glamorchild · 2 years
Hi! I love your account and have been reading almost everything you post! I have a question tho! I have been affirming/using states but my manifestation still isn’t here. Why is that if manifestation shouldn’t take longer then three days? Also why do some things manifest instantly/faster and other things take forever? I don’t know if this limiting so sorry if it is.
omg thank you so much for reading my acct and loving my account!! I'm freaking out! i don't think it could be limiting beliefs btw.
the reason your manifestion is not here yet pt2
the reason you might not see your manifestion is that you did something 'wrong'. you might be actually be living in the 3d and not in your 4d or actually manifesting in the 3d instead of 4d. also you mention that ''manifestion shouldn't take longer than 3 days''
what I meant by that is manifestion come in different times while being patient. manifestion can come in a week or even a whole year since you allow when and how your desires come in. you shouldn't really time crunching your own desire because…aren't you putting pressure on your self to get your desire just in 3 days? I can say the same thing and ask why my s22 didn't come at my door step just in 3 days. I decide when and where It's going to come actually, and really, you shouldn't be manifesting from the 3d since you, yourself doesn't have it. try manifesting within the 4d and acting like you have it all and, all your desires already came true.
my advice is that let it go. no I don't mean to let it go as like waiting for it or like to let your desire go. I meant that let your desire tell you that it's already there and you should be able to feel your desire coming through. let your manifestion go and don't think much of it because It's there already for us and always in going to be there for us. humans can manifest ANYTHING without even realizing you manifest. I literally manifest a bunch of guys dating me from left to right without myself clinging on to that desire and knew that my 4d life is already here.
sometimes if you see yourself literally clinging on to one desire, let it go and tell yourself ''my desire is already here and I feel my desire.'' simple.
Neville Goddard ''feeling is the secret''
Think feelingly only of the state you desire to realize. Feeling the reality of the state sought and living and acting on that conviction is the way of all seeming miracles. All changes of expression are brought about through a change of feeling. A change of feeling is a change of destiny. All creation occurs in the domain of the subconscious…
this quote states that you should be able to feel your own desire to make things change. and since your feeling can be a change of destiny, you can literally manifest anything when you 'let it go'.
the reason your manifestion can come instantly fast or instantly slow
this can be literally be so frustrating when it comes to manifestion. the reason your manifestion can come extremely fast or extremely slow is the lack of self concept you have or you're just waiting for your own manifestion to come. now this goes back to how your manifestion can come later or sooner. Have you worked on your self concept? have you had a peak of confidence than before? or feel better than before? if no, then that's your answer! have you been waiting for your desires but did everything correct? you have been seeing angel numbers EVERYWHERE but still don't see your desire? your angel's numbers could be warning you to start changing your self or actually work better on yourself. your self concept really matters when you're manifesting.
I recommend listen to subliminals from baejin café and slater. you shouldn't be waiting for your desire because don't you already have the mindset that your manifest comes either way? it's like nobara as been waiting for a whole designer bag while the nobara in her 4d could just stand up and bought it her self.
actually, waiting on your own desire to come in is not really bad but is bad! Here are some reasons why.
It creates a sense of lack: Waiting for your manifestation desire can make you feel like you don't have what you want, which can create feelings of lack and scarcity.
It leads to impatience: When you're waiting for something to happen, impatience can set in. Impatience can lead to frustration and negativity, which can block the manifestation process.
It can cause you to doubt your ability to manifest: If you're waiting for a long time for your manifestation to come to fruition, you may start to doubt your ability to manifest what you want. Doubt can be a major block to manifestation.
It can prevent you from taking action: Waiting for your manifestation desire can make you feel like you don't need to take any action towards your goal. However, taking action is an important part of the manifestation process.
Instead of waiting for your manifestation desire to come to you, focus on taking action towards your goal (depending on which thing you're manifesting) and maintaining a positive mindset. Trust that the God/Universe/Divine realm will bring you what you desire at the right time.
thank you for mailing me! it was fun to literally think inside the head and looking for resources to back me up! I hope I can write more blogs to give you guys a sense of feeling abt manifestion.
light out, I am glamorchild!
