My eyes immediately find you at all times. Because my heart is always looking for you."
This. This is everything. I just love your writing too damn muchhh🥺🥺❤️. You just melt my heart completely. I'll just go cry in a corner bec of how beautiful this is and how amazing you aree😂❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
omg thank you so so much! i was wondering if someone was going to mention it because when i wrote it i thought, is that too much? because at first, i wrote that the last sentence, he only said in his head, but i thought no, he needs to tell her lol! so im super happy you mentioned it and actually like it! youre the amazing one! i love you sooo so much!!! 💖💖💖💖
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horansqueen · 4 years
Oh no no dont be sorry I'm glad u didn't use him bec then I'd have to hate him😂😂. I can't wait for those bannersss
Lmao the worst is that i loooove the man im using for Henry lmao i dont think i can hate him haha! Thank you so much! 💗
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horansqueen · 4 years
Do you have a person in mind for Henry? Ik I'm a bit late to mentioning this since u introduced him a few chapters ago but 😂 I've been obsessed lately with Henry Cavill and when u mentioned the name Henry I was like oh maaaann the asshole's name is henryyy nooo😂💔 especially that he's a teacher and so older than her and Niall like Cavill😂. This might be very irrelevant to u but I just wanted to ask and tell u about this😂. Btw I miss youuu🥰💖
lmao youre so sweet! actually i already have someone for Henry! im sorry!! i wasnt sure who i wanted but when i started writing him, i could only see this specific guy so i had to use him! you definitely know him too lol just saying! thank you so so much tho! youre the sweetest I LOVE YOU! and i miss you so so much!!!! 💕
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horansqueen · 4 years
Larries should really grow tf up at this point really its just fucking ridiculous they piss me off so much. And PR? Really? Again? What is this 2010? Not every relationship that they get in is gonna be a freaking stunt honestly when are people gonna grow up!
they have to keep that “its a stunt!” thing or their narrative of “Louis and Harry are in a secret relationship for over 10 years” wont work. its 2021 and some people still believe that. 😬
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horansqueen · 4 years
Barbara and selena yesss they're so gorgeous.😍 Idk if i should be jealous of them dating Niall or of Niall dating them lmao😂😂😂😜
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