#like I feel like I'm not doing sanji as a character justice if I only ever dress her in the butchest possible stuff
dkettchen · 29 days
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I do enjoy dressing her entirely in canon outfits/cuts and the occasional top she's borrowed from nami and being like ye canon!sanji sure does own a pair of 3/4 pants with ballerina loafers he sure did wear that before with his whole cishet man ass and we didn't bat a single eye at it
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ms-all-sunday · 4 months
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everytime i update this fanfiction i have to reintroduce it to my own audience because i always have new followers. i also haven't updated it in a month.
i write this fic at least once to twice a month. i write a chapter for all canon arcs of one piece and it's always purely from sanjis perspective as his relationship develops with all members of his polycule. it also is t4t4t4t4t
its, more broadly, the "big project" i have going and am currently uploading. its horny at times, maybe even sometimes criminally so, but im never going to write straight up smut in it as my focus is above all else character writing. A LOT (like half. more than half) of east blue polycule fic is just smut and I feel the need to balance that out. (not that I'm complaining.)
this chapter (loguetown) is the first and only im releasing this month, as i struggled with it way longer than I should've, and it mainly focuses on sanji and namis relationship. (resolving/developing things from last chapter, which was mainly a group chapter) ive never written nami with her guard completely down with sanji before so it was a delight to do.
its also my first completely non-nsfw mention of trans nami, which is important to me to have. (i write a lot of horny fanfiction. i write a lot of transgender horny fanfiction that is severely affected by my own experiences with sexuality as a trans person. but if i only mentioned tgirl nami in sexual situations it would be Not Good, i think. my love of this headcanon goes beyond me just being horny for other trans people and into a Legitimate Reading Of Her Character, and is a legitmate reading of her character first and foremost)
if youre checking it out for the first time I hope you enjoy it. the sanji writing is all jazz i really try to do him justice beyond how people normally characterize him. while also making him a weird awkward pervert.
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redhatmeg · 9 months
If you don’t mind me asking, how do you feel about all the straw hats individually? (Truth is, I got a lot of one piece antis on tiktok and I genuinely like all the straw hats and to that extent most of the characters so I just wanted to make sure)
I should point out that I've stopped watching One Piece sometime after Sabody Archipelago Arc, while with manga I stopped few chapters after Ace's execution. Therefore the last Straw Hat Pirate I've known was Brook and I don't have opinion about later members yet.
I can say that some Straw Hats I liked quickly, others grew on me over time, and I'm indifferent about others.
My absolute favorites:
Luffy - yes, some of his shenningans are annoying and he can be a little dumb at times, but you get the idea that this is a man with principles. There's a lot of admirable things about him, like the fact that he has a strong will and sense of justice, and he's willing to fight for people he knows only a little (Mountblanc Cricket for example). Many of his nakama were first such people.
Sanji - Sanji seems very cool, with his swagger, aloofness and chain-smoking, but you quickly realize there's something more to him. He is a magnificent cook and treats his craft very seriously, however, his exepriences on the island gave him a unique insight into someone who suffers from starvation, which first couple of episodes on Baratie showcase (his anger over Fullbody meddling with the dish, him offering Gin, Don Krieg and Don Krieg's men food, because they're starving for days) and I wish it'd popped up more often in later arcs. His perverted ways are kind of tiring but I would say that I've seen more annoying perverts in fiction.
Chopper - oh, Chopper is just the cutest and frankly, I like his default form the most. He's a child at heart and it is a good heart, he's very smart and capable, but he also takes a lot of risks and had a life marked with tragedy.
