#like am I crazy and coming across like an asshole. PLEADE somebody say they know what I’m talking about. I don’t wanna sound like a dick
wisecrackingeric-2 · 4 months
I’m gonna sound like SUCH an asshole if nobody else has experienced this phenomenon but like. Can anyone else just like t e l l when somebody has recently moved onto here from twitter
Their bios are short and nondescript if they have one at all. They’ve got no header. No pinned post. All of their posts are really short and succinct and if they ever upload photos they don’t move them around so they’re right next to each other and look super compressed and small. They never utilise the tags unless it’s to put a post in the main tags. THEY NEVER GO FERAL ON PEOPLES ART. They still call their mutuals ‘oomfs’. And they always ALWAYS get S O SURPRISED to find out that queer ships are INFINITELY more popular than straight ships on here (ie people who get shocked that serennedy is more popular here than aeon)
I just wanna gently take their hands like a spooked horse and be like. It’s Okay. You’re free now. You can do whatever you want Forever now. Be cringe
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shimmershaewrites · 5 years
Fourth Quarter, Chapter 1 (a Walking Dead story, Caryl AU).
Sorry.  I am so sorry, lol.
  Title:   Fourth Quarter
Rating:  M. 
Warnings:  adult language. 
Characters/Pairings:  Carol Peletier, Daryl Dixon, Sophia Peletier, original character, Jenny Jones, June Dorie, Pete Anderson, mention Morgan Jones and John Dorie, Luke, Carl Grimes, mentions of Judith Grimes, Tyreese Williams, Duane Jones, mention of Eastman, T-Dog, Axel. 
Prompt(s) used:  “Do you trust me?”    
Author’s Note:  inspired by a little drabble in my Across the Universe(s) drabble series—“Quit stalling.”  Apologies for the sucktacular title and the fact that I’m jumping off the deep end and starting another story.  Clearly, I’m losing it.  But whatever.  I made words.  So it’s a lose-win situation, lol.  Also, in case you didn’t notice, I brought over a couple of friends from Fear and I’m keeping my options open about bringing over more.  We shall see.  Anyway.  Fingers crossed this somehow breaks up the log jam that is currently the state of Waltzing.  I miss writing that story so freaking much. 
          Dr. Pete Anderson didn’t like kids. 
  Carol had it figured out within two seconds of meeting the man, his so-called secret.  His absolute, lip-curling distaste for the parade of little humans that were the King County clinic’s bread and butter was that apparent.  Hard to miss really and ironic considering.    
  Those frequently possessed of snotty noses and tiny hands that were somehow, some impossible way always sticky were both the bane of his existence and the source of much of his livelihood. 
  She couldn’t help but wonder how someone that couldn’t even be bothered to open up his heart to the frightened tears that inevitably came from being thrust into a place so cold and sterile and generally unwelcoming as their place of employment possessed one at all.  Most likely, she supposed, his chest was hollow and a big cavernous nothing occupied the space where the faulty organ should be.  Yes, most likely.  Too bad he worked every Monday.  As did she. 
  “Did somebody get me the goddamn labs I asked for?!” 
  The question yelled so near to her ear was all the warning Carol had before a mug of coffee was unceremoniously slammed down in front of her, causing her to flinch.  She watched with dismay as the bitter black brew sloshed over the ceramic edge, instantly soaking into the printed labs in question, and took in a deep breath in an effort to fortify herself for what she knew was coming.  Thankfully, her coworker stepped in to prevent her from falling onto her figurative sword.  
  “The printer’s jammed again, Sir.” 
  Jenny Jones was one of the most even-tempered individuals Carol had ever met.  Whether she was helping keep a toddler calm while they had a lost Flintstone vitamin fished out of their nose or explaining to a patient that body spray was not meant to be used internally via the rectum, she always wore the same placid expression.  She wore it now, even in the face of Dr. Anderson’s poorly reigned in rage at humanity at large.    
  “Thought the damn thing was fixed.” 
  “It was.  It isn’t now.  Noah’s working on it.” 
  “Who’s…know what?  Forget it.  I don’t care.  Just get me those labs.  Sometime today.”  With that, he stalked off to greet his next patient, continuing to grumble beneath his breath. 
  Finally, Carol felt like she could exhale, and she did, feeling a lot like a deflated balloon.  Or at least, the way she imagined a deflated balloon might feel.  “You’re too good to me.” 
  Jenny’s chair squeaked as she pushed it back from the desk.  Eyes brightened and lips twitching with humor, she replied, “You bring me cookies.  I would be crazy not to be.” 
  “Duane like the strawberry lemonade cookies?”   
  “Like them?” Jenny scoffed.  “That boy loved them.  At least the two his daddy let him have.  Morgan made me promise to get the recipe from you.  Told me to resort to blackmail if I had to.”  Shaking her head, she mused fondly, “That man.  He loves ya’ll’s cookies.” 
  “I’d worry about him if he didn’t.  Everybody loves Carol and Sophia’s cookies.”
                                                                                                                                                                                 Carol looked pointedly at her watch before returning their newcomer’s easy grin.  “Just get here when you can.”  June Dorie was a relative latecomer to the clinic staff, still an enigma in so many ways.  But she was capable, compassionate, and currently very much in love, and like Jenny before her?  Carol had relied on her instincts, welcoming her to cross that imaginary line separating coworker from friend.    
  Other than the precious pink blush belonging to only the happiest of newlyweds tinging her cheeks, June was unruffled by Carol’s teasing.  “Thank you.  I will.”  She did, however, wrinkle her nose at the sodden lump on the counter before her.  “What did I miss?” 
  Her answer came from the irate boss man himself.  “Where are my fucking labs?!”
  June winced.  “Happy Monday, huh?” 
  Carol grit her teeth to keep from letting a few choice words slip free.  Every Monday was a happy Monday when your least favorite doc was a Monday constant.  As if she needed more reason to hate them.  Not only that, the waiting room was starting to fill up, really fill up, right on cue.  Taking a page out of Jenny’s book, she took a deep, calming, let’s be zen breath, and pasted on what she hoped was a serene expression.  Unsurprisingly, she failed. 
  Sparing a second to stuff the ruined labs into the nearby shred box, Jenny dabbed at the mess left behind with a handful of Kleenex and shook her head.  “I see your wheels turning.  You’re on desk duty with Liza ‘til you quit plotting the good doctor’s demise.” 
  June smirked.  “Guess she’ll be out there forever then.” 
  “She might just be,” Jenny conceded.  “June?” 
  “Get the asshole his labs?” 
  “You said it.”   
        “And again!  We want to make Stevie and your parents proud!” 
  In unison, the entire sweaty, spent marching band groaned, and they groaned rather dramatically. 
  Perspiration prickling along his own scalp, the band director couldn’t even find it in himself to be mad.  Quite the contrary.  Depressing the button on the side of his megaphone, he blew out a long, drawn out groan of his own and deadpanned, “I felt that.  Take five everybody.” 
  “Five?!  But Mr. Fogler!” 
  “Alright, alright.  Fifteen and find some shade.” 
  Everybody scattered after that.  Almost everybody.  They needed no more prompting. 
  Sophia, however?  She stayed right where she was, sinking to the grass like a boneless slug bug and letting her eyes drift closed for a brief second.  She stifled a shriek when she felt something cold slither across the back of her exposed neck.  “What the…stop it, Carl.”  In spite of her grumbling, she gratefully took the bottle of water he held out in offering, tipping it back and taking a long swallow.  Shooting a wondering glance at the boy she’d long considered her best friend. 
  Carl dropped down beside her, mindful of the clarinet she’d cast almost carelessly aside.  He’d left his own snare drum where he stood in his haste to seek her out, and he stared at her now, his blue eyes hidden behind the dark lenses of his shades. 
  Sophia’s fingertips fluttered self-consciously over her freckled cheeks and the long auburn ponytail coiled carelessly atop her head.  “What?” 
  Carl’s lips remained zipped.  They merely curled in a barely even there smirk and he shrugged. 
  Sophia narrowed her eyes at him, wholly unconvinced of his truthfulness.  They’d known each other since they were both in pullups and the wait to get their respective drivers’ licenses was almost over.  Of course, he was lying.  Even if he was doing it without words.  “Carl Richard Grimes!” 
  “Did you just full name me?” 
  “I just full named you and I’ll do it again.”     
  “Ooooo.  I’m so scared.” 
  “Don’t be such a…”  Sophia floundered for a word adequate enough to express her frustration.  A good clean word because that’s the way her mama had raised her, but really.  None of them were very satisfying. 
  Carl laughed.  “You can’t do it, can you?”  
  “Know it all jerk.” 
  “But you’re my favorite Disney princess, Soph,” Carl said, snagging the forgotten water bottle from her hands and taking a swig of his own.  “Jude’s too.” 
  An unwelcome smile twitched at the edges of Sophia’s affected pout.  “Shut up.” 
  “Alright,” Carl agreed easily enough. 
  The silence didn’t last long, though.  He was back to his insufferable teasing before they’d had time enough to finish the water bottle between them, and that didn’t take long at all.  “Carl.  I mean it.  Stop.” 
  “Stop what?”  Snickering as he dodged her annoyed little fists, he feigned innocence, “I didn’t even say anything.” 
  “Yeah, well.  You didn’t have to.  Just spit it out.” 
  “You want to spit it out?  You really want me to?” 
   “Please,” Sophia huffed, leaning forward to wrap her arms protectively around her updrawn legs.  She steadfastly ignored Carl’s gaze as she waited for him to put his particular brand of Sophia-torture into words and it definitely wasn’t the sun heating her cheeks when she spit out her last little piece of pleading encouragement.  “Do.” 
  “This one time.  At band camp…” 
  “I swear to God, Carl,” Sophia muttered miserably.     
  “You know Mr. Fogler said shade right?  Not Cade.” 
      On the other end of the football field, the indirect source of Sophia Peletier’s current humiliation was sweating his balls off doing drills for a team he wasn’t sure he even wanted to be a part of.  And it showed. 
  Coach Williams’s deep voice carried, across the clashing bodies and sticky late summer heat.  “Mr. Phillips.  Do you or do you not want to be here?” 
  Hands braced on his hips, jersey clinging wetly to his heaving chest, Cade figured there was no pussyfooting around the truth.  That shit never did anybody no good.  “Presently?  No, Sir.  At least Satan’s ass crack would have shade.”
  Appreciative snickers swelled, rising and traveling from teammate to potential teammate like a wave, and Coach Williams showed a brief, scary flash of teeth before sobering up and making full use of his huge, intimidating linebacker build.  “That so?” 
  Cade knew better than to waltz right into that trap.  He’d become quite adept over the years of sidestepping trouble when it come looking, and until he proved otherwise, Coach Williams weren’t any different than any other coach or teacher.  So he clamped his mouth shut and dropped to give the man twenty unasked.  Or at least he tried to.  The man stopped him with a boot on his back before he got ten good pushups in, barking at the whole lot of them to take a long overdue break.  The grass felt prickly beneath his sweaty pits when his limp noodle arms gave out on him, but Cade didn’t care.  A bottle of orange Gatorade appeared out of thin air, and he’d guzzled nearly the whole thing before he bothered looking up to see where it actually came from. 
  A short, stocky black kid stared down at him, something like admiration on his face. 
  Heaving himself over onto his back with a groan, Cade muttered his gratitude and shielded his eyes from that look and the sun. Both of them were pretty damn blinding in their own way.  He recited a silent prayer that the boy, who he vaguely recognized as a freshman, would just fuck off and leave him alone.  Like most of his prayers, it went unanswered. 
  “I’m Duane.  You’re Cade.” 
  Forcibly swallowing the overwhelming urge to mock the kid right to his oblivious face, Cade merely grunted an affirmation and lifted his arm to get a better peek at him.  He felt an unexpected twinge of guilt when he took in the boy’s slumped posture.  “Running back right?” 
  “Like you.” 
  Hardly, but Cade kindly chose not to point it out.  Instead, he made small talk best as he knew how.  “Didn’t I hear you say your dad has his own martial arts place down on Main?” 
  “He’s partners with Mr. Eastman, but yeah.  You been there?” 
  “Nope, but I’ve thought about it.  Think you can talk him into cutting me a sweet deal?  Might be nice to learn different ways to kick some ass.”  Handy, considering he knew next to nobody in this one-horse town and in his experience?  It never took long for welcomes to be worn out.  He left that part unsaid, too. 
  “I…I don’t know.  But I think so.  I’ll have to see.” 
  “You get on that.” 
  “I will.” 
  “Hey, Water Boy.  Why don’t you shut your trap and do your damn job?” 
