#like a character that seems chill but in battles or during certain story beats goes completely insane
daz4i · 9 months
i think i could make for a funny insane fictional character that seems normal at first glance and then unveils their insane side BUT you find out this one's also just an exaggeration and in fact this character is just extremely sad and tired and has no sense of identity so they latch onto a made up persona. ahem. for no real reason idk i just think i could pull it off
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lumilasi · 5 years
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UPDATE: Bio revamp. Also I should probs draw him an outfit he wears when he goes into more “darker” route, I.E ends up being a “Villain” Jackrabbit.
Maybe there is a Vigilante bio sheet thing somewhere, I was too lazy to search for it hence I’m using the villain template and just editing it where necessary...
The character in the photo on the upper left is @glitchedskull‘s Naosu btw, who’s Saname’s BF
Rest of the bio below;
Age: around 13-14 when he first meets Ryuu and Kain.
Sexuality: pan 
SANAME’S QUIRK EXPLAINED  (Pros in normal, cons in bold)
Quirk name: Acid-palm
He can burn and melt anything he touches at will with ease as if his hands were coated in acid. Saname can also control how slow or fast things corrode, and even what direction the corrosion heads very precisely.
He doesn’t have to keep touching the object to corrode it; after touching the effect will continue as he pre-planned it. He can also change the effect’s speed and direction after removing his hand as long as he has visual to it.
He can do anything from creating a tiny hole to melting away large walls fairly quickly. 
Ironically, Saname is mostly immune to other acidic quirks and substances, just not his own.
If not careful, Saname can end up burning himself as sometimes a highly agitated state can cause his quirk to activate accidentally, and he’s not immune to his own touch. (hence the scars on his neck and over his eye)
Blocking his line of sight from what he’s touched makes him unable to change the way the corrosion happens if needed.
The effect of his acidic touch tends to weaken and move slower in colder weathers
- Wasabi is good with melee-weapons like a staff or a pipe, and usually carries around one.
- He loves rabbits more than anything because his only toy as a child was a bunny plushie, one he still carries around and has a strong attachment to
- Ryuu is his favorite and he likes to stalk him around a lot each time Ryuu is around, this has led to problems too where he ends up in danger and the two have to save him. He finds Ryuu’s weird chilly crystal powers cool. (pun not intended)
- he has a slight phobia about collapsing buildings and fires due to what he went through as a child, having a flame hero - while fighting a villain - destroy his original home of sorts.
- Saname’s visible eye (the one with the palmprint scar) is discolored and lighter due to the injury he caused accidentally with his quirk when it first activated; he can still see with it thankfully, but it tends to get irritated easier than the other one. His “normal” eye is pure black and yellow. (I seem to have habit of drawing him in a way where you almost never see his uninjured eye heh.....)
- Saname as an adult mostly minds his own business, but due to the influence from his mothers and Ryuu and Kain) he tends to just act without thinking and doing what he thinks is right, even if its illegal. He never actively chose to be a vigilante like his other mum, its just kind of how he ended up due to his nature.
- His knee-pads in his Vigilante outfit are his lion mama Kei’s old ones from her outfit. His utility belt is also similar to her old one, just dark grey instead of brown.
As a child, Wasabi was very curious and easily excitable, getting in trouble a lot as a result. He had difficulty controlling his emotions due to his early childhood however, and was often aggressive, where he could snap from friendly to will-whack-you-with-a-stick in less than a second. 
As a young adult, he’s much more chill and well-mannered, but still has bit of a childish goofiness to him which can lead to silly situations and generally makes people think he’s the “class-clown” or “airhead” type. He’s also learned to be more mindful of people’s boundaries, when as a kid he tended to easily get into people’s faces so to say, making things awkward and uncomfortable.
 He can still get viciously mad in certain situations, but he no longer throws an uncontrollable fit; rather, he channels his anger in doing what he wants to do. During these times people can actually find this normally relaxed and happy-go-lucky (and a bit oblivious) chill dude really scary. 
He can be distracted pretty easily, except when he’s in a fight; thanks to training from both his mum Kei, and an unconventional family friend of sorts Ryuu Katagiri, Saname tends to be laser focused during those, which makes him a dangerous opponent. He tends to shut out everything else then and focus on defeating whoever he is fighting.