Not gonna lie, part of what makes me like these characters, is their backstories that feature fatherly figures and moved me in different ways. Episode with Shanks stole my heart and hooked me on this anime, because it's such a simple story and yet it gives so much insight into Luffy's moral code and way of thinking. Episode with Sanji and Zeff on the island is horrific on many different levels, but there is so much to unpack in this "limited situation" (Sanji dreaming of leftovers that were put in the trash, him cutting Zeff's sack thinking there is food, but there's just gold which is useless in their position; the realization that Zeff lost a leg because of him). And episodes with Chopper and Hiruluk are bittersweet, because Chopper found someone who loved and accepted him and gave him purpose, but then this whole situation with Hiruluk's disease and mushroom complicates things, and it plays out like a one big tragedy. For me personally these three stories are just the most interesting and I used to rewatch them a lot.
Now let's move to characters that grew on me over time:
Zoro - for a long time I was indifferent about him. He had good scenes, but I didn't think much about him or his dream. It was only when in Thriller Bark Saga he volunteered to take Luffy's pain and said: "Luffy will become the Pirate King.", that he gained 100+ respect in my eyes and suddenly I started to see him in different light. What I find most interesting about him is this relationship he shares with Luffy - they are polar opposites character-wise, but I have no doubt that they are kindred spirits and Zoro respects his captain the most.
Usopp - at first he might be a Miles Glorious kind of character, not to mention a scaredly cat at times, but I would say he's a work in progress in a best possible way. He wants to be Brave Warrior of the Sea, he's full of self-doubts and he's limited by his own fear, especially because he's surrounded by superhumans and monsters... but you can see that he often wins with his fear and gradually becomes the man he wants to become. I can kinda relate to this dude.
Robin - at first Robin comes off as a cold killer and femme fatale and then she joins Straw Hats and you suddenly realize that she's a fun character to have around. She's a stoic, often unphased by her nakama's weird shenningans, but at the same time she laughs and is really good with younger (or younger-at-heart) characters, like Chopper. I also like that she's a scholar and there are times when her archeology background comes up.
And finally characters I'm indifferent about:
Nami - for a long time Nami fell into an archetype of an anime female lead I really disliked back in a day: a character that was mean or violent towards the main character (frankly, she never reached Haruno Sakura's level, because Oda was gratious enough to not give her a love interest she would fawn over; or make her a girl Luffy is hopelessly in love with). Her greed, although understandable given her backstory, can be tiresome at times, however, she also has some good moments in the show and she was one of the four core members of the crew, alonside with Zoro, Usopp and Sanji.
Vivi - I hated Vivi during the first watch of the anime, but this rewatch opened my eyes to the fact that she's not so bad. Still, as I said earlier, I wouldn't put her back on the team, because I don't feel like she has the Big Dream that requires her to travel through the Grand Line, like the rest of Straw Hats. Her Big Dream is Arabasta being safe and prosperous, and she can achieve it in her homeland.
Franky - he's just... Franky. Yes, his backstory about seeing his creations hurting his mentor and causing destruction is sad and poignient, he becomes Straw Hats' ally really quick after this whole thing with Usopp, and he seems very proud of Thausand Sunny, but he's my least favorite Straw Hat, I'm sorry.
And finally, Brook. I put him separately from others because I didn't spend much time with him, so I didn't get the full grasp of his character. I will say that he has one of the most beautiful scenes in whole series and probably during this rewatch I will be talking about it extensively when the time comes. He also seems fun, most of the time. Still, I don't know him as much as i would like to.
Now, the crew as a whole is great and I love how they grow to care for one another. It's also very unconventional crew, since they are very much like: "Well, our captain is an idiot, but he's our idiot." You get me?
I don't know if later episodes will change how i look at some of those characters or if I find the new Straw Hat members more interesting, but for now it looks like this.
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aquawsm · 10 months
OPLA crazily feels like the source material--in the way that its not trying to replace the anime/manga but the way it's paced and structured--the more you watched it the more you loved it but maybe its just me and I am biased 😆
At first we only got the characters at face value and then we see them interacting and you realize holyshit they translated the recurring jokes pretty well, like Zoro big dumbass energy (this dumbass doesnt do people at all, hes bad at talking), his banter with Sanji, Sanji's flirts (he even banter with the rest of the guys and it feels like flirting and its fun), Usopp lies, Nami exasperation at Luffy--I love I love it.
