#like damn okay maybe thats where i gotta go for real 😭
wuntrum · 8 months
mentioned maybe switching to something in tech career-wise to my therapist and he told me someone he knows who got a certification in cyber security w/o any other schooling and 2 years later is now making 300k/year working from home. grits teeth
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So!! I'm going insane!! Basically I have this boyfriend, and oml I love him so MUUUCCHHHh. But it's and stop because this has me so dead.
We met thru mutual friends ON A SERVER IN DISCORD man frick it sounds so bad when it's said but wtv, I'm not one to date online. Like I did it 2 other times and one was when I was 12 and in the pandemic 😔 THATS NOT WHERE THE PROBLEM LIES. I love him regardless and we call frequently, play games a lot together and ofc we text ALL THE TIIME. THE PROBLEM IS I KEEP DREAMING OF HIIIMMM.
I went to bed this morning and had a dream that he and I were living together, like in my grandmas house (she's been saying that she wants to pass it down to me and my family) and we were just super touchy and lovey dovey with each other. The long intimate hugs where we swayed a little bit felt so real, TOO real. Now ofc my mind had to get a lil freaky near the end but even then it wasn't anything extreme, it was just omfg. The atmosphere was filled with love rather than lust, we held hands, cuddled, ate together.... Yall I just want him so bad, lord if you hear me bless me with a hug from this beautiful amazing flawless perfect sweetest funniest man, I CANT.
ITS SO BAD!!! I literally have his initial EVERYWHERE. My dresser drawer has his name, interests and favorite things on there 😖 I bought a thing of stickers for this single full metal alchemist sticker just so I could put it there, he's all I think about AND WHEN I PLAY SOMETHING WITH MY FRIENDS ALL I CAN THINK ABOUT IS IF HE WOULD WANT TO PLAY IT WITH ME ASWELL!!! Istg I have never been this like idk way with another person, I genuinely feel like I'm dying everyday because WHHHHYYYY IS THE LOML SO FAR AWAY FROM MEEEEEEE.
OKOO FR LEMME STOP BEFKRE I POP A BLOOD VESSEL or start writing notes abt him 🤭 I'm gonna eat play fortnite and SLEEP hopefully, if he doesn't text me soon 🙄 (he has school in a few hours and is currently sleeping, so it's likely that I won't be texted until 8 am, WHICH IDM.... I'll stay up if I HAVE to, OR I'll just sleep and set an alarm) (I fell asleep around 9 am tdy and missed his text after he was home cause I was sleeping, I woke up disappointed in myself)
Holy shit maybe I'm a lovergirl 😧 got me saying and admitting things I PROMISED ID NEVER DO!
Okay I gotta go before I flip out BYEEYE
THIS IS SOOOOO CUTE STOPPP ugh i need all of u to stop having love lives :///
ur literally just like making fanfic of him in ur own dreams i’m crurogngn
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wait wait hold oh Rodimus too i forgot him sorry 😭😭 hope you see this
I SEE THIS AND I AM EXCITED!!!! Time to push my unpopular-opinion-agenda on everyone who follows me!! This guy has been a LEECH on my brain lately, so I got lots to say and little sense to make!!
one aspect about them i love: Despite everything he's been through, despite Nyon, despite dying, despite the WAR.. He's gotta be the only one that's handling the end of the war well in face. You know? He's got that Optimus thing going on with the positivity. Even with the dying sarcasm and adhd and unemployed vibes, he's still got that going for him. It's admirable. He's absolutely depressed, pushes everyone away despite being ''friendly'' with everyone. He's got one single best friend and he still pushed Drift away. Now when I started MTMTE I was expecting a totally different character. There is not much interaction between him and the others, he's rarely around actually. But I'll be damned if he isn't the most positive one on the ship. And I just know that helps somehow. He keeps it lighthearted and bears that agonizing weight of trauma on his own. Sheesh..
one aspect i wish more people understood about them: Despite his lack of thinking before he acts or speaks, I do think he's pretty smart to a fault. He's masking. He's literally masking. Like.. he may not understand the consequences or effect of what he does, but he isn't.. blatantly cruel on purpose? Does that make sense? He's confident and knows himself, but he's... Yeah. OH ALSO: Just because he's got a speedster frame doesn't mean he's a damsel in distress. He can take care of himself. He's not a tiny frail thing.
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about this character: Here we go, my unpopular opinion: He's Asexual. 1000% Ace. That stuff just doesn't come naturally to him. He's not a prude, but he's not like.. actively seeking it out or jumping at the opportunity. He sees people eyeing him up and tells them where he got his paintjob, where he got his mods. He doesn't realize they're eyeing him up for other reasons. Don't tell him that either. He'll just get mad that people keep treating him like a meal rather than the leader he is. His frame is for being quick, fast, versatile. Flashy, yes, but he picked the colors to be SEEN, not drooled over. Yes, he seeks attention because he's never taken seriously, but he gets that by being loud, wild, irresponsible. Thats uh, thats it. There's no hidden meaning behind his actions or words. Maybe he's had a few flings in his past, or in current, but it ain't nearly as much as everyone assumes. Not even CLOSE. The real secret sex life of Rodimus Prime is that he's not focused on such a life.
one character i love seeing them interact with: Drift!! I love their friendship so much! It's so so soo great to see a close friendship in comics and shows. I have a best friend, an Amica, who I love and adore very much! So I see Rodimus and Drift and get excited! They're besties! They've had their ups and downs, but they're always there for each other!! When Rodimus told Magnus that he WANTED Drift's opinion? Love love loved that. That's his best fuckin FRIEND, Magnus! (Yes, he did do Drift HORRIBLY wrong on the Lost Light, I understand that and I'm very mad at him for it, but we all make shitty mistakes with friendships. This guy ain't had a friend in forever, he's self sabotaging constantly. Its no excuse but it doesn't mean he doesn't deserve a second chance at being a good friend.)
one character i wish they would interact with/interact with more: Okay very very odd, but Starscream. They'd both hate it, but I think they got quite a bit in common if you break them down to their basics and I think they'd have a lot to talk about. They both have this odd... not-so-friends but not-so-enemies with Megatron, (there's some trauma there that's shared with that as well). They both want to be taken seriously and be this leader but neither can really get there and even when they do get there, its taken from them very fast. I just want to see them talk. Just sit 'em down and fuckin crack them open like eggs for frying. If Starscream went Autobot, he'd be Rodimus and if Rodimus went Decepticon, he'd be Starscream. Does that make any sense? Its odd, I know.. BUT..
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have that involve them and one other character: I love the whole 'Ratchet and Rodimus have a Uncle-Nephew type relationship', and with Ratchet ending up with Drift in the end, I LOVE the idea of Rodimus being that tag-a-long that ends up somehow squeezing himself into hang outs with them. They're his friends! He loves them! He just wants to hang with them! All the time, yes, but he's just really enjoying how happy his bestie is, and enjoys being able to mess with Ratchet and get away with it to a degree. He's always in their habsuite eating their snacks. Drift doesn't yell at him for it but Ratchet does. Disclaimer!!! I don't ship them all together, I cherish the friendships.
I can talk forever about this onion. Roddy has so many layers and so much to his character and I am obsessed with diving into him. I have SO much to say and SO little cohesiveness to say it all!!
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