shipathon 2018 PSA:
I honestly considered adding a whole new month to the shipathon to make room for more ships, since we have so many now, but I’ve gotten complaints about the length of the shipathon already so I settled for an extra week. (Last year I tried to compensate by creating relationship groupings, which was fun and worked then, but I simply couldn’t do the same thing this year...)
that being said, the weeks are always a GUIDELINE! If you want to post Cassandra x Eve instead of Cassandra x Estrella, go ahead! If you want to post Flynn x Moriarty instead of Flynn x Darrington, please do! Just make sure to tag it with #LibrariansShipathon no matter what, and to always respect others and their preferences! 
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So I realized my birthday is during a Flynn and the LITs week for the librarianshipathon…. Hint hint!
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