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A chloroplast-mimicking nanoreactor for enhanced CO₂ electrocatalysis
Chloroplast, which is a double-membrane-bounded organelle, is the main site for CO2 fixation via photosynthesis in green plants. The double-membrane configuration can regulate the transport of substances into and out of the chloroplasts with the aid of functional units like lipid bilayer and transmembrane proteins. Inspired by the ingenious structure and functionality of chloroplasts, Professor Xu Zong of Dalian Maritime University, Professor Chenghua Sun of Swinburne University of Technology, and Professor Lianzhou Wang of the University of Queensland recently reported the construction of a catalytic nanoreactor capable of achieving highly selective and efficient reduction of CO2 to CO by mimicking chloroplasts in green plants. This work appears in Science Bulletin as a short communication titled "Chloroplast-mimicking nanoreactor for enhanced CO2 electrocatalysis."
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ojo-rojo · 2 years
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Arno Rafael Minkkinen: “Bird of Lianzhou”.
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lingshanhermit · 1 month
Lingshan Hermit: No Saints in the Eyes of the Lowly
In the year of Jiachen, month of Wuchen, I happened upon an interpretation of Jin Yong's work. The author used the example of the Seven Heroes of Wudang from "Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre" to argue that these heroes were engaged in a covert battle for the position of sect leader. He spoke of the rivalry between Song Yuanqiao and Yu Lianzhou, and the threat Zhang Cuishan posed to Song Yuanqiao's leadership. Even Zhang Wuji, despite his indifference to worldly affairs, was unwittingly drawn into this conflict as Song Yuanqiao's adversary due to his fame from the Bright Peak battle and his contributions to protecting Wudang Mountain. The author implied that from Song Yuanqiao and Yu Lianzhou at the top to Zhang Songxi and Mo Shenggu at the bottom, everyone in the Wudang sect coveted the position of leader. Those who lacked the qualifications to become leader themselves aligned with different factions, mimicking the ways of the secular world. This interpretation would surely invite ridicule from true experts.
In my view, these claims are utterly baseless. The Seven Heroes of Wudang share a bond as close as brothers and are as pure as the wind and clear as the moon. Yu Lianzhou may be taciturn, Zhang Cuishan clever, and Yin Liting passionate, but they are all fundamentally good-hearted without any trace of treachery. Yet under this author's pen, they have been reduced to petty men, no different from the likes of Yinzhen and Yinsi, harboring ulterior motives with every word and action. Alas, the serenity of Wudang Mountain is no more, the Hall of True Warrior now a place of intrigue, and the brotherly affection among the Seven Heroes has vanished. Even a transcendent figure like Zhang Sanfeng has not escaped unscathed, being portrayed as little more than the founder of a lucrative brand. These interpreters judge the noble with the hearts of the petty and measure saints with the minds of ordinary men. It is truly lamentable.
In recent times, many such individuals have emerged, claiming to see through everything and boasting of unparalleled intelligence. In reality, this is but a defense mechanism born of past wounds. Though I possess no supernatural powers, I can glimpse the misfortunes in their lives. Born in harsh lands and evil places, they have only witnessed people devouring each other, where every morsel and every sip must be fought for, where one must eat others or be eaten. Thus, they assume all people in the world are like this. They do not know that there are many in this world who are guileless and treat others with genuine sincerity.
These people are truly pitiful. In their youth, they were deceived by relatives and friends. As they grew, they encountered only those who revered power and status, heard only of palace intrigues and manipulations, and witnessed only base and shameless acts. Having never experienced true human emotion in their lives, they assume all people in the world are the same. In their eyes, sages, scholars, heroes, and champions are all merely actors.
Such people never sleep soundly, have no one they can trust by their pillow, and must keep one eye open even while sleeping. How can they not believe that there are no good people in the world, no saints among men, that the world is full of schemes, and that all human actions are driven by self-interest?
Written by Lingshan Hermit on May 11, 2024.