Saname grew up in an orphanage initially on a more poor area of the city; he can’t really remember anything about his original parents, perhaps due to trauma of some sort; given his aversion to fire people suspect he might’ve been in a fire that killed his parents.
 He was often bullied by other children and called weird because of his eyes, (he was the only one in that orphanage with “atypical” human eyes) difficult, easily triggered temper, and quirk that he struggled to control as a kid. (resulting in the scarring he has)
The orphanage gave him his name “Saname Wasabi,” because of his green hair and quirk. (and temper)
Then, the orphanage got destroyed accidentally in a fight in-between a hero (Endeavor) and a villain, with some of the staff and kids actually getting hurt in the process. Saname ended up running away amidst the chaos, frightened by the battle as the flames triggered his past unknown trauma.
Wandering around the city lost and scared, he eventually ran into a young woman named Rankure Hanekijo, who due to personal reasons decides to take the boy under her wing. Unfortunately, she had some bad people after her, forcing the two to flee outside the city, eventually ending up in a rural town where a local coffee-shop owner Kei Reidou - who turned out to have once been a vigilante - takes them in out of pity.
He ends up being unofficially adopted by the two women, who home-school him and he was even taught how to fight and better handle his quirk by Reidou. (This later led him to becoming a vigilante) 
Later on, Wasabi meets an old acquaintance of his new mum, a young man named Kain, who has supposedly become a villain and is friends with a known one. Because the pair helps preventing his mothers from getting arrested by some government agents by distracting them and basically making them think the lead about a woman named Akiko Hinoteki (Kei’s original name and identity) was a false alarm, Wasabi deems the pair okay. He ends up developing a big brother - little brother like relationship with Ryuu, who grows fond of the boy despite initial grouchiness, even teaching him some fight moves.
While doing his vigilante things, probably due to Kain and Ryuu’s influence, Saname ended up occasionally going further than what probably would be necessary, in some cases full blown killing the criminal if he deemed them bad enough, or just beating people up worse than needed. This ended up creating a rumor of an evil doppleganger for his vigilante persona, perhaps especially because occasionally when he did this, he wasn’t wearing his vigilante garments. 
Ref sheet base (C) Yourultraarchive
Character (C) Me
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katehuntington · 6 years
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How You & I Will Be - part one
Fandom: Supernatural Timeframe: mid-season 2 Main characters: Reader, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Bobby Singer (mentioned), Ellen Harvelle (mentioned) Pairing: Dean x Reader (eventually) Series summary: When a hellhound case in the mountains goes sideways, Dean and Y/N find themselves trapped in a small cabin, miles from civilization. A serious injury forces the two hunters to come to terms with their true feelings for each other. Rescue is on its way, but will it be in time? Warnings part one: angst, pining, canon typical violence, horror and gore, anxiety attack, nightmares, swearing, description of blood and injury, possible character death. Some fluff, too. Word Count: 3636 words Author’s note: Part one of a five part mini-series, based on songs of Billy Joel.  I’m warning you, this is an angst-fluff-angst sandwich and it’s meant to make you cry. Hoard tissues. @idreamofhazel and @littlegreenplasticsoldier, thank you so much for being awesome betas!  
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     No wind, not even the slightest breeze. Evergreens stop whispering, night animals seem to have vanished in the deepest holes of the forest. The mountain has turned into the remains of a dead rock in a matter of seconds. No tree can grow, no life can live. Only pure evil lingers in these woods now. Dean has seen many things over the years, but this beats it all. Completely astounded by the phenomenon, he observes his surroundings, as the church bells in the valley begin to chime. He counts them to estimate the time.
     Three… four… five…
     Y/N draws his attention, backing out slowly and crunching the snow under her boots, as she nervously shines her flashlight around.      “The deal should be off, right?” Dean assumes, hinting at the dead body in the snow, a few yards away.      She looks over, but doesn’t reply to the question.      “Is it me, or is it like 20 degrees colder?”      The hunter looks around, his eyes darting to detect anything that moves, as he adjusts the backpack hanging from his shoulder. It was cold before, but now it feels like Hell froze over. Y/N has a point; something seems wrong. It doesn’t feel like this is over yet. Something dark is hanging over them. Black clouds, packing together before a storm.
