odelally · 3 years
a plotted starter for @liishang 
Laughter filled the evening air as the theatrics were displayed. His fellow-soldiers had at last warmed up to him and now he felt the freedom to truly be himself even at a place like this. He had asked his Captain if it was alright for him to entertain the men a bit with a story. 
He had gathered an old cloak and wrapped it around him with a rope like a dress. War paint was used to feminize his features; a big eyeliner, red lips and blushed cheeks. It took him a few minutes to make a wig out of straw, wrapping an old handkerchief around it as a headcloth. It was probably only a good thing he had no mirror to check himself in because he looked absolutely ridiculous. However, the improvised costume was quite impressive knowing what materials were available for him. 
He presented himself with open arms, giggling as the men bursted into laughter and started to clap their hands --- welcoming the entertainment that had not been present for weeks on end. Robin waved shyly, biting on the index finger of his other hand. And when the noise had died down a bit, Robin started on the fairytale-like story he had planned on sharing. It was rather exaggerated, full of theatrics and edgy jokes. 
“You boys might not believe it --- but this is exactly what I long for and don’t have.. Such a pretty maiden as myself... without husband.. how dreadful!”
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serenitystored-a · 3 years
@liishang​ xx
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keeping up this form was exhausting. it was a form that required their power be buried beneath, no visible markers of a dragon, something that blended in. it was a perfectly fine form for short periods of time but lumi had been here a while and it was starting to take its toll. 
uneventful dreams easily swarmed by nightmares (nightmares she had fought for years. how long? how long until they went away?). when hand touches her shoulder, the dragon’s hand shoots out, grip painfully tight on the anonymous wrist, almost burning cold. eyes, for a brief moment, barely a blink of time, a harsh white.
“you - “ lumi drops his wrist. “do you mind? I was finally getting some peace and quiet.”
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the-sleuthy-one-a · 3 years
Without the looming threat of being captured, taken prisoner and meeting his untimely demise, Sokka found the Fire Nation could be a surprisingly nice place to be.  Well, being buddies with the new Fire Lord certainly made his visits there extra pleasant; he had his own room in the palace, fine robes gifted to him, spicy Fire Nation dishes whenever he wanted...to say he enjoyed himself would be an understatement. And although meetings with less-than-welcoming old politicians drove his head in, Sokka was more than capable of standing his ground, and was trusted enough to be subject to Zuko’s worries off the record, as an ambassador yes, but also as a friend. So, whilst he was listening to the concerns of what exactly the Fire Nation Army should do now and their willingness to obey their new ruler, Sokka’s ears couldn’t help but prick up at the mention of a certain Captain.  Captain Li Shang. Powering through the ranks despite not even being able to bend the flame of a candle, well respected for his physical strength and his quick thinking.
In other words, the sort of person Sokka simply had to meet.
After some pleading, he was able to draw out the whereabouts of the man from Zuko, and set off the next morning, his heart pounding in his chest as he was escorted through the base and to the tent of the Captain. He took a deep breath, rolled his shoulders and held his head high before being permitted to enter, locking eyes with soldier. 
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“General Li Shang? It’s an honor to meet you.” He bowed, looking back up with a small smirk. “I’m Sokka. Of the Southern Water Tribe.”
starter for @liishang​
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caerulcum · 3 years
The looks Blue got ... it wasn’t entirely surprising, quite honestly. He was by far the most heavily dressed person in the entire Chinese army, including the man who just rode off with a parade of soldiers atop a white horse. He could already hear the whispers in a manner that made his skin crawl, made him want to go to his tent and hide away. And even went to go do just that, to find someplace secluded that he wouldn’t draw attention ... 
The soldiers had different idea’s however. 
“Hey buuuuddy ... what’s under all that clothes? You ugly or somethin?” with a round of snickers from the small group that had confronted Blue, it had the man sighing, looking around wearily. “...Or something.” came his response, shoving off a hand that was trying to pull at his sleeve as if he were trying to pluck the fabric off of him. 
“I’m just gonna-” “-awwww c’mon we just wanna talk! What do you got to hide, huh?” the men closing in on Blue, it was only when one of the men grabbed hold of the collar of his heavy jacket that he finally acted ... and it wasn’t pretty. His fist colliding in a solid blow to one man’s jaw, it sent the man directly to the ground like a bag of bricks ... 
