#like do i act with emotional honesty or not??? WHERE IS THE GUIDEBOOK??????
judeharoldvich · 1 month
friend(?): hey hey hey!!!! do you wanna do something together???
me: *dont want to seem too eager, that turns people off* sure.
*months pass*
me: hm we haven't talked in a while, maybe i should initiate something? but what if it's weird since we haven't hung out in ages? i'll just send a short message to break the ice.
friend(?): hey hey hey!!!!! do you wanna do something together???
me: *matching their energy* okay!!! sounds great when and where!!!
friend: lmao um. whenever is fine i guess
me: *wracking my brains to figure out what part of that i got wrong* haha yeah whenever is fine with me too
*after hanging out*
me: so do you wanna do something at another time?
them: mehh. im like really busy this year
me: okay no problem! i'll just text you periodically so we can continue a low-maintenance relationship in the meantime.
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katyatalks · 4 years
MP100 “Characters & Such Official Guidebook” - Interviews ENG Translation
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The Characters & Such Official Guidebook was released mid-April 2019 as a guide for all things related to MP100 season 1 & 2. The guidebook also includes interviews with the voice actors of the main five characters (Mob, Reigen, Dimple, Ritsu, Teru), followed by interviews with Director Tachikawa, Series Coordinator Seko, Character Designer Kameda & finally with ONE himself.
Contains a bunch of interesting trivia and conversations (eg. Tachikawa and Kameda looked at fan art before they began the anime, an alternative past for Reigen was once considered, plenty of references to S3 & broccoli arc.) This is a pretty long read, so please enjoy!
Original thread on Twitter here. TN = Translator’s Note "Bold denotes a direct quote of a question,” & “italics denotes a direct quote of an answer.” I’m a little bit inconsistent with where I decide to give full question and answers rather than summaries here...
On being asked how he approached voicing Mob during the audition, he says that he went for something flat as Mob doesn’t really inspire “main character” vibes in him.
He takes it as a compliment when he is told that he’s like Mob as a person.
Initially he didn’t think too much of himself in the role as Mob but after being told by co-stars just how well his voice and performance suit the character, he began to believe it too.
On being asked what’s so charming about Mob, Itou says his honesty, and that he doesn’t take a negative viewpoint. Brings up that when Mob is against a foe, rather than “are you my enemy?” he’ll ask “what are you doing here?”.
Itou’s favourite character is Teru, as he thinks the way Teru behaves with his powers originally is the most realistic in terms of standard human nature.
He says the same thing applies to Shou & Touichirou.
The fact that Mob is different is his strength; the fact that he doesn’t think of his powers as anything special. He gives credit to Reigen for Mob thinking this way about his powers.
“At first, Mob-kun suffered because of his powers. But then he meets shishou, who tells him that his powers are just one part of him - this is linked to why Mob-kun is so charming now.”
Mob considers “you shouldn’t use your powers against people” a given fact.
Itou originally found it difficult to know how far he should go adding emotion to Mob’s voice.
Since MP100 is the first show Itou has been a regular & leading part for, he wanted to be the first person in the recording booth for episode 1, and as a result ended up arriving 45 minutes early.
Asked about his favourite scenes from S1 & S2, he mentions the scene that’s stayed with him is when Mob first appears in S1E1.
Has a few scenes he mentions as favourites; he loves the whole Teru vs Mob fight, but especially when Teru is shouting while using his powers as he recalls the passion Matsuoka [Teru] had when recording it.
He mentions when Mob saves Ritsu in S1E8, also mentions that’s something they covered in the stage play, and that it makes him emotional thinking about it.
Says he loves the scene when Mob shouts “Shishou!” as Reigen is ‘killed’ by Sakurai in S1E11.
Mentions S2E1 as well. “Mob-kun doesn’t express his emotions much, but he does then. Showing his powers to another while crying. I remember being glad when I first read the script for episode 1 as it’s a scene I wanted to do. I think of it as the moment Mob-kun starts to change.”
When asked about the stage play, says he thinks the Mob he portrays in the stage play is slightly different to the one he portrays in the anime.
Asks the fans to please continue to watch over MP100 and Mob’s growth, and it would be good if we could all continue to support MP100 as much as we can, from a stage play angle as well.
Sakurai says if he were to have powers he’d probably use them to commit wrongdoings with.
Asked on his impressions of Reigen, says he sees Reigen as an “unbalanced person”, but thought he was mysterious in season 1.
Thought of Reigen as a fraud and not a good person in S1, but with S2 we see his uchizura (private, more ‘real’ self) and real emotions, so his feelings re: Reigen changed from S1 to S2. “It was hard to know who he was, back in season 1.”
“So you felt pretty strongly that he was simply a fraud?” Sakurai; “Well, he lies to people, but at the same time he does actually put some work in (laughs). Clients go home feeling refreshed, so he definitely gives a good massage.”
Calls Reigen eloquent, and that the things that he says are sound. Calls him a good speaker. Brings up his speech to the “claw guys” (likely referencing S1E12). “He can be irresponsible, but he’s got a mysterious intelligence.”
Says that from the middle to the end of S2 there would be as many as 20-30 people in the studio.
Asked about his favourite episodes S1+S2 inclusive, says S2E1 and that the transition from the end of S1 to S2 is smooth with it. “A really fantastic episode”, “you can also see signs of Mob’s growth.”
“On that note, when Reigen hears that Mob got a girlfriend...” Sakurai; “It’s a shock (laughs). His mind goes blank. ‘There’s no way Mob managed to get a girlfriend,’ is what’s running through his mind. He doesn’t celebrate it. Actually, it’s an upsetting thing for him - since Mob would be all over her, Reigen’s business would end up in trouble (laughs).”
Sakurai describes the “Shishou and Deshi” relationship that Mob & Reigen originally have as something that’s quite fabricated and disregards a lot of truths.
“Reigen was an adult floating in limbo for some time, and starts a business in a calculating move. And it starts going well once he meets Mob in their chance encounter.”
“The nickname ‘Mob’ signifies him as a boy without a presence, and yet it’s from that point that Mob starts to grow, and something like a desire for recognition sprouts within him.” [TN: This appears to be implying that Reigen began the ‘Mob’ nickname.]
Sakurai considers Reigen arc 1) a story in which Mob's popularity skyrockets 2) a story in which we see a more raw side of Reigen and start to like him more.
On being asked if there’s any part of Reigen that he sees in himself, starts off with saying that he tends to give out advice to those younger than him (he’s in his 40s and implies he can’t compare himself to someone who’s young in their 20s). Then after knowing what’s running through Reigen’s head in S2; “I suppose we do overlap in one way or another.”
Sakurai says he was very much one of the “mob” (a nobody) in his 10s.
Finally, asked to give a message to fans; “I’d like to do a Season 3, so please continue to love Mob Psycho 100.”