     Six… seven… eight...
     This case started out with a bunch of crossroad deals in a quiet mountain village called Darlington. One of the unfortunate ones making deals was Jake Dinon. The desperate father bargained to save his son, who suffered from terminal leukemia ten years back. A noble deed, but nobility doesn’t get you anywhere in Hell. The hunters saved him from that fate, though, by negotiating with the demon that held his contract. Dean and Y/N trapped the thing, threatened to exorcise it if it didn’t break the pact, while Sam kept an eye on Jake and his family. Dean was reading the third verse of the ritual when the black-eyed monster finally cracked, but before it exited its already dead host, the demon muttered something in a language neither of them knew.
     Nine… ten… eleven…
The belltower strikes midnight, then it’s quiet. A new day, a new beginning, but today might very well mean the opposite. Y/N has never felt so out in the open before, so unsafe, so… watched. All of a sudden, a howl echoes through the valley. Both freeze to the ground as they look at each other, eyes widened.       “That ain’t no coyote,” Dean gulps.
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     Chills run up and down his spine as Dean watches the horrified expression on Y/N’s face. He has heard the stories, it’s the last thing you hear before being ripped to pieces. Dean lifts the shotgun, engages the barrel breech lever, then opens the break action and discards the empty casings. Without taking his eyes off the long shadows of the forest surrounding them, he digs two shells from his pocket, pushes them into the barrel and brings it back up.      “Here.”     His gaze meets hers again and Dean hands over the weapon, since her sawed off malfunctioned earlier.      “No, Dean. C’mon, you’ll be unarmed,” she objects.      “Doesn’t matter. I much rather be sure you’re locked and loaded. Just uh…” he glances into the woods again. “Do me a favor? If you do see something coming at me, shoot it?”      She swallows down a lump in her throat.      “Will do,” she promises.      The howl repeats several times, seeming to come from all directions. The silence returns, but then Dean’s eyes grow wide as they land on a black form on top of a large boulder. A pair of red orbs stand out in the darkness of the woods.      “Are you seeing this?” he whispers breathlessly.      Y/N just stands there, frozen in fear with her gun pointed down. Oh, she sees it, alright. She stares into the hypnotizing eyes, flames burning in them. Holding her breath she tries to move, but can’t. Like a deer in headlights she is unable to bolt, unable to lift the gun and defend herself. The last time she felt so overcome was during her first hunt, but now all those years later, it happens again.            Then the creature steps from the shade, and Dean can solemnly swear he has never seen anything animal-like so evil than what is standing before him right now. The beast is big, about the size of an Irish wolfhound. It looks like one too, but its dark fur is anything but soft and cuddly. The hair on its back stands straight up, like splinters of obsidian. Growling, it halts, blood dripping down from his razor sharp teeth. Dean calculates the risks of every move he could make. Shooting the damned dog will only piss it off. The one thing he does know is that they need to get the hell out of here. Without taking his eyes off the monster, he reaches for his companion. His fingers slip around her shaking arm, then he jerks her from her trance.      “Run!”            As if they are both being chased by the devil himself, the hunters flee down hill through the forest, trying to avoid crashing into trees and rocks. In the chaos, Dean lets go of her hand. He monitors Y/N constantly, though, not letting her out of sight as she appears and disappears between the evergreens several yards ahead. Then he makes a mistake; he looks over his shoulder, realizing that it isn’t just one hellhound that chases them, there are at least three. He rights himself and cusses. Shit, we are so fucked!            Then Dean spots it, a small hunter’s cabin a bit further down the hill. Their safe house, their refuge. Dean leaps over a gap and continues running as fast as he possibly can, trying his very best not to trip, knowing that a single misstep will lead to certain death. Y/N reaches the small open space in front of the cabin first, when she’s tackled from the side by a hound that seems to come out of nowhere. Overpowered by her attacker, she slams into the the icy surface and drops her only weapon. Desperately she tries to fight it off, but she doesn’t stand a chance.      “Y/N!!”      Dean dashes towards her as fast as he can, but he’s not in time. The hellhound drags her towards the treeline and tears up her leg, pulling a scream of agony from the huntress. Dean’s heart stops then and there.      “NO!!!” he shouts.      “Dean!!” she cries out desperately as she hopelessly digs her fingers into the snow, failing miserably to catch grip as the creature pulls her into the darkness.