  Duane sighed and made to push himself to his feet, but Cade jerked him back down.  “Nah.  I got this.” 
  “You don’t have to.” 
  “Do you trust me?  We got us a deal, right?” 
  “K then.  Watch this.”  Cade winked, standing up and stretching to his full height.  “Hey, lazy asshole.  Why don’t you get your own fucking water?” 
      “Man, you been back in town, what?  Almost a month and I’m the only person knows it.  I’m not accusing you of hiding, but…” 
  Wiping his greasy hands on the red rag that never strayed far from his back pocket, Daryl virtually dared T-Dog to continue his train of thought.  T smartly refused to take the bait, dropping the subject and ambling on over to join him in admiring his handy work.
  “You trying to put those Gas Monkey dudes outta business.”    
  “You think I’m kidding?  I ain’t.  I knew you was good.  I just didn’t know you was this good.  And it ain’t even your day job.”  
  “Hear that, Boss?” Axel oh-so-helpfully piped up.  “It ain’t ya day job.” 
  “Don’t reckon nobody yanked your chain, Mr. Monopoly.  You got them brakes fixed yet?” 
  Axel hemmed and hawed, but in the end, he admitted he had a lot of work still left to do. 
  When Daryl turned his attention back to T-Dog, his old friend was trying—and failing—to keep a straight face. 
  “Mr. Monopoly?” 
  “Yeah, well.  He shaves that shit off?  He’ll look more like the Planter’s Peanut.” 
  T-Dog guffawed, earning himself more than a couple dirty looks from the source of his endless amusement.  “Missed you ‘round these parts.  Can’t tell you how good it does me to see you back.  Even if I’ve never seen you leave these four walls.  How do you eat, Man?” 
  “Like an uncivilized pig,” Daryl deadpanned. 
  T’s grin stretched wide, but he was otherwise unperturbed.  “You said it.  Not me.”  Putting a few paces between them, he started absently inspecting some nearby tools.  “Little birdy down at the high school been talking.” 
  “Don’t ya mean tweeting?  That’s the big thing now,” Axel said, doing what he does best again.  Inserting himself into a conversation that didn’t involve him in the least.  “Tweeter.” 
  This time, T-Dog and Daryl both ignored him and Daryl was surprised to realize he wanted to hear more.  “Yeah?  What you been hearing?” 
  “Kid’s talented.  Going places if he decides to put in more effort.  If he keeps his nose clean and gives his school work the attention it deserves when classes start…” 
  “Tell me something I don’t know,” Daryl muttered.  “I’m trying.  Even if he ain’t.” 
  “Hey, Man.  I get it.  You two?  Ya’ll still getting to know each other.  I can’t imagine what it feels like for either one of you.” 
  Axel couldn’t resist butting in one more time, and Daryl decided fuck it.  He nodded.  Just let him. 
  “Woman showed up on his doorstep and basically said congratulations, it’s a boy.  Your problem now.  Now he’s just as much a daddy as he is an uncle.  Ain’t fair if you ask me.  Got all the responsibility without getting to have any of the fun.” 
  Well, shit.  He hadn’t exactly thought about it in those particular terms, but the twitchy little bastard weren’t exactly wrong.  “Back to work.  Ain’t telling you no more.”  To T-Dog, he simply sighed and raked a tired hand over his unshaven face.  “I’m trying.  I am.” 
  “Kid’s gonna have to meet you halfway.” 
  “Try three quarters.” 
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lillaxtrigger · 5 years
Young Hope: Chapter 23(Pt1)
Shining out from the horizon of a calm suburban neighborhood, the twilight sun casts through the cracks of a set of semi closed curtains; the light shining upon the purple haired teenage boys face. Awakening from his slumber, Roy rises out from the comfort of his bed and stretches his arm; loud yawn escaping from the depths of his lungs. Swiping his phone off the top of his night stand, he looks at the lock screen; the time showing to be along 6:24. “Ohh...Gotta get shit ready. Almost time for me to be on the clock.” “Aw, already?” Rising out from the sheets next to him, a teenage boy hugs the purple mercs arm; rubbing his face against Roy’s as he softly pleads if: “Can’t we stay just a bit longer and cuddle?...” “No can do, twix dick.” Leaping out from the comforting memory foam of his mattress, the purple haired angel lands in front of his bed; finishing claiming that: “I got me a big night ahead. Going out on an important assignment tonight. Gotta get ready to head out ASAP.” “Really?” another voice wonders. Rising out from the other side of his bed, a teenager with a much more toned body stands out from the sheets; asking the merc: “What so important that’s got ya up and ready?” “That, my big sexy plowing machine is private info. Nothing personal, just business.”
Nabbing a pair of purple briefs off his carpeted floor, Roy starts sliding them along his legs as he reminds his two love bugs that: “Speaking of business, think you two should get going before the sun sets.” Prying a pair of black pants off the end of the bed, the purple merc continues by warning them that: “Imagine that your parents would flip the fuck out to the Bahamas and back if they figure out you’ve been slipping dick with the purple angel, would we?” The bulk teen lets out a small growl as he rises from the bed; the twink leaping out towards Roy and locking lips with him. “Hope to see ya soon, baby cakes.” the teen wishes before departing. Lightly dressing themselves, both of the teenagers climb out of the purple boys window; streaking through his backyard and leaping over the fence. Gazing away from the retreating duo, Roy looks to his signature purple hoodie hanging upon his closets door knob; a determined smile stretching between his cheeks.
The door to the darkened room opens; the light from the hall revealing the fully dressed purple merc. Strolling out from the hall, Roy soon comes to the kitchen; a paper bag with his name awaiting on the counter. Through the kitchen, he passes by a blue haired woman washing the dishes; claiming that: “I’m heading out, Mauricia.” “Best of luck, Roy. Be careful out there.” “Thanks, I will.” he assures as he departs, grabbing the bag on his way out.
Coming before the front door, the purple merc came face to face with an orange haired girl standing in the doorway; a wide smile planted on her face. “Alright...What’dya want this time?” “Since I know ya got stuff to do and little time to waste, I’m just gonna cut to the chase here.” To Mally’s declaration, the merc can’t help but pinch the top of his nose; an exhausted sigh passing between his lips. “Tore and I couldn’t help but find out that you got yourself one hell of a job tonight and thinking that maybe ya might need a couple of partners by your side, huh?” Roy jumps back upon hearing the girls request, waving his hand in front of her and exclaiming: “Oh hell no! Ain’t no way in the hellish dunescapes of Libya, Africa are either of you are coming with.” “Aw come on Roy!” their blue brother shouts. From the couch behind them, Tore leaps off and approaches the two; further questioning his purple brother with: “You get to go on cool ass adventures to countless countries all the time. Why can’t we come along and kick some scrotum beside you.” “Because I take my profession very seriously, and I don’t want to babysit the two of you while tryin to earn by pay.” Roy enforces.
“You’ve been doing freelance work for about 4 years now, and all we seen you do is just fly out the door; you don’t even tell us what you did after you get back home.” the blue boy explains. “I doubt he does anything worth braggin about. Probably just some boring shit like delivering packages or escorting people.” Mally denies. Roy turns back towards his doubting sister, going on to rant with: “You fuckin serious bitch? I’ve pulled off some of the most dangerous assignment neither of you’re sugar high brains can even hope to imagine. We talkin about crazy shit like stopping whole high class organizations single handedly, delivering insanely destructive weapon payloads, assassinating heavily guarded politicians, even rivaling against equally deadly mercenaries like myself. All of which risking life and limb for the most highest profit imagina-” Roy puts the hard breaks his angry babbling for moment, soon returning to reality with: “Hey! Hold the fuckin phone.” He glares at Mally straight in the eye and points out: “You ain’t gonna play that reverse psychology bullshit on me, especially since I told you how to play it in the first place.”
“Maybe not, but I know what might. Holding an incriminating blunder over your head.” the girl declares. To his sisters vague threat, the merc can’t help but let loose a loud snicker before mocking: “Like you have any shit you can use on me that everyone doesn’t already know. I’m like an open book baby.” “You seemed pretty open about taking Renee back to her abusive dad.” Tore counters with. Saying this makes the purple merc jump up; his back completely straight as he turns his head towards the blue boy. “How….How the hell did you two find out about that?” he quietly question. The obvious answer then hits him softly cursing with: “Cayenne...That spicy loudmouth cunt.”
“What’s the matter with you, Roy!? Tryin to screw up our plan to rescue Kingsley’s girlfriend from her batshit cray cay papa! And after all the trouble I went through to fish you outta your depression. Pretty ungrateful if ya ask me.” Mally berates. “Look, it was the only thing I could think of to stop the riots in their tracks. If he got his daughter back, he call of the hunt. A hunt that Tore inadvertently caused.” Roy points out, his hand trailing to the blue boy himself. “Roy, if you wanted that, why didn’t you just join us for the gala that night instead of jumping in right at the end.” Tore questions. “Because I was trying to get use fighting with my newfound disability. And by the time I did get back, shit had already hit the fan.”
“The point we’re trying to make is that you owe us for your questionably moral backstabbing stunt and we plan to take full advantage of it.” the orange haired girl states. “Yeah, either you bring us along on this job or we’ll hold that over yer head until the sun violently explodes and burns us all to a deliciously crispy space treats.” his blue brother threatens. After a slew of frustrated noises come out of his mouth, the duo’s purple brother lets loose a defeated sigh and admits: “Fine...You two can come with.” Both of his siblings cheer on his submission, their yelping echoing through out the house.
Roy soon shuts their celebration with a sharp: “But!” From Roy’s sharp interruption, Tore and Mally listen as Roy warns them that: “The job that I’m on tonight has a massive reward on the line, and I can’t have either of you pissing around and fuck the whole thing over in every single orifice. You two are gonna do what I say, when I say it. No if’s, and’s, or but’s. Am I clear?” Such strict rules make his blue brother blow out raspberries, wondering: “Pfft. Come on, Roy. Quit being so paranoid. Since when have I ever screwed thing over things over for everyone.” To that question, Tore is met with the scornful glares of both his siblings; the blue boy letting out a nervous laughter and admitting: “Right, um….I’ll-I’ll behave myself...He he...heeuh...”
Under the pitch black air lay a vast city, littered with classically structured buildings; very few of them reaching out towards the sky. Breaking up this trend be the occasional castle or palace; their sharp tipped tops pointing out towards the night sky. Gliding through this very sky be the angelic trio, Tore and Roy flying across the city skyline with Mally riding atop her blue brothers back. “So...mind telling me what ya gotta do out this far in Austria.” she questions. “Guess now’s a good time as any to tell ya two. See, there’s been a growing domestic terrorist group out here in the middle of Vienna just going around wreckin shit, taking names and blowing up buildings like some shitty 3rd graders throwing tantrums just to try and get attention. We’ll they got it alright, but not the kind they’d be hoping for.” “What’s got these guys so mad off anyway?” Tore wonders. “Can’t say for sure. Something about their economy being screwed over but the report didn’t say. Come to think it, the report didn’t say much of anything. Just about the terrorists and to meet some asshole on the edge of town.” “Man, I can’t wait to glide across the flooded streets, waving hello to passing people in canals. Wonder if they’ll be a motorboat just speeding by.” the blue boy hopes. “Tore...that’s Venice Italy.” Mally corrects. “Yeah, sorry bro. We ain’t going swimmin tonight.” Roy adds. “Aw dammit.”
The trios flight soon comes to a soft descent, the pair of angels landing upon the roof of an abandoned building; broken and beaten into beyond any hope of repair. “So why out of anywhere else is this gorgeous city are we meeting this somebody out in a wreck like this.” the blue boy asks. “Don’t know. Me thinks that an Austrian official wouldn’t want people to find out that they’re dealin with a less than morally encompassing mercenary.” The purple merc answers. “Hang on. You’re taking this job from somebody in the government.” Mally questions, leaping off of her blue brothers back. “Yep, taking an order from the very top. Every hardcore merc’s dream. Just doing one job for those political swine holes can land ya hearty trillions in reward money, stuff that can set you and dozens other for life. I’ve reached the top motherfuckers!”
“It seems like we’re a far ways out. You know when this informant of yours is supposed to get here?” the blue angel wonders. “Should be coming around here soon. Guess we’ll know who they be when they show up.” the merc mentions. “So you don’t even know what this asshole’s supposed to look like? Why would even go along with something this ludicrously shady?” Mally disputes. “Welcome to the vast underbelly of the mercenary world, sis. A dangerous field of work filled to the brim with limitless shady dealings and boundless distrusting anonymity. Ain’t no pretty line of labor, but it’s one I excel at.” “I’m not to sure about this, Roy.” Tore worries. “Will you two cool it. I’ve done this whole dance with darkness plenty of times now. Just let me do all the talkin and we’ll smoothly sail through the shadows.” Reassuring such, the merc heads for the door leading downstairs; both of his sibling looking at one another with unsure glares.
