#like do i wish nami got to fight more & take a more active role in that regard even if i don't think she needs to be a fighter in the same
fiapple · 26 days
i'm getting towards the end of the skypeia arc, & i'd like to say just how much i adore the way the female strawhats have been treated.
just... every aspect of how the way their characters have been previously contextualized influences the story-line is treated with a masterful amount of consideration. we're given so many layers to both of them that enrich not only their characters specifically, but the arc, and the one piece world as a whole. without nami & robin having their specific skills, and their specific values, without those being built upon, the story would have come to a halt.
you could not have skypeia without nami & robin being who they are as individuals. not just because they never would've gotten there without nami, but also because the way these women think is itself foundational to the machinations of the arc as a whole.
to be totally upfront, if you think any other strawhats were more central to the skypeia arc than nami & robin were you are full-on fucking lying to yourself.
#obligatory disclaimer that i’m aware luffy is the protagonist & a lot of interesting stuff is explored w him. this isn’t abt him though.#part of me wonders if this is an aspect of why people will write off this arc sometimes tbh... like that & the political themes.#but yeah anyway i get why people say that for all there are 100% misogynistic tendencies in oda's writing & character design#it is very very hard to say that he as an individual is an ideological misogynist. like the level of care he puts into his female cast mem#-ers generally speaking & how he approaches what existing as a multi-dimensional individual would look like in their specific contexts is#like... in a lot of ways still something that is unprecedented across all forms of media.#but also not the point but anyone who says nami in particular doesnt get real fights/is unskilled um... no you're wrong read her fight in#alabasta & then all of skypeia.#like in alabasta she takes on arguably a stronger opponent than sanji when considering the structuring of BW. not only that but she does s#with a weapon she has never used before while actively reading the instruction manual. and she WINS. she wins based on sheer intellect &#the ability to utilize skills the audience already knows she has. the pre-existing basic fighting skills she's introduced with are elabora#-ed upon by incorporating her skill w navigation. same with the way her cunning is used in skypeia to cover her lack of sheer brute. &#the best part about it is she's fucking tough in a way that makes sense! she isn't strong/weak just for the sake of positioning her as such#it is thoughtful & it strengthens her as a character rather than just like giving the power-scaler types smth to mindlessly chew on.#like do i wish nami got to fight more & take a more active role in that regard even if i don't think she needs to be a fighter in the same#sense as the monster trio? yes absolutely. i'm guessing this is going to be smth that bothers me potentially even more with robin.#but that does not mean her fights are not masterfully written when she gets them or that she isn't tough as a bag of nails.#respect my darling woman or die.#skypeia#nico robin#nami#grey's one piece tag
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zoros-bandana · 1 year
Hi there :)
Since you ask me to think about another request, may I have a Zoro with his female s/O having some time together away from the crew? They are in a not so secret relationship, since everyone noticed how they act to each other, but they're still trying to keep it a secret.
It might be a little suggestive if you want/can, but s/o isn't in a smuty mood since she mostly just want the quality time she can't have with her boyfriend on the Sunny.
Thank you ☺️
Love u 💚
(*sanji voice* “gaby-sWan!!!” 😍😍😍) My dearest angel hello I'm so glad to finally do a request for you! (I hope this request isn't too boring for you I was after a really like soft and chill almost sleepy vibe. I will also get to doing the other request once I have caught up to that part) I truely love seeing your icon pop up in my notifications it truely makes my day. Love you sweetest 💚
Zoro x fem reader
Warning: slight suggestive touching, suggestive themes
Summary: wishing to usher your boyfriend for some alone time, you meet him in the quiet of the aquarium bar, soaking up the little time of remaining day.
Word Count: 1,300
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"What took you so long?"
You huffed at Zoro's tone, shutting the door to the aquarium bar, leaning against the cold wood. Your head pounded in agony, exhausted from defending yourself against your friends in a bid to escape their brutal attacks and questions.
"I got cornered" you admitted, blinking slowly as you opened your eyes. Looking down you met the eye of Zoro, an all but empty mug of beer gripped firmly in his hand. He had made no attempt to come to you, comfortably situated in a slump that arched him to look smaller than he was.
"Was it curly brow this time?"
You nodded. "And Nami"
Using the door as a lever you rocked forward, finally taking a step towards your partner. Your movements dragged, slowing your steps in hopes to exaggerate your feelings. "They wanted to know why you had your arm around me at dinner"
Zoro lazily sat back up, spreading himself out. He chugged down the remaining bitters of beer before setting the mug aside, tapping his lap for you to sit upon.
"Tell 'em it was because I needed the space"
"I did" you confessed, flopping into Zoro's lap. "I don't think they were overly convinced, though"
"Well, that doesn't matter. You're here now" Zoro reached around your waist, guiding your body to turn, facing towards the aquarium to your left. You let your head fall to his chest, once again shutting your eyes, the sound of his breathing soothing you instantly. Keeping you close his hand squeezed comfortably, falling back into the chair to recline.