And I couldnt be mad about the narration changes--like Garp!!--because it makes everything so much more sense, later down the line (if we get to see it) the only thing that bothers me is the lack of Hachi 🥺 (but he will became so much more important, like, dozens of arcs later, so i want to see how will they bring him/changes around his non existence)
MAN I AM SO HAPPY, SO, SO HAPPY I didnt need to be upset or cringe at this series... I grew up with the manga--and one of the first ones that I read is the whole East Blue saga so maybe nostalgia played a part in me loving this but I'm not joking as a 15+ years fan of OP (on and off hyperfixation lol) I couldnt be more glad to see this was brought to live in justice 🥰
PS. I took a peek at watching it in Japanese Dub version and I think I'm gonna cry because the LA cast with the og anime VA cast is absolutely genius combination and I want to watch the whole i episode again with the JP dub 😭😭😭😭😭😭❤️
edit: I am rewatching it and I feel bad for Usopp and Sanji now... they got the burnt of narration changes. I think people would be okay with Sanji's backstory but he hadnt been shown to have strong motive to join Luffy--only for All Blue? thats it? And Usopp quick thinking is not shown not until Arlong Park against Chew--I wish we were shown how Usopp CAN stand up for what he believes in
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eureka-its-zico · 2 months
Hi, Jenn! How are you feeling? <333 I hope you're having a great day
So, here's an ask for the "director's commentary" thing: How do you feel about the way you write Zoro? Was it ever hard for you to do it; have you ever felt like you couldn't do it right? Do you feel like you progressed throughout the process?
I'm leaving a star here ⭐, just in case there's something you really wanna talk about and didn't get the chance to <333
Osiyo, my friend! Naomi! How are you???? I’m so happy to hear from you 😩 I am currently not doing that great. I’ve been struggling to not go to the er for my breathing again, because I don’t want to be admitted but it’s a losing battle, me thinks.
Any who, for the directors cut these are great questions!! How do I feel about how I write our boy Zoro? To be real honest, sometimes I struggle with it. I’ve watched OPLA s1 sooooooo many times (I still watch it) to get his mannerisms and stoic, pain in the sass, demeanor down. He’s a bit different than our anime boy, so it’s hard for me to not mix them together sometimes, which worries me. I just want to make sure I’m always doing him justice and he’s never ooc, even with my added bits. So, in short, I hope I’m doing him justice. 😩
Was it ever hard for me to write him or feel like I couldn’t? ALL 👏🏽 THE👏🏽 TIME 👏🏽 still to this day I feel like I’m failing him as a character and I ask myself if I’m doing a good job of portraying him as accurately as possible, especially adding Doc into the mix.
Do I feel like I progressed through the process? Sometimes. I have moments where I write him and I feel a little pride that he seems pretty close to what Macken gave us on screen. The only time I’m sweating bullets is when I write from his POV. It’s both fun and extremmmmmely stressful all at the same damn time.
As for your ⭐️ bonus lol the only thing I wanna do is fight the air because I decided to do the Loguetown arc, and realized it’s going to be in the show. At least an episode or two so now I’m like ????? Wanting to rip my hair out because I’ve already started writing it, because it goes hand-in-hand with the Sanji fic I have planned because they connect. So, now I’m asking myself, “Do I just fucking go with it, s2 be damned, and write the rest of what I got and fix it when s2 comes out or just forget about it entirely??” 😩
Thank you for sending in an ask babes 🖤 it’s always so lovely to hear from you and I hope you are doing amazing and having a wonderful night/day. Much love.
