#like I thought I had an obsession with bill cipher and then Don was like
thejadecount · 2 years
Well it’s official
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I’m a Donnie Stan
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Halloween vibe stories
Stories that have the seasonal feeling. These are just some I could think of on top of my head. If I am missing one message me so I can add on to the list. Happy reading! stay safe :)  
Trick or Sweet Mabel sets Bill and Dipper up on a trick-or-treating date that they don't even realize is a date.
A Triangle in the Woods Deep in the forests of the mountain lies a haunted plot of land. A cabin that's theorized to be ruled by the most ruthless, terrifying demon that's ever existed on our plane of existence. Only the bravest and stupidest souls ever dare to tread there, and those who already have refused to even speak of it led alone go back. There's never been a single soul that's made it back fully sane… And Bill intends to keep it that way, damn it. No matter how DIFFICULT this stupid group of brats may be, they WILL leave that cabin running and screaming for their lives! Even if Bill has to destroy himself in the process!
The Bill Haunting When Dipper gets kidnapped by teenage boys in a cult, an evil spirit named Bill Cipher surprisingly saves him. Dipper slowly gets to know Bill and realizes the ghost is more human than he thought.
The Blindeye Murderer In the shadows of New York City there lurks a murderer that has never been caught before. He kills all his victims the same way, by cutting open the chest and ripping out the heart. He doesn't stop there. This murderer always, always, takes the eyes of his victims. Dipper Pines wants to be the first one to catch him and put an end to all the killings. However, what happens when he finds out the killer is the very same man he falls deeply in love with, Bill Cipher?
Golden Hills When Dipper falls for a mysterious stranger, his humdrum life takes an unexpected and dangerous turn. Trapped in a house of ghosts, nightmares, blood, and gold, Dipper can't decide between his own sanity or his new life with a man who may have more than just a skeleton in his closet. Based on the movie Crimson Peak.
Prey Dipper Pines works a summer job volunteering at the Gravity Falls, Oregon State Asylum in 1964. He thought he's seen everything until a new patient arrives a week before his 16th birthday. (depictions of rape, smut, and super jealous/protective Bill moments are contained in this book. Proceed with caution)
Everything you say is like music to my ears Bill~ Bill Loves Dipper very much, but in an extremely wrong twisted kind of way, Dipper wants nothing to with it, but he wasn`t given a choice in the first place.
Gone He whispers more praises. They curl in Dipper’s mind, sick seeds of something that resembles love. Perhaps obsession. It sits in his stomach like cyanide and poisons his blood.
Surrender to me Pinetree Bill Cipher loved his little Pinetree, But the boy didn`t love him back, He said he wanted proof well proof is what the boy wants then proof it is what he`s gonna get.
Don`t scream anymore my Pinetree~  Dipper Pines is a famous singer, His life could be called perfect, well that is until he starts receiving horrifying letters from someone who claims to be his biggest fan, His fear is getting bigger and bigger with every day, He hopes that everything turns out alright, but the newest letter tells him that it will not be like that.
Haunted Dipper knows that Bill is watching him and he also knows that he will never ever get away from him, He finally understands that now.
damnatis daemonium Historical!AU: 19-year-old Dipper volunteers himself as an offering to a demon so that he can finally join the famed Brotherhood. Of course, nothing goes to plan, and they summon the wrong demon.
Raised Spirits Dipper's always been into the supernatural. Especially ghosts, and hauntings. And everyone says the Cipher place is haunted. Dipper's not so sure about that... but it's worth checking out.
Wonderland Dipper was lonely sometimes. Mabel had her friends, Wendy and Soos had their own lives, Grunkle Stan teased him and never believed him about anything supernatural. Dipper wished that there was someone he could talk to about his adventures or just have a friend in general. Then he meets a man named Bill who believes him and everything about him is wonderful and very quickly Dipper finds himself falling down into a dark wonderland. THIS IS AU-ISH: This story takes place a bit before Boss Mabel, and then goes a bit AU from after that until it will completely diverge from the canon plot line.
