#staying too busy to think about that guy she held onto for almost 7 years dreaming about church bells and a life and family together
grilledkatniss · 1 year
Is it just me or is Taylor maybe losing some weight lately? Like I guess constantly rehearsing for and performing about three three-hour shows back to back every weekend, while working in studios during the week, plus the almost certain jetlag that must come with all these back and forth travels and the stress of being followed around 24/7 by paps and every move, clothing choice and people she does or doesn't get near to scrutinized by the media, and let's not forget the constant threats against her life, her own family's, team's, band and dancers', and even the audience's lives by stalkers who say they'd "happily wear a bomb if they can't be with their soulmate".. all of it must take a toll on her physically.
And I know she probably has a whole ass team just in charge of her health and nutrition during this tour but still, I would like to know she's not neglecting her own needs for us, cause all of what she's doing and getting herself into and going through is mostly for and because of us.
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adonis-koo · 4 years
Blue Spring
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↳ Summary: Jeon Jungkook, only well known as the youngest (and hottest) dad at the daycare, he’s got it all, the looks, the sweetheart personality, the body, but here’s what gets everyone- he doesn’t wear a wedding ring. The only problem lies in his fickle one year old daughter that hates just about every daycare worker out there...Well...besides you that is. Which of course leads to Jungkook liking you just as much as his daughter...if not maybe a little too much.
Or in other words...You and Jungkook are secretly crushing on one another but too shy to admit it.
↳ Pairing: Single dad!Jungkook/Reader
↳ Genre: Daycare AU, Slice of life, copious amounts of fluff, a hair of angst, future smut
Word Count: 4K
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Seven thirty sharp. Your mind was groggy and you couldn’t stop the yawn that escaped your lips, you had stayed up too late the night before studying due to a test you’d have later today without even thinking about the shift you promised your coworker you’d cover. So here you were at First Steps 7:30 in the morning, coffee in hand and your hair in a messy bun.
You hadn’t even bothered getting changed besides your fitness pants. Outside of that you were still dawned in your oversized university sweatshirt. At least you’d be with the kids most of the day, one of the perks of working at a daycare was you rarely had to get dressed up.
Another perk was during naptime you could squeeze in a little more time to look over your notes, but maybe you shouldn’t get ahead of yourself considering you only slept six hours and currently look like you just rolled out bed.
Opening the door to the entrance you were greeted with the sound of cartoons, a morning routine while all the kids had their breakfast snack and got out their energy while playing. What drowned out the volume however was a familiar loud screech and whine from a little pair of arms that attached herself to the much larger figure.
“Awwwh, poor baby.” You cooed as you kneeled down, your lips quirking into a pout at the all too familiar sight, “Mina! Daddy has to go to work, he’ll be back for you later”
The little one year old suddenly perked up at the sound of your voice making you laugh softly before she quickly toddled over to you as best she could, fat crocodile tears dribbling down her cheeks as she threw herself dramatically against your chest making your lips pull into a big animated pout, “Awh it’s okay baby! Poor thing, it always takes her at least ten minutes to stop crying anytime you go.”
You picked her up, maneuvering her up to your hip as you kept her balanced in one hand, turning to fully face the tall man who you had grown acquainted too, “She’d probably cry the whole time if it weren’t for you Y/n, really thank you.” Jungkook gave an endearing smile as he let his little girl wrap her tiny hand around his finger, tears still dribbling down her cheeks as whines escaped her.
Mina, was a tough one. When new kids came in it was usually guaranteed they’d have a little separation anxiety from their parents, especially if it was the first they had ever done something like this. Usually it was recommended that the parent only leave them for an hour or so at first before they started dropping them off full time but that wasn’t always the case.
Regardless, you were both used to it and trained for it. You could almost always coax a child into looking over at the toy wall to find something they liked, or maybe they liked being read aloud too. And with particularly hard ones, you’d even let them pick out a movie if it was movie hour. But almost always, after a child was initially acquainted to you, they’d let you at least hold them or maybe coax them to play with you.
Mina, was one of the few exceptions. She had major separation anxiety from her dad and did not want any of the workers holding her- even trying to play with her. You had heard plenty about the ‘cryer’ in your work’s group chat as various staff who had worked the days she was here tried to figure out how to handle her. Then, you finally met her.
She looked doe eyed, hugging onto her dad's leg when you kneeled down and introduced yourself with a bright yet sincere smile.
You weren’t sure if it was how you said hello to her, or if it was the way you smelled like your favorite lotion, but for some reason this little girl was stuck to you like glue ever since, “You know you're her favorite right?” Jungkook joked the dimple on his cheek showing as he gave a rather boyish- yet charming smile. He was a sweetheart, through and through, you could tell how much he cared for his daughter and it only added to his charm further.
“Well, it is a part of the job,” You glanced up at him returning a tiny smile of your own as you shrugged.
You’d deny all of your coworkers giggly words and raised eyebrows anytime you were in the same room as them when Jungkook dropped Mina off. You’d also deny that you were almost always flustered in his presence, Jungkook was young, like young. He could have only been five years older than you at most. If not closer to your age.
And it wasn’t like you were blind either, he was obviously attractive. He was the talk of your coworkers day, mainly because he had a child, right? But here’s the thing, he wasn’t wearing a wedding ring.
At first you were the rational one, maybe he just had a girlfriend and they were going to tie the knot eventually? Or maybe they were one of those couples that didn’t believe in marriage. Chloe had proposed that maybe he wasn’t a jewelry type of guy and always forgot to put it on. Or maybe they were a couple that did something unorthodox like wedding bracelets.
It was Lisa who chimed in last, reminding you both that this was the dad who had his ears completely punctured with over four piercings on each side. He was definitely a jewelry kind of guy.
So why wouldn’t he wear whatever jewelry they chose as their wedding bond?
Regardless, the reason your coworkers constantly winked in your direction was because it was obvious Mina had taken a liking to you, which meant Jungkook had as well...Maybe a little too well, according to them at least.
The rest was self explanatory.
“Still, Mina’s a big daddy’s girl. I felt awful leaving her here all day the first few weeks.” Jungkook gave a bashful smile as he set the large backpack down, Jeon Mina labeled on the front which held all her favorite snacks, diapers and any possible blankets or stuffies she’d need or want from home. You usually didn’t go digging around through bags but it usually helped if a parent brought in something from home. Especially for ones like Mina who could really benefit from it.
“Oh I can tell,” You gave a laugh as Mina, as if sensing she was being talked about broke into tears again as her little hand tightened on her dad’s finger, “Oh honey, shhh,” You bounced her a little on your hip with a coo before glancing up once more, “But it’s a transitional stage for her, for any of them who tend to have separation anxiety. You might feel awful but I promise it’s fine, it’s something they all go through and adjust to as they get older. I see it all the time.”
Jungkook smiled a little at your reassurance, something about him just looked so endearingly boyish still despite being a fully grown man, maybe it was the little dimple that appeared on his cheek or the beauty mark just beneath his lower lip, “I know, it still doesn’t make it any easier though,” Just as he said those words he sighed a little as he glanced over at the clock, “Anyways I need to head on to work, I will see you later.”
Mina as if sensing his departure immediately began crying once more as he pressed a kiss on her forehead, your heart speeding up a little at him being so close, the strong scent of cologne meeting your nose before quickly disappearing. Mina had tried her best to hold onto her dad’s finger as he easily pulled away, giving a semi guilty smile at the wallowing drama queen he called his daughter as he gave you another smile and nod before exiting.
Setting your coffee down against the counter you sighed, taking a deep breath as you held Mina in both arms, her little face thrown down against your shoulder as she pitifully cried against you. Nothing like being clung to first thing in the morning before you could even drink a full cup of coffee. God you had so much respect for mothers.
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“I just think, if the opportunity is there, and if he’s single...why not take it?” Lisa raised her brows as she coaxingly tried to convince you of an honestly, unprofessional idea.
Sighing you pinched the bridge of your nose as Mina colored beside you- well, if scribbling with a colored pencil counted as coloring, “Lisa, that’s a horrible idea. We don’t know if he’s single or not, and honestly? It’s none of my business. Besides he’s a dad, I don’t know….” You paused your words as you glanced around before lowering your voice into a whisper, “I don’t know shit about parenting.”
Chloe clacked her tongue as she leaned back in her seat, the tiny cherry red kids chair which almost all of you sat in rather than fight over who got to sit in the big chair, often making kids think they could sit on it in which they’d be disappointed in the result, “Y/n we work with kids everyday.” She cut into the conversation deadpan.
Leave it to Chloe to point out the obvious but working with kids or not that wasn’t even close to the same thing.
“Yeah, but we don’t live with them, Chloe, we don’t have to discipline them everyday, we don’t have to call the doctor when they get sick or- or tuck them in at night or let them sleep with us when they have a nightmare- being a caretaker and a parent might be similar but they aren’t the same.” You tapped your coloring pencil against the page of the coloring sheet Mina had picked out for you, well more like the first one she could find and drag out before slapping it against the table and pointing at a chair. If she could speak you were certain she’d be demanding for you to sit.
Having a tiny child boss you around all day wasn’t the greatest job in the world but it could certainly be worse.
“Honestly, who said anything about parenting? I mean...a flings a fling-” Chloe paused, glancing over at the four year olds who were all playing before lowering her voice and leaning in a little, “You’ve seen his body and he’s clearly interested in you, how can you not see it?”
You could feel your face flush as you looked away from her, scowling at the table. How can they talk about this in front of his daughter! Albeit she was only one years old and looked perfectly happy scribbling her piece of paper, even going as far as to help you color yours as well.
Swallowing thickly you lowered your voice before exasperatedly hissing, “I am not messing with that! It would be different if he was actively trying to talk to me but I don’t think that’s what he’s going for.”
Lisa raised her brows almost looking offended at your words, had it not been for one of the four year olds calling for her you were positive she would’ve went on a massive rant about how dumb you were, “Uh he always talks to you when he’s here? How much more does he have to beg for your attention Y/n?- Coming Wi Joo.” Standing up she huffed before making her way over to where the kids were.
Speak of the devil you were surprised at who had poked their head through the door, Jungkook had stayed behind watching with a soft smile at his little girl happily coloring beside you, tugging on your finger to make you look at her picture as you nodded, leaning in as you whispered, “I think someone is here for you.” Mina glanced up as you pointed your finger to the door.
You had never seen a toddler look so frantic as she cried in happiness, Jungkook never came by this early so it must have been a treat. Unfortunately Mina was still clumsy on her feet and tripped on her way to her dad before dramatically rolling onto her back as she cried.
“Oh my goodness!” Jungkook exclaimed as he walked in with a chuckle as he glanced down with precious eyes at his baby who glanced up at him with foe crocodile tears, purposely acting like she was hurt so he’d pick her up, “Is my babygirl okay?” He leaned down before effortlessly picking her up, her crying immediately stopped as a giggle bubbled on her lips as if feeling she had successfully tricked her dad into picking her up, “Was she good?”
Jungkook had asked as he turned to you, standing up as you rounded the table with a nod, “Oh yeah! A little fussy this morning but I think it was because she hadn’t had a snack yet, not to mention she was pretty upset for you leaving. I think all is forgiven though since you came by early.”
Laughing Jungkook nodded as he shifted her to his hip, “Yeah I only had a half day at work, so I figured I’d take her to get some lunch before dropping her off at her moms. She’ll probably be mad at me again but what can I do?”
“Uh Y/n- Ji Woo puked, you mind getting us some more paper towels?” You cringed as you looked over at Lisa who had pulled a crying Ji Woo along to the bathroom as Chloe hearded the other kids away from the mess.
“Oh she’ll survive. She loves to be a drama queen though, right Mina?” You poked her cheek making a giggle escape her lips as she grabbed your finger with both of her hands, a bubble escaping her lips as if she were trying her hardest to say something, little brows focused, “M…!” You laughed at her cute little focused expression, her doe eyes glancing at you like her little life depended on it, “Anyways, have a good day guys, I’ll see you later.”
You gave a short wave to them both, intending to go and get more paper towels because the sight of the bile was large and it was clear someone had still been motion sick even after the car ride. God didn’t his mom say she’d stop letting him eat in the car before taking him here?
“Oh uh!”
You turned around at the sound of Jungkook’s almost jumbled words, his eyes wide as if he had forgotten something before sharply forcing his voice to sound more calm, “I was uh wondering….” He suddenly looked a little hesitant, eyes glancing down as you raised your brows, “Umm, I...I promised my boss I’d come in on Saturday to help with a project and I really need a babysitter for Mina....Would you mind...if you aren’t busy of course!” He suddenly rushed. You tilted your head at first, mainly because it looked like he wanted to ask you something else but had changed his mind.
Tugging on a strand of your hair you quickly glanced over at the Chloe who had been telling the younger kids to stay away from the mess despite their ignorance, “Uh yeah! No, as long as you don’t mind me studying while watching her, um. I- uh- I...really need to go over and help...Let me uh-” You grabbed one of First Steps business cards before turning it over and using the back to write down your number, “Here, you can send me the details and we can work out pay a little later.”
Jungkook’s eyes lit up before he smiled, grabbing the card from you as he nodded, “Yes- absolutely! Thank you Y/n, I’ll uh,” He gave a small laugh as he glanced over to your frantic coworker, “I’ll leave you to it, say bye Mina.” He grabbed her little arm as he made her wave making you laugh as you quickly ran over to help Chloe.
Maybe...just maybe your coworkers were onto something.
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You swallowed thickly, feeling only slightly intimidated at the size of the house. Jungkook couldn’t have been in his thirties already, right? I mean, you knew he was definitely older than you but still...there was no way someone in their twenties could already afford to live somewhere so nice. Right?
Meanwhile you were stuffed in a small apartment close to the uni with three roommates who all lived on ramen, you included. Fixing the bag over your shoulder you took an inhale before stepping up to the door and knocking, it was only a few moments before the door swung open. Much to your surprise you were met with a wet headed Jungkook, dawned in sweatpants and a loose white shirt that still somehow strapped against his broad shoulders, “Oh good you’re here! Come in.”
Jungkook ushered as he stood aside, carefully you took your shoes off as Jungkook waved you over, “Mina is in the living room right now watching cartoons, she’s never hungry this early in the morning but she has some chocolate milk, um, oh yeah, she’ll probably want breakfast around nine or so. I have some cereal in the dolly if you want an easy way out,” Jungkook had lead you into the kitchen- the very nice kitchen, granite countertops, smooth tile flooring and a spacious middle counter, “But I also have plenty of ingredients if you wanna be adventurous and making pancakes or anything- word of advice she’s picky about eggs.” Jungkook sent a playful wink your way making your face flair up as you gave a laugh- though it felt more nervous than anything.
“Also, feel free to eat as well, I don’t want you to starve while you’re here,” Jungkook continued, eyes genuine as he paused for a moment, making you nod before he gestured you into the living room, the lights were all turned off and the curtains had yet to be drawn making the room much more dark than it appeared except for the TV.
Your heart was ready to melt at the pile of blankets on the couch, Mina was practically buried in them happily, her stuffed bear she always carried with her nestled against her as she sleepily yawned, “I’m not really a restrictive parent when it comes to TV but if it’s grating on your sanity you can feel free to turn it off at any time, she’ll be a little whiney about it but there’s plenty of toys in her room, speaking of,”
You passed into the hallway with Jungkook as he walked all the way down to the end, opening the door into a much brighter and frilly room decked in light princess pink, toys scattered across the floor, “All of her coloring and markers are in her closet, any toy she could possibly need is in here, she might insist it isn’t but trust me- it is. I usually put her down for a nap around after lunch and get her up around three or so before dinner. That pretty much covers everything. Since she’s home she probably won’t cry, I’ll be home around two or so anyways so I’m sure it’ll go by quick for her. Uh do you have any questions or…?”
“No! I mean, it sounds good to me. I wrestle with kids everyday when it comes to nap time so I doubt anything will be any more challenging than that. Uh otherwise I should be fine, I can always call if I have a problem but I’m not worried about it, Mina’s a good kid at daycare so I’m sure she’ll be fine at home. Is there anything you want me to make sure to do?” You asked as you both walked back down the hall
Jungkook gave it some thought for a moment before giving a shrug altogether, “No, I have complete faith you’ll be fine. I know you guys get to deal with a lot of bitchy parents but I’m not really….” he paused for a moment, looking away with a familiar expression to Mina whenever she was focused, “I trust you, that’s all.” Oh...your face flushed a little at his words, both of you paused for a second as you realized how close you were to him at the moment.
Why did this feel so domestic?
Jungkook looked like he just rolled out of bed...and so did you...it almost felt like it another universe rather then coming over to watch his daughter it was like you could be living together- No! No! No! Don’t let your mind go there! Both of you broke out of whatever tranced silence had took over at the gurgle of excitement. Blabber coming from Mina in excitement at the sight of you, her thumb escaping her lips as she dropped her blanket, toddling over to you before hugging your leg, “Awwwh goodmorning honey.” You couldn’t help but coo out, internally squealing at just how cute she was.
God you loved kids.
Picking her up she excitingly bounced against your hip before wrapping her tiny arms around you. Jungkook’s eyes crinkled a little at the sight, “Alright, if you’re set here then I better get going. I’ll be back soon.” He leaned in kissing Mina’s forehead as she cooed softly, clearly in contentment as he smiled once more before exiting the kitchen. Except unlike at daycare she stayed calm the whole time, maybe not even realizing he was gone. Instead, Mina chose to snuggle up against you as you laughed walking back into the living room before carefully sitting on the couch.
Glancing at the entry way you couldn’t help but wonder where Jungkook worked for him to be going in wearing such casual attire. He was usually a little more formal with his clothes, not suit and tie but well fitted jeans and maybe a button up. Clacking your tongue you forced yourself to relax, you were going to be here for over six hours, might as well get comfortable.
The hours did in fact go by fast, you had spent most of the morning studying before going into the kitchen, deciding you’d make plenty of breakfast for both you and Mina while splurging on premade french toast sticks in the freezer while making sausage to go.
Given Mina couldn’t talk yet it had been a little lonely within the hours but it was a good time spent on studying until she was suddenly out of sight and getting into something, or trying to fall off something, or...well...you get the idea.
Naptime was more difficult than you anticipated, especially given how easily she was knocked out at daycare, but then again she also used a lot more energy there when crying. Mina was in the comforts of her home and was not happy to be told it was naptime.
You never could get her in her room but she eventually lost the battle when she cuddled in your lap and eventually fell asleep, your text book in hand as you tiredly rubbed your eyes, yawning before forcing your eyelids back open.
You hadn’t even heard the door open until the sight of Jungkook quietly came into view, he was in silent awe at the sight, you looked picture perfect with Mina sleeping against you, he felt his heartrate spike when you noticed him, giving your own sleepy smile as he sat down next to you, not too close, but enough to get a good look at your tired features, “Was she good?”
You gave a tiny nod as you set the text book down, “Yeah, stubborn about naptime but here we are.”
Jungkook gave a soft laugh, mindful of his voice as he didn’t wanna wake his princess, eyes affectionate as he glanced down, “Sounds about right, I usually get a naptime too when she gets like this. Guess you found out she’s a big cuddler.”
“Oh yeah, she tried to toddle off a few times but she stuck to me most of the day. She’s never been this clingy at daycare but I can understand why.” You carefully shifted in your seat a little, trying to straighten yourself from your sunken position without waking her, it was silent for a moment before you decided to tread carefully, “So uh, where do you work Jungkook? If you don’t mind me asking.”
“Oh no it’s fine, I work as a game developer for Bandai Namco. We’ve been working on a new expansion for the Soul series lately and we’re behind so I’ve been going in extra to try and get us ahead again. I wish I didn’t have too since Saturdays are the only days I get to really spend with Mina…” A twinge of guilt flickered on Jungkook’s face as he pressed his lips together, yet if you looked closer you could see he seemed almost sad, maybe disappointed in himself, “I um, I know you’re studying but...How about you? I’m assuming you’re in university right?”
You gave a small smile as you nodded, “Yeah, I’m studying in nursing right now,” You could tell he seemed a little taken aback by your answer making you laugh, “I know, a lot of people assume I’m in for teaching, especially sense that’s the norm for daycare workers, but…! I am hoping to get in at the children’s hospital, I love working with kids.”
“You’re great with them,” Jungkook hadn’t meant to let it slip from his mouth but it was too late, silence had taken over once more as you gave a shyer smile as Jungkook fumbled, cheeks beginning to dust pink, “I mean...uh! You are! You know how to calm them down and uh…Mina really likes you, so um, that counts for something. She’s really picky with people, you didn’t hear it from me but she really doesn’t even like her mom.”
You tried to laugh yet you couldn’t force it, something felt particularly taboo about laughing at that yet you didn’t know why. You couldn’t help but wonder why Mina’s mom couldn’t watch her. Or why Jungkook seemed so serious despite his joking tone, “Well I think deep down all kids secretly have a favorite parent,” You kept your tone light yet neutral, not wanting to tread on sensitive ground with whatever seemed to be going on with Jungkook’s significant other.
You weren’t sure what the story was but going off his words yesterday at the daycare he must have been divorced if Mina’s mom didn’t live with him. And give his joking- yet serious comment their relations must not have ended kindly.
“Fair enough, maybe it’s just me but I think I’m a pretty awesome dad.” Jungkook boasted with that boyish grin making you stifle your laugh. After the initial ice had been broken you both seemed to hold a conversation easily and before you had knew it the hours had slipped away from you. Mina eventually waking up from her nap only to gurgle in delight at the sight of her dad, crawling into his lap, “Oh I should probably get going,” you had checked your phone only for your eyes to widen at the time, “I promised my friends I’d help get snacks for movie night.”
Shifting in your seat as you stood up, Jungkook mirroring you leaving Mina on the couch with a whine in complaint, “Oh yeah of course! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to keep you…!”
“No! It’s okay,” You rushed out, feeling your cheeks begin to warm as you rubbed your neck, “...I actually enjoyed myself…!” You shuffled in your spot feeling your throat become dry at the silence as you wracked your brain to find something else to say.
Jungkook cleared his throat, feeling a little meek as he rubbed his nose, “W-well um...maybe we can uh...maybe we can do this again sometime?” You felt your face burn at his shy expression, peering up at you hesitantly before continuing, “O-or maybe go out to eat sometime…? With Mina of course!” He rushed, “She’d be a little mad if we left her here.”
You couldn’t help the soft laugh that escaped you despite the nervous butterflies in your stomach, “Of course she would...id...I’d like that a lot..!” Oh god, did he just ask you out? Your brain was wrecked with a million thoughts as you and Jungkook fumbled with your goodbyes. The warm air meeting your lunges with relief as you stepped outside before shoving your face into your hands. He asked you out! Jeon Jungkook, only the hottest dad at the daycare really just asked you out!
Sucking in another breath of air you couldn’t help but let the giddy grin tug on your lips. Maybe this wasn’t such a bad idea. Jungkook obviously liked you enough to try a date and...and why not not! Maybe your friends weren’t wrong after all.
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Note: thank you all for being so patient with me! I know Blue Spring has been highly anticipated and the wait is over! It was originally meant to be a oneshot but it just got ridiculously long lmao so by popular choice it’s going to be a four part mini series! Please enjoy and let me know what you think!! 🖤
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bowlegsandbiceps · 3 years
Suptober Day 7: Young at Heart
i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart)
Teen / Death!Dean & Human!Cas / Destiel / 5,073 words
Read on AO3
Suptober Masterlist (A03)
It was a snowy evening in the heart of winter when Death roamed the streets of Chicago. You wouldn’t have known him from any other young man, bundled as he was in a worn leather jacket, jeans and boots but there was a certain static about him that made other pedestrians give him a wide berth. He was headed to the fire station on the corner of Hope and Clairmont, humming a Billy Joel song as he avoided slush piles and other humans alike.
He posted up against a telephone pole, making sure to breathe so any passers-by would note the cloud of air passing his lips on every exhale and assure themselves that he was human. It was the least he could do. He checked his watch, an old Timex with a cracked face, and shoved his hands in his pockets. Any minute now.
Across the street, a young girl hurried into view from around the corner, her arms full of a bundle. She looked up at the sign over the fire station door, looked down at her bundle, and swallowed hard. A tiny arm rose from the bundle, naked and red. The girl took it and tucked it back inside the blanket. She sniffled, setting the bundle gingerly down on the top step before backing away slowly. One step, then another her eyes remaining on the pile of blankets before her face crumpled and she turned to run, a dry sob echoing down the empty street.
Death pushed off the telephone pole and made his way leisurely across the street. The baby had started to cry, cold now without its mother to hold it and keep its limbs covered. Death looked down at it, feeling its little heartbeat slow. He crouched down, breathing directly onto the child, and knew he was likely making its final moments worse, a wretched thing like him, even if he was trying to provide a little warmth. 
Then something unexpected happened. The baby quieted and bright blue eyes opened, holding Death captive in an intense stare. Death couldn’t feel things, he mused, but if it could, surely it would have been charmed by the babe who instead of recoiling from its impending end, raised a hand toward him, beckoning.
Death raised a cautious hand, one finger hooking in that tiny fist and he was surprised at how strong it was, despite the hypothermia. The child held his gaze still, just looking not pleading or frozen in horror and Death glanced at his watch again, noting the time. He looked up at the firehouse door, the sound of laughter dulled by the heavy metal. If only the girl had knocked before she ran. Death looked back to the child, its ethereal stare snagging his again.
Death raised his hand and knocked.
Inside the firehouse, a number of men made an uneasy circle around the strange man holding a bundled infant. Death hadn’t meant to stay but since he’d already gone and messed with the strings of Fate he figured he might as well assure that the child was taken care of.
“You found him on our stoop?”
“Yeah, you know, I figured some poor kid musta left him. Safe harbor and all.” 
Death looked around then down at the babe who seemed to be transfixed by Death’s face. Death wondered what he saw, why he wasn’t scared. His little soul was a speck of shining light, strong and hearty though his body was frail with the beginnings of pneumonia settling in his lungs.
“Why didn’t you take him to a hospital?”
Death blinked and the man recoiled slightly. “Well, he was left here, and don’t you have EMTs on staff.”
One of the men seemed to shake himself out of a stupor and stepped closer. He shivered as Death transferred the baby into his arms, the brush of his hand on Death’s coat giving him a sudden vision of fire and smoke and a strange sense of vertigo as if falling through the floor. He coughed, moving to lay the child on the table and it immediately started to cry. Death hovered closer moving into the child’s line of sight and it settled down though still made discontented noises as he was poked and prodded.
“Did you see who dropped him off? A firefighter asked and Death shrugged, hands back in his pockets.
“She was young. Hurried off before I could say anything.”
The firefighter narrowed his eyes but didn’t question it. “Did she say anything? Why she was dumping him? If he had a name?”
Death paused, looking down at the boy whose eyes were on him bright blue as all newborns are but there was an electricity in them. Death laid a gentle hand on the child’s head, feeling the soft down of hair, the fragile skull.
“No,” Death said finally. “But his name,” Death smiled and the child seemed to smile back. “Is Castiel.”
“Cas-tee-what?” One of the fire fighter’s whispered to another and Death turned towards him, causing both men to step back.
“Castiel. The Angel of Thursday.” Death’s thumb swiped across the child’s forehead. “The Angel of Solitude.”
Death was a busy man, lots to attend to and never in the same place for very long. He worked mostly with children, preferring to be the one to usher them to the other side but as time passed he found himself returning to one place over and over. 
The child he saved had been adopted almost immediately by a couple who’d lost many children of their own. Death may have pulled a few strings with Fate but the outcome was ideal. Castiel grew up well-loved and cherished by a mother and a father who understood the great gift they’d been given. They even decided to keep his name, something that pleased Death immensely. If he gave the grandparents a few extra years because of it, well that was his business.
It was a windy day at the beginning of spring when Fate suddenly shifted and Death lighted down in Chicago once more. Castiel, climbing around on the jungle gym at the local park, his babysitter on the phone several yards away was forty-five minutes from an untimely end. Death hung back, hands in the pockets of his leather jacket as he watched the scene play out, an older man making his way over. Death eyed the babysitter as the man approached Castiel, holding a leash and collar.
“My dog got out of her leash! Can you help me find her?” The man said, his face drawn in grief but Death saw into his heart and his rage rumbled as thunder in the distance.
“Oh no!” Castiel exclaimed, jumping down and touching the leash in the man’s hand. “I’ll help you find her. I got a dog too. His name is Marshmallow.”
The man offered his hand and Castiel took it. 
Death was there in an instant, one hand on the man’s shoulder. When the man looked up, his mouth opened in surprise and he gasped his last breath. Castiel cocked his head to the side at the man crumpled on the ground before he looked up at Death. Death could only stare back.
“What happened?”
Death shifted from foot to foot. “He was a bad man. He wanted to take you.”
Castiel’s eyebrows rose and he looked down at the cooling body on the wood chips. “Is he going to be okay?”
Death fought a smile, eyes flicking to the reaper nearby before waving them away with the man’s wretched soul. “He’s gone to where he belongs.”
Castiel nodded and offered his hand. “Wanna swing with me?”
Death’s neck jerked in surprise but found himself carefully slotting his hand in the child’s and allowing himself to be lead off to the swing set.
“I’m Castiel. What’s your name?”
Death paused thinking back to a time when he had a name. “Dean, I think.”
“Hello, Dean.” Castiel looked up at him, his face dominated by large blue eyes. “Wait, you think? Don’t you know your own name?”
Death huffed. “Well, no one has used it in… a very long time.” He cleared his throat.
“I’m sorry, Dean.” Castiel grabbed onto one chain of a swing and turned to sit in it. “It must be lonely, no one knowing your name.”
Death sat in the swing next to the boy and pursed his lips. “Maybe a little, but it’s not so bad. My work keeps me busy.”
Castiel kicked off with his feet and began pumping his legs, reaching higher. Death lifted his head to watch. “‘Daddy says ‘all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy’ I asked him who Jack was.” Castiel let his feet drag along the ground, grinding to a halt and Death felt a smile quirk at his lips as the child’s head tipped to the side in confusion. “But he just laughed.” Castiel’s head righted itself. “Not at me though. Sometimes I’m funny and don’t realize it.”