And from there? It was only chaos. Blue might have been outnumbered by far, but he was certainly holding his own.
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repetiita · 3 years
@liishang​ ​ || starter
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A vulture that devoured the corpses of the battlefield was no different from a human rummaging through cadavers. Picking through the pockets of men that threw away their lives in the name of the emperor wasn’t the most well paying, but it kept people from approaching her at the very least. The stench stuck to ill fitting clothes, taken from smaller soldiers to protect her vitals. 
“Are you going to keep glaring holes in me or are you going to draw your sword?” Canon had stopped a while ago. She’d taken too long on one body to still be searching him, but any sudden movements would probably give whoever was behind her an upper-hand. She couldn’t see his stature but by how far his shadow stretched and the height of the sun, he was probably quite big– a lot taller than her. Previous movements sounded like he wore armour or at least carrier a weapon on him. If not, was he a traveller? Or a man of the country come to count the bodies and take down names of those that could still be recognised? Amongst the dirt was a blade, not an ideal weapon with how awfully tended to it was, but it was better than nothing.
One... Two... Three...
With each breath, Canon came closer to steeling herself, though she didn’t move, her heart was set on it– she was going to live. Even if that meant adding another body to this graveyard.
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recordsstraight · 3 years
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“Little Brother? Little Brother!” calling for the pup, Mulan rushed after the exuberant animal, doing her best to try to catch him before he caused any more trouble. Little did she know, there would be one particular General coming up to her family home, coming to a quick stop as she emerged through the arch way, eyes widening slightly upon seeing him upon his stallion. 
“General Li Shang!” remembering herself, Mulan quickly cleared her throat before standing upright, glancing off to the side to see if she could spot the dog she was after. “You’re back early..! What a surprise!” 
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“Oh no way!” His excitement isn’t easily contained for now. Looking down at the collection of small treats she’d bought for their last minute movie night, Shang is delighted to see a host of snacks from China.
“Where did you get these?” He picks up a few white rabbit candies. One of his guilty pleasures. He can almost hear his grandmother’s voice and her hand recoiling to slap his hand for taking one without even asking. And so close to dinner!
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      His excitement is contagious, her grin almost matches, stretching from ear to ear. She plops herself down next to him and plucks out a candy, unfurling it from its wrapper. A piece of childhood nostalgia when her relatives would fill red envelopes with five dollar bills, toonies, or loonies, accompanied with a piece of White Rabbit candy or chocolate coins for the Lunar New Year. 
      She glances at Shang, brows raised, unaware that he hasn’t discovered the local Asian markets in BC, which are in abundance, in fact. She smiles, ❝Got these babies from the T&T Supermarket down at Metrotown. They have some other candies, a bakery, and some other things down there.❞ Then she cocks her head to the side, ❝Chinatown’s also the number one place to get your fix for the culture, guess you haven’t gotten the chance to hit it up there?❞
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streetwisetemptress · 3 years
(Continued from here)
As her performance had concluded, the dancer scooped up her lavender hat and placed it underneath her blouse, before scanning his form/attire. The black and gray armor he wore with a sword attached to his side was very unsettling and instantly sent up a red flag in her mind, which could mean only one thing. Yes, he was dressed differently than Frollo’s soldiers, but a soldier was a soldier.
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Instantly narrowing her brows and turning her gaze into a glare, Esmeralda grabbed the fabric of her skirt, lifting it up, before reaching down to grab her dagger from her holster near her thigh. She let the fabric fall into place as she pointed the dagger towards his chest.
“What are you talking about? Who the hell are you?” She interrogated him. “Don’t even think about trying to arrest me!”
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sultansdaughter · 3 years
Starter for @liishang
Jasmine had longed for the day until she could step out behind the palace walls, conversate with other Arabians, instead of the potential suitors her father keeps setting her up with. At last, it was time to take matters into her own hands, after all, it won’t be long until she is crowned the Sultana of Agrabah.