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     In a matter of a second he’s with her, leaps for the shotgun, uses the momentum of his dive to position the two barrel against his shoulder, rights himself and fires. A loud yelp escapes the hellhounds mouth and for a brief moment she seems free. Quickly Dean hooks his arms under hers and unceremoniously drags her onto the porch and inside the cabin. The door locks just in time, because the moment after he hastily pushes it in lock, an incredibly strong force almost barges in from the other side.      “Son of a bitch...” he curses under his breath.      He tries to find the bag of goofer dust in his pocket while using all his strength to stop the door from tumbling over. When he finds the powerful magic dust, he pours the grey particles on the doorstep.      The moment the line connects both doorposts, the supernatural force is gone. Out of breath Dean holds the door with both hands flat on the wood, making sure the dogs won’t come through. Jesus fucking Christ, that was way, way too close.
     He hears Y/N squirm behind him and when he turns around, she attempts to crawl to the opposite wall, leaving a smear of blood on the wooden floor.      “Y/N? Fuck, sweetheart…”      Worried sick, Dean hastens to her, helping her sit up against the back wall.  Quickly he takes off his backpack, then his leather coat and his denim jacket. The last one he folds into a ball and applies on the wound with pressure in order to stop the bleeding. She barely feels the pain, though, adrenaline still pushing through her veins by her rapidly beating heart. While the creatures outside keep barking like mad, her focus darts from one window to the other, completely terrified. There’s no way they could come in, though. Every possible entry of this little cabin is sealed with the grey sand-like dust. The hunters made sure that if shit hit the fan, they would have a place to retreat.      Dean needs to keep pressure on the wound, but he can tell she’s losing the battle with her anxiety. He takes the sleeves from the blood-stained jacket and uses them to tie the bundle of clothing to the wound. Still she doesn’t respond to his actions, having other issues to deal with. Breathing for one, because whatever she tries, she can’t get air. Quivering even worse than before, she silently begs Dean for help.      As if her heard her, the hunter looks up from his work after tightening the knot. “Y/N? Easy, it’s okay now.”     Tears stream down her face and mix with the blood spatter on her cheeks, her respiration in overdrive. Dean doesn’t need to be a psychologist to see that she’s having a panic attack.     “Hey hey hey... Look at me. Calm down,” he reaches for her hand and squeezes it. “I’m right here. Take a breath.”     Upset, she keeps searching for a possible way for the bastards to get in. When one of the hounds outside howls, she almost jumps out of her skin and can’t help but cry, anxiety overwhelming her.      “It’s okay. It's alright,” her friend hushes her. “It’s going to be fine. They can’t get in. I won’t let them get in. You’re safe.”     Frightened, she tries to find protection with her hunting partner, and he answers her by pulling her close. Softly and calmly he caresses her back as she crawls into his sheltering arms. Y/N’s not the only one trembling like a leaf, because Dean can’t stop shaking either. Horrific images from moments ago are stuck on repeat in his head, images of that monster dragging her away from him, blood poisoning the pure snow and the sound of absolute agony erupting from her throat. The hunter closes his eyes, trying to banish the haunting memories from his mind. Fuck, I almost lost her! He hugs her even tighter and sighs.     She struggles to breathe, unable to fill her lungs with oxygen. Her entire body is quaking, yet her skin feels clammy. Dean never imagined that the powerful and fearless huntress could turn into this fragile thing she is right now, but he gets it. He completely gets it, because he’s scared shitless too.     He keeps hushing her, running his fingers through her hair now, reminding her to calmly breathe in through her nose and out through her mouth, as he waits for the panic attack to pass. Slowly her respiration gets back to normal and over the course of several minutes, she’s able to gain control again. When she distances from him slightly, he dips his head to make eye contact, but she’s avoiding his gaze.       “Don’t ever tell Sam this,” she requests, wiping her tears and runny nose with her sleeve. “He’ll laugh his ass off.”       Dean smiles, comforted; she’s back.            But as she slowly gets past her fear, the pain begins to set in. When she flinches and directs her attention down to her leg, Dean does the same. He folds the soaked fabric away, revealing the wound. The hound dug in deep; it’s bleeding badly. Dean takes off his leather belt and carefully lift her leg in order to slip the belt underneath.      “Y’know, I normally don’t remove all my clothes on the first date,” he jokes in an attempt to lighten the mood.      He earns a scoff and a glint of a grin.      “Don’t think you’ve ever known a girl this long without taking your clothes off,” she responds, her voice still shaky.      He corks up his eyebrow and shoots her a look. She’s not wrong, but Dean has his reasons for that. Not that he doesn’t find her attractive. No, it’s quite the opposite, actually. The tough hunter, who’s life motto is ‘no strings attached’, feels more for her than a man of his profession should. Whatever is going on between them, it’s growing stronger with every moment he spends with her. He tried to fight it, he tried to ignore it, he tried to push it down, but all his methods have been unsuccessful. Hell, he slept with numerous girls just to prove to himself that he still liked being the bachelor, that he still liked to pick up gorgeous women. But ever since he found her at the end of the bar, he lost those urges. All he wants is Y/N and it's scaring the shit out of him. He has to watch over Sam, that's his legacy. Another liability would only endanger them both. What if he ever had to choose? What if some demon would put it up to the test; Sam's life or Y/N's? Dean can't allow it to get that far. Either way, giving in to his feelings will either leave Y/N behind with a broken heart, or him. Staying apart would be less painful. At least, that's what he keeps telling himself.
     Carefully, Dean pushes her torn jeans up her leg a little so that he can work. The hellhound ripped the flesh off the bone from below the knee all the way down to her ankle. By the looks of it a vein got damaged, because there’s blood everywhere.      “Shit, Y/N… Nasty wound”, he makes a discontent noise with his mouth.      She looks at him, fear in her eyes, a frown of concern puckered on her forehead, and Dean kicks myself mentally. Good job for scaring her, asshat, he scolds at himself.      “Nothing I can’t fix, though. You’ll be alright,” he promises.      She nods bravely, forcing a smile. Then she hints at the belt.      “Pull it.”      For a brief moment Dean looks her in the eye, then he tightens the belt just above the laceration. Although it hurts, she doesn’t make a sound. Pain, she can handle. Hell, now that’s a whole other department. Once Dean has secured the self-made tourniquette, she rests her head against the wooden wall behind her, still shaky. Silently, he gets ready to patch up his partner, grabbing the backpack and rummaging through it, until he finds what he’s looking for; a first aid kit. He grabs a bottle of disinfectant solution, which he tips over as he presses some cotton wool on the opening.      “This is gonna hurt,” he warns, looking at her sympathetically.      Carefully, he proceeds to clean the wound, using all the disinfectant that’s left in the small bottle. Y/N flinches under his touch, but stays strong. Clenching her jaw she breathes through the pain, her eyes closed as she thinks of some place nice. It takes about an half an hour before the laceration is properly closed up.      Dean sit back on his heels. “Not bad, uh?”      She nods approving. “Not bad at all.”
     Staying still for over thirty minutes has brought out another enemy; the cold. Air forms clouds in front of their faces every time they exhale, as a thin layer of ice is starting to form on the inside of the windows. Now that her adrenaline isn’t pumping any more, shock, fatigue and hyperthermia are lurking around the corner. Her bottom lip is trembling, and she feels like sleeping.      “Here.”      Dean is left in nothing but a long sleeved henley and a pair of jeans, but he offers her his warm leather jacket either way. She leans forward a bit, allowing him to hang it over her shoulders, after which he wraps her in the several-sizes-too-big clothing. A small smile forms on Dean’s lips; she looks cute in it.      “Thank you,” she says genuinely.      He only nods, the kind that says ‘Don’t mention it.’      “We’ll get out of here,” he adds.
