#lighting supplier China
cnrlighting · 2 years
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coxotech2 · 1 year
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220V COB LED Strip Light 1. Dot-free, high voltage IP65. 2. Ultra long 100 meters/roll. 3. Easy installation with AC220V power plug.
For more information, feel free to view our website https://coxotech.com/cobledstrip/ac220cobstrip/
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Solar Panels and Inverter Stockist UAE
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One of the top solar panel providers in the UAE, Prolux International, offers distinctive solar solutions for both commercial and residential projects with full AMC. With a total installed capacity of over 8000 solar modules and a total 3.6 MW, we are one of the top Solar Panels and Inverter Stockist UAE. Since our beginning, we have been working relentlessly to fulfil the Group's objective to join the UAE's Green Economy Initiative for sustainable development by promoting the generation and use of solar energy.
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vstlightingchina · 2 years
led lighting manufacturer in china
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fiverenvironment · 2 years
As we are getting more knowledgeable about covid-19, we are better able to reduce its transmission. If you want to keep this virus at arm's length, you can use sanitizers, face masks, and social distancing. Apart from this, you can also use other methods, such as UVC light or UVC air purifiers. In this article, we are going to find out more about UVC air purifiers. Read on to find out more.
What Is a UVC Air Purifier?
Although most people are familiar with ultraviolet light, many don't have any idea about its application. As far as the wavelength is concerned, UVC light has the shortest wavelength, which is between 100 and 280nm. Therefore, this type of light can be used to eliminate germs. What happens is that this light can be used to disrupt the chemical composition of DNA molecules. Therefore, it can be quite effective when it comes to eliminating viruses and bacteria.
For a long time, UVC has been used to kill different types of viruses, such as SARS-CoV-2. According to laboratory standards, the wavelength should be 254 nm to aim at 20 millijoules/sqcentimeter. Since this virus is new, most experts say that a higher dose of light should be applied to ensure that the virus is eliminated.
UVC Air Purifiers
An air purifier that contains a UVC germicidal lamp will offer an additional layer of protection against different types of mold spores, bacteria, and viruses. When air goes through the internal radiation chamber of the purifier, it gets hit by the UVC light. And this is how the air purifier can help reduce different types of biological contaminants.
Although most of these contaminants can be eliminated with the help of HEPA filters, you can enjoy additional peace of mind if you go for a unit that contains a UVC lamp.
How does COVID-19 Spread?
Since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, many researchers and experts are trying to find out how the virus spreads. The most common ways it spreads include sneezing, personal contact, cuffing, airborne transmission, and so on. However, experts agree that airborne transmission is one of the most common ways the virus spreads across the world. Therefore, it makes sense to go for a good quality air purifier, especially one that contains a UVC lamp.
Not long ago, a group of experts released the warning that the covid-19 spreads in an aerosol form. In other words, they wanted to say that social distancing may not be enough to slow down the spread of COVID-19. So, we can say that the use of face masks is much more important than we believed. Apart from this, it encourages the use of different types of air purification units, as they can help filter different types of viruses in your home and office.
In short, we can say that UVC purifiers can be an ideal choice when it comes to protecting yourself against COVID-19. We suggest that you invest in good quality unit. So, it is important that you purchased this unit from a reputable manufacturer.
Are you looking for a good UVC Air Purifier? You can get these units at fair prices by checking out https://www.fivergroup.com/uv-air-sterilizer-1.html.
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vstlighting · 2 years
Types of Commercial Lighting & How to Choose the Best Lighting
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yiruimetalmg · 1 year
Magnesium metal ingot has the advantages of low specific gravity, high strength per unit weight, high chemical stability, etc., which makes Al-Mg alloy and its magnesium mold castings popular, and the magnesium industry develops rapidly. As one of the leading magnesium ingot suppliers in China, YiRui Metal can offer you quality magnesium ingots for sale with better quality, faster delivery, and more flexible payment terms.
Magnesium Ingot Use
Magnesium metal ingot is a new lightweight corrosion-resistant metal material, which has the advantages of low specific gravity, high strength per unit weight, and high chemical stability. This kind of magnesium metal for sale is widely used in automobile manufacturing, the light industry, the metallurgical industry, the chemical industry, the electronic industry, and instrument manufacturing.
