whirling-fangs · 29 days
😗 [KISSING FACE] — a little intimidating
how intimidating does your muse find mine? // accepting!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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"A little? Only a little? But you're always screaming whenever I show up! I bet you're actually terrified of me!"
Oh, he doesn't care what it takes. He'll get Monitsu to admit the truth. Closer he stands, snout nearly touching his comrade's face.
"Say it. Say you're scared. Or I'll gnaw your eyebrows off!"
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sorrowmarked · 1 year
@lightningstrickcn cont from x.
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It was very kind of him to reassure her. Kanao felt he must be kind, a sharp contrast to Tanjiro's other friend, Inosuke. She did not think Inosuke meant to be unkind, she thought he was just a bit wild. She remembered when Zenitsu first came, he had not wanted to splash Aoi with the medicine any more than Tanjiro had wanted to splash her. He must have a gentle heart.
She considered reaching for her coin, felt the impulse itching at her fingers, before she ignored it. Tried to listen to the quiet voice inside of her.
"No, they do." She said. Though she said it so matter of fact it was as if it didn't bother her at all people thought that. "It's okay, people are still kind to me," she said. "I am glad that I could help with your training. Are you finding it useful in your battles?"
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dxllhcuse · 1 year
@lightningstrickcn 🎎
“Your eyes…” she said as she stared in shock at the demon slayer. “They remind me of someone.”
Is this who she has been looking for? It’s been almost 188 years since she was turned, and all her memories have faded away. In the beginning, she had a quest. A quest to look for a particular eye color as it is reminiscent of a previous relationship she was in. Now? Those quests seem to have been abandoned, as she completely forgot everything.
What color was it? Was it blue? Red? Pink? Grey?! Is it towards the warm colors? Or towards the cool colors?
She honestly can’t remember; however, there was an instinct that she must check every eye on the island.
Oh! She finally remembers! And…
It’s not the eye she was looking for, bummer. Although it wasn’t the eye, she had been searching for; she did find his eyes fascinating. Maybe he can land her his eyes. She’s sure she has heard stories of many blind demon slayers. If blind people can become demon slayers, then it wouldn’t be a problem for him to hand her his eyes, right? right?
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“Nevermind about what I say. I do like your eyes, though. They’re really stunning. Where did you get them?”
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sxs-a2 · 1 year
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*sees Demon!Zenitsu*  *wants to keep him* 
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goresugarsxx · 1 year
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@lightningstrickcn said: "Hey... Yoiite?" Zenitsu is fidgeting with the seams of his haori. He knew that what he was about to ask was a touchy subject given his seniors' past responses to the yellow boys' accidental outbursts, but he was genuinely curious about their relationship. "About Akita. What was he like? I-I mean-- how long have you known each other?"
unprompted || always accepting
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·• It was a painful topic, indeed. It felt like pins and needles on his heart but, it wasn't like Zenitsu meant any harm. He was asking a question, innocent questions about someone he loved so dearly. As he sat in front of Akitas' shrine with Zenitsu, he took a deep inhale. There was so much he needed to mull over.
"I grew up here and he was from a more inland village. I remember meeting him when I was around 6 years old, and we were best friends..." The memories flashed in his head on how they met. "We were six years old, both practicing with our own fathers for our family's breathing styles and I accidentally let go of my practice sword and found it near him.. that was how we met..."
Such fond memories those were. "After that we became good friends, best friends, practicing together, he was there when my father and mother died a year later.." Akita had always been there for him, no matter what. " We continued on, my grandpa retired from the corps to train me. Akita was a snow breather, we worked well together. As we got older...his family moved to this village so we could be closer..."
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·• He relaxed his posture a bit and ran his hands along the sword in front of him, the sheath white with a delicate blue snowflake on it. "We both confessed to each other at the same time. We were planning our wedding when we were both 21 and joined the demon slayer corps at 22. It's late to join I know but we both had our reasons..."
Thinking about him now, all those memories, it made him smile, a genuine, sad smile. "Akita was.. a gentle person. He was so kind and patient. We worked so well together, snow and ice. Akita had a smile that was like the dawn, warm and inviting. He would always make sure we had everything we needed. He was my rock, he was my everything. He was my sunshine and my stars. "
He felt himself starting to buckle. "He used to make onigiri with me but he'd shape them into cute shapes... I never could figure out how he did that." All those meals they shared together, every morning, every night. "He used to say.. he loved my smile so much because it reminded him of the sunrise reflecting on crystal clear ice..."