Descending down from the rooftop of the broken building, the three find themselves standing within a dimly lit room; the sides littered with debris, garbage, and moldy wooden crates. “Wow. I wonder why people just put their garbage in random broken down buildings like this. Might as well just tear the whole place down and replace it with a giant dumpster.” Tore jests. “Ugh, tell me about it. This place smells worse then the sewage treatment place I pass on the way to school. How much longer will it be before this informant of yours shows up?” Mally asks her purple brother. Turning away from a set of crates in the corner, the merc admits that: “Think we might have gotten here a little early. It could take awhile; half an hour or two I bet. Ah well, guess that’s time zone’s for ya.” “So you’re expecting us to just wait in this house fly paradise until your informant shows their rear?” Tore frets. “That be the game plan.” To their purple brothers words, both Tore and Mally groan aloud; their wailing echoing throughout the dim building. “Hey! Hey! Cut that shit out!” the merc demands. Though still disappointed, the two cease their howling upon their brothers orders; their faces looking like the ones an upset toddler would show their moms. “I ain’t havin any of this whining bullshit while I’m here, kids. Merc work ain’t just all beatings and speedings. Sometimes ya need to apply some patience.”
And with this, the trio can do little but await for the purple merc’s informant to show themselves; passing the time by distracting themselves in various ways. Through the dim room, the trio start to lightly spar; throwing and blocking punches and kicks to one another. Tore soon feels his sister hit the side of his chest, stopping Mally in her tracks. From their, he grasps his sisters fist; guiding her knuckles down towards his kidneys. Mally staring up to her blue brother, finds him nodding in confirmation. Standing proudly before her, his sister swings hard into the side he showed her; causing the blue boy to double over in pain. While Mally seems on the verge of panicking, Roy tries his damnedest not to bust out laughing.
Pulling out the paper bag he had grabbed back home, Roy shares the food held within. Mally catches the apple tossed at her, nibbling on its bright red skin with small crunching bites. Tore witnessing a PB&J thrown his way, chomps it whole midair in one bite; smiling from the mixing flavors of the classic snack. The merc himself pulls out a can of Faygo from the depths of his bags paper, smiling as he pops open the top and swigs down the wicked elixir. The blue boy swallowing the sandwich, both his sibling toast the apple and soda; a wide smile stretching across his face.
On the floor, the three attempt to pass the time with a game of paper football; Tore aiming the triangular piece of paper between his sisters fingers while Roy watches on the side. The blue boy finally takes the shot, flicking the piece hard enough to smack into Mally’s eye; the girl falling over as she covers her head. Both her brothers swiftly approach to her aid; worried gazes across their faces.
Eventually, their distractions die down; the three left reduced to simply lying on the cold hard concrete floor. In the seemingly never ending march of boredom, the blue boy breaks the silence with a frustrated scream; drawing the attention of his sibling. “I can’t take this torturous waiting train anymore! Standing around in this oversized garbage dumpster is so boring! It’s been more than 3 hours and this government lackey hasn’t showed head or tail!” “It’s only been 20 minutes.” Mally calmly reminds him. Turning towards his purple brother, the blue boy can’t help but question: “Roy, it’s been way too long now. Don’t you think that whoever posted the job is just screwing with us?” “Hmm...I’m beginning to wonder the same thing.” Rising from the cracked concrete, the merc continues by informing that: “I’ll be up on the roof to see if anyone’s coming, also to get outta this shithole. Place smellin worse then an open graveyard. You two wanna come?” “Nah. It’s way too cold out there.” Tore decline. “Yeah, as rancid as this place is, it’s kinda warm.” Mally adds. “Meh, suit ya selves” With this, the merc heads right up the steps; exiting out the roof doorway.
The sound of the door closing echoing through the room, Mally’s gaze turns towards her blue brother and asks: “Hey Tore, mind if I ask ya something?” “Uh, sure Mal. What’s on your mind?” “Have you’ve been noticing that Roy’s been acting kinda...strange lately.” “Well duh. That’s kinda our default Mally.” “No, I mean like more...unstable…losing his mind and stuff.” “Aw come on.” “I know, but...I-I’m worried. I think all this merc work might be getting to him. Since we moved to Townsville, Roy hasn’t had a lot of sleep. With his job going on during the night, the only time he’s got to sleep is during school.” “Yeah, and the some of the teacher won’t stop hounding him to stay. I keep tellin them that Roy does his schoolwork best when he’s sleeping like a hung over dad fresh from a night out at the strip joint, but they don’t believe me.” “What’s worst is that I catch him talking to himself sometimes, almost as if he’s arguing with somebody.” “Alright look, Mal...Roy’s just kinda goin to a rough patch right now. I mean, he’s adjusting to a new school, new schedule, new place, new people. Hell, he’s even lost an arm. But he’s still pulling through all of it just fine. And ya know why?” Mally looks up from the cracked concrete as her brother continues with: “Because he got us to fall back on. We’ve been through a lot together. Far worse stuff then even most adults have gone through. And we got through it because we got each other by our side. So as long as we’re hand in hand, we can beat life tough ass inside out.” To his brothers speech, Mally can’t help but let out a small chuckle. “Guess I needed to here something cheesy like that.” After letting a relieved sigh, she looks back to the blue boy and thanks him with: “You’re right. I’m sure now he’ll be just fine.”
Sitting atop the edge of the roof, the purple merc gazes up into the pitch black void above; not a single star visible thanks to the city lights shining below. A deep breath leaves his lips as he pulls out his phone; looking away from the night sky and onto its bright screen. Beyond the lock screen, Roy taps into the text; sliding his thumb across the screen until stopping at a single name: Roxanne. Tapping the name reveals a text conversation shared between the two.
Roxanne: “Had a fun night last night.” Roy: “Thanks. Think we meet up again sometime?” Roxanne: “How’s next Saturday sound?” Roy: “Cool! Can’t wait.”
Staring deeply at the conversation, a familiar supporting voice chimes in his head; wondering if: “Are you’re ready for this?” An unsure moan leaves his lungs, the purple angel admitting that: “Gotta be honest Hera...I haven’t felt like this in so long...I’m not too sure.”
Back within the dim confines downstairs, both Tore and Mally simply relax and wait for the informant to get here. Lying against the wall, she lets a small yawn pass through her mouth; smacking her lips as she shakes off her dull inducing drowsiness. Tempting to distract herself from the seemingly endless boredom, her gaze drifts over towards the stack of crates in the corner; her site beholding a stray shadow beside the boxes. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she takes another glance to the crates; soon witnessing the same shadow retreat from behind the boxes. Having witnessed the shadow slip inside, Mally dons her helmet as she approaches her blue brother. “Hey Tore. There was something else I forgot to mention about Roy.” she feigns to Tore. “Alright...what now?” the blue boy ignorantly wonders.
Once next to her brother, she pulls him in face to face; whispering to him: “I think they’re might be somebody watchin use behind those crates.” Hearing his sister mutter such a warning, Tore eye’s gaze out towards the only set of boxes in the room. “Think it might be the informant Roy told us about?” the blue boy whispers. “Don’t know. Roy didn’t bother telling us about him. They could just some homeless guy. Let’s just act casual and see with happens.”
With this suggestion, Tore picks up where he thinks the false conversation by blurting: “Whoa, really. Can’t believe he even stoops to something like that. When he gets back down here, were gonna have a long talk with him...And kick him in the testies.” Saying this, the blue both badly feign walking off towards the side; Mally sliding her palm against her face as she starts putting on her skates.
Quickly tying her pink skates, the skater soon sees the shadow of an arm peek out from behind the boxes, the shadow of a knife held above. Realizing her brothers back turned away, she rushes over to him as fast as possible; the man behind the boxes throwing his sharp dagger right towards the back of Tore’s head. Just before the flying knife could plunge itself into the blue angels head, Mally tackles her brother aside; the dagger instead piercing through a lone garbage bag.
Falling onto the cracked concrete floor, Tore fires a white ray right at the cluster of crates; someone in an overcoat dashing out from the resulting explosion. Rising from the cold floor, both Tore and Mally stand back to back and scan through their surroundings for any sign of their overcoat assassin; watching the countless bags of garbage and scraps of broken appliances lying around the edges of the room. “So sis, ya got any plans in that helmeted head of yours.” the blue angel asks. “This guy seems to be waiting for an opening to strike. Me thinks we should counter with strat 26.” his sister suggests. “Ooh, that’s always a good one.”
In the midst of their standoff, Mally witnesses a faint shadow trailing into a junk pile left at the wayside; the skater digging through her pocket to pull out her trusty grapple-yo. Casting the gadget out towards the pile, she wraps its string around a destroyed fridge; uprooting it from the cluster junk. Swinging the broken icebox throughout the room, Mally slams the heavy appliance into the countless piles of scrap and garbage; her blue brother ducking under the passing string. Soon, she swings the broken freezer high in the air; sending the fridge back down onto the pile it came from like a crashing hammer. From the impact, their overcoat assassin leaps up in the air, pulling out two dual pistols and aiming right at the skater in his descent. Firing down a storm of bullets, Tore blocks his sister from the led assault; gliding towards the assailant as his foe lands. The angel grabs hold of the assassins pistols by their front, crushing their barrels with his bare hands.
Releasing his destroyed firearms; the mysterious assassin jumps back from his blue adversary, pulling out a sharp machete in his retreat. The edge of his blade coated in green, the figure in the overcoat thrusts his poisoned blade towards Tore; the lethal lunge stopped by the neck of a hockey stick. Blocking their poisonous sting be the orange haired skater, pushing the overcoat foe back and away from her brother. Swiftly striking back, the coated assassin slashes rapidly swings at the skater; Mally blocking and dodging the blades barrage. In a single swing; the skater knocks the assassins poisoned machete out from their hand; the blade breaking through the glass of a window. Having disarmed her assailant, Mally readies to deal the finishing blow; the coated assassin jumping out from her swing. High above the skaters head, her foe pulls out a slew of butterfly knives from their sleeves; tempting to rain their sharp steel down upon the orange haired girl.
Just before the assassin could unleash their steel rain, they’re snatched in the air by the blue angel; Tore holding his assailants in the air and spinning them about. “Get ready Mal!” the blue boy exclaims. Upon her brothers word; Mally rushes out towards the edge of the room; skating up through the molding wall. His sister near the roof, Tore flings the their foe across the room; the assailant careening over the horizontal support beam. Leaping off the top of the wall, the skater tangles her grapple yo around the assassins throat; soon trailing herself and the string over the support beam. Both descending from each side of the metal beam, only one of them lands back upon the concrete floor; Mally suspending the assassin in the air via her yoyo. Feeling its hold tighten around their neck, the figure in the overcoat attempts to free themselves from the yoyo’s tense hold; the string too thin to pry off. Eventually, the last of the assailants breath leaves their lungs; the coated assassins body going completely limp.
Having finished the overcoated assassin, Mally drops their lifeless body; their facade shedding to reveal a blonde haired man. The skater reels her grapple yo back in the palm of her hand; her brother descending from behind and congratulating her with: “Way to go, Mal. Really stuck to the strangling perfectly.” “Thanks. Didn’t think we could pull it off, to be honest. Barely had anytime to practice it.” “What the hell is happening down here!?” they hear a familiar voice shout. Gazing back towards the flight of steel steps, the duo find their purple brother climbing down; a less than pleased expression painted across his face. “Roy!” Tore excitedly exclaims.
Rocketing towards the merc, the blue boy goes on to explain how: “You’ll never guess what we just did! We pulled off strat 26! Ain’t that amazing!?” “Roy, what the hell?” they hear their sister call out. The two angels turning towards the skater, they hear her question: “Why didn’t you warn us there was someone in here. Could’ve save us a ton of trouble.” “I thought he was just some homeless crackhead.” “The guy was waiting all night for us to let our guard to go down, attacked from the shadows like a hobo ninja.” the blue boy elaborates. “Will you guys gimme a break!? Maybe the guy wants to overdose in peace, ever think of that?”
Skating over towards the guys remains, Mally digs into the contents of his overcoat; pulling out what seemed to be a wallet of sorts. Opening it revealed displayed along the face an ID of sorts; the golden symbol of an eagle sown on the other side. “Hey Roy, think ya know what this eagle might be for.” she asks, showing her siblings the emblem. While Tore looks upon the symbol with curious wonder, Roy’s eyes widen, mentioning how: “That- that’s the same crest that was on the report.” Hearing this, the blue boy hisses between his teeth, guiltily admitting that: “Nnn...I think that might’ve been the informant.” “Really!? Ya don’t say dumbass!”