Death surprised himself with a laugh, the sound carrying on the wind and making the group of people gathering around the corpse by the jungle gym shiver. The babysitter was still on the phone but the commotion was stealing her attention. Death turned to look at Castiel, rocking back and forth in his swing, his eyes on the horizon.
“Hey, just so you know, for next time, any stranger comes up to you asking you to go somewhere with them you kick em in the shin and scream your head off,” Death rested his palm atop the boy’s head and Castiel looked up at him, a small smile playing across his lips. “Capiche?”
Castiel gave a deep nod. “I capiche.” His eyes had found his babysitter who was now frantically searching for him. When her eyes landed on him, Death hid himself from her. “She looks really mad.”
“She’s just scared,” Death replied and Castiel looked over at him. “You wandered off and she didn’t know where you were.” And a guy dropped dead about six feet from where you were playing. 
“Castiel!” The babysitter skidded to a halt in the gravel in front of Castiel’s swing, pulling him into her arms. “You scared me.” She picked him up, hooking him on her hip. “Come on we need to go.”
The child heaved a deep sigh as if resigned to his fate. “Okay.” He twisted in her arms, looking back at Death, and gave a small smile. “Goodbye, Dean.”
“Bye kiddo.”
The babysitter was already starting to walk away and she snorted, looking over her shoulder then at Castiel. “Who are you talking to.”
“Dean. He’s my new friend.”
Death sat smiling until they were out of sight.
Castiel was eight when his dog Marshmallow was going into his fifteenth year. Death generally let the new recruits handle the animals but on a scorching summer day, he found himself standing at the gate of the big craftsman on the corner where Castiel lived. He looked up at the second-story window, the one he knew to be the young boy’s who was getting bigger every day. 
They’d met many times over since that first encounter in the park and to Death’s surprise, Castiel always remembered him and knew him by name. Now seemed to be no exception, the front door opening to release Castiel into the world. His dark hair was an unruly swirl beneath the baseball cap he wore, his matching t-shirt proclaiming he played for the Mustangs, sponsored by Nally Ford. 
“Hello, Dean,” Castiel said with a small smile as he approached. Death smiled back but his eyes caught on the white ball of fluff that was attempting to make his way down the porch steps to follow the boy. 
Death let himself in the gate, striding forward and they met halfway, Castiel looking up into Death’s face while Death peered down into his. There was no fear there, no anxiety. There never had been, a wonder Death never could truly comprehend. Marshmallow gave a low growl. Death glanced down at the old dog, barely any teeth left in his head but ready to bite at the smallest provocation. That was about right.
“Marshmallow. No.” Castiel looked down at the dog then back up into the face of Death. “He’s just grumpy because he doesn’t feel good.” Castiel watched as Death crouched down, hand reaching. The growl ceased as Death’s hand hovered over the dog’s head and Castiel squatted down to pet him, hands gentle around the old dog’s ears.
“Yeah, about that,” Death began softly. “This is going to be hard for you to understand, Cas, but Marshmallow is very old.” As he said it, the dog’s eyes sank closed. Castiel rubbed his ears. 
“I know.”
Death swallowed hard, his hand moving to hover over the dog’s back and Marshmallow’s legs gave out, his body rolling to the side as he began to pant. Castiel rubbed his belly. “And when dogs get very old, well, they have to go.” Castiel looked up at him. “And when that happens, someone comes to get them.”
Castiel looked down at the dog who was panting, tongue lolling out the side of its mouth. He ran his fingers through the curly white fur at his side. “Not the dog catcher…”
Death chuckled. “No, no not the dog catcher. Someone who helps them make the transition to their next journey.”
Castiel continued to play with Marshmallow’s fur. “Who?”
Death licked his lips, sucked in a breath he didn’t need. “They look like ordinary folks, sometimes you can see them, other times you can’t.”
“Like you?”
Death blinked and took a moment to marvel at the feeling of surprise, something he hadn’t felt in eons. “Yes, like me.”
Castiel looked up at him, blue eyes steady but solemn. “You’re here to take him, aren’t you?”
Death swallowed hard, the sorrow in the boy’s voice cutting him deeper than tears ever could. “Yeah, Cas. I’m sorry.”
Castiel sniffled a bit as he looked down, petting down Marshmallow’s side. “You’ll look after him? Wherever you take him? He won’t be alone, right?”
Death placed a hand on the back of Castiel’s neck and waited for a shiver that never came. Finally, he spoke. “Yes, of course, Cas.”
Castiel sucked in a deep breath and sat down on his butt, folding his legs so they butted up against Marshmallow’s legs. “Can I have just a few more minutes?”
Death glanced at his watch and nodded. They sat there, young boy and ancient entity as the dog’s breath became more shallow. Castiel dug his fingers into the thick curls of Marshmallow’s side and folded himself in half, pressing his face to its chest. The dog fussed attempted to lick at Castiel’s ball cap. Castiel breathed in deep and Death found himself doing the same, smelling cut grass, sweat and the musky odor of an animal nearing its end.
“It’s time, Cas,” Death murmured, his voice low and Castiel lifted his head, face tear-stained now, but he wiped them away with the back of his hand. He placed his hands on the dog’s side, looked up at Death, and nodded. 
Death allowed the dog to sniff the back of his hand, accepting the feeble lick before he carded his hand through the curls at the top of his head. Castiel’s hands that had been rising and falling with the dog’s labored breath stopped. Death curled his hand and brought it to his chest, holding it there for the feeble soul to feel safe on its journey. His other hand when to the top of Castiel’s head.
“Go get your father. He’ll help you with the ritual.”
“Can’t you stay?” Castiel asked, blue eyes shining with unshed tears and if Death had a heart it would have broken.
“I’ve gotta get Marshmallow to where he belongs.” Dean knuckled away a tear that was making its way down Castiel’s cheek.
“Okay,” Castiel lowered his head, looking at the cooling body of his beloved pet. He looked back up. “Goodbye, Dean.” 
Death was unprepared for the boy to wrap his arms around him in a tight squeeze before getting up and walking back towards the house.
Castiel was twenty when his fate changed again and Death nearly didn’t make it in time. In the back seat of a car, driving way too fast down a dark winding road, Death appeared next to him, his face striated in moonlight. Castiel jumped, his reflexes slower with the alcohol in his veins.
“Cover your face, kid.” Death muttered as he braced his feet against the seat in front of him and threw out an arm. 
When they hit the tree at 63 miles per hour Castiel’s body slammed into his arm and Death could feel the ribs break, felt the punctured lung as if it were his own. The driver was halfway through the windshield, another reaper already there to take him. Death waved them away as blood slowly filled Castiel’s lungs. 
He coughed, choking on the acrid liquid, unable to get a full breath. His hand twisted in Death’s leather jacket, tugging, blue eyes wide and for the first time Death saw fear there. He couldn’t stand it. He reached past the headrest in front of him, touched the mangled face of the boy there and he immediately stopped breathing.
“You can’t do that!” A voice sharp from outside the car and Death nearly jumped out of his skin when he turned his head to look out the window and found the small blond woman standing there with her clipboard of names. “It’s the other boy’s time, Dean.”
Death glared out at her, throwing open the door. “You got your soul. Get out of here.”
“You reaped the wrong-“
“The hell I did,” Death yelled and every animal in the forest quieted, the wind through the trees died down. 
The two of them watched as headlights appeared down the road, slowing when the driver saw the wreckage. Death and Fate stood side by side on the shoulder of the road as the good Samaritan talked to Castiel through the back window, promising him everything would be alright. 
“He’ll make it.” Death heaved a sigh, hearing the sirens in the distance.
“Just barely,” Fate muttered, consulting her clipboard. “One of these days you’re going to run out of favors.”
Death turned to look at her. “Not any time soon.”
It was three days later in his half-empty dorm room that Castiel attempted to take his own life. Death arrived just as Castiel kicked the chair out of the way, his body falling with an extension cord wrapped tight around his neck right into Death’s arms. A quick flick of his pocket knife and Death had freed Castiel, laying him gently down on the floor as he coughed and sobbed.
“No! Take me! I want to die!” Castiel twisted onto his knees, grabbing onto Death’s legs and hugging them tightly. “Please. I can’t take it. The guilt, it’s too much!”
Death ran his fingers through Castiel’s unruly hair. “It’s not your time.”
“It was my time,” Castiel wiped at his face, fury in his eyes as he glared up at the ancient entity. “I heard you and that lady talking. She said you reaped the wrong one!”
“You hit your head pretty hard, kid.”
Castiel wiped at his face furiously, getting his trembling legs under him. “I know what you are. What you do.”
Death brought himself to his full height, leveling Castiel with his most pensive stare. “Do you?”
“I’ve always known,” Castiel spit. “And I never cared. You were always my…” Castiel trailed swallowing hard. “My friend. But this, I can’t take this Dean.”
“Why can’t you just be grateful,” Death huffed holding out his arms.
Castiel’s face went slack with shock. “You kill the man I love instead of me and I’m supposed to be grateful?”
Death’s mouth popped open, surprised again, that made twice in a single decade now. “Your… the man you loved? Wow, how did I miss that?”
“You miss a lot of things,” Castiel spit, his eyes hard.
Death rubbed his mouth. “When-“
“Since I was a child,” Castiel heaved a sigh. “Look don’t try to change the subject. I was dying already, Dean!” Castiel’s fists were clenched at his sides. “Why didn’t you let me go? Why’d you have to take him? He was everything to me. How could you not know that?”
Death rubbed the back of his neck, “Life isn’t really under my purview, kid.”
“What about love then?” Castiel got right in his face, nose to nose, and Death stood stock still. 
“I know it when I see it.”
“Then you must have been blind that night.” Castiel spun away, running his hands through his hair. “I can’t do this. Please. Take me.”
“Why? Why not?”
“I told you. It’s not your time.”
“Are you sure it’s not because you have some weird obsession with me?” Castiel strode right up into what a human would call their personal space. “What is it about me huh? Why me? Why don’t you latch on to some other poor bastard?”
Death swallowed hard. “I can go if you’d like.” 
Castiel let out a humorless laugh. “Stay. Go. What do I care?” He let himself fall onto his bed, face buried in his pillow while Death stood watch.
Death didn’t see much of Castiel after that or more like Castiel didn’t see much of him. He’d check in every now and then, saw him graduate college, move to the east coast, fall in love and get his heart broken only to fall in love again. Through it all Death stood watch, sometimes with Fate at his side, like at Castiel’s wedding.
“I could step in,” Fate murmured, an offer she wasn’t likely to make twice but Death shook his head, watching as Castiel beamed with happiness after kissing his husband.
It wasn’t long after that they met again in a hospital just north of Chicago. It was nearing midnight and no one was around. Castiel was sitting with his mother, his husband and father had gone home hours before but Castiel insisted on staying. Neither could understand why Castiel refused to leave her side but didn’t question it. Castiel was a good son who loved his mother very much. 
“Hello, Dean,” Castiel said as Death hovered in the doorway. “I was wondering when you’d show up.”
“I tried to wait for you to leave,” Death mumbled, looking down at his boots as he tapped his toe on the floor.
Death looked up and found Castiel’s head canted to the side, and he couldn’t help but smile. “We didn’t exactly part on the best of terms when we last spoke.”
Castiel looked down at his mother’s hand, so small and frail in his own. He cleared his throat. “You were right. I should have been grateful.”
“It was a callous thing to say when you were grieving.”
Castiel snorted. “That’s true.” He huffed a sigh. “But ultimately you were right. I didn’t love him. I didn’t know what love was then. Not that kind of love anyway.” Castiel ran his thumb over the thin blue veins of his mother’s hand. “How much longer does she have?”
Death checked his watch. “We’ve got a few more minutes.”
“Then sit.”
Death did, across the bed from Castiel and took in the changes, the strands of gray in his hair, laugh lines crinkling around his eyes and mouth.
“You know you look exactly the same as I remember you when I was four.”
Death grinned. “All that clean living.”
Castiel snorted, a grin pulling at his own lips before it faded. “You’ll take care of her?”
Death nodded. “Of course.”
Castiel squinted, opening his mouth then closing it again. Death heaved a sigh. “Go ahead. Ask whatever you want to ask me.”
Castiel’s cheeks bloomed a lovely pink that Death would see in every sunrise from that moment on. “How’s Marshmallow?”
Death blinked. “I give you one question to ask me whatever you want and you ask about your damn dog?”
Castiel frowned. “I loved that dog.”
Death rolled his eyes and chuckled. “Marshmallow is doing great. Has lots of doggy friends.”
A small smile tugged at Castiel’s lips. “Good. I hope Mom gets to see him.”
“I’ll make sure she does.”
“I’m ready.”
Death gave a small nod, waiting a beat to watch Castiel breath in steadily, his eyes on his mother’s face. Death reached forward, fingers brushing a white curl from her forehead before resting his palm there gently. One of the monitors began to scream. A nurse bustled in quickly, checking in and ultimately turning off the sound, standing by as the old woman took her last breaths. Death took her soul and cradled it to his chest.
“Take care of her,” Castiel whispered and Death gave him a solemn nod before he went on his way.
It wasn’t long after that Fate dealt Castiel another bad hand and Death had arrived to do his duty. Castiel’s husband laid prone on a hospice bed, his once strong body frail and hairless, ravaged by a disease Death hated almost more than he hated himself. Death came into the room unannounced, stood by Castiel’s side as silent tears ran down his face.
Death checked his watch.
“I can feel you.” 
Death nearly fell over in shock. Third time in as many decades. Damn.
“Don’t hide, Dean. I’ve been expecting you.”
“I tried.” Death placed a hand on Castiel’s shoulder. “I tried but I’m out of favors.”
“It’s okay,” Castiel sniffled, his own hand coming up to cover the cool one on his shoulder and Death felt the warmth as if it were the sun. “How much time do we have?”
“Couple minutes.”
Castiel nodded, leaning forward and placing a hand on his husband’s shoulder, giving him a light shake. He gasped awake, eyes hazy with pain and medication but something in them still blazed when they landed on Castiel. 
“Honey, I want you to meet someone. Can you see him? Next to me.” Castiel turned, looking up at Death, and licked his dry lips. 
“Yes,” Castiel’s husband croaked. “He’s just as handsome as you said.”
Castiel let out a watery laugh, glancing up at Death who was not blushing as he reached up to rub his ear. “He’s here for you.”
Castiel’s husband nodded solemnly. “About time.”
Castiel let out a quiet sob and immediately tried to shove it back into his mouth. His husband squeezed his hand as Death squeezed his shoulder. 
“Come on now. This ain’t the end. I’ll see you. Hopefully not too soon?” Castiel’s husband lifted his brows and Death gave him a small smile.
“Not if I have anything to do with it.”
Castiel was leaning over, pressing his forehead to his husband’s and breathing slow in his nose and out his mouth, barely hanging on. Death stepped forward, hand covering the one that Castiel held. One final gasp and then the room was silent. Castiel gave a soft cry, feeling warmth rush through him, love and light and something so bright it almost burned. And then it was gone.
Death pulled the soul close to his chest, his other hand lighting on Castiel’s shoulder. Castiel glanced up into the face of Death but was immediately distracted by the small ball of light in his hand. Castiel looked up and Death nodded in answer to his question. Castiel let go of the hand in his and wrapped his arms around himself as the tears came hot and fast.
“Can you please stay?”
Death shifted from foot to foot. “I need to take care of him. But I can come back.”
“Please hurry.”
Death wasn’t really the type to hang around any one place too long but for years after Castiel’s husband’.s transition, he found himself irrevocably drawn to Castiel. He’d always been to a certain extent but the man’s grief had worn down all his defenses, all his excuses to stay away. For once Death was welcomed into a home with open arms.
They sat on the couch and watched bad television. Death had a strange obsession with Dr. Sexy that Castiel found hilarious. Death tolerated all of Castiel’s terrible nature documentaries. It was one night as Castiel was going up the stairs to bed that he paused, looking back at Death who was putting the dishes in the dishwasher.
“I love you, Dean. You know that right?”
Death stood stock still and he’d be goddamned if it hadn’t happened again. He looked up to find Castiel just standing there on the third step, gaze just as intense as it had been when he’d first laid eyes on him as an infant. He didn’t have to say it. Neither of them did so Castiel just gave him a small smile and continued his ascent up the stairs. And that night, Death followed.
It was both the worst and best day of his tenure when Castiel’s time was finally up. Fate in her fussy suit with her obnoxious clipboard arrived to stand at the end of the hospital bed where Castiel lay, Death at his side. 
“No more favors. No more tricks,” Fate said softly and Death looked away from the face of his beloved, aged and creased as it was now, while his was permanently stuck as youthful and smooth. 
“Can I keep him?” Death asked, staring into the eyes of Fate and daring to hope. “I know it’s not ever been done. I know this is a one-person gig but…” Death looked back upon the only face he’d ever loved, into the only eyes that had ever truly seen him. “Just this once, can I keep him?”
Fate gave him a small smile. “Yes, Dean. He’s yours to keep.”
So Death and his companion were joined at the human’s crossing, bound by Fate herself to walk through eternity together. Sure they quarreled, sometimes even spending a few decades apart but the string that tethered them was unbreakable, a fact Death loved to remind his younger counterpart of. 
It’s said that when a couple dies within hours of each other they’re always accompanied by another couple, two men, handsome and young, looking more in love than any cosmic entities had a right to be.
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mmvalentine · 3 years
The Pianist pt 6 | Jurdan
Modern AU. Part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 7
Jude woke alone in her apartment and tucked into bed, even though she was pretty sure she fell asleep on the floor.
Things went back to normal: she woke up early, went to work, then tried to sleep while Cardan made a racket. Over the next few days, however, she noticed that Cardan started to cut off his practice time at a reasonable hour, and, surprised by the silence, Jude sang in the evenings instead. She wondered vaguely about her downstairs neighbour, and whether she was the new nuisance, now.
Cardan stopped appearing at the diner with his friends and without him, they were still annoying as all hell, but somehow seemed a little lackluster. She still ran into Cardan around the apartment building, but did not see that much of him. And they never did talk about that kiss.
Until one day, Cardan burst through the doors of Java Island where she was working the morning shift. Jude was startled to see him, not least because she'd never known Cardan to be awake at all in the morning.
"There you are!" he said. "I've been looking everywhere for you. I went to the apartment, to the diner, to the subway... I'm so glad I found you."
"Yes... at my job. Why are you looking for me?"
Cardan paused to catch his breath. "There's a talent scout coming into school today," he said. "They come around once a year, and they hire for big companies and producers. On more than one occasion, they've offered a record deal on the spot."
"So?" Jude asked. "I don't go to Juilliard, what does this have to do with me?"
But Cardan shook his head. "It doesn't matter," he said. "I've booked a practice room until 9am, and if you're in there you've got a chance to be seen. But you have to come now."
Jude bit her lip. She knew full well if she walked out in the middle of a shift, she'd lose this job. And she couldn't afford rent on just the other two.
On the other hand.
Jude threw her apron onto the counter, and ran with Cardan.
Cardan led her through the doors of the famed school of arts, and Jude barely had a chance to gawk at the soaring ceilings and towering glass walls. Cardan pulled her down several hallways and into a practice room, and the clock on the wall told her the time was 8:45am.
"Okay," he said, speaking quickly. "We walked straight past the scout, did you see him? Small man, round glasses."
"No, I-"
"Doesn't matter," Cardan cut her off. "The point is he's coming, and you need to start singing now."
"What do I sing?!" Jude asked, too panicked to be embarrassed at the desperation in her voice.
"I don't know, fucking anything!" Cardan hissed back. "Okay, sing... 'Ain't No Sunshine'. Like that day we first saw you."
He sat down at the piano and started up the song, and Jude had to take a second to piece her brain back together. Cardan nodded at her encouragingly, even sang the first couple of lines to her before she finally got a hold of herself and picked up half way through the first verse.
It wasn't a moment too soon because the next thing she knew, the scout was standing in the doorway. Jude shot an alarmed look at Cardan, but he just fixed her with a stern gaze as if to say keep going. And so Jude sang.
The thing about singing was, as nervous as she was to begin, she never felt nervous when she was in the middle of it. There was something so grounding about singing, and soon the little room and the man with the glasses and even Cardan at the piano faded away, and there was just the song.
So when she opened her eyes, she was disappointed to see that the scout had left the room before she finished her song, and she hadn't even noticed. Jude sighed, and rubbed her face. It was worth a try.
But when she looked back toward Cardan, he was smiling. Possibly the widest smile she had ever seen on his sharp face.
"He loved you," Cardan said.
"He. Loved. You."
"He walked out."
"They never stay for long, that's normal."
"Then how do you know-"
And then Cardan looked pointedly at the end of the grand piano. Jude followed his gaze and there, on the glossy black surface, was a simple, white business card.
Jude walked slowly toward it and picked it up. Turned it over in her hands. The card read:
'Bryern Phooka. Agent.' Then a number, an email address, and on the back, a hand written note.
Great voice, kid. Call me in the morning and let's set up a meeting.
Jude read the note three times. She looked up at Cardan, who was still grinning. Then back to the note, and back to Cardan, and then a hysterical laugh bubbled up her throat.
Cardan came over and read the card, then crowed at her, and Jude laughed again and he wrapped her up in a hug and before she could think what she was doing she pressed her lips to his.
Jude pulled away with an embarrassed laugh, and made to walk out the door. But Cardan was faster, and shut it before she could get there.
"Jude," he said, his voice dangerously low.
"Cardan," she mimicked.
"Jude you have to stop doing this to me."
"Doing what?" she asked.
Cardan stepped close to her, and slid his hands under her jaw and behind her hair.
"Leaving me hungry," he replied, and then kissed her again like he could devour her whole and only then would be be sated.
Jude, for once, let him. Didn't fight him, just closed her fingers around his wrists and kissed him back. Cardan could have wept with relief; he didn't know if he could bear it if Jude pushed him away again. He wanted to go slow, to be careful, to not scare her away. But his body had different ideas, and his arms tugged her too tight against him. His teeth bit down too hard into her lips.
But Jude just sighed, and licked his tongue, and Cardan lost it. He picked her up around the waist and set her down on the piano, so that her face was level with his. His fingers gripped the painted wood tightly as her hands slid into his hair, and he groaned when she tugged against his scalp.
Cardan moved his hands to her back and his lips to her neck, and when Jude tilted her head back to give him better access, he wondered if she knew how badly he needed her. Cardan grabbed a hold of her legs above her knees, and slid the hem of her yellow waitress' dress up her thighs. His hands curved around the outside of her legs, and down to her calves, where he yanked her suddenly to the edge of the piano. Jude made a squeaking sound in surprise, and Cardan covered her mouth once more with his.
Now when Cardan kissed her, Jude wrapped her legs around his waist. The warmth of her body was delicious, and Cardan crushed her to him. His cock ached between the restraint of his jeans and the heat of Jude just beyond, and without thinking he rolled his hips against her. Jude moaned a little, and tightened her legs around him.
God, if he could just taste her. Just once.
Cardan's fingernails skimmed up and down the outer sides of her thighs, slipping beneath her skirt, down to her knees and back. His lips found her ear lobe, the pulse in her neck, the hollow in the base of her throat. His hands squeezed, slid up her legs, and when she moaned again, his thumb reached for the cotton of her panties.
And found her soaking wet.
Cardan groaned, and dropped to his knees in front of her. Pushed her legs apart while she sat on the piano and then gripped her hips as he licked his tongue between her legs. Once over her underwear, then once with her underwear pushed to the side. Jude moaned loudly, and her head fell back as her hands caught the surface behind her.
"Cardan," she whispered, and his name in her mouth spurred him on. He plunged his tongue deep inside her, before dragging it back up to flick over her clit, and the sounds Jude made were almost better than when she was singing. Almost.
Cardan laved his tongue over her. And over, and over, and over. Jude's breath came in short pants and her hands twisted in his hair. He sped up his pace, moving back and forth against the apex of her thighs as she started to move her hips up toward him.
"Yeah," she breathed. "Just like that."
Cardan lifted her thighs onto his shoulders and moaned against her pussy. He couldn't speak in the moment but her name went round his head like a song.
"Cardan... Cardan I'm going to come..."
The thought made him even harder, and Cardan reached down and grabbed his cock through his jeans. He was going to finish her off first, and then...
At that moment, there was a loud rap on the door.
"You guys, it's past 10! I have the room booked now!"
Jude's eyes shot to the door, then down to Cardan between her legs. She laughed silently, and tried to pull back from him.
But Cardan wouldn't let her go. He held onto her thighs, and redoubled his efforts. Jude gasped and bit down hard on her lower lip, trying not to make a sound now that someone was standing on the other side of the door.
"Seriously!" the voice came. "I really need to get the hours in!"
Jude was back on track now, Cardan could see it. Her eyes were closed and her mouth moved wordlessly. Her legs had started to shake, and Cardan's tongue moved sure and steady until he could see her knuckles go white on the edge of the piano and then she was coming on his lips.
The climax shook through her in waves, and Cardan made she she had come all the way down before he lifted his mouth, and kissed her on the pussy then on the thigh then on the lips.
He stood, still hard as a rock, and pulled Jude off the piano.
"You guys," the voice whined.
"We're coming!" Cardan barked back, and then smiled at Jude as she readjusted her dress, and miraculously, smiled back at him. He kissed her again, softly, tenderly this time.
"You wanna get out of here?" he asked her. Jude bit her lip.
"I have to get back to the cafe and see if I still have a job," she replied.
"Right. Okay, well don't forget this." Cardan held up the agent's business card between two long fingers, and Jude beamed.
So I usually post a smut warning up top but like... spoilers?! Also I figure if you're this far in and you're at all familiar with my fics you know what's coming. Hope that's okay.
TAGLIST: @asteria-of-mars @swankii-art-teacher @loosingdreams @feysand-loml @cityofbookish @story-scribbler @thebonecarver
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fortisfiliae · 4 years
Promised Part 8 - Tom Riddle x reader
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Masterpost | Masterlist
Summary: In this story, Tom didn’t grow up as an orphan, but with his grandfather and uncle. Reader’s sister got very sick and the Gaunts offer their help. But not without asking for something in return.
Disclaimer: Please be aware that I don’t condone any of this in real life. (GIF is not mine)
Warnings: Arranged marriage
Word count: 2.9k
Part 8 - Slughorn’s Party
Coming back to Hogwarts after the Christmas holidays was a lot easier this time. Now that you knew Elsie was definitely better, you could enjoy your stay and focus on your studying. Maybe you could also focus on Tom. Both things seemed equally important somehow. 
The fact that you could see your best friend Camille again added to the good things Hogwarts had to offer.
You were sitting on her bed in her dorm, telling her everything that had been going on during the last days. The Gaunts who had wanted to force you to do an unbreakable vow, their fight with Tom, that Tom had stayed for a bit, the book he had gifted you and everything in between. 
“I can’t believe you got him a snake,” Camille laughed. “What do you think his family said about that?”
“I couldn’t care less what they think of it,” you said jokingly. “Hopefully they’re mad at me.”
“Do you think Tom got in trouble for it?”
“I hope not. But I don’t think so. He knows how to stand his ground.”
“And the book he gave you?” she asked excitedly. “Do you think that it means something? It’s some sort of family heirloom after all.”
You lay down on your back next to her and thought about it. 
“I’m not sure. Do you think that was some kind of secret message from him?”
“I’ll have to look into that.” You rolled over to face her. “And what have you done these days? Tell me all about your presents.”
“Well,” Camille said with a smile. “The presents weren’t the most exciting part of my holiday, to be honest.”
“What?” you asked. “Oh. Hang on, let me guess. You met someone! A guy?”
 The smile on her face widened. “I didn’t meet him. I just kept in contact via owl.”
“Oh, Merlin! Who is it? Someone from school?”
She nodded.
“Go on, tell me!”
Her expression suddenly changed. 
“You have to promise not to be mad.”
“Why would I be mad?”
“It’s someone you don’t exactly like,” she said, a thick tone of guilt in her voice.
Then you knew. 
“No. Don’t. It is Ben Hilt, isn’t it?”
She nodded slowly. “Yes.”
“Oh, Camille,” you sighed and needed a moment to sort out your thoughts. “Why?”
“He is a very charming boy.”
“He’s a year younger than you.”
“So?” she giggled.
“He wanted to tell on me to the Ministry, so that I wouldn’t be able to marry Tom. Sticks his nose in everybody’s business.”
“He just wanted to help. He thought you were forced to do it. And you have to admit he wasn’t exactly wrong about that.”
“Have you told him about the pact?” you asked and gave her a serious look.
“Of course not. I would never. I told him right from the start that if he’s only after me to get information about Riddle and you, he could piss off.”
“He didn’t piss off,” she said happily. “He’s a really nice guy. We never talked about you and Tom after I had made it clear it was none of his business. He didn’t even bring it up, to begin with. I would never date someone who would want to harm you, I swear.”
“Ugh, I know,” you groaned. “You’re too good. For me and for Ben.”
“Shut up,” Camille answered as she nudged your shoulder.
“Hang on. Did you just say ‘date’ someone? Are you official?”
“No. I guess not. But maybe someday. Now, what are you going to wear to Slughorn’s party?”
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Slughorn’s annually belated New Year’s party was one of the few exclusive gatherings happening in school. Students could only attend if they had gotten a personal invitation, from Slytherin’s headteacher Horace Slughorn, who would invite his favourite pupil, or rather, the ones he thought looked best in his trophy collection. 
Camille, Tom and you had all gotten Slughorn’s owl.  
You had not known how to bring up the topic in front of Tom for a while. Even though you were going to marry him, that didn’t mean he wanted to go to the party together. Together, as in, on a date. And yet you had felt too weird asking him about it, so you usually had danced around the subject, awkwardly trying to find out if you were on the same page. Until he had finally said what you had wanted to hear. He had asked when to pick you up from your dorm as if it had been crystal clear to him, that you were going together. 
