#like dude Joe was literally the subject of her last 5 albums
grilledkatniss · 1 year
Is it just me or is Taylor maybe losing some weight lately? Like I guess constantly rehearsing for and performing about three three-hour shows back to back every weekend, while working in studios during the week, plus the almost certain jetlag that must come with all these back and forth travels and the stress of being followed around 24/7 by paps and every move, clothing choice and people she does or doesn't get near to scrutinized by the media, and let's not forget the constant threats against her life, her own family's, team's, band and dancers', and even the audience's lives by stalkers who say they'd "happily wear a bomb if they can't be with their soulmate".. all of it must take a toll on her physically.
And I know she probably has a whole ass team just in charge of her health and nutrition during this tour but still, I would like to know she's not neglecting her own needs for us, cause all of what she's doing and getting herself into and going through is mostly for and because of us.
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