Disguising herself as a commoner, the princess wore a brown abaya with a matching hijab and made her way out into the garden and over the palace walls. Luckily for her, none of the guards were nowhere to be seen. Hopefully she would blend in with the others on the other side. Once her feet landed on the ground, on the other side, she dawdled her way over towards the marketplace, where Arabians of all ages, were scattered all over, purchasing a variety of food options and merchandise. Through her wandering eye, a young boy, who appeared to be homeless and hungry, longing for an apple, had caught her eye. A frown was formed upon her lips, wanting to help this poor boy. Being trapped in the palace, she had lost sight of the poverty that lied within Agrabah. But the moment she would be crowned the Sultana of Agrabah, everything was going to change.
Approaching the fruit stand, she reached over and grabbed the closest apple, before bending over and handing it to the boy. “You must be hungry. Here you go.” The boy smiled brightly, taking hold of the apple, and scurried away. That was a comforting feeling and she was happy to help her people, even in disguise. Standing straight up, she turned to see an angry merchant glaring at her.
“You better be able to pay for that.” He demanded.
“Pay?” She questioned, utterly mystified.
“No one steals from my cart!” He spat.
“Oh, I’m sorry sir. I don’t have any money.” A worried look appeared as her brows furrowed. Princesses never carried around money after all.
“Thief!” He accused.
“Please, if you let me go to the palace, I can get some from the Sultan.” Jasmine pleaded.
“Do you know what the penalty is for stealing?” He asked, before snatching her hand and pinning it on the table, as he raised his swords, ready to chop it off.
“No, no please!” She begged, while fruitlessly attempt to pull her hand away from the man’s grip.
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frostgrin · 3 years
@liishang​  ,  starter call
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     ❝  Well well  ,  mister general is here.  ❞    He’d been following this guy around for a while now.  Just following and watching wasn’t fun.  Jack needed a bit of fun and clearly this Shang was his new found target.  It wasn’t in a malicious sense  ,  but he certainly was going to have a little fun  --  maybe even get him to believe in him so he can be seen and heard.  Even if that didn’t happen  ,  at the very least a snow ball or two would kill some time.  His palm opened and soon a snowball was making its way towards the general.  A few others were hurled at the men he was talking to for good measure as well.  Surely a snowball fight would ensue.
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honeylimon · 3 years
〔 💖 ❛❛ SHANG; ( @liishang​ ) 〕
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      Honey Lemon navigated the crowded streets with practiced ease, zigzaging and dodging other festival goers as she popped the last of her bao into her mouth. 
      Hanging from her elbow was a bag full of sweets, and in her other hand she held her phone - its happy fox case a comfort to the touch. Distracted as she was, Honey missed a step and gravity claimed her. 
      With a little oof and scrapped palms, Honey found her sweets scattering across the festival grounds but more pressing, her phone had been flung into obscurity. Bright green eyes scanned the ground, left to right and back again, but there was no sign of her phone - her life!
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      ❝ It'll be ok... ❞ She tried to tell herself, but she was beginning to worry.
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serenitystored-a · 3 years
@liishang​ continued
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“the general requested that you send him a letter once you are recovered.” the general had also had quite a few choice words for the guard for allowing enemies to enter the military camp and kidnap their captain so easily. as harsh as he had been, lumi could see it, the love of a father for his son, hidden beneath cool eyes and shining armour. 
the moment they’d left the general, lumi had treated those guards to some sugary sweets. it was the only way lumi felt she could make up for her mistake - should have never followed that trail, should have stayed at the camp - as shang’s guardian. 
( a cold, old part of her thought the death of those enemy soldiers were amends enough. hands still throbbed at the feel of throat crushed by fingers. )
throat clears and lumi tilts her head. “with your permission, captain, I will oversee the training until you recover.”
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onlywarmer · 3 years
@liishang​ : " god, i thought they'd killed you... never been so happy to be wrong in my life. "  /  meme.
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                                    she can’t help but breath out a huffed laugh. exhausted as she was it was all she could do at first. “ not dead. sorry to disappoint. ” though definitely severely bruised and beaten up. she looked like a mess and there was no way to hide it. still standing and that’s all that counts ... right? “ i poked someone’s eyes before he could do worse and then ran and found a hiding spot. which unfortunately was hole i didn’t immediately get out of. ” another deep breath that sounded more like a sigh than anything else.