Leaping off the stairs, Roy glides over towards the dead man his siblings had dispatched; hearing Mally question: “If we was who he was waiting on, then why did he attack us?” “Dude probably thought it was a set up seeing the two of you. If I had some shady dealing going on and didn’t see who took the job, I’d think the same thing.”
Landing next to the freshly dead corpse, the purple merc begins to strip him down; Mally soon covering her eyes and asking: “Egh! What are you doing!?” “Tryin to see if this asshole had anything on him. These kind of government lackey usually keep files of their assignments on hand.” Roy’s search soon has him dig through the corpse overcoat, pulling out a folder from one of pockets. “Ah, jackpot! We’re in the clear, kiddies!” the merc exclaims, holding the folder up high. “Eh, cool. But...did ya hafta strip the guy nude to get’em.” Tore wonders. “Not really, just wanna take a peak of the package he had down their. Third time in my life have I ever been so disappointed.” “Just read the damn thing already!” his sister demands.
With a disgruntled groan, he cracks the folder wide open; a relieved breath leaving his lungs. “Looks like this job ain’t a bust just yet. Got our assignment right here.” “Alright! What all does it say?” his blue brother asks. Checking the dossier once agains, he explains aloud that: “Says here that the terrorist group plans on attacking the Austrian Parliament building tonight.” “Cool, so...what’s that?”. “Basically like a building politicians gather to discuss stuff like rules, trade, bunch of boring stuff like that.” “So, from what all we got in here; I’m guessin that were supposed to stop these assholes and uproot them from their base of operation. Could’ve gotten a lot more out of it if the guy this thing came from wasn’t choked to death.” Roy elaborates, staring at his siblings right at the end. “Hey, the guy shot first! It was self defense!” Tore exclaims. With an irritated groan, the merc takes one more look at the file; his demeanor quickly winding up as he adds: “Oh shit! Attack’s supposed to go on in 20 minutes!” “Well what’re we waiting for!? Let’s move!” Their sister proclaiming such, the three rush up through the steel steps; soon taking off into the Austrian night sky.
Streaking through the cold Vienna skyline, the trio glide east above the city streets; the lights below shining upon the angelic duo’s chest. In their flight across the Austrian city, the orange haired skater can’t help but turn towards his purple sibling and question: “Oy, Roy. If these government guys know about these terrorists attack, then why are all of them still going along with the get together.” “Most of them probably don’t even know that its goin down tonight. Too worried about laws and trade to even check.” “Can’t we just warn them all?” Tore suggest. “Not a bright idea. Since our report came from the government themselves, a couple of the guys in there might see the bullet coming and don’t wanna tell anyone. Don’t wanna risk making the uninvited guests suspicious, do we?”
“Roy, I feel like you’re leaving something out.” Mally accuses. “Oh, pfft. Gimme a fuckin break Mal. You honestly think I’m the kind of deceitful piece of jack ass shit that’d lie to ya like that?” To his defense, both of the purple brother’s sibling gaze upon him with contemptuous glares; their wordless gazes being all Roy can take before caving him. “Ahhghn...Fine. The other reason why I don’t wanna go in there is cause...I kinda wound up on the country’s wanted list.” “What!? What’d kind of kooky 90’s action cop flick style shenanigans did you do to get the entire country after your purple hide?” the blue angel question. “I miiiight have done something to piss of one of the Austrian government boys. It’s nothing that bad, I swear.” Roy reassures. “You fucked their daughter, didn’t you?” Mally guesses. “That, and their son.” Reveal such scandalous escapades makes the merc’s sister let loose an upset groan, Roy adding with devious smile that: “They were twins.” “Roy!” the skater harshly exclaims. “Relax. They were the same age as me...I think.” “Not the point here.”
Guiding her blue brother closer to the merc, Mally continues her scolding by mentioning how: “You can’t keep going on these amorous shenanigans anytime you see a nice ripe ass or a big fat dick. You keep getting in trouble with this kinda shit.” “Yeah, like the time in middle school where you were screwing around the principal’s son. The guy went so catty batty banana’s, he tried to burn the whole school down.” their blue brother brings up. “It ain’t my fault he went freaky for fruit loops! Maybe the district shouldn’t have hired a bipolar asshole to run the place.” Their sister than brings the conversation back on track, baiting Roy’s attention with: “The point were making here, Roy, is that his kind of scandalously frisky habits of yours need to screech to a stop. Else, you’re not only gonna land only yourself, but your entire family and beyond in some serious shit.” “Oh come on! Neither of you think I can handle all of it? I’m been fishing in the vast, dangerous waters of the amorous sea’s for 2 years straight now and it hasn’t gotten the overly swollen testicles to bite back.” “Hey, think I see our ahead up ahead.” Tore points out.
With the Austrian parliament building locked in their sites, the trio float down upon its flat rooftop; Mally jumping off of her blue brothers backside. Landing on the rooftop, Tore himself throws his purple another question; asking: “So, if your banned from the country, then why would a government official hire you. Wouldn’t that get them blacklisted or something?” “Well considering that the job came from an anonymous source, they might already know that and are wanting to keep things on the down low. Plus, with my kind of resume; how the hell could they refuse.”
“So, how we gonna snoop out these uber Austrian bastards anyway?” Mally question. “We got all we need to track those home grown terrorist right here.” Roy answers, pointing to himself. “Oh please. You couldn’t even snoop out your informant before we wound up doing him in.” “Gimme a break alright! I thought he was just one cracked out bum. A terrorist attack on the other hand’ll need a whole orgy’s worth of motherfuckers to pull off. Bet they’ll all try and bust in while all the politicians in there are busy yapping their asses away. But before they can, we’ll all dive down onto them and beat their uber assholes through the seven layers of hell and back on the other side of the earth.” “So were just supposed to wait here until they show up?” Tore questions. “Again?” Mally adds. “That’s the game plan.” To their brothers strategy, both the merc’s brother and sister groan aloud; Roy himself demanding that they: “Hey, hey; shut it, you two. You want the whole damn block down there to know we’re up here.” His siblings reluctantly comply with their purple brothers demands; upset glare drawn upon their faces. “I ain’t gonna have my chances go off the rails just cause you two are feeling bored. We’re gonna wait here and watch for those domestic terror fuckers until I say otherwise. We clear?” “Yes, your majesty.” both sarcastically comply.
And so, the trio await patiently atop the roof of the parliament building; passing the time in their own way until the action arrives. Curious of what the people inside could be discussing, the blue boy approaches the sunroof and peeks inside; finding a whole room full of well dressed people inside. Pressing his ear against the glass, Tore could hear their political disputes; a curious expression forming upon his face. Mally meanwhile passes the time by practicing with her grapple-yo; casting out her gadget and twirling it in the air performing trick. These practices eventually causes the skater to get caught in a bind of her own trappings; her Yoyo entangling around her hands. Roy meanwhile can’t help but sit along the edge of the building, staring down onto the screen of his phone with the text conversation still on; a visible breath escaping from the purple angel’s lunges.
The blue angel soon withdraws from the clear ceiling window, approaching her struggling as she tempts to untangle herself from her own yoyo’s string. “I can’t understand a single word those guys are saying in there. It all just sounds like random gibberish.” he goes on to explain, starting to help his sister sort out the string of her grapple-yo. “Why? Cause it’s all political stuff.” she wonders. “No, cause I can’t understand a lick of German. All I’m getting outta it is nothing but a bunch of “Gutens” and “Wirtschaft’s”. Sound pretty funny though.” “Well maybe Roy can give ya some lessons. He won’t shut up how he’s been all over the world.” “Whadya say, Roy? Think you can gimme some pointers on the complex and foreign workings of the cultural German tongue?” The blue boys question however is left unanswered; Roy continuing to sit upon the buildings edge, staring down upon his phone. “Uh, Roy...you there?” he asks to bait is attention. “Roy?...Roooy?” Alas, Tore’s calls fall on deaf ears; the merc himself remained gazing upon the text conversation between him and Roxanne. Finally, the merc finally hears their cry when Mally mildly shouts at him: “Yo, Roy! You listening!?”
The suddenly loud call catches Roy off guard; his surprise causing him to loose grip of his phone. “No!” the merc utters. With his single hand, he attempts to catch the midair mobile device before it starts to plummet; his grip failing to grasp the phone in time. “Dammit!” Watching as his device descends towards the hard concrete, Roy soon witnesses his sister’s yoyo grab hold of the phone just before it hit the pavement; the gadget retracting up through the parliaments edge and flying high in the air. Soon, the yoyo and phone plummet back down towards the roof; the mobile device landing right in Mally’s untangled hands. “Gotcha!”
Standing off the buildings edge, Roy approaches his sister with a thankful smile; congratulating the skater with: “Nice save, Mal. I owe ya.” The purple merc soon finds his orange haired sibling staring at the screen; his hairs standing on end as he hears Mally asks: “Roy...who’s Roxanne?” Swiftly swiping his phone back from her hands, Roy responds to her curious question with: “It’s somebody you don’t have to stick your nose in. Hear me?” “Oh oh! It’s it one of your merc buddys!” Tore pops in guessing. “Sounds more like a fuck buddy to me?” Mally adds. “Could be a drug buddy.” “Roy’s not on drugs though.” “Oh, right.” “Think it might be an old school buddy.” the skater questions. “Eh, I don’t remember anyone back then called Roxanne. Maybe a current school buddy.” Tore guesses. “He isn’t that well liked in school though. He won’t stop pickin fights and asking people to fuck. Foreign buddy?” “Could be. Hey Roy, is Roxanne some new foreign buddy. Huh?” the blue angel asks his purple brother. “Yeah Roy, are they?” Mally hounds. “Come on, Roy. Tell us.” “Ya gotta. We need to know.” “Were just gonna keep asking til ya tell us.” “Spill your brains out, you devilish purple bastard!” Their constant hounding eventually gets Roy to cave in; harshly demanding the two to: “Alright! Just both of ya shut the fuck up.” Both of his siblings listen closely; awaiting in anticipation for their purple brother to answer them.
A heavy breath passes through Roy’s lips; soon admitting to the two of them that: “Roxanne is...My...my new girlfriend.” To the mercs response, both of their faces swiftly go sour; Mally asking: “I’m sorry...What?...” “She’s my girlfriend. We’ve been dating.” “Is...are you serious?” Tore wonders. “Oh my god, yes. I’m going out with her. How many times to I have to say it?” “Oh...Oh that is just unfortunate...” Mally dreads.
“Pffth, okay. Why is me getting a girlfriend such a big bombshell for you two?” the merc question. “I don’t know, Roy. You tell me why a sexual deviant like you being in a committed relationship is so baffling?” the skater sarcastically asks back. “Especially since you haven’t really been like that with anybody. Not since...well...umm-” the blue angel adds. “I can handle being in a loving relationship just fine, thank you very much.” “We’re being serious here, Roy. If you’re not screwing around about all this, then you can’t have you’re less than abstinent habits screw you over. Pun intended.” Mally states. “How long have you even been going out with his girl for?” Tore wonders. “Hnnn...thinks its been about a week. Somewhere close to that.” “You’ve been going out with this poor girl for that long and you’ve already cheated on her with two other dudes?” the skater reminds him. “You saw those two?” “Of course we did, Roy. Who wouldn’t notice a couple of nearly nude teenage boys streaking across the neighborhood?” the blue boy questions. “Tsk, so I gotta couple asses on the side. What’s the big whoop?” the merc questions. “The big whoop here is that if you don’t want your girlfriend walkin out on your ass, then you gotta stop chasing ass. No more booty chasin, no more cock gobblin, and especially no last second bangs with people you barely know.” Mally chastises. “And how do you she ain’t into that stuff?” Roy counters with, making his siblings loudly growl.
“I don’t havta drop a damn thing sista. I can keep up being with my girl with staying dick deep in the wonderful world of fornication.” the merc declares. “That isn’t how a stable relationship is supposed to work!” Mally claims. “Oh, and like you two know out one does? Mr. “I don’t give a rats ass about being with anyone.” and Ms. “I’m too much of a nervous lesbian to ask anyone out.” “I’m working out my own problems. But that don’t mean neither of us can’t work on yours.” “Roy...We love you. And we just want you to be happy.”