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fillinforlater · 2 years
Blonde: Chapter II
Female Reader x Kim Gaeul
Length: 2938 words
Tags: terrible day, everything goes wrong, helpful friends, saving and helping, light hearted fun, slow burn, character building, mystery toxic relationship, curse filled fight, hatred, terrible mother
TW: toxic relationship
Credit: @midnightdancingsol for editing. The real MVP behind the scenes, thank you!
(A/N: @firagaarmor bcuz of course and @ifeelsounsure0 bcuz he got me to write something fluffy. Love you two and I hope y’all enjoy this second part)
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“Hey! What the hell are you doing?”
“I’m, I’m sorry, sir.”
It’s not going well for you today. In fact, it’s been quite terrible. 
Your alarm didn’t go off as your phone didn’t charge overnight. For some reason the energy supplier cut off your electricity. Again. Is it because there was an issue with the powerline? Definitely possible, it wouldn’t be the first. It could also be because they haven't been paid last month.
A cold shower, dry noodles, and being late to school make you contemplate calling your mother and asking, no, begging for money. It's the worst form of humiliation and only has a fifty percent chance of succeeding. There is no painless way out of this, and this was only the beginning of the day.
After this disaster, you arrived at school. You are already in trouble for your bad grades and so it's a terrible look when you arrive five minutes before the lesson ends. It gets even worse when your explanation is a stuttering mess. Your teacher screamed at you for minutes straight. One more misstep and he'll let you fail.
And lastly, work. From the very first customer on, you made mistake after mistake: two items weren't scanned, three complaints with unsatisfying answers, and now, you drop a glass of jam. Luckily, the customer caught it. In his understandable anger he throws a tantrum, urging you to scan faster and faster.
"My God, is it really this hard to watch out? Every elementary school student can do this!
"S-sir, I'm sorry."
"This should not happen, I w—"
"Please, leave her alone, sir. She apologized enough already."
A soothing voice suddenly speaks up for you. Gaeul has a stern, confident glow on her features and can stand up for herself, for you, even if she's signifiantly smaller. The man backs off.
"I mean, she should just be more careful."
"I'm sure she will be."
"Okay, okay."
He scans his credit card and leaves with the usual clatter of the shopping cart.
It's just you and her now. Gaeul's blonde hair seems to glow silver-gray today, but it could just be the dirty white light above the store's shelves. She is once again carrying colorful cans, more than last time. Half a dozen.
"You, you two are more thirsty this time, huh?" you stutter your failed attempt at a joke.
"Hey, are you okay? You're crying."
"What, I'm not—"
Not yet. The tears in your eyes are like an avalanche about to break loose any second now. Gaeul can clearly see it as she softly inspects your face. No, don't cry now, you tell yourself and reach for the soda. 
Pepsi. Beep.
"Yes you are and that's okay."
Coke. Beep. 
"N-no, I'm not cryin'."
Mountain Dew. Beep.
It's too late. The can of green tea over the scanner is not only met with a beep, but also drops of rain. Your tears come down, nothing is able to stop them. Today is just too much.
Beep. Beep. 
"Hm, how do I do this?"
Gaeul's breath brings you back from this freezing in place. She’s right next to you, on the side of the scanner only employees are allowed to access. Cautiously, she tries to read the words on the panel and keys, but you are in the way. Her body heat and calm breath are so close, you gasp and back off and feel something hit your elbow. A decorative vase at the back of your carrel falls over. The sound of china bursting on the stone floor makes Gaeul jump. 
Gaeul scrambles awkwardly to quickly leave the carrel and walks to the pile of dirt and shards, while you try to balance yourself and look around. If your manager heard this, he will be here in less than a minute—
“What was that? Checkout three—”
“I’m sorry,” Gaeul interrupts the annoyed manager, “I must have accidentally touched it. It wasn’t on purpose and I—”
“N-no!” you interrupt Gaeul with a shocked stutter, “I, it was my fault. My e-elbow hit it when I turn—”
“She is just taking the blame for me,” Gaeul interrupts.
“Wh-what?” your manager says. He looks between the two of you.  