Seven o’clock, as arranged. It had arrived so soon. You hastily fixed the small wrinkles on the hem of your dress with a spell when you heard him knock on the door. Tom looked very posh in his black suit, politely offering his arm. And off you went. Together.
The guests at the party were usually students of year six and seven, as well as some teachers, so you knew most people there. Camille, who had brought Ben with her, looked absurdly pretty in her golden dress. Ben couldn’t have been more proud. He talked to Camille non-stop and really seemed head over heels for her. Right next to them stood two of Ben’s friends, looking all out of character in suits.
Avery and Lestrange came without dates and seemed awfully nervous for some reason. They whispered to each other every time you looked their way.
And then there was Freda Morris. Hogwarts’ head girl, who had her eyes fixated on Tom from the moment you had entered the room. You wondered if she had even noticed you next to him and if she was aware Tom was off-limits. Everyone knew by now that you were engaged after all. Either she didn’t know, or she didn’t care. The expression she sent you, after carefully staring you up and down, told you though, that she was absolutely aware of your relationship. She looked like she wanted to throw you out the next window.
“What in Merlin’s beard?” you muttered quietly to yourself after she had finally turned away from you.
“Pardon?” Tom asked and came closer so he could hear you better.
“Nothing. I just thought Freda was looking at me weirdly.”
“Let’s go over to Camille and Ben, shall we?” you asked, quickly changing the subject.
Tom’s gaze fell right on the two. 
“Your friend came with Hilt?” he asked sternly and began to walk their way. 
“Um, yes. About that,” you said, pulling lightly on his arm to stop him. “They’re dating. Kind of. They’re not official yet, but, you know, it could lead somewhere.”
He looked like you had just given him the world’s most unnecessary information. 
“What are you trying to tell me?” 
“That we have to be nice,” you answered and gave him your best fake smile, demonstrating what you wanted him to do.
“Nice?” he asked, gawking so blankly at you, it was almost comical. “You want me to be nice to Benjamin Hilt? After what he’s done?”
“Well… Yes.”
“Why?” Tom asked, genuinely not understanding what you meant.
“Because Camille is my best friend. And she likes him.”
Tom sighed.
“Answer me this,” he said. “Camille knows a lot about you, yes?”
“I assume she knows about us,” he started talking more quietly. “Our pact?”
“She does.”
He rolled his eyes. “That’s what I thought.”
“So?” you asked.
“Isn’t it clear? He’s sweet-talking her to get information.”
“That’s what I first thought too. But Camille swore she wouldn’t tell him a thing. And she said she had made that clear to him from the beginning.”
Tom was still eyeing Ben sharply. 
“Come on,” you said and pulled him their way. “I trust Camille. It’ll be fine.”
“It‘s not her I don’t trust,” Tom said under his breath but proceeded to walk towards them with you.
“Good evening,” you said to them.
Camille hugged you and gushed: “You look so beautiful! Oh, you both know Ben, I believe.”
You offered him your hand and Ben shook it, an honest smile on his face.
“Fresh start?” you asked.
Ben nodded and turned to shake Tom’s hand as well. Tom looked at him seriously for a moment, inspecting his hand as if it was covered in Dragon Pox, until you nudged his side with your elbow, urging him to accept, which he reluctantly did.
Slughorn called for dinner before you could talk more, so you all went to the big oval table at the other side of the room.
Ben sat down left to Camille, you to her right and Tom on your other side. The three courses were lavish, as were all feasts at Hogwarts. 
Slughorn talked openly across the table, asking his students about their holidays. Freda, obviously trying to impress, mentioned that she had been to France with her family, which didn’t have quite the effect on Slughorn that she had hoped it would.
“Pathetic,” you mumbled and Camille chuckled.
“Mean, aren’t we?” Tom whispered, a grin forming on his face.
“Me? Never.”
He exhaled a laugh through his nose and slowly grabbed your hand beneath the table, taking you by surprise. You looked over to him, your fingers wrapping around his hand, then you pulled it upwards and rested both his and your hand on the table. 
“Now you’re just cruel,” Tom jested when Freda looked over and saw the two of you.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” you answered, biting the inside of your cheek to prevent yourself from smiling. “I’m merely holding my fiance's hand. That’s not an act of violence, is it?”
“Fiancé?” Tom asked and cleared his throat.
“Aren’t you?”
“You’ve never called me that before.”
He was right. You had never called him that in person, or when you had talked about him to anyone else. 
“Well,” you swallowed, feeling a wave of heat on your cheeks. “It has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?”
Tom grinned and held your hand a little tighter while glancing down onto the table. “Sure.”
After dinner, the guests spread around the room, chatting and drinking punch while they waited for the first dance of the evening. Slughorn had pulled Tom aside a while ago, asking him for his opinions on different things concerning Potions, politics and the news. He visibly hung to Tom’s every word, clearly awed by his favourite student, nodded and agreed to most of the things Tom said. 
You turned your back on them and faced Camille and Ben, still hearing the two chat behind you and thinking of how well-spoken Tom was. He knew how to lull in every teacher by heart.
Each word that left his mouth seemed carefully crafted for Slughorn’s ears only and made him react just as Tom wanted him to. Impressive. 
You had engaged in a conversation with Camille and Ben, still keeping an ear on Tom behind you, when Slughorn finally set him free and wished him a nice evening. You expected him to join you, even though he still didn’t like Ben, but suddenly heard an all too familiar voice talking to him.
“Hello Tom,” Freda Morris said, sickly sweet. “How are you? How were your holidays?”
You shot Camille a look, to which she automatically checked the people behind you, eyes wide in disbelief when she peered back at you. 
“What are you going to do?” she mouthed silently.
“No idea,” you mouthed back.
Ben stared back and forth between Camille and you, completely confused until he finally noticed what you were whispering about. 
“Oh,” Ben snorted. “Someone’s looking for trouble.”
Alright. Freda had not given up on Tom yet. There was a knot in your stomach, pulling bitterly and twisting your insides. You tried to ignore it, took a deep breath and decided to listen to them first. Maybe you were overreacting. You could always jinx her later.
“Oh yes, Paris was wonderful actually,” Freda enthused and had pronounced ‘Paris’ in a weird French accent. “It’s so cosy there around Christmas, you have to go someday.”
“Sounds nice,” Tom answered, rather casually. “Well, if you don’t mind, I-”
“Oh, Tom, actually,” she went on. “I wanted to ask you. Don’t you think we should open the first dance together, as head boy and girl? It’s a tradition, after all.”
Tradition? You had never heard of such a tradition before. Camille and Ben, now eavesdropping too, were as dumbfounded as you. Camille was sincerely shocked, while Ben’s mouth was open, half laughing, half speechless, like a fish on land gasping for air. It seemed that you had not been overreacting, so you turned around, now facing Tom and Freda’s backside.
“I don’t know if that’s actually a tradition, Freda,” Tom said, looking back at you briefly, one side of his mouth pulling upwards.
“Philip Elms and Eve Sterling opened the dance at last year’s party,” she huffed. “They were head girl and boy too.”
“Correct,” Tom agreed. “But they were dating at the time, weren’t they?”
Freda didn’t answer.
“And seeing as we are not dating, I have to politely decline,” he said, again looking at you. “Now excuse me, I have to talk to my fiancée.”
Tom left Freda standing there and the four of you watched her wandering off. No one said a word, you could have sworn Camille was holding her breath until Ben burst out laughing.
“Mate,” he chuckled. “That was… Deadly.”
Tom didn’t laugh, squinting at what Ben had just called him, but nodded appreciatively before he turned to you, offering his hand.
“What are you doing?” you asked.
“Opening the dance? The music has just started and Slughorn told me I should do it.”
You shook your head amusedly, took his hand and let him take you over to the dance floor.
“For someone who accused me of being cruel, you’re doing a very good job yourself, you know,” you said, keeping an eye out for Freda, in case she planned on hexing you. Better safe than sorry. 
“Ah, she’ll be fine,” Tom assured. “Or would you have preferred if I took her to dance?”
You didn’t answer but shot him a smile when you arrived on the dance floor, where you got in position. Tom placed his right hand on your waist and took your right one in his left hand, holding both of them upright below shoulder height. All the guests had gathered around the floor, waiting for you to start dancing. Luckily there wasn’t enough time to get too nervous. It had all happened in a matter of minutes.
“You know how to waltz, right?” Tom asked.
“It’s been a while, but-”
“Doesn’t matter, I’ll lead,” he said and took the first step, spinning in circles in three-four time.
Tom was a good dancer, which didn’t surprise you. He probably had taken courses some years ago, just like you, upon your parent’s request. You kept up with him quite well, only taking a wrong step every now and then.
“If I had known, I would’ve practised,” you mumbled.
“It’s alright, people will join in soon. You’re doing well,” he reassured you and lightly squeezed your waist.
That reminded you of the fact that you had never been so close to each other for more than a moment. Suddenly the spinning felt faster, all eyes focusing on you, burning holes right through you. The only thing steadying you was Tom and his hands.
You spotted Camille in the crowd, who was smiling at you, holding up her hand and giving you a thumbs up. That made you feel a bit more at ease, so you let Tom lead you round the floor, twirling away from people’s stares. Finally, halfway through the song, pairs of people joined in and filled up the dance floor, leaving not much room to be glared at.
Tom looked down at you, a proud smile adorning his face, his eyes softer than you had ever witnessed them before.
“What’s that I’m seeing there?” you asked. “A genuine smile? Certainly a rare sight.”
He swallowed, not changing the way he looked at you.
“Camille was right,” he said quietly.
“She usually is. But what do you mean?”
“Earlier, when we went up to them. She said you look beautiful. You do.”
People’s faces around you seemed to blur and you couldn’t hear them properly anymore. The only thing you saw was Tom’s face and how his eyes still stared down on you. It felt as if you weren’t dancing anymore, but rather floating above the ground, a swarm of butterflies emerging from your stomach. Your hand went from Tom’s shoulder behind his neck on its own and pulled him closer. Closer, just a tiny bit closer, so that you were able to view every single one of his eyelashes. His chest bumped against you and his cologne tickled your nose pleasantly. You let yourself sink into the smell of bergamot and lemon, feeling how his hand squeezed your waist a bit tighter by the second.
Closer, until you both shut your eyes and your lips met in the middle, kissing Tom right out there on the dance floor. You were the only people that had stopped spinning, even though it still felt like you spiralled around a hundred miles an hour. Butterflies turned into aeroplanes, rotating and crashing gently against each other, just like the two of you.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Masterpost | Masterlist
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jkbabiey · 3 years
𝚂𝚎𝚕𝚏𝚒𝚜𝚑 ⤇ 𝙹𝙹𝙺
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Words: 4.7K
Genre: angst; fluff; it's a sad ending y'all
Synopsis: “I'm in love with you and it scares me to death."
Song Rec: 2 kids - Taemin ; to die for - Sam Smith ; r u ok - Tate McRae ; Emotional bruises - Madison Beer ; Selfish - Madison Beer ; i love you - Billie Eilish ; when the party's over - Billie Eilish
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Oh, he was so perfect! So freaking flawless you couldn’t take your eyes off him for a second!
You had just got to Hoseok’s party with Yuta, but it seemed, to Jungkook, like he had been staring at you for hours. You hadn’t spared him a look yet, and if he hadn’t stood up from his seat on the couch to greet you, you probably wouldn’t have even known he was there too. You were too busy looking at your boyfriend, all wide-eyed and agape lips, to notice his presence behind you. But then Yuta’s eyes hardened as he crossed eyes with your best friend, and you, of course, noticed his change of behaviour and looked over your shoulder.
“Oh! Hi Kook!” you squealed and immediately threw your arms around his neck. Jungkook quickly enveloped your waist in his muscular arms, lifting you from the floor. “God, I missed you so much these last days! Where have you been?” you asked against the skin of his neck. And Jungkook smiled, discretely taking a sniff from your hair.
“I’ve been where I always am. You’re the one who disappeared,” he said, humorously - but not so much, because he actually meant to throw that in your face, but he wouldn’t stand the idea of making you feel bad over anything, ever.
“Oh God, blame Yuta here!” you said, raising your eyebrows and chuckling softly as he let you back on the floor. “Yuta, this is Jungkook, my best friend.” You presented him, and he held out his hand in Yuta’s direction, out of pure courtesy.
“Hey man,” Yuta muttered and shook his hand, a bit too boldly for Jungkook’s liking. Jungkook smiled at the guy - a very small and not-genuine smile. Any other time, you would have noticed how fake his smile was, but right now, your eyes were on Yuta. None of your attention was aimed at Jungkook.
Before Jungkook noticed, you two were already too immersed in how amazing these last days - without him - had been, he turned around and walked out of the toxic, smoke-ish and noisy environment that had taken over Hoseok’s whole place, betting his ass that you wouldn't notice his absence until the end of the night.
His hands were buried in his pockets and his head hung low. He was praying not to bump into Jin, Taehyung or any other of his closest friends that had also attended the party. His lips were currently being intensely wounded by his front teeth. His eyes stung and he didn’t know why. Then he got to his car, sitting down and letting go a deep breath that he didn’t know he was holding in. Then the tears he also hadn’t noticed to be sheltering in his eyes started to run down his cheeks.
He didn't quite know why he was crying. The only thing he knew was that you were taken. You were completely smitten to some other guy, that wasn’t him and that bothered him in measures he couldn’t have imagined. You were absolutely smitten to someone, who wasn't him.
He had lost his chance. That's why he was crying.
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He was a goner.
You were standing there, messy hair, deep dark circles, bare face, large grey sweatpants- that seemed oddly familiar to him, but he decided to ignore that - and a black sweatshirt, in front of him, asking to come in. He stepped away and you came in. Not wasting any time after he closed the door, you grabbed his neck and buried your face on it. He felt the wet patches you were leaving in his thin dark green t-shirt. He held you tight against his body and you sobbed fully. Your cries only intensified when he placed one of his big hands on your head and took his soft lips to your forehead, pecking it.
Then he picked you up, your legs around his waist and your face, still buried in his neck. He took you to his living room, taking a chair and placing it in front of his warm fireplace. He sat on it, you on his lap, holding onto his shoulders. There was nothing better than this spot to calm you down on a cold day. He knew it but he doubted Yuta made any idea of it.
“Have you ever been afraid of losing the love of your life?”
His heart shattered. He could hear it shatter, like a very fragile glass piece. Yuta was the love of your life. What had he to do with that, why were you even here, if your problem was with Yuta?
“You and Yuta argued?”
You hummed, a bit hesitant - the reason unknown to him. He didn’t say anything else. He couldn’t. It was not his place. You just needed a friendly lap to seat on, a couple of warm arms to hold you and a gentle voice to tell you it was alright.
“It’s alright... It’s alright baby...”
That’s exactly what he did.
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“This is Soojin, my girlfriend.”
Your eyes widened and a small, surprised smile played on your lips. He hesitated for your answer.
“Hi!” after greeting the beautiful girl that stood next to him holding his hand tight, you moved forward to briefly hug her. “Jungkook, never mentioned you before!”.
Soojin looked at Jungkook, her shy eyes now displayed a small discreet amount of anger.
“Oh... This is pretty recent. That’s why,” Soojin blurted, a nervous laugh erupting right away.
Soojin was a girl he had met about a month ago and she was amazing. Incredibly breathtaking and Jungkook couldn’t adore her more. His crush on you had been long forgotten - or at least he thought it had.
Jungkook thought the dinner was delicious, but still, when you asked what he thought of the dinner he answered ‘it’s good, but yesterday Soojin made some amazing bibimbap, I should have asked her to do it for tonight instead’. And you smiled bitterly and him. No one else noticed the bitterness in your smile, but he did.
Why was he acting this way? Because since he and his new girlfriend got in your apartment, you had established this dumb discreet competition between you and Soojin, making passive-aggressive comments and the poor girl beside him was so notoriously uncomfortable, he felt sorry for bringing her here.
“Soojin, maybe you should visit my hairdresser”
“I know you probably don’t understand since you’ve never been to college, but I’ve been so happy with my grades recently”
“How have you managed to attract someone like Jungkook, I mean... You know what I mean, right?”
So when the dinner was over, he pulled you away by the arm, bringing you to the kitchen and leaving Yuta and Soojin on the balcony, enjoying the view and hopefully sparing Soojin some minutes of your annoyingly mean comments.
“Why are you being such a bitch to Soojin?” he asked, hands on his hips and his eyes raging.
“I’m not,” you furrowed your eyebrows and he laughed ironically.
“Don’t play dumb with me, Y/N.”
“You had never mentioned her before. Who do you think I am, for you to present me some temporary fling you’re having. I’m more important than that! If you want to present me to someone, I want her to be at least stable. Not someone you’ve been dating for 2 weeks!”
“What has time to do with it? I like her, I think she’s worthy enough for you to meet her!”
“C’mon, look at her. She sports the slutty look.” you deadpanned and Jungkook’s eyes widened.
“You’re going too far! Look at Yuta! He’s the typical high school fuckboy!” he whisper-screamed. “You have no moral to talk about Soojin like that!”
“Oh, now he’s defending her!” you ironized and he rubbed his forehead, trying to look for just a little bit more patience. “You didn’t even tell me she was coming! And plus, I don’t have to mandatorily like her!”
“I don’t like Yuta and you don’t hear me talking to him like he's trash, right?”
“Yeah, that’s because he’s not trash, but we can’t say the same for Soojin, can we?”
That was enough. He turned his back on you, going to the balcony in quick steps and grabbing Soojin’s hand in his. He dragged her across your apartment as you stared at him piercingly.
“Babe, what’s going on?” Soojin asked, completely adrift.
“We’re leaving.”
“I haven’t said goodbye yet, kook”
“You don’t need to, we’re not coming back anyway,” he stated as his eyes locked on yours.
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Jungkook really didn’t plan on coming back but Soojin broke up with him about a month later, claiming that he was in love with someone else and not bothering to explain further. Needless to say, Jungkook had never been as bewildered and nauseated in his life. He had argued with you, his best friend, to protect Soojin’s dignity, and she dared to say he didn’t love her?!
The only one he could think of to help him figure out what the heck Soojin was referring to with such barbarities, was you. You were the most intelligent and astute person Jungkook had ever met. He was sure you were the only one who could possible help him.
When he showed up at your door, you opened it. No sign of shock or surprise evident on your face in seeing him after your huge argument, because you both knew you two would never be able to stay mad a each other for too long. A month of not talking was a new record.
When he blurted out the reason Soojin had used to break up with him, after sitting down next to you on your couch, your mouth fell agape and your eyes widened.
“What?” you exclaimed as Jungkook shook his head, showing his bewilderment.
“That’s what I said!” he exclaimed back and you looked at the floor, completely confused by what your best friend was telling you. The boy had almost finished his 7-year friendship to defend his new girlfriend. How could she even question his feelings?!
“She’s probably just overthinking something... Maybe she saw you hugging another girl... Or maybe a text on your phone...”
“I didn’t text anyone other than her! Not even you!” he screeched and you scratched your ear, trying to think of some logical reason behind the sudden breakup.
“... Probably, it’s really her overthinking something... Girls do that! I do that, all the time!” you looked at him doubtfully, as he stared back in the same way. “SHE’S INSECURE!” you shouted as the sudden realization, that seemed to be the most logical out of every single theory you had already come up with, came to your mind.
Jungkook widened his eyes, straightening his back as your speculation didn’t seem as automatically disposable as all the others that had come to his mind.
“That’s it!” you continued. “Probably, she’s in one of those times where she doubts every single thing in her body, and she thinks she’s not enough for you! I feel that way too often!”
Jungkook’s expression got serious as he heard the last portion of your speech. “You do?”
It took you a moment to understand what he was asking, but as you saw the worry behind his eyes you quickly figured the context of the question. “Oh... Yeah, I guess it’s pretty normal...”
“You shouldn’t feel that way, you’re pretty amazing...”
You smiled shyly and sent him a sweet gaze, as he quickly returned it. “With Yuta, it’s pretty hard not to doubt me at times. Have you seen the guy? Seems like he came straight out a freaking novel...” you chuckled playfully and Jungkook pushed your shoulder with his.
“And so do you.” And there was Jungkook in his natural element.
“Jungkook! Stop flirting!” you screeched, shyly as your cheeks turned into a dark shade of pink. Jungkook laughed, cringing internally at how cute he found you in that exact moment. He embraced your shoulders in his muscular arms, and you finally looked into his eyes. His face was awfully close and you could feel his breath on your face as a soft smile lingered on his lips.
“Missed you,” he whispered so that only the two of you could hear it, even though no one else was around.
“Missed you,” you whispered back, leaning your forehead to his.
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Soojin had taken him back.
She had her reasons to break up with him in the first place, but she couldn’t deny the guy a second chance as he stood by her door, a bouquet of red roses, that you had recommended, in his hand, puppy eyes and pouted lips.
You had found out in the worst of ways.
Crying your heart out, you stood in the elevator, waiting for it to finally come to your destination, your best friend’s apartment floor. When it did, you got out of it, your face smudged with your -supposedly, waterproof - mascara. You knocked and were received by Soojin, in all her beauty, messy hair and no make-up features, wearing Jungkook’s shirt. She was probably busy with something else. She still managed to look extremely gorgeous, and there were you, looking like you had just been run over by a bus.
“Y/N! Are you alright! That’s dumb, of course not! Do you want to come in? Wait a second, I’ll go call Jungkook,” she stated with a genuine expression of worry on her face and a hand on your shoulder.
“No! No, leave it. I’m fine!” you said, grabbing her hand before she could go and call Jungkook. “I’ll just go home. Sorry for interrupting you two!” you smiled, even with your smudged make-up face. “Don’t worry, I’ll just call him later!”
And so you turned your back on her, as you felt her worried look on your back.
“Oh! And I’m sorry about how I treated you last time...” You turned back to her, sending an apologetic smile her way.
“Don’t worry about that...” she muttered and smiled back.
It was obvious why Jungkook liked her so much.
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“What happened yesterday?!” Jungkook shouted as soon as you opened the door, exactly 7:54 AM and the guy was already standing by your door.
“You didn’t tell me you and Soojin were back together...”
“Not what I asked,” he said back, impatient.
“I wasn’t answering you either,” you mocked and he sent you an annoyed look. “Don’t worry about last night. I’m fine now.”
“I just want to know what happened. Not even worried...” he said and you laughed at how sarcastic he could be at times.
“Yuta and I broke up,” you said and Jungkook’s eyes widened. “He cheated. A drunk night out.”
“Son of a bitch...” he muttered and you quickly enveloped his face with your hands, bringing his eyes to yours.
“I’m fine, really. No need to get mad” you chuckled a bit. Jungkook stared at you for a while, before holding your hands and kissing both of them.
“You deserve so much better. Please don’t settle for someone like him.”
“I won’t,” you smiled and he smiled back.
He spent the rest of the day with you. Both laying on the sofa, holding onto each other, and watching movies, with a huge bowl of the sweetest popcorn you could have managed.
“I’m 25...” you muttered out of nowhere and Jungkook hummed back, his face snuggled by the side of your neck, his arms around your waist and his chest against your back.
“I want to get married someday and now I don't have a boyfriend,” you muttered once again.
“Were you really planning on marrying that piece of shit?”
“I didn’t know he was a piece of shit.”
“You don’t need to get married now. You’re still young. You’ll find a great guy, who knows how to truly value you as the woman you are,” he said, before softly kissing the skin of your neck, where his cheek was previously resting on.
"Soojin’s a lucky girl,” you said, smiling, after few silent moments.
She really was a lucky girl.
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A few years later
“Would you marry me?”
Your eyes widened, quickly averting to your best friend, kneeled down in front of his 3-year girlfriend. He was glowing. A wide perfectly white smile played on his lips as he stared up at Soojin with eyes that shone brighter than ever. She was speechless - very much like you. Her hands covered her mouth and her eyes were starting to get wet with tears. The answer that followed was obvious.
There it was. She threw her arms around Jungkook’s neck, as he stood up and enveloped her slim waist in his embrace. She was crying already and he chuckled lightly at the emotional mess his girlfriend was.
You weren't expecting this. But you should have. Jungkook hadn't talked to you about this or left you any clue about it, but still, he was 28 years old. You could see the shine of his eyes getting brighter each time he looked at her, every passing day. They were in love and their relationship was stronger each day.
Your whole group of friends manifested their happiness. Jimin had tears in his eyes from how happy he was seeing that the youngest of the group was finally settling down for life. Namjoon clapped his hands, smirking proudly at the youngest. You could swear you’d seen Jin, that stood next to Namjoon also clapping his hands, winking to his friend when their eyes crossed. Yeri whistled loudly along with Taehyung, while Irene laughed at her friends’ foolishness.
Mingyu, quite unaware of the mess the living room held, kept his eyes secured on you, smiling. When you caught his gaze, you sent him a tiny smile back - the first since the heartfelt proposal. You averted your eyes back to the couple holding each other in the middle of the room and when they parted their embrace, Jungkook’s eyes locked on yours. You weren’t smiling as he expected you to be. You didn’t even seem to be happy for him. He smiled anyway, and you, in all your effort, winked playfully at him, as you turned your back on him. You grabbed a cup of champagne and walked towards the balcony, being interrupted by the male hand that suddenly grabbed your waist.
“We’re next,” you heard Mingyu whisper in your ear. You looked back, grabbing his hand and lightly squeezing it.
“You bet,” you answered playfully and smiled brightly at him.
Mingyu was your boyfriend. You had been dating him for 2 years now and he was great. Jungkook had presented him to you at a home party. You still remember complaining to him about having to watch him and Soojin being all couply while you still spent the night laying in bed and watching romances. The week after your complaints he took you to a party and introduced you to this really nice and good-looking guy, which happened to be his friend, named Mingyu. Mingyu was a few months older than you and he had just started to work as a lawyer. He was already introduced to your family and they all loved him, dismissing your sister's daily comments that claimed her disappointment because she thought you 'would end u with your Jungkook'.
When Mingyu let go of you to go hang out with the rest of your friends, you reached the balcony, closing the door behind you, leaning on the glass balcony and gazing at the amazing view your friend Irene had got when she bought this new apartment with Jin, her boyfriend. Your hair, being wildly swept by the wind, was a mess, but you could care less. Your eyes were teary, you didn't really know why though. Something about Jungkook getting married left a huge ball of emotions sitting on your chest. What bothered you is that even knowing Soojin was an amazing girl and Jungkook would be happy with her, you weren't particularly happy with the news. You knew this could as well turn you into a very shitty best friend, and that's why you thought you wouldn't really be able to talk to Jungkook without catching a breath of fresh air first. Without noticing the tears you had been previously sheltering in your eyes, were now running down your cheeks.
You sobbed and quickly wiped the tears away when you heard the balcony doors opening and closing again. It was Jungkook, you knew it when you felt the warm presence you'd gotten used to after 9 years.
"Hey," he muttered.
You didn't answer, afraid your voice would fail you and just kept staring forwards, feeling Jungkook's gaze on you. You knew he knew you had been crying. He was a master when it came to figuring it out.
"So... you're getting married now hum?" you commented, once your vocal cords seemed stable enough.
"Right," he answered, and you looked at your side, not bothering to hide your puffy eyes. "What do you think of that?" he asked you and you looked down at your hands.
"You know... If you're happy, I'm happy," you said and he chuckled.
"Of course," Jungkook mimicked your actions, looking down as well. You two stayed quiet for some time, as the starry night sky shined down on you.
"You look amazing tonight, by the way," he remarked. "Didn't get the chance to te-"
"You didn't tell me you were going to propose," you interrupted him, looking back at him. There wasn't a shy smile on your lips or a polite gaze on your eyes. All Jungkook could see in your expression was hurt.
"I don't have to tell you every little thing going on in my life," he answered, putting up his defensive side.
"This is not little! This is marriage," you exclaimed and stared at him. He stared down and stayed quiet.
"Mingyu told me he's going to propose too," he announced and you widened your eyes. Not that you hadn't thought about it. Mingyu had commented a lot of times he wanted to make you his wife and build a family with you. But still, it was big news for you.
"I'm sure you weren't supposed to tell me that."
"Are you going to say yes?" he asked and stared at you.
You stared back at him and for once in that night, your eyes met for more than a minute. There was a silent plead present in his eyes that you couldn't really figure out. He sighed and got closer to you, your arms rubbing against each other. You lay your head down on his shoulder and he shortly kissed your forehead.
"Y/n..." he whispered, and you hummed back, still not answering his previous question. "I can... go back. If you... want me to."
"If you love her, then you should marry her," you answered right away, not wanting to hold your best friend back from marrying the girl he loves.
He kept quiet and so did you.
"Are you going to say yes?" he repeated his previous question and you shot your head up, looking straight in his eyes.
"You know... I've always thought of you as the love of my life."
Jungkook's eyes widened as you chuckled. That's when it came to him. That night, you were afraid of losing him, not Yuta.
"I've always been told I should marry the love of my life. But I don't think I can marry you now that you're already married," you stated playfully, but Jungkook's stare was serious. "Mingyu is amazing, really. I worship him. But how do I know if I love him enough to marry him?" you asked, looking up to find Jungkook already staring at you, a mix of different emotions present in his eyes. "How did you know you loved Soojin enough to marry her?" you asked again and Jungkook looked down.
"Well... I like her almost as much as I love you," he whispered loud enough for only you to listen. "And I think that's a whole lot."
"Do you love her, though?" you asked, absolutely perplexed at his answer.
He smiled lightly and sighted.
"You just don't get it, do you?" he whispered.
He stood up straight, turning his back on you and walking back towards the door.
"Why don't you just tell me then?" you said a bit louder than you had talked the whole night.
He looked back at you, over his shoulder, his hand already on the door handle. He chuckled lowly, what sounded like a sarcastic chuckle, before turning back to you and taking two steps forward. Somehow, his expression had changed and you weren't sure how to read it now. He was bitter.
"You want me to tell you? I just proposed and you have the guts to get sad because I'm marrying Soojin??
"I'm not s-"
"Shut up! Just... Shut up." he begged ironically and you stood quiet, he sighed angrily and looked to his left, avoiding looking at you.
