#like do yk what banter is lmao they're friends
Headcannons for sokeefe when they have children
Keefe is like terrified. Like he cries sm before he first kid is born. He is so scared he's gonna be like his own parents. But once he sees that kid he just...he just knows he's gonna be there for them no matter what. And he is.
Sophie is so scared, but only one of them can be scared at a time. So during her (peaceful elvin) pregnancy, she's pretty relaxed, convincing Keefe he'll do a good job. After the kid is born, however, it's her turn to panic. Keefe comforts her.
Their kids are so sweet. Very emotionally mature. These two KNOW how to raise kids. They will NOT be going through what they had to.
Keefe takes the kids for ice cream and teaches them art (Sophie can't art it's so bad actually)
Keefe takes them to do fun stuff that's not irresponsible
They both take the kids outside a lot
They aren't too strict or relaxed. They're not strict enough to be super big on "No dating until *this* age" but also not saying that some super dangerous reckless kid is good enough for them. Their kids have good heads on their shoulders because they're advised but can make their own mistakes.
Sophie cooks. Keefe physically cannot cook.
Keefe doesn't usually get mad, just disappointed. When they're rude though he's mad.
Keefe has never yelled at them in a serious tone. Like he's loud as hell but when they're in trouble he doesn't yell. He talks to them.
They both explain things to their kids, not just say "because I said so"
He notices minor expressions about his kids and talks to them privately- he stopped yelling out feelings in front of people.
He never uses his abilities on them. Ever.
Their kids can bring someone home and he'll act all "if you ever hurt my kid-" and then laughs and is like "jk hi welcome!!" And his kids' s.o.'s are like "so you won't hurt me if I hurt your kid??" and he's like "haha no my kid will :D" and his kid smiles
They constantly go to the beach
And Havenfield
Home is very important to them. They're open.
Sophie is still really fun
She teaches her kids to make pies and play her little human games and teaches them a love of reading
They play family board games
She takes her kids to parks and just talks with them yk
When Sophie's mad she's gotten used to not really yelling because of being married to Keefe, but she's still terrifying. Death glare of all time.
Keefe and Sophie love their kids. They're sad when they go to school but at least they have each other
The Sarcasm Family(TM)
Side note not about kids- since Sophie and Keefe are both Polyglots, they banter in different languages
They teach their kids to fight
Their kids know a little bit about the war, but very little about the sad stuff. Just enough to know the basis but that they're glad they're not there.
"Go take a shower!" "no quiero!" "残念な。残りの私たちはあなたの匂いを嗅いで苦しまなければなりません。" "คุณหมายถึง" "troppu boffu" "Მიყვარხარ?" "Mhm. Love you too."
*Google translate is my friend sorry if it's wrong lmao*
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caliburn-the-sword · 10 months
fhh ch26-29
shit's getting real and i'm afraid. anyway i gotta pickup my sister but will defo read more later
yk what?? maybe oliver's sacrifice WAS sweet and i'm NOT gonna dunk on celia for wanting to rescue him just yet,,, can't make promises for the future tho
the way they got an INCH away from realising phoebe is the priest skdjfns
lmao past orion would literally slap memoryless orion if he heard him wanting to go rescue oliver fksjdhnf,,, tho as a sibling i'd like to think he'd rescue him regardless of if they're allies or not
i love orion's dedication to rosalind even without memories. literally so sweet. he is raising the bar for all men fr
no fucking way silas wu and his family were scarlet gang fksjdnfs this is the reveal of the century. next time i read tvd i'll be looking out for anyone that could potentially be a silas now that we've got confirmation of an oliver
help silas' mother is so sweet i adore her and i love his family omg how tf does he have a normal homelife in this economy
yessss silas tell phoebe how you feel or skirt around your feelings for another 200 pages because i do enjoy seeing you squirm
"he was waiting on so much from every side that he was spread as thin as a crepe." silas is my beloved little crepe. but this is probably flagging that he's gonna be exposed before the novel's end
phoebe's mommy issues are killing me omfg
didn't realise priest had a fanclub. in another world, it's lady fortune and priest butting heads fksjfnas. even if the gems are fake this isn't very commie "for the people" of this vendor lmao
this banter about jesting seems vaguely shakespearean but i didn't do my homework and read as you like it before reading this duology so i have no idea
this imagery of city snow being in hard dirty clumps is ruining my idyllic romantic image of snow ngl