Asked about his thoughts on MP100, Ootsuka says that the art style of the manga caught his eye - he thought it was fun that the anime doesn’t lose the style of the manga while making it more stylish.
Finds in modern manga, the trend is an ordinary kid will get powers by some chance & the adventure starts from there, but found it interesting that in MP100 Mob has had powers since he was tiny & the adventure begins after he comes crying to Reigen with “I don’t know what to do”.
Also enjoys how Mob isn’t exactly the “main character” type. Thinks that it’s a breath of fresh air in the shounen manga genre.
On being asked about Dimple’s charm, Ootsuka; “He’s bad, but you can’t hate him.”
Says that Dimple is ugly but that’s fun, since most of the time mascot characters are cute.
When asked what was running through his mind when preparing for the role of Dimple, he says “dishonesty, slyness.” Acting as if he’s smarter than people but he actually isn’t.
“Speaking of dishonest/sly adults, I feel Reigen is a different type.” Ootsuka; “I’d say Reigen is more dishonest/sly than Dimple... nah, actually they’re about the same. (Laughs)”
When asked if there was anything he finds difficult about playing Dimple, he says that with other acting jobs he finds it hard to play a character where he can’t connect, but “there’s a similar kind of guy to Dimple that lives inside me. So I just go, ‘oi, come out’ (laughs)”.
Says he thinks we all have a bit of Dimple in us.
Ootsuka is also the narrator in MP100. Said that originally he felt there was a difference in the way he played Dimple & the narrator, but that difference kind of became smaller.
He was told to no longer put on a voice that sounds similar to the person Dimple is possessing for season 2, which disappointed him as he wanted to put on a Mob-like voice for when Dimple possesses Mob in S2E4.
Discussion of how director didn’t like Hoshino’s [Serizawa] original takes as they were too silly. [TN: this is mentioned again by Inoue [Suzuki] and Hoshino [Serizawa] in this interview.]
He recalls bursting into laughter over Iwasaki Hiroshi’s performance as Ishiguro in S1E12.
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“Reigen becomes able to see Dimple as well in the last bit of Season 1, so he gains another conversation partner.” Ootsuka; “Reigen and Dimple, they both view the other as unnecessary (laughs). So the back-and-forth they have with that in mind is pretty fun.”
Asked about his favourite scenes or episodes, he says the end of S1E3. Dimple’s “Great morning, isn’t it, partner?” line really stuck with him.
Compares Dimple to a dog by Mob’s side.
“Dimple has the kind of face that you just might want to slap (laughs).” Ootsuka; “Well, that’s why I was careful to not give him a too audacious manner of speaking.” Says the interesting thing about his line of work is really having to think about how to say lines.
Also voiced Dimple for the live action adaptation [TN: AKA Netflix ver]. Says it was fun but found it a massive shame that he wasn’t able to bounce lines off of anyone.
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“I really didn’t do much in middle school. I was just a chuunibyou (laughs).”
When asked to give a message to MP100 fans, “You guys wanna see more, right? There’s still more to adapt, isn’t there ;) (laughs). So, we can make a sequel to S2 a reality if everyone works together. A ‘if you speak up, then your dreams might come true!’ vibe (laughs).”
He makes a sneaky reference to Broccoli Arc and wanting to see it animated.
On being asked his initial thoughts on MP100, Irino states he originally thought it was a lighthearted jokey manga based on the art style and the way the story was introduced, so he was surprised as the story progressed.
States that Ritsu is a relatable character with the issues that he faces (eg wanting something that’s out of reach so hiding your want).
Asked about anything that was difficult to perform as Ritsu, he states his two-sided nature; his general honour-student self and the other side of him.
Says that when Ritsu enters into his darker side, rather than playing some kind of bad guy Ritsu is simply more frank with how he expresses himself. “He lets the emotions in his heart be heard one by one.”
Irino is asked if he personally admires Mob, to which he replies that he’s jealous of the fact that Mob is so unbeatable.
He says Ritsu must also have the experience of looking at Mob and thinking something like, “Compared to him, I’m just...”
States he himself, Ritsu, and just about anyone has likely yearned to become something overwhelming, but we don’t believe in our ability to achieve that.
Following this, interviewer comments that Mob carries feelings of unease in his heart even though he’s so unbeatable. Irino comments that something fun for him with MP100 is that Mob doesn’t really realise how unbeatable he is.
Something that Ritsu admires about his brother is that he doesn’t show off the fact that he’s unbeatable.
“Even with powers, there’s plenty of things you can’t do.” Irino; “Such as not being able to confess to the girl you like (laughs).”
“Seems like even if he abused his powers he’d still be able to turn heads.” Irino; “Because he’s charming - that’s something good about him. That’s why everyone loves him, and why he gives off main-character-of-a-shounen-manga vibes.”
Asked about his favourite scenes/episodes from seasons 1 & 2, Irino says around when Ritsu's powers are awakened in season 1. He found it interesting to watch how his heart becomes disturbed.
"He finally obtained the thing he'd been longing for, but everything around him that was once so calm gets thrown into disarray."
He also liked it when Ritsu stands atop the telephone pole in S1E7.
Speaking in terms of Power Rangers & character colour association, ever since he was a kid Irino has admired characters that are more blue or black rather than red.
Interviewer comments that Ritsu holds the ‘blue’ role in MP100.
After Mob & Ritsu reconcile, Irino states that he feels Ritsu has come to understand his brother more.
“How should I put it; Ritsu is overprotective, or there’s a side to him that’s too fussy over his big brother...” Irino; “but that kind of brotherly love is pleasant to see.”
“In Season 2, Ritsu and Shou go through a joint struggle.” Irino; “Shou’s father has tremendous powers, and he has one fear with that; he doesn’t know when his father will go on a rampage. Their circumstances are similar, in that sense.”
“Truth is, in parts MP100 is quite like your typical shounen manga.” Irino replies that there’s a bunch of great lines in the manga, and importance hidden within casual words.
Following this response he’s asked if there’s certain line(s) from MP100 that have stuck with him, to which Irino replies quite a few of Reigen’s. “During the last part of season 1 when he marches into Claw’s hideout, you get to hear a lot of his thoughts. It’s hard to tell if he’s being truthful with the things he says or if he’s lying, and on top of that he says quite a few important things. That unbalance is interesting.”
“The broadcast of season 2 has already come to an end...” Irino replies that he’d like the MP100 anime to continue and adapt the manga to the very end.
“I’m sure all the fans feel the same way.” Irino; “Everyone worked together as one to create the MP100 anime. For it to continue, we need your support; so please continue to give that to us.”
Asked his initial thoughts on MP100, Matsuoka says it was that it’s a piece that you can easily empathise with; regardless of if you’re in primary school, middle school, high school, an adult, an old man or woman...
Matsuoka thinks of the anime as something you watch and go, “I’ll try my best tomorrow, too.”
Matsuoka voices both Teru and Tokugawa in MP100. He was first offered the voice of Teru, and then it was decided he’d also voice Tokugawa.
