#like all the heroes of the myths and legends. they tried to uphold duty and honour. but the interesting thing is that
elvesofnoldor · 2 years
after finished watching the finale to r*ngs of power, i honestly was gonna make a post about how i found it very interesting that for a character motivated largely by the need to seek retribution and obtain revenge, Galadriel’s inability to let go of her anger towards the target of her vengeance (sauron) is the very thing that kept her from damnation. Had she been able to forgive sauron for killing her brother, she would have never been able to find peace and make it back home (and eventually back to her brother, who canonically came back to life in Aman, and her family). And despite not being very impressed with any part of the show, I found the way they wrote galadriel’s tale of vengeance to be very interesting. Then i logged on tumblr dot org and found out that apparently everybody was making halbrand!sauron x galadriel friends to enemies to lovers 3k slow burn fics and sitting around in circles singing “sauron and galadriel sitting under the tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G” and i think this is part of the reason why i didn’t log on for almost a month and half. 
#i mean it's been months and months of me logging on tumblr dot org and going 'what in the goddamn are you all talking abt'#when i took a look at the tags of the shows i've watched#but anyways im not even mad abt this whole charade of people shipping sauron and galadriel#one thing changed abt me while i was busy touching grass: i loosen up a lot and care abt a lot of unimportant things a lot less#unimportant thing like people are shipping galadriel and sauron#sauron was canonically weirdly obsessed with galadriel so who cares#but i still thought it was so weird nobody cared to talk about galadriel's personal tale of vengeance and how refreshing it was#cause i personally care abt it more than whatever chemistry she might have had with trop writers' sauron oc#mae overshares#i do have to say i like they explored some of galadriel's potential as a character#was too busy simping feanor and his sons (maedhros and maglor) to imagine what galadriel's story could have been#i know i know that's so un-feminist of me#there are actually a number of things that i found somewhat interesting in the show and galadriel's arc is one of them#yeah the show is acting like maedhros and maglor never existed and elrond never met them thus far#and i dont wanna talk abt celebrimbor smh i dont wanna talk about anything abt him in this show#but one thing that i love abt the feanorians is that their story is ultimately a journey seeking retribution and justice#like all the heroes of the myths and legends. they tried to uphold duty and honour. but the interesting thing is that#in doing so. they found themselves driven to dishonourable and even immoral actions#their journey of seeking justice lead them down a dark path and have them unwittingly helped their enemies#and i don't mind that sons of feanor have been so ignored in trop because galadriel's story has elements#that made the sons of feanor so interesting to me in the first place
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primus-why · 7 years
Hit me up with them Bayverse Hot Rod predictions or what the heck you think is gonna happen. I'm disparate for the trash child
AIGHT, here’s a long-ass rant of what I think is gonna go down in Bayverse number 5:
I think, first and foremost, Unicron will be awakened. I think Unicron will have actually been around way back in the day (hence the King Arthur stuff?), and had Predicons under his command that became the myths and legends we humans interpret them as today (AKA “dragons”, “hydra”, “monsters”, etc.). Lockdown had been alluding to a big religious phenomenon while he was around in the last movie, and I don’t think it was just centered around Optimus. Remember how the Dinobots were on his ship? What if they were also minions to Unicron, originally? Basically Unicron employs big beasts to roam the planet, and I think Lockdown was using the humans to collect them– all under the guise of helping humanity, when in fact, I think he was going to release them upon the humans to take back the Earth and kick-start Unicron’s revival.
I think Unicron is gonna pull a Transformers Prime on us and possess some people, most notably, Optimus Prime. How, you may ask? Well, Optimus has become more and more flawed as the movies have gone on. If we think about Primus, a being associated with life-giving properties, Optimus does his best to ensure a certain quality of life for all those he meets. He would do what he could in the first film to uphold his religious teachings/obligations. “Do not harm humans” was a part of his Primely mantra for so long, but then what happened in the last two films? Optimus slays another Prime, another holy entity; Optimus kills humans out of rage and anguish. And let’s not forget, he has killed Decepticons. Sure, it’s in self defense, but what kind of Prime kills the people he is supposed to protect?
So, what I am getting at here is that Unicron will use this corrosion, this slight, way-less-than-other-Primes-but-still-there corruption of Optimus Prime as a means to enter his psyche. Thus, we get purple-eyed Optimus. And from here I’d like to believe that Megatron only get involved and tries to help our main heroes at some point because he’s under the impression that he can prove his resilience and strength to Unicron, who could then leave Optimus’ body and give him some ultimate power. BUT, right as Megatron is betraying our main group, making his case to Unicron/ Unicron-possessed Optimus, OUT STEPS MOTHERFUCKIN’ GALVATRON FROM THE BUSHES, and oh shit now it’s Megatron vs Galvatron!!!! Cuz Unicron is like “why would I take you, an obsolete original, when I already have the loyalty of your upgraded superior…? Finish him.”