"Maybe you should step away... At least for a while."
"What the hell is wrong with you? Jungkook you're getting married. I can't miss that. I won't miss that!"
"Exactly!" he screamed suddenly and walked quickly towards you. He had never been this angry in front of you and it scared you that you were the reason for his anger. His face was inches away from yours and you could feel his quick breath fanning over your lips. "I'm getting married to Soojin but all I can think about is if I should have proposed to you!" he whispered in your face and you could see his eyes watering, very much like you could feel yours do the same. “You know why I proposed so suddenly? Because Mingyu told me he was going to propose to you and I didn’t want to be the only one feeling miserable!”
"J-Jungkook..." you sighed and Jungkook let his tears fall, furrowing his eyebrows in pure anguish, as he nestled his face on your neck, crying silently. He enveloped your body in his arms and you quickly did the same.
"I’m sorry,” he whispered. “I-I'm in love with you and it scares me to death," he sobbed and your grip on him tightened.
"It's alright... I'm right here..."
You two stayed in that same position for a while, until he calmed down and his sobs stopped.
"What do I do now?" he asked, still laying his head on your chest.
"You do whatever makes you happy," you answered and he kissed your neck, and action that, from him, was already usual.
"Hubby! Can we go home?" Soojin opened the balcony's door, chuckling at the new nickname. Jungkook quickly stepped back and wiped the stray tears on his cheeks away. Sensing your stare on him, he sent you a tiny smile.
Soojin caught your gaze from behind Jungkook's shoulder and sent you a smile, which you retributed.
"Yes babe, let's go..." Jungkook answered after a while. He looked at you, the deepest look in his eyes that you had ever seen. He cupped your cheek as you two heard Soojin walking back inside, to say her goodbyes. “I’ll go now.”
“Please, don’t do this. If you don’t want to marry her, you don’t have to.”
“What do you want?”
You didn’t answer, opting to roll your arms tightly around his neck, as he held your waist, bringing your body impossibly closer to his.
“I love you, Jungkook,” you whispered. “, but this is a decision you have to make.”
And he wasn’t ready. He wasn’t ready to break all the promises he had made to Soojin this past three years. He wasn’t ready to admit that all she was was a way to get to you. He wasn’t ready to admit that at some point in his life he had become a worthless and selfish jerk and that his life had been diminished to you. He wasn’t ready to break every single ethical moral and principle that he had been trying to live by all his life. This decision didn’t come to him, and only him. It came to you, to Soojin, to Mingyu and to everyone surrounding the four of you. It wasn’t his right to break his friends’ hearts and he wouldn’t do it. He couldn’t do it.
“I’m sorry.”
And he walked away.
123 notes · View notes
broadstbroskis · 4 years
surprises- pt 8 | mat barzal
oooffff it’s been quite a long journey and thanks for sticking with me through the wait! it’s finally here- the next and last part of surprises! thanks to everyone for reading, thanks for all your lovely feedback and kind words throughout this series, and all the support as i worked through this last part! it’s meant the world to me and i hope you all enjoy this last part!
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7
When you wake up one morning to absolute silence, you get suspicious. No baby cries, no sounds of Mat breathing next to you, nothing.
But when you investigate, you find Mat sprawled out on the couch, holding Maeve against his chest, and they’re both passed out. She’s grown, definitely grown a lot since you brought her home, but his hand still covers most of her body. You reach for your phone, snapping a picture (to add to the many you’ve taken of the two of them over the past month), only to fumble it when you see the instagram notification on the front screen. 
Mat’s tagged you in a post and you sit down on the floor in front of the two of them as you slide to open it. And then, you gasp, immediately reaching to cover your mouth and hide the sound, as you look through the roll of pictures that Mat posted.
One Month with Maeve: You Like: eating, sleeping, anything your mom does You Dislike: tummy time
When you look up, Mat’s watching you, with a hopeful look on his face. “Hi.” He says quietly.
“Hi.” You return, flipping your phone around to him. “I call bullshit.”
He laughs-gently and quietly, so as not to wake Maeve-and then grins. “Oh yeah? On what?”
“That she likes anything I do.” Maeve’s just...so content anytime she’s in Mat’s arms. Anytime he’s just in her proximity. She’s recently started to recognize his voice, turning her head for it anytime she hears it...sometimes even over FaceTime. “You are definitely the favorite.”
Mat kisses the top of Maeve’s head gently; it’s a favorite thing for both of you right now, you’re pretty sure. “Maybe, but we still like anything you do.”
You raise an eyebrow at him. “We?”
“Yeah, both of us.” Mat says, like it’s something he says everyday, totally normal and casual.
Cheeks flushed, you stand up. “I’m going to go make breakfast.”
“We’ll come.” Mat stands, careful not to jostle Maeve too much.
“You don’t have to.” You offer. You know how tired he is all the time now, between Maeve and playoffs. He could use all the rest he can get.
“I want to.” Mat settles himself on one of the chairs by the counter and re-adjusts Maeve. “I feel like I barely get to see you guys right now.”
“Somebody’s gotta pay off that nice, big house.” You chirp, pulling out the eggs to make omelets.
Mat laughs. “Can’t even move into it yet and it’s already costing me money.”
“Don’t think about the price tag until you get paid this summer.”
“Once again. You cannot max out my credit card in the Target Home Section. Even with a bonus this year.”
“I gave you the most perfect human ever and this is how you repay me?’
Mat looks down at Maeve, unable to stop the smile that grows over his face, and in return, you feel one spread across yours as you watch him. “Go crazy.”
Two Months with Maeve: You Like: the new hockey mobile Uncle Tito bought you, when your mom and i talk to you You Dislike: the carseat, more tummy time
When you slip into Maeve’s nursery in the new house (just barely unpacked, but still the most unpacked room in the entire house by far), Mat’s got the same sad look on his face that he’s worn for the last three days, standing in the middle of the room, watching her sleep. You give him a minute, see if he notices your presence, and when he doesn’t acknowledge you, you slide behind him and wrap your arms around his waist, dropping your head between his shoulder blades. “You’re still amazing.”
Mat’s laugh is hollow and you know he’s thinking about how he was held scoreless for the last two games this series, thinking about all the things he could have done differently so that they weren’t eliminated. “You’re biased.”
“Like I’ve ever held back from telling you that you suck before.”
It’s not a smile, but the corner of his lips do turn up. “Fair.”
You smile, hiding the grin in his back. “We’re happy to have you home more.”
“Even though this means we won’t get to put Maeve in the cup?” You can picture his eyebrows raise with the question, even though it’s dark and you’re not even looking at him.
“I mean, she would have looked really cute in it.” You poke his side. “But I’ll get over it. We’ll just have to take cute baby pictures with her somewhere else.”
“You mean, like this new house we just moved into?”
“This new house we just moved into where every room is either filled with boxes or has no furniture?”
You feel Mat hesitate. “Maybe there’s a park nearby.” He says and you laugh. 
“Maybe.” You agree, slipping around to curl into his side, so you can both watch Maeve sleep.
Three Months with Maeve: You Like: that new activity mat, music, afternoon walks You Dislike: pop goes the weasel, noisy birds on the walks
“These came out so good.” Molly enthuses, beaming as she stares at the pictures of Maeve that you and Mat had professionally taken, shortly after your conversation about it, to send out in cards to everyone you know.
“Right?” It had taken a little to decide where you wanted to have the pictures taken, the house still not finished and immediately eliminated. Almost all the parks nearby had been eliminated by your photographer due to lighting and the one that hadn’t, had been nixed by you. You and Mat had both scrunched your nose up at the thought of bringing Maeve to the beach already, as well as a few other suggestions. In the end, though, you can’t imagine anyone will be shocked to see the ice rink in the background of a few of the pictures, and it seemed only fitting. 
As usual, Maeve’s perfectly at ease in Mat’s arms, who’s beaming down at her, in your favorite shot of the afternoon, as you hang onto his arm gently to keep yourself upright, the same wide grin on your own face as you look at the two of them. There are so many other shots from the day- Mat skating while holding Maeve; the two of you laughing while you move easily on the ice; close ups of Maeve sleeping peacefully in Mat’s arms, just happy to be close to him (unless it’s the proximity to the ice- she is definitely his daughter). And then there’s all the candids.
“Some tough choices for the photo wall.” Molly muses.
“Gonna need lots of frames.” You agree, as the back door opens and Tito walks in, bouncing Maeve gently in his arms, closely followed by Mat and Brian. 
“Alright, patio’s done.”
“Perfect!” Molly claps her hands together and you give her a look because she sounds too excited. “Great timing.”
Tito huffs, still bouncing Maeve, who’s smiling away at him and probably going to start giggling at any minute. She’d laughed for the first time last week and it felt like since then, she hadn’t stopped. “We said we’d have it done in time, didn’t we?”
“In time for what?” You press, skeptically.
“Yes, “Molly ignores you completely. “But I honestly didn’t believe you.”
“Rude.” Brian teases. “The lack of faith.”
“Yeah.” Tito adds. “What’d we do to deserve this?”
“What are you three talking about?” Mat huffs, and you feel ten times better already that you’re not the only one left out.
“Oh!” Molly blinks, like it’s only just occurred to her that she hasn’t actually told you what’s going on yet. “Right. You two are going out tonight. We made you a dinner reservation and we’re going to stay here and babysit while you do.”
You hesitate, relieved that when you look over to meet Mat’s eyes, you see the same look. “I don’t know.”
“We’re not going to force you to go.” Brian says, before Molly or Tito can jump in, with what’s certain to be a much less soft comment. “We just thought you could use a couple hours out. Without having to worry.”
It’s not...the worst thought, if you’re honest, and you can see the idea growing on Mat as well. “I mean, we’re probably still going to worry.” He says, even as you can see him start to grin.
“What, now, you don’t trust me with your kid?” Tito says, feigning hurt. “And to think, I almost made godfather.”
“Because YN’s brother almost didn’t show up.” Mat throws back at him.
“Classic Christopher.” You grin at the memory of your brother literally running into the church last month for the baptism only just in time. 
“You two go get moving; we promise to take perfect care of your baby.” Molly says.
“Team Baby.” Tito sticks his free hand, the one not holding Maeve to his chest, into the center of the circle you’ve all formed, and stares at you all expectantly, until each one of you piles a hand on top of his. “Team Baby!” He cheers again, and then he steers Maeve over to her activity mat and lies down on the floor with her.
“Go.” Molly gestures and it doesn’t take much more for you and Mat to turn and start getting dressed because that’s her I mean business face. “Dress nice!” She calls after you. “Suit, tie, dress, heels. The works!”
“Where could they possibly be sending us?” Mat mutters as the two of you climb up the steps toward your room, and you hide your snicker much better than he does.
“Mathew!” Molly calls, warningly.
“First shower.” You call dibs to him, and rush past him for it, laughing at the look on his face.
While Mat showers after you, you fix your hair and makeup, and then step into your closet, already pulling a face at all your dresses before you even look at them. 
You’re starting to feel more like yourself after giving birth, finally, after three months, but you don’t feel completely there. You’re not sure you ever will, that’ll you’ll ever feel that easy and carefree again, or that you’ll ever look the same again, and you’ve talked with Grace and Lauren, and are coming to terms with it. Have come to terms with it, really. The trade-off for Maeve’s smiles made everything worth it.
But you don’t have a single dress that fits the way you like now.
There are four dresses on the floor of your closet and at least five more that you couldn’t even bring yourself to try on before you find a charcoal colored slip dress that’s covered in a pattern of dark sequins. The strappy heels that go along with it are an old comfort; they, at least, still fit you.
Mat’s holding a tie up in the mirror when you come out of the closet, like he’s debating if he actually has to wear it, but the second he sees you through the glass, his eyes go wide and the tie drops from his hand.
“Now those hands aren’t going to earn you that new contract.” You tease, unable to handle the thick silence that’s fallen between you.
“What?” It’s like he didn’t even hear the joke; his eyes are roaming up and down. “Fuck. You want to skip dinner?”
You actually kinda do. You’d seen Mat leaving the old apartment all spring in a suit on his way to the airport or the arena, all the way up until they’d been eliminated, so maybe it was just the context of the evening, but he looked unreal tonight. You nod, but then immediately bite your lip...which just makes Mat groan. “They’re not going to let us just stay here, though.”
Mat grins, reaching for your hand. “Trust me on this.”
“I do.” You smile at him, squeezing gently in return,
And it takes the two of you almost thirty minutes to leave the house after that, despite the heated looks in your bedroom, because neither of you wants to leave Maeve again once you see her, but Molly shoves you out the door with threats about missing your reservation, and once the door’s closed, that’s all it takes for Mat to turn his gaze right back to you.
There is, blessedly, still furniture in his old apartment, still his as he continues to decide whether to sell it or rent it, and you’ve never been so thankful for his unusual moment of indecisiveness as he lies you down into his old bed, pressing kisses onto any spot of skin he can find.
Four Months with Maeve: You Like: playing with your toes, sitting, laughing and babbling You Dislike: when anyone takes a toy from you
Expecting Mat, you’re a little surprised when you turn and see that the form that’s flopped down in the shade beside you and Maeve is actually Tyson. “How’s my best girl?” He coos at her, as entranced with her as anyone else has been since you and Mat had come up to Canada last week to see Mat’s family.
Maeve giggles, babbling some noises back at him, and reaching her hands out for his curls. “Don’t.” You warn him, but he’d learned that lesson already this week, and he intercepts her with his thumb instead, a wide grin on his face. “Sucker.” You tease.
“How can you say no to this face?” He cries and yeah, when she’s laughing and smiling like that, you can see what he means. Especially because it’s Mat’s smile she seems to have inherited, even if it looks like the rest of Maeve’s features might be all you.
“Mmmm, you get used to it.” You tell him anyway, and Tyson grins knowingly, so you close your eyes, relaxing in the sun for a moment, confident that someone is watching your baby and you can get a few minutes of rest.
It doesn’t last long, because shortly after closing your eyes, you feel something heavy and wet plaster itself to you and you open one eye to glare, which is as much as you can be bothered with out by the lake. “Mat!”
He’s already grinning down at you, water from the lake dripping from his face to yours. “You looked a little hot.”
“I was very comfortable.”
Mat lays his head down on your chest. “Well, now I’m very comfortable.”
“You are the most annoying person I’ve ever met.” You say, and you don’t need Tyson to laugh to know that you don’t sound serious at all.
“Liar.” Mat says, and you can feel him grinning against your skin. “You love me.”
You pause for a moment, unintentionally, as you move your hand up to play with his hair, but it’s long enough that you feel the smile start to slip from his face. “Yeah.” You tease. “I guess I do.” 
Mat’s grin returns and he presses the softest kiss to whatever piece of skin he can reach, but before he can say anything else, Maeve starts babbling away. “I know.” Tyson coos at her. “They’re so cute it’s disgusting.”
“Hey!” Mat frowns. “Let go of my baby so I can push you down.”
Tyson laughs. “Well thanks for that get out of jail free card!”
Five Months of Maeve: You Like: hide and seek, bananas, applesauce You Dislike: peas (can’t blame you, kiddo)
“Do we really want to try peas again so soon?” You frown at Mat, holding up one of the other jars of baby food.
He shrugs. “Gonna have to jump back in eventually.”
You pull a face. “Spoken like the man who didn’t get puked on.”
“We get puked on like ten times a day!”
“It was green!”
He laughs. “I’ll do the peas this time.”
You laugh. Sucker. “Deal.”
It’s super gratifying then, to see that Maeve hates the peas this time just as much as she had before. She’s not about Mat’s airplane noises once she realizes what’s on the spoon he’s trying to feed her with and none of his usual tricks are working to try and calm her down once she starts crying. 
But when Mat looks at you for help, you don’t do anything but laugh, continuing to film the entire disastrous event. “Really?” He gives you a look.
“Not so cocky now, huh?” You fire the video off into, like, three different chats- the one with his family, to Team Baby, and the Islanders Moms chat, because he could probably use the ego deflation- and then reach for Maeve, who settles almost instantly against you, her crying quieting as you hold her against your side.
“Sure.” Mat grumbles, dropping the spoon against the high-chair’s table. “All calm now.”
“Oh hush.” You tell him, with a smile, knowing exactly what he’s annoyed about. “You’ll go back to being her favorite in an hour; don’t worry.”
Mat tries to hide his grin by ducking his head to clean the high-chair but you see right through him.
Six Months of Maeve: You Like: bouncing, rolling, wiggling, literally any kind of movement You Dislike: teething (but we dislike you teething too), staying still
“I think she’s going to really start crawling soon.” You remark to Mat, the two of you both seated on the floor, opposite sides of the room, to catch her before she could wriggle into any walls.
She hadn’t quite pushed herself up there yet, but she scooted around pretty well.
“Don’t say that.” Mat groans, reaching out for Maeve and ignoring her cry of protest as he placed her back on the ground, safely away from the wall. She gave him a look, but then went right back to rolling around, rolling onto her back and then over to her stomach again, scooting toward you. “Fuck, imagine when she can walk. Chasing after her.”
“Inability to sit still for sure comes from you.” You try to distract Maeve with a toy, watching as she puts it in her mouth and starts to gnaw on it. Her first tooth had come in the other week, an absolute nightmare, and you were pretty sure another one was following. 
“Can’t prove that.” Mat says, eyes fond as he watches Maeve.
“Wanna bet?” You tease. That’s an easy phone call to make.
“Have I told you how pretty you look today?” Mat beams at you and you burst into laughter because you haven’t showered and you’re covered in baby formula.
“That’s what I thought.” You grin, and then reach out to pull Maeve away from the coffee table.
Seven Months of Maeve: You Like: blocks, knocking down block towers, clapping blocks together, anything blocks You Dislike: noise-cancelling headphones
“These are so cute.” Grace beams, scrolling through the pictures on her phone and simultaneously bouncing a wriggly toddler on her lap. “I’ll send them out as soon as we get upstairs.”
You smile, thanking her already, fixing the earphone covering Maeve’s tiny head. It’s the Islanders’ home opener, Maeve’s first game actually attending, and there’d been a well-documented photo shoot with all the kids prior to the group of you heading down to the glass, to wait for warm ups to start. 
She wasn’t a big fan of the headphones you’d placed on her ears, constantly reaching up to bat them off, but she was looking around, eyes wide as she stared at the crowd around her, even after both teams skated out for warm ups, unable to grasp what exactly was happening.
But she was smiling, beaming the whole time, a grin that only got wider when Mat skated up to the glass in front of you and put his fist up against it. She reaches for it as you bring her closer to the glass, grabbing out for it as he taps it with a grin, and then she babbles a bunch of nonsense when she’s stopped by the glass, retracting her hand immediately.
You and Mat both laugh and he gives one last tap on the glass to you both before skating off to rejoin warm ups.
He absolutely lights it up that night, but the gifs of the the three of you at the glass during warmups cycle through the internet for days.
8 Months of Maeve: You Like: your favorite blankie, Cheerios, cheese You Dislike: i really tried with those peas, kid
You’d do literally anything for some sleep right now, even just a power nap. Mat had been gone on a road trip for a few days now, due back shortly, but Maeve had been so clingy the entire time he was gone, not even wanting to be held by Molly when she’d stopped in to visit, and fussing anytime you’d walked away from her. 
She was playing with a couple of her toys on the floor right now, and it took everything in you to keep your eyes open to watch over her. You contemplated moving her into her bouncer, even as she kept side-eyeing you to make sure you were still close, just in case you accidentally dropped into a nap. 
Suddenly, an arm drops over your shoulders and Mat’s pressing a kiss to your temple. “You look sleepy.”
“I’m exhausted.” You lean against him immediately. “When did you get in?”
“Just now.” He squeezes gently, smiling and waving as Maeve, who’s abandoned her toy the moment she saw him, clapping her hands together and beaming at him, babbling at him happily. “She keeping you up at night?”
“She’s just…” You trail off, not sure how to describe what Maeve is right now. Because on one hand, she’s not normally this clingy, and it’s certainly a change of pace. But it’s not a bad thing to have her so close to you all the time, for her to want to be so close to you- you don’t dislike it at all. “I’m just tired.”
He presses another kiss to your forehead, but before he can say anything, Maeve reaches her arms out for him. “Da!” She’s frowning, probably because Mat’s been ignoring her in favor of you. “Dada!” She reaches out again, and this time Mat’s face lights up, both of yours do, as he sweeps her into his lap.
“Say it again!” Mat prompts, tickling her, which of course doesn’t get her to do anything but giggle.
“Dada.” You try, leaning closer, and she repeats it then, but won’t say it again, for all that Mat tries, struggling out of his arms right after that, to go back to playing.
Mat runs his fingers through his hair, looking absolutely floored, and you still haven’t stopped smiling either. Your baby’s first word! You have to tell everyone! But there’ll be time for that later; Mat’s comfy to lean against right now and he doesn’t look like he wants to go anywhere either, so you press a kiss to his cheek and then lie your head back against his shoulder, content to watch Maeve play with her blocks.
9 Months of Maeve: You Like: walking, giving your mom and I heart attacks while walking You Dislike: sitting still for any length of time (stop laughing at me mom)
“You,” Mat sweeps Maeve off her feet and up into his arms as she toddles past him. “Went from walking to running in like two days! Give your mom and I a rest, kiddo.”
“She gets that from you.” You tell him, tiredly. He’s not wrong though. She’d started pulling herself into standing not long ago, and then shortly after, taken her first steps, and then it felt like the next day, she was off to the races. You spent most of your day chasing her around the house now; she almost never wanted to be picked up anymore.
Even now, she was squirming to get out of Mat’s arms and be back on the ground, already starting to whine about it. Mat obliges, and she takes off- or as well as she can; she hasn’t quite mastered it yet, her feet make that distinct slap noise on the floor that you associate with all babies walking. 
Mat chases and brings her back, but you two quickly have to settle each on one side of the room, eyes watching Maeve and turning her between the two of you. “She needs a friend.” You mutter, steering her back towards Mat, for what seems like the hundredth time in ten minutes.
Mat nods furiously. “Suddenly I understand why people have more than one of these.”
You burst into laughter, loud enough that it stops Maeve for a second. But only a second; she’s right back to toddling over toward you, throwing herself at you, giggling along with you for a moment there. “One of these?” You call Mat out, and he joins you in laughing, as Maeve uses your arm to pull herself back up and starts walking again.
Mat shrugs it off laughingly. “You know what I mean.”
You do. “God, I used to not even imagine being able to have another one of her, but god, if another one meant they could entertain each other; I’d do it in a heartbeat.”
“I’d have five more if it meant we didn’t have to chase her like this.” Mat pulls Maeve back into the room, a small noise of protest coming from her until he puts her back on the floor.
You give him a look. “You can find someone else to have five more with.”
When Mat smiles at you, it’s softer, not his usual bright beam. “Alright.” He says. “We won’t have five more. Two or three more.” You side-eye him, trying to gauge how serious he is, but he must take your silence for agreement, because then he does beam.
10 Months of Maeve: You Like: patty cake, waving, causing chaos You Dislike: bananas, apparently, even though you loved them last month
“Tito!” You gasp excitedly, only just remembering to pick Maeve up and bring her with you, ignoring her fuss in favor of Mat and Tito walking in the door with something much more exciting. “Why didn’t  you tell me you were getting a dog?”
Luckily, she’s easily swayed by the dog, eyeing the wriggling puppy in Tito’s arms. She still doesn’t look like she’s 100% certain about it, but it certainly captures her attention; she stops moving in your arms entirely, blinking at the dog, unmoving.
“Uhhh.” Tito says, in response to you, looking at Mat and then back at you. “Not exactly what happened.”
Mat grins. “So you wanted a dog, right?”
Your jaw drops and the next words are out before you can even think about stopping them. “Shut the fuck up.” And then you immediately wince, because you’ve been on Mat recently about watching his language around Maeve, who’s soaking up words now like an absolute sponge. 
But Mat only laughs, reaching to pull the puppy into his arms, and stepping closer to you and Maeve slowly. “Her name’s Blue, but we can change it.”
“Boo!” Maeve repeats, which really ices the cake on that one, and brings a smile to both of your faces. She’s reaching out for the puppy as Mat steps closer, and you prepare yourself for the worst, but Maeve bursts into happy giggles the second her hand touches the puppy.
Blue sniffs her tiny little hand tentatively, and then licks it happy, and Maeve giggles even harder as she does. “I might cry.” You announce. “This is the greatest day. I thought you’d never cave.”
Tito snickers. “He was worried he’d come home one day and you’d brought a stray home.”
“I considered it.”
“Thought this was better.” Mat agrees. “At least I got to screen for a good one.”
“All dogs are good dogs.” You state firmly. “Let’s put her down and let her explore a little.”
“Come on, Menace.” Mat takes Maeve from your arms, who goes happily, reaching for his hair as she does, but you’ve both caught onto the move by now, so he intercepts her hand with his thumb. “Let’s go follow your new best friend.”
11 Months of Maeve: You Like: baby dolls, baby doll stroller, your fancy new cup, Blue You Dislike: puzzles- you’re not really about toys you sit for anymore
“How soon,” Mat starts one night, when you’re getting ready for bed, both child and dog already asleep in crib and crate from an exhausting evening of playtime. “Is too soon, do you think, to bring Maeve out for a skate?”
You’ve got a mouth full of toothpaste, but you think you still manage to convey what you want with a look. “You’re asking me this question?”
“Good point.” You rinse your mouth out and join Mat in bed. “Maybe we’ll start with mini-sticks and a soft ball.”
You burst into laughter. “You think she’s ready for that?”
“Oh she’s got this walking thing down now.” He brushes that off. “My girl’s an expert.”
You roll your eyes. “Yeah, we knew that was coming.”
Mat grins. “Work on that hand eye coordination now.”
You give him a look, trying to decide how serious he is, and then when deciding that he’s absolutely 100% serious, you press a kiss to his shoulder-the nearest spot of him that you can reach. “Please don’t kill our baby.”
Mat’s already scooting in closer to you, already half asleep because this asshole somehow manages to fall asleep like the second his head hits the pillow basically, and he throws an arm over your waist. “Mmm, kay, promise.”
It was a mistake to sit down, you knew that before you even did it, but you’re exhausted from the day. Between spending your morning getting ready for Maeve’s birthday party, playing hostess throughout the afternoon, and then starting the clean-up process, you honestly think you could fall asleep right here against this wall that you’re leaning against.
Your phone buzzes in your pocket and you slip it out-it’s another message from Molly, probably just more pictures that she took throughout the afternoon-but it’s the instagram tag from Mat that really catches your attention.
The app opens to a picture of the two of you standing on either side of Maeve and her smash cake, both wearing happy parent smiles, as her hand brings another fist of icing to an already-covered face. There’s a picture with the three of you standing with his parents and sister; another with Maeve, Tito, Molly, and Brian; and the last one, just you and Maeve, sitting on the floor and her trying to play with the party hat Molly had put on your head, right after you’d fixed the bow on her headband.
1 Year of Maeve: Happy Birthday to our favorite girl! It’s been an entire year with you already and your mom and I can’t wait to see what comes in the next one
You can’t help but smile at both the caption and the pictures, unable to settle on one and still scrolling through the post when you feel Mat sit down next to you. “Somebody’s getting sleepy.”
The same dopey, fond smile is definitely still on your face as you turn to look at Mat and Maeve, who’s curled in his arms in a way she only does now when she’s absolutely exhausted. But she’s fighting it for sure, eyes fluttering shut and then popping back open again. “Big day.” You agree with him. “And it was a nice day. But I’m happy it’s just us now.”
“Yeah.” Mat says, and it almost sounds like his thoughts are completely in another place for a second as he shifts around on the floor for a second. “It was a great day.” It was; it truly was, and even though there’s still a mess to be cleaned, you’re perfectly content to just sit here for a while longer with Mat and Maeve. When he settles, you lean your head against his shoulder, reaching your hand out to rest it on Maeve’s tiny little wrist. “Hey.” Mat says gently.
“Marry me?”
“What?” You laugh, until he brings a hand out to you and opens his fist to show off a diamond ring, and then suddenly you’re not laughing at all. “Oh my god.”
“I just-I want a million more days like this with you,” Mat smiles. “I want forever like that. Marry me.”
“Yes.” You breathe. “Yes, god yes, of course.”
And immediately, Mat’s kissing you, or well, trying to, because you’re smiling and kind of crying, and he’s still holding Maeve in his arms, so you both pull away pretty quickly. “I love you. God, I know I don’t tell you that enough, but I do. So much. It-”
“I love you too.” You cut him off. “I really can’t imagine doing this with anyone else.”
Mat beams at you and you reach your left hand out, biting your lip to avoid giggling as he fumbles a little, one-handedly sliding the ring onto it. But he succeeds, and you admire the ring on your finger, as you lean back against Mat’s shoulder.
The silence that follows is comfortable; the only sound the slight wheeze of Maeve’s breathing. “I think she’s finally out.” Mat says quietly, after a moment. “I’ll take her up?”
“Nah.” You clutch at his arm. “Just-let’s just stay here for a while.”
Mat smiles against the side of your head before he kisses it gently. “Okay.” He kisses it again. “But you know you’re stuck with me forever now, right? Not going anywhere.”
You squeeze his arm. “Not stuck.” Mat beams. “Well, I guess I might feel differently in a month or two.”
“Brat.” Mat says fondly. 
“Yup.” You grin and then throw his own words right back at him. “But you’re stuck with me forever now.”
“Never stuck.” Mat says, and it sounds like such a promise that you can’t help but lean over and try to kiss him again.
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Star Treatment - 2
TBHC Alex Turner AU
description: an escort; a millionaire; a hotel that breaks the boundaries of technology, time, and space; a flashing red light; and a shit ton of cocaine.
word count: 4.6k
masterlist here
warnings: brief scene of assault
lmk if u wanna get added to the taglist 4 this story or 4 all my works :)
ok before we get into it, a quick author’s note: hello! long time no see! yes, it is I, returned from the dead. quick life update, I just graduated high school!!!!! which means I have a huge weight lifted off of my shoulders and will have far more time to write and be active!!!!!! so expect more from me from now on. thank you for being patient. xoxoxo
back to your regularly scheduled programming
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“I know you saw him last night.”