Copyright Notice:All copyrights of Ling Shan Hermit's articles in Simplified and Traditional Chinese, English, and other languages belong to the natural person who owns "Ling Shan Hermit". Please respect copyright. Publishers, media, or individuals (including but not limited to internet media, websites, personal spaces, Weibo, WeChat public accounts, print media) must obtain authorization from Ling Shan Hermit before use. No modifications to the articles are allowed (including: author's name, title, main text content, and punctuation marks). We reserve all legal rights.
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conversationpoint · 6 months
LIANZHOUFOTO Exhibition Kicked Off in Lianzhou City, China
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ignitiongallery · 1 year
森本洋輔 写真展「Yoyogi Park,Shibuya-ku,Tokyo」
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10月19日(木)より、森本洋輔 写真展
「Yoyogi Park,Shibuya-ku,Tokyo」を、twililightで開催します。
17年間で撮った1000人以上の女性たちを見ていると、果たして私はどんな表情をしているのか気になってくる。 一人ひとりの人生に想いを馳せること。 素晴らしい写真集の刊行記念展です。
会期:2023年10月19日(木)〜2023年10月30日(日) 会場:twililight(東京都世田谷区太子堂4-28-10鈴木ビル3F&屋上/三軒茶屋駅徒歩5分) 営業時間:12:00〜21:00  定休日:火曜日
"撮影したフィルムを現像してプリントしてみると悲しそうな表情の女性が写っていました。知らない人に写真を撮られるときに女性が見せる表情は、付き合っていた女性が別れるときに見せた表情と似ていると思いました。" -----------
森本洋輔の初写真集は、2006年から2023年にわたって撮影された写真が映画のフィルムのように連なって配置されている。それは、代々木公園にひとりで佇む女性に、ポートレートを撮らせてほしいと声をかけたことで始まった。 都会の中の森。そこに隠れがちにいるひとりの存在。やがて森本は公園を出て、街という森に潜むひとりひとりと出会い、ポートレートとその場所の風景をカメラに収めた。時系列で並んだ写真は、歩いた道のように延びていき、カメラを介した一度きりの貌と景色が今に連なる。 彼女たちとその風景は、身近なようで見失いがちな存在の切実さを帯び、撮影者と私たちを見つめている。あなたは何処で、どんな表情を湛えているか。 個の見えにくいいまの、個の存在が刻まれた写真集。
1982年、香川県小豆島生まれ。日本写真芸術専門学校卒業後、スタジオフォボス勤務を経て若木信吾氏に師事。2014年に第37回写真新世紀 優秀賞受賞(HIROMIX 選)。2023年に写真集「Yoyogi Park, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo」刊行 (赤々舎)。主な展示に、第37回 キヤノン写真新世紀展(東京都写真美術館、2014年)、Lianzhou Foto  連州國際攝影年展 (中国・連州、2016年)、KYOTOGRAPHIE 京都国際写真祭  KG+2018 (京都、2018年) など。
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vopmagazine · 7 years
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連州國際攝影年展 : 獨立攝影書市 LIANZHOUFOTO : Independent Photobook Fair
時間 Time:2017.12.3 - 12.4.  地點 Venue:連州攝影博物館 Lianzhou Museum of Photography
T&M Projects(日本)
Super Labo(日本)
The Salt Yard(香港)
Chose Commune(法國)
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dimitribeck · 7 years
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And during that time... A visual journey in China. #men #menstyle #menplaying #menplayinggames #menplayingcards #cards #playingcard #playingcards #lianzhou (à Lianzhou)
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lejournaldupeintre · 5 years
Censorship in Lianzhou photo festival
Censorship in Lianzhou photo festival
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Can a Photography Festival Thrive in Today’s China?
Le journal du peintre
Les tableaux du peintre
Painting news project 
View On WordPress
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tppg · 7 years
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メンバーの有元伸也が中国の広東省、連州で開催されている “連州国際撮影年展 / Lianzhou Foto Festival” に作品を出品しています。
今年開館した "連州撮影博物館" を中心に、連州市内の三会場で様々な展示やイベントが開催されています。有元の作品は市内中心部の "Shoe Factory" にて展示しております。近くに来られた際にはご高覧ください。
≫ http://www.lianzhoufoto.com
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psikonauti · 3 years
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Arno Rafael Minkkinen (Finnish-American, b. 1945)
Bird of Lianzhou, Lianzhou, China, 2006
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Unlocking the Technology To Produce Unbreakable Composite Glass Screens
Cracked phone screens could become a thing of the past thanks to breakthrough research conducted at The University of Queensland.
