#like cmon people they're divorced for a reason
autism-swagger · 1 year
Why are people saying that Tara and Chad are the best Scream couple since Gale and Dewey. That's a very bold claim. Also don't kill me for this but I'd argue that Gale and Dewey aren't all that great of a couple to begin with
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sothischickshe · 4 years
21 35 45 62 please! :D
Ah these are so good!!
21. Character(s) you wish we saw more?
Amber!!!!! We were robbed of her presence in s3.
35. Which relationship do you think has had the most solid development throughout the show?
Honestly, probably beth and rio's? I feel like it's had the most development and flux, plus we've literally seen its entire trajectory. And it's always compelling, if unfortunate to look at.
45. What do you want to see in season 4?
Oh so many things!
A full season
Beth and dean's divorce
Amber, lots of Amber
Rio and mick hanging out, chatting nonsense
Annie getting a girlfriend
Annie not being kicked in the gut a million times when she's already down
Beth and stan scenes
Beth and Ben scenes
The girls actually making SOME bank, it doesn't have to be loads, I'd just like it if the plot wasn't always one step forwards two steps back in this regard, and the reason they're stuck doing this is because they're in too deep rather than fuck they've lost all their money again (or spent it on a hitman)
Ruby and stan are happy
Beth dating/banging someone who isn't dean (ew) or rio. It doesn't have to be hockey dad cop or hot coach or rhea but those are all solid options
Beth and rio developing a weary begrudging almost friendship
Mick Ruby annie friendship
More Nancy and Annie stuff
More Ruby and Diane stuff
More beth and Judith stuff
any of the girls going 'say dyou think it's strange how Turner died around the same time rio popped back up hrrm?'
Turner's reappearance (men can't die, cmon)
More flashbacks of the girls
Boomer brutalised bloody (if men can't die at least give me some gore)
Beth and rio try to play pool
Assuredly more stuff, but this was just off the top
62. Do you think we will see more of Rio’s storyline? Will we get more Marcus? We will get to see more of the people he works with besides the girls? Do you think we will see more of Rhea?
I think we'll probably get a lil more of Rio's storyline as the show progresses, yes. I think that's just natural. I know it was a lil frustrating that it felt like there was a fair bit in the first few eps of the season and then not much, but I DO think that would have picked up in the last few eps of the season. That's kind of how the seasons normally play out?
Yea there'll probably be more Marcus, and again I think there might have been more towards the end of the season had it existed. Jane and marcus' friendship was fairly significant at the start of the season so maybe that would have swung back in? Plus surely this show is desperate to claw at any child actors it can get to actually appear, lol.
I mean we've seen a fair bit of a people he works with besides the girls this season? Idk if we'll see a huge amount about the rest of his operation, but maybe if it's plot relevant, like he's bringing Beth into more of it? That'd be cool!
I would LOVE to see more rhea and I'm really hopeful about that, it would be so cool!! If the show won't write me into it so I can yell at Beth and rio, the least they could give me is rhea doing it!!!
And... I guess this wasn't exactly the q but anyway... Would I like more rio screentime? Kinda, but tbh that's for manny, rather than me thinking the show particularly demands it.
I think if you're watching the show wanting it to be any of the following:
The rio show
A romance
A comedy
You're going to be disappointed! (I think I'm particularly guilty of the last one tbh)
What pisses me off is not the screen time, and it's not the lack of rio pov scenes (although I think one or two more could be helpful, or mick ones!), it's the feeling I get that rio (and this season, rhea) are chess pieces placed on the board to move the girls' actions somewhere. It's like... I can see the bones of the story, and I should NOT be able to. Instead of getting to thoroughly enjoy rhea as a character, I can see that her purpose was in large part to provide beth with a pregnancy out, and then she was gone!
I don't know that I particularly need to see more of what's going on with rio, I just want to feel like he's written in an internally consistent way/the writers have a firm idea of what's going on with him when he's not on screen (i feel like s2 was waaaaay egregious with this re rio, and maybe they addressed that better in s3?)
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