Brielle could do nothing but stare down at her phone in fear. She knew that she was, in the simplest of terms, dead.
“I think we need to sort this out in person Princess. someone’s forgot their place.”
She threw her head back in frustration. “God, you’ve got to be kidding me.” 
“I swear I didn't plan on seeing him, Enzo.”
“I’m coming over.”
“I’m fucked. I am so, so fucked,” Brielle grunted. One of Enzo’s many favors to Brielle had been an apartment for her to stay in, one directly across the hall from his. This meant that at any given moment he could waltz into her living room, ready to tell her what to and what not to do.
And that’s exactly what he did in the following moments.
Before Brielle could even begin to compose herself, the front door swung open and footsteps thundered through the apartment. Within seconds Enzo stood in front of Brielle, his face red from anger.
shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit
“You've got a death wish, don't you Miss Roux?”
Brielle’s lip began to tremble as Enzo slowly began to inch towards her. She shuffled back to prevent from being any closer to him until her back thudded against her dining table and Enzo placed his hands on either side of her to trap her in. They stared at each other in silence, Brielle shaking in fear and Enzo waiting for her to defend herself for a long while until she gulped loudly and spoke up.
“It was purely coincidence that I saw him.”
Enzo only narrowed his eyes and chuckled. “It was a coincidence that you got into his car?”
Brielle only stuttered for a moment.
“That's what I thought.”
Brielle had no idea what to say to Enzo, she knew he would punish her for this and she was terrified of making him angrier. However, her pride seemed to get the better of her and she refused to let him bully her over something that really shouldn't be any of his business. It took her a long moment to think of what to say, but when she did her eyes went dark and a Cheshire cat smile crept on her face. 
“You know, you really shouldn't be jealous.” 
Enzo’s eyes widened at Brielle’s snarky remark and he almost immediately shoved himself away from the table.
“You're fucking joking,” he muttered. He expected Brielle to react in fear, as she usually did, but this time she kept her head held high and her arms crossed in front of her.
“Because it's okay, Enzo, Alex and I are just friends. You can still obsess over me if you'd like to.” Brielle kept the smile on her face and chuckled to herself at the last part of her comment. Enzo’s face immediately contorted into a grimace, it was obvious he was livid. Brielle had never stood up for herself like she was, nor had she ever acknowledged Enzo’s obvious crush on her.
 He gritted his teeth and approached her once more. “Get out.”
Brielle shook her head and looked up at him, this time the fear apparent in her face.
“We’re through, Brielle. You've pissed me off one too many times. Leave the fucking apartment before I throw you out of it myself.” Enzo stooped down to Brielle’s eye level, his face was only inches for hers, and he spoke in a hushed tone. This, however, only scared Brielle more.
“Where am i supposed to go?” Brielle whispered. 
“Don't know, don't care,” Enzo sighed. He backed away from Brielle once more, ushering for her to leave. “Feel free to leave all of the shit I’ve provided you with over the years. I'll give all your dresses to whichever dumb slut takes your place.”
Brielle furrowed her brows. “Dumb slut? Who's a dumb slut? Because I know you're not talking about me…” She stepped away from the table and towards Enzo. “And I’m taking my fucking clothes, no matter how much you don't like me right now I have still worked day in and day out for you and every penny I’ve made has been well deserved. Those are not your clothes to take, they're mine.” She approached Enzo and put a finger on his chest, testing him a bit. “And I hope you do try and replace me. We both know you'll only be sorely disappointed.” 
Enzo looked down at Brielle in shock. “Did you just touch me? Did you just lay a finger on me?” 
The fear returned to Brielle’s eyes once more. “I- uh-” 
“Get out. If you don't leave this apartment right now I’m going to lose my shit.” 
Brielle's eyes shifted from the door to Enzo and back to the door again a few times before she crossed her arms in front of her and turned away from Enzo. “I’m getting my things and then I’ll leave.” 
Brielle was sure that Enzo wouldn't do anything, in her mind she thought there was nothing he could do, she was just going to shove her things into a suitcase and check herself into a motel room. But, before she could take even a few steps, Enzo grabbed her by the back of her shirt and pulled her back to him. 
“That's not what I told you to do though, is it?”
Brielle chuckled nervously and tried to push away from him. “You can't tell me what to do anymore, you just fired me.” 
This sent Enzo over the edge. He inhaled sharply and forcefully pushed Brielle off of him, she fell to the floor and before she had the chance to get up he pinned her down and hovered over her. Brielle stared up at him with wide eyes, terrified of what he would do. 
Enzo lowered his voice once again. “If you don't leave this apartment the moment I let you up, I’ll fucking kill you. If I ever see you again, I’ll fucking kill you. If I ever hear of you going to the police and ratting me or any of the guys out for anything, I’ll fucking kill you. You and I have bad blood now, do you understand?”
Brielle held back tears and nodded her head shakily. “I understand,” she choked.
Enzo muttered a few profanities at her under his breath. He then puckered his lips, looked down at Brielle with resentment, and spat directly in her face. “That's your warning.” 
When Enzo got off of Brielle she scrambled up off the floor and wiped off her face with her sleeve. She stood paralyzed in fear, completely unable to move her legs and leave the apartment, until he yelled at her to leave one final time and she darted out the front door. Fuck her clothes, fuck her wallet, fuck her things, she knew for a fact that if Enzo told someone he would cause them harm he meant it and the last thing she wanted was to end up on the headlines of the Los Angeles Times. 
Brielle didn't stop running until she was out of the complex completely, she had practically flown down the stairs and out the front lobby door. Once out and safely down the street, she collapsed onto the sidewalk.
She shivered uncontrollably and could not stop the tears from streaming down her face. She frantically rummaged through her jacket pockets for her carton of cigarettes and yelled out in frustration when she realized that she had left them sitting on her couch. Brielle did, however, find $20 in her phone case, and figured that it would be only right to spend her last few dollars on the one thing she really had regretted leaving. As she slowly made her way to the corner store, still shivering from the adrenaline of her fight with Enzo and the impending anxieties surrounding the idea of what she’d do now, her phone rang.
“H- hello?” Brielle stuttered. The number had been one that was not saved in her phone and she prayed that it wasn’t Enzo trying to scare her. 
“Oh, thank God it's actually you,” the voice on the other end sighed. Brielle’s face softened and her body relaxed slightly when she realized who it was, it could not have been further from Enzo.
“Al-alex, hey,” Brielle smiled. “How d-did you get m-m-my number?” 
“That's unimportant, where are you? Are you safe?” The voice on the other end asked. He sounded very concerned to Brielle and it made her wonder how he knew she was in trouble to begin with. But, before she could even ask, he answered her questions. “Enzo called me to tell me that you had to cancel. He sounded very strange and it would be very unlike you to cancel, so I knew something had to be up… and judging from the fact that you can't get out even a word without stuttering, I guess I was right.”
Brielle sniffled and let out a shaky sigh. “Enzo got angry with me and kicked me out. I'm not really quite sure what I’m going to do, as of right now I’m walking to the 7/11 to buy myself a pack of reds.” 
“The 7/11 down the street from your apartment complex?”
“Yeah. On the corner across from that Italian restaurant you like.” 
“I’ll be there in fifteen minutes, okay? Go inside the store and don't leave until I come get you. I promise you'll be safe.”
Brielle let out a long sigh of relief into the phone. “Okay. Thank you, Alex.”
The voice on the other end of the phone just paused for a moment and let out a small chuckle. “It's not a problem, Bri. I'm just glad you're alright.” 
Brielle muttered a quick goodbye to Alex as she walked through the threshold of the corner store, and when she hung up just gleamed down at her phone. She hadn’t the foggiest idea of what she would do now, she didn’t have many friends that she hadn’t met through Enzo and she really had never worked a real job, but at least in the meantime she knew that Alex was on his way. Oh, and she was going to get her cigarettes. That was very important. 
“Hey, can I get a pack of Marlboro reds?” Brielle walked up to the counter with as much conviction as she could muster. The last thing she needed was for the man working behind the counter to sense weakness or unsureness in her and ask for her ID, as it was still in the apartment. Fortunately for her, though, the man only nodded and began ringing her up.
The man asked her if the cigarettes would be all, to which Brielle thought for a moment before gasping, “Oh, and a lighter. The pink one.” She smiled at the man and gave him the bill in her phone case. 
Brielle made her way towards the door, but once she placed her hand on the cold metal handle the ghost of Alex’s voice replayed in her head. Don’t leave until I come get you.
Now, typically Brielle would have disregarded the instructions, she was just dying for a cigarette and she thought that no harm would come to her if she was just sitting on the sidewalk, but something about Alex… something about the way he spoke to her… made her want to listen. She slowly retracted her hand from the handle and turned back around to face the clerk. 
“Is...is it alright if i wait here for a moment? I’m waiting for a friend and I… I don't feel comfortable being alone on the street in this area.” 
The man nodded in compliance and Brielle bid him a quick thank you.
Brelle settled herself next to the door and scrolled through her Instagram for a moment while she waited for Alex, but she soon grew bored and decided she would wander the aisles instead. She did so for a good five minutes, got completely lost in her head while her eyes scanned the shelves of snacks and drinks, until she hit the wine fridge. 
Wine. Oh, how I’d love to be able to afford some wine right now. She thought to herself. It had been a long day, even if it was only twelve-thirty in the afternoon, and Brielle prided herself on being quite the wine snob. (It’s my French heritage! she often told people.) Brielle opened the fridge door, picked up a particularly expensive bottle of Cabernet, and lost herself reading the label. “Chateau Montelena. Napa Valley… 2015 Cabernet Sauvignon… hey, Mister clerk guy, this is a really good bottle of wine. I didn't know corner stores carried this shit!” Brielle didn't look up from the bottle as she continued to talk, completely ignoring all other sounds and movements around her. “This winery is world famous, it's like really good even compared to French wine. My mom, she used to go to this spa in the Napa valley and she’d take me when I was little, we’d go for tastings at this Chateau and it was really boujiee. Oh, I didn't taste the wine of course, I just tagged along so I could walk through the castle. It's absolutely beautiful. But now I love the stuff. It's got such an authentic taste, it really is comparable to some of the most prestigious wineries in Fra-” 
Brielle was cut off by the feeling of a hand on her back and she clenched the bottle for dear life. The figure behind her gasped when she jumped and chuckled a bit as she attempted to catch her breath. “I’m sorry Love, I didn't mean to scare you. Just didn't want to interrupt your story.” 
Brielle’s entire body relaxed once she realized who it was who had approached her, and she turned around to greet him, still holding onto the bottle. “Alex.” 
When their eyes met they both let out weak smiles, Brielle's eyes welled up with tears and Alex pulled her in and wrapped his arms around her. She sniffled into his chest, doing her best not to break down in the middle of the 7/11, but Alex’s comforting grip made her vulnerable and she couldn't stop herself. They stood there for a moment, Brielle buried as deep into him as she could be, and Alex just resting his head on the top of hers and muttering sweet affirmations to her. Brielle could have stood there forever, just engulfed in his arms… in his scent… but Alex soon broke the embrace and put his hands on her shoulders.
“Are you alright? Did he hurt you?” 
Brielle shook her head. Tears freely streamed down her face and she sniffled loudly.
Alex’s chocolate eyes softened and he beamed down at her. “Is the wine really as good as you say it is?”
Brielle nodded and hummed through her tears.
“Alright then, it's a good thing I brought my wallet. I think we could both use a glass of wine right now,” Alex winked at Brielle and gently took the bottle from her arms, which made her blush, before wrapping his own arm around her shoulders. He didn't move his arm from her as he paid for the wine, or as he opened the door for them, or as they approached the car. It was the same one that they had ridden in the night previous, and to Brielle’s silent delight Nick was waiting for them. 
“Miss Roux, we meet again,” he chirped. 
Brielle giggled as he opened the back door for the pair. “It's a pleasure to ride with you again, Mister O’Malley.” 
Once settled in the car, Alex’s arm found his previous spot around Brielle, and she leaned into him. Her tears had ceased but she still let out the occasional sniffle, to distract herself she began twiddling with the hem of Alex’s blazer (which Alex definitely did not mind.) Alex’s calloused hands soon found themselves in Brielle’s hair, he still continued to mumble words of solace into her and ask if she was alright, to which Brielle only let out soft hums of agreement and nodded her head. They stayed relatively quiet for the car ride, Brielle never thought to ask Alex where they were going or what they were doing, she was just happy that he had been there for her when she needed it. 
As the car ride became more drawn out and they left the more urban area of Los Angeles, Brielle drifted to sleep in Alex’s arms. He hadn’t noticed it at first, she had been quiet even when she was awake, it wasn’t until he felt her breathing become slow and heavy under him that he realized. A small smile crept onto his face and when Nick glanced back at them through the rear mirror he let out a small chuckle.
“Is this really what’s best for her, Al?” the driver sighed.
Alex narrowed his eyes and spoke through gritted teeth. “She has no other options. At least she’ll be safe from the outside world at the hotel.”
“Yeah, but what about what’s on the inside?”
“We just can never let her discover what’s on the inside.”
“Brielle. Brielle darling it’s time to get up… Bri…” Alex cooed. He did his best to wake her without scaring her, but the moment he gently peeled his arm from around her shoulders, she jolted up.
“Wh- oh, hey Alex,” she mumbled. “How long was I out?” 
Alex’s eyes crinkled as he looked down at her with delight. “Only about fifteen minutes,” He tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear, “You’re absolutely precious when you sleep.”
Brielle blushed and gazed dreamily into his eyes for a moment, still not quite completely conscious, but her facial expression changed to one of confusion when she looked past him and out the window. 
“Is that-”
“Welcome to the Tranquility Base, Brielle”
Brielle couldn't speak, she only looked up at the behemoth building in awe. She had driven past the property before, sure, but never had entered its elusive gates. Only the wealthiest of people stayed in the hotel, it put the Chateau Marmont to shame. It was a playground for the ridiculously rich and wealthy; only the most prestigious of politicians, A-list celebrities, billionaires, and world leaders stayed at the Tranquility Base. The casino, which was the only building on the property that actually touched the outside world, was nearly impossible to get access to, it was extremely popular. So popular, in fact, that it operated in a similar way to Los Angeles’s clubs, you needed a reservation or to be on ‘the list’ even to be let inside. If you weren't, have fun waiting in line outside for hours and hours.
 No one actually knew how big the property that the Tranquility Base resided on was, it was said that the original owners bought nearly eighteen square miles of land surrounding the hotel and no one, not even regulars at the hotel, knew what existed beyond the hotel and its few gardens. There were rumors that there was something the original owners were hiding out there in the surrounding desert landscape, perhaps something similar to area 51 (it would explain the overall eerie feeling one got when passing by the property), or some sort of giant illegal oil mine.
 It was also rumored that there was a series of tunnels underneath the property that connected to the hotel, almost like a series of catacombs, which the most elite of hotel stayers used to get around in an attempt to avoid paparazzi and the public eye. 
Now, Brielle thought that these sorts of rumors were bullshit, especially since she knew the owner of the hotel, but now that she was actually on the property, past the gates, about to enter the castle-like hotel, her mind raced. 
“I just- I thought we’d go to… you know… your house.” 
Alex only smiled softly at the still disoriented girl. “This is my house. Or, my house is here, at least. Not the whole hotel.” 
Brielle furrowed her brows. “Oh. Right. I guess I’d live here if I owned it too. It's absolutely gorgeous.”
“Have you ever been inside?”
“Well, not exactly,” Brielle mumbled sheepishly, “I’ve been inside the casino but don't remember much of it.”
Alex chuckled. “Wild night?”
“To say the least.”
“Usually is at the Tranquility Base. That's how I like it.”
“I get that vibe from the casino for sure. It's like stepping onto the Lunar Surface.” 
Alex paused at Brielle’s mention of the moon. “You know, that's exactly what I modeled the casino after. It's a place where technology and the unknown can form an almost perfect union.”
“You built the casino?”
“It was my first project after my uncle retired and I took over.”
“Well, you did a lovely job.”
 “Do you gamble any?” Alex slowly stepped out of the car and gently took Brielle’s hand to follow. 
“I don't like to let luck decide my life,” Brielle ventured. 
“Good girl,” Alex mumbled in response. 
This caused Brielle, whose hand was in Alex’s and was stepping out of the car, to direct all of her attention from where she was stepping to the sultry words leaving his lips. In return she stumbled a bit, tripped over her own two feet, and was only saved by the hand of a very smug looking Alexander. 
“Careful, Darling,” Alex cooed. 
A deep red hue crept onto the brunette’s cheeks. “Two left feet, sorry,” she muttered. 
Alex only laughed in return and snaked an arm around her waist. “Only teasing.” He then kissed the top of her head -- beckoning for her blush to return -- and gestured for them to continue on towards the hotel. “Off we go then, come along.”
The hotel truly was a haven for everything grand. Upon entering, Brielle was immersed in a very specific frame of mind. The large foyer, which Alex explained that he had redone to ‘efficiently harmonize the classic atmosphere of the building with the more postmodern ambiance we here at the Tranquility Base strive to instill’, was… well… just that. A perfect harmonization between the Baroque inspired interior of the building and the neon dazzle of the 1980’s. 
The domed ceiling was spangled in intricate depictions of royalty, sacred events, and mythology. Stone sculptures of all sizes resided in all corners of the foyer, lit up by various colored neon lights at their bases. The front desk was decidedly an 80’s ode to the Art Deco era, it sported trapezoidal engravings on brass walls and a glass counter top, and was also overly saturated in various colors of neon lights. The man sat at the desk, who Alex introduced to Brielle as ‘the man running the show, the face of the Base, Monsieur Mark’, typed away on a suspiciously fast computer that looked fresh out of an 80’s sci fi movie and would occasionally answer a corded phone in the shape of a bat. 
As Alex guided Brielle through the main floor of the hotel, he showed her Roman statues, Baroque art, and Renaissance paintings that Brielle thought should be in a museum rather than a fluorescently lit hotel. He guided her through a cherry red dining room which Brielle claimed looked ‘straight out of the shining’; a day spa with a quite peculiar hot tub (“It’s not just bubbling in the water, there are bubbles rising up out of it! How does it do that, Alex? It looks like you threw a bucket of dry ice in it!”) and a lovely view of the hedge maze below; an extremely vaporwave-esque bar with the largest selection of liquor Brielle had ever seen; and once again Brielle found herself in the casino. She hadn't noticed its brilliance the first time around, the mosaic glass ceiling and the dim neon lights complimented the rows and rows of classic slot machines and card tables quite well.
 The juxtaposition between hotel and the casino was somehow huge and yet not at all noticeable, it seemed so seamless walking out of the castle and into the neon space age streamline moderne lounge that was the casino. 
Brielle’s eyes were consistently wide with wonder as she trailed behind Alex, all of her senses engulfed in the dazzle before her, and yet she also felt consistently… uneasy. The hotel was neither busy nor empty but there was a certain hollowness that followed her, the rooms seemed to swallow her whole as she entered them and spit her back out as she left. A very faint buzz bounced around her head, she assumed it must be from all of the neon lights and 1980’s technology but something about it still made her chest feel tight. The employees, all of which wore bright red uniforms and seemed to go about their tasks like robots, gave her strange stares as she walked by. Alex joked that they were just not used to seeing him with a girl on his side and that they would warm up once they got past the initial shock of having Brielle around, but Brielle still felt off. It seemed as though all of her troubles with the hotel had logical explanations, yet none of them calmed her anxieties. However, seeing as that she had nowhere else to go and was rather enjoying her time with Alex, she shoved them aside and carried on beside him.
“Are you ready to see your room?”
Brielle stopped in her tracks as they approached the glass elevator. “My room?”
“Well, not your room. It's my room. It's- Well- We’ll call it our room.” Alex hesitated for a moment. “That is, if you'll stay.” 
Brielle said nothing, only furrowed her brows and began chewing on her lip.
“If it makes you more comfortable I’ve got a rather large chaise that I’d be more than happy to sleep on, I'd get you your own room if I could but we plan on being overbooked these next couple of weeks, with spring holiday coming up and all,” Alex stressed.
Brielle gasped and shook her head frantically. “Oh! No, that's not what I’m thinking about, I'd be delighted to stay in your room, I just really hadn't thought about what was going to happen. I mean, I have no clothes, no job, nowhere to go. I just don't want to be in the way.”
The last part of her comment left her lips in a whisper, she seemed to shrivel up at the thought of being a bother and was reduced to nothing but a mouse in front of Alex and it melted his heart. Without hesitation he drew her in close to him and wrapped his arms around her. He felt warm around her, Brielle’s head rested perfectly against his chest and she could feel his slow, even heartbeat begin to pick up against her cheek. 
“I’ll take care of everything. Don't you worry about a thing. You can stay here for as long as you'd like, it's absolutely my pleasure. I’ll take care of you.” 
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inkribbon796 · 3 years
Not So Baby Brother
Summary: Tubbo is trying desperately to bury his past, if only everyone around him wasn’t interested in digging back up in front of him.
A/N: Warning for hinted child abuse and endangerment. Both to Tubbo, Puffy, Schlatt, and to Michael. I try to keep the majority of it off screen or undetailed but it’s still there. These events coupled with his time with the SMP makes Tubbo in this AU who he is in the present. Which is emotionally withdrawn and prone to pushing people away.
Tubbo in the first flashback was about four, while Schlatt and Puffy were about 10.
~::~ 13 Years Ago ~::~
Tubbo was in his bed, hiding under the covers, hands over his ears as he heard the arguing and smashing of things across the house. The little four year old was so scared and he didn’t know what to do.
Then his door opened and Tubbo hiccuped in fear. He tried to stay quiet and still, hoping that if he did the person would just leave him alone.
A hand came down where his shoulder was.
Tubbo flinched.
“Tubster? You awake?”
The little boy let out a breath of relief, it was his big brother. Still scared, Tubbo peeked his head out from underneath the covers to see both his siblings there: Schlatt and Puffy.
Schlatt looked bad but he still smiled at Tubbo. “Hey don’t cry, c’mere[1].”
Tubbo was already crawling his way over to Schlatt and crying, and he couldn’t stop.
“C’mon,[2] you know what he’s gonna[3] do if he catches you crying,” Schlatt tried to calm him down.
Puffy came to sit next to them, her own eyes wet. Schlatt slightly rocked Tubbo to try and comfort him.
“Hey, T-Man,” Schlatt tried to soothe him. “Kinda[4] loud isn’t it?”
“We’ve got you,” Schlatt held Tubbo tightly, the younger brother still shaking and sobbing. “I won’t let anything happen to you, I promise.”
Tubbo nodded his head, clutching onto his brother. A little embrace of safety for a young boy whose life was so turbulent and scary. Tonight nothing would hurt, and that was what mattered to the young boy.
~::~ Present Day ~::~
“I was just thinking about it Tubbo . . . we like to have fun.”
“Schlatt, I can’t get out.”
“I know what you’ve been up to.”
“Uh, what have I been up to?”
“Everyone knows what you’ve been up to!”
“Do you know what we do to traitors, Tubbo?”
“. . . No?”
“Techno, you wanna come up here for a second?”
“Let’s just send a message, real quick.”
“Techno, if you would be so kind.”
“Murder him right now, on this fucking stage, and make it hurt!”
“Tubbo, I’m sorry, I’ll make it quick.”
“Techno, what the hell!”
Tubbo shot up in bed, his eyes wild and heart racing. He was disoriented at first, expecting himself to be in some hole somewhere, still in pain after pulling himself together from a discorporation and desperate to escape before Schlatt found him again.
Tubbo surged out of bed, trying to get away.
Then he heard ruffling behind him and disgruntled child sobs.
And Tubbo came back to himself, he looked back to see Michael crying and Ranboo sitting up in his own bed. Tubbo mentally chastised himself.
“Mikey? Daddy’s sorry, did I wake you up?” Tubbo walked back to his bed, his pace quickening when Michael reached up and made grabby hands towards Tubbo.
Ranboo was already getting out of his bed and walking over to them. He looked like he was going to collapse in a heap of limbs on the floor. “Hmmm,” Ranboo hummed.
The two-toned teen stopped right outside the bed and gestured with his tail, “Can I join?”
Tubbo scooted over a bit, and Ranboo sat down as Tubbo tried to rock and soothe their adopted son. Ranboo making little cooing and odd vwoop noises, while Tubbo was humming some lullaby, that helped Michael fall back asleep with the familiarity.
A little family the two teens had carved for themselves.
Tubbo and Ranboo had found the small boy thrown away by some demon hunter as a “disappointing failure” and after Tubbo left Ranboo to tend to the scared and crying boy, Tubbo went to “fetch the adoption papers” and the mage was never seen again. Ranboo didn’t question what Tubbo had done but they took the boy, bundled him up in Tubbo’s jacket and got the boy some food before taking him into the Bee ‘n Boo before spending the next couple hours finishing the attic store room and Ranboo used their downstairs storage for all the establishment’s storage.
That day Ranboo busied himself around their bed and breakfast as Tubbo kept the boy entertained and fed. Michael immediately bonded with Tubbo, and Ranboo found himself falling in love with the boy as well.
The attic was immediately barred from all entry that wasn’t either of the owners. Tubbo made the announcement and was very firm. Beforehand it was frequently used as a temporary living space for Ranboo and Tubbo and they just didn’t want anyone in their personal space anymore.
Which was true but now Michael was there and Tubbo desperately didn’t want people like Quackity and Techno to find out about Michael quite yet. The boy had been through enough and . . . Tubbo wanted a little slice of peace.
He didn’t think that was too much to ask.
And it certainly didn’t help that bonds and possessions were treated like weaknesses to be exploited and used as currency. Sapnap and Dream had long since set a precedent for that.
So as Tubbo sat in the dark attic bedroom, holding his son in his arms, he pushed down his fear and focused on Michael, who needed him right now.
Soon the little boy was back asleep, tucked back into bed, and Tubbo threw up his arms. He got up because, after his nightmare, there was no way he was getting back to sleep.
So Tubbo changed into his suit and made sure he wasn’t wearing his horns before he left to go down to the staff lounge for a coffee.
“Tubs,” Ranboo called out, shifting in his suit and looking human. “You okay?”
“Yeah, go back ta[5] bed, bossman,” Tubbo dismissed.
“You sure, you’ve got a big day, and we got a lot to do here,” Ranboo looked uneasy.
Tubbo didn’t trust his voice at first, but when he did he told him, “Go back ta[5] bed. I’m grabbing a coffee.”
“Oh, okay,” Ranboo looked away and slowly went back into the room. Tubbo knew he wasn’t going to go back to sleep. But at least it gave Tubbo time to clear his head.
After three coffees, four hours of paperwork, and bullshiting around with Tommy for a bit; Tubbo was overjoyed to put on his Bomble Bee costume and start running around town with Tommy like a maniac.
It was freeing, the suit went on and he wasn’t Tubbo anymore. He was free.
Logic and Jackie were less than enthused to find them by themselves, and Tubbo didn’t appreciate the babysitter, but at least Logan didn’t talk down to Tubbo during it.
They went on a patrol around Brighton, and they were halfway through when Logan brought something up, “You have a sister?”
Tubbo flipped up his visor to glare at Logan, “Thought we agreed family wasn’t shit?”
“There was no agreement on that matter, that was merely a comment you made,” Logic sighed. “If you feel unsafe around your blood related family that is one thing, but demon magic or not you are still underage and the Coalition is bound to follow the law as far as it is actually protecting people.”
“I legally emancipated,” Tubbo countered, flicking his visor back down. “Tommy’s an idiot who doesn’t know how ta[5] do shit. I don’t need anyone ta[5] sign anything fer[6] me.”
“Do you have copies of those legal documents?” Logan asked.
“Yeah, at the BnB,” Tubbo told him. “You wanna pop on over?”[7]
“There’s no rush at the moment, you can email me those tonight when you get home,” Logan offered Tubbo an out. “However, I would like to know the nature of your relationship with your family. You don’t need to go into detail, I trust you had your reasons for emancipation if that was the route you chose to follow.”
“Don’t talk with my parents, if you can call ‘em[8] that, and I haven’t fer[6] years, I only really talk ta[5] my older sister?” Tubbo told him. “She lives in Gainesville with her girlfriend.”
“Are you on good terms with her?” Logan asked. “I wouldn’t want you in communication with someone who is hostile emotionally or physically to you or your family.”
“Nah, she’s alright, she’s part ‘a[9] the Server though, you wanna[10] meet her?” Tubbo smiled.
Logan thought on that, “We might want to send some kind of warning if we go over. Last I checked, several of them had sent me death threats. Does your sister know you’re working with us?”
“Oh yeah,” Tubbo lifted himself up with his bumble bee wings, looking quite proud of himself. “I got several pissed off texts from some ‘a[9] the guys after they saw me an’[11] Big Man on the news. It was great, Quackity screamed at me fer[6] at least five minutes.”
“Are you certain you will be safe when you visit your sister?” Logan asked again.
“Oh yeah,” Tubbo promised. “Come on.”
The logical Side continued to ask questions, letting Tubbo use his phone to send a supervised text to his sister: Puffy. Then they started making their way over.
When they got to the condo Puffy lived at, Tubbo didn’t even knock. In fact he practically kicked the door open.
“Puffy!” Tubbo cupped his hands over his ears and called into the townhouse, calling out at the top of his lungs. “You fuckin’[12] Niki in here?”
“Fuck you, Tubbo! You little gremlin piece ‘a[9] shit!” Someone shouted from upstairs.
Tubbo chuckled and announced loudly, “I bought company.”
“Hide the good kush[13]!” Someone else yelled and Tubbo laughed even more.
“Hey Hannah,” Tubbo greeted as he walked in and motioned for Logan to follow him. “Alyssa in?”
“Don’t care,” Hannah was on her phone, sitting in an armchair. “She’s probably off with Callahan.”
“Yeah, prolly[14],” Tubbo replied. He started walking towards the kitchen, he quietly motioned for Logan to follow him.
