#like I've also been seeing a lot of transition timeline stuff where the subtext seems to be
obstinatecondolement · 7 months
I am still in my feelings about that "I didn't transition to look like Elliot Page: I wanted to look like Hank Hill" thing because like?? Very fucking rude to Elliot Page first of all?? What the fuck is the subtext here? That he doesn't look enough like a "real" man and is some kind of dilettante who we shouldn't take seriously until he mans up, or something?
Also like... as far as I know Page is not attracted to men, but it feels vaguely homophobic? "I want to be a Normal Straight Man who looks like a Regular Guy not a fucking [slur redacted]" Like fuck off? And it had so many notes! How is policing the gender presentation of other transmasc people being so roundly fucking applauded, oh my god.
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