#fanfic trope mash-up
clumsyraccoon · 3 months
Kusakabe with bookshop au and grief fic? 👀
Fanfiction trope MASH-UP
Thank you for the ask Bas! ❤️
Bookshop AU + grief fic + Kusakabe
Reading and literature have always been a family interest: your grandmother passed the passion down to your father, and him passed it down to you. You all have always been avid readers and book have always been integral part of your life, trips to the book store the best reward for any good grade, birthday present, anniversary.
But all of that seems meaningless now that your father is no longer with you. A year has already passed, but you haven't touched a book since: every tome bringing memories to your mind, ache to your heart, and tears to your eyes.
You're on the verge to give up on it when one day you casually find yourself in front of a little bookshop you've never noticed before: the exterior is quite anonymous, no details nor sign giving up its nature, if not for the name of the place, "Hazy Moon Novels". However, what really catch your attention are two hairy forearms gently placing a rare, illustrated edition of your father's favourite book in the shop window.
And maybe, the rough around the edges yet kind-hearted owner is the right person to help you heal find your love again, in its various meanings...
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zenkindoflove · 2 months
Historical x modern 😏
Historical and Modern?? Anon you wild haha
But also this was fun to think about. Maybe I'd go back to my roots and do a 1970s sitcom style story (lmao sound familiar) with the ACOTAR characters. Lucien is deep into the punk rock scene and Elain is grappling with her desire to marry and the women's liberation movement she's learning about in college. Seems like a perfect time to experiment when she meets Lucien. Maybe set it near San Fran and have Eris and Alexius have some fun times in The Castro.
Fanfic trope mash up
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parkerdoeswriting · 8 months
Now You're In My Life
(Spencer Reid x Nanny!GN!Reader)
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category: fluff oneshot
summary: reader and spence are engaged, but it's a secret
warnings: reader being referred to by “mapa” (mama and papa mashed up, if you have a preference, just pretend i misspelt the word), “grandfather” Rossi, found family trope for realsies, non italian-speaking writer attempts to write italian (lord)
word count: 1k
A/N: Finally finished it LMAO after like two weeks of writing block (i got an obsession with remus lupin and couldn’t stop reading fanfics instead of writing them) also this a part two to late night talking and i would suggest reading that before this xx why does this fic cut off so weird LMAO
You and Spencer had been together for 5 months now, and although things have progressed faster than normal relationships (you both getting engaged, moving in, having Alice think of you as more than a nanny, more than a step parent as well), you couldn’t help but feel the most happy you have in your life. 
You both really hadn’t really told anyone of your engagement, including your family and friends, only Alice. That was all about to change tonight, as you were hosting an engagement party, where’d you both would announce it.
“Are you getting ready hun?” Spencer asks as he knocks on the bathroom door.
“Yep.. almost finished though!” you respond, quickly finishing up your look for tonight.
You open the door, only to see Spencer’s lanky frame leaning on the doorframe. He’s wearing a warm grey cotton vest, over his off white button up, paired with a dusty purple tie and black slacks. Your eyes meet his and his smile instantly brightens..
“You look.. woah” he chuckles, giving you a kiss on your cheek.
Your face reddens, his compliments making your mouth curl into a smile.
“You don’t look so bad yourself” you chuckle, giving his tie a little straighten. 
“Mapa!” Alice comes running towards you, wearing a dress matching the colours of Spencer’s tie. 
You smile and pick her up, playing with her wavy hair. She was practically a mini Spencer, from her hair and to her eyes.
“Do you want me to braid your hair?” you ask her, kissing the top of her little head.
“Please!” she smiles, and you set her on top of the bathroom counter.
“Spencer, do you mind setting up the munchies and drinks as I tend to Princess Alice here?” you ask, the nickname making Alice giggle happily. 
He nods and heads off, and you turn back to Alice. You grab the brush and hair ties, getting started on braiding. You do a classic, Elsa style braid, on her. 
“Aw, pumpkin, you look gorgeous” you smile at her, helping her off the counter.
“I’m like Elsa!” she squeals, spinning around. 
You chuckle and escort her to the kitchen area, seeing the island counter filled with various assortments of snacks and drinks. You look around, not seeing Spencer in the kitchen. 
“Hmm.. where’s your father huh?” you ask Alice quizzically, and in response, she shrugs.
“Over here!” A voice is heard from the living room, and Alice runs over to it. 
“Daddy!” she giggles, climbing onto the couch, where he was lying down and reading a book. 
You lean over the back of the couch, chuckling at the sight.
“Seriously Spence, you read more than everyone I know combined” you tease.
“Did you know that reading strengthens your memory and concentration? Yeah, according to a stu-” he starts to say, but he’s cut off by a tiny ‘NO!’ from Alice.
You burst out laughing, covering your face at Alice’s response, Spencer just has wide eyes as he’s silenced by her. Alice crosses her arms at him, clearly having heard a lot of his ramblings in her (short) life.
A knock has arrived at the front door, the first guests finally have arrived. You swiftly dash to the front door, opening it. 
“Penelope, hello” you smile at the woman, who’s dressed in a pretty pink dress with butterflies. 
“Hello sunshine, I come bearing more sustenance!” she chuckles, holding up a container of dip as she enters the entryway. 
“You didn’t have to, thank you!” you take the dip from her as she takes off her grey pumps.
“Aunty Penny!” Alice comes barreling in at the sound of her voice, practically tackling her leg. 
“Oh my, you look so gorgeous Ali!” Penelope practically gasps, picking up the girl. 
Alice smiles and wraps her arms around Penelope’s neck as she heads to the kitchen area. 
“Where’s Uncle Derek?” Alice pouts her lips. 
“He should be here soon, don’t worry” she smiles at her. 
The party was bustling, laughing and music filling the room. Everyone was almost there, minus a certain Italian. 
“I’m late, I’m sorry!” his voice is heard from the front door, belonging to the last guest. 
“Rossi, we were wondering where you were!” JJ chuckles, and he shrugs. 
“Had to pick up my favourite wine” he holds up a clearly expensive bottle, setting it on the counter. 
You’re holding Alice on your hip, and she is clearly exhausted, even though the party has been going on for less than an hour. 
“There’s my beautiful nipote” David approaches, giving the sleepy girl a kiss on the head, before moving to you and giving your cheek a 'Rossi hello'. 
“Nonno!” she exclaims, her voice quiet as he reaches out for him, in which he complies. 
You smile, looking around to see if Spencer is seeing the same thing you are. You see him smiling on the other side of the island, and then he makes eye contact with you, causing him to smile more. 
“Look at my dress Nonno!” Alice exclaims, her energy increasing more by the minute.
“Bellissima!” he chuckles.
“Mapa got it for me when we went dress shopping” she proudly proclaims.
“Oh?” he asks, curious to know. 
“Yep, we also got to try different cakes and look at rings for Mapa and Daddy!” she claps her hands.
Everyone pauses, clearly thinking the same thing.