The kinoes' voice began to waver as tears stung the corner of his eyes. Hands shaking, he raised his sleeve to wipe his eye with. "Every day... I think of him. When I close my eyes, I see him like he's been etched into my eyelids. And sometimes, I wake up in the dead of night, as if he's going to be there next to me to hold me again...."
But he wouldn't ever be there again. Not in this life.
He looked at Zenitsu, trying to hold back more tears. "I'm sorry, I don't meant to cry... " Yoiite thought he was done crying, but just when he thought that was it, that he could weep no longer, there was always more.
"He was a good person, Zenitsu, and I'm sure he would've liked you."
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weeping-gospels · 1 year
A gust of chilled air parallel to a frozen over tundra wafted throughout the battlefield.
The oxygen grew thin and choppy, asphyxiated by the nippy touch of a blood demon art aimed to stall and throw back the perpetrators — fellow oni of hers. Series of coughing and harsh wheezing broke the chorus of nichirin swords clashing followed by the shuffling of footsteps dire to escape being swallowed up by frostbite, and just as swiftly as it had been triggered, the breath of lightning could abruptly feel a gloved palm slap against his open mouth to shield it from inhaling her deadly art.
The demon opted to spare the human from harm.
He could see strikingly white eyes penetrating the misty chill, her stern expression softening ever so slightly upon feeling his presence in front of her — good, her aim was correct and she had successfully covered his mouth instead of accidentally pressing into another part of his body. It wasn’t every day Naomi participated in combat. Her actions and offensive skills were rusty — but her instincts and durability still shone brightly in the face of peril.
“ Do n-not worry…and d-don’t b-breathe. If you do, I can’t g-guarantee your safety w-with my blood demon art, “
A voice as smooth as silk yet as timid as a mouse. In spite of her being, her thoughts and heart were genuine.
“ I w-won’t hurt you. I’m going t-to save you, okay?
Please t-trust me. “
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slayersaided · 2 years
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❝ i wonder who keeps setting up the little elves around the manor. they're awfully cute, aren't they? hehe. ❞
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multianime · 6 months
"Hey, Nezuko!" Zenitsu greeted her in his typical cheery manner. Cheerier than usual actually. Of course, he had good reason for it. "I have something for you!" Tucked away into his fidgeting hands was a box that he shyly presented before her. Inside was a small herbarium bottle, perfectly sealed with only the finest of pink flowers that he hand picked over the past year. There was also a bag of konpeito that he hoped she would be able to enjoy once she turned human again. "I hope you like it. Happy Birthday!" (a little thing for nezuko because it is her birthday!)
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Nezuko tilts her head to the side whenever he said that he had something for her. With curiosity she takes the box from him and opened it up to see what was inside of it. When she noticed the small bottle of herbarium with the flowers she smiles. Even if he can't really see it that well, due to her mask. But at least he could tell her excitement from her eyes.
She sets the bottle back into the box gently before looking at that Konpeito as well. Another smile is offered before she places the box on the ground. Nezuko didn't want to break anything. Her hands clap together before she walks over and gives Zenitsu a hug. Thankful for her gift from him.
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herosugarsmoved · 1 year
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@lightningstrickcn said: “Why do you have to jump out and scare me all the time?”
unprompted || always accepting!
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•• " Because! " Mirio beamed. " Buildings can't jump!" It was a rather obtuse joke but he didn't even hesitate!
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@lightningstrickcn inquired: "I'm about three seconds away from screaming. Just a warning." / for Nezuko
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⁕| Random Prompts |⁕
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Nezuko understood that Zenitsu was scared. He was always scared... Either scared or infatuated--or at the very least not wanting to die alone--and neither were really productive. Even so, the blond boy was her friend. She could be patient with him. But that didn't take away from the fact that he could definitely be a bit of a liability at times.
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"Please don't scream..." Nezuko whispered back with an exasperated sigh. The two had recovered enough after the battle with Upper Moon Six, so now they had to go back to missions. At least the two of them were working together on this mission. Nezuko knew Zenitsu was capable of fighting demons on his own, but sometimes he needed a hand to hold. She would be that hand for him...as long as he kept quiet.
They were currently trying to find the demon that was hiding in the forest, and even the smallest of sounds could drive them away, much less a scream. "We have to be quiet... Come on, I smell a demon this way..!!"
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timelostobserver · 1 year
@lightningstrickcn - ❛ why are you laughing? this is a very serious situation. ❜
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How couldn't he laugh?