Instinctively, you shut up and stare at the ground. Confusion keeps you from crying and instead raises questions. What is happening? Why is Gaeul doing this? What if I have to pay—no, what if Gaeul has to pay for the vase? Would she do it for me?
“Trust me, sir, she is taking the blame out of kindness,” Gaeul argues calmly. She then bows her head. “It’s my fault. I will pay for the damages.”
“Ah, no. It’s fine,” the bewildered manager responds, scratching the back of his head, “Thank you for your honesty. It was an ugly vase anyways. Just… be more careful next time.”
“Yes, sir. I’m sorry sir.”
You stare at Gaeul bowing again. Her upper body is covered by a simple, white t-shirt with a black cat on its front, something you haven’t noticed in your self-centered sadness. As the manager walks away, you’re still staring at her. Your heart beats faster and a warm thought arises in your mind.
This is the first time someone made a sacrifice for me.
The final rays of sunlight beam over the roofs. This time of the year, it’s your usual sight when you leave the store after your shift. You step through the employee exit, a white plastic bag in hand, and trot towards the parking lot. At this time, no one is allowed to park on the property of the store and the manager made it your job to check every evening. You scan the concrete area and as usual, no one dares to park here. If so, you’d write down the license plate number and—
“Oh, there you are. Hey.”
Gaeul sits atop a metal safety pillar next to the entrance, each of her six cans lined up in a row before her. She waves and points to the pillar next to her. The sunlight reflected from the glass front behind her makes her bright hair glow brighter and you fly towards her like a moth. 
“What are you d-doing here?”
“I was waiting for you. I wanted to apologize.”
“A-apologize? Why?”
Gaeul points at the pillar once more. Never not laying your eyes off of her face, you sit down on the metal surface. Through your thin skin-tight jeans you still feel its coldness. You want to jump back up and rather stand, but Gaeul reaches for your hands and you freeze on the spot. It’s not cold anymore.
“Because I had a stupid idea and made you feel uncomfortable in front of your boss? I think this warrants an apology.”
“B-but you actually helped me. I should th-thank you.”
Before you can fall back into your old habit of lowering your gaze, Gaeul brings you back with an assertive rebuttal.
“No, I made you trip and then the accident happened. It’s my fault and I am sorry. I should’ve used my brain back then.”
Gaeul chuckles. For the first time, you hear her voice as small and cute. You join her and a rare wave of warmth and appreciation overcomes all negative emotions. The rest of the day with all its burdens becomes irrelevant for at least this moment.
“Apology accepted. By the way, wh-what was your ‘stupid idea’?”
"Hm? What do you me—ah, yes! Well, uhm, I guess I wanted to help you by scanning the cans and finishing the transaction on my own. The scanning part was easy, but I had no clue how to, uhm, open the register. Hehe…”
Gaeul averts her gaze onto the cracked pavement. A faint blush turns her pastel pink cheeks rosy pink while her hand scratches the back of her head. 
After a second of silence, you begin to snicker. Your mind cannot fathom why she looks so irresistibly cute when she is embarrassed, but also why she would attempt something this unnecessary. It’s nice that she wanted to help, but it was meant to fail from the start. 
“I-I’m sorry, but I find this funny,” you say as your snicker continues.
“Is that why you’re laughing at me?” Gaeul asks, acting offended.
“No, no, I’m laughing because it was cute, but pointless.”
“Th-that’s why I apologized!”
Gaeul’s face jumps from the beautiful rosy pastel to the red of a ripe tomato. She buries it in her hand, making only her blonde bob—the light in the store betrayed you: it’s still as blonde as before—visible. Her body moves to the side away from you.
You stop your giggles and aim your hand at her shoulder. What was supposed to be an apologetic gesture to get back the beautiful girl's attention and explain yourself to her, turns to a shove. With too much momentum from standing up, you unwittingly push Gaeul, making her stagger and almost fall from the pillar. Luckily, she is able to put her leg down firmly and rescue the two of you from falling over.
She removes her hands to reveal her shocked orbs. They are so close to yours, a breath away. Somehow your hand is still on hers and once again, everything is silent for a second. Instead of giggling, you fall to your knees this time.
“Oh my God, I’m so sorry! I-I didn’t want this to happen, really. I just wanted to—no, I’m sorry, I always do things wrong, there is always trouble and—”
“Hey. Hey! Everything is okay, nothing happened.”