     Reassuringly, Dean gives her arm a little squeeze, after which he pulls the satellite phone from the backpack. He doesn’t even bother to try his cell, he hasn’t had a signal since they left the valley.      “Who are you calling?” Y/N asks, after Dean presses the digits and puts the large device to his ear.      “The calvary.”      Tensed, he waits for his little brother to pick up as the connection is put through. The call will show up as ‘No ID’ on Sam’s display, so Dean prays that he won’t decline it. C’mon Sam, pick up.      “Hello?”      Dean breathes out relieved, his shoulders relaxing the moment he hears Sam’s voice.      “Hey, Sammy. It’s me.”      “Dean,” he sighs, too, seemingly glad to hear he’s alive. “I tried calling you.”      “Yeah, my phone is useless up here. Good thing we packed this astronaut thing,” he grins.      “Everything okay?”
     The grin disappears and Dean swallows down the lump in his throat. For a second he looks at Y/N, who sits up against the wall, one knee pulled to her chest and her arms around it. She looks like a shot deer, the poor thing. Wounded, in shock, frightened. The tension returns to Dean’s posture, his jaw in particular.      “No. No, not at all,” he replies. “We’re in deep shit, Sam.”      “Why? What’s going on? What happened?” Sam stammers, clearly worried.      “We - uh… We trapped the demon before midnight and tore up Jake’s contract, but it casted some kinda spell before it left. I think it set his hounds loose,” Dean tells him.      “But… Jake went home to his family. He never saw a hound.”      “That’s because the dogs aren’t after him anymore,” he explains, turning towards the window, watching the gatekeepers of Hell circling around the cabin, their red eyes glowing in the night. “They are hunting us, Sam.”
     Static cracks the line, only audible because the youngest Winchester fell silent.      “Y-you can see them?” Sam asks staggered.      “Yeah, we both can,” Dean confirms, watching the supernatural beings. “Ugly motherfuckers, I tell ya.”      “How?” his brother tries to wrap his head around the situation. “How is that even possible? You’re not under contract!”      “Yeah, well, those Goddamn pitbulls really don’t seem to give a rat’s ass about that,” Dean returns, gesturing at the demonic dogs in frustration, even though Sam can’t see it. “We barely made it to the safe house.”      “Did you get hurt?”
     Another silence. More static. Dean looks down at the floorboards, biting the inside of his lip. Just the plain fact that he has to admit to his sibling that Y/N was injured, is something he finds difficult. What makes it even worse is that he feels like this happened on his watch. He held on to her and he let her go. If this ends bad, that will be on him. No matter how hard, he needs to be honest with Sam. He has to know how urgent this is.      “I didn’t… Y/N did.”      Dean sighs as he rests his forearm above his head against the window, careful not to disturb the goofer dust. He keeps his voice down as he continues, not wanting to upset his partner in the same room.        “She got hurt bad, Sam.”       “How bad?”      “It’s her leg. Damn mutt got her pretty good. I stitched her up for now, but she lost a lot of blood. Plus it’s freezing cold up here, we don’t have much food and... She needs medical care, Sam. Fast,” he elaborates, helplessness and desperation seeping through the words.  “You have to find out a way to kill them. Call Bobby, call Ellen, I don’t care who you involve - ”      “You can’t kill hellhounds, Dean.”      “No, you don’t understand. You have to find a way to kill them”, Dean repeats slowly, making sure his younger brother understands.
     The realization sinks in and Sam begins to grasp the magnitude of their problems.  How unlikely it is that they will make it out of there alive. Sammy is smart, he’s read plenty of books on Hell and its creatures. He knows the stories too, what the hounds are capable of. How they leave their victims, or what’s left of them.      “Hurry it up, will ya?”, Dean tells him, adding: “No pressure or anything.”       Sam scoffs. “Yeah, right.”      The oldest of the two smiles against the phone. Just hearing his little brother’s voice, knowing he will always have his back, comforts Dean. That reassurance fades, though, the moment he stares outside into the dark forest again. One of the hellhounds has spotted the hunter and stares him down. The thing doesn’t move, just observes, waiting for an opening, a chance to tear him apart. The hair on the back of Dean’s neck stands up, and it’s not from the cold.           “You do know what happens when these things catch you. You don’t just die….”      Sammy doesn’t have to fill in the blanks, Dean knows exactly what he’s trying to say and so he finishes his line.      “You go to hell.”      Sam sighs, accepting the huge burden on his shoulder. Y/N and Dean, they are trapped, with no way of getting out of there by themselves. It will come down to Sam to figure something out. There’s got to be a way. There always is. Dean believes that, and Sam believes it too. A short silence follows, after which the oldest sibling ends the conversation.      “See you soon, Sammy.”
