#like a HUGE win for me but 🤷 it just is 🤷 I'm really so happy about this 💖
running-in-the-dark · 2 years
oh my god you guys!! 😭
it's October which means it's time for our local (much smaller) Oktoberfest equivalent
we went there yesterday but only for a few minutes to get me some food. it was long enough for me to be like hmm... I think I'm not scared?
this is usually one of the most terrifying situations for me, it's not exactly panic but just this constant awful feeling of dread while I'm there (which is why I never like going there)
so we went again today, again just with the intention of getting some food. we ended up staying for over an hour, we got food and sweets and I bought two scarves (I've never bought anything like that there because I couldn't talk to the vendors, or even get close enough to look at any of the things really).
we walked past the Ferris wheel and I said 'hey let's go on that now'... I am extremely scared of heights, always have been, it's one of my worst fears (and I have so many of those so that means something). I've been on a Ferris wheel maybe like 5 to 7 times and I panicked and cried every time. I had to stand in front of it, watch for 10 minutes, and really work very hard to convince myself to go on it.
and this time I just.. did it. and I was not scared. not before, during or after. not for a second. it was just 'huh okay this is pretty cool when you're not sobbing actually'.
I can't believe this is real? I can't believe I'm capable of just doing shit now?? this medication is literally the best thing that has ever happened to me 😭😭😭
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killeroos · 15 days
Hello! I just have one thing to say.
I don't think I understand the concept of Bazball. I mean I know it has something to do about going berserk with the strike rate in tests, but does that invariably mean the players will get out faster, than if they player with a slower strike rate ? Or maybe will get fatigued and won't be able to stay in the crease for much longer?
Sorry if I'm wrong...I really don't understand the need or purpose of it. What about in pitches that are less batting friendly?
bazball is super confusing don't worry!!
i think what makes it confusing is that it's really two separate concepts - a test cricket strategy and a media strategy
so back in 2022 england was doing poorly in tests despite doing well in white ball cricket. to try and improve test results they replaced the captain and coach and started to incorporate more white ball tactics. while tests usually favour a less risky approach, with a slower strike rate, there are benefits to a more aggressive style of play. it's high risk but also high reward. because while yes you are more likely to get out sooner if you're trying to score fast, even playing carefully there's the risk of just getting unlucky and losing your wicket. it can also be used as a mental strategy, a great way to get under the oppositions skin
playing aggressive test cricket hardly a new thing though; australia was known for it for decades, and before that it was the west indies! what made bazball unique was that every batter on the team was trying to score as fast as possible, rather than a select few. the idea was that with every batter playing recklessly, statistically it should work out for enough of them for the risk/reward to pay off. this pairs well with the mindset side of bazball, a focus on being positive and exciting. like you can call joe root's scoop shots many things, but you can't say they're not exciting!
beyond strategy though bazball is also a marketing tactic. the term 'bazball' itself was invented by the media, and after replacing the coach and captain they needed to rebrand the team's image so they've embraced it. they're not stuffy old england anymore, they wear bucket hats now! baz and stokes must be super relaxed, they're always sitting with their feet up where cameras can see them! most importantly they're not playing to win, they're playing to entertain, and apparently they're going to save test cricket while they do it 🤷
huge huge thankyou to @khawajy for helping me answer this one!! <3
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destinyc1020 · 3 years
I love Z, don't get me wrong, but acting-wise she can't compare to Florence. She just can't. Have you seen Florence in Midsommar? She was SCARY good in that. I'm actually shocked to learn she has so few insta followers compared to Z. Clearly social media followers do not necessarily equal level of talent.
Clearly social media followers do not necessarily equal level of talent.
Nobody said that it did. It's simply how popular and well-known you are. 🤷
Anyway, I've never seen that movie "Midsommar" that you're talking about. I've only seen a few of Florence's films. But she's a good actress! Z is still somewhat of a work in progress acting-wise imo. She's still in the process of shedding the Disney image that she's been programmed with since she was 13 years old. She's not awful at all, but there are just some things that I know she needs to work on w/regards to her acting. #realtalk
But Zendaya definitely has the drive and the potential to be really good one day. Some actors are just naturals, and are awesome right from the start. Others work hard to perfect their craft, and later on end up winning Oscars lol.
It doesn't matter which actor had which background, or even which you prefer. I like different actors and actresses for various different reasons. 🤷 One might have a strength in one area, and another might have a strength in an area that the other doesn't.
Z is getting the experience of working with Denis and possibly even FFC, so apparently they must feel she's good enough to be in their films. She also won an Emmy last year, so she's got huge potential. It sounds like you prefer Florence's acting. That's cool. Do you.🤷
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