#like dripping spray paint on the lil beasts sandwiched between the phone & the plushies‚ the latter of which were also supposed to be shade
just-jammin · 5 months
after... uhhh *checks calendar* SIX FUCKIN MONTHS, i finished my side of the art trade with @altairtalisman!!
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they asked me to draw Hisui Inazuma from their Hallowed Hotel OC series(? idk what to call these atm lol), annnd... yeah
it was a lot more of a pain to draw, but the college shit was only a MERE speck compared to the fact that i wasn't able to edit the dang thing in the later parts of me drawing it, due to me having the habit of using a fuckton of layers... man...
anyhoo, even though this was only supposed to be a practice thing, i'm pretty happy with how it turned out! :DDD
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