#like an artstyle quest huh
jiiniix · 1 year
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sorry for not posting, here its a frye sketch
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arcadian-vampire · 2 years
Video Game Infodump... 3!! (Disgaea 4, Chapter One Pt. 1)
[LONG post, most of it under a 'readmore' link, RIP to y'all but it's real autism hours again]
There's this tactical rpg called Disgaea 4 that I've had my eye on for a while now, so when it ended up being 60% off on Steam for Black Friday, I snatched it up. Not five minutes into it I found that it 100% would've been worth the full price, I love it So Much. It's like,, Fire Emblem but silly
The protagonist is so, so beautifully stupid. He's a vampire, and he's introduced w a monologue abt drinking blood- or at least, that's what it seems like, until he reveals that his favorite thing in the world... is sardines.
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This man has four (4) traits: being pretty, gullible, sardine-obsessed, and so dead set on keeping promises that it's absolutely absurd.
Oh and he's the instructor for the prisoners of Hades, known as 'prinnies'. They're penguins that apparently are human souls who, to carry out punishment for the crimes they committed while they were alive, have been tucked into the world's saddest fursuits (blubbersuits?)
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Also, the voice acting in this?? Is SO fucking good. I'm usually not a huge fan of English dubs, but this one is fantastic. Valvatorez' VA's passion shines through in every line, and it really brings this character to life, it's so much fun to hear.
[The VA is Troy Baker, who is known for his work in anime and video games, including the second incarnation of Greed in FMA and Excalibur in Soul Eater!! I went to his wiki and there's a section on NFT drama though, sad clown honk]
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The story really kicks off when Val's beloved class of prinnies are 'kidnapped' before he can fulfill his promise of one (1) sardine, and he ends up rebelling against authority just to get those penguins their fish. They're set to be exterminated to deal with overpopulation- a big huge Yikes- but he doesn't care about that. The prinnies can be killed AFTER he gives them each a sardine. They can't die before he's followed through on his word!
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To go with goofy characters, there are goofy items: for healing, I've got a fuckton of sardines, the beginner armor is a garbage bag, and every item description is rather silly (pot lid shield that simply says 'it can protect your body but not your pride' my beloved)
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There are also goofy names. I totally forgot to take screenshots, but my fighter's name is 'National Holiday', and at one point I fought a prinny named 'Contact Lenses'
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Back to discussing the story bc I'm obsessed with it, the first antagonist, kidnapper of the prinnies, is the warden of Hades. He's sort of opposite of Val, and I don't think I'm ever going to get over his design- no shirt, the silliest coat ever, and his EYEBROWS... reminds me a little of Ralphie (ask me abt Ralphie ask me ask me I dare you)
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Even after we kick his ass, he refuses to let Val feed the prinnies, boooo
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The government of the Netherworld is called the 'corrupternment', which is. yeah.
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And Val's loyal servant also does not wear a shirt. Low-rise jeans that expose a man's hip bones are The Trend in the Netherworld, I guess.
This artstyle makes it look like all these guys got grabbed by some giant hand and were squashed around the middle... it's so funky
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The quest for the prinnies continues, with Fenrich pulling some political bullshit, but I am. nearly at the image limit and it probably isn't reasonable to just post most of the entire first chapter of this game, huh.
Anyway TLDR; this is my favorite game now, and I adore Val so so much, he's Pathetic <3
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eaterofpi · 1 year
Nintendo Direct 6-21-23 LIVE Reaction Post!!
I'm just going to put all my reactions here in this one post!! It's better then watching me live, cause I would just be like; "Pikmin 4 🙏" and make no audio responses to anything else!!
It's starting!!
Pokemon stuff?? Unexpected! Are they covering the DLC here instead of in their own thing? More details on the DLC is real.. Actual footage too!! The Teal Mask.. Lots of returning beasts... Carmine?? Poochy... Normal Wooper? Festival!! Evil Ogre... THE DOGE POKEMON... The Masked Pokemon... Blueberry Academy.. Lacey??? Minecraft Biome Dome.. Lots more returning Pokes.. What are some of these designs?? The thing.. It is nice to see footage of it at least..