Struck with the statement from his siblings, the purple angel is left upset and speechless. Roy then turns away from the two; his gaze aimed towards the buildings set to the side. “At least look at us while were chewing you out!” the skater demands. “Shut it. I’m sensing something over there...A crowd of people clustered around that building over there.” the merc informs, pointing over towards a run down building set along the street ahead. “Think it might be the terrorists?” Tore asks. “Don’t know. Could be.” In that moment, Roy turns back towards both of his siblings; ordering the two with: “Both of you stay up on this roof. Not sure what they’re planning yet, so I need two of you here if they try anything up close.” Having relayed those orders, the purple merc fly out towards the broken building in question. “We’re not done talking about this, Roy.” Mally warns his leaving brother. Watching the black winged angel soar above the streets, the skater can’t help but let out a worrying sigh; hoping aloud that: “Just wish we could get through to him.” She soon feels her blue brothers palm on her shoulder; her gaze turning to Tore as he assures that: “We will, Mally. He just need some time to process all this. That’s all.”
In his flight above the Austrian streets, the black winged angels tempts to calm himself from the heated discussion; assuring to himself that: “What the fuck is their deal? I’ve been in a relationship once before, I sure as hell can do it again.” “Can you, though? Your less than wholesome habits may work to hinder your honest efforts.” the merc hears echo in his head. “Oh come on. You’re on my ass too? Why the hell is everybody trying to shove their dicks in my personal life?” “I’d much rather call it...divine intervention.” “And I’d rather call it bullshit. The hell is your point?” “My point is that from as much as I’ve seen, you honestly seem to want to make things work with this girl. So if you would be so kind as to help shed some light on a few simple questions that I have. Is that okay?” With a small breath passing through his nose, the merc tells the voice in his head to: “Fire away.”
“Roy...Do you honestly like this Roxanne girl?” “Yeah...” “How does she make you feel?” “...Better.” “How long do you hope to be with her?” “...” “Roy?” “For as long as I can.” “Well then...If your wanting to have a long, meaningful relationship with this woman, then you must be willing to make and maintain some commitments. Part of loving somebody is to make compromises with one another; to make sacrifices for your other to stay together.” “So what’re you saying I have to give up? My wealth, my body...my mind?” “I’m referring to more along the line of what you enjoy in life. The pleasures that somebody of your...deviancy constantly partakes in.” Roy fails to give the goddess a response to her statement, simply gazing below; taking in the view of the Austrian streets. Walking through the Vienna streets be couples walking together hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder; huddling together through the cold passing winds. Set along those concrete streets be various restaurants, packed with all kinds of couples of all ages and all sex’s; mingling and eating together. Staring out to these loving couples, the merc hears the goddess finish with: “Believe me, Roy. If Roxanne really loves you, then there’s no doubt that she’ll do the same for you.” Hera’s last statement leaves the purple angel with food for thought; platters of statements and meals of questions that he knows he’ll have to swallow soon. But alas, those morsels be put on hold as he begins to descends upon the abandoned building; sensing the group of people below the rooftop.
Quietly cracking open the rooftop doorway, the purple merc’s ears catch the sound of German echoing through the stair way; careful to not make a single peep as he slowly comes inside. Hovering over the old wooden steps, Roy descend through the molding stairway; the voices below growing louder the further he flies down. Roy’s descent soon takes him down to a run down hallway; the stretching darkness ahead upset by a dim light shining out from an open doorway. Peeking through this doorway has the merc discover what his senses have warned him about: a whole crowd of people donned in masks; their design resembling an upside down white falcon. Littered around the sides of the decrepit room be large wooden crates, with some of the renegades sitting atop their lids; some of the boxes toppled on their side to reveal nothing within. Kinda makes one wonder what the hell these guys are up to. Aside from some weapons and grenades, they don’t really look that prepped to take on the big house. What even came in those crates anyway?
As he wonders what their plans could involve, a booming voice grabs the entire rooms attention; everyone’s eyes glued to a tall, hulking figure with snow white hair standing in front of the window. “(Listen up everyone.)” Through her muscular body, patches of ice layer parts of her skin; small icicles forming out from the coats of frost. She soon points her icy finger out towards the parliament building in the distance; starting her speech with: “(Our city’s capital there has been infested with greedy swine. Heartless pigs that have more than eagerly left the people of this country’s starving out in the cold to line their pockets. Hyper inflating our economy was the last mistake those swine will make. Tonight, this economic nightmare shall come to an end!)” After her announcement, the entire room is swept in an uproar; cheering upon their icy leaders declaration.
Once the crowds hype dies down, the cold hard woman points out towards the side of the room as she calls for: “(Lukas, approach.)” Out from the crowd, a masked man with blonde hair steps forward; a remote grasp firmly in the palms of his hands. “(Yes, my cold commander?)” “(Have the explosives been set in place?)” the icy woman wonders. “(Indeed they have. With all of them packed tightly together nice and neat, the resulting explosion should wipe out the entire building and all who reside inside.)” Hearing these plans unfold, the merc thinks to how both of his siblings are still awaiting at the rooftop; his eyes swiftly squinting out to the blonde man. “(Excellent! Now the only thing left to do is set of the detonator. Care to do the honors, Lukas?)” the woman offers. “(I would be honored to, Ilana.)” “(Right. On my count. 10...9...8...7...)” In the midst of their countdown, Roy swiftly slides right inside; his eyes locked right on the cold commanders second hand man.
“(3...2...1…Now!)” Upon the end of her countdown, the icy leader watches the parliament building out in the distance closely, awaiting for the entire place to erupt in a fiery explosion. Alas, her vision of the capitals destruction fails to come; seeing not a single hint of red among the black sky. “(Lukas...You...You can press the button-)” Turning over to her comrade, he find the detonator having vanished from his hand; a gaping red hole laying across his chest. “(Button?)” Her right hand man falls right upon the wooden floor in a splatter of his own blood; the entire room taken back by Lukas sudden demise. “(You know...)” they all hear. Turning out towards the side of the broken room; the entire group finds the purple merc sitting atop one of the crates; the detonator in his hand. “(I can’t really imagine what your next move might’ve been. Did you really think that just blowing up a pig pen would just solve everything? If that’s your last step, then you guys are a long way off from your cause.)” With this declaration does Roy crush the detonator in his hand; its pieces falling upon the cracked wooden floor.
One of the henchmen breaks from their shock and lets out a vengeful growl, pulling out a pistol as he curses out: “(You bastard!)” Aiming his pistol right at the purple merc, the goon fires right at his forehead; the led bullet proving completely ineffective as it simply ricochets right off Roy’s noggin. “(Yeah, bullets won’t work.)” he warns as he points out towards the gunman. Shooting out a small black beam from the tip of his finger, the merc blows the cronies hand off with a single blast; his painful screams echoing throughout the broken room. Though a lot of the crowd proves distracted by their comrades, one of them sneaks around towards their purple guests back; swinging out a heavy iron crowbar to his head. Before she could slam her weapon down upon the merc’s skull, her crowbar is swiftly caught just before she could touch even a hair. Tempting to snatch her weapon away from the purple mercs hands, she finds his grips far too strong; Roy himself turning towards the unlucky henchwoman and warning that: “(Sneak attacks won’t cut it either.)” After saying such, the merc snatches the crowbar out from the goons hand and pierces its sharp end right through her chest; the crony sent slamming into the wall upon impact. In hopes of overpowering their unwelcomed guest, the rest of the crowd comes charging at the merc all at once; Roy jump off the crate and facing the crowd with a devious grin.
The first one out from the approaching mob be a man with a massive hammer; swinging the hard iron end out towards the purple merc. With but his only arm, Roy blocks the henchman’s iron hard swing; grasping the hammers hard flat end. He soon sense somebody else lunging after, the merc glancing towards his right to discover a woman with a cattle prod closing in. Dodging around the goons electrical stab, Roy pulls the man with the hammer in her path; the henchwomen inadvertently delivering an intense shock to one of her own comrades, The shock causes the hammer wielding terrorist to lose grip of his weapon; the purple merc taking the opportunity to snatch the heavyweight hammer away. In his grasp, Roy smacks the two goons away; swinging the heavy iron hammer almost as lightly as a wooden stick.
While the two goon can’t help but knock over some of their approaching comrades, others leap out from their tumbling teammates; diving down towards the purple merc with their own firearms. The airborne renegades rain down a shower of led bullets down upon the purple merc; none of their fire even coming close to hurting Roy. “(The hell did I just get done saying?)” he chastises, as he readies to throw the hammer in his hand. Tossing the heavy iron hammer at one of the terrorist, he fires down a couple of his own barrage up towards the descending cronies; the hammer and his rays striking them back. His beams don’t intercept all of the falling goons; a lone henchwomen diving down towards the merc with a sharp blade in her hands. Right when the tip was on the verge of stabbing Roy’s eye, the purple merc catches the goons blade before it could plunge itself into his pupil. Roy kicks the woman aside and snatches her blade out from her leaving grip, tossing the sword out towards the groups cold commander; watching as Ilana effortlessly steps out from the blades careening flight.
From the other side of the room, one of the icy woman’s goons pulls the pin out from a lone grenade; tossing the ticking explosive out towards their purple foe. Roy quickly glances over and finds the small bomb closing in; a smile stretching across the merc’s face as he lifts his leg back. Like an oncoming kick ball, he boots the bomb right back towards the mob of cronies; the crowd attempting to dive for cover as they witness the grenades return. Alas, they fail to find any cover in time; a good chunk of the terrorist consumed by their own bombs blazing blast.
“(You bombing motherfuckers should’ve came better prepared. You guys really think these shitty toys are supposed to stop me?)” the merc mocks. Though he attempts to chase after the rest of the renegade herd, Roy soon finds his feet glued to the floor; glancing down to see a coat of ice quickly crawling up from his legs. Just before he could even attempt to escape, the encroaching frost quickly consume his body; hearing in his icy prison: “(They might not.)” The merc gazes out towards the window; the frost freezing him revealing to have come from the cold commanders own hands. “(But I might.)” she finishes. After entrapping the merc in a cold cage of her own making, the icy leader starts to approach; a disgusted look forming upon her face as she gazes upon Roy’s own features. “(Unbelievable. To think that those government swine would have the gall to send someone so young as a teenager after us.)” Ilana complains. “(Hey!...You ain’t dealing with some random...punk ass teenager.)” he struggles to object from his shivering voice. “(Truly not. The way you’ve torn through a good chunk of my forces being more than enough proof of that.)” “(What are we supposed to do now? We can’t risk someone like him following us back to base.)” one of the henchman questions. Gazing upon the merc’s face, she lets out a small sigh, agreeing on how: “(I’m afraid you’re right.)” The cold commander then erects a sharp ice spear from the palm of her hand; claiming to the merc how: “(Our cause cannot allow someone of your lethal caliber to stop us, even if it means snuffing out a life as short as yours.)” The city woman then aims her icicles frosted tip onto the young merc’s head; apologizing with: “(And for that...I am truly sorry.)” “(Don’t be.)” Roy denies. From his statement, the ice coating him begins to quickly crack apart at the seems; parts Roy’s body beginning to break free. Hoping to end the purple boy before he can free himself, the ice cold commander thrusts her sharp icy needle at the mercs head. Roy right then and their bursts out from the cold commanders icy prison as his black wings sprout forth; the shock wave breaking apart her thrusting icicle.
Free from the icy leaders cold cage, the purple angel kicks out towards the one who entrapped him in the first place; swinging his leg out towards Ilana’s side. Though the cold commander manages to block the merc’s kick with her icy solid arm, her frosty armor proves no match for angels raw strength; Ilana sent careening across the room. After tumbling back towards the opposite side, the icy leader places her palms upon the wooden floor; a trail of frost snaking through her remaining forces feet and climbing across the wall behind the merc. From behind the purple angel, razor sharp frost blades pop out from the frost; some of which slicing the side of his leg. Roy flies away from the icy wall before the rest of the ice needles could spring out; throwing out a pitch black ball of dark power in his advance towards the terrorists cold commander. Stopping his approach be some of her masked cronies, coming at the purple angel with brass knuckles, chainsaws, and sickles.
