#liarinlife / info
liarinlife · 4 years
name: markus iplier ( once spieler ) ( born 1900 )
nicknames: mark, marky, the actor, mayor damien
gender / sexuality: cis male / pansexual
job title: actor ( writer, singer, creator. )
religious beliefs: atheist ( hard to believe in god when you’ve stared into the Void itself! )
physical disabilities: a limp, constant bodily pain ( that’s what he gets for stealing a body )
mental illnesses: paranoia, adhd, delusions, ptsd, general inability to comprehend what reality is ( after what he’s seen, can you blame him? ).
mbti type: entp ( the debater )
strengths: loyal, generous, good-humoured, emotional, charming, witty, self - aware ( for the most part ), confident, knows how to give people what they want, intelligent, adept at controlling emotions.
flaws: arrogant, delusional, very much a bastard, manipulative, obsessive, capricious, controlling, a liar, deceptive, cowardly, insane.
favourite sin / virtue: pride / fortitude
habits: tapping nails / pens, getting easily distracted, running hands through hair && playing with it, swearing, drinking, gambling, monologuing, lying, rambling, exaggerating, bragging, fidgeting with the environment around him ( when he creates environments, things constantly change — just little things, unless something or someone grabs his focus. )
hobbies: acting, running, gambling, creating fictional worlds to find characters to utilise against his self - made nemesis, directing, creating.
energy level: 8 / 10
memory level: 5 / 10
stability level: 3 / 10 ( is mark stable? despite his faux demeanour of sanity, not in the slightest. )
addictions: gambling, dying ( temporary ), adventure, creation
what they think of themselves: Ever the liar, Mark’s perspective of himself varies on whatever mask he chooses to don that day. He knows he is not a good person, deep down, but is too afraid to admit to that, so he covers all those insecurities up with a very thick layer of destructive heroism. Though he acts oblivious to all his flaws, he is aware of most of them - painfully aware. But he is nothing if not an actor, so lies to himself enough about them that he can conveniently forget about them for the majority of the time. It’s easier than dwelling on them and realising he’s not such a hero after all. He knows he is possessive, obsessive, manipulative, deceitful — the only thing about himself he isn’t aware of is his madness. Reality and time itself bend to him, especially after stealing the box from HEIST: he can practically control the fabrics of reality ( or so he likes to believe, rather than accepting it’s the other way round ). He is powerful and intelligent, good looking, and as far as he believes? He is going to escape his past completely and live as a creator for the rest of his long immortal life. The Manor Entity and the fates of the universe, however, has other plans.
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liarinlife · 4 years
master post of info.
rules / about.
actor introduction.
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liarinlife · 4 years
please read on for an introduction to this blog, myself, and roleplay rules!!
i. introduction to the blog
hi! this is my literate roleplay blog for markus spieler, aka actor mark (character created by mark fischbach [markiplier] from the series who killed markiplier? and its universe). i’ve been heavily involved with his character since the creation of the series in 2017, but only started roleplaying and analysing him in 2019. that being said, it’s a deep dark rabbit hole, and I thought I’d finally make this blog!
i will be roleplaying on here as actor mark, whom I have given the name markus spieler, later changed to mark iplier. i roleplay exclusively literately and reserve the right to be a little exclusive with who i roleplay with: but generally speaking, i’ll do so with almost anyone.
that being said, there are some reasons I will not interact with a blog:
You are under 16.
Your character is an OC without much detail.
You are rude or seem intent on starting drama or controlling my muse.
You maintain the belief that actor mark is inherently and unquestionably evil.
You are consistently negative without tagging it on your blog.
You may be a lovely person despite these! However I cannot deal with drama or excessive negativity on my blog — it’s 2020 and the world is in enough of a state as it is without tumblr drama dragging me down too. I turned 18 recently and don’t want to roleplay with minors: not because of talent or skill in writing, because I know many younger writers who are incredibly skilled, but personal preference. Please don’t lie to me about your age — if I find out you have roleplayed with me and are under 16, I will block you.
ii. introduction to the mun
i’ll introduce myself a little! my name is nox and i’m 18 years old. i’m from the uk, scotland to be specific, and a trans guy (he/him pronouns please)! i’ve been writing and roleplaying for a multitude of fandoms since i was 11, and last july wrote a whole novel! i’m redrafting and editing it now, as well as working on the prequel (all of which you can find more information on at @noxstories).
iii. disclaimer
i do not own markiplier’s ideas or creations, nor do i claim to. they are his and his entirely. that being said, the writing and interpretation of this character are mine, based either on myself or my viewing of the character! please do not argue with me on headcanons - feel free to question them and i’ll happily explain them, but i will not stand for criticism or argument on headcanons!
iv. content warnings
this blog’s nature is also going to be dark. the actor’s story and background is not a happy one, and many replies will no doubt feature many of the following, implied or implicitly stated:
death, violence & gore, suicide, suicide idealisation, alcohol abuse / alcoholism, reality (and the lack thereof in markus’ mind), mental illness, unhealthy coping mechanisms, self harm, murder, betrayal, unhealthy / toxic relationships, cursing, the supernatural, body horror, manipulation, possession and a very unreliable narrator in the form of markus himself (his grip on his sanity isn’t entirely as good as it could be).
