#like bro. i am right here. granted you have no idea that i am non-binary but. i am RIGHT HERE
funky-lil-ghost · 2 years
wHY must transphobia exist. im going to explode
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weird asks that say a lot
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans? coffee mugs! it gives me a weird satisfaction
2. chocolate bars or lollipops? chocolate bars!!
3. bubblegum or cotton candy? not a big fan of either :/
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you? well i’m homeschooled so that’d be my mother the gist of it was that i don’t focus well and get distracted easily
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups? oh bottles for sure cannot tell you why but the old fashioned glass bottles of like pepsi or something? Love Those
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear? grunge i love it has the ‘i don’t care’ attitude basically just oversized stuff and a whole bunch of flannels
7. earbuds or headphones? headphones obviously, i’m a gamer what did you think i was gonna say
8. movies or tv shows? i tend to like movies better, but i do love myself a good tv show i think the pinnacle of tv shows done right is person of interest five seasons, i never got bored, it didn’t drag on, and it was always a good watch with good character chemistry
9. favorite smell in the summer? hmm either chlorine or beach smell because both mean i’m in the water And Ya Boi Is A Water Bitch
10. game you were best at in p.e.? i’ve never had p.e. and i think that’s my favorite thing about homeschooling
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day? i normally don’t, because i wake up 11:30-noon because i was up at 3am and i need my eight hours of sleep
12. name of your favorite playlist? some fucken bOPS
13. lanyard or keyring? i’d think key ring
14. favorite non-chocolate candy? uhhhhh literally all my favorite sweets are chocolate fuck probably cow tails
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment? they all sucked and i rarely read any of them so
16. most comfortable position to sit in? either sitting on my ankle or having both legs hanging over the edge
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes? do flip flops count?
18. ideal weather? like, 75-80 degrees with a cool breeze or alternatively 5-10 degrees with Piles Of Snow Everywhere
19. sleeping position? usually on my left side, or my stomach
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a notebook, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)? i love writing on anything i can get my hands on, most times it’s a notebook i tend to always carry pen and paper with me because i Will Not Remember Anything
21. obsession from childhood? you know how people have like, a timeline in their head of their entire life? i did this when i was this age, etc.? yeah i don’t have that my memories are in a big pile in my head and i have to use like things around me to find out a general age it’s wild so i have no idea coloring? minecraft?
22. role model? any kind person ever
23. strange habits? i only shower at night, and once i get in my room and change into my pajamas i have No intention of leaving so i just brush my teeth in the shower
24. favorite crystal? amethyst? quartz? garnet? idk onlytherealonesknow
25. first song you remember hearing? it was a song that my mother used to sing to my brother and i at night when we were in bed, did you ever talk to God i’ve never been able to find it anywhere, but i love it and it has the Best Vibes attached to it
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather? S w i m
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather? cuddle obviously
28. five songs to describe you? uhh dear younger me- mercyme (Christian) the cult of Dionysus- the Orion experience lucky stars- Lucy Spraggan escapism- steven universe? maybe? sunkissed- Khai dreams???? bro i got no idea
29. best way to bond with you? over shared experiences, or a shared love of something just best way to bond? by relating
30. places that you find sacred? not sure old buildings, sites of historical importance, places marred by tragedy
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names? oh boy here we go my tightest pants, obviously, my heels, and my slutty shirt or my comfy clothes i can kick ass in anything
32. top five favorite vines? i am the sand guardian, guardian of the sand. Posiden quivers before him! fuck off!! *BAM* this is why mom doesn’t fUCKING love you!!! please let this be a normal field trip. with Miss Frizzle?? un-fucking-likely Jeremy eat a snickers. why? you’re not you when you’re hungry. it’s gonna take more than that for my fatass meanwhile, in 1957. your honor, permission to treat the witness as hostile. permission granted. i’m gonna shoot you in the face. that’ll ruin my day
33. most used phrase in your phone? i have no phone but i do say valid a lot because All You Fuckers Are Valid
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head? michigan plumminggggg, we’ll exceed your expectaaationsssss
35. average time you fall asleep? three am
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing?