“Did.. did you guys get engaged?” Emily finally speaks up, looking at you and then Spencer.
You and Spencer awkwardly exchange looks, as there was no point in hiding the engagement from them anymore.
“Surprise?” Spencer speaks up, his hands making a ‘I surrender’ pose. 
The whole group laughs and cheers, Derek giving Spencer a friendly pat on the back.
“How long?” Jennifer asks, a faint smile on her face.
“Three months” you laugh, your hand on your forehead. 
“I can’t believe you kept that a secret from us for that long” Derek exclaims, teasing Spencer.
Spencer’s mouth curls into a smile as he looks at you. 
“I want to see the ring!” Penelope says, her voice giddy.
You whip out the ring, which had been stashed in your pocket this whole time. It’s a quite simple ring, which is what Spencer knew you wanted instead of an oversized one.
“Gorgeous!” Emily says as they all fawn over the ring.
You smile down at the ring in your hands, proudly showing it off.
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solarmorrigan · 26 days
For the fanfic mash-up prompt list, what about 2. Historical and 73. Stranded due to inclement weather?
Me, a history minor, upon reading this prompt: I've never learned anything about any period in history ever in my life
But! After drawing a blank for a while, we've got some vaguely Great Depression-era Steddie
Fanfiction Trope Mashup: 1. Historical AU + 73. Stranded Due to Inclement Weather
cw: brief assumed infidelity (not actually, though)
The drifter is handsome, beneath the smudges of road dust he’s picked up from traveling; his long hair is tied back from his face, revealing a soft mouth, high cheekbones, and eyes you could get lost in. He’s carrying a guitar on his back and not much else. He isn’t dressed nearly warm enough for the weather as it is, and certainly not for the snow that the heavy clouds above are threatening.
Steve already knows he’s going to invite him in.
“I don’t give handouts,” Steve says, mostly for himself, so he can pretend he isn’t a soft touch.
“I’m not asking for a handout,” the drifter says. “I’m more than happy to work for a meal.”
Steve pauses, like he’s thinking. There isn’t much left to the Harrington farm these days; they really only have the house, the barn, and enough land to keep some livestock – mostly chickens. (Robin loves the chickens; when they eat one, she makes sure they thank it by name, which Steve personally thinks is weird, but whatever helps her part more easily with them, he guesses.) The chores don’t take long, usually, but with Robin gone for the week, visiting her mother a few towns over, there are still a few things that need doing.
“Guess I could use a hand,” Steve says, and the drifter smiles at him, bright and dimpled, and Steve can practically hear Robin tutting at him – such a sucker for a pretty face.
At least the imaginary Robin in his head is easier to dismiss.
The drifter—“Eddie,” he introduces himself with a firm, calloused handshake—stores his guitar in the kitchen and gets to work helping Steve around the farm (such as it is). He doesn’t seem to have much familiarity with farmwork specifically, but he’s a hard worker and a good listener, and he slots in right alongside Steve with surprising ease.
He’s a bit of a talker – a storyteller, more like, spinning all kinds of yarns about his travels, half of which Steve is sure can’t be true, but which have him hooked anyway. Eddie seems to like him that way: his attention so focused on Eddie that he almost forgets what he’s doing several times throughout the day.
The hours fly by; the wind gets stronger, and you can almost taste the snow on it. Steve gives the animals one last check, makes sure everything is ready to weather a storm should it come, and then he and Eddie hurry inside the house. Steve cooks while Eddie washes up, and they eat sitting at the kitchen table like Steve and Robin usually do; there’s no one to impress by sitting in the overwrought dining room that had always intimidated Steve as a kid.
Snow is falling thick and fast by the time they finish eating.
“I’m not enough of a bastard to send you back out in that,” Steve says, twitching the curtains aside to look at the way little drifts have already started to collect against the fenceposts. “You’re welcome to stay, if you want.”
“Well, I’m not enough of an idiot to turn you down,” Eddie replies, sending Steve a sly grin. “Anything you want me to do around the house to earn a bed for the night?”
Steve rolls his eyes, but he nods towards the living room. “Keep me company by the fire for a while?”
It’s a bit of a gamble – if Steve’s read Eddie wrong, this could end very badly, but Steve doesn’t think he has. He’s always been good at gauging a person’s interest, and he’s certain he’d caught Eddie’s eyes wandering more than once when he thought Steve wasn’t paying attention.
Eddie spends a long moment regarding Steve. “I’ll do you one better,” he finally says, and reaches for his guitar.
Eddie’s voice is rough and low, not always in key, but sincere and achingly soulful. He plays like he was born with a guitar in his hands, pulling music from it a hundred times better than anything Steve’s ever heard on the radio. If he’d been distracted by Eddie before, he’s absolutely enraptured now. He doesn’t even realize he’s been steadily drifting closer to him on the sofa until their knees are brushing.
“It’s getting late,” Eddie says, glancing towards the clock on the mantle. “Am I going to bunk in the barn?”
Steve shakes his head. “I’m sure you’ll be more comfortable in the house.”
“Sure.” Eddie’s grin is slow-spreading as he watches Steve. “It’s pretty cozy down here by the fireplace. Sofa’s nice.”
“I could make you up a bed on the sofa.” Steve nods. “Or – there’s plenty of room in my bed, upstairs. Much cozier up there.”
Eddie’s grin is positively wolfish now. “You’d have me in your marriage bed?” he teases, and Steve shakes his head.
“My wife and I don’t share a bed,” he says (this is largely true, except when they have unavoidable overnight visitors, or when it’s very cold).
“No?” Eddie asks.
“We have an understanding,” Steve replies.
“Do you, now?” Eddie still looks like he isn’t quite sure whether to laugh or to eat Steve alive, but Steve only nods.
“She doesn’t mind if I have the occasional man around, and in return, I don’t mind if she has the occasional lady,” he explains softly. “And we keep each other safe.”
At that, Eddie’s grin softens, becomes warm, almost fond. “And who’s keeping you safe now? Inviting a complete stranger up into your bed." He shakes his head, still trying to tease. “I could be anybody. I could be a murderer, for all you know.”
“You aren’t,” Steve answers with full conviction.
The sincerity seems to give Eddie pause. “What makes you so sure?” he asks, and now he seems almost serious.
“Your eyes,” Steve says readily. “They’re too kind for you to be any kind of bad person.”
Those eyes go wide with surprise. “Well,” Eddie says slowly, “you’re one of the few people who thinks that.”
“Well, maybe other people need to pay more attention,” Steve says. “But if I’m wrong, and you do kill me, at least the last thing I see will be something beautiful.”
And that seems to do it. Eddie leans forward and kisses Steve, his lips chapped and warm against Steve’s.
“You might be the killer here, actually,” Eddie murmurs when they pull apart. “You’re gonna knock me dead with those lines, sweetheart.”
Sweetheart. Steve likes that.
“Better come upstairs with me and give me something else to think about, then,” Steve says, and Eddie doesn’t need to be told again.