Two people directing?? More details later.. Special event too.. I'm probably not getting that DLC though..
Sonic Superstars, I heard about it earlier during some other thing, it looks like they are making a goods Sonics game, after 5 billion years.. I'm still not getting it though.. too fast for my eyes..
Palia--- Free to play... Farming simulator.. FISHING!!! 🎣 I'm not going to get a free to play game, I already have enough of them..
Personas... Didn't this stuff get leaked or something? I'm not really good at any tactics games.. No way Byakko! The models seem nice
Mythforce- First Person Rougelike?? Seems interestings!! The cartoon astehetics is good! I kinda want to see more
Splatfest- I don't actually have Splatoon 3, mostly because I'm really bad at Splatoon, a bit too fast for me.. Strawberry or Mint Chip... Difficult choice.. I'm too indecisive!!
Detective Pikachu 2?? They finally made it?? Pokemon Sleep and Detective Pikachu 2 are finally released after many years... Pikachu with coffee looks funny. why is mewtwo there I guess that's the mystery they are trying to solve
Super Marios RPG!! I never played this one!! OH IT IS BEING REMADE?? THE NEW ARTSTYLE LOOKS SO DEFAULT MARIO, no way mallow, isn't the mallow plush like, super rare.. anyways, nice to see that the game is being remade.. This means so many official models too.. Although I wonder what they might change... No subtitle?
PEACH RPG?? I wasn't expecting her to get one.. I kinda hope that Daisy appears.. Who is her compainion?
huh what on earth is happening?
LUIGI'S MANSION 2 DARK MOON SWITCH? So many remakes!! Next year!! Quite a year to look forward to!
Batsman- I kinda don't really-- Joker from the memes?? I hopes the "Ridders" isn't here!! Buff Joker.. What a odd design.. (Dork Knight) Oh, a trilogy
Gloomhaven- A Card and Tactical game? I really can't play it then, I'm bad with both!! I also kinda don't like this art style... so gloomy..
Just Dance- How many of these are they going to make!! I'm glad I wasn't streaming this, otherwise, I would get DMCA'd.. Streamers have to live in fear... How do these games even work? Live Service Just Dance??
Silent Hope - Finally.. an RPG without reading.. Why are they still making like, scream sounds... This sounds (Harvest Moon Cow?) there's dialouge 🤯
Fae Farm - Magical Rune Factory? Animal Crossings? Friends? Preorder Bonuses...
HOT WHEELS - The shift in voice tone!! Building your own tracks? Reminds me of Re-Volt... I miss that game
Manic Mechanics - Is this one of those Overcooked styled games? I don't have local players..
Rabbids Sparks of Hope - The Rabbids's designs are getting so out there.. KING BOMB OMB!! bunny bomb :)
Is this that Dragon Quest stuff? A Remake? Monster Wrangler? Kinda reminds me of that one.. CD game, where you like.. put in CDs and get Monsters.. seth or roth
Many announcements,, so fast.. I'm a slow typer..
BAD ENDING??? DANDORI?? Dandraff?? BAD ENDING IS CANON???? Olimar has become corrupted.. 30 days..
I will need to get this..
HD PIMIN?????? PIKMIN 2???? >!!>!??!?!?!?!>L<#@JKNJESKNJF
--- okay back to normal
metals gears
how am I supposed to be normal after "hey Pikmin2 HD download today"
The entire Pikmin game series (except Hey!) is on Switch..
I'm sorry Pikmin².. You could've never expected that...
Vampire Survivors...
bird musics (battles royale
I have no music skills
I can't focus anymore..
How am I supposed to survived knowing that there's an HD remake of both original Pikmin games?