                                     that’s when she tries for a smile which causes her lip to start bleeding again. matching with the rest of her face that already had blood splatters and some mud on it. “ do you have some ... water ? and bandages ? so i                     can take care of this ? ” is she swaying ? seeing double ? or does he have a twin suddenly. “ i might also pass out because the adrenaline is wearing off, just a warni - ”
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delusionland · 3 years
Hans arrives on campus at 2:47 am---enough time to give himself time to wait for the doors to the gates to automatically unlock for the new semester. (There are other ways into the school, of course, a parking garage right nearby for staff---but Hans? With his Porsche? There’s only one way in, and he sips his Starbucks-brand canned caramel frappacino--that frankly tastes like ass---as he waits outside.
As a second semester student---Hans already has everything planned. He knows the exact layout of the dormitory, where exactly his room is---and he moves the boxes through the halls quickly & efficently, humming a sailor’s tune---no one there to bother him but the Vermont chill & the oppressive quiet & the knowledge that maybe---maybe he should’ve waited to arrive until later in the afternoon, like everyone else did.
He sets up the white-chrome with blue accents PC and the similarly pale desk he made himself---several inspirational photos---not the kind with sayings, but the kind of icelandic hot tubs, and centuries old mansions he printed off of google when he was eight and framed and hung up in his bedroom and has kept ever since----his extensive & color-coordinated blue-white-a hint of pink bedspread of at least three layers of sheets, blankets, and comforters (each, you never know what has been done with mattresses, and there is no such thing as too much protection from the elements) and more decorative pillows than can possibly be humanly sane.
He spritzes the room with his signature scent---perfectly tailored for relaxation and mindfulness. He’s poured over all his files & books & clothes neatly away in his own dividers beneath the bed, or on the desk, leaving the provided drawers in the middle of the room empty---and then, after he switches out of his driving gear into his silk blue pajama set, he spends the allotted time he’s given himself from four am to seven am sleeping doing just that, before he’s meant to shower, change, map out the walk to his courses, and then arrive back to meet his roommate just in time for breakfast.
But what do they say about the best-laid plans...
Hans ends up waking up... a good deal later than he planned. The door very much locked, it’s the knock on the door that wakes him, and then, to his horror---the drool spooling out of his mouth and on to his satin pillow. "Just a minute, please---” He calls in an immediate panic, his voice cracking with morning dius, his hair a horrid mess as he takes off his nightshirt & folds it---just to to put on his binder and put it back on as fast as he possibly can while maintaining the neatness the garment deserves. Quickly buttoning up and flattening his pillow-mussed hair---and to his eternal disappointment in himself when he finds the task finished---with every single one of the buttons ONE button off from its paired mate---he opens the door in a hurry, feigning a good deal more patience than he actually has.
“My eternal apologies.” Why do I even have a roommate? He wants to yell at someone, but he smiles, chipper, all white teeth and charm despite what he believes is a sorry showing. His Father owns Southern Isles Brand Bottled Water! This is RIDICULOUS. “I apologize for the inconvenience,” he says, quickly stepping out of the doorway. “Please come in. It’s wonderful to meet you.”
Great. Great first meeting, genius! Also, how fucking late is it already? Hans is in a Hell of his own making!
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hylian-champion · 3 years
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        Normally, the hero’s privilege placed him above dealing with the affairs of Castle Town. Though the recent string of destruction and targeted robberies had all the knights of Hyrule pulled thin. At their wits’ end, they called in their best to hopefully put an end to the culprit’s exploits.
        Never trained as an investigator, Link simply mastered the art of looking busy without knowing what he was doing. He knelt close to the charred piece of wood blown off from the nearby shop and nudged it mindlessly. Even he could surmise explosives were used—if it wasn’t already clear enough from the gaping hole in the shop’s wall where the wood originated.
        Just under chosen chunk of wood was yet another branch that wouldn’t draw the eye of anyone with experience. Though, to Link, he recognized it instantly. It was half of a thin, smooth shaft with a single burnt fletch at the end. It was an arrow—more appropriately, what remained of a bomb arrow after it went off. He quietly approached his fellow captain nearby and quietly waved the clue in front of him to see what he thought of it.        // @liishang​
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odisn · 3 years
ur not a true artist until someone hates on your for it so... ur art sucks. :o
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