#like [redacted] literally could not have been more wrong; people *translate* my work into *other languages*
hua-fei-hua · 4 years
seriously tho what kind of crack was i smoking when [redacted] told me no one would ever want to read anything i wrote
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dailyarturia · 5 years
have you rated the rulers yet? all the four star ones seem your type
yeah whatever let’s go it’s been a while again
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remember the part in apocrypha where she starts killing the souls that make up jack left and right and atalanta spits at her that she’s no fucking saint and she coldly replies “that’s right. i don’t think of myself as a saint at all.” of course you don’t bc the anime RUINED IT and the novel translations still aren’t fucking finished. anyway she’s way more hardcore than fgo would lead you to believe 8/10
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slippery bastard man whose precise characterisation continues to elude me even though by all means he’s just another emiya type and i should be able to see right through him. his hair is ridiculous i once cut my friend’s amakusa wig and the amount of hairspray in there is positively blasphemous ??/10 he makes a lot of my friends very happy so he can stay
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i wish she kept the hat in all her ascensions. do you know how fucking powerful she’d be if she had the hat together with the gauntlets? this woman fucks. 10/10
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i [redacted] him so much he reminds me of a darker time and a self i left behind but i really dig the theory that he’s secretly a foreigner class so i guess he gets like half a point for that
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AND IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOOOOUUUUUUUUUUU listen how do i even beGIN to talk about what makes the eternal emperor so great when everything about them is what makes them so great. their ego is big enough to eclpise the sun thrice over and they think they’re better than literally everyone else to the point where the difference is so obvious that they don’t bother to keep any distance and are actually surprisingly approachable. they were born in an era of constant wars and believe humans are naturally inclined to violence and cannot be trusted with either themselves or others and, seeing that they were literally more capable than anyone else on the planet, decided that they would simply have to take responsibility for everyone else then. they want humanity to prosper but don’t believe it can unless they personally keep everyone from fighting and so that’s what they fucking do. theyre misanthropic and risk averse but by god did they carve a peaceful future with their own two fucking hands, they suppressed all individuality yet stored any notable individuals at their palace for safekeeping, they forbid personal expression yet filled the capital with art, they became an immortal supercomputer yet insistently claim to be more human than anyone, they carried responsibility for the entire world and all of humanity for 2000 years in a desperate attempt to create a future they didn’t believe in but really wanted to. because they love humanity! so when guda shows up with a bunch of rowdy misfits telling them ‘you got that wrong bucko’ they LISTEN they listen and they consider their options and they have the dignity to not be bowled over by any rando shouting at them but the grace to admit when they are wrong and change course without bitterness or regret because they did the best they could with the information they had, they love humanity and can’t bear to see it suffer for no reason but if there IS a reason if there is meaning in the collective struggle for a better future they can be convinced to take that risk, and only after that do they realize how LONELY they were how incredibly lonely it was to be the only person they could trust and understand so they try to learn they TRY SO HARD to reach out and to understand how people can cooperate, how they can create a better future together as individuals, and they love, guda, so much, they love guda SO MUCH they completely hone in on guda as the shining symbol of the understanding that they cannot yet reach they want to understand and they want to be understood and they give you the fucking elixer of immortality for valentines in a thinly veiled desperate cry of loneliness because the only way they can see that happening is if you become like them because the only person they can understand is themselves THE PROGRESSION IN THEIR GIFT GIVING SKILLS IS SO SWEET by like bond 3 they’re like ‘you want an empire? no? you sure?’ and then they give you IMMOR FUCKIN TALITY for valentines and then by bond 10 they finally got the hang of it and give you a model of their own palace body for on your desk symbolically giving their all to you finally learning to put the weight of the gift in the meaning instead of its value and in the text they ask you to treat them as an equal like you always have because they have seen the world from your perspective and agree that it is so much more vibrant that way THE ETERNAL EMPEROR WAS THE ONLY REAL HUMAN THE ONLY ONE WHO STILL DREAMED OF THE FUTURE FOR TWO THOUSAND YEARS BUT ONLY AFTER THEIR EMPIRE CRUMBLED WERE THEY ABLE TO BE SEEN AND UNDERSTOOD AS A PERSON THE EMPEROR DOES NOT UNDERSTAND HUMANITY BUT THEY WANT TO LEARN FOR THE PERFECT HUMAN IS NOT PERFECT BECAUSE THEY ARE WITHOUT FLAW THEY ARE PERFECT BECAUSE THEY ADMIT TO AND LEARN FROM THEIR MISTAKES AND ARE ALWAYS TRYING TO BE BETTER ALWAYS WORKING TOWARDS A BETTER FUTURE
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ok ill come clean i only answered this bc i wanted an excuse to talk about shi huang di but I am dutiful and will list the rest as well
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i dont care about luvia but she shares an artist with moth and yall know how i feel about toh azuma’s blue rulers with big nonsensical hair and tactical skin cutouts so i stan just by proxy
remember folks: love is stored in the
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