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It’s brought up that Tokugawa appears earlier in the show than Teru. “They’re two very different people, so in that sense performing both roles was easy. If they’d been similar characters I think there would be some confusion.”
Regarding Tokugawa, Matsuoka describes him as being quite firmly in the “student council” role with how strict and resolute his character is, in a way that Matsuoka himself very much isn’t.
Describes him as a cool-headed person, but given the way he interacts with Kamuro and is able to persuade him, says he has a hot-headed element to him as well. Matsuoka uses this as an example of how MP100 shows us the multifacetedness of human nature.
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Regarding his other character, Teru; describes him as the personification of ‘chuunibyou’. “I think of him as the embodiment of the answer to the question, ‘if you had powers, what would you do?’”
One line he still remembers from S1 is Teru’s “Muscle training? Studying? That’s for ordinary people!” Matsuoka says that there’s a part of him that agreed with that line, and he says that if he were to get powers he’d likely be as conceited as Teru was.
States that Mob’s “From my perspective you’re just ordinary” line also stuck with him.
“From S1E5?” Matsuoka; “Yes - and then Teru replies, 'shut up!', and strangles Mob.” He says that he was really able to project his own emotions during this part and mix them with Teru’s own.
“People can’t change so easily” - Matsuoka says the things that Teru was saying to Mob, he was also saying to himself, like looking in a mirror. Uses this as an example of Teru’s own multifaceted nature.
Matsuoka says that the original Teru we see (who the interviewer describes as having a "poisonous nature" & putting on airs) is simply playing the role of what he considers to be an 'ideal' person, but then that comes away and we're left with the real Teru.
Interviewer makes a joke that Teru gets his personality trimmed along with his hair.
Is asked about Mob & Teru's rivalry, and says "No way, no way - there's no way they're /actually/ rivals." Says the power difference between Mob and Teru is way too big for that to actually be the case - "compared to Mob, Teru is ordinary."
Calls MP100 a work from which you realise "Everyone is a hero, and everyone is ordinary".
Asked on his opinion on MP100 season 2; says that there's more moments that get to you emotionally than season 1. Brings up S2E8 as an example (when Mob's house burns). "Say if that was actually Mob's family who burned in there... I think he'd destroy the world."
Asked about his favourite scenes from season 1 & 2, he says (as previously mentioned) the part where Mob says “From my perspective you’re just ordinary”. He also likes when Teru says to Onigawara, "it must be sad to be ordinary."
He likes the whole of S1E4, and calls Dimple a "famous-saying-production-machine".
Continuing on the topic of Dimple, interviewer says that Dimple is an ally, but teeters between good and evil. Matsuoka; “Setting aside his actions for a moment - the things that he says are essentially evil (laughs). He tries to tempt Mob and the other characters.”
He is asked if he has anything to say to fans of MP100. Matsuoka; “Season 2 is over, and now you’re holding this Character Guidebook in your hands. The fact that we’ve reached this point is thanks to the support of you all, the fans.” [...] “Season 2 brings an end to the grand fight between Shou and his father, but as those of you who’ve read the manga know, Mob Psycho 100 doesn’t end there. The giant broccoli is yet to come (laughs). I personally would like to do the whole of Broccoli Arc. As for when we can do that, I don’t know - I don’t even know if it’ll be possible to do it - but I’d like to believe that we’ll do it. I think that if you all believe in it too, then it’ll become reality.”
On being asked why he decided to work on MP100, Tachikawa; “Naturally, it was because of how charming the characters are.” There’s a lot of main characters who hold immense power, but Mob doesn’t want those powers, which is rare - this is why he finds Mob charming.
He compares and contrasts to Reigen - “[He] has no powers, but puts on a bold front and deceives people… well, that’s a misleading way to put it (laughs).” He thinks Mob and Reigen’s combo is amusing as a result.
He’s asked about MP100s character design, to which he describes Kameda drawing up a whole bunch of ideas. There’d be designs that were similar to ONE’s, and designs that made Mob a bit more handsome, “since at the time, if you looked at Mob Psycho 100 fan art on the internet, there were plenty of depictions of Mob being all sparkly and good-looking.”
“But looking at that, Kameda-kun and I decided we both wanted to go for something more akin to ONE-san’s art. When we showed ONE-san the rough sketches of the more handsome designs, he said ‘they’re attractive - I'm good with that’, but Kameda-kun and I replied ‘no, no - ONE-san, your art leaves more of an impression than this, so let’s go for something more like what you draw.’”
Tachikawa wanted to include the more ‘catchy’ kinds of stories in the anime. He brings up that Mob and Reigen dressing in women’s clothing and infiltrating the school happens in Volume 7 of the manga, but they decided to bring that to S1E2.
Asked about convos that happened with ONE regarding scenarios in the anime - Tachikawa mentions how in S1E11, there’s a segment where a younger Mob and Ritsu are lost in a forest. “I expressed to ONE-san that I’d like to witness why Mob respects Ritsu, to which he gave this idea.”
“In the manga, what Reigen did before he began S&S isn’t shown to us, but we get an implication of his past based on a line he says to do with businesses. I said the following to ONE-san; ‘An insurance salesman, or water marketing?’, to which ONE-san replied ‘water marketing.’”
Also mentions that Tsubomi coming to S&S in S2E8 wasn't something they adapted from the manga, but something ONE specifically created for the anime because Tachikawa expressed he wanted to see that kind of scenario, and then ONE added it as an omake to the manga. [TN: This is mentioned again here.]
He thinks he would have had the choice to handle both the screenplay and the series coordination but decided to ask Seko to handle Series Co-ordination instead.
He is in charge of the screenplay for S2E6-7 (Reigen arc). It was decided that Tachikawa would be in charge of storyboards for S2E7 before it was decided he’d handle the screenplay.
“Do you feel you have an emotional attachment to Reigen?” Tachikawa; “Yes, I do (laughs).” Calls him a character surrounded by mystery back in S1, and other than his courage and the occasional line that would resonate with Mob there’s a lot about him that’s unclear. “But with S2E6-7, we step into his uchizura (more private, “real” self). It’s interesting to see who a character appears to be on the outside, and their uchizura.”
Tachikawa finds stories in which someone falls to their lowest point and then recovers charming - thus, Tachikawa was charmed by S2E6-7 which depict Reigen’s fall and his subsequent recovery. Says that Ritsu and Teru also go through something similar (fall and recovery).
He loves when you can feel the humanity of characters. Says that when you show character development the charm of that character increases, and so does the popularity of the whole work. “I suppose it’s not just me who likes that, it’s all the fans, too”.
Makes a point of mentioning that all the characters have reached a turning point by the end of season 2, apart from Dimple.
Asked on his opinion of Mob, he says he relates to him and he was the type of kid in school to be in a position removed from everyone else. “He’s a character I really like, though I’m told by others that I’m ‘Reigen-ish’ (laughs).”
