#like a mandela effect but with your own life lol
softandwildx · 10 months
It is absolutely hilarious to me that my own memory of my childhood, and my mother's, can sometimes differ so wildly.
For example, I have a very vivid memory of a specific night when I was like 10 or something, I remember every detail. My mom thinks I'm insane and refuses to believe this thing actually happened. (Nothing bad, just funny.)
Alternatively, I have a brief recollection of memories from my early childhood summers spent at my great grandparent's home. My mom has confirmed that this was in fact only one summer, not many, and it must just be a significant time for me because it was a long time for a baby brain to comprehend.
She also apologizes a lot for things she did/said when I was younger that she regrets, but I have no memory of at all.
I know we all retain memories differently depending on trauma, joy, how meaningful events are, etc. But it's wild to me that two people can remember two completely different versions of the same timeline.
And like, we're kind of both right?
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skarletterambles · 2 months
Good idea: Re(-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re)-watching Twister before going to see Twisters tomorrow.
Bad idea: Watching when you're PMSing so you get tears in your eyes at Jo's dad getting sucked out of the storm cellar, and then feel bad when you see the late Bill Paxton and Philip Seymour Hoffman.
Twister is in a three-way tie with The Mummy and the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie as my favorite film of all time. I'm sure the new version won't measure up to the original but it looks like a hell of a fun ride and I'm pumped to see it. It's also only the second movie I've seen in a theater since Rise of Skywalker, a.k.a. pre-Covid. (The other was Inside Out 2, which wasn't that big a deal to me but a friend really wanted to see it when she was in town.)
Random thoughts and favorite quotes I typed up while watching...
"Not unless you want to sketch the tornadoes."
"You left her with Dusty? What's the matter with you?"
OMG that late '90s cellphone Melissa has...vintage! LOL! (The laptops and other tech are also fun to see, even if they make me feel old. It was cutting edge then!)
Dusty's obviously the most fun, but all these storm chasers have so much personality, just from their faces, their road soundtracks, and the few quirks we learn about them. I always wanted to read (or write?) a book that went into their backstories.
The first time I saw this I thought Dorothy was Bill and Jo's daughter, the way they talked about her. "She's here?!" / "Let me take a look at her!"
"I find this kinda interesting. I'm gonna tag along!" Famous last words, Melissa...
"He's in it for the money, not the science." insert bothisgood.gif meme here.
Both Jonas and Melissa have southern accents. Not sure if there's any deeper meaning there. He is a straight-up villain, and she is set up as an antagonist but you just can't hate her because she's actually sweet despite being so far out of her element, and ultimately she bows out of the love triangle with dignity and grace.
"She's a therapist." [long pause] "Yours?"
"Can I drive?" "No." "Then would you?"
High five to the writer(s) who came up with this banter.
"I was just wondering if we were gonna chase this tornado or wait for the next one."
The awed heavenly chorus that takes over the soundtrack when the tornado comes into view is so cheesy but I love it so much. The lion growls it makes are absurd but I can't hate them.
"Where's my truck?" *truck comes out of nowhere to crash in the middle of the road* The comedic timing is so good in this.
Dusty and Melissa should get together. He's infatuated by her ability to almost get crushed by a flying truck, and she needs a rebound after Bill. *insert inappropriate jokes about the Suck Zone*
"Why don't you find your own twister, buddy?" LOL
Every time I see a cow in this movie I grin. We all know why.
The storm chasers I've followed online almost never pre-rate tornados. You don't say it's a F2 or F3 while it's on the ground--especially when it's just churning up fields and not causing any damage that could be used to determine a rating.
OMG the music is so damn epic throughout this sequence.
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"When you used to tell me you chased tornados, deep down I always just thought it was a metaphor!"
Ah, the windchimes. You'd never think such a gentle, whimsical sound could be so ominous...
Aunt Meg always reminded me of one of my aunts, physically at least. R.I.P. Aunt P.
WHAT A MINUTE! What kind of personal Mandela effect B.S. is this? I've always remembered it that Jo left her necklace on in the shower, and thought it was SO cool for some inexplicable reason. But she didn't! My entire life is a lie.
"A[n F]4 will relocate your house pretty efficiently."