to avoid seeing these, block the tag “tw [insert trigger of your choice]”. that’s what i’ll be tagging things, so please keep yourself safe!
that being said, i will not do nsfw, not publicly, as i’m uncomfortable with the idea of other people [and potentially minors] seeing. flirting and innuendos are okay!
v. roleplay 
finally, the part that people are waiting for! these are my rules and regulations for roleplay, please adhere to them as much as possible. if you aren’t sure about something, ask!!
literate rp only please. i find non-lit or script rp incredibly hard to keep in character, because i prefer writing the thoughts on my muse too. the replies do not need to be excessively long, and i will try to match my partner’s length!
this is a multi-ship blog, but this does not mean i ship markus with everyone. i reserve the right to choose ships based on chemistry and how comfortable i am with the ship and mun. so please, don’t act as if your muse is already dating mine without having discussed with me first!)
due to the darker nature of this blog, as stated above, you must be 16 years or older to roleplay with me! please don’t lie about your age: roleplaying dark themes with those younger than 16 makes me wary.
please don’t godmod. i have made my muse the way he is for a reason and therefore assuming he will act in a certain manner or actually controlling him in the rp will instantly dissuade me from continuing. if you’re unsure about something, or it’s necessary to control my character, ask me before replying!
on that note, please don’t make your own character invincible, not entirely so. it gets stale easily and is unrealistic. powers and seemingly-invincible characters are fine, but please be wary. if your character consistently wins every fight or encounter, it gets tiring after a while!
I am 100% open for roleplay with duplicates!! i would prefer they were different from my version of the actor, but i think exploring the dynamic between two actors would be incredibly interesting!!
i won’t roleplay with personal blogs. sideblogs are welcome, and personals are welcome to follow, but please, don’t request a starter or roleplay, and do not reblog my roleplay threads or information to non-rp blogs. i would be excessively uncomfortable with this account making its way into the non-rp part of the fandom!
lastly, please don’t bug me for replies. i start oxford university this year and their summer reading list is insane, so i am working through that, and also run so many other blogs on tumblr, not to mention i am preoccupied with my own life - writing, studying, and friends. i’ll reply as soon as i find muse, and in return i won’t bug anyone else for replies!!
vi. brief portrayal of the actor
probably an important note - i do not portray or see the actor as ‘evil’. is he a bastard? yes. an asshole? absolutely. but he was manipulated deeply by the Manor Entity, and the events of the poker night were heavily influenced by It.
he is more of a rebellious pawn running away from his mistakes than he is an evil, scheming mastermind - an arrogant, broken coward who cannot face the consequences for his actions. his name is markus spieler, though he no longer goes by that name, instead preferring mark iplier; his stage name he adopted not long before he reached the peak of his acting career.
vii. conclusion
thank you for reading this far! this is a long post, but please don’t let it dissuade you from roleplaying with me. i love making new friends and will happily rp with almost anyone, as long as they’re a roleplay blog and 16+. a more in-depth character introduction will be posted shortly - as it is, here are my rules for now!!
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liarinlife · 4 years
1. something old, something new / verse i
canon verse. after the events of damien, mark realises the severity of his actions without the entity of the manor there to guide him so much, && promptly flees, creating fiction after fiction to avoid his guilt, past && villain. he seeks allies && characters to utilise against dark, pawns to stand against dark, to ultimately fall against his wrath — just to buy him more time to run. besides, it’s incredibly important in his eyes to satisfy the audience beyond reality too.
2. something borrowed, something blue / verse ii
deviates from canon. after the events of wkm, mark takes his old friend’s place as mayor of the city, where he becomes known as the ageless mayor who can do very little wrong. the city comes to worship their mayor in an incredibly cultish way, && mark, still influenced by the manor entity, rules the city without cease. perhaps less of a coward in this verse, he is no less mad or manipulative as mayor.
3. something broken and askew / verse iii
mark, redeemed && very much broken, sets about trying to pick up the pieces he left behind. this follows the canon of verse i, but unlike verse i, this mark is redeemed && trying much harder to be the person he once was. much less of a bastard, but don’t be fooled — he’s still not a great person.
4. something fake and not thought through / verse iv
mark becomes a youtuber and leads a double life; one as himself and one as mark fischbach, the lovable youtuber everyone knows as markiplier. in this verse mark is perhaps the most manipulative, aiming to convince everyone from his present he’s the hero, && everyone from his past that he’s changed, in order to use them later. ( disclaimer: in this verse, actor mark is posing as real - life youtuber mark, please don’t sue me or anything. )
5. someone not undone or true / verse v
set during the prologue, before the events of wkm. this can be before the affair or after, but mark is not quite as much of a mess in this verse as he is in others — at the same time, post - affair / pre - wkm mark is more broken in other ways. tread cautiously around him while the entity of the manor whispers so freely in his head.
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