The snow continues through the night and into the next day. Steve and Eddie go out first thing to check the animals, to make sure everything is holding against the wind and the snow, and then head back to bed, where they spend the remainder of the day. It seems unkind to send Eddie away in this weather, after all.
In fact, it’s still so cold by the time Robin comes back from her visit that Steve hasn’t yet had the heart to send Eddie away. And if he and Robin talk it over, and if Eddie is still around by the time the warm spring weather comes, and if Eddie just stays and stays, the only thing people in town ever really wonder about is how the Harringtons found the money to hire a hand for their tiny piece of land.
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ohnococo · 3 months
GASP first kiss with sukuna please🙏🙏🙏
👀 oooh this one became more of a blurb/drabble than anything lol
You could pinpoint two very different “first kisses” with Ryomen Sukuna. The first is stolen, when you don’t expect it. He’s baring his teeth, fire in his eyes, and when he approaches you honestly think he may just be about to kill you. Instead he’s holding you in place by the jaw, not that you would have pulled back anyway, and pressing his lips roughly to yours. Open mouthed, tongue demanding, teeth clashing.
The second is requested. It’s not presented as such, it’s a calm “Kiss me.” He sits back, amused, waiting to see if you’ll do it willingly. The way he raises his brows and focuses his attention elsewhere when you take too long shows it wasn’t quite the demand it had seemed to be. You do kiss him then, slow, soft, sighing into his mouth when he opens it and waits for you to slide your tongue past his lips. The contented look he gives you after makes it feel like the first time.
Fanfic trope mash up
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pastafossa · 7 months
Hi, let's talk gatekeeping fanfic. First, if you bully teenage girls out of the fandom for writing like teenagers who're still learning, you are a terrible person. Because you were that teenager. I get some of us fic writers like to pretend we came out of the womb clutching a bloody, sticky 250k word in-depth character study fic that would rank in the top ten most kudos'd fics in the fandom ever if only our eyeballs and coordination were developed enough to transfer it to a screen, but that's a massive pile of horseshit, and you know it. You wrote with mashed paragraphs and mispellings and clunky dialogue. You used the same tropes you like to mock young writers for. So maybe have a flashback and then chill.
And just in case you don't care about that, you're also literally shooting yourself in the face, because a TON of writers (which often includes you) generally follow this trend:
Get excited about a character or fandom when you're younger and/or not a Leveled Up Writer yet
Decide to try writing fanfic for the first time
Bang something out and excitedly post it
Either get good or helpful/encouraging reactions that make you want to keep keep writing, or you get a bunch of sneering comments about teenagers by grownass gatekeepers who, for some reason, feel smug about mocking excited novices who're trying to write a fun story, thus chasing you away from writing.
And there's where you fuck yourself over if you pick the shit-covered Door #2. Because a writer can't improve unless they write. Oh, you might not see the effect immediately, but after a few years, the fanfic scene will die down as writers move on to less toxic spaces (or give up entirely). And you will have no one to fill the void. YOU are the reason you'll get less fic. Imagine mocking and making fun of a new piano player whose first song on piano is Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. "Ugh, I hate this basic teenage crap, are you just banging on keys? Come back when you can play Moonlight Sonata."
I literally do not give one single shit if you 'approve' of some teenager's (or adult's!) fic. If they're happy creating the equivalent of a cake with a stick figure design, that's awesome cause they made themselves a cake they enjoy. Alternatively, they're practicing making cake and no cake is perfect the first time, unless you learn something, in which case it's served its purpose and is a great cake due to fulfilling that purpose.
Tell you what - you want to gatekeep? Here's who you can gatekeep in fanfic:
There. Go nuts.
And if you're a novice writer, be it teenager or adult, deciding to try writing fic for the first time, please, please don't let them tear you down. Please don't stop writing. Don't stop learning. Don't stop creating. Don't stop being so filled with love for a story and its characters that you have to create just so you can breathe a little easier without your words and story filling up all that space around your lungs. I promise you, I promise, that every single writer you love has been at where you're at now, and the only reason they write like they do now is that they kept going, kept trying, kept writing. People will talk about talent but it plays a far smaller role than you think - this is 90% practice. And that means you can learn this.
You can do this.
So do it.
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antianakin · 5 months
You know what's something I wished fanon/fanfic/etc explored? The idea of clones, basically traveling the galaxy because of the war not only having their own traditions, but also picking up stuff and being taught things by various people they encounter. Not even necessarily like a culture/tradition. A planet's local militia taught a trooper how to weave grass during a long night waiting for orders.
Of course he brought this to his friends and now the whole battalion makes things from grass or leaves or thread. It's calming, it's fun, they experiment with materials.
The clones who've developed their own culture (not Mandalorian) but also enjoying learning and participating. Let them be happy and want to explore things beyond their DNA donors world. (I also enjoy the idea of them getting to relax and join in on fun, normal activities).
And the idea of different units having different traditions while also sharing them when they're deployed together is fun.
The idea of mindfulness being picked up from Jedi general's and everyone having a unique spin, either copying meditation or meditating while cleaning equipment.
Also I want people to appreciate the clones as their own people.
Yeah, I hardly EVER see the clones depicted as this really interesting mish mash of cultures due to potentially picking up a bunch of shit from civilian populations they meet and then just passing it around their own battalion which could then make it out to the GAR as a whole.
Weaving baskets is a cute one, it could also be something as simple as picking up new spices every time they land somewhere and so their food is this wild fusion cuisine of spices and maybe fruits/dried meats/nuts from all over the galaxy because they just pick up stuff that goes to the kitchens and the clones doing the cooking in the kitchens use whatever they've got available to try to make new dishes. And they end up perhaps getting really good at figuring out how to combine these different ingredients that, on paper, seem like they absolutely should NOT go well together and yet somehow they make it work. And so clone cuisine becomes its own completely unique thing. You could even compare it to Jedi cuisine where they probably end up combining things a lot themselves, but the Jedi would theoretically often have had more access to resources and time to learn whole dishes than the clones do so it's more that the Jedi prepare different specific dishes from a lot of cultures as opposed to the more fusion-style cuisine the clones have come up with.
Or games, it'd be so cute to have the clones picking up all these different sort-of idle games from different civilian children they meet, like gffa versions of hopscotch or hackey sack, maybe card games that aren't sabacc or board games that aren't dejarik but are more specific to this one planet or culture. Maybe the clones start coming up with their OWN card games as they go because they start getting bored of the few that they know and start getting creative from there.
And of course things like different styles of visual art like painting and tattooing and hair styles that they might pick up on and incorporate into their own style that either becomes very popular among the clones on its own or ends up sort-of hybridized and become its own unique clone specific spin on the artform rather than a direct imitation. Writing would be really cool, too, that they pick up things like novels or journals from different cultures and some of the clones start writing creatively and become really prolific among the GAR (and maybe the Jedi too) for their stories. Similar to before, they might start off sort-of imitating styles they see from other cultures, specific kinds of poetry or tropes, but then branch out and put their own spin on it or start combining different things they've learned from various cultures.