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helloanime247-blog · 7 years
For the One Piece character question thing, I'm gonna give you: 1. Monkey D. Luffy, 2. Nico Robin, 3. X Drake, 4. Jinbe, 5. Gecko Moria, 6. Buggy, 7. Aokiji, 8. Akainu, 9. Tashigi, 10. Marco, 11. Magellan, 12. Shirahoshi, 13. Momonosuke, 14. Monet, and 15. Bartolomeo! :P Sorry, stole some of the ones you asked me, you just picked great ones!! XD
1. MonkeyD. Luffy: Whatis your dream job?
I honestly have no idea and it seriously kills me that I appear to be wandering around aimlessly not knowing what my dream job is!! :( I really just want a job where I go to work everyday and feel both happy (and incredibly lucky) that this is my job!! I’m still waiting for some ‘sign’ to tell me what my vocation in life is.....hahahaha!! Unfortunately, I must endure my current misery until that ‘eureka’ moment comes along. :P Maybe Gintoki will hire me to work as part of his Odd Jobs gang!! ;) :P
2. NicoRobin:What was the first book that you can remember reading?
I remember the first books that I ever borrowed from my local library were ‘The Famous Five’ series by Enid Blyton. I was just blown away by the adventures that they went on! I always craved adventure and I still do....I would love to (one day) go on some sort of epic adventure myself! :D
I also discovered ‘The Harry Potter’ series when I about seven years old. I remember going into town with my Mum and picking up ‘Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone’. I saved up my pocket money to buy it and when I got home I distinctly recall sitting on my bed to begin reading it. I couldn’t put it down, my Mum kept calling me to eat my dinner, but I kept refusing to go downstairs. I finished the book before I went to bed, I was such a weird child! XD
3. XDrake: Ifyour dad was a pirate, and you were captured by Marines would youserve for them?
No, I don’t think I would, as I really hate the Marines. I’m only on episode 27 of ‘One Piece’ so my knowledge of them is still a little bit hazy. However, in the earlier episodes I came across a Marine called Fullbody and he was such a despicable human being. He was both arrogant and nasty, if there are two traits that I absolutely cannot abide in a person....it’s definitely those two. Fullbody acted as if he was better than everybody else, which was ultimately his downfall, as Sanji’s reaction was AMAZING. Sanji certainly used some words of wisdom to bring Fullbody down a peg or two, which he most definitely deserved.
4. Jinbe:Would you take up Luffy’s offer to be in the crew or act as anally?
I would definitely love to be part of Luffy’s crew!! I already mentioned that I have a thirst for adventure, so what would be a better way to quench this thirst than to set sail with Luffy and his gang of pirates! It’s always said that sometimes the journey is more important than the destination. This would certainly be true if I could become a member of the straw hats. I mean, it would be great to find the elusive treasure that is named one piece, however, it would also be pretty great to be able to be friends with Luffy and the rest of the gang! Also, as we would be setting sail and having so many adventures along the way.....life would indeed be wonderful!!
5. GeckoMoria: Areyou fan of horror movies?  If not, what was your worstexperience.
I am most definitely not a fan of horror movies, I like psychological thrillers, but the horror genre is most definitely not my thing. Emmmmmmm.......my worst experience was probably more embarrassing than anything else!! I remember I went to see a horror movie with my friend, unlike me he’s obsessed with this film genre! I can’t recall the name of the film that we went to see, but it was terrible....and when I say terrible, I mean terribly bad! Anyway, this really ridiculous moment happened in the film.....and I screamed so loudly......and nobody else screamed at all........everybody started laughing!! I immediately went bright red, and in that moment, I just wanted to leave the cinema! XD
6. Buggy:Are you a leader or a follower?
I have my own beliefs, my own opinions and my own way of dressing! If anybody goes against what I believe in, then I will engage in a lively debate with them! I will never willingly accept what another person says to me to be the ‘Gospel truth’! I like to think of myself as being able to independently evaluate a situation for myself.....that doesn’t mean to say that my mind can’t be changed. However, you must present a good case for me to undergo this change of mind. I don’t know if that’s necessarily being a leader, I think it’s just more of a case of being true to yourself.
I used to always be a follower when I was younger, as my first friend was a bit of a bully towards me! I think that negatively impacted on my self-confidence, as we were friends from junior infants up until first class. When I finally stood up to her....it was one of the best things that I have ever done and from that point on I told myself that nobody would treat me like that again. 