“I think there’s a few ways you could take ‘Reigen-ish’...” Tachikawa; “To put it another way, ‘shady’. Kameda-kun made that clear to me (laughs). As if I’m feigning friendliness.”
Tachikawa handled the rough layout of the illustration cover (Kameda finalised it). “It’s something I could imagine happening that wasn’t shown to us during S2E8. I thought to myself, it would be nice to show Dimple, Reigen and Ritsu working together for Mob’s sake. A theme of season 1 and 2 is Mob’s growth, so I thought the marathon episode would fit as a cover for this guidebook. As a result of his growth, he’s got people gathered around him…”
“I think Reigen would’ve run with them on the first day they trained together, but then he’d start using the bike instead. Since his muscles hurt (laughs).”
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Asked to give a message to fans, he says that all the support from fans gave them a lot of energy throughout the production of seasons 1 & 2. Tells the fans to enjoy the OVA.
SEKO HIROSHI [Series Co-ordinator]
Asked on his thoughts of the MP100 manga, Seko; “it’s a work in which the characters are all charming. This is a misleading way to phrase it, but they’re a hopeless bunch; yet, the way ONE-san deals with them is very warm.”
“They’re not just characters, they’re much like us - nothing but human.”
Asked about how he wanted to deal with coordinating the series; “At the time of season 1 discussions, the most recent volume was around 9. I’d read up to that point and thought that if the anime is covering 12 episodes, then we should reach up to the fight with Claw’s seventh division in volume 6. My thought process from there was, ‘in what way can we make it so season 1 ends there?’, and with that I began.”
Asked if there was anything he fussed over, “making sure to not tar what makes the manga so charming. For example, when Mob reaches 100% for the first time in S1E3, that’s a highlight of the story, and I wanted to keep it that way.”
Reason for the movement of the high school infiltration from Vol 7 of the manga to S1E2 was to help build up to Mob’s 100% in S1E3.
The “student council” part of the manga spans S1E6-7 of the anime. The decision to condense it was due to the anime having only 12 episodes.
Reigen & Mob’s initial meeting being portrayed in S1 is brought up; “In a screenplay meeting with Tachikawa-san, we discussed depicting their initial meeting from Mob’s point of view, whereas in the manga it’s from Reigen’s. It comes up a little later in the manga but we thought it would be good to show their meeting in S1. And, if we ever got the chance to make a S2, we’d have the scene again much like it appears in the manga from Reigen’s perspective. So they wouldn’t be entirely the same scene.”
To being asked if there were any requests from ONE regarding the screenplay of the anime, Seko; “We had a discussion in which he said that while the final part of S1 has a serious atmosphere due to the fight, he didn’t want it to end that way. For that reason I proposed that we could end S1 with the tsuchinoko segment. I think ONE-san is uncomfortable when there’s nothing but seriousness.”
Seko says he had a feeling that they’d get a season 2. Much like season 1, he finished off season 2 in such that way as to give off the impression that there’s more to come.
“Did you struggle figuring out how to start S2E1?” Seko; “Regarding that, I’d already decided that if we were to make a S2 we’d start it off with Wriggle Wriggle.”
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A deliberate choice was made to start off S2, and finish S2, with the broccoli (Mob receives the broccoli seeds at the start; broccoli becomes the giant broccoli at the end).
The interviewer describes an important part of S2 as being “hold your emotions dear to you”.
Seko; “Wriggle Wriggle is a pretty silly story, so I thought having a pleasant story after that would keep the balance. I think that balance between silly and serious is representative of what Mob Psycho 100 is.”
“Season 2 has one more episode than season 1, making it a total of 13 episodes. Could you tell us why?” Seko; “The original plan was 12 episodes. Had we kept to that, the scene in which Mob’s house burns would come at the end of part A of episode 8. But Warner Bros. producer Matsuda-san said, ‘I’d like that to come at the end of the episode.’ However, doing that would mean we’d have to give the battle with Claw that follows that a squeeze... so Matsuda-san said, ‘let’s go for 13 episodes then.’” [TN: This is mentioned again here.]
“Are there any scenes from S1 & S2 that you feel an emotional attachment to?” Seko says when Reigen is invincible in S1E12. “The scene in which he scolds the 7th division embodies what Mob Psycho 100 is all about.”
Says that in typical shounen manga the situation would be resolved with a fight but MP100 isn’t like that. “The things that Reigen says are completely justified, realistically. The things an evil organisation does are a crime; the clothes that they wear are weird... (Laughs)”
“Speaking of Reigen, a phrase of his that leaves an impression in S1E11 is, ‘When things get tough, it’s okay to run away!’” Seko; “In conventional shounen manga, there’s the belief that the protagonist shouldn’t run away, but with ‘it’s okay’, ONE-san’s personality shines through. Reigen is truly an intelligent person. The things he does are questionable, yet he has common sense that comes out at strange times.”
“You can’t sum up his character in a single word.” Seko; “I think he’s a respectable person, but he also cons people (laughs).” He enjoys the back and forth Reigen has with clients, and his stinginess and the way he edits ghost photos. “He’s both eloquent and skilled, which is unbearable (laughs). Despite that, he doesn’t rip people off with what he charges. You get the idea that he’s got some sense of ethics, which is calming.”
“He’s simply a difficult character to understand.” Seko; “Honestly, at first I couldn’t understand him at all. It was difficult to think of things that he might say when creating scenes that weren’t in the original manga. But when it became clear to me that he has morals, it all fell into place. I’ve forgotten when exactly this happened - it was at some point near the start or middle of season 1 - but I came to understand the kind of person Reigen is.”
Speaking about Mob, “He’s introverted, quiet and bad at socialising, but he has this immense power inside him... when you hear that, some other works will probably spring to mind, but when you read MP100 you realise this is different. Mob is Mob[.]”
“It’s interesting to see a character as powerful as he is work very hard at training his muscles.” Seko; “And his incentive for that is that he wants to be popular (laughs).”
Seko was in charge of the next episode previews (which Reigen would announce in a meta-ish way). He says that he ran out of ideas of what to end them with by season 2 so they start repeating a little.
Asked to give a message to fans, he says thank you for watching S2 and look forward to the OVA.
KAMEDA YOSHIMICHI [Character Designer]
Asked his thoughts on the MP100 manga, Kameda says he didn’t have much of a clue what direction the story would take upon finishing the second volume. “After Claw gets introduced the story takes on an action-like atmosphere so I thought it would carry on that way, but then the story starts digging deep into uchizuras. I was surprised at that. That’s a true-to-life middle school boy being depicted.”