Tubbo immediately went for the fridge, leaving Logan to just look around the little space. It was obviously lived in, and on the far wall were some pictures of several women with various people Logan recognized as being from the Server. But there was one almost hidden, almost completely tucked behind a bowl full of different colored rocks. It was a small framed picture in the corner of the kitchen, almost hidden from view, of a much younger Tubbo surrounded by some people that Logan didn’t recognize.
Logan didn’t have long to inspect the photos and start making inferences that he would most likely never ask, because someone stomped into the kitchen.
She had fluffy hair that was a chestnut brown on one side, and white on the other. Flecks of rainbow hairs interspersed on both halves. She was one of the people in the picture, Logan quickly realized. She resembled Tubbo a little bit, and on prolonged examination, Logan noticed that her fluffy hair was hiding a set of thick, curled ram horns. The kind that looked capable of crushing someone’s skull if they made an impact.
Logan figured that Tubbo’s would probably look like that in a couple years, just a bit more like a goat’s.
Tubbo glanced at her before asking, “Where are those rad fuckin’ ice lollies yeh bought?”[15]
“You took them last week for Michael,” Puffy snapped.
“Ohhh, yeah, he loved those,” Tubbo smiled, closing the freezer. He gave her a smug look. “So you didn’t buy more then?”
“No,” she gave him the stink eye. Then she glanced at Logan. “Who’s your friend?”
“Pardon me,” Logan spoke up. “My name is Logic, from the Coalition, I believe I texted you a little bit ago.”
“Yeah, I did get something,” Puffy agreed hesitantly. “Who’s this?”
“My mentor,” Tubbo pointed at Logic as he closed the fridge
“Huhhh,” Puffy hummed. “Hey, Tubbo, why don’t you go into the next room and watch some Adventure Time?”
“Don’t kill him,” Tubbo told her pointedly.
“And take that fight from Bad and Big Q, are you insane?” Puffy told him. “Oh, wait, you build bombs, of course you are.”
Tubbo held up two fingers, his middle and index, and flipped her off before walking off.
“You asshole!” Puffy told him and Tubbo was already cackling in laughter. When he’d completely turned his back, Puffy rolled her eyes and smiled. “Ehhh, he’s a good kid.
“He is,” Logan agreed, “Tubbo is intelligent and resourceful. Even if he is threatening to set off explosives under the guise of experimentation.”
“Yep, that’s Tubs alright,” Puffy chuckled. “He always liked figuring out how stuff worked, even as a little kid. He’s like a baby mad scientist.”
“Excuse you, I am a full blown mad scientist, I e’en[16] have the arrest record ta[5] prove it!” Tubbo boasted from the other room.
“From what Tubbo has told me, you seem to approve of him working with us,” Logan commented.
“Hell yeah,” Puffy told him, leaning against the counter as she watched him. “Between Ranboo, the Bee ‘n Boo, and working with you guys; Tubbo’s happier than I’ve seen him in a while.”
“That is good,” Logan agreed. “Tubbo’s mental and physical well-being is of primary importance.”
“You talk like a textbook, you sure you’re not a robot?” Puffy asked.
“I do not classify as an inorganic being,” Logan answered.
“Sure you don’t,” Puffy smiled. “So what brings you to the neighborhood? I’m guessing you didn’t come over just to stand in our kitchen and look like Apple’s version of Robocop?”
“No, that’s not the reason I came to visit,” Logan agreed. “The Coalition prefers, if possible, to have a good working relationship with the families of our apprentices. So that in the case of emergencies they can be notified. While I am glad you and Tubbo seem to have a positive relationship, the more important question is are there any safety risks that any other members of your family would pose to Tubbo or his family?”
Puffy looked uneasy, “What has he told you?”
“Not much,” the logical Side admitted. “I haven’t known him for long enough, but when I asked him about his extraneous family, Tubbo mentioned he was emancipated, and that he was not in communication with his parents. He only mentioned you, and I have seen his son once.”
“We had an older brother,” Puffy frowned, looking over at the half-hidden picture. “Started turning into a demon around the same time as Tubbo and I, and he was . . .”
She looked down, “Well he was the type of demon you keep your kids away from, and I wasn’t there to keep my eyes on them.”
“That must have been a difficult experience for everyone,” Logan tried to offer his sympathies.
Puffy looked in the direction of the hidden picture, “I should have been there, it would have never happened if Phil and I had been there to stop them. But the real problem is Dream has something that can apparently restore a demon. I don’t know how thorough it is, or if it’s just something he tells Tommy and the others to make them afraid of what he can do. But he apparently needs some of the original demon’s essence or aura and both Schlatt and Will left those behind. Wilbur left Ghostbur behind, and Quackity cremated everything but Schlatt’s heart and five of his bones. Meaning if Dream gets his hands on even one of those bones then he could, if he does have that power, bring Schlatt back any time he wanted. And I’d ask you to get those bones from Quackity and Dream but that means going into the Server and there’s no way Dream would allow you in. Just, if Wilbur and Schlatt come back, promise me you’ll keep those three safe?”
“With my life,” Logan promised. “The death and manipulation of children are unacceptable.”
Puffy smiled, a breathy little snort coming from her, “You know, I always heard that legates were buttfuck insane. Glad to know you’re not.”
“I am not in the Coalition for fame and vainglory. Others might be, but I strive to make the world a better place, and such can only happen through the acquisition of knowledge and reason over fear. Of fact over fiction. Tubbo is, despite his demon aura and insistence to the contrary, still a child. And regardless of all of that he is a person who deserves to be in a safe and loving environment.”
“Yeah the Server’s never been that kind to minors,” Puffy scoffed. “It’s kinda[4] like taking a box of kittens and turning them into robotic war machines. Tubbo and Purpled just took to it better than the others.”
“How many minors are in the Server still?” Logan was concerned. The trio the heroes were dealing with already had their pasts marred by trauma and death, he’d never considered there were others still trapped in the same unsafe environment.
“You have three,” Puffy began counting. “Quackity still has Purpled and Fundy in Las Nevadas so they’re doing slightly better than they were before when they were working directly under Dream. You guys also got Jack, who just turned nineteen. But I would not trust Jack alone with Tommy, he threatened to kill him several times.”
“Thank you for the information,” Logan told her. “Anything else you can tell me about the other two minors?”
“So, Purpled is from a league of assassins and he loves money too much to defect,” Puffy dismissed. “You’d need to start paying him the big bucks to make him switch sides and Quackity already gave a good price. While Dream is paying his older brother through the nose to keep him out of Quackity’s hands as well. Punz is older than me though, so if Purpled went anywhere else it would be back with him. But Fundy is a different story. He’s Wilbur’s spawnling and Fundy is kinda[4] a basket case already. If you can get him away from Quackity, good, but I don’t imagine he’d go all that easily and Big Q’s only gonna[3] clamp down harder on him. Fundy and Tubbo were kinda[4] the server mascots back in the day since they were the babies of the group.”
“Everyone loved Tubbo,” Puffy smiled fondly before frowning sadly. “But that’s not the case anymore. He’s made himself a lot of enemies.”
“I see, thank you, I will relay the message to the others and we’ll do what we can for them,” Logan promised.
Puffy came off of the counter. “Thanks, no one in the Server really thought twice about those kids, they kinda[4] just tossed ‘em[8] around and personally I’m really glad you got the ones you do out of there. All three of ‘em[8] have been through enough.”
Then she went to poke her head out of the kitchen. “Tubbo, take yer friend and get out of my house, I don’t want you in here while we’re out.”
“Sure,” Tubbo kicked his feet up and already started for the front door. “Whate’er, go back ta snoggin’ yer girlfriend, I’ve got shit ta blow up.”[17]
And he was out, leaving Logan to immediately rush off after him, which got both of them out of the condo. Puffy watching them with a smile.
Tubbo, as it turns out, did not make good on his explosion test threats, he continued on his patrol, and then went back home to the Bee ‘n Boo. Walking in with a suit and his usual business-friendly smile. Logan, meanwhile, returned to the base to communicate with, especially Ethan, about what he had heard from Tubbo’s sister.
To clear his mind, Tubbo immediately went into his apiary to make sure his bees were alright. Which is exactly where Ranboo found Tubbo.
“Hey, Tubs,” Ranboo smiled and Tubbo managed a small smile back.
“Hey, bossman,” Tubbo was looking at him through the fringe of his hair, “how have things been?”
“Been alright,” Ranboo sat next to Tubbo, crossing his legs as he sat down. “You feeling better?”
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” Tubbo denied, trying to ignore what had happened in the morning.
“Because,” Ranboo mentally halted, “this morning you screamed and you looked really scared, and I didn’t know how to help.”
“C’mon,[2] big man, I’m fine,” Tubbo lied. “E’eryone[18] has the occasional nightmares, I was just jumpy. Happens ta[5] e’eryone[18].”
“Y—” Ranboo looked away. “Yeah, I guess, but you know you can talk to me? Right?”
“Yeah, of course, same fer[6] you,” Tubbo told him, both teens knowing that they kept secrets from each other.
“I’m thinking,” Tubbo redirected, “pizza fer dinner. Wanna order somethin’?”[19]
“Sure, yeah,” Ranboo agreed and after Tubbo finished caring for the apiary, and the pizza was delivered, they both retired to their dwelling and Michael was very happy to settle down with both his dads for the night. The little boy stuffing his face with pizza, and trying to feed some to his stuffed toy chicken. The three of them watched cartoons until Michael fell asleep and Tubbo tucked him into bed.
Tubbo and Ranboo hoped that tomorrow would be a better day for all three of them.
Accessibility Translations:
1. come here
2. come on
3. going to
4. kind of
5. to
6. for
7. You want to head on over?
8. them
9. of
10. want to
11. and
12. fucking
13. weed
14. probably
15. Where are those really fuckin’ good ice lollies [popsicles] you bought?
16. even
17. Whatever, go back to kissing your girlfriend, I’ve got shit to blow up.
18. Everyone
19. pizza for dinner. Want to order something?
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hockeylvr59 · 4 years
A Christmas Bride || Cale Makar
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Authors Note: I mentioned a Christmas wedding..so here’s a Christmas wedding. Shoutout to everyone who helped with details like nicknames, the dress, and everything else and to those ladies who let me use their names for bridesmaids. See ‘tagged/037′ for inspiration post and first dance song. 
Warnings: I honestly don’t think there’s anything here I need to warn you about. 
Word Count: 6,914 (~250 of which is a reading attributed to its author as mentioned)
Sitting in the passenger seat of the SUV your fiance was driving, you took in the city lights of Calgary as they slowly disappeared into the rearview mirror. It was three days before Christmas and the Avs had just defeated the Flames on the road. Cale’s parents had left you behind to wait for their son, declaring that they would see you at home soon. When Cale appeared from behind the locker room doors, he was all smiles. With his arms wrapped around you, he’d kissed you softly and then asked if you wanted to go for a drive with him. 
“Well, you’re kinda my ride so I guess so…” You’d teased, leaning against Cale’s side as he took your hand and guided you to where the second car his parents had driven was parked. You had no idea where you were going, but you trusted that Cale did and just relaxed, his hand in yours over the center console as he drove, Christmas carols playing on the radio. 
You’d been on the road for about an hour when you saw Cale glancing over at you. 
“Hey sweetheart, do you trust me?” He asked. You made a face because of course you did, but you were confused as to why he was asking. 
“You know I do…” You simply replied. It was only then that Cale released your hand for a moment, opening one of the many small compartments in the vehicle to pull out something which he dropped onto your lap. 
“Put this on for me?” He requested and when you picked up the item you realized it was a blindfold. 
“Cale?” You murmured, even more confused now as to what was going on. 
“Just trust me and put it on okay?” He insisted. “I promise it’ll all make sense soon and that nothing is going to happen to you.” And because you trusted Cale with everything, you complied, pulling the blindfold over your eyes before leaning against the door again. Moments later Cale reached for your hand and you sat in darkness with him rubbing patterns over your palm just softly singing to the carols playing. About eight songs later you felt the vehicle stop and Cale squeezed your hand in his. 
“Go ahead and unbuckle and sit up.” He instructed. “But don’t touch the blindfold. I promise we’re almost there.” He added. You followed his directions as the sound of his car door slammed shut and then a blast of cold air hit you as your door opened. “Alright, sweetheart...come here.” Cale breathed, offering a hand out to help you from the car and onto your feet. Two more car doors slammed before his hand was taking yours again. 
“Alright. Just come with me. I promise I won’t let you trip. Just a short walk and then I swear you can take the blindfold off.” You were beyond confused and anxious, but the feeling of his hand was soothing as he indeed started guiding your steps. It was a little more than a short walk, but that was only a minor point and after three doors, an elevator ride, and just a few minutes, you were finally stopping, Cale’s hand falling to your hip. 
“Can I take this off now?” You pleaded softly and Cale’s chuckle filled your ears before his fingers drifted up to pull it off of your face. 
“Yes, but just look at me.” He teased, his features appearing across your vision in the dim space. 
“Where are we...what the hell is going on Cale?” You inquired next and Cale ran his fingers across the back of his neck before handing you a wrapped box. 
“Open this...it will explain everything,” Cale promised, his hands cupping your cheeks to pull you in for a kiss that you melted into, your brain swimming. “But I gotta go. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Stealing one more kiss, Cale moved back through the door that was behind him, as you called his name trying to understand. 
Left alone, you panicked and immediately reached for a light switch. When the lights turned on and you turned around you couldn’t help but gasp. In front of you, off to the left was a jacuzzi tub and a few more steps into the room revealed a king-size bed tucked behind a dividing wall to the right. 
Running your fingers through your hair you made your way over to the bed and plopped down. Remembering the box in your other hand that Cale said would explain everything, you looked at it, quickly pulling off the envelope attached to the top. Inside was a letter and you felt yourself holding your breath as you started to read Cale’s familiar handwriting.
I’m pretty sure it was on our first date that I learned just how much you love Christmastime. And it wasn’t long after that before your friends and family were telling me about how you’ve always dreamed of a Christmas wedding. Watching you light up this time of year is one of my favorite things about you. 
I know being with me isn’t always easy, I know what my career has caused you to give up, will cause you to give up in the future. Yet through it all, you’ve stayed right by my side. I can’t express to you how much that means to me. 
When I proposed, I promised to make all of your dreams come true if you’d just let me make you my wife. 
But since that day I’ve watched you struggle. I’ve seen the pressure of supporting me and taking care of our home weigh on you. I’ve seen the tears you cry when the media is critical of my play or when people who have no business in our personal life butt in on social media. And I’ve seen you struggle to pick a date, decide on a venue for our wedding. In order to make things easier on me, you’ve been trying to wrap your head around a summer wedding, even though we both know that’s not what you want. 
So...without me rambling too much...I know you have questions. Likely, where am I and what the hell is going on? 
Where are you? The Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel in Banff, Alberta. 
What the hell is going on? Open the box now. 
Tossing the wrapping paper to the floor, you opened the box, pulling out a cotton robe from the tissue paper. Turning it over, you held it up, the words ‘Mrs. Makar’ staring back at you in a forest green script. Under that, in a similar deep red script, was ‘12.23.20’, and suddenly swallowing was a lot harder. Picking the letter up again you continued reading, tears forming quickly and streaming down your cheeks. 
I took note of tonight’s game against Calgary on the road from the moment the schedule was released. And it stayed in the back of my mind until that night at Gabe’s where Mel and Courtney grilled you about wedding planning and you came home and cried yourself to sleep. 
Y/N...it absolutely killed me to know that planning our wedding, one of the happiest days of our lives, was making you so upset. If you’ll recall, the next morning I told you to take a break and that it would all work out. 
That morning, I called my mom and your mom on the way to the rink and told them that I wanted to make this particular dream of yours come true. With both our families on board and a very limited date window I started making some calls and with a name drop or five, some luck, and a LOT of hard work, here we are. 
I suppose I should briefly apologize for my slight manipulation of you with insisting you go dress shopping, come up with your half of the guest list, and taste cakes with me but I hope all of that will be quickly forgiven when you see the results of my efforts. 
I love you Y/N and all I’ve ever wanted was to see you happy because from that first day on UMASS’s campus that’s all you’ve ever made me. 
So relax. Everything is taken care of. You just sit back and enjoy. 
Anxious and extremely excited,
Your soon-to-be husband
P.S. Text your mom when you pull yourself together so she can bring you your bag. 
P.P.S. Shower tonight. Breakfast will be brought at 7:30 with your hair and makeup artists arriving around 8:15. 
Cale was truly the absolute best guy on the planet and it all still felt completely surreal. Just yesterday you were stressing over how you were going to get through Christmas with everyone asking about wedding plans and now..now tomorrow you were actually getting married. 
A quick text to your mom and she was there, wrapping her arms around you after setting your bag on the bed. You hadn’t expected to see her until Cale’s first road trip after the holidays when you had plans to fly home and have a belated Christmas with your family. 
“This is really happening?” You found yourself questioning, still unable to shake the shock you were feeling. 
“Yeah, baby girl.” Your mom assured you. “You found yourself a pretty incredible man who would literally give you the moon if you asked for it.” Once again you were blown away by the weight of Cale’s love and though your eyes still watered, your smile was quickly growing. 
After your mom caught you up to date with a few more details, ones Cale’s letter hadn’t provided, she bid you goodnight and told you that she would be back for breakfast in the morning, urging you to try and get some sleep. 
Keeping in mind Cale’s advice to shower tonight, you quickly but carefully ran through an extensive beauty routine in the shower. Since you were still too anxious to sleep, you only quickly dried your body before moving to the jacuzzi tub. Tucked into the warm water with jets soothing your muscles you texted Cale, unable to help yourself. 
You’re insane and incredible and I love you so much. Also...I can’t wait for you to see the dress. xoxo Your Bride. 
You weren’t expecting a response, so you set your phone aside and just tried to relax knowing that morning was already creeping up on you. Feeling your skin start to prune, you finally climbed out, dried off, and crawled into bed. Though your mind wouldn’t stop racing, you did eventually drift off. 
The sound of your alarm going off pulled you from sleep and it took you a moment to remember where you were. Suddenly it hit you that you were getting married today and wave after wave of nerves crashed over you. It was an excited nervous but one that almost left you feeling dizzy all the same. 
Pulling yourself out of bed, you threw on some sweats, just in time for a knock to sound at your door. Moving over to it, you saw that it was your mom and you let her in, hugging her again. 
“Did you get any sleep?” She inquired a warm but nervous smile on her face as well. 
“A little.” You replied. “My mind won’t stop racing though.” You admitted. 
“You’re worried about all of the details…” Your mom mused. “I’m sure Cale’s note already told you this but relax and just enjoy your wedding day baby, Cale has everything under control and he didn’t forget anything. I have never seen a man so detail-oriented regarding his wedding before.” She laughed and it made you giggle as you fell even more in love with him. 
Any further discussion of your nerves was interrupted by the door again and this time it was in fact breakfast. Within minutes of its arrival, your best friends and bridesmaids arrived and wrapped you up in so many hugs, their joy infectious. Catching up with them over breakfast made your heart flutter because it had been too long since you’d seen them. 
“We need to find us men like Cale.” Your college roommate, Rachel, mused a wistful look in her eyes. 
“Good luck with that. He’s kind of one of a kind.” You smiled. “But I mean I can introduce you to his teammates, I think you’d get along well with Andre.” You teased, sending her a wink. 
Breakfast had included mimosas, which was working wonders to take the edge off of your anxiety, causing you to be your usual open and bubbly self. As you finished breakfast your bridesmaids disappeared to grab their own robes to change into as well as to grab their dresses. While they were gone you slipped into your robe as well, your mom already starting to tear up at that sight alone. 
As your bridesmaids returned, dress bags in hand, the hairstylist and makeup artist arrived. They both got to work on your mom, and you turned to your bridesmaids a curious look on your face. 
“So...I know I didn’t pick these dresses. Do I at least get to see them?” You asked. Each of your bridesmaids zipped open the dress bags revealing different style dresses in the same dark forest green color. 
“Cale suggested the color to us and then told us to use our best judgment.” Your childhood best friend, Anne, explained. “We think he was right on point but what do you think?” 
“I think I’m going to have some pretty hot bridesmaids to set up with my hubby’s teammates.” You joked. “I don’t know anything really about this wedding but I’m sure they’ll be perfect.” You added, taking a deep breath to calm the next wave of nerves. 
For the next few hours, you bs’ed with your girls while each, in turn, got their hair and makeup done. At some point, a photographer and a videographer arrived popping in and out of the suite. Before long it was your turn to sit in the chair, and when a mirror was handed to you when they were done, you almost burst into tears at the woman staring back at you, hardly believing that it was yourself. 
“Wow…” You whispered, letting out a shaky breath. 
“Cale isn’t going to know what hit him.” Your best friend from your major, Moni, declared. 
“Yeah...you look smoking hot Y/N.” Rachel agreed. It felt like everything was a blur as you finished eating a quick snack before watching your bridesmaids slip into their dresses. When your mother returned, Cale’s mom was with her, both dressed and ready to go. 
“Oh, sweetheart....you look stunning.” Cale’s mom declared, pulling you into a hug. “He’s gonna lose it. He’s fully admitted he’s sure he’s going to cry.” She laughed. 
“Should we get you dressed?” Your mom inquired and with the photographer and videographer on standby, they helped you into your dress, settling the straps onto your shoulders before zipping you in. It fit like a glove and your friends all gasped, having not seen it before. 
“Y/N…” They murmured, each having tears form in their eyes. 
“You aren’t allowed to cry or I’ll cry.” You chastised, feeling yourself get emotional. This was the day you’d been waiting your entire life for and so many different emotions were swirling through you. Taking a sip of water, you tried to calm your racing heart as you carefully sat on the edge of one of the chairs in the room. Fanning yourself, you saw Laura grab two small boxes, handing them to you with a smile before she took the seat across from you. 
“Cale sent the top one, says it’s your something new and blue. The other is from me and it’s your something borrowed.” Laura explained. Your mom quickly came over with the necklace Cale had given you last Christmas, an eight-sided snowflake so that you would always have a piece of him, or at least his jersey number, with you. 
“Cale suggested this as your something old.” She declared, fastening it around your neck. Opening the box Cale had sent, you couldn’t help but laugh. Inside was a blue and maroon colorado avalanche garter. 
“Oh boy.” You breathed. “Yeah, I guess that works.” Your expression caused everyone else in the room to laugh as you shook your head, working the garter onto your leg. “If this is the only inclusion of the avs besides as guests, I suppose I should be happy.” You teased, dropping your dress back down to hide the garter. Finally, you took the box that Laura had brought and opened it to reveal a diamond tennis bracelet, worn with age. 
“That was my mother’s, she gave it to me when Cale was born, and I plan to give it to you someday.” She expressed. “But I think you should borrow it for today because it just feels right.” Leaning over, you wrapped her in a hug as you thanked her. 
“I hope you know how grateful I am for the man you birthed and raised.” You murmured, trying not to cry. “He is...he is everything I ever could have asked for and I know so much of that is because of you.” 
“Oh honey, you’ve taken the man I raised and made him an even better man. I am so grateful to be able to call you my daughter.” This moment with your mother-in-law was so special and you had to take another sip of water to pull yourself back together. “Now I’m gonna go check on my son because I think it’s time for your dad to come see you. We’ll see you downstairs.” Her words were full of excitement as you hugged her and she squeezed your hands before leaving the room, taking a load full of things belonging to your bridesmaids with her. 
Your grandmother made her way up to the room just before your dad and when she arrived she immediately started crying at how beautiful you look. By the time your dad knocked on the door, you were just trying to keep distracted so you wouldn’t start crying, telling stories about dates with Cale and how you knew he was the one almost right away. You hadn’t expected your dad to cry, but he did get a little emotional as he wrapped you in his arms. With all of these moments captured in photos and videos you knew you would certainly fully cry over them in the future. 
As the clock ticked closer to the ceremony time, you felt more nerves roll over you in waves, slowly becoming overwhelming. Looking at your mom and dad you let out a shaky sob. 
“I...I know Cale doesn’t want to see me before...but I...I need to at least hold his hand for a moment...please?” You requested, now noticing that your hands were shaking. You weren’t getting cold feet, that certainly wasn’t what you were feeling, it was all just so much emotion in such a short amount of time. 
Nodding, your mom reached for her phone and stepped into the hall. After a minute she returned and motioned for you to follow her, your bare feet padding down the hall until you reached an alcove. 
“Cale is on his way up.” She assured you, kissing your head before stepping away to give you some privacy. Nodding, you just focused your breathing until footsteps approached from the hall to your right. 
“Hey, sunshine, what’s up...you’re not getting cold feet on me are you?” The sound of Cale’s voice was music to your ears and you reached a hand out around the corner. 
“No...no cold feet.” You promised. “I just…” You started but paused feeling Cale’s hand lace in yours. “I...I needed this.” 
“Mom says I’m going to lose it when I see you.” Cale breathed. “I’m so excited to finally marry you.” His words in combination with the feeling of his hand around yours, soon had you feeling like yourself again, some of the overwhelming emotions lessening. 
“So I told Rachel I’d set her up with Burky.” You chatted, loving the sound of Cale’s laugh in reaction to your words. 
“I’m sure he’ll have no complaints about that,” Cale replied. “You okay now?” He whispered. “Or do you need a hug because I can just close my eyes.” He offered. 
“I will never turn down a hug from you.” You said smiling. “But I am better now…” You added. 
“Come here then. Quick hug and then scurry along because we’ve got a wedding to get to.” His voice was happy and light as he pulled you around the corner and into his arms, his eyes closed. The hug was quick but settled all of your remaining nerves and when you pulled away you stretched to press a kiss to his rosy cheeks. As you scurried down the hall you noticed the red splotch on his face and called back. 
“Take a rag to your cheek. I love you!” 
Letting yourself back into your room, you noticed that it was basically cleaned out of everything from getting ready. 
“Better?” Your mom asked though it was clearly visible on your face that you were. 
Nodding you moved to slip your heels on, ready to get the show on the road. Now that you had pushed back all of the excess emotions, you were bouncing in excitement and you couldn’t be told fast enough that it was time to head downstairs. When you got there, you were handed a bouquet of red roses and greenery. From the hallway outside the venue, you could hear music playing and you hugged your mom one more time, wiping at her tears before handing her off to Gabe who was escorting her to her seat.
“He’s gonna lose his mind when he sees you Y/N.” Gabe winked. “You look incredibly beautiful.” 
Cale’s mom was being escorted by Matt Calvert and once both mothers had been taken to their seats, it was time for your bridesmaids to make their way down the aisle. Left alone with just your dad you let out a deep breath. 
“Are you ready for this?” He questioned and you immediately nodded your head. 
“I’ve been ready since the moment I met him.” Wrapping your arm around your dad’s, you took one more steadying breath as the music changed. Then the doors opened again and for a split second your mind took in how beautiful the venue was before you turned and were facing a crowd of smiling faces, Cale all the way at the end. Pacing yourself, you walked toward him, his face the only thing you could really focus on. He was crying, just like he’d said he would, and you blinked back tears of your own. When your dad handed you off, you squeezed Cale’s hand, giggling softly when he murmured to the officiant that he needed a moment. 
Once Cale had pulled himself together, you proceeded, his hand now holding yours more firmly as he stared at you with nothing but affection and love. 
“Today we are gathered here to witness and bless the marriage of Y/N and Cale.” You were half-listening and couldn’t help but focus on Cale as he mouthed a ‘wow’  in your direction. 
“Who has the honor to present Y/N to be married?” Your father answered that he and your mother do and hearing his voice you glanced over at him with a reassuring smile. Moni reached over to take your bouquet from you and with two hands free, you held both of Cale’s, smiling up at him. 
“Now close friends and family tell me that this day was only a matter of time from the moment Y/N and Cale bumped into each other on the campus of the University of Massachusetts Amherst. I’m told that right away both secretly expressed that it was the best first date they’d ever been on and that they could see this relationship being one that lasts.” You could remember your first date like it was yesterday and you remembered even then having never felt like you just clicked with someone the way you did with Cale. 
“Speaking with Cale I can see the amount of love and affection he holds for Y/N. I’m sure most of you are in the loop but Cale is the one that planned this entire thing in order to give Y/N the wedding she always dreamed of but was willing to give up to marry him. His teammates tell me the effort included a lot of time on the phone while on the road and even some missed team dinners.” Some chuckles went up in the crowd from the direction of Cale’s teammates and you smiled because you loved that rowdy bunch so much. 
“And though I haven’t gotten the privilege to speak with Y/N...I can see now in the way she looks at him that all of that love and affection is returned. And while I’m sure that there’s more that could be said about the two people standing in front of me I’m pretty sure they’d both like me to just get on with things.” The whole space filled with laughter and you nodded your head like ‘yeah kinda’ as you continued to smile over at Cale. 
“After speaking with Cale, I searched for a reading that seemed fitting of the relationship with Y/N that he described. In the end, I decided on “Blessing for a Marriage” by James Dillet Freeman.” Your officiant paused before launching into the reading. 
“May your marriage bring you all the exquisite excitements a marriage should bring, and may life grant you also patience, tolerance, and understanding.
May you always need one another — not so much to fill your emptiness as to help you to know your fullness. A mountain needs a valley to be complete. The valley does not make the mountain less, but more.
And the valley is more a valley because it has a mountain towering over it. So let it be with you and you. May you need one another, but not out of weakness. May you want one another, but not out of lack.
May you entice one another, but not compel one another. May you embrace one another, but not out encircle one another. May you succeed in all-important ways with one another, and not fail in the little graces.
May you look for things to praise, often say, “I love you!” and take no notice of small faults. If you have quarrels that push you apart, may both of you hope to have good sense enough to take the first step back.
May you enter into the mystery that is the awareness of one another’s presence — no more physical than spiritual, warm and near when you are side by side, and warm and near when you are in separate rooms or even distant cities.
May you have happiness, and may you find it making one another happy. May you have love, and may you find it loving one another.”
By the end, the feeling of Cale’s fingers brushing patterns on your palm was all you could focus on. Lost in thought, you just watched him until he started speaking. 
