badnikbreaker · 7 months
@lightdash : “Yo, partner.” Sonic calls out from his spot against the doorway. He throws up a peace sign. “I’ve got an errand to run. Want to join me?”
They don't — they don't understand. How Sonic can be so nice to them, can treat them so well, can call them partner. He'd saved them — and not even just so he could kill them himself. He'd carried them back to Restoration HQ. He's given more than enough kindness for the fucked up rabbit that just about gutted his little brother. Sonic is kind and good and Ava knows that, they do. He's been their lifeline before, been kind when he didn't need to before. It's as familiar story, the war repeating in some miserable way, Sonic saving them from their own devouring sick and lonely and the way the blood of a loved one / many loved ones looks. but this time, she's the one that spilled it. no better than Infi ——
They're recovered, at least mostly. At least physically. No longer confined to the infirmary, at least. Amy's asked them to stay with the Restoration for now, maybe afraid that Ava will simply disappear, untraceable, again. It's not like they've got anywhere else to go, and Amy's eyes go so terrified and elated and sick every time she looks at them that Ava couldn't say no to her if they tried. So they're still here, idling in an empty room, not sure where to be or how to be around the others. So they're still here, being surprised by Sonic, who's so impossibly kind to them.
She smiles — an old instinct, partner, he called me partner — at the greeting, a hand raising to return it. It pauses, hesitating alongside her when she remembers all the reasons he shouldn't call her partner and feels almost guilty for the momentary reprieve of forgetting. She commits, both to the movement and the smile, but she can feel the weakness of both.
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She loves Sonic. But when they'd met, all the memories they made and shared revolved around Infinite. Now all the new memories she'd made with him, after the war, are stained red with Tails's blood and the unbearable, unsurvivable feeling of helplessness. ( she keeps checking for her knives and getting scared when they're gone, even though she knows why she had to give them up. ) Ava loves Sonic in more ways that she has words for. Looking at him, though, feels a little like drowning in her guilt and her shame and her grief — and in the memories. Every sharp and painful thing feels sharper now that she isn't starving and injured and running on so few fumes that there's no space for thought.
She almost wants to laugh. Aching like she was the one with a knife in her stomach. Selfish.
Ava knows they're failing to match his casual energy, but they try, scarred hands shoving in the pockets of their jeans, shoulders shrugging, still smiling something unsure. ( they hope they know it's not him. not all the way. they haven't been able to smile properly in a way that feels real since they hurt tails. ) They don't understand but they believe the offer and the kindness behind it. Hands free from the pockets to sign back, < happy to, > and they don't add partner even though that feels wrong, too. < are you...sure? you don't have to. > Be nice to me. Take me along. It's hard to imagine Sonic doing this if he didn't want to, but they couldn't bear it if he was forcing himself to offer this for their sake.
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skyfcx · 5 months
@metalcopy replied to your post: what else do kids like? video games? you want the new porkymon
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     this is sad. i mean... every book on parenting tells you not to bribe a child. how are you gonna just—
@lightdash replied to your post: do it for the bit tails
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     he will take one copy of spider-man 2 on the playstation 5 in exchange for the current and precise geographical location of sonic the hedgehog. the guy doesnt sit still so you're on your own once you get there, but the game of where in the world is sonic sandiego will definitely be cut short.
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wndrflgrl · 7 months
@lightdash replied:
"Y'know what happens when you break them open?"
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" I know the consequences, but... still I yearn. "
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supercurrent · 2 months
The following voice memo reaches @lightdash 's message box. The audio quality is crystal clear, but the voice itself sounds...like Shadow, but canned somehow. As if Shadow were run through a text-to-speech AI.
"Good afternoon. I realize this is out of the ordinary, but I would like your assistance in a botanical endeavor." A very faint series of trilling beeps interrupts the message. "Translation: I need help getting flowers. I am aware that I can visit a "florist" and obtain what I need...but I would like your company and sensibility.
"If you wish to accept, please meet me at the Station Square train station within the hour. Please wait for me if I am not there immediately. I will be able to sense your geolocation within a certain distance, and will arrive shortly. Thank you."
The same series of beeps plays again, and an even more robotic version of Shadow's voice sounds. "END OF MESSAGE. RECORDED ON SAT--"
The recording abruptly cuts off.
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scumbag-the-hedgehog · 5 months
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...no way he has a higher confirmed kill count are you fucking-
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familylightfox · 6 months
@lightdash liked for a Starter
Safe to say that Harmony was finally getting used to Zone hopping on her own. The teen’s touchdown was also getting more and more steady instead of falling face first onto the terrain. If only she had been so lucky this time. Luckily she’d managed to grab the Warp Ring before the ice under her feet caused her to lose her footing and hit the ground on her back with a solid thump.