That's just like.. You can buy my favorites now
Marios carts!! Pikmin course... The bathsroom
Petey!! Double Dash!! Wiggler!! Kamek finally in Mario Karts.. it has been so long.. This summers.. I never actually bought it, I just play the tracks online..
More remakes.. There's a lot of this HD 2D stuff nowadays (I only see it in Nintendo Directs)
Now I can tell everyone to buy Pikmin 2... I can do a playthrough right before Pikmmin2..
NEW WARIO?? SMOOTH MOVES 2?? This is something I really want, Ialthough.. MARIO 64 DS?? I need to have more space.. PIKMIN!!!! Why do Wario games always use Pikmin 2 (swag) 😳
Warioware is awesome... A few more things?
Seattle? I don't think I can go there right now!!
Wait.. I wonder.. Pikmin might get more phyiscal copies..
Tears of the Kingdom.. I didn't end up buying it.. New Amiibo!!
The Finale..
New Style!! I really wish I could enjoy it, but my eyes stunk!!
Voice acting is scary!! New Flower...Woah.. Chaos....
That's somewhat soon!!
elephant marios
seriously mario why would you do that
That was a VERY good Direct!!
The end
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I played kingdom hearts union x early in its release days like 2016 and i tried really hard to stay up with it but im just not built for the mobile gaming meta which is geared for daily/weekly engagement over the course of years. i've had this problem with every mobile game i've ever tried to get into, i've tried like 10+ and genuinely wanted to get into these games but i just can't. Anyways eventually I couldn't keep up with ux's powercreep and pay to win gacha, and more importantly its rate of story development. UX is like 98% filler content 2% series breaking story revelations and that actual story only dropped like once a year so I'd play for a year to keep my medals semi competitive because story is also gated behind medal strength all to get a 10 second cut-scene that left 50 million questions and eventually i just could justifying playing ux as being worth it. so i quit a few years later and havent touched the game since and now im rewatching the cutscenes and yeah when ux is good its good and that good part is just inundated with filler. I'm rather fond of the artstyle its like little paper dolls and the devs manage to put so much emotion and nuance with those simple animations its one of the several impressive parts of ux.
a list of revelations. the disney worlds the player visits are fictional, projections made from the book of prophecy to collect lux. each union member has a chirithy, chirithys are dreameaters and thus daybreak town is in the realm of slumber, chirithys are tied to their union member. one fades away when their union member is lost to darkness, i assume ephemer's turns a darker shade of gray. quests 362-275 the plot really begins.
quest 401 the first dandelion metaphor. in a fashback to the day the player meets ephemer, ava compares ephemer and other union members to dandelions, wishing to entrust the future to them somewhere far far away. oh this is the beginning of unchained x. wait this is showing an alternate timeline in which ephemer didn't go missing. ah that was a dream
wait. you're telling me the japan exclusive kingdom hearts x doesn't have the same plot as ux. ux isn't a remake of x its a sequel and we're in a timeloop or memory or datascape or something??????? NOMURA! NO! Bad game dev! Bad! STOP PUTTING CRITICAL PLOT INFORMATION IN JAPAN EXCLUSIVE MOBILE GAMES THIS IS LIKE THE 4TH TIME!!!!! uuuuuuuuuuuuuu time to figure out what khx was about.
uuuuuggaisdadf;o;jkal/k so it so yeah ux reuses x content under the premises that player character is reliving their memories but then continues the story. it seems like i played through most if not all of the x content. i got pretty far huh like through the 700s quests. I wonder why they changed the gacha from cards to medals? cards feels more appropriate since its already a recurring motif for kh like chain or memories or luxord.
quest 425: the ava battle. i remember being stuck here for like a month because my medals were too weak and so i had to grind and gacha until they were strong enough bleh. ephemer sent the dream of exploring the tower with the player. ephemer is in a unchained state in another realm. dont know what that means. and if he can send dreams ava says he's close to "that realm". huh
quest 525. got stuck on this one too.