“No, I’m such a klutz, an worthless idiot—”
“No, you’re not. A funny little mistake doesn’t make you worthless.”
Gaeul’s soothing voice and soft fingers on your hair guide you away from your self-loathing. The pain you so easily get lost in lingers only for seconds, but when you see her eyes, it's gone. 
"You mean it?"
You did not have to ask that as her genuinity was obvious in her gaze, her expression, her gesture. She doesn’t lie, her words are not just rootless. Although she might only act out of human decency, it feels like burning compassion.
Gaeul stretches out her hand and you take it. You get up swiftly and stand next to the beautiful woman, staring at her probably a second too long. She giggles and turns her head away.
"Yeah, I mean it. Don't define yourself over such a tiny mistake. Actually, it was kinda cute."
Turn away as well. She should not see the seemingly instantaneous, almost cartoonish blush taking over your face. There is no doubt that she once again was genuine and you scramble to come up with a response, with a rebuttal, but there is nothing. Your mind is so full, yet so void of words.
A ring from Gaeul's phone puts an end to the rising tension. 
"Hi," Gaeul greets after fishing out her phone. A second in and she freezes in place. Her lips lose a bit of their already light color, her knees buckle lightly.
You watch Gaeul from the corner of your eye. Throughout the call, she is reduced to repeating simple words or inconclusive phrases. A 'Yes' here, a 'Me' there, sometimes an 'I know', other than that she is just listening. Her free hand scratches her blonde hair or hides shortly in the pockets of her baby-blue jeans.
When your eyes meet, you quickly spin around. She is clearly uncomfortable and you don't want to make it worse by eavesdropping on her. In an attempt to look somewhat disinterested, you look into the plastic bag you brought along. Soda, two days past the expiration date, along with instant noodles, rice, and a mixture of vegetables that still looked edible. It'd be a waste to throw them away.
"I'm sorry, b—"
You raise your head and Gaeul lowers her hand. Little beads of sweat trickle down her distressed features. In a hurry she collects all the colorful cans splayed on the pavement and tries the impossible task of carrying them in her bare hands. They of course tumble down and you watch as Gaeul’s body trembles.
“Ah, damn,” Gaeul says in a dull voice, adding a clearly faked laugh, “I have to go now. I missed something important.” 
“Wait!” you shout as she tries to jog away with the unstable tower in her arms, “take this. O-otherwise, you won’t make it home without an accident.” 
Stretch your arm towards her. A light breeze makes the now empty white plastic bag in your hand sway in the wind. It’s like a flag and your arm is the pole. Gaeul hesitates.
“Are you sure? Don’t you need it too?”
“It’s not that much. Look, a couple of packets—I can easily carry those.”
“I don’t know…”
You try to make your eyes look more pleading to finally convince Gaeul to just take the bag. You definitely want to help her and although you understand and cherish her care for you, hearing the shift in her voice to sadness leaves you determined—you will not leave until she accepts your offer, even if it takes a lie.
“Gaeul, please. If I should struggle to carry this home, I can just grab another bag from inside the store. You need it a lot more right now.”
With a residue of hesitance Gaeul reaches for and fills the plastic bag with her cans. Although she whispers a grateful ‘Thank you’, her expression is trying to hide something dampening her mood. You can’t help but think that there is something seriously wrong. Some dread seems to linger above Gaeul like rain-filled clouds.
You wave after her, but she doesn’t turn around. Her walk is swift, her blonde hair bops at each step and you admire how incredible she looks in this casual outfit. Form-fitting jeans, short white T-shirt—Gaeul can wear literally anything and still look stunning. 
Who would want to cause any discomfort to someone this wonderful?
Scroll through your contacts. It’s certainly not a long list and you wish most of the names displayed on the screen were just non-existent, but you can still waste time by going down and back up. 
Avoid at all costs, waste as much time as possible, maybe she will call on her own. 
Naive thoughts to keep you occupied, but if you want your stove top to work or lamps to shine you need to call her. 
Even this late, she is still surely awake. Even after years of fighting, she will surely pick up. Even if you are formal and nice, she might make this go sideways quickly. Having to call her was always your least favorite chore since living alone, and when her receiver is lifted and the line is clear, you freeze on the spot, like you have every single time.