Some clones might end up sticking closer to one specific culture they've connected or that just matches their personal taste really well, while others embrace the fusion more, and everything in-between.
And of course we can bring the Jedi into it more, too, and have the Jedi constantly working to introduce the clones to more things, maybe things THEY know and love from various cultures that they think the clones would find fun or interesting. And not just that person's "birth culture" like Ahsoka teaching people about Togruta culture, but things from OTHER CULTURES that they themselves have experimented with and liked. Maybe Ahsoka has a Mon Cal skincare routine she fucking swears by, or a Zabrak meat dish that's her absolute favorite hands down because of how tender they cook it, or her favorite book is actually Rodian because she particularly loves Rodian romance novels. And she introduces the clones to THESE things as well because why wouldn't she? The Jedi have a smorgasbord of options available to them and their culture encourages learning and connecting as much as possible, something I imagine they'd do their best to pass on to the clones in any way available to them.
And of course the Jedi, as some of the only people really out there with the clones and interacting with them regularly, get to be the first to BENEFIT from the hybridization that the clones utilize and get to see more about how these different cultures they've learned and appreciated for so long can be combined in such new and different ways to create something entirely unique and beautiful, so they get to enjoy these things all over again and it's AWESOME! New favorite noodle dish that combined fish from Glee Anselm and spices from Pantora and noodles from Chandrila, new favorite poem that has elements of Naboo and Ryloth in it, new knitted scarf that combined a knitting style from Lothal and a pattern from Shili.
And I've been going more for physical material things so far like food and stuff, but you can include things like slang they pick up from other cultures or maybe rituals of some kind they saw someone do that they asked about and got permission to participate in that they continue to practice afterwards because it's nice and calming.
The interesting part about the clones is that they don't have a "birth" culture to go back to. They were raised in a very sterile environment where everything they were exposed to was something very specific and aimed towards a certain goal. So they might have a favorite fighting move from the ones they were taught on Kamino or a favorite ship to fly of the ones they were taught to use for war, but it would be SO incredibly limited to what the Kaminoans wanted them to learn and not intended to become something the clones really connected to culturally. The Kaminoans themselves clearly HAVE a culture of sorts, they seem to share a style of fashion at least and probably an architectural style, but this isn't something that was passed on to the clones or that they would've been allowed to ever really participate in (beyond maintenance to the buildings, but they wouldn't have gotten a say in things like paint colors or additions to the building for cosmetic reasons, etc). And of course I don't think canon supports the idea that the clones really had a lot of connection to Mando culture and certainly nothing that supports the concept that they would consider it their "birth" culture. Jango barely seems to have passed any sort of Mando heritage on to BOBA, so it seems INCREDIBLY unlikely he'd have passed anything significant on to the clones he DIDN'T consider his son. And the Mando trainers are a legends thing these days, and were never canon anyway, so their exposure to Mando culture would be even more limited than their exposure to Kaminoan culture quite honestly.
All of which means the clones don't really have a firm basis of a birth culture from which to start on and then sort-of experiment out from. They're almost entirely open to whatever they discover or are introduced to in terms of culture. They're not Mando, they're not Kaminoan, they're their OWN THING and they can literally incorporate just about anything and everything into the culture they choose to build and that's SUCH a cool thing to look at and to explore and I don't know if I've really seen that much of it in fics. Especially via the Jedi who are their own massively multi-cultural society and can take the opportunity to really widen the clones' horizons in so many ways.
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starblightbindery · 2 months
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Binder's Note for Forms by Trebia
How Forms fits in the long tradition of Star Wars fanfic.
My hope is that this project captures a snapshot in time from Star Wars fandom het shippers between December 2015 and December 2017, before the franchise confirmed any emotional intimacy—if you can call it that— between Rey and Kylo Ren in Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017).
Trebia, then aged 24, wrote and published the first chapter of Forms on Archive of Our Own on December 18th, 2015—the exact release date of Star Wars: The Force Awakens. When posting this first chapter, Trebia noted, “I’m just working off of memory from the one viewing I saw last night.” The entirety of the fanfic was completed and posted an exact month later, making this fic historically significant in Star Wars fandom as one of the earliest published “Reylo” stories.
A serialized novella that was churned out in an astonishingly short time frame, Forms is notable for predicting many elements of The Last Jedi (2017) and The Rise of Skywalker (2019), including the Reylo Force bond, Rey walking away from her training with Luke Skywalker, Kylo Ren pleading with Rey to join him, and Kylo Ren pushing his Force energy into Rey to save her life.
Throughout the story, Trebia mashed new and old Star Wars elements together—characters like the Mandalorians and Admiral Daala, settings like Illum and Kuat⁠—evincing her fondness for the Galaxy Far, Far Away. Forms has classic tropes from this franchise, like stealing a uniform to go undercover in an enemy base and the forced proximity of a “Slow Boat to Bespin.” Present in Forms are scads of fan theories from between the release of The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi. These included the theory that—echoing a Legends plot line from Dark Empire (1991) where somehow Palpatine returns and Luke Skywalker joins the dark side to try and take him down from the inside—Kylo Ren had strategic reasons for his apprenticeship to Snoke. Like many Reylo fan-works set in-universe, Trebia lends justification to his many antisocial acts, part of shipper efforts to make the character more self-relevant and sympathetic.
Forms weaves in tantalizing threads that were tossed around by fans and concept artists but ultimately not pursued, including Dark Rey, Stormpilot (Finn/Poe Dameron), and Rey's saberstaff. Trebia even predicted the Kuat Drive Yards plot line started in The Last Jedi (Rose Tico’s contempt for weapon's manufacturers on Canto Bight) and continued in the abandoned Episode IX: Duel of Fates script by Colin Trevorrow. Forms also addresses loose ends that probably should have been covered for a more cohesive nine film saga, like the Chosen One prophecy and direct interaction between Anakin Skywalker and Kylo Ren.
No discussion of Forms can be complete without also placing it in the context of Star Wars fandom in 2016. Reylo was a fringe pairing that made intuitive sense to many Star Wars fans, particularly women; however, prior to The Last Jedi, the ship was dwarfed by the popularity of slash ships like Finn/Poe and Kylo Ren/Hux. At the time, many fans theorized that Rey was Luke Skywalker’s long-lost daughter, making her Ben Solo’s first cousin, making Reylo an incest ship.
As noted on the Fanlore wiki, the tags on this fic changed over time. In addition to “Riding the bus to hell either way” Trebia joked with tags like “Possible incest?” and “Not incest until proven guilty in the court of law.” Following the release of Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Trebia celebrated by replacing those tags with a celebratory “IT AIN’T INCEST.”