37. suitcase or duffel bag? backpack
38. lemonade or tea? lemonade
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie? cake
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school? idk the cat pissed on my brother’s papers once
41. last person you texted? moje rojenia
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets? Hoodie Pouch
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket? hoodie, obviously
44. favorite scent for soap? Manly Smell
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero? mmmmmm sci-fi
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in? long sleeve tee, plaid pajama pants
47. favorite type of cheese? Mozzarella
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be? pineapple i’ll eat you out ;)
49. what saying or quote do you live by? if someone makes you happy make them happier
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have? my mother made the weirdest fucking sound once, and i couldn’t breathe and fell off the chair
51. current stresses? school, driver’s training, some other stuff
52. favorite font? Kristen ITC
53. what is the current state of your hands?  ????? clean?? i have a ring on my right middle finger, some scars on both hands, my nails are short
54. what did you learn from your first job?  haven’t had a job yet
55. favorite fairy tale?  any of the old Grimm’s fairy tales  they terrified me when i was young, but then i got a taste for the disturbed and gore so they became perfect for me 
56. favorite tradition?  my family doesn’t really have any traditions
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome?  gaining confidence to not be a complete pushover, quitting self-harm, realizing my first relationship wasn’t my fault
58. four talents you’re proud of having? i don’t  have four talents  i can color really well? i can copy drawings if i look at them long enough
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?  Fuck
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be? something along the lines of kabaneri of the iron fortress or my hero academia
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?  give me something to keep and hold onto forever. let go
62. seven characters you relate to?  uggggggggh bro my personality changes every hour i don’t know  Sam, from supernatural  uh, Klaus? from the originals  ....  yeah that’s all i got
63. five songs that would play in your club?  dangerous- left boy  adderall- Max Frost  sweet tooth- Scott Helman  binary mind- ra ra riot  while i’m alive- STRFKR
64. favorite website from your childhood?  club penguin and jumpstart
65. any permanent scars?  tons
66. favorite flower(s)?  coral dahlias and bellflowers
67. good luck charms?  nope!
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?  quinoa, mustard, and root beer
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned?  without saliva your stomach would digest itself
70. left or right-handed?  right
71. least favorite pattern? whatever the fuck this one is
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 72. worst subject?  math
73. favorite weird flavor combo?  ranch and any kind of roast
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?  probably like a 7
75. when did you lose your first tooth?  neither i nor my mother remember
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)? Mashed Potatoes Always
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill?  strawberries!! they’re yummy and have beautiful flowers
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store? both are gross no thank you
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo?  well since i don’t have my license yet, i’d have to say my license
80. earth tones or jewel tones?  earth tones
81. fireflies or lightning bugs? they’re  literally the same thing  are you asking which one i say? if so, lightning bugs
82. pc or console?  both! i prefer pc but a lot of my favorite games are on console and i don’t have a gaming computer
83. writing or drawing?  i’m better at writing, but i love both!
84. podcasts or talk radio?  not a huge fan of either
84. barbie or polly pocket?  i never had or liked either
85. fairy tales or mythology?  faerie* tales and mythology
86. cookies or cupcakes?  cookies!!!
87. your greatest fear?  being abandoned ig
88. your greatest wish?  to live an apple pie life i suppose  my partners and i living in a house we love, in a town we love, with all of our fur babies
89. who would you put before everyone else?  the young if i was in a room full of people, relatives, friends, elders, i would always save the youngest
90. luckiest mistake?  posting my diary on ao3 XD  i met my darling Leo through it
91. boxes or bags?  f....for???   bags are easier to carry, but boxes are just Nice ..... see this is why i think i’m a cat
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights?  i love sunlight and fairy lights
93. nicknames?  Q  that’s that’s basically it
94. favorite season?  fall
95. favorite app on your phone?  duolingo or pixel.y 3D
96. desktop background? school computer:
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97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized? just my mother’s
98. favorite historical era?  anything Ancient  greek, egyptian, incan, aztec, that kinda stuff
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salfur · 5 years
So, I accidentally wrote an essay last night while writing down my thoughts on the Homestuck Epilogue and I thought I’d share it with all of you. Let me state on record that I am not trying to start or fuel any discourse, I just wanted to share my thoughts and, I guess, theories. Be warned that this does discuss some spoilers in the epilogue, though I try not to go too in depth if I can avoid it. So, if you’re interested, click the link below and if not, then ignore.
To start, I am going to say that I didn't hate the epilogue. Sure, it was hard to read and at times I thought the writing was a bit too thick, but in the end I thought it wasn't as bad as I've seen people making it out to be. In a way, I get what Hussie is trying to do, that being showing the two extremes in both the fandom and storytelling. As I'm sure we are all aware (at least those who have read the epilogue) Candy was a clusterfuck of shipping and fan service while Meat was full of dark themes (not to say candy wasn't without it's own darkness) and was tough to get through for both us, the readers, and the characters themselves. I'm also sure that most of us are aware that the epilogue is non-canon and that, ultimately, nothing that happens in it really matters.
