#light flight lore
hinamie · 1 day
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post-graduation trip airport looks
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nexkove · 5 months
[📖] Thoughts on Nesting Guide...
A silly lore post with my day 1 thoughts on our new seasonal guide!
Please don't take anything I say too seriously, this is all for fun!
Share your thoughts, I'm very interested!
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Is this an excuse to make Nesting & Flight guide close friends?... Yes!
Discussing the Whale in the room...
Nesting Guide's ties to the Forest Elder
TL;DR: Nesting guide was a former apprentice of Forest Elder, due to them having a photo framed with the two & seemingly being more powerful than typical ancestors.
Now for typing's sake, I'll be referring to the Forest Elder as Teth.
I couldn't see it clearly in the trailer (nor in beta), but the photo framed of Teth and Nesting got my brain going wild with thoughts.
The first thought I've had is that Nesting was an apprentice of Teth, similar to how Flight was an apprentice of Ayin.
From the first cutscene after we revive them, they already seem more powerful than the other spirits; they're able to lift up seemingly heavy objects with barely any trouble (ESPECIALLY multiple objects at once.)
Nesting also seems to be able to spawn furniture items whenever, whether this is a game mechanic or not I don't know! But it's a fun idea to play around with.
That's basically my day 1 thoughts, I may come back and make more posts similar as the season goes on! 9CD wasn't all that interesting so I'm glad I can finally talk about a season like this again!
Now... Some final notes from me...
I don't think Teth and Nesting are related as iirc Elders and Ancestors are completely separate beings. I barely got to test this season in beta, so I'm fully blind on future quests (besides quest 2,) so some stuff may get debunked, but that's ok!! I'm just very excited to see another Spirit with close ties to an Elder. It makes me wonder if there's any other spirits with close ties. (I have more thoughts on that, that I may put in a separate post.)
Thanks for reading! Don't be shy to share any thoughts you have on this! Just please be civil.
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meesefr · 2 years
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Breath of Life, or that of Death? It's all about perspective.
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reliquiaenfr · 2 months
What is Aphid and Shiana's relationship like?
so shiana and aphid are based on ocs of mine! i looooove talking about my ocs ahaha
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shiana is an oracle (in their original story, she's the second in charge of a church of oracles, but in fr she's just an oracle), she's a bit cheeky and doesn't take things as seriously as she ought to - though at least SOME of that is an act, she actually had a pretty traumatic event happen to her when she was younger so underneath the snark, she's very grounded. (the story is that since she can "pull" on the threads of fate to change the future, she thought she could help people and when she was younger she tried to expose someone for their misdeeds by meddling with their future, but it got her mentor killed instead, and since then she's been very VERY careful about what she does with her power). since shiana still wants to help folks, she has to find other ways to do it.
aphid (her real name is tao li, but she goes by aphid, mostly, and also other psuedonyms) is a spy academic. she's from a monastery village, worked in a library, and loves learning things. the only thing she loves more than reading things in a book is learning them in person. she's a bit of a stickler for rules and can come across as having a stick up her butt because she's a bit inflexible and snobbish lol.
all of which is to say that they have the sort of relationship that others look at and go 'but... why tho?' because shiana comes across as way too chill for aphid, and aphid is the kind of person who would unironically wear a no fun allowed shirt. but aphid is the only person shiana ever told the story about her dead mentor and aphid like... gets it. a lot of their initial friendship was built on the possibilities that teaming up would afford them: shiana can see when something unsavoury is going to happen, and aphid has the soft-spoken tenacity to do something about it.
as part of a governing group, shiana had access to a lot of resources, and aphid has the unassuming demeanour to use them without making others suspicious. so they started trying to help people and change the bleak futures that shiana saw without directly rewriting the future. now, they're both different kinds of hopelessly gay, and in exact opposite directions: shiana didn't want to mess things up with aphid bc aphid was like... her best friend, you know? someone who understood her fears and her powers. aphid didn't want to ruin what they had going either, but UNLIKE shiana, she's scarily observant and figured shiana out in ten minutes lmao.
these days, they're the annoying sort of in-synch couple that can have entire conversations in a single glance. aphid is very uncomfortable with public affection, so she often seems quite cold to shiana when others are around, but she absolutely adores that silly woman and she does a lot of things shiana will like (gifts, special date things, massaging shiana's scalp, etc). and although shiana likes to tease her (even in public), she always respects aphid's no pda preferences. it's extremely common for someone meeting them for the first time to have no idea at all that they're together, but once you know it's obvious.
their communication is fucking top notch also. it has to be because aphid can't see into shiana's head to visualise the futures she's seeing and how best to change them, so even before they got together, they were super good at talking things out. aphid's comfort boundaries are so excuriatingly well defined that it's like... shiana knows when it's okay to touch aphid's hand or back or something more intimate and when it's not. and althought shiana wasn't the most comfortable expressing her own boundaries to begin with, aphid is just very blunt about it all, she's like "well see, shiana, i happen to love you and i don't want you to do something that will fuck that up so here is my rulebook" and after that shiana was pretty cool with talking her feelings and desires out.