It was an almost comical scenario, all things considered. This brave little slayer, his speed neigh unmatched. Until it was. But not by speed alone, but by the demon's manipulation of the space around them.
"I just find this whole situation hilarious, that's all." Hades had not a scratch on him, but at the same time.. he'd not laid a claw on the thunder-breather. Each strike was dodged, every opening was left to remain open. The demon was not attacking, simply.. moving out of the way of that dangerous blade.
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"A deft, quick slayer.. failing oh so miraculously to cut at this poor demon's neck. All the while the blade never finds it's purchase. Time and time again, like a comedy play! How could I not laugh?" Even the mirth was inside of the demons voice. He kept distance from Zenitsu, regardless.
Several meters.
"So, how about this, you put that sword away.. and maybe I'll stop finding this all so hilarious."
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whirling-fangs · 2 months
Zenitsu was unfortunately late to Inosukes' Birthday due to a mission, but that didn't stop him from finding a gift for his friend! "Inosuke! There you are." The yellow boy had been searching for him ever since setting foot on the mansions property without rest. "Sorry I'm late." An apologetic bow as he presents the boar with a flower crown that he crafted himself. It contained the mix of vibrant blue and white flowers that he found on his way back to the mansion, topped with acorn decor. (1/2)
His additional gift was a significantly larger acorn, but with a twist. "Here -- You wrap it in the string like this and…" He launches it towards the ground and it spins perfectly in place until it slowly wobbles its way back to its side. A silly little toy, but fun all the same. "Happy Birthday!" (2/2)
The boar's head turned around before his body followed, his heels spinning across the ground with a squeak. He placed his hands on his hips, ready to give his underling the scolding of a lifetime, but the sight of the flowers quieted his ire before it could even come out.
"... I see you added some acorns. Approved!" He decided, seizing the crown to place it atop his cranium, hanging from one of the boar's ears. A chance that he had been taught what flowers crown were for – and what they were not for. Like eating, for example.
He looked down curiously at the second item, meaning to question its impossible size, when Zenitsu pointed it at the ground and launched it.
"AH! Don't throw it!! It's gonna break!" Inosuke exclaimed, a little spooked – and immediately interested again. He crouched down to follow the weird acorn's motion, snout pointing so far down that it almost touched the spinning acorn. The boar was mesmerized.
He snatched the acorn from the ground once it went still, handing it back to Zenitsu while still crouching.
"Again! Show me how to make it spin!!"
Oh, this was going to keep him amused for a while. Until his stomach's next demanding growl, at the very least...
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sorrowmarked · 1 year
@lightningstrickcn cont from x.
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Kanao stopped waiting so he could catch up. Turning she looked at him, "I won't tell Shinobu," she promised him. She looked at him, meeting his eyes for a moment, before she gave a little nod. "Thank you for your help, Zenitsu," she said, hoping to offer some encouragement.
Kindness had once saved her life. Her sisters had looked at her, saw she was in danger, saw a girl bought, being lead away and simply saved her. Not from demons, but from humans.
If she was to listen more to the voice in her heart, it told her to be kind. Kind like her sisters.
Reaching over she touched his shoulder. "You're being very brave," she told him. She meant it.
Bravery wasn't about the absence of fear, but rather still being able to push through it. And he did. He was.
She reached into her pocket and pulled out a handkerchief, offering it over to him. "You have very good hearing, right? Will you tell me if you hear something approaching?"
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flxshy · 1 year
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“Kid come here.”
He pats the cushion beside him, hand grabbing the tea pot beside him. Pouring the cooling liquid into the remaining cup.
“Let me give you some advice on love. Will that help you calm down?”
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sxs-a2 · 2 years
Do it Zenitsu! Hold her hand! 
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slayersaided · 1 year
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@lightningstrickcn said: “ if you get sick of me , i’m sorry ahead of time ”
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sick of the thunder breather? why on earth would agatsuma ever think of something so terrible about himself? he could recall on numerous occasions how frustrated & annoyed his coworker kanzaki got when having to deal with the kaminari, often sending the kakushi in to take her place when she had enough of zenitsu's wailing & whining.
❝ agatsuma-san, why would you ever think such a thing? i don't know how anyone can ever be truly sick of you,❞ the kakushi replied in a sincere manner. he was already aware of the yellow-haired demon hunter's low self-esteem & lack of confidence in his swordsmanship as a member of the demon slayer corps, but the attendant would not permit zenitsu badmouth himself.
❝ please don't think poorly of yourself. a lot of people care about you. what would the kamado sister think? ❞
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