His left hand found its way to your legs, drawing aimlessly over your skin in swirling patterns, almost grounding himself. There were very few occasions where you could be alone together, the feeling almost strange and overly quiet. The rest of the crew would stay above ship after dinner, occupied by various group activities and stories, however, tonight felt different. You craved being with Zoro.
Your friends' voices rung overhead, laughter, and the sound of clattered footsteps led by your captain no doubt. You had exchanged a small whisper to Zoro before dinner of your plan, using tonight as an excuse to have him alone; taking as much of him as you could.
A lingering fear would often cloud your head of his disappearances, knowing how vigorous Zoro could lose himself into training, unsure just how much time you would spend with him that day. You never wished to keep your relationship a secret, and for the most part it wasn't, but the overbearing nature of your friends played a role in how reserved Zoro was; especially with his feelings for you. It was easier to tiptoe around the blatant proposal of an overly affectionate and love-struck couple than face endless teasing from your friends. You both craved one another, and found, as much as you wished to fight it, being apart made you crave these moments more.
Zoro bowed his head down, nuzzling into your hair with a long inhale. He groaned quietly, letting your scent be absorbed fully as if to remember you. "Mmm, you smell so good"
"You would too if you took a shower more often"
"Maybe if you joined me?" Zoro teased without skipping a beat. His hand wondered up, tucking under the hem of your skirt to rest at your upper thigh. The pad of his thumb ran over your skin, fanning in to pick at the edge of your panties.
The contact made you snap your head up, meeting the smug look on Zoro's face. His lips were cracked into a smirk, tipping higher on one side than the other. The grey in his eye was clouded with lust making it hard to determine whether he was serious or pulling your bluff.
"Fine" you shrugged, playing along. "But I bet you wouldn't last five minutes crammed in there with me"
"Crammed?" Zoro laughed, a melodious and heavy tune. "Oh, baby you're sized like a bug next to me. I think you're the one that will struggle"
"But what happens..." you lifted your hand to mimic the action of turning a tap. "When I set the temperature to the hotter side"
Zoro shuttered, recognising your love for hot showers as a searing burn over his back. "Mmm, fine you win"
Letting his hand come away from under your skirt, Zoro retracted himself from advancing on you, reaching instead around your back. His hands moved you to face him, spinning you to squat your legs over his, keeping you as close to him as he could manage. He smiled at your small chuckle, amused by your voiced pleasure of victory.
His body was warm, soft, towering around you like a fortress. Being with him like this, so vulnerable and kind, you felt like you were the only two alive. It was clear in moments lie this how much he cared for you - loves you - willing to keep you safe and grounded in the storm of your life. He was no longer stiff and irritated as he appeared with the crew, easing into a life with you that make him seem relaxed, almost as if the life he knew before you was a distant dream.
Unable to control himself Zoro bent down, his movements too quick for you to process. In a heated rush his lips collected you in a kiss, his arms wrapping tighter to pull you up to him. Even though his lips were dry and cracked, there held a balance in the way he moved, completing you.
He tasted sharp, bitters of beer mixed against the sides of his mouth, curling into a lopsided grin as he felt you. There was still a hint of clumsiness to his kiss, familiarising himself with affection he was deprived of for so long. The edge of his tongue would scuff your lip, hesitant to explore anything beyond surface level, already so comforted by how your lips hugged him back.
"I'm so happy with you" his lips grazed softly, tickling your skin as he moved to your ear. His voice was low and raspy, whispering as if someone was close by, unwilling to interrupt a small moment.
His fingers found the hem of your shirt, tucking under the fabric to brace your skin. The heat on the pads of his hardened fingers moved you to fold with his body, embracing yourselves to become one. Your arms whipped around his neck, holding tight, letting his face linger in the crook of your neck. "I'm happy with you, too"
Zoro was silent to that, taking in everything he felt in that moment. He was at peace, so happy, he hardly realised the weightless effect of the alcohol that burned his throat earlier in the day. He wanted to stay here, like this, soaking you up in the most pure and simplest form. He adored the slight patter of water as it sloshed too the left of you, tangling dances of fish that weaved through the water. The slight bow in the ship as it motioned over the waves, creaking like an old friend retelling stories of the past. The way you felt in his arms, your heart over his, beating at a steady pace. How your hair tickled his skin, leaving notes of you that would last longer than this moment; but he didn't care.
For right now, all he wanted with this with you.
"Promise me nothing will change with us, Y/n" Zoro requested, letting your voice mumble back in inaudible grunts. He could feel the pressure of his feelings fading, understanding how important he was to you as much as you were to him. He didn't need to hide behind his glass walls, turning over the bitterness he had for others. It was you after all that made him complete, deeply and truely fulfilled with the life he feared would never happen.
"I love you too much for that"
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gildedmuse · 4 years
do you like any of the one piece manga colorspreads? if yes, which ones?