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ciphers-fr · 5 months
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terra-tortoise · 9 months
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mortier -- an archeologist with a perfect memory, now haunted by visions of ages long passed after finding a strange artifact
sales tab @fr-dragon-sales @fr-boosts
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saspitite · 10 months
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are you listening yet?
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people who know more about canon lore than I do help me out: flight funerary/mourning practices? topical for some lore I’m working on… I’ll start.
Light Flight: cremation (partly to prevent emperors), night vigils with candles to send the deceased off (so their way forward is lit), outdoor ceremonies dressed in white or pale yellow (traditional flight colors), getting together on the death anniversary/at a specific time after death to honor their loved one (and celebrate that they haven’t risen as an emperor)
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skykid-nadir · 2 years
Spent some time exploring Eden and taking in the details. Have some screenshots
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screamingsylveon · 1 year
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The Temple Of The Fallen Light Ray The Fallen Light (#49263843)
"I'm a ray of sunlight, fallen from the sky. With the goodwill of our gods I shall rise and build a temple as glorious as the Arcanist." - Ray
Pronouns: he/him Breed: Fae Element: Light
Role at the temple: He is the founder and runs the temple. Story: Ray believes he is a fallen ray of sunlight. One day he woke up without memory at the Sunbeam Ruins. He learned this region belongs to the deity of light: Lightweaver. From this moment on Ray saw her as his mother. He strived to build a temple and to gather dragons around him, to worship not only her, but also the other deities of Sornieth. Unsure about his mortal appearance he started to wear a mask of light color. He began to wander around to share stories and myths about the deities. Gradually more and more dragons joined him and followed Ray through the regions of the flights. They listen to him preaching about the elements and harmony between dragons and everything alive. They worship the gods by his side. And they worship him as the fallen ray of sunlight, an angel sent by Lightweaver to enlighten them. Currently the temple stays at the ice flight, but Ray has plans to move on soon. His goal is to join the arcane flight. Though he loves every single deity and worships them, he has fallen for one specifically: The Arcanist.
"By the way, we are no cult..." - Ray
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koobi-fr · 9 months
Once my nests hatch tomorrow I think I'm gonna start my vacation in light
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frdailyquestions · 1 year
Do you have any dragons inspired by the Grand Exchange? Maybe a fandragon of one of the NPCs? Or a dragon who, in lore, has their own shop? Maybe you've made a dragon who is related to an NPC in some way. Share them here and tell us about them!
Posts for the month of April were inspired by @dragonaday-fr 's April art prompts. Be sure to check them out!
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shoresofalibaba · 1 year
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Pierre, Hemlock, Julius
A new dragon for Hemlocks polycule hehe
I'm thinking of revamping their bios after I'm done organizing my lair space again, these guys are some of my favorites honestly.
So far Hemlock is a snake oil salesman who managed to get a incubus (Pierre) to owe him, so what did he do with this lifelong favour? He made Pierre his accountant of course!
I'm still coming up with why Julius joined them, thinking of making them trans ftm if I can buy the scroll here soon.
I'm thinking Julius is potentially an alchemist so their/his Skills may have come in handy to Hemlock for item production. Yes Hemlock is a trash dragon and I love him for it
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baudshaw · 1 year
Here are the Sky cosmetic inspirations for most seasons.
Part 2: The 2021 seasons (Dreams, Assembly, Flight)
Dreams is pretty easy, besides all the animal masks. I couldn’t find an origin for them. Also, what on earth is the Hermit wearing??
Dancing Performer hat: the ever controversial “East Asian” gat
Dancing Performer’s instrument: the Pipa/Lute
Peeking Postman pants: the Changshan
Most of Season of Assembly clothes are similar. They have a bit of natural/ makeshift elements, like the flower crown and pot, but it’s mostly based on outfits from Boy Scouts. The neckerchief makes me thing there’s a possible inspiration from either Cub Scouts or Girl Scouts.
The Season of Flight’s heavy emphasis on blue makes it difficult to find exact matches. If I had to guess the inspiration, it’s probably a mix of Russian and Inuit.
Lively Navigator hat: Aviator goggles
Talented Builder hat: Ushanka
Some pants appear to be based on Buryat clothing from the Russian Far East
Please correct me if I have anything wrong!
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guardsbian · 1 year
if you ever ask me anything about 1) Lantern's Light 2) my demon/angel lore you may just unlock new parts of my psyche. you don't even know
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jsab-reblogs · 2 years
Vix: Okay. So Priffs have a natural affinity for natural magic, but they can also, learn light-ahem as you keep insisting- "beat" magic and dark magic.
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Vix: Both Lux and Shades can learn natural magic too. But can't do the other's magic due to the nature of it. Darkness eats light and light outshines darkness etc etc. Simple explanation is that it hurts one if they try to--
Vix: But I! The great Vix! Is the very first to find a way around it!
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Vix: By starting a mutual or symbiotic relationship- with someone of that respective magic. We can use magic we were not able to use before.
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Ran-Ran: ...
Ran-Ran: -please let me go, we still need to run from the bounty hunters-
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