The story's strong influence in early Reylo fandom reflected a hunger for more Star Wars romances about the pull between light and dark. After all, the sequel trilogy did not set up Kylo Ren as a horned, alien-appearing monster or a wrinkled geezer. Unblemished by the ravages of the dark side, Kylo Ren was depicted with pillow lips and a fabulous, voluminous coiffure unencumbered by his helm (which really should have flattened it to his scalp.) The groundwork for a lightsider/darksider romance was previously explored in other Expanded Universe stories. At the forefront of these were watered down lightsider/darkside romances like the tepidly written romance between Luke Skywalker and former Palpatine agent Mara Jade. Given Mara Jade was hardly a champion of the dark side, there was no risk of corrupting Skywalker. But the Expanded Universe also boasted stories that played with this dynamic, like the twisted connection between Fable Astin and Jaalib Brandl by Patricia A. Jackson for the Star Wars Adventure Journal (1994), the conflict between Jaina Solo and Zekk in Kevin J. Anderson's Young Jedi Knights (1996),or the passion between Darth Revan and Bastila Shan in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (2003). In this respect, Forms and the rest of the Reylo fan fiction oeuvre continues the grand fan tradition of Star Wars villain fucking.
“Darksider and lightsider conflict is one of the most fascinating points of Star Wars,” Trebia said in 2016, when interviewed by Spencer Kornhaber for The Atlantic. “Rey and Kylo represent the fight to find the balance.” Yet, at the time, the fledgling “Reylo” ship was abhorred by affirmational Star Wars fans who despised the emphasis on shipping with a female gaze, as well as scorned by media commentators who found the ship to be “problematic.” In male-dominated, established fan spaces like Reddit and Jedi Council Forums, discussion of Reylo was effectively banned by moderators through the freezing of threads. In other fandom spaces like Twitter and Tumblr, discourse about Reylo mirrored larger purity culture. The ship became a convenient target for alt-right misogynists, and also for anti‑shippers concerned that the ship “romanticized abuse.” Productive and unproductive debate arose around media consumption construed as agreement or approval, whether a sympathetic Kylo Ren lends people to give more latitude to real-life white right-wing men with anger management problems (or if it's the other way around), and if shippers can tell the difference between a fictional antihero and the same dangerous thing in real life. Critiques of Reylo fandom also included the implicit racism inherent in the sidelining of John Boyega’s heroic character Finn in favor of white whiny fascist Kylo Ren. (It did not help that 2016 also saw the election where white American women voters decided to displace a competent Black man with a white whiny fascist.)
In the September 2020 issue of the Journal of Fandom Studies, Andrea Marshall notes that Reylo “fan fiction acts as a locus of resistance to gendered oppression as feminist authors construct selves that critique the source material and the fandom for gendered oppression within tropes and attitudes.” By having Rey actually interact with and befriend a woman other than Leia, Forms already improves on the source material. It's a delight to see Forms depict older women over age fifty who are plot-significant and interact which one another, if only because Star Wars movies are fairly gender regressive. On the other hand, Rey's strategy to convert Kylo back to the light is to uh, suck the badness out of him. It's Padmé Amidala logic—sure, he arranged the wholesale slaughter of an entire village, but he can also deftly finger you to orgasm! Granted, Star Wars is infamously a franchise of excuse making, where really shitty dudes manage to turn it around and do the right thing at the last minute. Forms also doesn't push all that hard to actively resist the neo-fascist allegory in the sequel trilogy, particularly in Trebia's appendix, which dissatisfactorily explains that all of the First Order war criminals in the story ended up as instructors in military academies. (Who would even hire them, Albus Dumbledore?!)
Fics like Forms led to “ship wars” discourse, which led to the publication of ozhawkauthor's “The Three Laws of Fandom” meta essay on January 1st, 2016. “Laws” is a bit of a misnomer since there is no enforcement body; the essay is more of a request for courtesy in fandom spaces. The laws were also meant to apply specifically to shipping, not fandom or media criticism as a whole. “It’s not up to you to decide what other people are allowed to like or not like, to create or not to create,” wrote ozhawkauthor. “That’s censorship. Don’t do it.”
For fans conscious of fandom history and the impact of censorship in spaces like FanFiction.net and Livejournal, ozhawkauthor's guidelines—(1) Don't like; don't read, (2) Your ship is not my ship, (3)Ship and let ship—felt intuitive. This is reflected in spaces like my bookbinding guild, Renegade, which—similar to Archive of Our Own—takes a hands off approach to policing content. This did not prevent widespread handwringing about Reylo content. Star Wars fan ughwhyben reflected on the “gigantic fandom that is suddenly experiencing a renaissance, where an influx of mainstream folk are trickling into (or running into) the fic side for possibly the first time right now and don’t have this training. It’s like we’re flickering back and forth between the modern evolution of fic side fannish culture and what things were like in, for example, 2001 when I first stumbled in.”
Tumblr media
Decades ago, in May 1981, Lucasfilm reacted to the publication of “Slow Boat to Bespin” by Anne Elizabeth Zeek & Barbara Wenk by declaring a ban on smut in fan fiction. I've included in the errata of this binding a letter from 1981 written by the Star Wars fanclub president to circulating fanzines threatening legal action. While slash was also caught in this net—disproportionately targeted given non-explicit gay romance was not okay even though Star Wars has non-explicit het romance—it was this fairly tame (by fic standards) heteronormative fic, featuring Han Solo and Princess Leia, that signaled to Lucasfilm that smutty fanfic was no longer on the fringes and now needed to be addressed to protect the “wholesomeness” of the franchise. Subsequently, fanfic writers had to make a conscious decision to flout Lucasfilm’s policy and go forth with propagating their smut.
And, in 2016, of all the ships in all of fandom, it was the Reylo Star Wars pairing, featuring this specific heteronormative female power fantasy (of being able to leash a villain by the dick to drag him back to the light) that led to a communal reaffirmation of these fandom norms. In her interviews with the The Atlantic, Trebia directly quotes from the Three Laws of Fandom, endorsing “ship and let ship” as a basis for creating Reylo fanworks. “I am fully involved in the garbage compactor that is this pairing, and I love it,” Trebia said. “No matter what way it goes, I will stick with it.”
After studying early romance novels from the late 1600s and early 1700s, Ros Ballaster observed a polarity between didactic love fiction and amatory fiction. Didactic love stories are sweet—aspirational, moral, and idealized—while amatory fiction is spicy—erotic, transgressive, untethered from social sanction. We do see representations of didactic love in Reylo fan fiction, particularly in contemporary romance “Modern AUs” like Ali Hazelwood's The Love Hypothesis (2021)where the Kylo's homicidal Sith rage is sanitized to a more socially-acceptable grumpy academic brooding. One can comfortably bring Adam Carlsen, Ph.D home to meet Mother. But certainly, the majority of Reylo fic written by fans gravitate towards and come with the self awareness of the amatory. For one, Trebia loudly proclaims in her Chapter Two author note: “MORE TRASH FOR THE TRASH GOD.”