“I love you, Y/N(Full). You are my best friend.” Hearing the sound of his voice, you realized that he was repeating after your officiant one sentence at a time. “Today I give myself to you in marriage. I promise to encourage and inspire you, to laugh with you, and to comfort you in times of sorrow and struggle. I promise to love you in good times and in bad, when life seems easy and when it seems hard, when our love is simple, and when it is an effort. I promise to cherish you and to always hold you in the highest regard. These things I give to you today, and all the days of our life.” As he finished, he squeezed your hand and you let out a deep breath. 
Repeating the same vows to Cale you laughed at using his full name ‘Cale Douglas Makar’ and then swallowed down the lump in your throat as you attempted not to cry as you continued. Once you’d shared your vows, your officiant asked for the rings and you watched as Cale’s brother handed them over. 
This time, they started with you and you took Cale’s left hand into yours sliding on his wedding band. 
“With this ring, I thee wed.” You stated confidently. Cale struggled just a bit to slide your ring on and you giggled as he spoke those six life-changing words as well. 
“Well...we’ve made it through the vows, you’ve exchanged rings, so I suppose there’s just one thing left to do.” You officiant declared, causing Cale’s teammates and friends to start hooting and hollering. “By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Go ahead and kiss your bride.” Your officiant spoke over the cheers and as soon as he finished, Cale’s arms slipped around your waist and he leaned down to kiss you breathless. 
“It is my honor to present to you, Mr. & Mrs. Cale Makar.” Taking your flowers back you walked back down the aisle with Cale, leaning against his chest as he kissed you once you were back in the hall. 
“So this is what I could have seen earlier if I agreed to a first look huh?” He inquired, spinning you around so that he could take in all angles of the dress. 
“Mmhmm.” You agreed, your arm wrapped around his as you smiled up at him contentedly. “But I’m kind of glad you didn’t.” You admitted. 
“Me too.” He clarified. “But you’re so gorgeous.” He murmured, stealing one more kiss. 
While your guests hit the cocktail hour, you, Cale, your immediate families and the wedding party headed to have photos taken. Your jaw ached from smiling, but every time Cale looked at you, you couldn’t help but feel your smile grow. You were his wife. You were going to get to spend the rest of your life with him. 
Thankfully, as your stomach started to growl, the photographer announced that you were done with photos. You had to make a quick detour with Cale to sign the marriage certificate but after that, you returned to the same ballroom following your bridesmaids and groomsmen inside as once again all of your friends and family went nuts. You settled into your personal table with Cale and immediately reached for the glass of water, taking a long sip. As you waited for food to be brought out, you leaned into your husband’s side, your hand resting on his knee. 
“So how did I do?” He whispered in your ear and for the first time you took a true look around the venue. There was a Christmas tree on either end of the room in front of the large windows and every balcony was strung with lit greenery. The tables were draped with white, red, or green cloth and the centerpieces were either red roses or poinsettias. It was absolutely beautiful and screamed Christmas. 
“I’d say this is probably the equivalent of scoring a hattrick.” You replied, pressing a kiss to his jaw. Cale kissed your head in return and the two of you sat watching as your friends and family mingled as food started to come out of the kitchens. Sipping at your wine, you devoured the delicious food quickly, more hungry than you had realized. When your plate was empty you watched as Cale picked his up and used his fork to transfer his mashed potatoes to your plate. 
“I had a heavy breakfast and lunch.” He insisted between bites. “Go ahead I know you’re still hungry.” Nodding, you quickly finished off the additional food your husband had provided you before snuggling back into his side to digest. Now that they had noticed you were finished eating, Cale’s teammates, particularly Gabe and EJ, got obnoxious with the glass taps trying to get you to kiss. You complied the first half dozen times but then just rolled your eyes and glared, enjoying just being tucked into your husband’s side. 
After Cale’s brother gave a speech, your three bridesmaids tag-teamed one, and soon it was time for the first dance. Cale took your hand and led you onto the dance floor as Sam Smith’s version of Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas began to play. 
“Now you’re just outdoing yourself.” You whispered pecking Cale’s lips as he swayed you back and forth. This...this was everything you had ever dreamed of right here. “And I don’t think I’ve mentioned it but you look very very sexy today.” Almost immediately, Cale’s cheeks took on a deep flush and you giggled running your hands down his chest. “I love how easily I affect you.” You grinned, squealing softly as he dipped you as the song came to a close. 
“You’re a brat.” He mumbled, kissing you again gently before handing you off to your father for the father-daughter dance. Wrapped in your daddy’s arms he asked about you being happy and you couldn’t help it when your smile grew even wider. 
“I’m so so happy.” You assured him. “You know Cale has always been good to me, good for me.” He nodded, agreeing that he knew that but wanting to make sure you knew that you were always his little girl. As you turned slightly, you saw Gabe dancing with Linnea by their table and immediately your brain dashed to the idea of Cale dancing with your daughter someday. You were both young and not ready for kids just yet but sometime in the semi-distant future, you were certain he’d be an amazing dad. Kissing your dad’s cheek as the song ended, you watched Cale drag his mom onto the floor for their dance. While he danced, you stopped to hug your mom before making your way over to Gabe, Mel, and Linnea.  
Immediately Linnea reached for you and though Mel tried to discourage her, you eagerly reached for the toddler. 
“She’s fine Mel.” You insisted. “Thanks for sticking around in town to be here today.” You were sure this was only the first of many times that that phrase would leave your mouth in the next few hours. 
“Like we would have missed it. Cale has been talking about it non-stop for months. We all wanted to see what he was able to pull off.” Gabe smirked. 
“Eh, just his bride’s dream wedding..no big deal.” You declared grinning. 
“Plus now we can all chirp him for months for crying when he saw you,” Gabe added and immediately Mel smacked his head as the two of you in unison responded. 
“No, you will not, Gabriel Landeskog.” Gabe threw his hands up in defense and chuckled softly. The DJ announced that this next dance would start with just the wedding party, then family could join in and by the end everyone else and you bounced Linnea on your hip, looking to where Cale was already working to get Z’s daughter to dance with him. 
“I’m stealing your daughter, you can have her back at the end of this song.” You announced, cooing at Linnea who was enamored with you. Making your way onto the dance floor, you rocked Linnea around, making her laugh. Cale was doing the same with Sophie and when the two of you met up in the middle of the floor you smiled at each other, your shared look communicating the same thing. Someday.
The next few hours were a blur of mingling and dancing, though you certainly did more of the latter while Cale did the former. There were moments that stood out in your head though. First, you remembered how hard you laughed when you introduced Rachel to Andre and saw the expression on his face. You’d threatened him not to break her heart and while you weren’t certain it would be a long term thing, it certainly seemed like they would both at least have a good night tonight. 
Second, you remembered cutting the cake and the rush of heat that ran through you as you licked the icing off of Cale’s fingers as he fed you. You’d both been nice, neither smashing it into the other’s face like Cale’s teammates had been egging you to do all night. Then he’d held you as you shared a full piece making your way from table to table to talk to people that you hadn’t yet. You weren’t so worried about your immediate families, your grandma mentioning that Cale’s family had invited everyone to stay through Christmas to do one big family thing. But teammates, friends, you wanted to make sure you stopped and told each of them how much you appreciated them being here given that it was so close to the holiday. 
Finally, you remembered being pulled onto the dance floor by Matt Calvert. Not only had he and Courtney opened up their home to Cale, but they had also opened it to you, allowing you to spend time with him during a period where everything was changing so quickly that your relationship very easily could have cracked. In addition to that, Courtney had been a lifeline in helping you navigate your way through the life of a better half. 
“You know...when Cale first mentioned you, I had my reservations,” Matt admitted. “But then I met you and I immediately knew it wouldn’t be long before we were standing here. The two of you complement each other so well. I truly don’t think he could have found a better match.” Hugging him, you expressed silently how much those words meant to you. As you continued to dance, you watched Cale with Courtney, his cheeks flushed from alcohol and the day as a whole. To their right, Moni was dancing with Matt Nieto and you giggled to yourself as your eyes went wide. Over by the tables, Josty, who had caught the garter, was chatting up Anne, who had caught your bouquet, making her laugh probably by saying something completely ridiculous because he’d had quite a few drinks today. And though deep down you already knew it, today had proven one thing. You belonged in Cale’s world just as much as he belonged in yours. The two of you just blended seamlessly and it was probably one of the most important reasons as to why it just worked. 
Like your feet had tired hours ago, eventually, the rest of you started to tire as well and you tucked yourself into Cale’s side, leaning against him. 
“Should we make our rounds and say goodnight?” Cale whispered softly in your ear and when you nodded, he started to guide you around the room. Soon, you had said goodnight to pretty much everyone who was left and then Cale grabbed your shoes, walking you up to your suite. 
Popping the door open, Cale lifted you bridal style and carried you over the doorstep, setting you down gently on the bed. 
“Today was perfect, but I’m exhausted.” You breathed, already feeling like you just wanted to melt into the mattress. As much as you wanted to consummate your marriage you just weren’t sure you had the energy. Cale paced around the room for a few minutes and when you finally pulled yourself to sit up, you saw that he had changed into a pair of sweats and a t-shirt and was walking toward you with a makeup wipe in his hand. 
“Let’s just get you ready for bed.” He proclaimed, gently wiping as much of the makeup off of you as he could so that washing your face would be easier. “We have all the time in the world.” He continued. “So let’s just get some sleep and then maybe we can take advantage of that jacuzzi in the morning since checkout isn’t until noon.” 
“I like the sound of that.” You murmured, sitting still as Cale worked to take down your hair so that you could actually sleep on it. When all of that was done he pulled you to your feet, helped you out of your dress, and then into one of his t-shirts. Pulling him close you kissed him, your lips melding together lazily. “I love you. Thanks for everything today.” Your words were muffled against his lips but Cale groaned softly at them all the same. 
“You deserve all of it. I can’t believe you’re my wife.” There was a glint in his eyes that you loved so much and you wrapped your arms around his waist. 
“Believe it buddy...because I fully expect you to make love to me after we get some sleep.” 
“Tomorrow...for the rest of our lives...whatever you want is all yours.” He agreed. 
“How about we start with some cuddles and go from there?” Tucked into Cale’s arms, you felt your body settle and start drifting off to sleep. 
Though you’d received a lot of Christmas presents in life, you were 100% sure that being married to Cale was forever going to be the best Christmas gift you could have ever received. 
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“Maze of Memories” - A Phobia Sequel
F/M Pairing: OC x Bang Chan
Word Count: 1.8K
Warnings: Some violence, and mentions of drugs and alcohol.
Genre: Mafia AU; Sequel
Summary: Chan hated that his underground world of women, drugs, and alcohol threatened his family’s safety and well-being. But after yet another close call, he realizes that he finally needs to leave the Mafia world for good.
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A/N: Hopefully, I tied up everything nicely with this AU!
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Chan was paranoid, but he tried not to let it show too much.
Throughout the past few weeks, he had started to receive threatening letters in the mail concerning his wife and children. Under most circumstances, Chan would retaliate and have Jisung and Changbin find the culprit responsible, but he was unusually scared about this particular case. And maybe it was because he was protecting more than himself.
“You’re thinking about something,” his wife remarked, and he glanced at her while brushing his fingers through his hair.
It hadn’t been cut since the letters started arriving.
“Stressed,” Chan offered in return, and he turned onto his side so that he could rest his hand atop his wife’s stomach. “How are you feeling today?”
“Today was good,” she replied, and Chan was glad because the recent pregnancy symptoms had started to take their toll. Especially since their two-year-old daughter was still unable to grasp the idea that her parents might divide their attention with a future sibling.
“I have a meeting later,” Chan said, and his words were slightly slurred as he buried himself closer to the source of his wife’s sweet scent.
“Jisung told me earlier,” his wife said, and Chan had almost forgotten about Jisung’s impromptu visit that morning. But he was a regular mainstay in the house because he loved Chan’s daughter and he often spoiled her with gifts.
“Make sure the doors are locked when I’m gone,” Chan said, and he could sense his wife’s tension. 
“Is there something wrong?”
“Nothing I can’t handle,” Chan said, and he kept a protective arm wrapped around his wife in an act of reassurance that he would follow through on since he had once made a promise to always keep them safe from harm.
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It was late when Changbin and Jisung met him at one of the loudest clubs in the downtown area. 
Chan was already annoyed by the pounding bass music which he could hear all the way from the street. But he was even more perturbed by the fact that he was hear at a club instead of next to his wife in bed. “It shouldn’t take long,” Jisung said as if he could read his thoughts.
“Who is this guy again?” Chan asked, following Changbin’s lead as he navigated their group through the treacherous dance floor and even further to the back of the club.
“He’s harmless,” Jisung said, snatching a flute of champagne from a passing waitress as the three friends sat together at their assigned section. “But he sells cheap booze.”
“Did you bring the contract?” Chan asked, and he rolled his eyes when Jisung plopped an expensive leather suitcase onto the table with a smirk.
“I’ve got everything covered, boss,” Jisung said with a teasing tone. “Mr. Kim should be here any moment.”
“Like you had everything covered last time with the case files?” Changbin chuckled, and Jisung shot him a glare, but any potential argument was broken upon the outlandish entrance of a man who looked like he had walked straight out of a Batman comic.
He wore an expensive suit, but the purple pants did no favors with the moss-green button-up that covered his torso. “Mr. Bang Chan,” Mr. Kim said when he was closer to their group. “It’s an honor to meet you.’
“Likewise,” Chan said, determined to skip the polite greetings.
“I can see you’re not a man who wastes time,” Mr. Kim remarked, and he sat down next to Jisung who already held the contract in his hand.
“Everything is ready for you to sign, Mr. Kim.”
“Slow down, gentleman,” Mr. Kim said, and he took a sip of his drink as he perused the complex verbiage of the contract. “I remember a time when your organization was notorious for spending weeks getting to know a client.”
“Time shouldn’t be wasted,” Changbin remarked, and he exchanged a quick look with Chan to let him know that he also sensed something unusual with this man.
“Oh, I quite like that,” Mr. Kim said, and he looked at Changbin thoughtfully. “Tell me, Mr. Seo, what are your plans for this contract?”
Changbin frowned. “Didn’t Jisung already explain everything?”
“But I want to make sure that we’re all on the same page,” Mr. Kim explained. “I would hate for there to be some discrepancies.”
“Like what?” Chan asked, and he usually knew better than to fall into such an obvious trap.
“Well,” Mr. Kim started, “For example, I heard a rumor that the three of you were planning to sell the Miroh organization off to someone else. Something about needing to settle down in the future.”
Chan bristled at the comment because that wasn’t supposed to be common knowledge. “Nothing has been decided.”
“I think I should know about it,” Mr. Kim continued. “After all, I like to understand my business partner’s motivations.”
“Our motivations are simple,” Chan growled. “We sign contracts with the clubs in the areas to help our own fortunes. We use these clubs to help our contacts when they need a place to meet.”
“Of course,” Mr. Kim agreed. “But if you sold the organization, then there’s no telling who might purchase it next!”
“We would research all possibilities,” Changbin contributed. “We’ve invested a lot of time and resources into its success.”
“Notably,” Mr. Kim said. “However, I can’t help but wonder-”
“You don’t have to sign,” Chan interrupted. “There’s nothing that we could do to stop you.”
“Oh, I’m signing Mr. Bang because I need the money,” Mr. Kim said. “But I’m advising you not to sell the organization.”
“You have no right to advise me about anything,” Chan sneered, and Mr. Kim shook his head like he was disappointed with the answer.
“I guess you leave me no choice,” Mr. Kim said, and he nodded to one of his men who immediately started walking towards the bar.
“What’s he doing?” Changbin asked, and there was a cold tension settling over the three men.
“Just making a call,” Mr. Kim replied. “I’ll probably pay the consequences tonight, Mr. Bang. But you’ll suffer even more.”
“What do you mean?” Chan growled, and he was reaching out for the collar of Mr. Kim’s suit jacket, holding him close so that he could see the amusement in his opponent’s gaze.
“You should get home to your wife and child,” Mr. Kim sneered. “Before it’s too late.”
But Chan didn’t need another reason to stand up from the table and end the meeting, giving Mr. Kim one last lingering glare before he left Changbin to deal with the messy clean-up.
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Afterward, Jisung and Chan were speeding down the road, making phone calls to reach as many of their men as possible in the short distance that it would take to arrive at Chan’s house.
But the first thing Chan had done was contact his wofe:
“Sweetheart,” Chan had whispered into the phone when she answered the phone. “Take Ella and hide inside the secret room in the basement. Don’t say a word, and wait for me to give you the all-clear signal, do you understand?”
“Yes,” she had replied, but it broke Chan’s heart to hear the pain and fear in her tone, especially when he had also inadvertently listened to his daughter questioning why she had to leave her room so late at night.
“Are you good, man?” Jisung asked him when he hung up the phone, but Chan was anything but controlled. “Take it easy,” Jisung warned him. “We’re almost there.”
Chan knew that Jisung was right, and there was nothing else Chan could do until they reconvened together outside of his house. But it was still driving him mad, testing the limits of his patience. 
“Countdown inside your head,” Chan whispered to himself, trying to keep a hold on his volatile emotions.
“CHAN!” Jisung shouted, and Chan opened his eyes right before the impact with the other vehicle which sent them spiraling down the road.
“Shit!” Chan cursed, but he realized that the impact wasn’t meant to kill them - it was only a deterrence to prevent his arrival home.
Subsequently, he watched as Jisung took out his gun and aimed it at the men in the other vehicle, firing off three shots in rapid succession. “Felix and Minho are almost there,” Jisung said after the attack, and he evacuated the shattered remains of the car before coming around to help Chan out of the passenger’s seat. “Are you hurt?”
“Just sore,” Chan replied, stretching out his arms before reaching back for his own weapon. “Let’s run.”
Jisung nodded, and the two men cautiously made their way down the narrow road leading to Chan’s private estate. Even from a distance, he could see the lights on inside the bedrooms, and there were unfamiliar cars surrounding the building. It was enough to get his adrenaline racing, and Chan was resisting the instinct to run ahead and find his wife and daughter.
But the risk of blowing their cover was too great, and Chan forced himself to stay hidden behind Jisung as they walked onto the front porch. “Minho’s around back,” Jisung commented, narrowing his eyes as he listened to something coming in from his ear piece. “There’s two men in the kitchen.”
“Take care of them,” Chan said. “I’m going to the basement.”
Jisung agreed, and Chan reared back to kick down the door before he and Jisung were rushing inside the house. 
“Hands up!” Jisung screamed when he parted from Chan at the staircase, and Chan could hear gunshots ringing in his ears as he kept moving his feet, trying to get his eyes to adjust to the darkness.
There were no sounds coming from the bottom of the basement, and Chan tried to control his breathing as he knelt down to flip on a light switch. Immediately, there a shot from an opponent who was standing next to the backdoor, but Chan was low enough to dodge the attack before returning firing successfully.
And once the other man had collapsed to the floor, Chan wasn’t hesitant in the slightest to knock four times on the door to the secret room in a careful pattern that he had rehearsed with his wife and daughter. “Daddy!” he heard Ella screech just seconds before she was launching herself into his arms.
And he held her close with an impossible strength.
“Channie,” his wife added, wrapping her arms around her stomach as she left the room with tears rimming red circles around her eyes.
“I’m so sorry,” Chan whispered, and he opened his arms even wider for his wife, keeping his family close as they all cherished one another in the aftermath of an incident that could’ve been far worse.
It was enough for Chan to realize that he was done with the Mafia world, and he would sell the Miroh organization and do his best to distance himself from the drugs and alcohol. Instead, he would give his family a better life - one that they deserved where their safety would never be questioned, and where his daughter and future child could grow up without ever worrying about the need to look over their shoulders.
It had been his life for so long, but he was surprised at how easy it was to give up everything for the people who had completely and utterly captured his heart.
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gothpanda · 4 years
A Little Bit of Attitude Ch. 35: I Love Him
A/N: Hey! I’m not dead! I just have shitty mental health! But I’m good! 
WARNINGS: drugs, OD, death(kinda), angst
TAGS: @madamsixx @emariehorror​ @nosebleedblitz​
Read on Ao3
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October 13th, 1987
Los Angeles, California
Home. The only place Sammi wanted to be was home with her parents. It was the perfect time to drive 7 hours with no Motley Crue anywhere close to Los Angeles. While this seemed essential to Sammi to come down, Mr. & Mrs. Bass were heavily confused by the visit. Of course, they loved having their youngest daughter back in the same city, but when they knew ahead of time. Sammi always planned her visits for the weekend after a busy school week, not a random Tuesday. As parents, Mr. & Mrs. Bass kept their questions to zero with happiness in the air to help combat Sammi's melancholic demeanor. A perfect way to help had ice cream for dessert after dinner. Sitting together at the breakfast table, Mrs. Bass placed a bowl of rocky road ice cream in front of Sammi, knowing it was her favorite. Sammi smiled happily for a second to her mother, remaining silent as she ate. Mr. Bass took this as his way to attempt to break through his daughter's walls.
"I talked to Tommy the other day," said Mr. Bass, glancing over to Sammi as he ate a spoonful of cookies & cream ice cream. "Have you gotten a chance to speak to him, Sunny?"
"Nope," bluntly said Sammi, looking down at her ice cream.
Mr. and Mrs. Bass only exchanged looks with each other. "Well what did Tommy get to tell you, David?" asked Mrs. Bass.
"Things are starting to feel overwhelming for him and the boys. Tommy mostly wanted to speak about home and how everyone's been," said Mr. Bass. "He said he missed us and the girls,"
"I hope he doesn't stress himself out too much. Tommy does push the limits with everything especially when Nikki's by his side," said Mrs. Bass. Sammi let out a dry chuckle, making her parents turn their gaze towards her. Sammi glanced up but only remained silent once again when Mr. and Mrs. Bass stared. "Is everything alright, Lovebug?"
"Yeah, I'm good," lied Sammi.
"Is everything alright between you and guys?" asked Mr. Bass, leaning forward onto the table. Sammi only shrugged her shoulders.
"Did Tommy and you get into an argument recently?" asked Mrs. Bass.
"No, we didn't"
"Well then how are you with the boys?" asked Mrs. Bass again.
"Are you alright with Nikki, Sammi?" asked Mr. Bass. Sammi took a deep breath, dropping her spoon into her half-empty bowl. She leaned back against the wooden chair, pushing any fallen hair out of her hair.
"No. I'm not alright with Nikki. I haven't been for a while," finally admitted Sammi.
"Well, what happened? You had told me Nikki wanted to work out, even invited you out to a show on your birthday," asked Mr. Bass.
Sammi hugged herself almost tight, not wanting to look her parents in the eye. "He fell off the wagon… turned back to drugs. I found out when I saw him and said I didn't want anything to do with him," said Sammi. Mr. and Mrs. Bass couldn't help but appear shocked for Sammi's reason, staying silent. Sammi didn't add anything else, only continued to finish her ice cream.
"Can you tell what drugs he's back on?" asked Mrs. Bass.
"I don't want to say it out loud. Just know it's too hard for me to let it go," said Sammi.
"Well, I hope Nikki learns from his actions. He's too smart of a man to throw everything away just for a fix," said Mr. Bass, studying Sammi's facial expressions.
"I doubt that…" mumbled Sammi, standing up to drop her bowl into the sink, leaving the kitchen to head upstairs for the night. Mr. Bass held Mrs. Bass's hand, trying his best to think of a solution to Sammi's sadness.
"You really do like Nikki, huh?" asked Mrs. Bass.
Mr. Bass sighed out. "Yeah, I do. He's a good kid and I know how much Sammi cares about him. I mean it when I say I hope he learns from all of this and gets help,"
"But he hurt our daughter, David," pointed out Mrs. Bass.
"Because he's sick, Vi. When I say I know, I just know. I know he cares about our daughter, just like our daughter cares about him," said Mr. Bass, standing up and kissing his wife on her forehead.
December 13th, 1987
The air was crispy and chilly for winter being so close, even if it was rare for an authentic cold in Los Angeles. Even with the chilly air, it didn't stop Sammi from lighting a cigarette and taking in tobacco into her system. She blew smoke into the air and leaned against the balcony of Emm and Sabrina's apartment. Sammi listened to the sirens go across the city, staring out into the lights. She then heard the sliding door open behind her, seeing Emma appear over her shoulder.
"You're not cold?" asked Emma, leaning against the railing next to Sammi.
Sammi took another drag before answering. "No, I'm pretty good even with this thin long sleeve," said Sammi as she held her pack of smokes between her and Emma. "Want one?"
"Nah I'm trying to quiet," sighed Emma, Sammi raising a brow. "My coach saw my pack in my duffle, gave me a lecture. So now I'm trying to quit," said Emma.
Sammi chuckled with a smirk. "Better than me. I think I'm addicted to these at this point," said Sammi, blowing another puff of smoke.
"Wouldn't doubt it with you being around Nikki so much," said Emma without thinking until realizing. "I'm sorry I didn't-" said Emma with wide eyes.
"It's fine," uttered Sammi, looking straight ahead, biting her lip. The two girls stayed in silence, sirens continuing to make noise all around. Emma couldn't handle it anymore.
"The boy's have been back for a while," said Emma. Sammi nodded. "They're gonna go to Tokyo soon," Sammi stayed quiet. "Have you heard anything from Tommy?" Sammi shook her head. "Have you heard anything about Nikki?" asked Emma, turning to see Sammi's expressions.
Sammi only kept a gaze ahead of her, taking another drag of her tiny cigarette. "When I said I was done with him, I meant it, Emma. I don't want to hear anything about him or from," said Sammi, smashing the bud against the black iron and flicking it down to the ground.
"It's his birthday," Sammi stayed silent, looking down at the ground, two floors down. "I'm on your side in all of this. And you know if you need to talk it out some more, I'm right here," said Emma, squeezing Sammi's shoulder as she walked back inside. All Sammi could do was stay outside and smoke another cigarette. She also could only play with the black stone around her neck.
December 23rd, 1987
Covina, California
3:30 am
The television light danced around the dark living room, the sound almost at a mute. On both of the sofas, Sammi and Athena dozed off with blankets and pillows cuddling them. They wanted a night that reminded them of their teen years, watching movies with popcorn late into the night. The girls could've easily slept into the bright and early morning until a loud ring echoed in the house. Athena rustled on her sofa, groaning from the continued ringing of the doorbell, rubbing away the sleep from her eyes. She looked across to Sammi, seeing her still fast asleep. Athena sighed out as they lazily stood up from the sofa, walking over to the front door. She looked through the peephole, confused to see Tommy visibly worried outside. Athena opened the door, almost tumbled down as Tommy rushed into the house, gripping onto the wall for balance.
"What the hell, Tommy?" whispered Athena, scrunching her eyebrows together into deep 11's. She finally saw a good look at her brother's face, noting his glossy red eyes. "Woah. Are you okay?" asked Athena, locking the front door.
Tommy shook his head. "Where's Sammi? I- I need to talk to her," uttered Tommy, his voice sounding raspy.
"Um… she's asleep in the living room over here," said Athena, walking a few feet to the doorway of their parents' living room. Athena halted in her steps when seeing two empty sofas and no one in the living room. Athena looked to Tommy, who was still on edge and scanned around the hallway. The sound of feet coming down almost made the brother and sister jump, seeing their parents come down the stairs in robes.
"What's going on?" asked Mrs. Bass, having the same face as Athena. "Sweetie, what's wrong?" Mrs. Bass asked Tommy, walking over and cradling his face in her hands.
"Why did you ring the doorbell so many times, Tommy?" asked Mr. Bass, fixing his glasses from slipping off his face.
"I-I-I need to talk to Sammi. It's urgent. I called Emma and Sabrina's and they said she was here," stuttered Tommy, eye darting all over the place.
"What's everyone talking about?" said Sammi, walking down the hall with a glass of water in her hands. She frowned at everyone around her, confused by the scared and worried faces, especially Tommy's. "Dude, have you been crying?" asked Sammi, standing right in front of her brother. Tommy only looked down at her with a painful sadness, biting his lip. "What's wrong?" Sammi asked again with a stern voice.
"Nikki's dead." croaked Tommy, swallowing the knot in his throat.
The room stood utterly still. Athena's eyes grew wide in a panic, turning to see Mr. and Mrs. Bass's mouths ajar from shock. Sammi didn't move an inch, just gripping tighter onto her glass of water. Tommy stepped an inch to hug Sammi, but this only made her take a step back. Everyone stared at Sammi, waiting for the smallest amount of something of a reaction.
Sammi shook her head. "It isn't true. Someone's lying. They have to be," said Sammi, feeling her heartbeat out of her chest and palms sweat. "Nikki isn't dead,"
"Sam, Slash called me. Slash's been calling everyone," said Tommy with a frown.
"Well, then he's lying! Slash and Nikki play shitty jokes on everyone! You know that!" yelled Sammi.
"He overdosed!"
"No, mama!" said Sammi, pushing her mother's arm away from her. "He said he was going to get clean! Nikki wanted to get clean!" yelled out Sammi again, still managing to keep a tight grip on the glass. "He can't be dead!" cracked Sammi's voice, eyes turning into a sad pink.
"I'm tired of this," uttered Athena, walking over to the coffee table in the living room. Everyone followed her, gathering in the middle of the room. She swiftly grabbed the clicker, changing the channel from a MASH rerun to MTV.
Blasted right on the new television screen was a video of Nikki playing at their last American show. "It's a sad night in the rock n' roll scene as Nikki Sixx, bassist for the successful band Motley Crue, has died today in Hollywood due to a heroin overdose. He was only 29 years old," said the MTV news anchor. An image of Nikki appeared on screen, showing 1958-1987. This is what cracked Sammi finally.
Everything felt as if it was moving in slow motion. The glass in Sammi's hand finally fell free, smashing into a million pieces on the hardwood floor, water spilling everywhere. The sound of it breaking didn't register into Sammi's ears, but it didn't matter. Sammi felt numb all around her body as if she was weak. Soon when Sammi felt her knees hit the floor, it was back to 'normal.'