The World That Faded Away / The Boy That Time Forgot When life hit Dipper Pines it hit Dipper Pines hard. Trainwreck hard. This was a statement that all who knew the boy could agree on. Life had taken a liking to the boy in the same way a feline had taken a liking to a particularly delicious mouse; it had trapped him, toyed with him, before swallowing him whole. As a result, the eighteen-year-old had horrific luck and a habit of getting himself and others into extremely bad situations. Like selling his soul to Bill CipherWho is only too happy to take what is, and has always been, his.
Defying Destiny Bill Cipher always dreamed of finding his other half. In his world, finding ‘the one’ meant so much. You were destined to be together, time and death would literally have no effect on your body until they day you unite. The most romantic stories have been passed down by people accidentally meeting the one and not knowing until they realize one day that ‘hey, when did my heart start beating again?’ It fills you up and makes you whole, you can enjoy the rest of your life with someone you know you're meant to be with, who is truly compatible with you like no other ever could be. Yes. Bill Cipher always dreamed of finding his other half. And killing him.
Touch Bill will make sure that no one will ever touch his little angel again. He`ll make sure they`ll all pay, and only then can he make his angel pure again.
Saligia Dipper and Mabel return to Gravity Falls five years later to be welcomed by the same amount of weirdness, only this time things get a bit darker. Hormones and supernatural forces make sure nothing goes right and on top of that Dipper has to deal with a horrifying dream demon. Will they solve the ancient mystery they're faced with or will everything go horribly wrong?
Intoxicated Obsession Obsession. That was the one word to describe what he felt towards Dipper Pines. Bill wanted Dipper to love him. And it was driving him insane. Ever since Bill cipher laid his eye on Dipper Pines, he knew that he wanted him, and Bill always got what he wanted.
Monsters "Stanleys recovered memories weren't enough to bring me back." Of course, this wasn't the reason. "It was you, Pine Tree. You and your strange obsession with me." No need to tell him. Dipper knew. It was his fault entirely. "Dipper Pines, you are truly messed up."
The Legacy of a Broken Heart And all my days are trances, And all my nightly dreams Are where thy grey eye glances, And where thy footstep gleams In what ethereal dances, By what eternal streams.
Hidden Beneath Gold In a small village, Dipper and Mabel Pines work to exhaustion to get money for their sick grunkle. Dipper has the most dangerous job and many threats to the people are at large in the forests, mountains, valleys, practically outside of the village. Dipper is willing to do anything for his family and packed with lost hope and negative thoughts, he accidentally stumbles across the most infamous threat to any village.
The Gospel of Dipper Pines "Is what they say true? Pine Tree's dead?"  Dipper Pines spent years going back and forth between his home in California and his summer adventures in Gravity Falls. Mabel Pines spent years trying to tame her bipolar disorder and live a mostly normal life. For years, their lives seemed destined to stay eternally separate from one another. That is until Dipper is murdered. Now, Mabel must piece together the remains of the life her twin once lived if she hopes to discover out who killed him. But Gravity Falls is not a town for the normal and, as Mabel delves deeper into the life Dipper once lived, she has to wonder if she really knew her twin at all. AU in which Dipper went to Gravity Falls alone. Incomplete, but has an ending summary.
Blood, Tears, and Puppy Dog Ears Ever since he could remember, a voice in Dipper's head always told him what to do. After following its orders and murdering the family dog, his parents send him and Mabel away to Gravity Falls, in need of 'fresh air' to 'cure his twisted young mind.' But the voice only intensifies, surrounded by endless mysteries. (A dark Billdip story)
The Triangle Murders To everyone's surprise, after college Mabel went on to become an agent for the FBI while her brother Dipper moved to Gravity Falls to run the shack alongside his great-uncle Stan. Currently following a series of murders, Mabel returns to Gravity Falls on less than ideal terms in order to investigate the latest victim. She hopes that with a little outside help from the closest person to her in the whole world, she can solve this case lickety-split. Can she catch a serial killer that's always two steps ahead and always watching?
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