words cannot describe how much i need phoebe and silas to have a messy friend breakup, reevaluate themselves, and then kiss
the way phoebe is talking i want to see female rage. i want to see her scream and cry and throw things and break shit. i need this more than i need my heart to pump blood through my body
i can't believe i went through all the fucking anguish of chapter 27 to reach chapter 28 with shit like "as if she were being addressed by a rock that had grown a mouth to speak rock thoughts" "I promise-- with my wholeheart and soul-- that he's usually smarter," um HELLO?? let a bitch die in peace omfg. idk whether i need to laugh or to cry
i find it interesting that rosalind refers to herself and celia as twins rather than as triplets
the fact that we're HEARING celia's plan on how to get everyone into the city means it's going to go wrong. yippee
alisa and orion ~gossip session~
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taegularities · 1 month
hey! hope you are doing well :)
just as a discussion wanted to right this
this whole ship war is so insane like the whole tk and jk thing💀 Like god relax yall these guys are friends since almost 12 years and brothers…
yes sometimes questionable things happen I think?? but because of all this nonsense the actual fans can’t even enjoy the show normally without people analysing every small thing 😭🔫Howevrr I will say this tho Jk seems diff in the show idk how the whole banter with tae just seems off idk maybe im overanalysing.
your thoughts on this?
hey hey, i hope you're doing well, too <3
yeah, i mean – my thoughts on this are that we don't know the boys personally, and that's why some people are quick to label them as a potentially secret couple. we only analyse the one hour we see each week. in my eyes, they're literally just friends that have grown extremely comfortable with each other over time. they lived at the same place for ages, have known each other for 12 years, were together day in day out. of course they'll act this way, yk?
i always say that if my best friend(s) and i starred in a tv show, the world would think of us as a romantic couple immediately lmao bc that's what close friendship is about; you start acting a certain way and become unafraid to show affection. that's what i think.
is jk different? idk. i feel like that's his true self – like 'ays?!' kind of shows how much of a brat he is, right? hahaha and idk, it seemed to me that he was even more open with tae than he usually is. i think what i like about this show is that they behave very naturally; maybe even moreso than in their previous stuff, like bon voyage. but yeah that's just what i think hahaha everybody has their own thoughts on this
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arthurslesbian · 2 years
no cuz when arthur sits down next to merlin and asks him "something's been upsetting you, hasn't it?" his first reaction is literally to blame himself. like he doesn't even ask "what's wrong" he just asks "was it when i threw water over you?" 😭😭😭
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kimnjss · 3 years
Nah but this man was WAY too excited about yn posting him 😂😂😂 he ran to the group chat ☠️ I love this development. Like what even is happening 😂 then we got yn in her gc justifying why she should just say 🤷🏽‍♀️ and fuck him anyways (listen, she’s got some good points 🤧 👀 hard to resist even with that mouth he’s got). I’m obsessed with the idea of joon accidentally just becoming friends with her? Like one day he’ll get this epiphany of “wtf did I friendzone myself???” The man would not know what to do (a friend yn would still def f with 🥴 but shh he ain’t gotta know that). Also their banter is top tier, they’re funny asf
I don’t want the whole 2seok situation to get messy 😩…but like at the same time I do cause the ✨drama✨ 👀
Yoonmin is still giving me life!!! Yoongi is so 🥰 for him like who even is that? His friends would be 🤨🧐🤔 if they saw those texts. That is a man down BAD
just screaming the whole way OMG . nd yk yn didn't even blink twice with taking the picture nd posting it . after deciding that she was going to sleep with him ., she was turning her own charm - much different than joon's but he has no idea what to do with himself now that she is finally giving back to it . but the more that they've been talking - it looks like a very odd friendship has started . he's still very annoying ., she the way she combats that with her own sass definitely makes things feel nice between the two of them . their constantly going back nd forth nd altho she's always ready to fight him - it's gotta be a little bit fun .
2seok are abt to be a whole mess lmao trust me . they're in the spot where they are just hooking up nd you know how well that goesss .
yoonmin are lowkey the only couple that have it together LOL . decided that they liked each other nd then went for it - but yeah ., yoongi is NOT like this - his friend would be shocked .
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