“What?” she groans into your ear, not hiding her annoyance. There is an obnoxiously loud TV running in the background, some soap opera characters are fighting. You always hated these shows. They were one of the most irritating parts about here, but not as irritating as the barking of a dog. Last time you called, she didn’t own one. Maybe she is at a friend’s house, maybe she is getting her life together and wants to care for a dog, but God forbid she has a boyfriend now.
There is no escaping it, you already pressed the green button. Suppress the urge to immediately tap on the red one and end the call. You have to engage in this. It's no use running away. 
"I need… there is no electricity," you say firmly, even through the little slip-up, trying not to sound too cold or desperate.
"Yeah, I know," she responds nonchalantly, interrupting her response to suck at her cigarette. Even after all this time, you can still smell the disgusting odor of the smoke she always exhales in a celebratory fashion.
"I couldn't afford it."
"Huh? And what am I supposed to do now?" you say resentfully, unable to keep yourself from shouting. Her attitude broke you faster than even your worst fears would have assumed. The barking gets louder and your mother half-heartedly speaks over it.
"Chill out! After my boss pays me, I'll be able to pay for your bill. That motherfucker is late again."
"And till then?"
"What do I know. Can't change it."
Your hand wrapped around your cell phone trembles. You grit your teeth and keep your rage-filled tears back. 
"You want me to starve? I can't cook anything. Noodles, rice—"
"Then eat something else."
"And how should I shower?"
Your voice cracks, almost crumbles as you press the speaker onto your sweaty cheek. 
"You'll survive without one."
"Can you fucking care for once?! I'm in trouble, again, and you don't give a shit, again!"
"I don't have to listen to you. You wanted to live alone."
"Because I can't stand smelling you and your fucking cigarettes all day."
"Shut the fuck up."
Her voice is cold, colder than ice, colder than a murderer’s heart, colder than the vaccum of space. It’s the coldest thing in the entire universe. If hatred was transferable through phone lines, she would wince and squirm on the ground right now. Instead, it’s you who is about to fall on your knees. The weight is getting too heavy.
The beeping of your phone after she hangs up just echoes through your empty mind.
One thought however resonates infinitely in this void.
I fucking hate you.
(A/N2: thanks for reading! Btw, why is she so damn beautiful??😳🥺)
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lithiumtoolsfactory · 2 months
YP20-DR13A 20V 2-Speed Cordless Impact Drill 60N.m Impact Function 13mm
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The cordless drill is a high-end tool for demanding screwing and drilling applications in and around the home, workshop, and garage.20V electric drill, 2.8A no-load current, 30,000bpm impact frequency,13mm metal ratchet chuck with impact function, a good choice for hitting concrete and brick walls. Brushless motor with high torque and high power, 2-speed, LED light, forward and reverse rotation, Ultra short body design, Convenient operation.
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reddancer1 · 19 days
Putin has become a needy ally ahead of challenges that will come with a new US presidency
Roger Boyes
Tuesday June 04 2024, 9.00pm BST, The Times
China and Russia, Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin, are not an alliance of equals. Intrepid travellers to the Russian far east tell of the Stygian gloom of the scruffy border city of Blagoveshchensk on the fringe of Putin’s empire and, on the other side, the modern skyscrapers, bright lights and blaring music from an expanding Chinese conurbation.
It’s an image that speaks to the frontier spirit of Chinese entrepreneurs and the general defeatism of the Russians, who are reluctant even to build bridges lest Chinese tanks one day rumble over and annex their underpopulated land.
It was therefore a big moment when, on the eve of President Putin’s 2022 invasion of Ukraine, he and President Xi declared “limitless friendship”. It was a pledge by two leaders who don’t recognise time limits on their own rule and an implicit promise to change the world’s power axis together.
But Russia has become a needy, over-demanding friend to China, tugging it into a messy European war and narrowing Xi’s options as he prepares for the challenges that will be thrown up by a new US presidency.