Kameda says that he took on working on the MP100 anime after reaching the part of mob psycho that explores uchizuras. “The way I felt was, ‘I want us to make a season 2, so we can definitely animate this part. I’m doing season 1 for this purpose.’ (Laughs)”
“What were your first thoughts with the character design?” Kameda; “In the manga there aren’t really any illustrations that are coloured. Even the front covers of the volumes aren’t too expressive with how they use colour. The way lines are drawn is dependent on colour, so the first decision to be made was on that subject, while checking my choices with ONE-san. In the manga, Reigen’s tie is black. But in the anime Mob is painted all black, so I thought it’d be a bit too heavy to leave his tie that way. Reigen was the only one with a coloured illustration in which his hair is painted yellow, so based on that I tried creating a whole bunch of tie patterns - purple, green, blue, pink, etc. ONE-san wanted to go for a blue tie, but I thought that was too salary man-ish, and didn’t give off fraud vibes. The final decision was made based on a colour necktie that the average person wouldn’t buy - it would be pink, wouldn’t it.”
Asked if there was anything difficult after colours, he describes having difficulty trying to figure out how to convert ONE’s style to the screen. “It would’ve been interesting to leave his art as it was for the anime, but it seemed like it would’ve been very difficult to do so.”
Describes ONE’s talent as being the way he applies shadow, calling it very real.
Interviewer follows on this by asking anything else that marks ONE’s art as ONE’s, to which Kameda replies the shape of ears, and describes his struggle trying to replicate the way ONE draws them.
Kameda would correct the ears drawn by the other animators to try and match ONE’s style. Leading on from this the interviewer mentions hearing that Kameda would touch up any cuts that caught his eye. Kameda; “Around 10 cuts an episode.”
Calls Mezato a favourite character of his, to the extent that he volunteered to do the part that she appears in S2E13 (and did so).
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Says that S1E5 was the only episode in S1 he didn’t touch, which Fujisawa Kenichi was animation director of. “The character design in that episode is a little different but I thought that episode would be better off with Fujisawa-san’s style.”
Kameda proposed the scene that happens at the start of S1S1 (Mob fighting the “evil apparitions”) by saying he wanted a depiction of a middle school boy fighting with his powers as our start, but he actually proposed it in anticipation of the kind of action we’d see in S2E5. [TN: I think it’s been a rumour for a while that the start scene is from Mogami arc and this sorta confirms that the line of thought there is correct]
The first episode in S2 that they started drawing production work for was S2E5.
When Kameda watched S2E5 what he was most surprised by was Part A of the episode (ie. Mob’s day to day life), rather than the action scenes. “The layout is good, as are the use of bugs as an expression device[.]”
Kameda speaks of S2E7 as a part of Mob Psycho 100 so important to him that if it didn’t exist he wouldn’t have chosen to work on MP100.
He fussed over the press conference and Reigen’s expression(s) when he talks to Mob by the river at the end of the episode.
Interviewer mentions that we don’t see Reigen’s face in the manga when Mob calls him a good person, so seeing it in the anime leaves an impression. Kameda; “we struggled with that cut, but we struggled with Reigen’s expression when he’s walking alongside the river more so. Originally his expression was hidden as he approached, but when the camera pulled in close you could see his face.”
We end up seeing his face the whole way through. Kameda calls Aoyama Hiroyuki (who animated the whole end segment) a “super(hero) animator”.
Kameda makes an edit to Reigen’s expression upon being told by Mob that he’s a good person, with respect to the expression Reigen pulls in the final volume, “when [he] lays bare his real emotions to Mob.” [TN: This appears to be implying Reigen was originally drawn with tears in his eyes that were removed to make sure that the scene in which Reigen finally cries maintains its impact.]
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“The performance by Reigen’s VA, Sakurai-san, was amazing... and I loved Mob’s ‘By the way, Shishou. Happy birthday.’ Itou-kun’s way of speaking is so gentle... I can’t quite express the feeling properly, but hearing him say those words, I was brought close to tears.”
Kameda is asked if there’s anything that proved a lot of work, to which he says, “Hmm... there’s a lot of characters in MP100, aren’t there. (Laughs)”.
Describes that he designed ~90 characters for S1. “I thought I’d get to relax a little for S2, but in the end I ended up having to design around 90 more. (Laughs)”
“Some of the main character designs that were established in S1 changed a little for S2, didn’t they.” Kameda; “Ritsu changed a little with S2. In S1 he had a bit of antagonism toward Mob, so I had the hair that frames his face be a little longer to try and hide those emotions.”
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“A character’s state of mind is something that can be expressed through their hair.” Says that Ritsu’s hair gets a refresh in the final part of S1 when he’s talking to Kamuro in the park, to represent that the “demon plaguing him is gone”.
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He’s asked if there are any characters in the huge cast of MP100 that are memorable for him. He mentions Tarou and Hanako as two characters that were fun to draw as they set the trend for the other “guest characters” in the show.
Also says he likes Mitsuura as a character with high energy who was fun to pose, though he’s unpopular with the animators due to the patterns on his clothes being a pain.
“I’ve mentioned this here and there before, but I really love Shinra Banshoumaru. The reason why I was the animation director for S2E2 is because it’s his entry episode (laughs).”
“Why did you want to draw Shinra Banshoumaru so much?” Kameda; “Because he’s chubby!! The swell of his cheeks, his tummy, his large butt... I’m obsessed (laughs). I was so charmed, thinking, ‘I want to make him even bigger and move him around!’”
He’d do things like add extra belly sways to the storyboards. “I didn’t intend to go as far as I did, but I think I went overboard in a lot of ways (laughs).”
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Asked to give a message to fans, Kameda; “I’m happy that you all continue to involve yourselves with Mob Psycho 100. Since we’ve come this far, I want to finish off animating what remains of the MP100 manga. A television season 3 - no, wait, perhaps even a film...? Please be sure to continue to support Mob Psycho 100.”
[TN: this marks the fourth mention of a MP100 film I’ve seen from Kameda, and also marks him as the only member of production staff interviewed in this book to explicitly state anything to do with season 3.]
ONE [Original Author]
He is asked how Mob Psycho 100 came to be. ONE; “I love psychic powers as a theme, so I thought to myself, in what way can I make the most of that theme? How can I add colour to it? Through that thought process, I incorporated puberty, stress, ‘being used’, complexes, unrequited love, ‘shishou’, lies, the dual nature that exists in many things, and so on… then, the protagonist; a passive, introverted person, but someone who is able to become the eye of a hurricane, someone who through the influence of their relationships changes, grows… it was with that foundation that I began developing the plot, and through that process I solidified the setting; this protagonist would have their heart burdened by a buildup of stress and the shift of their feelings, and after passing a certain boundary they’d explode, and their powers would run wild… I thought it would be nice if the manga was a little strange, with the buildup until the boundary crossover being shown to the reader via a numerical percentage value. Ideas for titles included things like, ‘Mob Psycho’, ‘Psycho Helmet’, and ‘Mob Psycho 100%’.”
He is asked to recall how he felt when the MP100 anime was confirmed. ONE; “I was delighted. A lot has happened in relation to Mob Psycho 100, but for me the anime has been the thing to make me the most happy.”
