#like I want him to be in THE thai netflix series that blow up or something ugh that would be absolutely perfect <3
ryansjane · 2 years
i know off spoiled mimi dying but damn it still hit so hard actually seeing the scene HOLY SHIT OFF JUMPOL GRAMMY WHEN??? im crying so hard, my baby tan, life is so shitty to him, he better have a good ending omg wtf why is this character so pitiful, the parents dead, and now his pet too whyyyy:(
yeah I fucking hated it but off SLAYEEEED as always!!! acting just looks so easy for him now, there's not one scene where he doesn't look convincing, he's just... top fucking tier at this point <3 my heart is fucking broken bc seeing him hold mimi reminded me of the death of my hamster & I just ;___; but also I really need him to get a main role in like a more mainstream movie or series at this point bc FUCK I just KNOW this man has even more stardom potential than he's demonstrated until now!!!
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some27-url · 3 years
Posting this here I guess just to reach out bc I don't really have a lot of friends irl and I need to process?
Tl;Dr my husband dropped acid and two days later we had to go to the hospital.
My husband and I went out of town this weekend to visit with family and friends. All siblings and cousins. Kind of a rowdy crowd. Husband recently decided to drink less but he wanted to drop acid with them all and I gave my blessing thinking the worst thay could happen would be that he has a bad trip.
What I didn't know was how bad a bad trip could be.
He apparently did twice as much as any one else there and had a series of really bad trips. He was still tripping 16 hours later when I picked him up (he was going to get a ride home but when the time came refused to get in anyone's car) and kept insisting he was dead. Made the 3 hour trip home and promptly told our dog sitter he was dead when we walked in the house.
I got him down to sleep pretty quick (it had been about 40 hours since he'd slept) and he woke up this morning seeming a little off, kinda mopey, very tired but no longer suffering from delusions and all and all in control of his faculties. I had called off work the night before because I was worried and we had already planned on his mom taking the baby so we spent the day together watching Netflix and playing overcooked. We even had some good sex! Not mind blowing or anything but considering we were both tired I was pretty pleased and so was he.
After going to his parents house for dinner and getting the baby we came home and he hopped on rainbow six with his friends while I played with baby and read. After one round of the shooty shooty game he suddenly signed off and came over to me, laid his head in my lap and said "It's true. I am dead."
And boy if my heart didn't fall out of my ass.
So I flew into consolation mode while also appeasing the baby, doing my best to convince him that he wasn't dead and that he'd just taken too much lsd and had a bad trip. He accepted it outwardly but didn't seem completely convinced. I was worried at this point and texted a few people I know who have done lsd searching for advise. Decided plan of action was to get some more food in him and make him drink water and stuff.
It was really spooky though. I could tell he was struggling to keep a grip and he was deferring to me on literally every decision which is very very unlike him. (Should I go to the bathroom? Should I sit down? Should I go smoke? Etc) every time I consoled him or tried to explain what was happening, what we were going to do next, he would respond with flat, resigned sort of "okay."
I thought talking to people who were on the trip with him would help so I asked his cousin to call him. He wasn't available right that second so his little brother called him instead.
I left him to talk to his brother while I changed the baby. I also felt compelled to hide our gun somewhere he wouldn't think to look for it just because I wasn't sure where his mind was at. At this point he hadn't told me anything about what he saw or felt other than that he was dead.
When I came back I asked how his phone call had gone and he said "Charlie said to go to the doctor."
And if my heart hadn't fallen out before it did then.
I immediately called Charlie to confer and I s2g I have known this guy for 7 years, lived with him for 2, and have never heard him so freaked out. He told me that he had immediately called his parents and told them everything because he shouldn't be acting like this 48 hours out.
So I told Charlie thank you and that we were going to go to the hospital and that I would keep him updated. Called MIL who sounded like she was in the throws of a meltdown, calmly explained what had happened to that point and asked them to please come watch the baby.
Who, by the way, was fucking AWAKE as FUCK at 930 on a Monday night.
I then told husband that we were going to go to the hospital to which he said "Ok. Good. Thanks. Should I put on my shoes?"
Once the inlaws were there we headed to the hospital. Again, it was eerie. He was there but not. The windshield was fogged over and he figured out the defrost way before I ever would have. He fed the dogs before we left when I asked him to, no problem at all. But he was still confused and not himself.
We waited in the er for quite a while. I went with him through triage because he was having trouble remembering and communicating. Let him answer as much as possible but clarified where necessary and supplemented details. I really feel like I was able to exercise my special interest in science communication and nai interpretation, honestly. Did a lot of translating lol.
Finally got to see the doc around 1230 and was frustrated to learn that even though I'd said it multiple time to many different people, the tiny little detail of WHEN he took lsd was lost in the shuffle so the doc came in like "so you took some lsd tonght?" And I was like "Uh try SATURDAY."
After talking to him a bit and looking over the bloodwork, ekg and tox screen the doc said that he was going to be fine, that this was not uncommon and that if he didn't like how he felt he shouldn't do lsd. That sounds snarky and rude but it really wasn't the way he said it. He offered Ativan and after I helped explain what that was and how it would help him hubs accepted.