Yes, do a nice closeup of the water tower with "WAKITA" on it so the audience remembers the name when it comes up later...
Of course Bill can sense when and where the tornadoes are. He can just follow the dramatic music cues!
"It's like Bob's Road..." I wonder what Rabbit, a.k.a. Map Guy, would think about modern GPS. At least Google Maps doesn't have a crease through Wichita.
See? Melissa is riding in Dusty's car now. OTP! (I've seen crack ships founded on far less.)
That is pretty wimpy hail. Reed Timmer would be unimpressed. It's not a storm chase until you break a windshield or two.
Power flashes are a thing. A massive fireball lighting up the funnel, not so much (except for that one time...) Growling like a lion, also not a thing. I love it all anyway, because of and despite the ridiculousness.
"You've never seen it miss this house, and miss that house, and come after you." I think about that line so often when viewing tornado damage. They can be so capricious and seemingly random.
Aww, now Dusty is holding the umbrella over Melissa as she's heartbroken over Bill. I started shipping this as a joke, damn it...
And we get to the drive-in. One iconic scene after the other. I know some screenings were held in drive-ins for the lulz. I wish I could have attended one.
The TV signal dying is one more mundane thing that becomes unspeakably ominous in this movie.
"It's headed right for us!" "It's already here." Cheesier than a Packers game, but still gives me chills.
I always thought it was nice how Jo took the time to warn the girls in the concessions stand.
You know it's a bad situation when the people who cheerfully seek out twisters are cowering in terror.
Cue the creepy windchimes.
"It looks to hit Wakita head-on." That being the first serious line of dialogue Dusty has uttered in the entire movie gives it so much more impact.
The sudden tone change meant I really wasn't sure if Meg was going to survive the first time I saw this. The jokes and goofiness evaporated at the drive-in and by the time they get to Wakita it really does feel like anything can happen.
"How nice you all came over." Meg is a cinnamon roll, too pure for this world.
"I'm going to drive myself." "Honey, your car's in a tree around the corner."
Meg's okay, the dog survived, and the jokes are back!
The weather service doesn't "predict an F5" as blatantly as they do in the movie, but I can forgive them for dramatic license.
Back to the epic traveling music! (And Pepsi product placement.)
I don't think I ever noticed that Meg's dog came with them! Aww.
"Unless you think somebody will hit it." ("It" being Dorothy in the middle of the road in the path of a massive F5.) "Nobody'll be there." Again, it's cheesy, but I don't care. I still get chills.
Somebody was like, "We haven't had enough fiery explosions in the this movie. Fix that."
I love how we've almost forgotten about Jonas by the time the drive-in and Wakita scenes are over, and then suddenly he's back in all his smarmy glory...just in time to die in spectacular fashion.
"DEBRIS! DUSTY, WE HAVE DEBRIS!" *entire tractors start raining from the sky* " 'Debris' ?!?!"
The random teddy bear squeaking as it hits the windshield is way funnier than it probably should be.
Cue that epic music again. Love it. Duh duhduh DUHDUH DUH DUH!
Suddenly the wind chime sound becomes a good thing!
Seeing the tornado rip up corn stalks reminds me of how the recent Greenfield, Iowa, tornado actually planted corn in the town that has since sprouted all over the place.
Wicked-looking scythes and blades clanking all over the barn, and Jo says, "OMG who are these people?" That's funny enough in the moment but later you see the perfectly normal, wholesome looking family who lives there and you wonder if they're secretly serial killers...
We just saw this tornado pulverize a huge barn, but this tiny shed will protect us! (I know, I know, it's the plumbing, but it's still funny before you learn that.)
The lack of impalement and clothes getting ripped off in the wind does stretch willing suspension of disbelief, but...eh, so what? It's cool.
The woman in the checkered pink shirt who comes out of the storm shelter with the kids looks a LOT like one of my friends from grade school. Or how I'd imagine she would look as an adult. I last saw her at 5th grade graduation.
"Mommy, why are there people tied to the pipes where the shed used to be and why are they making out?" "Shut up, Timmy." "And why aren't they impaled by a bunch of corn stalks and wood planks?" "I said shut up, Timmy." "And who are all those other weirdos?" "If you don't shut up I won't let you into the storm shelter the next time a tornado happens. Now go play with a rusty scythe like a good little boy."