As the merc fights off her clustering goons, Ilana herself watches the angels ball of dark power as she creates an icy bat in the palm of her hands; taking a batting stance against the approaching black sphere. With one powerful swing, the cold commander smacks the merc’s own ball of black energy bacl towards the purple angel. Witnessing his own sphere on the brink of returning, Roy grabs hold of one of the commanders cronies and uses him as a human shield; the terrorist exploding in a shroud of black smoke. Soon lunging out from this cloud of darkness be the purple merc, charging right towards the icy leader once more. On the black winged angel’s approach, Ilana plunges her frosted bat right into the wooden floor; the frost spreading out soon erecting a rising block of ice right underneath the merc. The ice halting his lunging flight, Roy attempts to push the rising ice back towards the floor; his back soon meeting with the ceiling in his struggles. Her black winged foe trapped between the roof and her climbing ice, Ilana creates a cavalcade of icy spears to rise out towards the merc. Finally, Roy delivers a powerful headbutt right to the top of the frosty pillar; the cold commanders column of ice shattering into tiny pieces. Discovering the icy spears growing beneath him, the merc blasts away the ascending cavalcade of frosty spikes just before they could reach; Roy snatching one of them right out from the resulting explosion. Twirling in his descent, the purple angel decides to imitate the cold commander and fling one of her spears pointed tips right back at her; Ilana herself erecting a thick icy shield in hopes of stopping her own spears approach. Though her icy javelin manages to halfway pierce through her frosty barrier, Roy on the other hand breaks right through her defense as he tackles through her icy shield.
The purple angels tackling assault sends the terrorists icy leader tumbling right into the wall; Roy landing right before her as she gazes up. The merc looks upon the cold commander with a sinister smirk; a powerful pitch black power charging in his palm as he proclaims: “(Game, set, match.)” Before he could finish off the frosty leader, Roy feels something smack against the back of his head; glancing back to witness the rest of the remaining terrorists scuttling behind the wooden crates. His gaze drifting down, the merc lets out a little chuckle; finding nothing but a grenade aside his feet. “(It’s like you people never learn.)” he scolds as he readies to kick the bomb back. Unfortunatly for him, the grenade goes off earlier than he expects; Roy covering his face from the expecting explosion. Though instead of a violently fiery explosion, the bomb expels a thick pink cloud into the open air; Ilana encasing herself in an icy shell to block out the gas. Turning back towards the cold commander, Roy readies to break through her frosty defenses; claiming how: “(You still think that your shitty ice can still stop me?)” Right before he could end it, his offense soon starts to slowly dwindle; growing ever more tired among the surrounding smoke. “(Sleeping gas?...dammit...)” Driven to the brink of drowsiness, Roy finally descends into a deep slumber; dropping down onto the wooden floor below.
After the gas soon dissipates, Ilana sheds her icy shell and stands back up; gazing upon the merc’s unconscious body. Walking up towards the window, the cold commander looks out towards the Austrian parliament building; witnessing the cars within in its parking lot pulling out. A heavy sigh passing through her lips, she mentions how: “(It’s honestly a joke on how some teenager could spoil our plans so quickly.)” Her comrades start to come out from behind the cover of the crates, some of them approaching the slumbering merc. “(What do we do now?)” one of the questions. It takes the icy leader a second before answering with: “(Clean up here and return to base.)” “(And...the boy?)” “(...That is no boy. That is a demon.)” With that, the terrorist icy cold commander leaps out through the window; her troops staring down on the unconscious Roy.
Gazing down from atop the parliament buildings rooftop, Mally watches as the last of the cars depart from the parking lot; soon merging with the traffic outside. “Whelp, there goes the last of them. Guess Roy managed to stop those terrorists after all.” “Hey Mally, check this out!” her brother tells her. Having grabbed her attention, both Mally and Tore look out towards the building that Roy had flown to; discovering a figure jumping out through the window. Both brother and sister watch as the figure create a slide made of ice that slides her across the neighboring buildings rooftop; the ramp at the end launching her across the city skyline. “I think that might be one of the terrorists tryin to get away. Come on!” the blue boy mentions. “But what about Roy, shouldn’t we go check on him?” the skater questions. “There ain’t no time. He’ll be fine on his own. Let’s move!” From reassuring this, the blue angel takes off towards the escaping terrorist, Mally jumping off the parliament rooftop and skating through the Vienna streets after.
Back within the broken down building, the icy leaders cronies look upon the purple merc’s slumbering body: one of them suggesting that: “(Let’s just get this over with.)” Mentioning this does another from the crowd grab hold of a machete buried deep within the chest of her comrade; pulling the blade out from the depths of their lung. With her blood covered weapon in hand, the henchwoman slowly approaches the sleeping merc; affirming how: “(You’re death shall avenge those that have fallen tonight. May your sins send you to the depths of hell!)” Declaring this does the goon attempt to end the mercs life right there; aiming her swing right at his neck. Her strike however is stopped at the last moment by a single hand; the merc’s arm grasping her machet. Swiftly snatching the blade away, the purple merc plunges the machete straight through the goons stomach; soon falling over to the shock of her comrades.
Their site swiftly turns back towards their purple foe, all of them watching in horror as he arises from the cracked wooden floor; his head slumped forward and covering his face in darkness. All of them await for whatever the purple merc’s first move may be; some slowly retreating towards the exit. Its then that he instantly lunges out towards the crowd, the entire room scattering away from the approaching angel. Out from the fleeing terrorist group, all of them watch in terror as the merc punches his entire arm straight through one of their teammates through the back; their panic skyrocketing from the horrendous site. “(How!? How is that bastard still awake!?)” Dislodging his arms out from the cronies back, the renegades soon witness the purple merc leap out towards the other side of the room. His foot soon meets with the side of another terrorist, kicking their head straight into the wall beside him; the goons head bursting like a tomato on impact. Backing away from the display of carnage, one of them near the scene frantically questions: “(Did the gas even work!?)” Before his question could be answered, the purple merc dashes over to the goon and rips his arms off like printing paper; soon bashing his head in with his own torn limbs. One of them glances back towards the merc and makes a harrowing discovery; answering that: “(The gas...It did work!)” To her claim all of them look towards the murderous merc, Roy’s head tilting back to reveal his eyes still shut; a soft snore passing through his nose. “(He’s still asleep!)” From their, the sleeping angel dashes out towards the terrorist, the last thing she witnesses be his fingers plunging themselves into her eye sockets.
Creating ice slide after slide, the cold commander of the terrorist slides across the lit Vienna streets like a professional ice skater; the civilians scattering away as she travels through the frozen roads. Ahead, she erects another ramp to launch herself high in the air; performing the greatest 360 pirouette through the midnight sky. Ending her twirl, she casts out a wave of frost to the road below; soon creating a slide out of its ice. Her landing ramp is however swiftly destroyed; a bright pale ball blasting the frosty slide to ice shards. Finding her ramp shattered, Ilana coats her feet in a block of ice; the block taking most of the landing and leaving the icy leader unharmed.
After her chilling landing, the cold commander witnesses the blue angel descend before her; floating inches over the frost ridden roads. “I assume you to be with that purple demon?” she asks him in English. “Ya know it! And together, we’re gonna send your icy ass melting straight of hell!” Tore proclaims, taking his stance against the chilling terrorist. “Hmph, good luck trying. Hopefully you do better than you’re black winged comrade did.” Ilana wishes, standing against the blue boy.
Tempting to sneak in a strike from the cold commander, Mally leaps out from behind her back; ready to swing her hockey stick at the back of her chilling foes neck. Unfortunately, her swing is caught by the last second; the icy terrorist grasping the skaters weapon mere inches from her neck. The very moment that the chilling leader turns back towards her assaulter, Mally’s eyes alight; her face flushing bright red from gazing at her icy smooth features. Bewitched by her cold stare, Mally proves far too distracted to stop her icy adversary from throwing her aside. Careening through the air, the skater find herself tumbling out towards a window; soon casting her grapple you out towards a street lamp and pulling herself to safety. After recovering from her tumbling spiel, Mally skates to her brothers side; Tore wondering if: “You alright, Mal?” “That face...” she utters. “What?” “Never did I think that somebody so ice cold could be so unbelievably hot. I wonder if her mouth taste like ice cream?” “Mally!” Upon her brothers exclamation, the skater snaps out of infatuated daze; hearing her brother continue with: “Put it back in you pants, and focus! We got a fight on our hands!” “You’re blue comrade is right young lady.” they hear their foe advise. Glancing back towards the cold commander, both of them witness frost swirling around Ilana’s hands as she informs that: “If not careful, your infatuation could spell your downfall.”
From where she stands, Ilana casts out a waves of icy needles out from the palms of her hands; the small spears flying out towards the duo before her. While Mally rolls away from the oncoming icy storm, Tore stands his ground and blocks against the cold barrage; the tiny sharp spears breaking upon impact. From her icy salvo, the cold commander watches her roller blading foe jump out towards the row of buildings beside them; the skater gliding over their smooth brickwork walls. Nearing the icy renegades side, Mally leaps off of these walls in attempts to take another swing at her. Ilana erects a massive block of ice to halt her rollerblading foes strike, taken aback how much cracks the skater put onto the thick, icy pillar. This amazement gives the skaters blue brother the moment to approach; swiftly punching the cold commander across the frosted streets. Tumbling through the cold hard roads, Ilana acts fast and cast out frost to the road ahead; erecting a curving ramp that flings her back towards the night sky. Careening above the Vienna streets, the icy renegade aims her legs down towards the blue angel below; coating her feet in a spike covered shell of ice as she descend. Tore swiftly jumps back away from the leaders lethal descent; her spiky ice block shattering upon impact. Some of the scattering pieces wind up getting into the blue angel’s eye in his retreat; Tore covering his face from the flung shard. With the blue angel blinded, Ilana dashes forth and readies to finish him; unaware of the skater trailing right at her side. With third time being the charm, Mally strikes her chilling foe away from her blinded brother; Ilana sent flying towards a nearby lamp post. Quickly constructing an icy sickle in her hands, she hooks herself onto the lamp post; the momentum from her careen rising her right to its top.
Landing gracefully upon the lamps metal cap, the cold commander looks towards the blue angel; Tore whipping away the last of her ice as his site turns towards her. His gaze locked onto their icy adversary, the blue boy fires out a beam of light out towards Ilana; the chilling leader rocketing out from the rays reach with a rising pillar of ice. In her ascending rise in the sky, the cold commander rains down countless icy swallows upon the duo; the birds heavy enough to smash through the cars left on the wayside. While the blue angel rises through the aviary hailstorm, Mally twirls her hockey stick to block against the icy barrage; the birds breaking against her spinning weapons surface.
Ascending through the chilling onslaught, the blue angel powers through the flock until reaching the cold commander herself. From the midst of the barrage, Tore grabs hold of the icy terrorists neck; heaving her overhead and throwing her right towards the streets below. Plummeting towards the concrete roads below, Ilana begins to coat herself in a protective layer of ice; bracing herself for the crash down. Witnessing their icy enemy drop towards the roads below, Mally races after before she can drop; moving through the streets at the speed of sound. With one momentum carrying swing, the rollerblader breaks through the cold commanders icy defenses; sending her chilling enemy careening through the Vienna streets. Ilana soon manages to regain her balance, landing on all fours and sliding back through the concrete roads; a trail of frost left behind in her drag. From the frost do a whole pack of icy leopards jump out into the streets; racing out towards the skater.
Back within the darkness of the abandoned building, the purple merc slowly begins to open his eyes; rubbing the top of his head as he growls out. Dammit! Of course it was a fucking sleep grenade. Why else would those assholes throw an explosive near their own leader. Bitch knew it was one too. Why she shield herself a second time. When those asshole show themselves...again? His thoughts are swiftly silenced upon the site set before him: dozens of torn open, militated bodies littering the room. Oh no. Standing himself up, Roy moves through puddles of blood spilling out through the wooden floor; the spilled organs squishing underneath his feet as he walks through the room. Not again. Roy’s eyes lock upon one of the henchman’s corpse, his mask fallen off to reveal the lifeless pupils staring out into nothingness. God dammit! They were supposed to squeal where their base was at. Slowly beating the info out of them like punching the stuffing out of a screaming heavy bag Now how the hell are we supposed to find there hideout? Questioning such does the merc hear an explosion coming from outside; flying out from window and gazing out behind the abandoned building. Along the streets, the purple angel could find the site of white rays and ice shooting above the buildings; sensing three familiar presences among the chaos. Guessin Tore and Mally wound up chasin after that icy mocha brain freeze of a bitch while she was getting away. Its then that an idea sprouts within Roy’s head, devious smile painting itself across his face as he pulls out his phone. Might just be able to save this whole thing yet.
Back out in the frost covered roads, Ilana stands before the duo; finding the angel and skater nowhere near exhausted as she beginning to feel. Soon, the sound of sirens start to echo through the Vienna streets; the cold commander turning back to discover flashes of red and blue approaching in the distance. A growl seeps out from her teeth before she barks out: “(I don’t have time for this!)” After declaring this, the icy renegade takes in a vast deep breath; bellowing out a thick chilling blizzard towards the two. Both the angel and skater ground themselves midst the freezing gale; Tore blocking against its winds, while Mally pierces the end of her hockey stick in the asphalt road and holds on. The icy storm swiftly passes before either of them realize it; the brother and sister gazing ahead to find their chilling adversary having vanished. “Dammit! Where she go?” Mally question. “She couldn’t have gone far.” Tore declares, soon rising out towards the Austrian night sky. Mally prepares to follow after, but the sound of her ringing phone urges her to stop; pulling her device out from her pocket to find Roy on the other end.