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Thanks for reading the first part! Don’t hesitate to let me know what you think. This series is already finished, so I expect to update soon. Stay tuned for more!
Read part two here
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Okay, fuck it. I’m too catawampus to do anything but think about ‘Cobra Kai’ right now, so I guess I don’t care that the premiere is like six hours away because here is some final pre-watch babbling, anyway:
Returning cast- I still don’t care about seeing Mike Barnes or Ali or really anyone from TKK2. I’m down to see OG Cobras or Julie, if that Wikipedia listing is accurate. I wouldn’t mind seeing a toned-down Terry Silver, but his actor hasn’t been onscreen in over a decade.
Echoes from the past- I wondered for a long time how much paralleling season 2 could do with TKK2 when they are staying put in the Valley, but I’m convinced that will see some elements- although some will undoubtedly be twisted in that way I think might become strongly associated with CK. What put me onto this was the second teaser, where they bring back the drum & the scrolls & even a flashback from the second movie. And that made me look back on the first teaser. The context & severity & purpose is quite different, but what we have- again- is the Cobra Kai sensei berating & physically punishing his top students in the wake of the All Valley. We also know that we will be getting ice breaking (probably in front of a crowd), which is obviously associated with the second movie. So what further parallels might we see? Daniel’s line about “destruction & disrespect” when he storms into CK makes me think his dojo might be vandalized. I think I saw where someone had the same idea? It’s a reasonable one, IMO.
The soap opera romances- I’m assuming that there will be something going on between Samantha & Robby. He was obviously interested from the first time he saw her, & she wasn’t immune. She’ll also like that her dad already approves of him. If they do that whole song reprisal thing again, I think they’ll get ‘The Glory of Love’ in much the same way that Miguel & Sam got ‘Young Hearts’. I’m less certain of a thing between Miguel & Tory. I can see Miguel trying to make a go of it to get over Sam, but I’m not sure he’s a guy who will easily move on from a first love even when he wants to. It did look like Tory might be into him though, so his torch-carrying for Sam will be a problem for her if so. I truly sort of hate that Johnny is on something resembling a date with Carmen in that one clip, but it’s not because I don’t want Johnny to date Carmen. Hell, I want Johnny to marry Carmen. It’s just too soon. He’s still a mess, & he needs to get his shit together first. I think Hawk & Moon will break up, pushing Hawk closer yet to the edge. I’m sad about it. Daniel & Amanda may wind up struggling a bit with the shift in his focus, but NBD.
Johnny- He’s gonna struggle big time with Kreese being there, & that might eventually lead to two divided CK factions. It is my most fervent hope that he will- someday- get a chance to make Cobra Kai what he truly wants it to be. But before he can even begin to get there, he needs to face his demons.
Daniel- He’s gonna work on starting his dojo & hopefully eventually realize that he needs to chill with the competition angle because it’s undermining the whole concept of Miyagi-Do karate. I think that will happen- eventually. And he may waver. But I think that Daniel still knows in his heart that Johnny isn’t Kreese.
Kreese- He’s a freaking snake & will try to take over CK, even while we get a more nuanced portray of his philopsopy & motivations.
Miguel- He needs to find a balance between the sweet boy he was & the badass he is now. He needs to avoid letting Tory be a bad influence on him if they do get involved. He needs to be told about Robby. I think his connection with Johnny could lead to him questioning the whole Kreese situation. It’s obvious that Johnny isn’t comfortable with it, & Miguel will hopefully see that.
Robby- He needs to find a driving motivation that isn’t getting back at his dad. He’s on the right path, but he needs to make peace with that relationship one way or another.
Samantha- The appearance of a rival indicates that this will be a big season for Sam. Hopefully she matures. Samantha’s great flaw is that she lacks the courage of her convictions, so she winds up unintentionally hurting people when she should have their backs. I think that’s very believable, given her raising. She takes it easy because she’s always had it easy, but owning & growing out of that weakness will need to be a vital component of her character development if she’s going to be anything resembling a heroine.