The global team of researchers, led by UQ’s Dr. Jingwei Hou, Professor Lianzhou Wang, and Professor Vicki Chen, have unlocked the technology to produce next-generation composite glass for lighting LEDs and smartphone, television, and computer screens.
The findings will enable the manufacture of glass screens that are not only unbreakable but also deliver crystal clear image quality.
Dr. Hou said the discovery was a huge step forward in perovskite nanocrystal technology as previously, researchers were only able to produce this technology in the bone-dry atmosphere of a laboratory setting.
Read more.
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joeinct · 5 years
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Bird of Lianzhou, Lianzhou, China, Photo © Arno Rafael Minkkinen, 2006
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bookofjin · 4 years
Is there a reason why Sima Xun (the Lianzhou warlord who rebelled in 364) wasn't a prince or something like that? Also, was he the only Sima during his time to actually control and command his own army? If that's true, why so?
Western Jin ennobled pretty much every living male descendant of Sima Fang as kings, but Eastern Jin stopped creating new titles for the more remote branches of the family tree. (Existing titles continued as long as there was a son to inherit.) So for example Sima Xiuzhi, who was the fourth son of the King of Qiao, was not made king himself. (His older brother inherited the title) Sima Rongqi and his son Chuzi (who defected to Wei) doesn't appear to have been kings either. That said, Sima Xun's early career was rather unusual:
“The Kind [hui] King of Ji'nan, Sui, courtesy name Zibo, was the son of Emperor Xuan's younger brother, Wei's Assistant to the [Grand] Herald, Xun. … When Emperor Wu accepted the abdication, he was ennobled King of Ji'nan. 2nd Year of Taishi [267 AD], he passed away. He had two sons, Dan and Ji. Dan inherited the establishment. 3rd Year of Xianning [277 AD], he moved to be King of Zhongshan. That year he passed away, he had no sons, Ji continued [the title]. The King of Chengdu, Ying, used Ji as General who Establishes Power. He and Shi Xi and others led the multitudes to resist Wang Jun, was lost among the ranks and passed away. He had no sons and the state was eliminated.
Later, there was Sui's great grandson, Xun, courtesy name Weichang. When he was 10 sui, at the end of Emperor Min, Chang'an fell. Liu Yao's general Linghu Ni raised him as a son. Growing strong, he was at ease with bow and horse, able to shoot left and right. 6th Year of Xianhe [331 AD], he returned from Right of the Passes, classifying himself by stating: “[I] am the great great grandson of the Great Prolong of Autumn, Xun, the great grandson of the General of the Best of the Army, King Hui of Ji'nan, Sui, and the son of son of the Grand Warden of Lüeyang, Guan.” Thereupon he was designated Supervisor of Internuncios, and he had a reputation for bravery.”
(Note that we are never told who Xun's grandfather was.)
Looks like that while Sima Xun was accepted as a family member, that wasn't enough for the court to resurrect Sima Sui's noble title.
I think Sima Xun may have been only one during his generation, but he wasn't the only one during the whole of Eastern Jin. In the early years of Eastern Jin, Sima Cheng, King of Qiao, was one of Emperor Yuan's generals, and when Wang Dun nominated one of his own men to the post of Inspector of Xiang province, the Emperor chose Sima Cheng instead. That ended poorly though, because Wang Dun's army attacked Cheng, and killed him.
Towards the end of Eastern Jin there actually several Sima family members with provincial commands. Sima Rongqi was Inspector of Yi and Liang# (“Lian”) provinces, while later Sima Xiuzhi (great grandson of Sima Cheng) was Inspector of Jing province. They were all rather distant relatives to the throne though.