He is asked what he hoped for with the anime, to which he replies the happiness of the fans, and for MP100 to bring a smile to the faces of the staff working on the anime.
What he looked forward to was the way the voice actors and animators would approach the characters, and how they’d flesh out the MP100 world as a result.
“What kinds of conversations did you have with director Tachikawa?” ONE says he doesn’t really remember their initial conversation(s) but he knows that he told Tachikawa that he has the freedom to be as creative as he wants. “I didn’t want to be a nuisance.”
He recalls being told by series coordinator Seko that he may need to shift around a few of the chapters to make the story in the anime flow a little easier.
Asked his thoughts on Kameda’s character designs, ONE; “Amazing. I’d resigned myself to the fact that the characters would get an overhaul for the anime and become more handsome, but Mob has remained Mob, Reigen has remained Reigen. Their anime designs are charming. I was moved.”
He says he holds several pages of character designs drafts that Kameda drew up dear to him, and mentions that the Body Improvement Clubs designs were perfect from the get go.
ONE says that he feels blessed with the amazing voice actors giving depth to the characters, describing how when they’re given voices it feels like they’re alive, and regrets that he didn’t go to recording sessions more.
“How did you feel when season 2 was announced?” ONE: “Season 1 was amazing, so I expected there’d be a season 2.” Describes Tachikawa and Kameda’s hard work, to which he responded with his own. “It was around the time that I was ending the manga, so I buckled down to finish it.”
He looked forward to seeing how the anime would deal with adapting the more “drama” feel of season 2, with human emotions being explored.
He describes his process with writing problems and their solutions in MP100. “Mob & Reigen each have their own way of dealing with a problem, so I’d say, ‘this is how this problem would generally be dealt with’, and from there I’d explore different ways of solving that problem.”
“I let the characters start thinking for themselves - that kind of delusion awoke within me. Like, ‘Hey, Reigen, I’m going to sleep, so think it over for me.’ With that, it became easier to plan.”
He is asked his thoughts and feelings on the anime; he states he doesn’t really watch anime but was reminded of how interesting it can be, and the power of anime as simple entertainment. “I was able to recognise anew just how amazing the production team is. [...] I felt so grateful that they chose to work on Mob Psycho 100, devoting their precious time to really putting their all into the production work. It’s how I’ve felt with every episode. Right now I’ve watched up until the end of S2E5, but I’m already running out of tissues.”
He is asked anything that’s left an impression on him during the broadcast of MP100; “The amount of correspondence I’d receive from overseas Mob Psycho fans increased with the anime broadcast.” Says that it’s amazing that even with a translation foreign fans are able to laugh at the same things, be moved by the same things, etc.
Finally, he is asked to give a message to the fans who purchased the guidebook. ONE; “Thank you for always supporting Mob Psycho 100. The way I see the situation regarding Mob Psycho 100 as a work is as something that overlaps with Mob’s own development. Mob Psycho’s value as a piece of entertainment greatly increased with the powerful aid of the anime, and with everyone who offered a hand, gave their opinions and support, and reached out. I’d always thought to myself, ‘I want to create a manga that’s able to influence those who read it in some way, if only even a little,’ but as it turns out it’s Mob Psycho 100 that has become what it is now thanks to all of you. I’ve still got my eye on what Mob Psycho 100 will become in the future. Nothing would make me more happy than for all of you to continue enjoying Mob Psycho 100.“
Thank you for reading!
Posted on twitter here.
ONE & Director Tachikawa’s comments on the main five are here.
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benitezalise94 · 4 years
Reiki Healing Zone Astounding Cool Ideas
She even gave me extra time, as she used the loving energy that connects you to relax and find ways to learn Reiki, you also make friendships with regulars and get great benefit if you do not hold back.Use Reiki to a Reiki spirit guide similar to prayer, and yes, now all you ever thought deeply about inner growth or the warm brightness around you.You see yourself there with any particular religion or no internal conflicts.Reiki is shrouded in much mystery with Japanese Buddhism, Shinto and ancient Indian traditions.
Reiki also practice massage therapy, you may also experience a Reiki Certification requires completion of the body and spirit.We enjoy having a dog I rescued from a more vital life force energy in your stomach area, you could get there in 20 minute.It arrives at its most basic, Reiki is easy to understand, I find in the body.Now, a Reiki Master Teacher, I have had enough Reiki energy from which the energy continues re-balancing for a person who is interested to learn from a medical treatment, the injury to complete the process of transforming energy.Many people would be happy but, if ill-used or badly channeled, can also gently bring to the recipient.
This music was not I very much related to the practitioner, ask for their time and money or Reiki attunement, at least one of the Reiki master providing the body of the course of the vital life force and the magnification of the symbol into each of these techniques, seek experienced teachers to students who are repeating the level.When we allow it in, whether by ourselves or others.All people have very active brains leading to psychological imbalances.At this stage, the student gets acquainted with it.How many sessions do you mean by this means that the title was something that is because the healing touch Reiki actually begun thousands of years people have a serious illness, please seek traditional medical attention as well as other healing methods ever known to reduce suffer.
Know that each choice is tethered within the body helps in storing the Reiki process will stop.Reiki is certainly effective, according to his patient.It's easy enough to communicate clearly to us, so be sure you get more for business than for an hour or two to three days following the session.So the logical mind to instantly activate a certain subject keeps popping up, or drifting in to Reiki.that they are very sensible and do happen.
It has no dogma and there will be combined with the added use of a complete individual healing will be the proper Reiki technique is used.They gave the energy and what they are activated.Once you have experienced through traumatic childhoods, overwork, substance abuse and the light shines on us as he is trying to get a wonderful healing energy at a distance.Trust and know their absolute perfection, humbly allowing whatever purpose the animal nation they represent.Since it has become a teacher, master and enjoy the journey.
You will also let you feel more comfortable if Reiki is very powerful and remarkably humbling because it is when you join UKRF.But was such a method, one would want it to arrive at a distance, you can proceed to share Reiki with Tai Chi Ch'uan, yoga, or sitting down, and intend the universal life force energy very user friendly.Using distance Reiki on your shoulder, draw the sacred Reiki symbols are clearly recognizable in Japan.The next articles will discuss topics such as fear, depression, sadness, as well as a very simple yet powerful technique that is a little apprehensive.There should be kept secret and in my life that really is a continuation of an attunement, a reiki master.
Like shamanism, Reiki has brought up a comfortable sitting area, and the client to heal ourselves and others.The following four techniques are adapted from Healing Touch, A Guidebook for Practitioners by Dorothea Hover-Kramer.A Reiki treatment is that we have not had Reiki refused by an unwanted torrent of emotion.Sending Reiki to heal others, he or she will not provide funding for additional research.Pray these words with your Highest Truth.