Aisha- I guess she’s leading the class in jab punches. She may be taking the back burner this season because Yasmine has been defeated & the dojo war has to put a damper on her friendship with Samantha. Hopefully she’ll have something substantial to do next season.
Hawk- His path looks pretty dark right now. I’m gonna put the food court fight in episode 5 because I’m absolutely convinced that it’s basically going to serve as the flip-side to Miguel’s 1.5 cafeteria fight. Miguel won that fight & brought in droves of new recruits for CK. We can see in the trailers that Hawk & his buddies lose this fight in another public eating area. And given that CK is apparently raking in students & money, beating a highly-visible representative of that dojo- c’mon, who can miss Hawk’s hair?- has to be a boon for Miyagi-Do. He’s fighting with Demetri, but I also think there might be a issue with Miguel brewing. In the trailer, Hawk kicks Miguel into a tree. The Cobras are obviously doing a training exercise at that point, but... I remember something I once read about a highly competitive gym that trained Olympic athletes. One of the trainers there compared the athletes to scorpions in a can that would fight until only one was left. As I’ve said before, Miguel doesn’t seem to resent sharing Johnny’s time with other kids. But what if Hawk is stewing on his losses- the mall fight & possibly Moon? What if Kreese is like that Olympic trainer & pits the kids against each other in a struggle for supremacy? I can see that happening. And Miguel won’t be Kreese’s little dude so long as he’s Johnny’s little dude. But Hawk is obviously a different story.
Demetri- I still don’t love that Demetri is studying karate, but I’m also having a hard time imagining him becoming very good at it. Really, though- does everyone who studies karate have to become a black belt? Miyagi-Do does seem like a better fit for his personality. I’m assuming that he’s fighting with Hawk because he won’t accept who his old friend is now, which speaks to one of Demetri’s genuine strengths- the kid knows his own damn mind & isn’t easily convinced of much. I do wonder how his friendship with Miguel fares.
Tory- First off, I don’t see her being Ali’s kid. I’ve seen too many glamour shots of Peyton to not recognize how they’ve deliberately roughened up her edges for this role, & that probably wouldn’t be necessary if she were playing a surgeon’s daughter. I’m hoping she’s not just some kind of psychopath because I find that to be a boring-ass motivation, but I’m also just not sure how much context you can give to using a spiked bracelet as a weapon during a school fight. Did they tip their hand too soon with her? IDK. But if she isn’t a psycho, then what that tells me is this girl feels like she has nothing to lose in that moment. She is new to the Valley, and troubled. Where does she come from? I’ve been reading “wrong side of the tracks” since that first image of her. So, she goes to CK & learns of a rival dojo. This rival dojo has one girl, just like it’s meant to be. Samantha, like Tory, is a pretty girl who can fight- but then she has so much more going for her: her two adoring parents, her big beautiful house, the white BMW she was gifted the day she turned 16. And she has a cute boy- the All Valley champion & the runner-up, no less!- wrapped around each of her pink-nailed pinky fingers. Sam has known stability & privilege & comfort her entire life. And for a girl like Tory, that resentment could burn. It would probably amount to nothing, if not for the dojo war. But what could prompt such an attack on Samantha? I looked to TKK2 for a possible clue & found one. Might Tory be disowned- AKA kicked out of CK? Is she Chozen to Sam’s Daniel?
A fight to the death- And if so, maybe that fight is also flipped. I think that we all know something major will have to go down to make a team-up happen. Somebody may have to be hurt, & I think Samantha makes the most sense. She is Daniel’s daughter, possibly Robby’s girlfriend, & Miguel‘s ex. She isn’t really anyone in particular to Johnny, but he may need the least convincing. So say Samantha loses her fight with her Chozen & is seriously hurt. This idea bears an unfortunate resemblance to fridging, but I don’t think it counts because Sam is an active character in her own right & is fighting her own battle when this potentially happens. Random note- Peyton stated in an interview that her CK stunts included a huge fall, which I took to mean from a height. But she gave no context, so IDK. And actually, I’m not even sure Sam has to *lose* the fight so long as it’s sufficiently shocking to the others. Either way, I feel like whatever happens with Tory in the aftermath will provide a mechanism by which the other Cobras- particularly Hawk- may be saved.
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