Discourse over the “morality” of Reylo fan fiction tends to overlook the distinction between the didactic and the amatory. As compelling as the idea of a “Force dyad” is in fantasy, this relationship is not meant to be aspirational in a literal sense. Yet, readers of Reylo fiction were and continue to have to defend their interest in the archetype with disclaimers—yes, it's trash, yes, I know it's problematic—while men in fandom are not held to the same standards when it comes to “problematic” media they consume or enjoy, whether it's a Michael Bay blockbuster film or male-gaze pornography.
As Deborah Lutz notes, “The Dangerous Lover Romance” is a centuries old, conventional way to represent erotic desire and romantic love. The “sublimely tormented Byronic hero” is hardly groundbreaking, to the extent that Rian Johnson's depiction of Reylo in The Last Jedi subverts the trope—at the end of the film Rey isn't enchanted, she's repulsed. The same way Star Wars replicates Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey monomyth, Reylo stories like Forms reflect the broad appeal of the “how-the-turntables” Dangerous Lover romance—where the woman protagonist, initially subjugated by the debased, restless misanthrope, ends up subjugating him through her strength of will and the power of love. Trebia's Kylo even sports malevolent scars like so many Gothic male romantic leads before him—always on the face. In the Gothic romance, the heroine accesses socially undesirable aspects—power, rage, craving, desire—as expressed by her double, the Dangerous Lover. His presence in the story provides a basis for her disinhibition. The Reylo ship follows a well-trodden cultural script of transgressive female desire.
Forms the fan fiction novella is a notable cultural artefact reflecting a distinct period of time in Star Wars fandom. At the time, Reylo fanfic held all the promise of improved representation for women characters, crossed with the instinctual, regressive insistence that maintains a white male character in the forefront. Reylo fan fiction produced in early 2016 also led to the reification of anti-censorship values in fandom. Seven years later, a fandom that was once derided has gone fully mainstream, as fic writers like Ali Hazelwood, Ashley Poston, and Thea Guanzon top traditional publishing bestseller lists. What Trebia knocked out, hours after her introduction to the characters, is now it's own Star Wars literary tradition.
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direwolfrules · 2 years
Would anyone care for some unsolicited fanfic recs in this trying time?
Star Wars (because I have no other life):
(Re)convene by Nightfall_1409:
10 years after sacrificing himself for the Rebellion, Ezra Bridger is offered the chance to turn back the clock and alter the course of history forever- the Force sending back with him a ragtag band of heroes, all whom have proven themselves worthy of the chance, all of whom have the drive to prevent the events that turned their lives into living nightmares, all of whom have the chance to save their loved ones from their fates.
Now 35 years in the past, returned to the era of the Republic 6 years before the rise of the Empire, 3 years before the start of the Clone Wars, he has to unite his scattered allies- Ahsoka Tano, Din Djarin, Boba and Omega Fett- and put together the puzzle of what caused the galaxy to fall, or they'll all be doomed to watch it happen again.
Personal Thoughts:
I really like this one. Time travel is my favorite trope. It’s well written, it draws you in, and the author has done an excellent job of mashing up Legends and Canon in fun and unique ways.
It has everything: Force Sensitive Omega, Tired Space Dad Din Djarin accidentally becoming a main character, Ezra and Anakin as chaotic besties, no Jedi bashing, and much more that would be spoilers.
The author tries to update twice a month. It’s really good. Also this is the only one I’m including the summary for because I’m lazy.
Time-Traveling Artoo by SpiderMansUnfriendlyNeighbor
Crack fic go brrrr. Seriously though, it’s just Artoo fucking with Sidious and then kidnapping children to matchmake. I was laughing the whole way through.
A Means of Survival by LessAttitudeMoreAltitude
In which Ursa finds a half dead Jedi Padawan named Caleb and the Mandalorian Adoption instinct activates. Listen, Sabine has decided the Jetti’ad is her favorite person, they can’t just not adopt him
The Time Heals ‘verse by jessicas_pi
Force Sensitive Sabine travels back in time to the Clone Wars, accidentally bonds with a Force Entity that I’m 99% sure is the Brother, becomes Obi-Wan’s Padawan, and keeps accidentally-on-purpose bringing people back to the past.
Also Quinlan Vos is there.
It’s Sabezra if that’s a turn off for anyone.
You Either Die A Hero… by RennyBanette
The 501st gets trapped in a time loop on Umbara. Delightful crack full of Krell murder and fire.
The Desert Storm by Blue_Sunshine
This is the Star Wars time travel fic. It’s so good. 4 years after the fall of the Republic Obi-Wan gets caught in a sandstorm, and when it passes he’s back in time when Anakin’s just a three year old clinging to his mom’s skirt.
Naturally, Obi-Wan frees the Skywalkers, changes his name to Ben Naasade, takes his younger self as a Padawan, and gives Mace Windu so many headaches.
Featuring: Jedi Shmi Skywalker, Pong Krell getting his shit wrecked, Legends stuff, Jedi Shmi Skywalker, Mandalorians being awesome, Alderaan being awesome, Jedi Shmi Skywalker, Obitine, the Sith being evil and creepy, and most importantly, Jedi Knight Shmi Skywalker
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clumsyraccoon · 3 months
Hello, hello ^^
How have you been?
Am I late to the party for the Fanfiction Trope MASH-UP game? 👀 Could I maybe request 40. & 53. with Choso?
Fanfiction trope MASH-UP
Hi Mirka! I'm fine and hope you've been good as well! ❤️ and absolutely you're note late, thank you for sending in!
Almost Kiss + Mutual Pining + Choso
Choso Kamo, the cool and mysterious emo boy from class 5C. Choso Kamo, the talented guitarist of the local punk-rock band. Choso Kamo, the boy you've know since you were five years old. Choso Kamo, the boy you're hopelessly in love with.
You've known each other since childhood, as you lived in the same neighbourhood. Every summer spent playing with the other kids and his little brothers in the park just down the road. The first day of elementary school where you held hands to give each other courage. That time you accompanyed him to buy his first guitar. The day you were assigned to different classes in high school.
You have always been by his side, showing your love in all the little things you could show it, in hope for him to see it where you poured it most.
Little you know about the fact that he is, also, hopelessly in love with you. You have always failed to notice how he looks at you when you aren't looking, to notice how quickly he turns away to hide his blush when your skins accidentally brush, to hear with how much love and adoration your name leaves his lips.
Untill national music contest stops in your city and gives Choso's band the chance of a lifetime: to perform as the opening band before the super famous duo "Six Eyes + The Bangs". As always, you're at his side, trying to calm down his nervousness, fingers entangled while you make him breathe with you. Words of encouragement to lift his spirit, your soft voice luring him closer, his gentle eyes looking at you so lovingly, your bodies so close to each other like never before, your lips so...