quest 540: i vaguely remember the enemies here were green. i do appreciate how khux is the story of things going from ok to bad to worse. the enemies here look like heartless but they can talk and are seeking lux. also second time player character talks. purple chirithy! i remember you. is the implication here that purple chirithy used to be the dark gray chirithy we saw earlier? ah so those heartless were former union members filled with darkness. i vaguely remember this and that dark chirithy is a nightmare. purple/dark chirity's wielder is close wonder what that means.
quest 555: they speak again! confirming that ephemer is their friend. the player character petting chirithy was a nice touch. union leader implies they killed ephemer eventhough earlier ava said ephemer was in another realm. i joined unicornis btw.
The Player: "And then I met Ephemer. We didn't know each other for very long, but he left a lasting impression. Not all of our memories are good ones; in fact, he even broke one of our promises. No matter what happened, I knew we were still friends. But you took him away from me."
The Player: "I feel sad, I feel angry, I feel hurt. Maybe that means I have darkness in my heart; I don't care."
The Player: "But I can't let you get away with what you did to my friend. Even if I have to fight you, even if I don't stand a chance, even if I may disappear... I will because I know in my heart that Ephemer would do the same if he were here."
The Player: "Master Ira, I mean no disrespect, but this is something I must do."
Ava's dandelions, a hope for the future cast to the wind. seeds to begin anew. yeah this part where the player character chooses to stay stuck out to me when I was playing. first, quest 555 is where the player characters shows real independence and agency from the player, they have their own thoughts and feelings about ephemer and the end of the world. second, that their greatest concern was not with the destruction of the world, the war, or the legacy of keyblade wielder but of the unchosen left to fight and die, and that the player character chooses not to be one of the special.
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the recent kh games have really gone far with the fictionality of the narrative. very post modern meta texual like sora "dying"? and existing the fictional world for the non fictional one. "world outside" here is again vague. if daybreak down is indeed a dream realm then why would ava specify that the dandelions are going to train in worlds made of dreams. but if this is a dream then the dandelions are going to the universe of the main series? i mean thats where luxu/braig ended up with the box. i definitely need to read a plot summary when all this is over.
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llithiumstars · 5 years
its time for a nintendo direct liveblog
- Mario Maker 2? Okay. Not expected, but that looks fun! Interesting choice to start with. Music slaps - Nintendo gettin that Marvel money  - Boxboy looks,, adorable. I see his lil hat - Smash update of course. Owo that mystery (steve for smash) - [TOAD NOISES] - Bloodstained looks,,, okay? Not my style of game but the artstyle is cute - Im sorry thats fuckgin GOKU cant believe dragon quest is minecraft now - Where’s animal crossing bitch - More dragon quest I guess. again loving this dragon ball artstyle?  - Games really trying to be botw huh - OKAY fair play having an old school version. - Tsum Tsum game.... I mean, okay?  - Cute anime boys - Ripe for the playing - Oninaki looks like a funky idea  - Yoshi! Oh my! Looks very Littlebigplanet - pls give me box yoshi fanart - Everyone called the Fire Emblem ksjadhakldj - The narrator sounds so fucking disinterested knngd - YOUR FATHER: GERALT - Claude is cute - Nintendo pushing back releases is so good i’d rather they take longer!! It’s a fabulous example - TETRIS EXTREME - 98 PLAYERS?>???? - Oh shit Dead by Daylight on switch! - Deltarune on switch!! Hell yeah! You go Tobes THE TRAILER ASJDH - off topic during mech trailer - I’d love subnautica on switch, that’d be dope - yay race game - Cries at unraveled love those fuckging YARNS - Oh shit Props for Liberation being released alongside - FF7 fans revive your boners - WHERES ANIMAL CROSSING - [urbosa snaps] - oh shit is that robocop - GOOD METAL DOG - I hear lust’s VA? I think. - I’ll admit, Astral Chain looks like it’s gonna be incredible.. Those producers all together, it’s gonna be amazing. - Take your time Bayonetta staff! - LINKS AWAKENING BABEY - OH MY GOD - BABEY BOY - AAAAAA - I’m okay with no animal crossing bc holy shit what a BABY