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This has been another episode of "Katie Rewatches a Favorite Movie and Types Random Stream of Consciousness Crap Onto her Blog."
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shawnjacksonsbs · 5 years
Are you trying to find yours, and if not, where would you start?    6-30-19
I've been writing a lot about change and acceptance of change and staying grateful through it all, which I am. My real life has a tendency to not always reflect what I write in the heat of a moment, which is why I write. It's why it's necessary for me to reflect on stuff. So if you meet me in real life remember I am still a work in progress, and will probably remain that way for quite some time. lol I am absolutely at a place in my life now that allows me to get through tougher times with a bit more comfort than ever before though.That whole saying "what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger" is only true if you're in that place in your head and in your heart. Those struggling with depression, anxieties, addictions, etc, probably aren't getting stronger. It can absolutely keep people sick, beaten, and broken, even the strongest people. It can make people act in ugliness as well. It is a hard-won battle to get to share in the spoils of being one of the ones who really did get stronger when something didn't kill me. Others are not so lucky. Hell, some of the people don't even realize it. The capacity inside the human heart for showing love and kindness to others knows no bounds. It is as limitless as you will allow it to be. You hold your own discontent, your own resentments, your anger, and fear. By keeping a hold on any of those you are only hurting yourself, but as an added bonus it's probably displayed as being an asshole toward someone undeserving, or at least, a lesser deserving person or person(s). I came close to giving my Facebook another shot this week, but I opened it up straight onto some shit that reassured me why I need not apply. Lol I've been doing pretty well without it actually, albeit I can still jump on and share a song or picture without scrolling through and accidentally seeing any "ignorances". I'm good on that nonsense. The fact that my writings might seem to be getting redundant because they play really close to a continual repeat, has not been enough to influence me to swerve because its what I need too. I need to write it, hear it, re-read it because it's where I'm at in my life right now. Even if I've been here for quite some time it's what my head and heart need or, obviously, I wouldn't be writing it. Struggles, just like perspectives, are specifically wired to you, by you, for your benefit. A little like when you do a crossword puzzle and words like ass and sex seem to stand out almost immediately to most people? You look for the words that are on the list and you circle those. Life is the same. Circle or emphasize the things, or people, on your priority list or in your gratitude list. Retraining of the brain, of my brain, can and does take time. Rest assured that the constant reminders help me stay above all the bullshit, except for that stress and worry all parents have for the well being of their kids. That struggle is ongoing, and a hard fight, as I tell myself it's out of my hands (which most of it is, and almost all of it probably should be). If you're looking for hate/negativity then you'll find it everywhere, but if you're like me then looking for the love and the kindness of the world will become more prominent as we look for it more diligently. Plus its easier to do away with the hate and negativity of others in this way. Not easy completely but easier overall. I hope everyone has a great week ahead and awesome July 4th. Let that true freedom ring for which it truly came where our freedoms and true independence came from originally. "I like to see the sunrise, See the love in my woman's eyes Feel the touch of a precious child, And know a mother's love It's funny how it's the little things in life that mean the most Not where you live, what you drive or the price tag on your clothes There's no dollar sign on a piece of mind this I've come to know I thank god for my life, And for the stars and stripes May freedom forever fly, let it ring. Salute the ones who died The ones that give their lives so we don't have to sacrifice All the things we love" - Chicken Fried by the Zac Brown Band All the things we love! From my momma's house today, to yours wherever that may be, please remember to always be kind to one another. Civility should be the backup plan always. Share the love and the laughter you feel with those around you, and remember gratitude is how we keep it all. All internal and external conflicts are manageable through love and a little insight. Until next week; "One effect of sustained conflict is to narrow our vision of what is possible. Time and time again, conflicts are resolved through shifts that were unimaginable at the start." - Nelson Mandela
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kingstonjael · 7 years