Appointing imperial family members to control armies was usually a strategy employed by the ruler to strengthen his control over the empire, and was extensively used during Song, Qi, Liang and Chen. During Eastern Jin though, the dominating figure at court was usually not the emperor but one of his ministers. They tended to hand out commands to their own family members and clients instead, for much the same reasons.
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redand51ue · 4 years
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The world's longest suspension glass bridge has been unveiled in China's Guangdong Province. Designed by the Architectural Design & Research Institute of Zhejiang University, the bridge spans a whopping 526.14 meters and bridges a part of the Huangchuan Three Gorges. The glass bridge is suspended at a height of 201 meters, has a width of 8.8 meters and is paved with three layers of 4.5-centimetre-thick ultra-clear tempered laminated glass. With that much visibility beneath you, would you take the journey across? 👀 📸 Lianzhou Qingtian Tourism Development Co. - - - #wired #china #architecture #architect #bridge #architecturenews #design #designnews #architects #worldarchitecture #building #design #buildingdesign #architecturelovers #architecturephotography #architecturedesign via ✨ @padgram ✨(http://dl.padgram.com) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEuAzoKgEKs/
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fuyonggu · 5 years
Administrative Geography of Yizhou, Lianzhou, and Ningzhou in ~280 AD (Book of Jin)
“Commandary” doesn’t even sound like a word anymore...
In distant antiquity, the area that would later be known as Yizhou was included within the territory of Lianzhou, as defined by both the description of the realm in the Tribute of Yu and in the territories that the ancient Emperor Shun assigned to his Twelve Governors. During the Zhou dynasty, since Lianzhou was combined with Yongzhou, the future Yizhou region was also included in Yongzhou.
Regarding the name Yizhou, the text 春秋元命包 states, "The Can and Fa stars wander through Yizhou, so named for its narrowness." That is to say, it was named because of the land's rough and narrow terrain. Or it is also said that it is called Yi (益 "more") because of its very expansive land and soil.
When King Huiwen of Qin conquered the state of Shu (in 316 BC), he organized the entire former state into Shu commandary, with Zhang Ruo as its Administrator. When the First Emperor of Qin organized the whole realm into thirty-six commandaries (in 221 BC), Shu commandary's name was left unchanged. 
At the beginning of the Han dynasty (~206 BC), the region was the three commandaries of Hanzhong, Ba, and Shu. In the sixth year of Emperor Gaozu of Han's (Liu Bang's) reign (201 BC), he split off part of Shu commandary to form Guanghan commandary, thus there were four commandaries in total. After Emperor Wu expanded into the southwest at the expense of the local tribes (in 135 BC), he organized the new territory into the four additional commandaries of Jianwei, Zangke, Yuegui, and Yizhou, making eight in total. He also organized these eight commandaries into the single province of Yizhou; this must have been the first appearance of Yizhou. 
During Later Han, Emperor Ming organized newly submissive territory into Yongchang commandary (in 58 AD), Emperor An established Commandants of Vassal States attached to the commandaries of Shu, Guanghan, and Jianwei, and Emperor Ling organized the three counties of Wenjiang, Canling, and Guangrou into a new Wenshan commandary. In Emperor Xian's first year of Chuping [should be Xingping, 194], Liu Zhang split off part of Ba commandary and formed Yongning commandary. In his sixth year of Jian'an (201), Yongning commandary was renamed to Ba commandary while the original commandary was renamed to Baxi; Fuling commandary was also established. In the twenty-first year of Jian'an (216), Liu Bei split off part of Ba commandary to form Guling commandary.