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glamorchild · 1 year
it is already done.
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omg so like I'm so, so sorry for not posting a thing! thank you sm for followers!! i was freaking out of how much i saw! i just post a new video (Jeanie jean) pretty girl w/ a pretty aura ♡ i really hope you guys support it as much i love you all :))
this was inspired by a video: If You're Seeing This, It is Already DONE | Neville Goddard
it's so good and it's short too!
3d shouldn't be your validation.
to time, us humans aren't known to be patient (which that's ok ofc). but when it comes to manifestions, you shouldn't be looking at the 3d for your validation. what do i mean by that? let's use analogy!
Validation: the action of checking or proving the validity or accuracy of something.
why you should try to ask your self if the yolk in the egg is REALLY in there? because if you crack the egg, the yolk is there anyway. so why should you ask your self why your desires aren't coming because it IS there, you already have it. it's like atoms pushing and pulling the thoughts you think and what's gonna manifest next. and the fact you said ''why isn't my desire coming?'' then your desire isn't coming since you stated it yourself.
you're instantly manifesting 24/7 at all times; when you're sleeping and when you're conscious or unconscious about your own thoughts. like Neville Goddard said…, our thoughts create reality.
so how can we STOP checking the 3d validation? and how can we stop this anxiety we're feeling now?
you should know whatever you're feeling of your desire right now (if you're just manifesting RIGHT NOW or trying to) just know that it is coming, it is here, and there's nothing to stop it! if you want a desire to come true. then it is TRUE. your 4d is in YOU. whatever you say is true, it is true. only thing that is going to stop it is YOU. that's why i always say. PERSIST, PERSIST, and PERSIST! keep on telling yourself you will have your desire because nothing is stopping you. tell me one person who would stop your desires to come true? oh wait, it's you. seeing lack of movement? PERSIST. SP being rude to you but you want them to love you? PERSIST. persisting is just telling yourself you would have the thing you want because it is true and nothing stops you.
yes, you would have EVERYTHING that you want dearly because look. it is YOUR reality. if you have everything in your 4d reality, why are you still checking your 3d for it? it may take some time but it's there… you can't see it but it's there in front of you. you are LIMITLESS. do not care about people talking shit about you because guess what? you have your desire whether it would be a 5million lotto or getting an 11 pro max. aren't you 'feeling' about that? literally. your feelings are valid but they're nothing against you! :))
THAT'S IT Y'ALL! thank you so much for reading this far (it's kinda short but THX) i just want to write this down because i have poor memory to remember for next day.
have a great day, eat fresh and be fresh….
light out, i am glamorchild!
i am powerful, beautiful and abundant
whenever i say my desire is true and it is here; it is true because i said so
i am open-minded about my desires
my desires are here
i am thankful that my desires are here. i work so hard to get them and now there are here? thank me! i just love how i instantly manifest anything by lifting a finger! i love myself!
why do i have such quick powers to manifest anything i want?
i get whatever i want because it's my rules and i said so
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glamorchild · 2 years
your desires are already here. and that's a fact.
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some of y'all are stressing over manifestion too much that you're not even seeing your desires. guess what? you already had your desires. there's NO point of getting to a void, know millions of techniques of manifestions and it doesn't work for you. you are the method.
stop thinking your 3d is where your ''desires'' manifest''
your 3d is just a reflection or some say a mirror of your entire life while 4d is a higher version of you but all your thoughts, desires manifest fully. Here's the problem… you only manifest in the 3d because your mindset isn't like ''oh, I already have it in my 4d, why should I manifest it in my 3d?''. the reason you're not seeing your manifesting is just because you're not acknowledging the fact you already have your desire no matter WHAT happens.
yes, it's so discouraging to see that your 3d isn't like your 4d and I get it, frustrating. but you already have your desire? so why are you still complicating the fact you don't? tell your conscious mind that you have all your desires and is a fact. you could be stressing out '' oh why don't I see my desires? I tried everything but nothing works?'' it's not you that you did something wrong…you're just not thinking how everything is already yours.
let's get an example rq
say you want to manifest a whole new book…but wait. you already have the desired book, so why should I manifest again?
say you want to manifest for an all full pencil. but wait, you already have a pencil, so why should you manifest it again?
put those two examples with your own desires. why would you keep on manifesting on it when you know it's yours? even if the 3d literally hatreds you, everything you think literally manifest quickly. that's why you're a master manifestor.