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zenkindoflove · 2 months
49 & 86 heehee
Faked Married + I didn't mean to turn you on
Okay, I this one screams for Elain and Lucien on the continent, traveling in the human lands where they have to pretend they're married because why do humans care what a mate means. And I'm picturing lots of referring to each other as "husband" and "wife" and they both secretly really like it, especially Elain, who is getting hornier and hornier every time Lucien says it. Until finally they return back to their inn and sloppy fuck.
The end.
Fanfic trope mashup
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callivich · 6 months
For the trope mash-up:
(23) Mafia AU 🔪 and (77) EMT/Medical 🚑
I recently saw something on TikTok about EMS/nurses who treat various gangsters/thugs with a bit of decency during their medical care and the thug promptly offers their services “for whatever you need” and that just screams gallavich AU to me
Anon! I love this idea! 👀
Ok, so Ian’s just finished his shift, he’s literally walking home in his uniform when he sees a guy run out of a dark alleyway. As he gets closer he hears some frustrated swearing from the alleyway and goes to take a look because the person sounds hurt.
And he finds Mickey propped up against a wall holding his side. He asks if the guy is alright and gets told to fuck off but Ian can see the guy is hurt and he tells this guy that his name is Ian and he’s an EMT, will he just let him take a look?
The guy is reluctant but he eventually gives in and Ian patches him up as best he can with the tiny first aid kit he always carries in his backpack. It’s quiet as Ian works, nothing but the sound of the guy’s heavy breathing and Ian realises the guy is watching him closely. It’s tense but not in an uncomfortable way.
The guy is surprised at Ian’s good work. He hands Ian some cash, makes him take it when Ian says he can’t accept it. And as he leaves he tells Ian, “names Mickey, you ever need anything.” He pauses to give Ian a long look. “Anything. Give me a call.” Gives Ian a plain white business card with a number on it.
Ian thinks they had a moment but doesn’t call Mickey until one night when he finds himself in trouble and has no one else to call. He doesn’t think anyone will show up, but Mickey is there within minutes…..
Gallavich Fanfic Trope Mashup
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majorbaby · 17 days
imo, the thing that makes smut in fanfic bad, is not that it doesn't engage with ~the themes~ and ~the motifs~ and not even that it sometimes explicitly contradicts the canon. if i can't make porn for porn's sake - because i want to / because i'm horny / because i want to imagine what an inconveniently large dick would do to my blorbo du jour - then i don't care for any other justifications around porn existing either.
what does make written porn bad are the same things that make regular, mainstream porn bad* - same stuff everywhere. this ship is like this other ship is like this other ship. this character is like this character is like this other character. they all sound the same during sex, just the same way all the exaggerated vocalizations you hear in typical porn vids sound the same. the problem isn't even in and of itself that those vocalizations are exaggerated, it's that they're the same in everything. it's being told that sex happens this one way. nevermind all the ethical and societal issues that causes, that's not what this post is about, my problem is that when all porn is the same - it's boring as all hell.
and sure, some of the problems with 'contradicts the canon' and 'where are the themes??? the motifs???' are symptoms of this homogenization of porn. and fanfiction is not the only place you see this phenomenon - it happens all the time in the pulp erotica industry. it's like there's a die being rolled with different porny phrases on it and whatever is rolled is mashed together to create something, and it all tastes the same.
and look! that doesn't mean you can't write the same trope a thousand times, a thousand creative ways (although I would venture a guess that that's probably pretty boring too - unless you're doing it for money, then sure). popular stuff is popular for a reason.
i just wanted to talk a bit about "good smut" vs "bad smut" and why character study isn't necessary to create the former, and why i think when people say "bad smut" what they really mean is "the same old, tired smut across multiple fandoms with just the names of the two white guys switched up"
*with the exception of the exploitation of porn actors (particularly women, and above all, racialized trans women) - although i want to be clear that if there was a mainstream written porn market, i do not think it would take long for workers to be exploited in that realm either, as they are in the existing publishing industry.
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
if you’re doing the fanfic trope mash up, can i suggest 42 and 56 for jangosoka?
Fanfiction Trope MASH-UP: Send me two (2) tropes from this list + a ship and I’ll describe how I’d combine them in the same story.
This ask meme is from over a year ago. Please don't send new prompts.
42. The Big Damn Kiss 
56. Awful First Meeting
Okay, so: time travel, as is standard for this ship
We'll say Ahsoka is ehhhh 23, has been doing Fulcrum stuff for five or so years, is very competent but not perfect. She falls into the past, as one does, shows up about a year pre-Galidraan, so Jango is 21.
Ahsoka has slipped into some undercover work, eeling her way into the upper echelons of society, attending galas and events and so on in fancy dresses and jewelry. How is she funding this? However you want. Maybe she robbed a Hutt. Maybe she has the codes to some shadow accounts nobody knows she's accessing. Maybe she found teenage Bail and talked him into bankrolling her based on The Future. Doesn't matter.
(Actually, the Bail thing would make a great fic on its own, especially if Ahsoka were young enough to pretend to be his girlfriend. Tell me that wouldn't be hilarious. Not here, but somewhere. Bail is absolutely in love with Breha, but like... the fate of the Republic! The fate of the Jedi! That's a cool thing to be doing! With a cool person!)
Point is, she's lying to a lot of very wealthy, very dangerous people when she shows up at these things. She could have theoretically tricked her way into being someone's long-term date, but that would mean dating to attend more than one, and she's not doing that. Better to just pretend to be the heiress to a company from the rims that's very rich but not quite rich enough for everyone in the Core to have heard of.
She is using these events to spy, of course. Slipping into hotel rooms to slice datapads, bugging white collar criminals with a tap to their favorite watch, wandering into servant's tunnels while pretending to be drunk, all the usual fun stuff.
She gets caught, of course.
Jango's side of the story starts about when Ahsoka's does, with him hearing tales of someone stealing information and sabotaging deals, and he gets hired as security by one of those especially important events. He keeps an eye on this, and he... notices Ahsoka.
He does not notice her as a spy, but as a person who is being harassed by an intoxicated, rich old man, whom she'd clearly like to ditch but cannot safely do so.
(At least, as far as he can tell. We know her better than that.)
Jango steps in, because it's not like he's got a lot to do right now, and intercepting drunk old men has been about the only interesting thing he's had to do all night. Ahsoka... I mean, she thanks him. Technically. She doesn't hide her distaste for him as a person. Jango would think this is just about him being Mandalorian, except she doesn't react as negatively to any of the others. She's neutral and ignores most of them, but there are two moments where she interacts positively, laughing at a joke or something. So. She just doesn't like him.
The night ends without incident. It's not until weeks later that there's an information leak. It could have happened during the party Jango was guarding, but it could have happened at any of three other incidents that same month. There was at least one midnight break-in, several days after the party; there's a solid chance his presence did discourage whoever this spy was from engaging, and made them delay their actions to a Plan B.
Months later, he's doing personal guard duty for the king of something or other. It's another gala or fundraiser or coronation or--honestly, he doesn't care. He's getting paid to keep this one specific person safe, and that's all that matters.