Anywho, I’d also like to toss in some BS and say the Dinobot make a reappearance and are firmly on Team (good) Prime, er… I guess Team Bee at this point. Imma come up with something convoluted like, they imprinted with Optimus, or Optimus broke Unicron’s hold over them in the last movie when he beat them into submission, or whatever. I’d also hold some hope that the human characters might be the ones to give them speech– think about it. Team Bee is isolated from their usual leader, who is actually trying to kill them right now; we’ve got some rando, sort of silly French guy who’s really late to the party; Bumblebee, who might not be ready to lead just yet; and maybe if we’re lucky some bots/Wreckers from the last film. Maybe. Anyways the humans are frustrated because everyone is really lacking in the communication skills. Maybe then, one of the Dinobots walks up and curls around them, and a human companion offhandedly says something like “I wish you could talk, maybe you’d have some more information on Unicron…”
And then, BAM, Cade Yeager and his small friend (who I am gonna assume/hope again the odds is also a super smart engineer person) upgrade the Dinobots with a speech ability. This could explain why Grimlock and pals have limited speech– it was engineered by humans, which of course can only grasp so much of Cybertronian technology…
To get to what you were asking about, originally– where is Rodimus Hot Rod gonna fit into all this? I think he’s going to be very similar to Bee in the first movies (I think Bee seems a little more serious now, but that could just be speculation). He and Bee are gonna be BEST BROS. I think he’s going to be fun-loving, a little goofy, and probably really trusting towards humans (after he gets over a phobia of organics, perhaps???) Like Bee will be like “These are humans, they’re our friends” but then Hot Rod and friends are gonna get cornered by the government and Hot Rod is gonna be all “It’s okay, friends! We’re just here doing this-and-that, blah blah illegal things!” and Cade is gonna be like “THOSE guys AREN’T our friends!” Giggles will be had from the audience, they’ll be captured, and heck, maybe some bot is gonna die. IDK.
I think there’s gonna be some heart-to-heart scene while they are captured where Bee is like, being the stern one for once and is like “Take things more seriously!” but then it’s revealed that Hot Rod is always happy-go-lucky as a sort of front, as a way for him to deal with the awful shit he’s seen off-planet. And ANGST ANGST ANGST and PTSD. Like maybe if we look back after this reveal we’ll see signs that he really hates explosions or something– MAYBE when he arrives and he and Bee are being pals, a fight with an enemy group breaks out and it’s revealed that Hot Rod is actually super freaked out by explosions/battle or whatever. Freezes up. Hides. That sort of thing. Bee or other bots are like “What happened to the kick ass guy I used to train with?” and Hot Rod brushes it off with a joke. I wouldn’t put it past Bay since he seems like the kind of guy who would subscribe to the stereotype that French people are cowards.
Another thing Imma spin with: You know those pics of Cybertron crashing into Earth? Well, in Transformers Prime we’ve seen how Cybertron itself is Primus, while Earth is Unicron. Maybe these two planets so close together is what wakes up Unicron. Or maybe it’s the abominable experiments the humans made that have no spark (Galvatron)? Maybe it’s both lol. He could want to break free of his planetary form, and maybe only one Cybertronian god can release/destroy another, so he orchestrates the possession of Optimus Prime so as to use Primus’ own vessel to draw in Cybertron (Primus’ planetary form) until it destroys his planet form, then he would be free to wreak havoc across the universe. Or maybe he does it to destroy himself because he’s bitter and hate the humans crawling all over him. Or maybe it’s another thing that I will get to later.
AIGHT, so anyways I also want to take a moment to think about the title “The Last Knight”. I know Optimus is seen holding a sword, so maybe he’s gonna become a knight? I know that seems obvious, but hear me out on this. Armed with the knowledge that in other continuities, Hot Rod gains the Matrix and becomes Rodimus Prime, what if Optimus is slowly losing his connection to the Matrix? What if at some point Hot Rod does some daring do that then tunes the Matrix to him? Optimus may willingly die to be able to pass on the Matrix to someone else, someone better than his corrupt self. Remember “rethink your heroes”? What if that tag line is like a way to soften the blow of taking Optimus out of the Prime position (like instead of outright killing him in a shocking twist like in the G1 movie and then trying to replace him, they’re giving us a warning this time lol). HOWEVER, knowing Optimus’ life, he could get revived anyways (you know that OP floating in space clip), blessed once again by Primus for recognizing his faults, and instead of crowing two Primes, revives and anoints him to be a Knight of Cybertron. Then it becomes his duty to protect and be a mentor to the new Rodimus Prime. Rodimus gets to learn from one of the best, while forging his own path of Primacy. And his buddy Bee will be there all the way to support him too.
Final misc movie stuff: Cade’s daughter and her BF are never in this one. She’s in college or studying abroad or some BS. Young girl travelling with him NOW is/was a child prodigy of engineering. Bumblebee becomes a leader of his own small team, who peel off from Optimus’ main remaining ‘bots. Megatron and Galvatron’s battle takes them off a cliff, into the ocean where it’s up to the audience (or lol the next film) to find out who won who’s next you decide. Dinobots are turned loose after Grimlock proves to Optimus and Bee and Rodimus that he is a (pretty) intelligent, but capable leader for them, and agrees to keep in touch. aND THEN, OHHHH AND THEN–
I want it to be revealed at the end or implied throughout the film that the Quintessons have been orchestrating the whole thing, giving a set up for the next film. Maybe Quints are what gave Optimus the Unicron bug in the first place– perhaps he is doing some space meditation and feels this connection with a divine source, but he realizes too late that it is Unicron reaching into his mind. Maybe Primus and Unicron were just as much of a creation of theirs as the Cybertronians. Perhaps Cybertron/Primus was created as a factory for these Cybertronians, however it had developed an artificial intelligence which bled into and infected the things it created. Well, artificial/imperfect by their standards at least. So then they made Unicron, a polar opposite to Primus in every way to balance it out. Only something so large could be destroyed by an equal or greater entity, they reasoned. Unicron too developed an AI, but they anticipated this, and programmed him to only ever destroy. Perhaps Unicron becomes aware of this, and thus tries to kill himself and Primus to end his suffering. Or, perhaps the Quints programmed him to enforce a hard reset on their experiments– aka, programmed him with a self-destruct button. Anyways I want a looming threat of the Quints as the next film sets them up to formally “meet their makers” lol. (maybe they can kill one of them this film, and Bee can be like “what the hell was THAT” and Optimus can get all serious and be like “a quintesson”) also lol Primus/Unicron is dead after this flick, weeeee~
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