I have heard, or rather read, a lot of posts talking about how the writing was completely ooc and to some extent I am inclined to agree. However, I think it is important to remember that there was a canonical 7 year gap that we, as readers, were unable to experience. There was very little that Hussie gave us that allowed us to know for sure whether everything in the epilogue was truly ooc. Because, and let's be real here, a lot can and likely has happened in 7 years and we were unable to know any of it. So how can it be ooc if we don't even really know the characters anymore? Can we truly say that the characters we grew to love and care for would be the same 7 years later? Honestly, I don't believe we can.
This, of course, isn't even taking into account the whole "Ultimate Self" thing that's been happening to all the god tiers for who knows how long now. I don't know if I really understand what the Ultimate Self is, but it seems like it's the result of being merged with all other versions of themselves. Obviously, some of the characters have taken it much better than others and there are even some who don't appear to be experiencing the process yet at all. Though I'm sure that, to some extent, all the god tiers have felt or experienced it in some shape during their time on Earth C.
I mention the Ultimate Self, because I believe that it is important in explaining why it seems as if nearly all the characters were ooc. It's because they are. But they also aren't, because they are slowly becoming every version of themselves. Even when Dirk embraced it, he wasn't done changing into his Ultimate Self. I believe this is most evident in Meat when Roxy reveals to us that both Calliope and them are non-binary. Dirk responds in surprise, but ultimately supports them. 
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He even apologizes and corrects himself when he accidentally misgenders Calliope.
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However, later on, when dead Calliope is taking control of the narrative, Dirk changes and becomes disrespectful towards Roxy's identity. 
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It becomes clear that Dirk's views changed and he seemingly no longer supports Roxy's identity. But the question then is why? What caused this change in heart? There was seemingly nothing in the narrative that showed us that he had any reason to change his views and yet he did. The only conclusion I could come to was because of the whole Ultimate Self thing. Dirk is slowly merging with all his other selves, and I'm sure that we all know that many of Dirk's splinters (or other versions) have been known to become quite manipulative and even abusive. Hell, there was even a version of him that was homophobic (that being Dave's Bro). So it's not out of the question that there have been other versions that were discriminatory towards other genders or identities.
Rose was right to be worried about losing herself if she gave into the Ultimate Self, because that is exactly what we have witnessed with Dirk. However, what we saw with Dirk isn't going to be the same with everyone. I'm quite confident that the reason why he's been unable to differentiate himself and his other versions is because he's a Prince of Heart. He already has a connection to his other versions, but by allowing himself to become his Ultimate Self, he had begun the journey of completely losing himself. As we see him now he is now no longer just one version of himself, but many other versions in one. I don't doubt that Dirk had good intentions initially and believed that if he allowed the process to happen that he would become a better person, but unbeknownst to him that wasn't what happened. In allowing himself to become his Ultimate Self he unknowingly allowed himself to become the thing he most feared he'd become. Dirk became a manipulator, a puppet master.
So why does this happen to Dirk but not Dave, who we see in Candy become is Ultimate Self. Perhaps it is because Dirk has not fully transitioned yet, or maybe it’s because he’s a Prince of Heart. Ultimately, we don’t know the answer to this. At least, not yet. Remember earlier when I mentioned that nothing really matters in the epilogue? Well, that isn’t exactly true. In the greater sense, it may be since the events that happen in both Candy and Meat aren’t the “true epilogue.” However, that isn’t to say that what happens within each don’t matter. We have witnessed how the two timelines actually cross each other, almost becoming one. The lines between the two stories are becoming blurred and I believe that it is leading towards a third choice.
Let’s go back to the beginning of the epilogue, shall we? When John was given a choice between Meat or Candy, those weren’t actually the only choices he had. In fact, he had up to at least five choice. As we’ve seen he could have gone for either Meat or Candy, but he also could have taken both, neither, or a completely other option. I mean, let’s not forget that Roxy, the Rogue of Void, was present and we all know how great she was at pulling pumpkins from the void. My theory is that Hussie has at least one more path to explore. The Pumpkin path. And, like Meat and Candy, Pumpkin will intertwine with the other stories and create a sort of resolution to all the loose ends that have been created. I doubt that Pumpkin would be a complete catchall fix-it for all their problems, but I do believe that if it happens it’ll fix a lot them.
Anyways, thanks for coming to my TED talk. I hope this essay sparked some of your own ideas or theories.
TLDR: I don’t think the epilogue was as bad as everyone has been making it out to be (granted it’s still pretty bad, both content and writing wise). My theory on why everyone seems so ooc (Dirk especially) is because of the whole “Ultimate Self” thing because all the god tiers have begun to merge with all their other selves. This process is making Dirk lose his own self in the process because he’s a Prince of Heart. The epilogues, as of now, are non-canon, but that’s only because we haven’t gotten to the third and final choice John could have made which would completely cross the two stories into one and also, hopefully, tie up all the loose ends that have been created.
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