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“The 8 Worst Places To Meet A Guy (The Don’t Believe The Hype Edition”. I am a single woman out in these streets. I hear it all and just about seen it all. There are some places that many swear by as good places to meet men and I just have to refute some of them. Now if you want any man then any place will do but if you want quality...you may want to avoid these places when on the man hunt (I don’t believe in looking for a man but hey...I get why some women do). Before I get into this list, keep in mind that there are exceptions to every rule and your love story just may be it. 🙌🏽 Also, I think finding the right person is less about location (or else we would all be running there) and more about luck and blessings! 🙏🏽 Time to get into this Tom Foolery of a list! Here are the 8 Worst Places To Meet A Guy: 8. THE CLUB! Now I know we have all seen that article about the sista that met a prince in the club but the chances of that being your story is slim to none! I have never thought of a club as a good place to meet guys and maybe that’s why I have not outgrown club life.😍 To me, the club is a place to dance off stress and kick it with my friends. I don’t look for men there though I did meet one guy in a lounge in NC during the 2008 Democratic Convention but that was just luck. He was cute, hardworking, not crazy, and clearly not the man for me or we would be together. But that’s one positive experience out of the 8 million Lil’ (fill an ugly rapper’s name here) that I have met. And the further South you go...the more they look like they haven’t washed their asses!😐 So what can you find in the club? Most likely a shitty one night stand but less likely a prince. Lol. 😳 I wish Essence and XoNecole would stop running that damn article! I’m glad my sista met her prince in the club but let’s keep it all the way real...that’s not where quality men hang out especially as they mature. 🙌🏽 7. ONLINE! With just one click the love of your life may be available. 😩 But why didn’t someone scoop him up already? Could it be the dead bodies buried in his backyard or his fetish for eating those bodies?! 😳 Now before I go in on online dating let me say two things (1) I tried it and I don’t like it for myself and (2) I do have friends that have successfully met a good partner through it but I’m gonna warn you now...for every online love story...there are hundreds more of psycho stories! I mean men are chopping up and killing women they met online! 😭 But to back away from these extremes, I have found that people online are meeting folks with severe issues they wouldn’t normally have to deal with if they had met them in the streets. For example, folks who are catfished! Looks may not be everything but making sure that the person you are falling for is the gender you prefer is huge! 😳 Then there’s the socially awkward folks! Seems harmless at first until you are dating them! 😩 These are things you typically can pick up on right away if you meet someone in person. Yes people can lie face to face but it’s so much easier and the lie may be so much bigger when you date online! Like I always feel like the guys with no pictures up of themselves are married!!!! 😳If you do decide to go this route, meet up ASAP in a safe public place. I prefer day dates for the first date as well. 6. THE GYM! You have a great chance of meeting a very materialistic person at the gym. If you want a gym buff that brags about how many sets and reps he can do...then the gym is the place for you! 🙄 But if you want a man with a thought in his head and a bigger dick size than his arm muscles...stay away from the gym! Yes smart men go to the gym but your treadmill lustful eyes will probably miss them! The gym is a bodies in motion place. Might be suitable for hookups or one night stands (like the club) but I wouldn’t bet on long term. I actually wouldn’t even risk the hookup! It takes me forever to commit...even to a gym membership! I probably do a better job of choosing gyms than I do guys! 🙄Plus most of us are under a yearly contract so why risk it if the relationship doesn’t work out? I can hear the sound of my automatic monthly debit payments coming out of my account while saying...trick this ain’t the place for love cause you already love your gym, don’t want to have to switch gyms if things don’t work out, and if under contract your old gym (the lustful yet smart business place it is) will still get their money! 😩 5. WORK! Now I do have some couples’ friends that met through work but they are few, far, and in between! Work is really a place where a lot of affairs start! Not to mention...many Human Resources employee manuals have chapters written on sexual harassment alone! It’s just not worth your bread if the relationship does not work out! ✌🏾 Work relationships lead to more drama and less marriages! I don’t have the numbers but I feel it in my gut! Lol. 4. WHERE YOU LIVE! Now why the fuck would you want to date someone who lives in your building or next door to you?! Your home is where you are most vulnerable. You want some distance between y’all to grow and...in case the relationship does not work out! Can you imagine having a new guy over when your ex boyfriend lives next door?! 😩 3. IN ANOTHER WOMAN’S BED! Ain’t nothing good can be found if your dating pool starts their day in another woman’s bed! 