Ascending up through the pitch black sky; the blue angel encircle around him for any sign of the escaping terrorist; eventually finding bits of ice floating out from between a pair of buildings. Diving down towards the alleyway, Tore soon finds their icy target and swoops in after her; Ilana launching out a massive icy pillar up towards the approaching angel. The freezing column fails to even slow down her pursuers advance, Tore landing right on top of the icicle and sliding down its slick surface. Descending down into the alley itself, Tore leaps out towards the chilling renegade; ready to finish her off. Acting fast, Ilana ducks under the approaching angels charge; tossing out bits of frost right into his eyes as he passes through. “Ah! Not again!” he exclaims while tumbling through the alley; careening head first into a brick wall. As the blue boy pulls himself out from the alleyway wall, the cold commander sprints right past him. Dislodging himself from the brickwork, Tore whips the frost out from his eyes; healing them with a bright glow from the palms of his hands. His site returning, the angel catches a glimpse of the freezing terrorist running out into the lit Vienna streets; dashing out in turn to continue his pursuit.
As Ilana skates through the concrete roads, she looks back to see her angelic pursuer swiftly closing in; the chilling woman casting out a cavalcade of icy piranhas back at the approaching angel. Witnessing the school of ice piranha nearing, Tore begins to spin about in his charge; his twirl shattering the barrage of frosty carnivorous fish. Finding her school having been destroyed, the cold commander then throws out a salvo of freezing heavy hammers towards the pursing blue boy. The blue angel punches through the onslaught of mallet; grabbing hold of one of the hammers and flinging them right back towards their sender. The freezing terrorist jumping over her own returning mallet, Ilana quickly creates a huge frost beast in her escape; the monster landing before the blue boy and letting out a chilling roar. With nothing but two punches and a kick, Tore breaks the fierce icy beast to pieces; flying over the monsters remains and closes in.
The blue boys pursuit starts to come to a close; Tore reaching out towards the icy terrorist as he slowly approaches. His finger be mere inches from the cold woman shoulder; the blue angel ready to finally snatch the freezing renegade once and for all. Just when Tore was on the verge of catching her, he feels something wrap around his shoulder; soon jerked away from his escaping target. Sent careening back, the blue boy can do little but watch as Ilana escapes from his site; soon tumbling through the open Vienna roads.
His tumble soon stopping, Tore traces the string hugging his waist; trailing the wire back towards his sisters yoyo. The skater approaching the tangled angel, she hears her brother wonder: “What’s your deal, Mally!? I was just on the verge of pinning her down!” Asking such, he finds his skating sibling handing him her phone; mentioning that: “Roy wants a word.” Taking the mobile device from Mally’s grasp, the blue boy puts it up to his ear and asks: “What’s up my purple bro?” “Listen here. Gonna have to ask the both of ya to stop chasin down that sweet piece of frosty sundae ass.” the purple merc orders. “What? Why?” “Changing the game plan a bit here. We’ll let that icy bitch slide for now. Let her get just comfortable enough to lead us back to her lair. Don’t matter where she tries to hide, her energy’ll give her spot away all the same.” “Oooh, nice one. Mind if I call this little operation of ours “Caught in the cold”? “God dammit.” Roy curses. “No, Tore!” Mally barks. “What the hell, man.” “Seriously bro, don’t.”
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terriblelifechoices · 6 years
how about arranged marriage and time travel for credence x percival?
From the fanfic trope MASH-UP meme.  I am having heaps of fucking fun with this guys, feel free to send more.
Confession time: time travel has never really been my thing, because paradox makes me crazy.  So I stuck Outlander and Terry Pratchett’s Night Watch in a blender, in true fanfic trope MASH-UP fashion, and …. Well.
I have accidentally committed fic.  The beginnings of fic.  It was an accident, that’s the important part to remember, okay?  I DID NOT MEAN TO DO THIS IT JUST HAPPENED.
Trigger warnings for suicidal thoughts and sex education that honestly makes the stuff Americans get in health class look good by comparison.
New York, 1926
Graves liked drinking at the Fountain of Youth.
The Fountain was a proper wizarding bar, all gleaming grey marble shot through with streaks of silver and elaborately complex goblin-forged steel fixtures.  It was named for the fountain set into the wall at the back of the bar, which fed the reflecting pool that ran the full length of the room.  Some enterprising soul had spelled the surface above the water as hard as the marble around it, so that patrons could cross over the pool without fear of getting their shoes wet.  Or, if you believed the rumors, without fear of coming into contact with the water, which was supposedly cursed.  Graves suspected that last bit was pure fiction.  St. Brigid’s Hospital notified MLE of all curse-related injuries – assuming MLE wasn’t already involved – and no one had ever reported a single incident at the Fountain.
He didn’t really care one way or another.  He liked the Fountain because it was far enough away from the Woolworth Building that he was unlikely to encounter anyone who worked there.  It was also expensive enough to ensure that that if he did encounter someone he knew, it would probably be a politician or a fellow department head with someone who very definitely wasn’t their spouse rather than one of his subordinates and was therefore disinclined to talk shop with him.
No one bothered Graves at the Fountain.  It was peaceful, a little oasis of calm at the end of a shitty day.
“Another round, Director?”
Graves set his empty glass back down on the bar.  “No, thank you, Hawthorne.  I think I’m done for the evening.” Magic knew he wanted another drink – his day had been far too fucking long, and tomorrow wasn’t going to be much better – but all another drink would do was ensure that he started tomorrow with a headache instead of finishing it with one.
He reached into his pocket for a trio of dragots to pay for his drink.  He wanted to go home and collapse into bed, but there was a small mountain of case notes waiting for him in his home office that he needed to review first.
Fucking Grindelwald.  He’d stopped rampaging across Europe two weeks ago, and the entire wizarding world was waiting to see where he’d turn up next.  The intelligence community suggested he was turning his attention towards America, but there hadn’t been a sighting yet.
Hawthorne shook his head.  “No need.”
Graves glanced down at him.  No one drank for free at the Fountain.
The house elf tilted his head, indicating a wizard tucked into a shadowy corner with one large pointed ear.  “Gentleman in the corner paid for youse.”
“Did he,” Graves murmured.  “Did he say why?”
Hawthorne gave him a pitying look.  “Ain’t youse supposed to be some kinda hotshot Auror?” he asked.  “Why does any wizard by somebody a drink?”
He had a point.
“Maybe he wants to be friendly,” said Graves.
“Yeah,” said Hawthorne.  “Friendly.  Is that what they’re calling it these days?”
“Sometimes I really wish Seraphina had decided to uphold Prohibition,” Graves told him, just to piss Hawthorne off.  
“Yeah, but then where would you drink?”
Graves snorted in amusement, slinging his greatcoat over his arm as he headed towards the wizard in the far corner.  He wasn’t in the mood to fuck his frustrations away – or have them fucked out of him, depending on what the other wizard wanted – but good manners dictated that he at least thank the other wizard for the drink.
“Percival Graves,” he said, by way of introduction.
“Oh,” purred Gellert Grindelwald.  “I know.”
New York, 1693
The surface of the lake in Morrow Woods was smooth and cold as mirror glass, undisturbed by man or beast.  Nothing lived inside the lake – not fish or fowl or any other sort of creature.  No one swam in it, not even in the height of summer, when the cool water might have provided some blessed relief from the heat.  It was cursed, or so Credence had heard it said.  Even magical creatures gave the lake a wide berth.  There was something about the lake that disturbed them.
Credence stripped out of his clothes, shivering in the cold night air.  Curses frightened him far less than marriage.  He dove into the water before he could lose his nerve.
The cold drove a startled shriek from his lungs.  Credence sucked in water and choked, surfacing with a wretched sob.  For one long, terrible moment he had more water in his lungs than air.  He forgot how to tread water, splashing noisily while he tried to suck air back into his lungs.  His feet hit the bottom of the lake – he must not have dove in deep enough, he was still too close to land – and he managed to stand, hacking up the last of the water.
“Please,” he rasped, pleading with the curse.  “Please, take me away.”
No one drowned in the lake, or if they did, their bodies were never found.  The curse took them instead.
“Please,” he begged.
The water was so cold it burned.  If he stayed, he risked freezing to death.  Or maybe drowning.  Drowning did not seem so very bad, compared to the certainty of what lay ahead of him.
Suicide was a mortal sin.  Credence had convinced himself that if the curse took him, that was magic and therefore the extension of God’s will, even if he died of it.  But if he stayed in the water and let the cold take him, that death would be the work of his own hands.
A brief mortal life full of suffering was probably better than eternal damnation.
Credence thrashed his way out of the water, his limbs heavy with cold.  He fumbled his clothing back on and went home, weeping silently.
“Get up.”  Ma’s voice was as implacable as iron.  She had no patience for sluggish layabeds, and having to come fetch him for his morning chores had likely already roused her ire.
Credence opened his swollen eyes and tried to obey.  For once, his swollen eyes weren’t because of tears.  The cold from the lake had settled into his bones, burning him up from the inside out.  His head ached, a throbbing counterpoint to the rest of him.  He couldn’t stop shivering.
“Sorry,” he rasped.  “M’sorry.”
Ma frowned at him.  “You’re ill,” she said flatly.  She pressed the flat of her hand against his forehead.  Credence almost wept with relief.  Her hand felt blessedly cool against his skin.
“Sorry,” he said again.
Ma pulled her hand back.  Credence almost fell over trying to follow it.
“Lay down,” Ma said.  “I’ll bring you a potion.  We need you healthy when Mr. Graves arrives.”
“Yes, Ma,” Credence said.  His head felt like it was filled with cobwebs.  He couldn’t think.
Ma made a faint noise of disapproval when she came back with the promised potion.  “You wretched, miserable boy,” she sighed, but for once the words held none of their usual sting.  Her hands were gentle as she helped him back into bed.  She hadn’t raised them to him at all since his marriage to Mr. Graves had been arranged.  Credence was Mr. Graves’ property now, and Mr. Graves wouldn’t allow anyone to mistreat his property but him.  He had been very clear about that.  “You were finally going to be useful to us and now you’ve taken ill.  You’d best pray to get your strength back quickly, for Mr. Graves’ sake.”
“Yes, Ma,” said Credence.
The potion she gave him tasted vile, and it only served to make him even sleepier.  Credence closed his eyes and let it drag him down into the dark, where the nightmares waited.
New York, 1926
Graves drew his wand.  “Gellert Grindelwald, you are under arrest for crimes against wizardry –”
“Oh, don’t be tiresome, Percival,” Grindelwald chided.  He had been handsome in his younger years, but there was something unsettling about him now.  His blonde hair had been bleached an unnatural white, and his pale, mismatched eyes burned with frightening intensity.
Grindelwald had no intention of going quietly.
“Please,” said Grindelwald.  “Sit down.”
Grindelwald hadn’t drawn his wand yet.  He felt comfortable, clearly in control of the situation.  No one else was in danger yet.
Graves intended to keep it that way.
“If I sit down, will you let everyone else go?” he asked.
Grindelwald smiled.  “If you like,” he agreed.  “I am not an unreasonable man, Percival.”
Graves had some doubts about that, but he kept them to himself.  He tucked his wand back into his sleeve and snapped his fingers for Hawthorne instead.
Hawthorne disappeared from behind the bar and reappeared at his side, his expression startled and wary.  Graves had never summoned him before, not like that.  Only an asshole would mistreat a creature who couldn’t fight back; house elves were meant to be honored for their servitude.  Decent wizards treated them kindly.
“Clear the room,” Graves commanded.
“Director –” Hawthorne began.
“Tell no one,” Grindelwald warned him.  Graves shivered.  There was an eldritch note in his voice, something ancient and awful.  It sounded the way the Imperius felt.
Hawthorne made a startled, hurt sound.
Graves rounded on Grindelwald.  “What did you do?”
Grindelwald frowned at him.  “I forced him to obey my commands.”
“You didn’t need to do that!”
Grindelwald sighed, as if he found Graves tiresome.  “He’s just a house elf,” he said, dismissive.  All around them, the other patrons of the Fountain were gathering up their things and leaving.  Hawthorne urged the last of the stragglers on, jaw working as he looked back at Graves.
He was trying to say something, Graves realized.  Trying to warn them, despite Grindelwald’s command.  Hawthorne clawed at his mouth, drawing blood.