Russia is uncomfortable with the status of junior ally. China, meanwhile, is growing impatient with a sidekick that had once promised to romp to victory over Ukraine. Two years ago it might have seemed like a good idea to be in harness with Europe’s single biggest military power. It was what Mao called “touching the tiger’s buttocks”: a rare chance to do something daring and unsettle the enemy. Now it is beginning to seem like a bad bet, an atypically reckless lurch…
All this creates a climate whereby the security establishments of Russia and China grow closer together. This trickles through the elites. There have been reports, for example, of a growing number of privileged Russian children learning Mandarin and enrolling in Chinese universities. These common interests suggest that the entente cordiale between Beijing and Moscow elites won’t be easily dislodged.
But trouble has been brewing since last year when the Wagner Group chief Yevgeny Prigozhin mounted an unsuccessful mutiny against Putin and his generals. The “mysterious” explosion of Prigozhin’s plane and a purge of senior officers may have partially reassured China but it was clear to everyone in Beijing that Putin had lost face and the Russian army, once the military benchmark for the communist bloc, was a shadow of its former self.
It is this loss of authority that is poisoning the alliance. North Korea, promoted into a role as a major Russian arms supplier, may feel emboldened, for example, to conduct its first nuclear test since 2017. That would rattle China; if there is to be a new Trump presidency, an assertive North Korea could become a global disruptor.
So far Xi has been able to prop up Putin’s war efforts with sanctions-busting ploys. But he can’t provide, it seems, the extra push needed for Putin to be decisively successful on the battlefield. The crucial moment for the limitless relationship may thus come as early as next month’s Nato summit in Washington.
Xi has been able to play European leaders such as the German chancellor, Olaf Scholz, by hinting that Russia is essentially marginal to his strategic ambition. In his telling, China’s role as an economic stabiliser and global growth engine is what should continue to define Europe’s relationship to the Middle Kingdom.
That over-comfortable position won’t last. There is a real head of steam gathering, ahead of the Nato 75th anniversary meeting, to allow western advanced systems to be used to expand targeting of Russian firing positions outside Ukraine.
This forces zugzwang on Xi: to embed himself deeper in his military support of Putin or to position himself as a peace broker and distance himself from the Russian leader.
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cnrlighting · 2 years
A chandelier can be an ideal option for lighting in your home. Not just for foyers and formal dining areas, but chandeliers can also be used to provide lighting in kitchens, bedrooms, as well as the children's room. But before you go out and look for that perfect chandelier, here are some things that you need to consider.
Criteria For Buying Chandeliers
1) Size of the chandelier: The most important element to consider is the size. If not sized correctly, a chandelier will not be able to provide lighting as desired and may well not fit into its designated spot. So here's what you need to know about sizing a chandelier.
When choosing a chandelier for a particular room, you need to first measure the width and length of the room. Add these two measurements and the resultant sum (in inches) is how wide your chandelier should be. For instance, if your room is 14 feet wide by 16 feet long, you need to add these two numbers which gives you 30. Thus, the ideal width for a chandelier for this room will be 30 inches. However, you also need to consider the height at which the chandelier will hang. If you have low ceilings and the chandelier will hang quite low, you should buy a slightly smaller one (26-28 inches). But, if you have really high ceilings, then you should go in for a bigger one (34-36 inches). This is because the higher the chandelier, the smaller it is going to appear.
Another important size consideration is the length. A chandelier should be at least 30 inches above the table that it will hang over. This is the optimum height as it is high enough to leave adequate room to place things under the chandelier and is low enough to provide the desired lighting. Thus, after subtracting 30 inches from the top of the table to the ceiling, and 3-4 inches for the chandelier hook, the space left can be used to decide the length of the chandelier. Once again, you can be a little flexible here. If you usually use very tall centerpieces on your table, you should choose a chandelier that is a little shorter.
2) Type of lighting required: The kind of lighting that you need is also an important criterion to consider. Here are the various types of chandeliers used to bring about different kinds of lighting:
Ambient Lighting: If you wish to achieve ambient (general) lighting, you should go in for a big one, which has plenty of bulbs and open lights. This will ensure that the chandelier provides light for the entire room.
Accent Lighting: If you want to place your chandelier over something specific so as to illuminate that object, or if you want it to provide you with accent lighting for specific areas, then you should choose one with spotlights and down lights. A spotlight will help you to focus lighting on special works of art and help to bring about their beauty. With down lights, you can provide accent lighting for tabletops and other specific areas.