''the methods don't work like magic because you're not magic, but you are magic because you are the method.''
methods of manifestion only work when you have the ability to work with them. no I'm not saying some people have the ability to manifestation (which is silly since everyone manifests no matter if they like it or not) the thing I'm saying is that…you have the ability to work with any method is when you finally know all you have to do is work on you. say you tried the 369 method for the first time but it didn't work. now you tried the 555 method and it didn't work. now you're asking yourself ''did this method is just trash or what?'' the methods aren't trash, you are just the ''problem''
why would you think everyone that tried the 369 and the 555 method for what reason? they know that the method isn't writing but them own selves. you can be the method. you can change your own life just within a second. you can change your reality so easy that all you needed is YOURSELF.
why should you be spending HOURS on affirming the same thing repeatedly when you can change when you only change your thoughts to how you got your desire and it's an entire fact?? just affirming isn't going to get you NOWHERE. it might do something but not the result you expect; you have 4d and 3d. you make up stuff in your 4d because it is real TO YOU. if it's real to you, then it's real in the 3d. easy-peasy.
“All you can possibly need or desire is already yours. You need no helper to give it to you; it is yours now. Call your desires into being by imagining and feeling your wish fulfilled. As the end is accepted, you become totally indifferent as to possible failure, for acceptance of the end wills the means to that end…''
Neville Goddard, Feeling is the Secret
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glamorchild · 2 years
feelings doesn't matter, you do
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say that you're in the verge of anger, sadness or in the mood you feel like giving up on your own manifestion. how would you feel?
what if the 3d is giving you the people that you DON'T want and is making you feel like ''is my 4d even coming to me?'' or feeling that you are lost in track with the divine realm?
why your feelings doesn't matter if manifesting
if you felt a certain way which is not prideful all the time, just know that your feelings isn't going to do ANYTHING to your manifestion. the only thing that is going to happen is when YOU, yourself lower your self down to your limiting beliefs. It is ok to feel this 'feeling' and totally acceptable. your desires still manifest either way.
even if you lash out, your parents calling you ugly 24/7, would YOU let them control how you are feeling? I can assure you not. the people who hate you, the people who dislike you, and the people who absolutely NOT want to see your face are the same people who have a low vibration, insecure and hates themselves. compared to a person AKA you having your best life and a master manifestor, manifesting their own desire in thin air? now…
us humans aren't perfect even being happy all the time. now at my last post '' why you prob don't see your manifestions/see signs of your manifestion'' I explain how you might not see your manifestions come up is because of your low vibration; there is one thing I need to clear up…
You can literally have a high vibration but cried literally the whole week. you can literally have the worst life ever but still have a high vibration ever. anything can happen to your 3d but the best way to not affect you is not letting your own feelings affect you and your manifestions. or even taking a break to recharge yourself at most. your desires manifest when you're at will to make a change towards them. it's better if you recharge yourself, having a relaxing time just by you. or even dancing w/ music. :)
that's it everyone! this was kinda a rush so you might see some words that don't make sense. just know that god/universe will always have your back on you!
light out, I am glamorchild
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glamorchild · 2 years
nothing too big and nothing too small
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there are no manifestions that are big and too small. that is how YOU yourself label them. if you think getting an 1 million check is hard and big, it's going to be hard and big for you. if you think getting good grades is easy and small, then it's easy and small. stop limiting yourself. you're a master manifestor already!
I'm telling you right now. you don't need to be in a void state, know law of attraction 100%, and have a positive mindset because here's what? even if you don't have those skills, you're a powerful manifestor that manifesting anything at their will.
'' what if someone tells me I never achieve my desires/never get what I want? ''
so are you going to let them control what you want to think about your desires? I can guarantee you that both of you don't have the same mindset, nor the same desires. so why would you let a failing person in life control YOU? already perfect person you are? it doesn't matter if you struggle to make end meet or living young in their parent's house with low in money; do not let anyone control you because they're not you. you are you. you can literally prove them wrong just by only caring abt u!!