In Shu-Han's first year of Zhangwu (221), Guling commandary was renamed to Badong commandary, while Baxi's name was restored to Ba commandary. They also split off part of Guanghan commandary to form Zitong commandary, split off part of Jianwei commandary to form Jiangyang commandary, reorganized the Vassal State attached to Shu commandary as Hanjia commandary, and reorganized the Vassal State attached to Jianwei commandary as Zhuti commandary. In Liu Shan's second year of Jianxing (224), he renamed Yizhou commandary to Jianning commandary, reorganized the Vassal State attached to Guanghan commandary as Yinping commandary, split off part of Jianning and Yongchang commandaries to form Yunnan commandary, split off parts of Jianning and Zangke commandaries to form Xinggu commandary, and split off part of Guanghan commandary to form Eastern Guanghan commandary. During Cao-Wei's Jingyuan reign era (263-264), they conquered Shu-Han, and they abolished Eastern Guanghan commandary.
In Emperor Wu of Jin's second year of Taishi (266), he split off [the northern] part of Yizhou to form the new province of Lianzhou, with Hanzhong commandary as part of it. In the seventh year of Taishi (271), he also split off [the southern] part of Yizhou to form the new province of Ningzhou.
What follows is the geography of Yizhou as it existed around the first year of Taikang (280). It administered eight commandaries and forty-four counties, and had a population of 149,300 households.
Shu Commandary
(The state of Qin established this commandary. At this time, it administered six counties and had a population of 50,000 households.)
成都 廣都 繁 江原 臨邛 郫
Jianwei Commandary
(The Han dynasty established this commandary. At this time, it administered five counties and had a population of 10,000 households.)
武陽 南安 僰道 資中 牛鞞
Wenshan Commandary
(The Han dynasty established this commandary. At this time, it administered eight counties and had a population of 16,000 households.)
汶山 升遷 都安 廣陽 興樂 平康 蠶陵 廣柔
Hanjia Commandary
(Shu-Han formed this commandary. At this time, it administered four counties and had a population of 13,000 households.)
漢嘉 徙陽 嚴道 旄牛
Jiangyang Commandary
(Shu-Han established this commandary. At this time, it administered three counties and had a population of 3,100 households.)
江陽 符 漢安
Zhuti Commandary
(Shu-Han established this commandary. At this time, it administered five counties and had a population of 2,600 households.)
朱提 南廣 漢陽 南秦 堂狼
Yuegui Commandary
(The Han dynasty established this commandary. At this time, it administered five counties and had a population of 53,400 households.)
會無 邛都 卑水 定苲 臺登
Zangke Commandary
(The Han dynasty established this commandary. At this time, it administered eight counties and had a population of 1,200 households.)
萬壽 且蘭 談指 夜郎 毋歛 幷渠 鄨 平夷
After the reign of Emperor Hui of Jin, Li Te declared himself King in Shu and called his state Han (in 303), and Yizhou and its counties and commandaries were lost to Jin. During his reign, Li Xiong split off parts of Hanjia and Shu commandaries to form the new commandaries of Chenli and Hanyuan. And even though Jin no longer actually controlled Yizhou, they still appointed officials for Yizhou and its counties and commandaries in absentia from their new base in the Southland. After Huan Wen conquered Shu (in 347) and Jin recovered the province, Chenli and Hanyuan commandaries were abolished, while four new commandaries were established: Southern Yinping, Jinyuan, Ningshu, and Shining. In the second year of Xian'an (373), Yizhou was once again lost to Jin, this time coming under the control of the Fu clan of Former Qin. But in the eighth year of Taiyuan (383), Jin recovered the province again. In the second year of Long'an (398), Jin also established three new commandaries: Jinxi, Suining, and Jinning.
[This should be spelled Liangzhou, but I am distinguishing it from the northwestern province 涼州 Liangzhou.]
In distant antiquity, the Tribute of Yu in the Book of Documents describes Lianzhou as being the region "south of Mount Hua and along the Black River". And when the ancient Emperor Shun appointed his Twelve Governors, one of them was for Lianzhou.
Regarding the name Lianzhou, it was said that the minerals of the west had a strong and 梁 "firm" spirit, thus the name.
According to the Rites of Zhou, the Lianzhou region was governed by the officials of Yongzhou.
