#liara singh lee
toyhenoctus · 4 years
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What started as me just wanting to draw Olivia holding Liara turned into Liara through her formative years with some of her mentors
It also just occurred to me that I’ve never drawn Olivia before
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toyhenoctus · 3 years
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Okay so like Foreign Affairs is off to an amazing start but like...hear me out: 
Foreign Affairs is what The Royal Heir should have been
Like, picture it; The Royal Romance: Foreign Affairs. Imagine what it would have been like to play the heir going to a political university while they try to navigate life as a prince/princess/royal highness instead of playing diplomat to every damn ally in Cordonia and attending forty three thousand parties
Bartie could have been the Winston character
Instead of some rando named Blaine Hayes of Ardona, we could have had Blaine of Monterisso considering we never actually learned the gender of Amalas’s child (at least, I don’t think we ever learned the gender of her heir)
Even Bradshaw and Isabella’s hell twins could have shown up as other students going to Vancross
We could keep Ayna and Tatum as LIs but now maybe Tatum is like, the son of a royal guard or something so that they’re still childhood friends
I’m so ecstatic for FA but all this book is doing is reminding me that we didn’t have to go through all that nonsense with TRH. This should have been the series we were playing all along
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toyhenoctus · 4 years
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A pause in my outfit august art challenge because I forgot that The Royal Heir was coming back and seeing book 3 reminded me that I never actually finished book 2 so I went back and read the final chapter
Siobhan and her gun had to make a return because hoes 👏🏽 don’t 👏🏽 learn 👏🏽
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toyhenoctus · 4 years
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I mean...I GUESS the men in her life played a significant role during her formative years too
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toyhenoctus · 4 years
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I just had to include her actual parents and most importantly, her younger brother, David in all the bonding time
My headcanon is that Siobhan and Hana decided to have another baby but this time, they had one of Hana’s eggs fertilized and implanted through IVF in Siobhan
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toyhenoctus · 4 years
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I was experiencing some terrible art block and I hated literally everything that I was drawing and scrapping everything until this: the only thing I could draw today and they’re literally scraps augh
Any way, it’s Liara Singh-Lee, the royal heir
Messy haired, stoic, princely, observant ,well-mannered and bisexual
She’s half Indian by Siobhan (MC) and half Chinese by their sperm donor. She was never overly excited by the prospect of becoming queen and openly refused all suitors but she did take the role very seriously. Siobhan taught her to take no shit and Hana taught her to be compassionate. She insisted upon training with her godmother, Olivia in the day to learn to defend herself since Bastien and Mara are literally useless and studying legislature and politics with her aunt Kiara in the afternoon
Right after high school, to everyone’s utter dismay, she joined the Cordonian Army. Not the royal guard or any kind of special forces where she’d received preferential treatment; the army where anyone could enlist. After four years of service, she left Cordonia for higher education and went to good ole Hartfeld and stayed until she finished with a Master’s in political science and a bachelor’s in linguistics. She wanted to join the army so she knew what she was fighting for and go to a normal university to see what common life was really like. When she finally returned at 27, she was ready to prepare for ascension 
And yes, she’s named after Liara from ME. Literally every thing I could name has a name from ME. Her kitten was named Glyph XD
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toyhenoctus · 4 years
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Here’s some more Liara Singh-Lee since I still can’t draw anyone/thing else rn...
I did a basic age meme
At age 5, all she wanted to do was prove that she was strong enough to be a leader. Physically. Nothing interested her other than learning the art of the sword. She couldn’t go one day without falling out of something or getting a new bruise. She also developed a strong attachment to her hair and refused to let anyone cut or tame it
At 13, she started to show more interest in the political side of things. She’d still train with Olivia but when it was time to study, she’d dutifully seek out Kiara, Madeline or King Liu. She spent numerous afternoons curled up quietly with a book, stroking Glyph’s back as she slept. Glyph would pass away later that year
At 20, she’d already joined the Cordonian army and made a bit of a name for herself. Unflinching no matter how hard her staff sergeant yelled in her face and unflappable in the face of new challenges. The only trouble she had in her four and a half years serving was cutting her hair to a neat length to meet regulation. She would go on to reach the rank of Corporal before leaving for University
At 28, she was crowned Queen of Cordonia, refusing to take a husband or wife until she could personally vet every hopeful that would vye for her hand before the new season. She still practiced her swordsmanship religiously and when she couldn’t be readily found, it was best to check her favorite corner in the library. She never allowed herself to be alone during discussions of alliances or trade with other countries and she always took Liu’s and her mothers’ words into consideration when it came to such matters
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