He's not the only mando there, so when he sees a young woman, vaguely familiar, stumble out of the hall with an expression that says 'drunk' as much as it does 'roofied,' he doesn't commit any dereliction of duty by excusing himself to just... see that she's okay. The woman is familiar, even if he can't place her. That usually means something; what if she's an assassin he's run into before, here to kill his client?
(That really is why he's following her. If she's familiar but unplaceable, that usually means she's In The Business.)
He follows her at a safe distance, and sees her ask for a bathroom, get pointed in the right direction, and then... go down the wrong hallway, and enter a room that he's pretty sure is supposed to be locked.
He gives it a few seconds, edging closer slow enough that his boots can't be heard (the music and carpet both help muffle the noise, but he's still wearing a lot of metal), and then opens the door to a library-esque space.
The "drunk" girl is hard at work slicing into a computer terminal she 100% should not be at.
They stare at each other.
"Give me one good reason to not shoot y--"
"I can give you intel on Death Watch."
Jango pauses. Considers. It is not his job to keep information safe, this time. His job is to just keep one specific man alive, and this is an unrelated crime.
There are footsteps in the hall, and he sees her start to look around the room for an exit route. He tries not to think too hard on how she was planning on making the very-much-screwed-into-the-wall vent work.
"Fine," he says, and she looks quick at him, and then at the door, and then disengages from the computer and hops the desk to--plaster herself against him?
She giggles, high and drunken, and fumbles for his helmet. "Oh, come on, Mr. Mando, just a kiss? Just one ki--I told my friends I'd run into a Mand--ma--Mandaloriana... Just a kiss! I wanna--wanna one-up 'em..."
He hears the door crack open, and has no idea what he's supposed to do to play along to this... cover? Cover, sure. "Ma'am, I'm on a job."
"And you can't play? Your friends are totally--"
There's a cough from the door, and Jango turns, and the security guard that actually works here is grimacing.
"You can't be in here."
They manage to talk their way out of suspicion, something about how she claimed she'd seen something important but was just trying to seduce him, does the guard know anywhere a drunk guest can be deposited? Thanks.
She does give him information, but she disappears before he can learn anything more about her.
(Galidraan is avoided, oh so narrowly, because of what she gives him. He may never know how close it really was.)
Months pass. He gets invited an event that isn't a job, but is rather some large gladiatorial event. He's not a fan of it--he's pretty sure the fighters aren't nearly as voluntary as people are claiming--but he goes. He watches.
A familiar face enters the arena. He stiffens.
His helmet can zoom in and analyze, and he finds that the cuffs she wears are Force-dampening.
Definitely not willing.
He dithers too long to figure out how to help, or if he even can, because she wins her fight (no deaths in these matches; makes it expensive to find new combatants), and is ushered out, and Jango himself is invited to an afterparty. Someone tells him that the winning gladiators get to attend. It's a reward, the food and fancy outfits. Even 'the pretty one you seemed to like' is going to be there.
People are still pretending that the combatants are voluntary. Jango grits his teeth. He goes.
He finds her, removes his helmet, meets her eyes from across the room. She is bruised and bandaged, but alert. She blinks at him, slow and measuring, and then taps her lips twice.
He doesn't understand, until she signs--where did she learn Mando battle sign?--and asks him to lie and say they're a couple.
(Well, she's using battle sign, not actual MSL, but he's pretty sure 'cover spouse you self extraction' is... yeah. Sure, that sign for cover is usually about cover from fire, and 'spouse' is a splice of 'law' and 'partner' that is usually hard enough without trying to hide everything, but he thinks he got the gist.)
(He does kind of owe her; the information she gave him was more useful than he'd expected, and even if it hadn't been, he can probably convince her to share something else as 'payment' for getting her out of this.)
He stomps through the crowd, pushing people out of the way, and then sweeps her into his arms and bends her backwards to plant the showiest kiss he can on her.
He holds it long enough for the silence to spread, and then pulls them back upright, closes his eyes, presses his forehead to hers, and hopes that it's enough to sell it to the people around them.
His hands drift down to her wrists, a calculated move that looks natural if he's lucky, and asks quietly for them to remove the cuffs.
Jango Fett is a very heavily-armored, heavily-armed man. People read into his quiet the way he wants them to: that he is very close to slaughtering a whole lot of them, and trying incredibly hard to stay calm.
There are cuff removals, and 'negotiations' for Ahsoka's freedom (he still doesn't even know her name, but he hears the fake she gave to the people who arrested her), and she leaves the planet on his arm, and on his spaceship.
She explains that getting arrested and sent to the gladiatorial arena was part of a greater plan, but that her extraction partner was delayed. They might be dead. She doesn't know, but she was already planning her own escape. She tells him she's gotten out of worse scrapes before.
The fic would end with them separating, and her promising to come find him again. Any sequel would involve a reveal of the Future thing, possibly after a one-night stand.
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ohnococo · 3 months
Hiiiii Coco, 💕💕
For the mash-up, may I ask a sfw version of Sukuna reacting to love confession + confessing
To anyone else other than you and perhaps Uraume, Sukuna’s reaction to your whispered confession of love is more of a non-reaction. Head resting on his fist, legs crossed as he lounges in his seat, gazing down at you with his head held so high that his eyes were barely visible. For you, there is more to be seen. The briefest upward quirk of his brows, the slight tension in the musculature of his thick neck, the stillness of his broad chest as his breathing stops for just a moment while he takes in your words.
It’s an endless moment, giving your body an opportunity to respond to your mind’s racing as sweat beads at your temples and your mouth runs dry. It forces you to take yet another leap of faith as you say the words searing themselves into your brain - does he feel the same?
“Why do you think you’re still here?”
Fanfic trope mash-up
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polaroidcats · 3 months
60 and 79 for wolfstar!!
Poorly Timed Confession & Anger Born of Worry
ooohhh okay so I think this is maybe a full moon kinda situation? Remus hasn't told the others about being a werewolf yet but Sirius is getting close to figuring it out on his own, bc he loves Moony so he has realised there is a pattern to when he seems to always be getting ill once a month, and he's so pale and tired again but he just won't admit anything is wrong? Sirius is worried because he doesn't know what's wrong with Remus, and Remus just keeps saying he's fine, which is starting to annoy Sirius because he can clearly SEE that Remus isn't fine and he wishes he could help Remus but it's so FRUSTRATING THAT REMUS WILL NOT ACCEPT HIS HELP WHEN ALL HE WANTS TO DO IS LOVE HIM AND CARE FOR HIM FOREVER AND HOLD HIM BECAUSE HE'S REMUS HE DESERVES THE WORLD GOD WHY WON'T HE JUST LET SIRIUS LOVE HIM (accidentally said all of this out loud in front of Remus who would like 5-10 business days to recover from hearing all of this and have his wildest dreams come true but is about to turn into a werewolf in like less than 30 minutes and really should leave the dorm to go to the shrieking shack...)
fanfic trope mash-up ask game
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