The Han dynasty never organized this region into its own province of Lianzhou; it remained part of Yizhou privince. In Emperor Xian's sixth year of Chuping [should be the first year, 190], Linjiang county was placed under Yongning commandary. In the sixth year of Jian'an (201), Liu Zhang renamed Yongning commandary to Badong commandary and split off parts of Ba and Dianjiang commandaries to form Baxi commandary. After Liu Bei occupied the Shu region (in 215), he split off the counties of Jiameng, Fucheng, Zitong, and Baishui from Guanghan commandary, formed a new Hande county, and organized all of them into the new Zitong commandary; he also renamed Jiameng to Hanshou county. He also split off the counties of Dangqu, Xuanhan, and Hanchang from Shu commandary and organized them into the new Dangqu commandary, and although he soon abolished this commandary, these counties were now placed under Baxi commandary.
In Jin's third year of Taishi (267), they split off [the northern] part of Yizhou to form the new province of Lianzhou at Hanzhong. They named Hanshou to Jinshou, and they split off part of Guanghan commandary to form Xindu commandary.
What follows is the geography of Lianzhou as it existed around the first year of Taikang (280). It administered eight commandaries and forty-four counties, and had a population of 76,300 households.
Hanzhong Commandary
(The Qin dynasty established this commandary. At this time, it administered eight counties and had a population of 15,000 households.)
南鄭 蒲池 褒中 沔陽 成固 西鄉 黃金 興道
Zitong Commandary
(Shu-Han created this commandary. At this time, it administered eight counties and had a population of 12,000 households.)
梓潼 涪城 武連 黃安 漢德 晉壽 劍閣 白水
Guanghan Commandary
(The Han dynasty established this commandary. At this time, it administered three counties and had a population of 5,100 households.)
廣漢 德陽 五城
Xindu Commandary
(Jin created this commandary in the second year of Taishi (266). At this time, it administered four counties and had a population of 24,500 households.)
雒 什方 緜竹 新都
Fuling Commandary
(Shu-Han established this commandary. At this time, it administered five counties and had a population of 4,200 households.)
漢復 涪陵 漢平 漢葭 萬寧
Ba Commandary
(The Qin dynasty established this commandary. At this time, it administered four counties and had a population of 3,300 households.)
江州 墊江 臨江 枳
Baxi Commandary
(Shu-Han established this commandary. At this time, it administered nine counties and had a population of 12,000 households.)
閬中 西充國 蒼溪 岐愜 南充國 漢昌 宕渠 安漢 平州
Western Chongguo
Southern Chongguo
Badong Commandary
(The Han dynasty established this commandary. At this time, it administered three counties and had a population of 6,500 households.)
魚復 朐䏰 南浦
In the sixth year of Taikang (285), the ninth month, Jin abolished Xindu commandary and combined it into Guanghan commandary. Emperor Hui of Jin later split off the counties of Dangqu, Hanchang, and Xuanhan from Baxi commandary to form Dangqu commandary, and he merged that and the commandaries of Xincheng, Weixing, and Shangyong into Lianzhou. Lianzhou and its counties and commandaries were soon lost to Li Te as well (in ~303). During the Yongjia reign era (307-312), [the Chouchi ruler] Yang Maosou also controlled part of Lianzhou as well. Since many refugees of Jin people (ethnic Han) from Lianzhou and Yizhou came to stay in his domain, Yang Maosou established surrogate versions of both provinces at Southern and Northern Yinping commandaries. After Huan Wen conquered the Shu region (in 347), refugees from the Ba and Han regions were organized into the new Jinchang commandary, which administered the ten counties of Zhangle, Anjin, Yanshou, Anle, Xuanhan, Ningdu, Xinxing, Jiyang, Dongguan, and Yong'an. He also established the counties of Yichang and Jinxing, as part of Baxi commandary. The southeastern part of Deyang commandary was organized into the new Suining commandary. He also established a Jiange county in Jinshou commandary, which was placed under Lianzhou. Later, Emperor Xiaowu split off the northern part of Zitong commandary to form Jinshou commandary, which administered the four counties of Jinshou, Baishui, Shaohuan, and Xing'an. Zitong commandary was shifted to Zitong county, and Jiange county was abolished. He also split off and formed Southern Hanzhong commandary, and he split off parts of Baxi and Zitong commandaries to form Jinshan commandary. During Emperor An's reign, he established the commandaries of Xinba and Wenyang. There were also the four commandaries of Northern Xinba, Huayang, Southern Yinping, and Northern Yinping. And later, ten commandaries were established: Baqu, Huai'an, Songxi, Baishui, Shangluo, Northern Shangluo, Southern Dangqu, Huaihan, Xinxing, and Ankang.