I typed up a very long response to this, but since I'm still getting use to my new phone I managed to accidentally close the window.
Here's a outline:
I only started the series a little over a year ago because all my siblings watched it and I wanted in on that sweet bonding time. I didn't even expect to like it honestly, though they changed fairly quickly. I have plans to read the manga, but I'm still working through the series (what I post on this blog is pretty much where I am in the show more or less.
Since I've never read the manga I have no fucking clue what these things are or if they have some kind of deeper meaning. I barely know what chapter or arc they're from.
I totally have favorites. Some of them have Zoro in them so obviously.
Strawhat Story Time
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Honestly, this has to be canon, right? If it isn't it needs to be. I want Robin to take out a book and read the rest of the crew to sleep everytime they are stuck on an island for the night. Of course, I have no idea what she's reading since this is Nico Robin we're talking about; it could be an overly cutesy fairy tale adventure, a dry government approved text on the history of the Grand Line, or just a book of the most gruesome deaths ever recorded (I hope she switches it up every Island or so) but I'd like to think which ever of the possible options Brook always accompanies here with an appropriate backing sound track.
Meanwhile you have Usopp and Chopper looking totally enrapt. Which makes sense. Usopp, of course, loves a good story. I know he's an amazing marksman and all, but part of me still wishes his role on the ship was the chronicler of their adventures or maybe just storyteller. And baby brother Chopper is still innocent enough to fill with wonder as the events unfold, worried the scary looking big dog and kitty cat will never get along and be friends like he so wants.
Then there is Nami, just content to listen while Robin does her thing. Honestly, she's probably just happen no one is actively trying to kill them at the moment. Plus they're camping which saves money so, yeah, she happy.
Neither Sanji nor Franky will be able to tell you what the story is about after she finishes. Sanji because apparently being read to like a child is a big turn on for him. Franky because, well, poor guy is already half asleep. His eyes are open but only just. It gives off big team mom and dad vibes. Franky probably spent his day fixing the ship, watching and playing with the three youngest brothers, keeping the older two from killing each other, and helping Nami as needed. Dude is exhausted, but he's trying to stay up and enjoy this little family moment.
Unlike Luffy and Zoro who are both dead asleep. Neither of them seem like big bedtime story guys. Luffy passes out instantly anyway and is really only interesting in stories if they can tell him something fun to do. Zoro doesn't even care about that. Stories are either are up in which case why bother or they've already happened I'm which case who cares?
Knights Of The Sunny's Dinner Table
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A lot of these I like just got the weird AU settings. Like medieval king Luffy surrounded by his knights (plus whatever Nami is suppose to be.) A few observations:
- Usopp'd knight outfit makes him look sort of like Hercules'n and is perfect.
- Brook has a lute why not just make him the bard! Full metal plate armour is heavy. Brook doesn't have the muscle for that. he doesn't have muscles at all (yohohoho!)
- Chopper is fucking adorable
-. Zoro is obviously Luffy s personal knight and protector. Fight me on it. Love how his jolly roger is on his armour. I assume that means that even back then he fought three sword style.
Zoro Is ON A Cat
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I just like this one okay? First, shout out to Usopp who looks completely balling. Second, did Zoro defeat a giant panther in a fightnjust so he could ride around on it? I think we all know he did.
That's like the first time I've seen him wear his bandana like that. I approve.
Rainbows And Rock N Roll
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Hey, you guys remember that time the Strawhat started a band? No? Oh, right, that's because all recordings of them were destroyed for public safety reasons.
It makes so much sense to stick Luffy with symbols. Like yeah, of course he'd be in the band but how many instruments would you trust him with, really? Where as Usopp seems smart enough that he could easily learn guitar.
Zoro as the drummer also makes perfect sense. He gets to hit things real heard and he's like a steady presence on the crew. The only problem with this drawing? Why no third drumstick in his mouth. Do you coward. You should have gone three stick style.
Also I'd be all about a modern AU where these idiots start a band. And the only bar that will have them just happens to be the one a young medical student visits. He absolutely hates their music, it's loud and annoying and they don't seem to practice or even have a plan, they just get up on stage and chaos ensues. And people absolutely love them. He doesn't understand and yet.... He keeps coming back, every Friday like clockwork.
If nothing else the obnoxious boy with the symbols whose role seems to be bouncing around stage, hanging them together whenever he feels, rallying the crowd and random back up vocals has some amazing sexual chemistry with the silent drummer guy in the back, the one to rocking green hair probably because he thinks it makes him look punk. Like.... It's almost frustrating when he hears girls swooning over them because come on. That can't all just be an act, right? What if they haven't realized it yet? What if they're just that unaware. Law would be more than happy to fill them in provided they thank him with a place in ghei- oh God how much has he had to drink tonight? Fuck he hates The Strawhat Pirates. It's not even a good band name!
ETA: New phone problem. It posted before I was done. I guess I'll do the other seven in a separate post.
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