🙌🏽 Not to mention...you cannot date a married man because...he’s married! 🙌🏽 Now I definitely tip toed with Phoenix during times he may have been on with his baby mama (this is wrong even in dating) but he always lived on his own, I always left him where I found him, and I never tried to claim him! I am physically and mentally attracted to him but realized that once he had a kid...there’s always going to be a woman waiting on him and it damn sure won’t be me! ✌🏾 One cannot build their happiness off of another’s misery! What’s in that woman’s bed is for her. Stay away from the husbands and try to avoid boyfriends too. Nothing good can be found in another woman’s bed! 🙌🏽 2. JAIL! Now I’m irritated I had to even put this one on the list. Free single men are datable men! Locked up ones aren’t! Of course, if you were with your man before he got locked up and want to do a bid with him (wait for him) that’s your choice. However, I am definitely not down for it unless my man got locked up for some Nelson Mandela type shit! If he wasn’t fighting for civil rights...I’m good! ✌🏾 What’s bizarre is some women purposely seek out men in jail! Folks even marrying men locked up for life with no option of parole AND men on death row! 😳🙄😩 Am I missing something? When did jail become the hot spot to find a man? Cross that shit off your list! There are a thousand and one reasons why jail is not a good place to find a good man but really the number one reason should be...he is simply not in a position to be there for you! 🙌🏽 1. CHURCH! Now the Christians are going to side eye me for this one. Church is not a good place to meet a man except if your culture/religion promotes arranged marriages. Outside of that one exception...the real pimps and hoes aren’t at the club...they in church! 😐 Now hear me out. Church is the best game running out in these streets. It mixes the online dating and club dates effect! Many men know that many women want a God fearing man so they run game right up in the church! I have visited churches where all the men are married but a few short years later they are married to younger sistas that they cheated on the first wife with...all from the same church! Leave dating in the church alone! ✌🏾 Pastors cheating. Affairs everywhere! Yes the true sin is up in the church! 😳 A man can be God fearing and not attend your church. He may have his own place of worship and that’s okay because maybe you both won’t start attending the same church until you are engaged. First and foremost, church is a place of worship! One should not go there for the sole purpose of finding a man. Yes folks do meet in church and get blessed with their union but unless you want to be changing your place of worship every year when a relationship does not work out...I suggest you not treat finding a spouse in your church lightly! Now it gets even better...hold on for this! Besides online dating, I have heard the most bizarre and unfathomable stories in the church. Some of our family friends found out huge lies that the church covered up AFTER they married the person they met there! Nobody keeps secrets like church folks when they want to marry someone off or when they want to bury something! 🙌🏽 Trust me...I know....I am Catholic! 😳Think about it...you can pick just about any scripture in the Bible and misinterpret it to justify any evil deed! 😳🙄😩😐 Lawd have mercy! ~KJM on Throwback Thursday. Be very careful out there!
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samantha-girlscout · 7 years
@captainkirk13 tagged me 
Okay, here are my 11 questions
1. Dining out or Dining in and why?
Out. I really don’t like doing dishes if I can help it lol 
2. What is your favorite character development to see?
Hands down Chrome Dokuro from Katekyo Hitman Reborn. At the beginning she was very dependent on another character to the point where she would have died without out his help. By the end she is able to stand on her own and fight. 
3. What is your fave trope (fic, tv, movie, whatever)?
Friends to lovers. I just... hit me with that slowburn okay? 
4. Do you believe in the Mandela effect? Why or why not?
I’m not sure which part your referring to? But I think it’s very possible for a whole group of people to remember something that didn’t happen. Many successful leaders use this tactic to maintain support or dominance over their people. Also I wouldn’t be surprised if there were parallel universes. 
5. What superhero would you want to be and why?
None of them really. 
6. What is your favorite scent?
Humid air at night. It reminds me heavily of memories I’ve made in Texas throughout my life. 
7. Do you have any nervous ticks?
Sorry, passing this one. 
8. What do you like most about yourself?
I like that, when I’m focused, I can write a lot all at once. 
9. If you could be pen pals with any one person in all of history who would you choose?
Probably someone adventurous. No one specific person comes to mind though... 
10.  Phone on silent or ringtone at full volume?
11. If you were given the power to change your past BUT only five minutes total, what would you change if anything?
I would get into a different car at the age of 14. 
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