“Stop!” Graves cried, unable to watch Hawthorne hurt himself.  Hawthorne flinched at the command.  “Just – leave me, please.  I’ll be fine, Hawthorne.  I swear it.  My word as a Graves on it.”
Hawthorne gave him an unreadable look.  For a second, Graves thought Hawthorne would try to disobey him too, and then Hawthorne vanished.
“So soft-hearted,” Grindelwald mocked.
“Only an asshole mistreats a house elf,” Grave snarled.  “What do you want, Grindelwald?”
“Why, you, Percival,” Grindelwald said, sounding genuinely surprised that Graves hadn’t figured that out already.
“I wouldn’t fuck you if you were the last wizard in the world,” Graves told him.  “Thanks for the drink, asshole, but you’re under arrest.”
Grindelwald laughed.  “I’ll grant that you’ve a certain brutish appeal, Percival, but that’s not what I want you for.”
“What exactly do you want me for, then?”
“I want your life,” said Grindelwald.  “I want your position and your name.  I want your face.”  Already his own face was shifting, his hair and eyes darkening.  The shape of his jaw changed to match the stubborn set of Graves’ own.  In less than a minute, Graves was staring at a man who might as well have been his twin.
He meant to take Graves’ life for his own, Graves realized.  Grindelwald wanted to wear Graves’ own face like a mask to serve his own ends – to hurt Graves’ people.
“Fuck that,” he snarled, drawing his wand and firing off a curse.
The slashing hex caught him in the wand arm.  Graves’ grip on his wand weakened, just for a second, before training and experience took over.  He took a firmer hold of his wand and ignored the bleeding, countering with a “Relashio” he hoped would make Grindelwald drop his wand instead.
Grindelwald hit him with lightning instead.  Graves screamed in pain and fury, bringing his wand up to fling Grindelwald across the room.
Fuck, but the bastard was fast.  Powerful, too.
“I see rumors of your prowess have been greatly exaggerated,” Grindelwald said.  “How … disappointing.”
“Fuck you,” Graves retorted.  
“I thought we’d established neither of us want that from the other,” Grindelwald said, surging up with a volley of hexes.
Graves blocked the first two and missed the third.  The fourth took him in the chest, momentarily blacking his vision.  Instinct took over and he returned fire.
There was only one way for this to end.  Either he died or Grindelwald did.
Graves had cast the killing curse three times over the course of his career as an Auror.  He didn’t count the times he’d used it during the war.  The war was different.
This felt like the war – the chaos of battle and the certainty of his conviction.  It was him or Grindelwald, and Graves would do whatever it took to ensure that if only one of them survived, it would be him.
“Ava –”
Grindelwald sent him crashing into the marble fountain behind the bar.  Graves hit it hard enough to fracture the spells on the reflecting pool.  He landed on hands and knees in the fountain, still clinging tightly to his wand.
Something strange happened when his blood touched the water.  The reflecting pool shone bright as the heart of a star, just for a second, and then the whole world went white.
New York, 1693
Credence’s nightmares were filled with the day Ma sold him.
“We need men like you,” Ma said.  “Good men.”
Gondulphus Graves scoffed.  “You don’t want me because you think I’m a good man, Goody Barebone.  You want me for my wand arm and my willingness to use it.”
Ma kept her back straight to look Mr. Graves in the eye, her hands folded demurely in her lap.  “Yes,” she said flatly.  Mr. Graves was not a man who appreciated artifice or flattery, preferring plainspeaking to pretty words.  “That’s what I want.  What will it take to get it?”
Credence was not sure why Ma was bargaining with Mr. Graves.  Mr. Graves was clearly going to join them anyway.  Credence had heard it said that Gondulphus Graves was powerful, but there were plenty of powerful wizards out there.
Mr. Graves turned cold eyes on Ma.  For a second, Credence thought he would ask for her, and he was not sure what he would do if Mr. Graves did.  Challenge him to a duel?  He was little better than a squib; he didn’t even have a proper wand.  There was no point in giving him one.  
After a second, Mr. Graves’ cold eyes slid past Ma and landed on Credence.  Credence resisted the urge to shudder in revulsion; he felt trapped by Mr. Graves’ eyes, as though Mr. Graves could strip him down to his skin with just a look.
“That’s a comely lad you’ve got,” he said.
“Adopted,” Ma said.  “But no less dear to me than my own flesh and blood.”
“Of course, of course,” said Mr. Graves.  “Is he a virgin?”
Ma bristled.  “Of course!” she snapped, a hint of steel in her voice.  “As if I would tolerate such behavior under my roof.  You insult me, sir.”
Mr. Graves held his hands out in a placating gesture.  “No insult was intended, Goody Barebone.  Truth be told, I’d prefer it if the boy were untouched.”  His smile sent chills down Credence’s spine.  “I prefer to break them in myself.”
Ma stared at him coldly.  “I will not,” she said, enunciating each word slowly and deliberately, “tolerate such behavior under my roof.”
Mr. Graves considered that.  “Give him to me, then,” he said.
“Give!” said Ma, going pale with rage at the insult.  Credence knew better than to think that it was on his behalf.  Ma was just insulted that Mr. Graves thought she would sell him so cheaply.  “Bad enough sodomy is a sin, but sodomy out of wedlock?  No, sir.  I will not stand for it.”
“Neither of you needs to stand for it,” said Mr. Graves, laughing at his own wit.  “He only needs to lie back and spread his legs.”
“Ma,” Credence whispered, terror forcing him to speak.  He didn’t want that.  He didn’t want Mr. Graves.
Ma got up and backhanded him swiftly.  “You will speak when spoken to,” she commanded, sitting back down again.  Only Credence’s bleeding lip gave any sign that she’d moved at all. “I raised him better than that,” she told Mr. Graves.  “He’d be a good helpmeet for you.  Knows his way around the domestic chores.”
Mr. Graves eyed Credence.  “May I?”
Ma made a be my guest gesture.
Mr. Graves got up, cupping Credence’s chin with hard, calloused fingers.  He turned Credence’s face this way and that, releasing Credence’s chin so that he could wrap it around Credence’s throat instead, squeezing in clear warning.  He used his other hand to stroke down Credence’s chest, his buttocks, between his legs.  Credence squeezed his eyes shut, praying for it to be over soon, cheeks burning with humiliation.  He couldn’t stop the frightened whimpers that escaped, but Mr. Graves seemed to like that.
“Give him to me,” said Mr. Graves, “in marriage, if you must, and I will join your cause.”
No, Credence thought, desperately willing Ma to hear him.  To care, just once, about what he wanted.  Please, please, don’t do this.
Please don’t give me to him.
Ma nodded once, decisive.  She held her hand out for Mr. Graves to shake, the way a man might.
“You have a bargain, Mr. Graves.”
“Good,” said Mr. Graves.  He shook Ma’s hand.  “Feed him up a bit, would you?  He might have the Barebone name, but I’ve no desire to fuck a little pile of them.  I’ll be back to marry him by midwinter.  I’ll join you then.”
Ma pressed her lips together, but she nodded.
Mr. Graves pressed a mocking kiss to Credence’s trembling mouth.  “Smile, sweetheart,” he told Credence.  “We’re to be married.”
Credence looked at Ma in mute appeal.  It did no good.  Ma had made her mind up.
“Yes, Mr. Graves,” he said.
Credence did not know, exactly, what passed between men in their marriage bed.  He understood that sodomy was a sin, but he was less clear on what it involved.
“He’s going to put his prick up your bum and roger you,” said Ned Ponsonby, who worked at the stables of the inn.  Ned was a No-Maj, but he knew about Credence’s kind and didn’t care, as long as their coin was good.  He wasn’t exactly a friend, but Credence knew he took coin from men in exchange for certain services, and was thus the closest thing Credence had to an expert.
“He’s going to what?” Credence asked, numb with horror.
Ned clucked at him.  “Put his prick up your ass,” he said again.  “And fuck you until he comes.”
Perhaps ignorance was bliss after all.
“That’s – that’s –” Credence gave up.  “Does it hurt?”
Ned shrugged.  “Sometimes.  If he’s big, or if you don’t stretch well enough ahead of time.”
“Are you going to repeat everything I say like a nervous virgin?” Ned asked, squinting at him.
“I am a nervous virgin, Ned!”
Oh, God, he hadn’t meant to say that.  Terror had stolen his control over his tongue.
Ned sighed, taking pity on him.  “I know that, Credence,” he said, almost kindly.  “Everyone knows that.”
“Oh,” said Credence, utterly humiliated.
“Look, I don’t know what your people do, but us ordinary folk, we use a bit of grease to get ready, yeah?”
“No,” said Credence.  “I mean, not no, we don’t do that, no, I don’t know what you mean.”
“Jesus, Mary and Joseph,” muttered Ned.  “It’s like watching a lamb get led to the slaughter.  Coat your fingers in grease, rub them around your hole, ease ‘em in and make some fucking room, alright?  If this man of yours is half the brute everyone says he is, he’ll tear you if you don’t.”
“Isn’t that how it’s supposed to go, the first time?” Credence asked.  “Women bleed.”  There was talk if they didn’t.  He didn’t want there to be any talk about him, not if everyone already knew that he was untouched.
“You’re not a woman, dumbass.”
“I – Yes, but –”
“Just – Oh, hell.  Just take my advice, alright?  Get yourself ready as best you can, and if you can’t do that, then come see me after.  It’ll be easier to explain things to you once you know how everything works.”
“I – yes.  Thank you, Ned.”
“Credence,” Ned said firmly.  “My coin?”
Credence passed over his meager savings.  It was wizarding currency rather than No-Maj, but coin was coin.
He walked away from the stables and resolutely did not weep.
Graves surfaced with a howl of rage, thrashing in water far colder and deeper than the reflecting pool of the Fountain.  He twisted, trying to find Grindelwald, but there was no one else in his immediate vicinity.  He was entirely alone, floating in some kind of lake that literally had not been there a minute ago.
“What the fuck,” he said.
Fuck, he was cold.  The water was freezing.  He had to get out of the water before the cold sapped his strength.
Get out of the water, find Grindelwald, then kill him, Graves told himself.
He swam towards shore, grateful that he was near the edge of the lake and not in the middle.  His waterlogged clothing made swimming difficult, and he had to resist the urge to kick off his shoes and rid himself of a bit of the weight.  He’d need his shoes once he was ashore; the area around him was entirely forested.
Where the fuck was he?
At a guess, Graves thought he might be somewhere in upstate New York.  The trees were oak and ash and sycamore, just like the ones around Graves Manor.  The air even smelled the same.
How the fuck had he gotten to upstate New York?
What the fuck was in the water at the Fountain?  And it had been the water, Graves was sure of that.  Everything had been – well, not fine, but normal – until his blood had touched the water.  Was that how the rumored curse worked?
Find Grindelwald, then kill him, he reminded himself.  Everything else could wait, including getting answers to every last one of his questions.
Graves spelled the water out of his clothes, casting a wordless warming charm.
Grindelwald was unlikely to be lurking behind trees.  And while it was tempting to wait and see if Grindelwald surfaced in the lake as Graves had, Graves suspected that Grindelwald was somewhere else.
Grindelwald was also probably wearing Graves’ own fucking face, just to add insult to injury.
“FUCK!” Graves yelled, startling several birds into flight.  The trees accepted this silently, offering no censure for his outburst.
Graves felt ridiculous anyways.  Yelling like a toddler who hadn’t gotten a cookie wasn’t going to do any good.
He sighed, looking around himself for signs of human habitation.  There was a dirt road leading towards the lake, the dirt lined with ruts from wagon wheels.
Graves frowned at them.  There was something not quite right about that.
He followed the dirt road away from the lake, pausing only to bandage his still bleeding arm and occasionally curse his shoes, which were perfectly fine for sitting at his desk in the Woolworth Building and completely useless for wandering through the fucking woods.  He couldn’t even run in the fucking things.  How had his life gotten to the point where he owned shoes he couldn’t run in?  He was an Auror, for fuck’s sake.  He needed to be able to run.
After twenty minutes or so, Graves thought he could hear the sound of people, somewhere in the distance.  He stopped short once he crested the hill, staring down at the small settlement the dirt road led to.  The buildings were short and made of wood, smoke rising from chimneys and cookfires.  There were people, too, dressed in clothing Graves hadn’t seen since he was a boy at Ilvermorny, learning about the original Twelve Aurors and the Founding.  Women in petticoats and men wearing stockings and breeches.
Maybe they were just historical reenactors, he thought, but Graves knew himself well enough to know when he was grasping at straws.
Graves realized, somewhat hysterically, that he’d been asking the wrong question.  He shouldn’t have been asking where he was.
He should have been asking when.
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