#like a mix of soul eater/persona/magical girl anime with a whole load of angst
eternaloracle · 8 months
It has been thought over for many millennia that the gods above determined when someone was chosen to die, whether by external signs or by those who proclaim to be messengers of said deities, however, the path of heading to the afterlife after years of suffering may not be as clear as one may think…
Vincent, a college drop out is curious about what it means to die, and if the cruel world they’ve been so ‘gratefully’ placed in is worth living through as their old hospital therapist says it is. Deciding to search for answers themself, they head to their local graveyard to ponder their thoughts in solitude and silence, but bumps into a strange girl named Beatrice and swept into a terrifying battle against an enormous paranormal entity.
Now suddenly roped into confusing life pondering questions and dealing with spirits who wield strange fantastical powers, can Vincent and their new group of colleagues truly get the answer they’ve been seeking, or will their unique adventures down uncertain roads be enough to convince them that there is truly a purpose for living.
Welcome to the lore of Eternal Oracle, where things might not be what they seem and the tales of monsters lurking in your shadow may be more than just fables.
Hiya, nice to meet you all, my name is Penn and I’m the writer of Eternal Oracle!! If you’d like to follow me on any social media the links are here for your convenience!
~Twitter~ ~Instagram~
Note that this story does contain themes and mentions of suicide, depression, self harm, death, questions about the existence of the universe and other topics along those lines so if you are sensitive to these please tread through this blog with caution as a lot of these things will be at the forefront for themes and plot points.
A small Q&A for all the lovely people who want the know all of the story and universe!!
Where does the story take place?
Eternal Oracle mainly takes place in Connecticut in the town of New London but the story isn’t restricted to just the mortal world~
I want to know about [insert character here] where’s the link?
The link will be right here in this section! Each character both for the main cast and villians will have a post deticated to their character introduction, character references as well as some fun facts as I develop more of the story!
Ghost Gang
Can I make fanart/write fanfics/make ocs for your story?
YES ghekehehsncbdelch absolutely of course and I’d love to see all the nifty things you all come up with! If you do decide to share please use the hashtag #EternalOracleFanworks or @ me on my social media so I can see it!
Is there a physical copy I can buy?
Unfortunately no! This story (as of writing this post) is purely for fun and a side project I do while I work through a job and college, someday in the future when I have the story fully fleshed out and written I’d love to have it officially published but for now it’ll stay in my heart as a dream.
Any other common questions and answers will be added as I go, if you have a question or just would like to ask something about the lore feel free to put in an ask, I’ll get to it as soon as I can!!
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