7. Aokiji: Wouldyou throw away all position and power in your job because you don’tagree with the ethics of the organization?
Yes, I actually think I would!! I have certain core beliefs that are like my foundation stones which guide me through life....almost like a moral compass. I would like to think that no amount of power could corrupt me into accepting unacceptable ethical practices by any organisation. 
I was once involved in such a situation where I tackled one of my teachers over his absolutely appalling views on animal rights. From that moment on.....he HATED me with a passion.......he really turned on me! He actually told my Mum that I was too headstrong for my own good......!! 
8. Akainu:What kind of justice do you believe in?
I believe that if you commit a crime then you should be made pay for your actions! Of course in an ideal world there would be peace and everybody would be able to live in harmony with each other! Unfortunately, this type of world is non-existent, therefore, certain measures must be put in place in order to prevent things such as murder from occurring! If these measures didn't exist, then society as we know it would descend into a state of lawlessness. People themselves have different beliefs as to what is right and what is wrong. This is why we look to those in power to guide us in the right direction as to what is the proper conduct. We all know that government officials, the police force etc are corruptible! This means that often those who should pay for their evil deeds end up not paying for their crimes. Unfortunately, money seems to be the deciding factor in determining whether or not a person does indeed go to jail for their crime. I personally feel as if we should treat others as we wish to be treated ourselves. Our moral compass should guide us through life and we should have the presence of mind to know right from wrong. If somebody carries out a premeditated murder then they should pay for their actions by spending the rest of their life in jail! 
9. Tashigi:Do people ever tell you that you look like someone they know?
Emmmmmmmm....no......I don’t think that anyone has ever told that I look like somebody else!! :( I did once get mistaken for being a boy though, does that count??!! :P If you have any ideas about who I may look like.....please tell me!! :P
10. Marco:If you could have any devil fruit, what would it be?
I had to look up the different types of devil fruit that are available....and out of all of them....I would probably eat Ope Ope no Mi, as it definitely seems like the most useful fruit! 
11. Magellan:Are you allergic to anything?
Yes, I’m allergic to pollen, as I suffer with hay fever! :( I have a spray that I use whenever I get a headache or sore eyes! It also means that I normally don’t wear perfume, I especially try to avoid perfume whenever I have to study....as my brain wouldn’t be able to function at all!!
12. Shirahoshi:Do you hold grudges?
Emmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......yes.....I hold grudges....eeeekkkk! I once had an argument with my friend that lasted a couple of months!! I was just so angry with her that I didn’t want to see her at all!! XD 
I also used to hold a grudge against people who had hurt me in the past, however, I slowly realised that this type of grudge was hurting me more than them, so I gradually learned to overcome it! Sometimes you need to move on for your own sake!
13. Momonosuke: Whenwas the last time that you had a nightmare?
Thankfully, I haven’t had a nightmare in quite a long time! However, I do have a recurring one where I’m being chased by a witch! I spend that entire nightmare running and running away from her! I always wake up in a cold sweat from that dream! XD
14. Monet:Do you enjoy writing?  Share a snippet?
Yes, I love writing!! It’s one of my favourite hobbies! :D Emmmmmmm.......I would be too nervous to share a snippet......but I will tell you that I’m currently writing a novel based during the Second World War! I love German history and I’m especially interested in politics! Therefore, it’s a story about the struggle of a Jewish family, who are living in fascist Germany! It documents their desire to escape from this society, however, will they be able to escape in time to avoid being sentenced to death??!!
15. Bartolomeo:Are you massively obsessed with something?
Yes.....I’m obsessed with anime guys......I really wish I was joking when I say that! :P
I’m also currently obsessed with collecting anime figures!! I check the websites of both AmiAmi and Mandarake at least once a day! HELP ME!! 
Finally, I love anime so much! I tend to incorporate watching anime into my daily routine!! XD
Thanks for asking me these questions, Sophie! @akatsuki3519
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