'' I'm worried that how can my desires come through when I don't have a lot of _____ ''
please stop worrying. everything is going to be ok! you don't need to question anything to the universe/god/divine realm. they KNOW how you are going to get it, and you will receive. even if you don't have a lot of money, friends, blah blah, just keep on believing it would happen! Believing is the key! just imagine yourself in your own desire when you STOPPED worrying everything and let it go through? yes. hard times can come with them your 3d, and it wouldn't hurt to respond to it. it's only going to affect if you respond to your own 3d when you let your emotions build on it and control you.
'' can I manifest this first and this last? if I manifest both, my mind would be junk of affirmations ''
now I am looking DIRECTLY at the subliminal community. there is DOZENS of fake info/incorrect info on there. no, your mind wouldn't be a junk of affirmations because you listen to a lip subliminal and a height subliminal at the SAME time. let me tell you something. the mind can manifest almost ANYTHING you put your mind into within endless different realities in them. if you think you will get a junk of affs in your mind and It's going to block your results. IT WOULD happen! stop limiting your selves oml. if you want to manifest something different from each other, then do it. who's stopping you? No one of course but your self.
that's all it for today. I feel like they're too much false info on the subliminal/law of attraction community so I just want to write it out! have a great day!
light out, I am a glamorchild!
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glamorchild · 2 years
Why you are prob not seeing your manifestions/not having your manifestions
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Have you ever done EVERYTHING right? Read and learn about the law of attraction…many times? Did everything in order but still… Didn't get results of manifestations? Or mindlessly saying affirmations over and over until you cannot process? Here are some reasons why you're not seeing your results! It is STILL possible to get your desire, as long you keep on persisting, but the lack of it still.
A secret hidden limiting belief is still in your subconscious mind.
Ever since birth, parents, or adults or anyone you have been listening to have literally craved up your subconscious mind to do things quite normally. Example: say that your friends always called you ugly and always unworthy? What are you going to think now? Unworthiness and full of self-hate! Boohoo! No one wants that. Now say if I told you want to manifest your dream life, head to the bottom, you would say yes. But if I told you would and are you capable of receiving your desire, would you say no because of that limiting belief? Probably.
Now imagine your self manifesting a s22 phone. Putting hard, sweat and tears to manifest it. Guess what? You got a s10. Bummer ey? Now you start to complain why you don't have that or even asking ''did my manifestion went wrong?'' Complaining of the things you DON'T have is going to ATTRACT the things you don't want. Complaining the things you DO HAVE (law of assumption) is going to ATTRACT the things you want.
Yes, it is really easy to get into such ''am I really fit for this?'' or a repetitive matter, you're not the only one. You can easily break this habit of actually learning how to stop this limiting belief and wash it away for GOOD.
They're many ways to fix hidden limiting beliefs but one way that help me (and I promise is going to work for you too) is persisting on your manifestion [persist: continue firmly or obstinately in an opinion or a course of action in spite of difficulty, opposition, or failure.] I literally persist on having my manifestions even if I don't get what I want. Why? I can still have the s22 AND s10 at the same time. It's like that ''I'm not going to stop until I get what I want'' mindset. You are actually BELIEVING in your self because you know you will get it. Who's going to stop from reaching my desires? WHO? Tell me one person, RN. even if you're not going to get exactly what you want, are you going to stop your manifestions because of it? NO!
Neville Goddard once said in '' imagination creates reality''
Finally, you must be persistent in attaining your desire. Continue to imagine what you want until you have actually obtained it. You do nothing else to obtain your desire. If it is necessary to take some action, you will be led to do so in a normal, natural manner. You do not have to do anything to “help” bring it about. Remember that it is God, Himself, who is doing the work, and He knows exactly how to accomplish it. If you think of your desire during the day, give thanks that it is already an accomplished fact – because it is!
Affirmations for limiting beliefs
I will get my desire no matter what happens
I am capable of getting my desire
3d does not stop me from getting my desire
Limiting beliefs are not in my system at ALL
My mind is divinely perfect that my manifestions come in lighting speed
Your vibrational level is low.
