dlsphjournalism · 1 year
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NEWS DECODER -- Medicine that’s a breath of fresh air
BY LIANA HWANG (FGJ '23) -- Shortly after Melissa Lem, a Canadian family doctor, moved from northern British Columbia to Toronto, she found herself feeling edgier. She didn’t know why. READ MORE.
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dlsphjournalism · 1 year
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HEALTHY DEBATE -- ‘We’re not going to silently suffer through these symptoms’: Breaking the silence and stigma around menopause
BY LIANA HWANG (FGJ '23) -- Janet Ko thought menopause was going to be great. She expected a few hot flashes but was looking forward to not having a period or worrying about pregnancy. She was at the peak of her career in a senior leadership position when she began having joint pain, palpitations, brain fog and up to 20 of those hot flashes a day. READ MORE.
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dlsphjournalism · 1 year
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L’actualité -- Une dermatite ? Votre onguent en vente libre en est peut-être la cause
BY LIANA HWANG (FGJ '23) --  La dermatite allergique de contact (DAC) est une éruption cutanée rouge qui provoque de la démangeaison. Elle survient lorsqu’une substance entre en contact avec la peau de manière répétée, ce qui entraîne une sensibilisation et une réaction allergique. On estime qu’elle touche 20 % de la population générale et qu’elle peut être causée par de nombreuses substances comme le nickel et le latex, ainsi que par des produits médicaux tels que les antibiotiques topiques. En savoir plus
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dlsphjournalism · 1 year
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CHATELAINE -- Why You Should Pair Cheese And Tea
BY LIANA HWANG (FGJ ‘23) -- Canadians love tea. We each drink more than 200 cups a year on average, says Shabnam Weber, president of the Tea and Herbal Association of Canada. But if tea is something you associate with a morning cup of Earl Grey, and you usually pair a glass of wine with your cheese, it’s time to think again. READ MORE. 
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dlsphjournalism · 1 year
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HEALTHY DEBATE -- ‘There’s always a way forward’: Mentors help students deal with devastating Match Day results 
BY LIANA HWANG (FGJ ‘23) -- Every March, final-year medical students in Canada face what for many is the single most stressful day of medical school, Match Day. It’s the day when they find out after years of education and months of applications and interviews if they will continue their training in their chosen speciality as residents after graduation. READ MORE. 
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dlsphjournalism · 1 year
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TORONTO STAR -- In Canada, food rescue is a massive job. But it’s not the way to end hunger
BY LIANA HWANG (FGJ ‘23) -- A few decades ago, if you had passed through Stavely, a farming and ranching community in southern Alberta, you would have seen lines of boxcars at one of the town’s grain elevators. Now, the rail line is closed and all the grain elevators have been torn down but one, a massive structure near the highway that can’t be missed. READ MORE. 
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dlsphjournalism · 1 year
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CREATED AND DEVELOPED BY ADAM PYLE, ALFONSO SILVA-SANTISTEBAN, FARAH MARANI, HEIDI HAY, LIANA HWANG, NORMA HILTON, SANDOR DEMETER, AND SHEFALI MALHOTRA (FGJ ‘23) -- What comes to mind when you think of home? Is it a place? A feeling? A cliché? A song? Home can mean different things to different people, whether it's another planet, your mama's kitchen or a farm in Kansas. In the next hour and a bit, we'll hear different stories about home. We'll hear about the power of music to shelter us, what it means to flee from the only home you've ever known and start again, and how to create a safe space for youth in a chaotic world. We'll hear about a haunted house, finding refuge in a theatre group, living a nomadic life and other stories that will explore what home means. LISTEN HERE.
Special thanks to: Ben Edwards, radio producer, CBC
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dlsphjournalism · 1 year
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CREATED AND DEVELOPED BY ADAM PYLE, ALFONSO SILVA-SANTISTEBAN, FARAH MARANI, HEIDI HAY, LIANA HWANG, NORMA HILTON, SANDOR DEMETER, AND SHEFALI MALHOTRA (FGJ ‘23) -- What comes to mind when you think of home? Is it a place? A feeling? A cliché? A song? Home can mean different things to different people, whether it's another planet, your mama's kitchen or a farm in Kansas. In the next hour and a bit, we'll hear different stories about home. We'll hear about the power of music to shelter us, what it means to flee from the only home you've ever known and start again, and how to create a safe space for youth in a chaotic world. We'll hear about a haunted house, finding refuge in a theatre group, living a nomadic life and other stories that will explore what home means. LISTEN HERE. 
Special thanks to: Ben Edwards, radio producer, CBC
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dlsphjournalism · 2 years
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TVO -- The doors to medicine may seem wide open to women — but barriers remain
BY LIANA HWANG (FGJ ‘23) -- I’m a family physician in Alberta, and last year I made the difficult decision to leave my family practice. READ MORE. 
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dlsphjournalism · 2 years
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TORONTO STAR -- Millions of empty homes in Japan are being sold for a song or even given away. Foreigners are taking notice
BY LIANA HWANG (FGJ ‘23) -- “It was the price of a car,” says Stuart Galbraith IV of the house in rural Japan he bought in 2016. “A BMW, but still, the price of a car.” READ MORE. 
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dlsphjournalism · 2 years
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CMAJ NEWS -- Government evaluation fuels debates over cancer screening guidance
BY LIANA HWANG (FGJ ‘23) -- Canada’s federal government is evaluating the effectiveness, structure, and processes of the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Care amid renewed debate over the timing of breast cancer screening. READ MORE. 
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dlsphjournalism · 2 years
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NEWS DECODER -- Thousands of years of history in one steaming cup of tea
BY LIANA HWANG (FGJ ‘23) -- Legend has it that tea was created in the fifth century, when the Buddhist monk Bodhidharma, furious with himself for falling asleep during meditation, cut off his eyelids and threw them to the ground, causing the first tea plants to spring into existence. READ MORE. 
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dlsphjournalism · 2 years
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HEALTHY DEBATE -- ‘Extremely frustrated’: B.C. family docs shut out of vaccination drive
BY LIANA HWANG (FGJ ‘23) --  Left out of this year’s flu-shot campaign, some B.C. family physicians say the province’s recently announced vaccine blitz comes too late to protect their patients. READ MORE. 
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dlsphjournalism · 2 years
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THE GLOBE AND MAIL -- Dolphins delight with return to B.C. waters, but some see ‘invasive species’
BY LIANA HWANG (FGJ ‘23) -- After 100 years of absence, large numbers of Pacific white-sided dolphins are back in the northern part of British Columbia’s Salish Sea. READ MORE. 
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dlsphjournalism · 2 years
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NATIONAL POST -- Canadian climber with just 30 per cent sight is conquering mountains
BY LIANA HWANG (FGJ ‘23) -- A baseball to the head eight years ago took 70 per cent of her vision, but Jill Wheatley is on her way to becoming the first Canadian woman to climb all 14 of the world’s 8,000-metre peaks, a feat only accomplished by a few dozen adventurers. READ MORE. 
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dlsphjournalism · 2 years
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THE GLOBE AND MAIL -- Don’t blame family doctors for the current health care crisis
BY LIANA HWANG AND ADAM PYLE (FGJ ‘23) -- The Ontario government has proclaimed its steadfast support of hospitals, and last month it reaffirmed its commitment to boost their funding by providing an additional $827-million this year. For family physicians, there have been only stern reprimands. READ MORE. 
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