All during the Han and Cao-Wei dynasties, this region was part of the province of Yizhou. In Jin's seventh year of Taishi (271), since Emperor Wu felt that Yizhou was too large, he split off the commandaries of Jianning, Xinggu, Yunnan from Yizhou and Yongchang commandary from Jiaozhou and organized them into the new province of Ningzhou.
What follows is the geography of Ningzhou as it existed around the first year of Taikang (280). It administered four commandaries and forty-five counties, and had a population of 83,000 households.
Yunnan Commandary
(Shu-Han established this commandary. At this time, it administered nine counties and had a population of 9,200 households.)
雲平 雲南 梇棟 青蛉 姑復 邪龍 楪榆 遂久 永寧
Xinggu Commandary
(Shu-Han established this commandary. At this time, it administered eleven counties and had a population of 6,200 households.)
律高 句町 宛溫 漏臥 毋掇 賁古 滕休 鐔封 漢興 進乘 都篖
Jianning Commandary
(Shu-Han established this commandary. At this time, it administered seventeen counties and had a population of 29,000 households.)
味 昆澤 存䣖 新定 談槀 母單 同瀨 漏江 牧麻 穀昌 連然 秦臧 雙柏 俞元 修雲 泠丘 滇池
Yongchang Commandary
(The Han dynasty established this commandary. At this time, it administered eight counties and had a population of 38,000 households.)
不韋 永壽 比蘇 雍鄉 南涪 巂唐 哀牢 博南
In the third year of Taikang (282), Emperor Wu abolished Ningzhou again; the region became part of Yizhou, while being directly administed by the office of Colonel of Southern Yi Tribes. In the second year of Tai'an (304), Emperor Hui reestablished Ningzhou, and he split off the seven western counties of Jianning commandary to form Yizhou commandary. In the second year of Yongjia (308), Yizhou commandary was renamed to Jinning, and parts of Zangke commandary were split off to form Pingyi and Yelang commandaries. However, this province soon fell under the control of Li Te [should be Li Xiong] as well. Later, Li Shou split off the commandaries of Xinggu, Yongchang, Yunnan, Zhuti, Yuegui, and Heyang to form the new province of Hanzhou. In the fourth year of Xiankang (338), he also split off the commandaries of Zangke, Yelang, Zhuti, and Yuegui to form the new province of Anzhou. In the eighth year of Xiankang (342), he folded that back into Ningzhou, returned Yuegui commandary to Yizhou, and abolished Yongchang commandary. [Ningzhou was later reclaimed by Jin.]
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clarestrand · 5 years
The Box of Chance performing in Lianzhou festival. 2019 - 2020
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I yuan for a fortune of chance by Clare Strand.
This year we invited Swiss Foundation for Photography Director Peter Pfrunder to collaborate to Lianzhou Foto’s fifteenth edition. To celebrate this anniversary edition, the theme chosen by our guest curator is an hommage to photography, its practice and malpractice. The local and international artists to be featured in the theme exhibition exploring the uncontrollable aspects and the unpredictable elements that leave their traces on the photographic image. Artists to be featured in the theme exhibition are among others : Huang Huang (China), Liu Ke (China), Lukas Felzmann (Swiss), Hayahisa Tomiyasu (Japan), Anna Niskanen (Finland), Collectif Fact (UK), Delio Jasse (Angola), Kurt Caviezel (Swiss), Jenny Rova (Sweden), Clément Lambelet (Swiss), Jun Ahn (Korea), Seba Kurtis (Argentina), Clare Strand (UK), Jules Spinatsch (Swiss), Ester Vonplon (Swiss)
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