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moravectransfer · 7 years
Wakfu episode 4 reaction
Wakfu Episode 4: -I'm not entirely sure but I may have picked up hints that this episode is bad on the grapevine. -I can't say my first impression is great. 'Miss Ugly' -Wait. Wait. Wait. Hold on a second. I see a fucking nuclear symbol on that sign. Is this an anacronism? Is this setting post-apocalyptic (I mean from like our world)? Is there some kind of WOW Gnome equivilent society with advanced tech including nuclear power hidden away somewhere -Abandon all hope ye who enter here? Flee this horrid, **lethal chamber**. If I didn't know better I'd be hoping this episode would be about one of those proposals for super-long term storage of nuclear waste. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long-time_nuclear_waste_warning_messages Too bad, that would have been *interesting* -Frogs? Princes that got turned into toads for not loving the ugly princess(es) or something? -Maybe it's a limitation of the artstyle but so far the princesses are not as ugly as I imagined when saw the title. -Like this latest princess looks perfectly nice but with a skin disease. You could probably net yourself a nice princess if you swore to go on a quest to find a cure Percy. -And this latest princess is just a burn victim what the hell -Huh, so the youngest is 16 and a half. I would have guestimated the Bearded Princess as being younger than her. -Princess Lela is the closest to what I imagined. (Still, poor girl) -Fucking hell interventionalist dick gods. I hate those in settings. -Is there a way to kill gods in this setting? There better be. -If you're smart Percy here's where you offer to go on a quest to free them from their curse. I mean if nothing else that might get you out of the tower but if you succeed you might have a choice of 4 beautiful princesses. -What am I expecting. Not being smart is like 50% of Percy's characterization so far. I tend not to like characters like that. -This episode better not end with the heroes just brushing these 4 off. Like at least keep in mind to search for a cure for the 4 poor girls who were horribly mutilated by the dick god. -I hate this 'Osamodas' far more than Nox. Can the rest of the plot be about just killing this acid thrower? -With Nox just doing cool stuff on the side of course since his character design and tech is cool. -Goddammit fairy tale rules, I hate those in settings. Can't you get some kind of curse breaking magic? Appeal to one of the less dickish gods for help? -Ah shit if it's not a sincere kiss the prince turns into a frog don't they. Fuck you dick god. -Umm. Eva doesn't seem to concerned that creature just, um... -Man being an acid thrower dick wasn't enough for you, you fuck. -So the god magic can't be decursed by the best mages on the planet but can be confused with some costumes? -Meh, I think Eva looks better in her ranger clothes. -High heels are terrible. -Not so easy being a princess? Girl you don't even wear shoes. So this particular aspect doesn't really apply -Take the heels off Eva. They don't suit you and no one else is wearing them. -Poor eva -Given that she's a bearded princess having hairy legs is less of reveal than you'e exclamation of being toast -Er, were you doing this before you got cursed? Is the curse forcing you to do this? Why are you doing this? -Am am very uncomfortable they show this. And very uncomfortable by the character's lack of response. This is hardcore fetish porn stuff. -Take your shit covered hat off dude. -The episode is really looking like the girls won't be cured at the end and so dick god will get away with everything. I don't like this. I really don't like this. -Eva. Eva, listen to me. *TAKE THE HEELS OFF BEFORE YOU TRY TO CROSS THE LITERAL LAVA MOAT* -Also the heat from just being that close to lava would set you on fire. -Erg, I really just want to fast forward and get this episode over with. -Good eva -Ruel seems into that. Is that going to be the source of the sincere kiss? I hope so. -Well I'm happy they at least didn't leave the poor girls mutilated but what a disappoint episode. -I really hate it when settings just have gods pulling shit like this without the gods themselves becoming major antagonists - forces to take down
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