Yes, I know what you're thinking. What the hell is 'vibrational levels?' and why is it so important? Well, us human bodies actually have a frequency levels as this can affect our mood and your mindset (I'm still learning about frequencies) everything in life always have to do with matter. (not me in my science era)
HIGH VIBRATION: lighter, happy, more energized and seeing more signs from the universe/god/divine realm.
LOW VIBRATION: more fragile to sickness, tiredness, low in energy, more self-hate, greed, selfishness, green-eyed etc.
Your vibrational levels are IMPORTANT to your manifestions because guess what, universe/god/divine realm only vibrates at YOUR level. Now, if you're mad all the time, what happens? The divine realm is going to give back the anger vibrational all the time. If you're happy, generous pretty much all the time? What happens? You're going to get people that are generous and happy too.
its a quite easy/hard way to fix low vibration! and no, not with the 7-day gratitude (you can do it if you like, but rlly time-consuming) to fix a low vibrational, try to go out more in nature, appreciate the little things (seriously…! This life is too short for us) smile and laugh more and put your self in a crowd that makes you feel you. Not what Petra and levi says SHIT abt you (sorry aot fans) or listen to frequencies on yt! The best yt channel is meditative mind! or even listening to the best songs on earth. I'm telling you right now, when no one is in my room, I just start playing music. did you know music have frequencies in them? that's why you can feel any feelings while listening.
Having doubts/negative talk of your desire
I've been hearing ''WRITE IN YOUR JOURNAL FOR GRATITUDE! GET RID OF NEGATIVE TALKS BLAHBLAH'' just shut up for a moment. A lot of mistakes that happen in the manifestion community is literally convincing your self that you can not have any negative thought. It's so possible just for a one negative thought to just pop up in your mind, and that is OK! literally oml. Human doubt is so normal, sit down and relax!
I could be literally be doubting if my manifestion is coming but still, persisting that it's going to work either way. but the only thing bad about having doubts is letting your own thoughts control YOU. why would your own self-thoughts literally control you? if you stop believing your desire is not going to come true in thin air, it wouldn't even come. there is a saying that ''your own state of mind create your reality''. and it's true, even the most famous master manifestor AKA Neville Goddard, have even said it himself.
''The sooner that man rids himself of the belief in a second cause, the sooner will he realize that nothing happens to him except that which originates in his own consciousness. I do not deny that a man believes that if he contracts a certain germ or virus that he will manifest a particular illness or disease. If he contemplates the cause, he may conclude that it is because he came in contact with someone else who had the bug. He doesn’t realize that in some way, his own feelings about health or illness attracted the illness he is experiencing. If viruses or germs were truly the cause of disease, everyone who came in contact with a particular virus would be affected. The outer world merely reflects that which a man is in his own consciousness.''
this quote states about how your own beliefs can attract what you're thinking about. it doesn't matter if the 3d gives you a bad life, bad friends and poor in money; what matters is YOU. would you let your OWN LIMITING/NEGATIVE TALK ruin your life forever? no! like I said, even if I have doubts on my own manifestion, would I let that stop me? PERSIST AND PERSIST ON HAPPENING. NO ONE ELSE IS YOUR CREATOR BUT YOUR SELF!
to get rid of negative talk/doubt, try to backhand it and convince your self from doing it. (I don't know if backhand is the right word but kk)
I could literally tell my self ''I'm pretty'' and my mind says ''no, you are not shut up''. if you are experiencing this, just say ''no YOU shut up. everyone is obsessed w/ me and I know I'm attractive.'' just tell your self affirmations and listen to self-concept subliminal (the BEST MAKERS ARE BAEJIN CAFE AND SLATER. GO CHECK THEM OUT!!)
that's all it for today since they're way many more reasons why you might not have your manifestion. the best way to get rid of them is not paying attention to at all. you shouldn't be always looking for results every 1–2 seconds because… are you really questioning your own manifestion power? tell yourself you're an MASTER manifestor. YOU CREATE ANYTHING IN an GLANCE.
light out! i am glamourchild! see you all next time!
feb-23- to feb-25-2023
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