After the doc left he finally opened up to me about parts of his trip. He said he basically had trip after trip where he died in different ways. He was shot, he was in an explosion, and he and I and the baby all died in a drunk driving accident. There was more, but he couldn't remember them all.
We now think that him playing rainbow may have triggered a flashback to one of those deaths and that's why he was suddenly thrusted back into his trip so suddenly.
He also told me that while he hated that we had to go through all this, he was happy because the trips made him want to be "better". He never wants to drink again (*angelic chorus*) he wants to go to therapy, and he definitely has no interest in tripping again.
He expressed that he's wanted to go to therapy for a while but thay he feels like he has it "too good" to justify it. I then lamented for a moment on my not-that-bad-except-for-my-narcissitic-parent childhood and how it was way better than the experiences my friends who were physically and sexually abused had, but that I still feel things about my narcissistic father and about how his negative influence still carried into adulthood. I explained thay while my childhood could have been worse, I still have pain from it and my pain demands and deserves to be felt.
To put this into perspective, my husband really did almost die in a terrible accident just before we met, was friend with someone in early adulthood who turned out to literally be a serial killer, and was first on the scene when his best friend since childhood died of a heroin overdose. He did cpr on a blue and bloated body.
So he has some pain and he doesn't think he's allowed to feel it.
Doesn't that fucking suck?
Anyways we were discharged with instructions to "get plenty of rest, get plenty if fluids, don't take anymore lsd." Went home, thanked the inlaws profusely (it was 130 and MIL likes to get up at 5 most days.) And send hubby off to bed. Once I got the dogs settled and had a smoke I joined him and he curled up, said "I love you so much. Thank you.... I think the Ativan is helping." And then fell asleep snoring.
And then I lay there awake for awhile wondering if sleep would come. Had a headache so I got up and took some ibuprofen and come outside to smoke more and decided to type this up. Man my fingers are cold.
Tomorrow I will get up and make food for hubby and get him to schedule a follow up with his primary so he can get some anxiety meds. Don't know when he'll be able to play shooty shooty games again but I'm glad we know that's a trigger at least 🥲
If you read this far. Thanks. I really just needed to vent. ❤
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godsofhumanity · 4 years
all i have to say about this show, is that it felt like i was tripping the entire time.. this show is INSANE.. you HAVE to watch the show to know. or you can just read my spoilers under the cut >:)
wait also i didn’t say this, but this show is based on the chinese myth- Journey to the West
OVERVIEW:  Entering the mythical world of the Monkey King, where a young monk and his group of disciples are on a journey to collect scrolls of Buddhist wisdom. NOTE: Sun Wukong is known simply as “Monkey” in the show.
RATING: 4/10. but like,,, it’s so bad that it’s good.. rotten tomatoes gave this show 100% though so.......................... if you want a show that you’ll LOVE to hate on, this is the show for you <3
- costuming was pretty okay. i liked Monkey’s little crown thing that the monk (called Tripitaka, who is also actually a girl?? long story lol) can use to control him when he gets too out of control. also his armour was pretty cool.
- dialogue is absolutely UNREAL!!!!!!!!!! my favourite example (quick context- monkey has an evil twin who is like,, in love with him i swear):
Evil!Monkey: *wolf whistles at Monkey* fancy seeing you here~ i was just out for a walk in the forest, and i just... 
Evil!Monkey: .. i can’t stop thinking about you ;) 
Monkey: Go away!!!
Evil!Monkey: have you been thinking about me too ;) <3 xx
Monkey: no???
Evil!Monkey, flirtatiously lowering his weapon: i know this must be weird for you. last time i saw you, i asked you to kill your little daddy (referring to the monk)
^^^as you can see- WHO is writing this stuff??????????? AGHHHHHHHHHH you don’t need drugs to trip
- the demon lords are batshit insane. there is LITERALLY a demon lord called “Mothrax” and she is literally a woman with moth wings, and everytime there is a fire or light source, she goes INSANE................. literally she dies by going crazy and flying straight into the fire.
- insane moment #459. Monkey has to like,, fly into the sun in order to destroy the evil version of himself, and everyone thinks he’s dead, but then BOOM! eggman:
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- a brain blows up, and it is very green and gooey.
- Monkey has really good character development :)))
- hot demon villain guy who impresses EVERYONE with his looks. why am i so weak for white, long hair if u look like this DM me T^T anyway.. stop making villains look good challenge 2020
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- casting was a big no for me. first of all, the guy who plays Sun Wukong is Thai, not Chinese. similarly, the monk actress is tongan/scottish, sandy is australian, pigsy is tongan. there were literally no chinese actors in a tv series based on chinese mythology >:( it is 2020 guys c’mon we can do better!
- the “real” tripitaka. why was he such an asshole?????? he was so rude, and literally so useless. no point in having him. also his “resurrection” wasn’t explained i don’t think?????
- i feel like s1 and s2 were really different?? it felt like i was watching a completely different show. no fluidity :/ 
- in s1, Devari was a really bad villain. what was his motivation????? i’m confused.
- once again, this is a show that borrows the names from a preexisting work and then completely disregards the plot and key character dynamics. sandy was a bit of a joke honestly- firstly she was made from originally being a guy to this weak water goddess, and secondly, she literally never even uses her powers. she just too dumb to be effective and tis such a waste of character:(
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