If it had been pavement, it would have been fine. If it had been solid ground, it would have been fine.
But it wasn’t.
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Dread filled her as she rolled onto her stomach and looked around. Of all the places she could land. It had to be in the middle of a frozen lake. Emerald eyes widened, filling with terror as her hands spread out as if to better distribute her weight.
“Please don’t break. Please don’t break. Please don’t...” What she thought was a mental mantra was luckily audible to those in the area, and was quickly followed up by a loud enough call to echo through the surrounding forest.
“Somebody HELP!”
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chaosresolve · 1 year
cont. thread
     Ah. Here we go. Shadow doesn't even so much as cast Tower a glance, who, at this point, had gotten out of his convoy truck and began shouting more orders and obsceneties -- his words falling into the mindless drone of noise surrounding the crash. There's always something about these... Interactions that made it impossible for Shadow to focus on anything else but the hedgehog stood in front of him. Sharp, crimson eyes stay locked on Sonic's, following his movements; even as he zips far off into the distance. That smirk... Well, what other option did he have but to give chase?
     Shadow says nothing. Tower is behind him now, ranting and raving, demanding to know why this hadn't been avoided, how he didn't notice -- and then he was gone. Rocket skates kick up, burning track marks into the grass as he becomes a black and red blur in the distance, catching up to blue with relative ease. Sonic was holding back, it seemed.
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     As soon as they were side by side, Shadow turns, openly growling at him. "It'd be easier to explain if you stopped running."
     With that, there's a blast from his left shoe, sliding under and swiping at Sonic's legs in an attempt to knock him down. If he wouldn't slow down by choice, Shadow would make him.
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metalcopy · 5 months
@lightdash replied: raises hand
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stardusted-hearts · 1 year
@lightdash liked x for a starter ---
After quite some time, Shadow was finally taking a break. Just a small one, he told himself. Taking enough time to wander and stumble upon a Chao Garden he'd never seen before. It seemed wild from what he could tell, completely unaltered from its natural state, and Shadow was fairly certain he was far from civilization.
If anyone had been here before, they'd been very respectful and careful not to damage anything. Shadow had to admire it, although he didn't get much time before a few of the Chao reached his legs. Their friendly nature made him think that someone must have been here before.
The striped hedgehog's smile was subtle, but there, as he knelt down to pick one of the Chao up and hold it carefully in his arms. "Hello there." It was incredible how soft Shadow's voice could be when he thought no one was around.
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cynicallyscorned · 7 months
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Hates Sonic... Huh.
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badnikbreaker · 5 months
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"Just so you know, if you hurt Sonic, I'll probably cry, so ——"
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skyfcx · 5 months
19. do you listen to music whilst writing? if so, what kind of music?
Thoughts and Opinions? || Prompt
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Usually, yeah! First and foremost, it can't have lyrics. That's the golden rule, I cannot write whatsoever if I've got voices in my ears. Gotta focus on getting the words in my brain out into my fingers so that they can be typed out properly. Lyrics muddy what I'm trying to think about, so there's a hard ban on anything that's got vocals I could specifically sing along to. That's why music like Splatoon's OST is still fine. That's just noise, I cannot speak Inkling.
Uh, except when I'm doing OOC stuff like this. For this, I just write whatever comes to my head, I don't have to focus on making the words pretty. So I can listen to anything. Currently, I may or may not be listening to Win the Race.
For threads, though, I listen to music that fits the mood of what I'm writing! Generally, I just listen to whatever I want. Don't ask me why, but I really like listening to these deconstructions of songs that break down the song to each channel and really show off what's going into every part. Listen to the Sonic Rush OST deconstructed. It's really damn cool.
But when the mood of the thread is more dour? Like when I was writing Tails angst with Rain? I was listening to dark acadamia music mixes. So it certainly depends on the atmosphere. I often listen to Egg Fleet or some songs from Team Sonic Racing if I'm doing action-oriented threads.
So... yeah! tl;dr? It varies wildly, but ultimately is based on the energy of the thread I'm currently in the process of writing. If there's not really one, it's just whatever I want. Action and angst get energetic and saddened songs respectively. And it's rare, but sometimes I'll write in silence, but that's usually when I really wanna respond to something and can't even be fucked to pick a song.
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timewontwait · 9 months
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this is unprecedented.
...but not unwelcome.
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galaxofmuses · 1 year
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“Heh. The last time I punched Sonic, The Chaos Emeralds spilled out.” 
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scumbag-the-hedgehog · 5 months
@lightdash said: read it and weep green boy
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This is bullshit-
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robotnikium · 2 years
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excellent group effort, team. operation ‘GET HIS ASS’ was a massive success.
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