Diffused Lighting: Many people like to have sober diffused lighting in their home. They do not like the glare of very bright lights. If you too desire such lighting, you should choose a chandelier with uplights. An uplight will throw light on the ceiling which then gets diffused and provides a very warm glow. You can also choose a chandelier with shades as this will help to maximize the light filtering down but reduce the glare at the same time.
Thus, once you have decided on what type of lighting effect you wish to achieve, you can select a chandelier accordingly.
3) Style of the chandelier: As it is most likely going to be the center of attention in any room, it is essential that you choose a chandelier that has a look and style which is in keeping with the rest of your décor. You do not want to draw attention to your chandelier for all the wrong reasons after all!
While a traditional crystal chandelier can look at home in almost any setting, if you want to go in for an ornate wrought iron chandelier, or perhaps a contemporary one, it is important to first determine that such a design will match your home décor. Remember, while choosing a chandelier style, you want to go in for one that matches your décor and not contrasts with it.
In addition to the above, ease of cleaning, number of bulbs (depending on how much lighting you require), and your budget are the other factors to consider when choosing a chandelier.
Robin is the publisher of All About Chandeliers, your guide to finding the perfect chandelier for your home. Go to All About Chandeliers - Your Chandelier Guide [https://cnrlighting.com/] and brighten up your home!
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coxotech2 · 1 year
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COXO RGB LED Strip Light
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proluxinternational · 2 years
LED Sports Lighting Supplier UAE
We collaborate with the client to understand their application and help them choose the best solution to satisfy their needs in terms of application, specification, approvals. Prolux International LLC is one of the famous LED Sports Lighting Supplier UAE.
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fiverenvironment · 2 years
As we are getting more knowledgeable about covid-19, we are better able to reduce its transmission. If you want to keep this virus at arm's length, you can use sanitizers, face masks, and social distancing. Apart from this, you can also use other methods, such as UVC light or UVC air purifiers. In this article, we are going to find out more about UVC air purifiers. Read on to find out more.
What Is a UVC Air Purifier?
Although most people are familiar with ultraviolet light, many don't have any idea about its application. As far as the wavelength is concerned, UVC light has the shortest wavelength, which is between 100 and 280nm. Therefore, this type of light can be used to eliminate germs. What happens is that this light can be used to disrupt the chemical composition of DNA molecules. Therefore, it can be quite effective when it comes to eliminating viruses and bacteria.
For a long time, UVC has been used to kill different types of viruses, such as SARS-CoV-2. According to laboratory standards, the wavelength should be 254 nm to aim at 20 millijoules/sqcentimeter. Since this virus is new, most experts say that a higher dose of light should be applied to ensure that the virus is eliminated.
UVC Air Purifiers
An air purifier that contains a UVC germicidal lamp will offer an additional layer of protection against different types of mold spores, bacteria, and viruses. When air goes through the internal radiation chamber of the purifier, it gets hit by the UVC light. And this is how the air purifier can help reduce different types of biological contaminants.
Although most of these contaminants can be eliminated with the help of HEPA filters, you can enjoy additional peace of mind if you go for a unit that contains a UVC lamp.
How does COVID-19 Spread?
Since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, many researchers and experts are trying to find out how the virus spreads. The most common ways it spreads include sneezing, personal contact, cuffing, airborne transmission, and so on. However, experts agree that airborne transmission is one of the most common ways the virus spreads across the world. Therefore, it makes sense to go for a good quality air purifier, especially one that contains a UVC lamp.
Not long ago, a group of experts released the warning that the covid-19 spreads in an aerosol form. In other words, they wanted to say that social distancing may not be enough to slow down the spread of COVID-19. So, we can say that the use of face masks is much more important than we believed. Apart from this, it encourages the use of different types of air purification units, as they can help filter different types of viruses in your home and office.
In short, we can say that UVC purifiers can be an ideal choice when it comes to protecting yourself against COVID-19. We suggest that you invest in good quality unit. So, it is important that you purchased this unit from a reputable manufacturer.
Are you looking for a good UVC Air Purifier? You can get these units at fair prices by checking out https://www.fivergroup.com/uv-air-sterilizer-1.html.
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vstlighting · 2 years
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