#like aughh psychic damage
kirakirabug · 5 months
Currently airing anime I've started watching and some small thoughts. Because I thought it'd be fun to do, under the read more yayy :3
Astro Note: I've only watched one episode so far but I really like it. The art style is very unique and it has a fun premise with fun characters. I love a good alien girl too. The romance is cute too despite only being teased at the moment, and Terurun is probs my fave character thus far.
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Blue Archive the Animation: I've only watched the first episode. I've never played the game but someone I follow on twitter posts about the villains a lot and I think they're fine ASF so I'm just watching to see them. Uhhh but the characters are cute so far, though it's not really the kind of show I watch. I like the pink haired girl, who's surprised???
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Girls Band Cry: I mainly started watching because I saw it popping off on twitter and, I want to watch more 3D anime. So far, it's good! The characters are interesting and I do enjoy the CGI animation a lot. I don't have anything else to add but maybe I'll like it more as I watch more episodes.
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A Salad Bowl of Eccentrics: Probably my personal favourite so far! Not only is the opening a banger, in fact probably the best one so far but the characters are already so fun and enjoyable. I like the humour and Sara is an absolute cutie pie, I also do enjoy an opposite isekai plot. A.K.A a fantasy character coming to the normal human world and learning to adapt. I can't wait to see where this series goes, I'll definitely be keeping up with it.
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Himitsu no AiPri: My first Pretty Series season. Well, I did start watching Kiratto Prichan a long while ago but didn't get very far. From what I can see, having knowledge of the previous seasons would probably be beneficial to the watching but ermmm, whatever. It's cute so far! And it definitely reminds me of Precure, since it's trying to compete with it. I love the character designs and the premise seems interesting, though I don't entirely understand it yet. I might try and start watching the first season in-between as well and work my way up but, no promises!
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Grandpa and Grandma Turn Young Again: I've only watched the first episode, it's a cute little episodic series so far! I don't really have much to add but the Grandma is very cute. And the art style is cute too, but I'll have to watch the second episode to gauge more of an interest. I definitely think it has a great premise though.
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Mysterious Disappearances: I'll be honest I completely forgot I downloaded the first episode at all so, I don't really know if I'll continue with this series. The first episode wasn't bad though, it's just not really my series. But, I might as well keep watching it since I've started, maybe I'll come to like it more as I watch it. I think the art style is fun at least! Unlike the others this screencap is not mine because I only screenshot the cat that showed up (it's my mission to screenshot every kitty I see now).
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Studio Apartment, Good Lighting, Angel Included: First of all, what a series name. Second of all, I fucking hate Shintaro with every one of my being. Oh, his name is similar to Rentarou now I want him to die even more. Okay, I hate his ass he's one of those boring ass MC's that's really stupid and dense and I can't stand him. So why am I watching this series? Don't be ridiculous, the cute girls of course. I didn't think I'd continue this show but I really like the girls so far, Towa is soooo silly and an idiot I can't help but love her. Noel is also adorable and I didn't see the reveal of who she really was coming. And, I love the design of the purple chunibyou girl so I'm mainly watching to see her debut LOL. The show would be 10 times better without Shintaro, like get rid of him and this show would be way more enjoyable. It's always the ugly ass boring ass men getting in the way. The ending really adds to that point like I would kill for a slice of life with these unusual and mostly nonhuman girls, please.
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Whisper Me a Love Song: It's not really my thing, so I don't know if I'll continue it, but it's cute so far. I like the art style and I especially like the side character Kaori, if she shows up more I might continue watching just for her. That's really all I have to say since I've only seen one episode so far.
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The Many Sides of Voice Actor Radio: Watched the first episode like today and I'll just say it now. If a series has a gyaru I'm gonna watch it, that's the main reason I picked this show up. But, I do think it's pretty good so far! I do enjoy a duo who don't like each other at all and I like that Yasumi is the one annoying Yuuhi. I'm mixed on Yuuhi as a character but, so far I think she's fine, her design reminds me of Uto from 100kano hehe. I'll definitely continue if only to take cute screenshots of Yasumi.
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Train to the End of the World: Cute girls alongside a gyaru? Of course I was gonna pick this series up, so far it's pretty good. I'm not one on SciFi mysteries so I'm not entirely in love with it yet, but it seems like an exciting show. The opening song is nice! I think I'll have to watch more to really put my thoughts down, though I'm also just watching a lot of series so brain not work. I can't add anymore images sawry
Jellyfish Can't Swim in the Night: BANGERRRR BANGER OHHH SO GOOD SO GOOOOOOD. A Salad Bowl of Eccentrics appeals to me most because of my personal taste but objectively I think this is the best show. Watching the first episode of this anime gave me the same feeling as when I watched WEP for the first time. And that feeling is phenomenal, I feel so strongly towards this series already and it's only been 2 episodes, I'm really excited to see where the plot goes and how these girls succeed or fail. The animation and direction is just so AUGHAHBEJSNENNSNE I'm running around on all fours you NEED to watch this show you need to watch it NOW!
I'm also of course, still keeping up with Wonderful Precure! Sorry most of these are vague and not good because uhhh too many series is a lot for me I don't know why I'm doing this. For honour and to get up that anime count, I don't know if I'll keep up at this pace. Though I at least know that if I can't keep up with all of them I have a few that I will definitely keep watching regardless. This season is gonna be pretty good I feel.
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moving-to-dreamwinged · 9 months
making a playlist . I feel sick and diseased
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frecht · 7 months
forgot how hard this stupid fishman article is
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leolaroot · 2 years
what if I blocked everypony who goes into the notes of my posts to go AUGHHHGB PSYCHIC DAMAGE AUGHHH WHY IS THERE BRONIES IN 2022 AUGHH WHY DID OP SAY SOMEPONY!!!!! like what if I blocked them on sight. or killed them with a big gun
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firebuug · 3 years
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