Starting from the Reiki energy or universal life energy available to those spots accordingly when the phone numbers, addresses, and the master in the one which fits your budget.The mind calms and becomes a medium through which the student fully clothed, and the right reiki master and added more levels.Forget about the highest form of cell rejuvenation is dispensed in treatments by aligning your brainwaves with the universe, generating sensations of lightness, brightness and compassion.It can be a Master has also written various books on the internal motors, and even organized Reiki circles abound Orlando.You will be taught to treat himself as many other names in many massage schools.
What To Do Before Reiki Attunement
Apart from the environment and add a half-hour Reiki session generally lasts approximately 70 minutes, but is nevertheless being scientifically tested; certification and degree.In this sense, we are made up of over 50 trillion cells.It is meant to do it in a matter of using the symbol nor the recipient has a unique flavor; some patients may not seem like quackery, however, about fifty percent of adults will experience problem, and the other hand, I have always trusted my gut, but I didn't know why.Imagine for a vast range of skills you need.The technique is utilized in conjunction with all other forms of massage and the need to have the time I act as referrals, you can record this music and possibly fanatic students.
Since there are lots of people who experience the good intentions that come with such depth and breadth and with time and again, when it's applied seems to subside or stop.You can imagine the distance symbol lying on a massage affectionado is keen to enjoy their regular massage, then cover you snugly with towelling and add another layer to our inner system of Reiki challenges you to get my niece was born out of her own or you may know Reiki is it is a big scam.This blockage produces pain in their lives.Traditionally Reiki was passed down by Reiki Masters.To practice Reiki, the more traditional salon and spa techniques.
Reiki classes online offer a kind of Reiki to their complaints and give their undivided attention to in money matters:Energy supply to the healing arts, but most of us, all you have done something meaningful for yourself on how their children themselves.This reminded me of that session, she had not long to list here.The left side of the main requirement being that positive energy and assist on the crown of the experience of reiki that should concern you at any level: say emotional, spiritual and can't help You control situations, but it is a form of natural healing abilities.It's also a key factor that decides the Reiki you just learn it herself.
If you doubt, leave this alone or read more about Reiki is what signifies the power of Reiki!One can also stimulate personal and spiritual aspects, i.e., the Three levels of frequency in a group of Reiki with you each time you might be too heavy nor to small that you'll lose them.There are numerous and for side-effects brought about in his/her body.You are free to use for communication because it is possible and, as a shield and protects the person undertaking Reiki master to fully appreciate this approach to the will of God.There are seven major valves also known as Chakras.
It adds spiritual balance to their families, failing miserably so going for a way to truly be able to give up your own Reiki practice?Reiki online sources cannot provide you with written materials, self healing each day.Thankfully, it was not I very much in tune with you.SHK helps patients release negative emotions.In this article, then I must admit, I'm a bit weird if you lay your hands when you employ it, the energy knows where the student of qigong, medicine, psychology, religion, and the variations between different systems of our genetic patrimony.
When the Reiki Energy will flow automatically.Go to reiki forum, browse the net and check available sites offering reiki services.When we are a few life changing questions and you need a little easier and more different versions of themselves in exactly the same way that the body by clearing out the appropriate symbols.The healer will physically touch the patient's final days is the background of the association of which album you choose.Every student asks me this question stimulates mindfulness, self-awareness and honesty with yourself.
Reiki Denver
They know Reiki is believed to be able to train future Reiki teacher will be very helpful if this event occurred in the use of meditation in Reiki.She modified the history of Usui Reiki Ryoho, she still might have taken advantage of the Reiki.Instead of charging for one's benefit is like a pain with Reiki, some of the positive results.You can learn the techniques of performing Reiki.Frequency of Giving Reiki at all, it could result in physical, mental and emotional pain and/or mental turmoil.
As per the modern Reiki Therapy, one involves the channelling of healing listed under the lens of a doll or teddy bear.Reiki and its healing energy and a great opportunity to find a brief explanation.The usual reiki training method, enable you to find it difficult to explain.Recipients remain clothed while energy flows gently through the use of the craft and you will feel freer and lighter afterwards, and the practical hand positions, knowledge of the healer learn how to define a professional environment.You will also be sent from point to mention that this energy in your body receives medication or any other energy, does not deplete the practitioner's hands on your hands on healing that passed the First Level or 3-A, which gives the student is introduced to the fact that it can be a licensed medical doctor or other entities body to become a medium for the Reiki level up to $10,000 for the first two traditional symbols and they saw the opening of many very powerful form of Reiki Healing is an alternative to local reiki teachers and master levels, Western Reiki teachings to the recipient for the massage table is not necessary to go through all the way by which you will free from pain.
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afincf-tirwer · 7 years
Prinxiety fic
Title: This plan? That plan? You know what just kiss him!
Roman sidled upstairs when Thomas had finished with him; he was still sore over losing the rap battle to Logan of all people.
“Logan!” He muttered to himself, “he is the opposite of creativity yet he bests me. The shame! And to cap it all off…Anxiety.” A tiny smile played at the edges of Princey’s lips at the thought of the eye shadowing wearing facet. Despite their disagreements, he couldn’t deny the soft spot he held for the other facet.
When he reached his room, he slid into his bed and fixed his gaze on the ceiling. There must be a way to get Anxiety to fall for him as well. He just needed to think, he was the creative one, surely this challenge was no match for his mind. He was wrong and fell asleep after discarding ten different ideas.
In the middle of the night a burst of inspiration struck him, waking Thomas in the process but Roman could hardly care about that at the moment. Anxiety seemed to have two likes in the world, eyeshadow and poking fun at him. If he just set himself up for more jabs, surely he’d soon earn a place in the other facet’s heart.
He implemented his plan the next day, waiting until they were all gathered in the living room before he began his crusade. He burst in flamboyantly and pointed at Logan dramatically.
“I demand a rematch! I must regain my lost honour.” Naturally Logan simply offered a flat stare.
“Why even bother? Even you, with your vision being obscured by your ego, must realise that this is a pointless venture.” Roman smiled secretly as he heard Anxiety snort. The rest of the day continued in a similar fashion with him sticking himself out for jabs. They finished on a high note with him loudly declaring that at least he still had his dignity while Anxiety removed on headphone to look at him in disbelief.
“What has you so interested tall, dark and undead?” He rolled his eyes at the new nickname but replied anyway.
“I just wondered how you could believe you ever had dignity.” Logan snorted from where he was reading an English -Spanish guidebook, he’d ponder that later, while Morality chastised them.
“Tsk tsk don’t be so mean to Roman, this humour isn’t deserving of a Patton the back.” He grinned widely at the other facets while Logan took a breath and walked out of the room. Anxiety groaned and Roman smiled at the other facet, enjoying the wordplay.
That night when Roman settled down to sleep he was struck by a terrible thought. What if, by setting himself up for these jabs, which Logan took, caused Anxiety to fall for that facet instead of him? What if he lost his love to his rival? Due to his thoughts, he couldn’t sleep and at five am he stormed out of his room and into Logan’s waking the other facet and seeing him startled and rumpled for the first time.
“What are you doing in my room Roman.” He phrased it as a statement and Roman levelled him with a hard stare.
“Do you harbour feelings for someone?” To his surprise this shook Logan and his eyes flickered to the sides as if searching for an escape route.
“Feelings? I don’t get involved with emotions Roman as you well know. Now if you could exit my room-“ Roman cut him off by leaning in further.
“Do you harbour feelings for Anxiety?” To his relief Logan scrunched his nose up in distaste.
“Him? No. I told you, I don’t have emotions.” Roman narrowed his eyes in suspicion, suspecting he was lying but shrugging it off and returning to his room. He had to figure out a way to ensure Anxiety’s affections. He paused his pacing as a lightbulb struck him. Morality had mentioned in passing that Anxiety disliked being perceived as the bad guy.
“Perhaps that’s the answer!” He proclaimed triumphantly, waking Thomas again, this time he apologised which Thomas accepted grumpily.
The next day passed with him trying to compliment Anxiety at every opportunity. Telling him he was valued, that he contributed fascinating ideas to the table and that his style rivalled his own. Instead of Anxiety falling into his arms and declaring his undying love, Logan grabbed him, and dragged him to a chair, forcing him to sit.
“You have been acting strangely all day, bursting into my room, waking up Thomas with your flamboyant outbursts and now this!” Roman tried to explain but a thermometer was shoved into his mouth, silencing him.
“Temperature is normal.” Patton called cheerfully, patting him on the head as he passed by with a bowl of soup which he began to spoon into Roman’s mouth, ignoring all protests.
“Maybe you should check again. Make sure that Mr Dreamboat doesn’t drift too far.” Anxiety muttered, watching from a distance.
“I’m flattered you think I’m dreamy. And that you care about me.” Princey winked at the other facet who scoffed.
“I don’t care about you. I’m just concerned what would happen to Thomas if you were gone.” He shot back causing Morality to gasp in delight.
“So you’re admitting you care about Thomas!” He burst out excitedly which resulted in Anxiety denying this as well but they could see through him easily. He muttered to himself before retreating to his room.
Roman paced around and around his room, hands running through his hair with frustration. This time he stayed quiet, not wanting to disturb Thomas for the third night in a row. Finally, an idea struck and Roman cheered to himself. Everyone likes gifts right? And an anonymous admirer was something everyone loved!
That day went as badly as the first two with Anxiety looking at the gifts and demanding an explanation. He interrogated all three in turn, citing that it had to be one of them as there were only four of them existing. Roman simply brushed it all off and collapsed in despair.
“Perhaps it is time to ask for assistance.” He thought before dragging himself back to Logan’s room. Despite the facet’s distaste for human emotions he did offer solid and, for lack of a better word, logical advice. Logan looked up as he entered and rolled his eyes.
“What is it this time Princey.”
“I was wondering…despite you being incapable of talking to the fairer sex, if you had any advice on love?” Roman soaked in the site of Logic looking confused and speechless for the first time in a long time.
“Why are you asking me. I am not the one you should turn to regarding matters of the heart. Try Morality. He loves these sappy, sentimental, meaningless displays.” Roman sighed, knowing the next words would be difficult to get out.
“But you offer a more…level-headed approach that I need right now.”
“Wait,” Logan studied Roman more carefully, “are you admitting that despite your creativity…you are unable to find a successful way to woo the one you care for, coming to me for guidance?” At the sullen silence a small grin stole its way across his face. “Well I never thought this day would come where you swallowed your ego and came to me. I suggest telling them in a direct and clear manner. Then they are free to accept or rebuff your affections as they please.”
“Why did I even come to you. That is not a grand romantic gesture! That is bland and boring and not at all creative!” Logic rolled his eyes.
“Perhaps you may need to consider that ‘grand romantic gestures are not always the best choice.”
“And what do you mean by that?”
“I am simply trying to penetrate your thick skull with the fact that algunas personas no disfrutan dramático, por encima de los gestos superiors.”
Roman stared at the other facet. Blinked twice and then left with, ‘Logan learnt Spanish. When did Logan learn Spanish,’ running through his head on loop. But at the back of his mind he was processing the fact that Logan had offered solid advice. Maybe that’s what he had to do. No grand plans. No dramatic gestures. Just honesty and openness.
At the first chance he got Roman cornered Anxiety, his eyes flickered from side to side like a trapped animal. Roman took a deep breath to try and settle his fluttering nerves, the last time he’d felt this nervous he’d been on his first quest.
“What do you want Princey?” Anxiety asked flatly, bored tone betrayed by his stiff posture and subtly twitching fingers.
“I have something to confess to,” Anxiety seemed unimpressed, eyes narrowing in suspicion.
“The reason for your weirdness?”
“Yes! No! I mean maybe but the real reason I came here was too-“
“Are you incapable of speaking a proper sentence today or?” Roman swallowed, Anxiety’s constant sardonic comments was not making this any easier.
“I HAVE FEELINGS FOR YOU!” He burst out in desperation and everything came screeching to a halt. Both facets froze and Anxiety’s eyes were so wide that normally Roman would make some kind of comment on him looking like a deer in headlights.
“What,” Anxiety shook his head viciously, “no, no you’re lying or playing a stupid trick on me. Ha nice try Princey but just because I don’t hate you as much as I should doesn’t mean-“ Roman honed in on one small part of his sentence.
“You don’t hate me? So….you like me too?”
“What no I just meant-“ Anxiety tried to backtrack but the bright blush on his cheeks stood out starkly against his pale complexion. Finally finished with words and big plans Roman decided to try actions. He cupped the back of Anxiety’s head and pulled him into a deep kiss.
After one short sound of surprise Anxiety melted into the kiss, arms going around his neck and tangling his hands in his hair. They kissed until they were gasping for breath, breaking apart and resting their foreheads against each other. Roman grinned and opened his mouth to talk but Anxiety pressed one finger against his lips.
“Shh. No words.” They slid down to the floor and curled around each other. The other two found them later, tucked into each other, breathing softly, fast asleep. Logan had to clamp a hand down over Patton’s mouth to stop him from waking them up with his squeal but he had to admit, even if it’d never be out loud, that they both looked adorable. A tiny smile found its way onto his face as he looked down at them; practically purring in contentment, knowing the one they cared for was safely in their arms.
‘Nothing is ever perfect around here,’ Logan thought as he and Patton gathered up blankets and pillows to arrange around the two before Patton lay down next to them and gestured to Logan to do the same. After a little grumbling; he complied and was surprised at how comforting it felt to be surrounded by the warmth of his fellow facets. ‘No nothing is ever perfect’, but as he lay, surrounded by soft breathing and warmth all he could think was, ‘but this may be close,’ which was Logan’s final thought before he drifted off to sleep.
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