"No!" howled Sammi, tears running down her face. "No! No! No!" Sammi screamed, hunching forward and hiding in the palms of her hands. The air in Sammi's lungs felt almost gone, as if someone punched her in the gut because it was. Hearing the facts for herself of Nikki dying was a punch in the gut that Nikki caused her. Yet sadness was the only thing Sammi felt.
As Sammi gasped for air, Athena and Mrs. Bass lifted her off the ground to lay on the sofa. Sammi rested her head on Mrs. Bass's lap, continuing to cry. Mrs. Bass ran her fingers through Sammi's hair, frowning at her daughter's misfortune. Athena kneeled on the floor, soothing Sammi with soft rubs on her back. Athena soon felt her own tears begin to form, regarding the most miniature form of sadness than Sammi. It's strange what death can lead others to think at the moment. For this moment, Athena felt horrible for her history with Nikki. Never giving him a chance when she knew Nikki made Sammi happy. Never saying kind things about him to Sammi. And now never getting to say sorry. Athena felt even worse seeing Sammi break down for her person.
"Sammi, I'm so sorry," uttered Athena.
"I should've helped him. I should've stayed," outcried Sammi, tears falling down harder as she gasped.
"Don't say that. This isn't your fault," reassured Athena. "Nikki knew how much you cared about him,"
Athena turned to see Tommy sitting by their father, rubbing away the tears from his eyes. "Do you… do you know how Vince and Mick are, Tommy?"
Tommy shook his head. "I don't want to talk to them right now. I can't," mumbled Tommy. "It's late anyway,"
"Tommy's right. I think it's best we take Sammi up to bed," said Mr. Bass, squeezing Tommy's shoulder before standing up and walking over to his daughters. Mrs. Bass wiped away the dry cheeks on Sammi's face before slowly sitting her up. "Sammi. Sammi, come on, we have to take you to bed," Mr. Bass said softly.
Sammi only shook her head and cried harder, unable to have the strength to move. Mr. Bass and Athena gently laid hands on Sammi's arms and shoulders, bringing on her feet. Before they could help guide Sammi, Tommy moved past Athena and Mr. Bass as he decided to be the protective older brother he always was. He wrapped Sammi's arm around his neck, lifting her petite figure in his arms bridal style. In almost complete silence, except for Sammi's soft whimpers, Tommy carried Sammi up to her childhood bedroom. The rest of the family followed behind.
"He wanted to get better," wept Sammi into Tommy's chest.
"I know he did, Sammi," consoled Tommy. To his luck, Sammi's bedroom door was ajar, only needing the push on his foot to open it wide to walk right in. Tommy gently laid Sammi down on the bed, lifting the blankets to cover her body. Mr. and Mrs. Bass stayed in the door frame while Athena stood right next to Tommy. Athena delicately hopped over Sammi, squeezing herself in the rest of the bed space. She wrapped her arms behind Sammi for a hug, knowing her sister shouldn't be alone. Mrs. Bass came into the room for a quick moment, kissing on her forehead, then retreated back to Mr. Bass, going to their rooms. Tommy and Athena gave a knowing look to each other, nodding as if they could communicate telepathically. Tommy left the room without another word. The cry had stopped for Sammi, but now it was only numbness, physically able to feel her heartbreak. Sammi closed her eyes, praying for something to end this.
"You promise everything will be good from now on?"
Nikki smiles at Sammi, brushing away her dark locks from her face. "I promise. I meant it when I said I missed you and don't want to lose this,"
Sammi cuddled up to Nikki's chest, almost hugging him. "I believe you,"
6:00 am
In a stir, Sammi snapped open her eyes, dismayed to find herself in her childhood bedroom. It took a couple seconds before Sammi could remember what had happened only 3 hours ago. Sammi peeked over her shoulder to see Athena lightly snoring, lying straight on her back. She quietly snuck out of bed, knowing she wouldn't be able to fall back asleep. The sun was barely making its way up into the sky for the new day. This new day wasn't what Sammi wanted, but she had to accept and begin to grieve, even if she didn't want to.
Sammi quietly went downstairs, seeing Tommy asleep on one of the sofas, continuing her walking down the hall. Sammi stopped when seeing the wall phone in front of her. It was a habit she grew to have, dialing Nikki only to hang up soon after. It was tempting at this moment to do it. Grieving has different stages, right?
Like clockwork, Sammi grabbed the phone with a shaky hand, pressing Nikki's home phone number from memory. Sammi leaned her head against the wall, closing her eyes as the tone began dialing, just waiting for his voicemail. Expect this time it wasn't the original.
"Hey it's Nikki I'm not home cause I'm dead…" said Nikki with a rough voice that has gone through the wringer. The beep of the answering machine made Sammi come back to earth. She gasped and slammed the phone shut, feeling her hands begin to shake. Sammi hastily walked back to the living room, dropping herself next to Tommy.
"T-Tommy. Tommy, wake up," shakily uttered Sammi, tapping Tommy's shoulder.
Tommy groaned, turning on his side to give his back. "What," annoyed Tommy said.
"It's Nikki. He-"
"Is dead. We already went through this, Sammi. I'm sorry for your loss," groaned Tommy.
"Tommy, he isn't dead," said Sammi. Tommy sat up in a flash, getting a dizzy spell from the quick motion.
"What are you talking about?"
Sammi didn't say another word, jumping on her feet as she tugged Tommy onto his. She pulled him all the way to the wall phone, passing it to him as she punched the buttons. Tommy's face went from confused to shock, eyes widening when hearing Nikki's answering machine message. In almost a freight, Tommy slammed the phone back on the receiver.
"I'm gonna kill him," said Tommy, nostrils flaring. "I'm gonna kill for making us worry like this,"
"Tommy as much as I would agree on any other given day, I want Nikki alive. We need to go check up on him," said Sammi.
"What if he doesn't want to see us? Why should we after he scared us?" asked Tommy. In a rash decision, Sammi punched Tommy in the shoulder with all her strength. "Ow! The hell was that for?"
"Your best friend, who you see as a brother, and my ex-boyfriend, who I still have feelings for, died last night and is alive again. You really don't want to see him after that?" asked Sammi, trying not to raise her voice. Tommy huffed, looking back and forth from Sammi to the floor, finally nodding in agreement. "Great. Let's tell Athena before we split," said Sammi, running up the stairs, Tommy in tow.
Athena was still fast asleep in Sammi's bed, moving over right into the middle. Sammi and Tommy shook her gently, repeating her name until hearing her groggy voice.
Athena opened her eyes, scrunching her face when seeing Sammi and Tommy standing over her. "Why are you two up so early?"
"I just called Nikki's house. He's alive, Athena," said Sammi.
"Oh thank god," sighed Athena, hands falling on her face. "Did you talk to him?"
"No, he just left a shitty answering message. Tom and I are going to go check up on him," said Sammi.
"Wait, I'm coming too!" said Athena, ripping the covers off her and jumping off the bed. "Someone needs to be stable between the two of you,"
"Okay great. Now change and let's get the hell out of here before mama and dad wake up," said Tommy, leaving the bedroom to head downstairs.
"I'll leave a note. Let's just hurry," said Sammi grabbing a random piece of paper and pen.
7:45 am
The ride was a quiet one driving through the California valley. Tommy didn't feel the need to race; wanting to be at ease, they grew closer to Nikki's house. It had seemed no one else got the news of Nikki being alive, flowers already beginning to gather outside his gate. Sammi swallowed hard at the thought, trying to prepare herself for what was to come. Tommy lowered the window, staring at the gate code box.
"Do you know his gate code?" asked Tommy to Sammi.
"Uh yeah it's 0882," answered Sammi, Tommy raising a brow. "Don't make fun of him, it's when we first met,"
"Damn Nikki being a softy was not what I imagined," teased Athena, Tommy giggling as he punched in the code. Nothing. Tommy looked back at Sammi.
"You sure it's that?" asked Tommy.
"Yeah! He never changed his code when he got this place," said Sammi, unbuckling her seatbelt and stepping out of the car. She tried the code herself, only to get nothing again, making her groan in annoyance. "Why would he change it?"
"Maybe to keep Veronica out," suggested Tommy, putting the car in park and getting out along with Athena. "I don't think we can climb this," Tommy pointed out. Nikki's gate was close to 7 feet tall of steel with surrounding brick walls in the front.
"Nope, but I do know where we can climb," said Sammi, walking to a nearby corner. Athena and Tommy glanced at each other with scrunched eyebrows, following Sammi around the corner to more brick walls only with more trees. Sammi stood in what appeared to be the end of Nikki's property.
"What are you doing? Again, I don't think we can climb that," asked Tommy, pointing to the wall.
"If you give me a lift, I'll prove how wrong you are," said Sammi with a slight smirk. This shut Tommy up, even with confusion and questions still on his mind. Nevertheless, he listened to Sammi and lifted her up as safely as he could. Sammi extended one foot against the wall, pushing herself up to graze the ledge.
"Sammi!" both Athena and Tommy said.
"Shut up! Tommy, lift me up higher," ordered Sammi. Tommy didn't argue, extending his arms high as he held Sammi's right leg. This gave his sister the chance to climb and sit on the ledge. "See! I proved you wrong!" exclaimed Sammi with a smile. "Now lift Athena and I'll pull her up!"
It didn't take long for Athena to be sitting next to Sammi, looking on the other side. "Oh hey there's a little hill on this corner, How did you remember about this?"
"Because this isn't the first I've had to jump the wall thanks to Nikki," joked Sammi, as the sisters lifted Tommy up by his arms to join them.
"You've had to sneak into Nikki's house before?" asked Tommy.
"His lovely ass forgot his keys at a party making us do this drunk," said Sammi, jumping off the ledge, landing on the grass perfectly. After the siblings all joined together, they walked through the backyard and straight to the sliding door. "Thank god," whispered Sammi as she found it unlocked, quietly sliding it.
The house was dark and cold as if no one cared to live in it. Dishes and stains piled up in the kitchen. It almost reminded Tommy of the Motley House, just waiting for the sight of a cockroach or rat to crawl by them.
"I don't hear anything," said Athena as the siblings walked to the front of the house.
"Maybe he's catching up on a few zzz's after his fiasco," said Tommy, taking one step to the stairs. After trying not to for the entire time, Sammi looked up the staircase as she bit her nails, nerves, and fear all in one. "What are you guys waiting for? Let's go see him," said Tommy, taking a few more steps. Athena held Sammi's hand for reassurance, walking up the gothic flight of stairs, Tommy leading.
The second floor wasn't as of a mess as the downstairs, but doors to other rooms were all open. Sammi could feel her heart pound out of her chest again once walking into Nikki's room. It was more of a mess from the last time Sammi spent the night, clothes and empty alcohol bottles thrown around. With no sight of Nikki, Sammi glanced over to the closed closet doors, swallowing away the lump in her throat. Sammi let go of Athena's hand, stepping closer to the closet, opening it with a shaky hand. A loud gasp turned Tommy's head.
"Oh my god," gasped Sammi, stumbling back into Tommy's chest, covering her mouth as she almost sobbed. Athena and Tommy could only stare with wide eyes, finding Nikki in an unfortunate way. In the middle of the closet sat Nikki, almost naked with only his underwear on, passed out. Beside him, his special wooden box of everything and a bloody arm with a needle lodged into a vein. Nikki looked scary to Sammi, his body completely pale and covered in sweat. "He cannot be alive after that!" shouted Sammi. Athena pulled her into an embrace, covering her eyes.
Tommy carefully stepped inside, kneeling beside Nikki. He took one deep breath before beginning to shake him awake. "Nikki," uttered Tommy. Nothing. Tommy looked back to see a scared Sammi, settling into his nerves. "Nikki!" shouted Tommy, shaking Nikki viciously. Finally.
Almost jumping out of his skin, Nikki shut his eyes up and let out a gasp. His blurred vision soon focused, looking around to find the siblings watching over him. Scared. Nikki's eyes locked with Sammi's, seeing the fear he caused. This made him want to just run away and be small, but he couldn't do that. Tommy didn't need to ask Nikki and carefully took out the needle of heroin.
"It's going to be alright, Nik. We got you," whispered Tommy. He tossed the dirty needle in Nikki's box. "Athena, come help me," Tommy told his sister, swinging Nikki's arm around his neck. Athena rushed over, kneeling by Nikki and grabbing him to support his weight. "Okay. One, two, three. Lift," said Tommy. The brother and sister lifted Nikki's weak body off the floor, trying not to stumble over their feet. Sammi could only watch, tears welling up as Athena and Tommy took Nikki to his bathroom. She still followed slowly, seeing how exhausted Nikki was. Tommy sighed out as he sat Nikki on the bathtub's edge, looking at Athena and Sammi. Nikki only stayed silent, staring down at the floor.
"Get out," said Sammi; Athena and Tommy whipped their heads to her. "Nikki needs a bath. I'll do it,"
"Athena, it's fine. Tommy, can you please find some clean clothes for Nikki, something comfortable?" asked Sammi. Tommy nodded, stepping out of the bathroom.
"I guess I can make some breakfast for us," said Athena.
"There isn't any food in the house," uttered Nikki, finally looking someone in the eye.
"Um fine then I can just pick up from breakfast somewhere," said Athena, beginning to make her way out of the bathroom but turned on her heels. "By the way, what's the gate code? We couldn't get it the first try,"
Nikki looked away from Athena. "It's Sammi's birthday…"
Athena nodded with a smile that wasn't for happiness. "Of course it is. I won't be long," said Athena, kissing Sammi on the cheek before closing the door behind her.
The room fell silent, neither Sammi nor Nikki looking at each other even as Sammi got close to run the bath. Sammi began looking for a towel and even soap to wash Nikki, opening every drawer in the master bathroom. She almost gave up until opening the bottom sink cabinet. Right in front was a never-opened bottle of fancy scented liquid soap Sammi bought a long time ago with the two towels she used as her own. Sammi only scoffed, grabbing the three items to keep next to her. Tommy knocked for a second and dropped Nikki's folded clothes on the counter.
Sammi felt the warm water, adding a bit of her soap to the bath, turning off the water. "Okay, get undressed," said Sammi, turning her back on Nikki.
Nikki looked up, staring at Sammi's back for a moment, the feeling of regret coming up. Slowly standing up, Nikki took off his boxers and carefully lowered himself in the bathtub. Nikki didn't need to tell Sammi he was ready, seeing her kneel down in a flash beside him. Sammi soaked the smaller towel in the soapy water, adding more as she began the washing. Silence still followed, which only made Nikki want to scream on the top of his lungs. Feeling the towel draw across his chest didn't give any happy effect. It just made Nikki angry at himself.
"I'm sorry," whispered Nikki. Sammi remained silent. Nikki only dropped his head against the granite, looking up at the ceiling. "I could've done this myself,"
"I don't trust you,"
Nikki huffed. "Fair enough. I don't blame you. I wouldn't trust me either,"
When Sammi reached Nikki's arm, she grazed the bloody wound carefully, causing her to finally break.
"Why?" asked Sammi, finally looking up at Nikki.
Nikki looked at Sammi with deep elevens between his brows. "Huh?"
"Why would you go back after dying?" whispered Sammi, a tear rolling down her face. "You died and you still wanted to shoot up again… why?"
Nikki sighed. "Because I'm an addict. I never thought it would get like this though. I mean it when I say I'm sorry,"
"Yeah where have I heard that before?" mumbled Sammi. "I thought you were gone. Doesn't that matter to you?"
"It does..."
Sammi didn't need to say anything else, moving on to wash Nikki's hair.
8:50 am
"Um thanks for the food, Athena," uttered Nikki with a mouth full of diner chocolate chip pancakes. Thanks to Tommy, the siblings and Nikki ate on the kitchen island in awkward silence in the now somewhat clean kitchen. Sammi didn't look at anyone but the plate of her as she sat beside Nikki.
"You're welcome, Nikki. It's the least I can do. Just from guessing, you seem to be enjoying your pancakes," said Athena with a small smile. Nikki only nodded as he continued to eat.
"So I don't know if this is a great time to ask but, what happened, Nik? And please tell us the truth," asked Tommy. Nikki swallowed his food and wiped his mouth with a napkin. He glanced over at Sammi before speaking.
"Well, I was with Slash at his and Duff's hotel room. It was just us and a couple of random guys. I was pretty out of it already from bar hopping, so I don't remember everything. Next thing I know my dealer is next to me and I ask him to help…" As Nikki paused, he caught the glaring anger from Sammi's eyes. He only looked away. "You get the idea. Then I pass out only to hit with two adrenaline shots by an EMT who happened to be a huge fan,"
"Well aren't you so lucky" mumbled Sammi.
"Sammi…" said Athena.
"What? I can't say anything?"
"Yeah but don't be mad at him," whispered Athena.
"It's okay Athena," said Nikki
"I'm not mad at Nikki, I'm just mad at this day," said Sammi, going back to her food, feeling Nikki keep a close eye on her.
"Tommy, you're going to have to tell everyone that Nikki is okay. I think the last thing anyone wants is flowers flooding the front gate," said Athena.
"You're right. I'll call Doc after this,"
"I think what we need to do after this is clean the house for drugs, especially Nik's room," said Sammi.
"I can help," said Nikki.
"No. You need to sleep. We can handle this," said Sammi, resting her hand on his. The simple act of touch tugged at Nikki's heartstrings. Nikki nodded. "Athena, let's get the guest room ready for Nik," said Sammi getting up from her seat.
"Yes, ma'am," said Athena, following her sister up the stairs. "Are you sure you want to clean up this place?"
Sammi didn't answer right away, only opened a closet door that she knew had all the linens and blankets organized. She led Athena to the closet guest room, opening the door to find it surprisingly clean. She stripped the bed of its sheets, handing Athena one side of the new ones.
"Do I want to, no. Do I think it's necessary, yes. Again, I'm mad at this day but we've got to do things for Nikki right now," said Sammi, fluffing one of the pillows. Athena remained silent, helping Sammi finish the bed. Nikki shuffled his way into the room in perfect timing, surprised to see a clean bed with Tommy right behind him.
"Wow, thanks," said Nikki, sitting at the foot of the bed. Tommy and Athena waited for their sister in the hallway. Sammi squeezed his shoulder, stepping back to the door. The amount of no talking between the two was rare. Nikki hated every second of it.
"If you need anything just yell for me, okay?" said Sammi, leaning against the doorframe, hands hidden in her back pockets. Nikki nodded, laying down in a bed the first time all day. Sammi quietly closed the door behind her with a yawn. "Gosh,
I'm sleepy,"
"You'll take a nap after this. Where should we start?" asked Tommy.
"Athena and I will look through up here, and you can take the downstairs. I'm sure most of it is in his room anyway," said Sammi.
"Perfect! Let's get this over with and maybe go to sleep!" said Athena, latching onto Sammi's shoulder as Tommy dashed downstairs to the next guestroom. All three of the siblings were just trying to mentally prepare themselves for even more to come.
"Jesus this is so gross," groaned Sammi throwing dirty needles covered in napkins onto a pile on the floor. Sammi was right, as most of the drugs Nikki consumed were either scattered in his room or in his closet. This didn't stop the girls from looking through every corner of Nikki's room or bathroom.
"Why does Nikki have so many girl clothes? There's bras, shirts, and freaking underwear," said Athena kneeling in front of the bottom drawer of the black dresser. Sammi walked over to Athena for a peek.
"Because it's all mine," said Sammi, kneeling beside Athena. Sammi smiled as she looked through the drawer, finding articles of clothing she thought were lost. "Damn I didn't think he'd keep all this crap. Hey, my first Motley shirt!" exclaimed Sammi, pulling out a cropped black t-shirt from her first tour with the boys.
Athena could see the smile on Sammi's face, the first one all day. "You two really care about each other,"
"I guess we do," uttered Sammi, folding the shirt back in the drawer.
Before Athena could say another word, Tommy walked with a trash bag in his hand. "I called Doc. Told him Nikki was okay," said Tommy picking up the filthy pile for the trash bag. He dropped it down in the corner, sitting on Nikki's bed with a huff. "The guys and he are going to come. We need to have a meeting. You two included,"
"Why us?" asked Athena.
"My sister for moral support," said Tommy pointing at Athena. "My sister and Nikki's whatever," Tommy said, pointing at Sammi. "I just need the both of you there,"
"Fine but I'm taking a nap," said Sammi, jumping on Nikki's bed.
"Ew Sam, you don't know if it's clean or not," said Athena, curling her lip.
"Out of every bed I've slept on, I like Nikki's. Now shut up and let me sleep,"
Tommy chuckled at Sammi with a shake of his head, guiding Athena out of the room. It was something Sammi deserved.
1:30 pm
"Okay, I'm glad we can all make it today after these rough past 12 hours," announced Doc, standing front and center of Nikki's sitting room. On one sofa sat the Bass siblings while Mick and Vince sat across from them, Nikki still asleep upstairs. The tension between everyone felt gross to Sammi almost, wishing for an ounce of happiness like always.
"I hope that the misfortune of last night comes as a wake-up call for all of you men," said Doc. Sammi rolled her eyes without hiding it. "Now we need to discuss the question, where do we go from here?"
"Simple," spoke Vince. "We kick Nikki out of the band,"
"What?!" everyone but Doc shouted in unison.
"You can't kick Nikki out of the band!" said Sammi.
"And why not? Clearly, he isn't stable enough to be playing in a band,"
"No one in the entire rock scene is stable enough to be playing in a band!" explained Sammi.
"You do realize Nikki is the reason you're in Motley Crue right?" asked Athena, narrowing her eye at him.
"It was actually your brother," said Vince with a smirk
"Because Nikki made a fucking band and wanted me as a drummer. We all have jobs because Nikki fucking made Motley Crue. He does everything!" said Tommy.
"Do you even know how to write a song?" asked Mick.
"Enough! This kind of fighting isn't going to solve anything," said Doc. "We need to come up with a plan to move forward,"
"I don't know why you're acting like you don't know anything?" said Athena, crossing her arms. "Rehab! Rehab should already be in your head!" Athena said with a sharp finger pointing at Doc. Doc was almost taken aback by this.
"You're right, Athena. Nikki needs rehab and maybe this time-"
"No, not just Nikki. All of the guys" said Athena, looking at the rest of the guys turn confused into anger. "You all need to go to rehab,"
"What the hell, Athena. I don't need rehab!" said Tommy, jumping up from the sofa.
"You don't? So you popping pills, drinking until you blackout almost every night, and only two steps behind Nikki is healthy?" asked Athena, standing up to Tommy.
"It's not that bad! We aren't as bad as Nikki!"
"I can quit drinking whenever I goddamn please," said Mick, fixing himself to stay comfortable.
"Mick, since Sammi and I have known you, you pretend to be drinking water when it's vodka. You told me you were drunk recording Girls," said Athena.
"This is bullshit. I already did the whole rehab drama once, I'm good,"
"Now that sounds like bullshit," whispered Sammi, looking down at the floor with her arms crossed.
Vince cocked his head at Sammi. "Is there anything you want to say, Sammi?"
Sammi sucked the front of her teether, looking directly at Vince. "Yes, there is. For someone who went to rehab by force you sure couldn't do anything, they told you to do the first time. You still do drugs and drink exactly like the rest, and you're the one that went to jail because of drinking!" exclaimed Sammi, jumping on her feet. This quickly silenced Vince. "And Tommy, you cannot say you don't need rehab when mama and dad have been worried about you for years . I'm surprised Heather hasn't told you anything about stopping the drinking," Tommy only looked away from his sisters. "Mick you're supposed to keep in shape and stay healthy. Drinking your liver away isn't going to do anything!"
"Sammi's right. You guys-"
"Do not get me started with you," said Sammi, turning on her heels to face Doc. Doc's eyes grew frightened. "You're their manager. You are supposed to be the one to help them when needed but you didn't. Instead, you kept Nikki on the road just so you can get a paycheck. And don't tell me it's not true when I worked at Elektra. You fucked up too,"
"I helped as much as I could! I didn't realize how bad the rest were because I was concerned for Nikki!" objected Doc.
"Says the man who said he needed to cancel Europe because he was scared of the guy's wellbeing!"
"Oh, Sammi shut up! If you cared enough about any of us, you wouldn't have ditched us to San Francisco," said Vince.
"So you're blaming me?!"
"Vince, that's so unfair to accuse Sammi of that," said Athena.
"Sammi moved for school. She's not our babysitter!" said Tommy.
"Just quit it, Vince you know you're wrong," said Mick.
"No, I'm not! She only gives a shit about Nikki and Nikki alone. Why would she even be here right now?"
"Maybe because she-"
"Guys!" said Sammi, looking at the sitting-room door frame. Nikki decided to walk downstairs for the meeting due to the yelling, looking a little better than this morning. Nikki shuffled into the area, almost awkward at the feeling of everyone staring at him. "Is everything okay, Nikki?" asked Sammi.
Nikki nodded. "I just… I heard what you all were talking about and I agree with Athena. I think we should all go to rehab," uttered Nikki, pressing his lips together. Motley found this shocking, the three looking at Nikki as if he had a second head. Vince's anger at Sammi disappearing when seeing Nikki almost scared of everything.
Nikki walked closer to the sisters, giving them a smile that took the energy out of him. "Athena, Sammi, thank you for everything. I know you and I haven't always been great but I really appreciate it, Athena. You already know how I feel, Sammi," said Nikki, still keeping a distance.
"When's the earliest we can all check-in? It doesn't have to be here in California, we just need help," asked Nikki.
"I'll start calling today to check you guys in at the beginning of January," said Doc.
"No, we- I need to go sooner,"
"We should check-in before the new year. In case one of us chickens out," said Tommy, glaring at Vince.
"I'm on board, I know I just complained but if it helps the band, then it's worth it," said Mick.
"Alright then. I'll get on that right now," said Doc, walking out of the sitting room to find Nikki's phone. The sudden silence was unbearable to Motley. Mick followed Doc, wanting to help out in any way he could. Vince reaching for the pack in his jeans, heading out in the backyard for a smoke. Tommy sat down on the sofa, dropping his head against the back as he sighed out, Athena next to him. Nikki turned to Sammi, gently grasping her hand.
"I think you should start heading home," said Nikki, squeezing Sammi's hand.
Sammi scrunched her brows together. "What? No! Who's gonna stay here with you? I need to know you're safe,"
"And I appreciate that and everything but it's only gonna get uglier from here. Heroin withdrawals are no joke and I don't want you to see me go through that,"
"Nikki, I get it. Please I know how to help," begged Sammi.
Nikki shook his head, frowning. "I need to be away from you. I have to do this and be alone for god knows how long. We can't be like this anymore,"
Sammi winced at the words, staring up at Nikki in disbelief. It was now her turn to feel what it was like to be pushed away, and she hated it. Sammi let go of Nikki's hand, stepping away from him slowly.
"Alright. If that's what you need. I won't be here," said Sammi, swallowing away the lump in her throat. "Tommy, do you think someone can give you a ride home?" Tommy nodded. He passed the keys to Athena, remaining mute. Athena only gave Tommy a tight-lipped smile, then wrapped an arm around Sammi, escorting her away from Nikki. Nikki stared at Sammi until she disappeared out the front door, dropping himself next to Tommy. Tommy only wrapped an arm around Nikki's shoulders, bringing him into his side.
3:30 pm
Walking into their parents' home felt like a sigh of relief for the girls, wanting to collapse on a sofa. They were lucky to find their dad in the living room watching tv. Sammi fell beside her dad; Mr. Bass was still looking at the tv. Athena decided to give her sister some space and head up to her childhood bedroom until dinner.
"Where's mama?" asked Sammi.
"She went to pick up your wrapped presents from the store. Kept her mind busy from all of this,"
Sammi dryly chuckled. "Wish I could keep my mind busy from this day,"
"You and your siblings have been gone most of the day. I'm going to guess things went well with Nikki?" Sammi shrugged her shoulders, tears wilting up. Mr. Bass looked beside him to see Sammi's blotchy pink face and pouty lip on the cusp of crying. "Sweetheart, what's wrong,"
"I'm so tired from all of this," said Sammi, breaking down and crying on her father's shoulder. It wasn't like crying from last time, but just soft tears. "I was so tired of worrying about Nikki. And now when I want to be with him, he doesn't want anything to do with me!"
"Sweetheart, I don't think it's like that,"
"He said it himself, dad. I'm so tired and now he's going to rehab. I just want him to be okay,"
Mr. Bass sighed out. "Sammi, listen to me and listen to me good. Do you love Nikki?" Sammi sniffled her tears away, wiping the fallen ones away, and nodded. "You have to say it out loud,"
"I love Nikki,"
"Okay then. Now I believe Nikki loves you too. He just wants to protect you even more from himself by pushing you away at this moment. You have to accept that and be away from him,"
"But I don't want to," pouted Sammi.
"This may be cheesy but like they always say  if you love something set it free. If it doesn't come back, you never had it. If it comes back to you, it was meant to be . I think you just need to set Nikki free for a moment so you two can come back to each other stronger. Do you understand?"
Sammi nodded but still let out a few more tears. Oh, to feel all of this in just one day.
21 notes · View notes
thorne93 · 4 years
The Stars Made Us (Part 10)
Prompt: In this world, you’re one of the “lucky” ones who got a soulmate, but what if the universe gives you more than you bargained for?
(Prompt challenge – You live in a world where your soulmate can write on their skin and you will get the writing on your own and vice versa. Where they can wash away the ink on their own skin, however, the writing is forever scarred onto your skin until you meet face to face)
Word Count: 2624
Warnings: angst and language throughout
Notes: This was supposed to be for @sorryimacrapwriter​​​​  and their challenge like a year ago, I think? I still loved the prompt though and have been working on this story for quite some time. This aesthetic was made by @dontshootmespence​​​​, thank you so much! Beta’d by @like-a-bag-of-potatoes​​​​, couldn’t have done it without you, as well as @carryonmyswansong​​​​ and @arrow-guy​​​​ and @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo​​​​
Also, I’ve never really liked the whole soulmate AU thing idea, but this felt so right and it was amazing to write. I hope y’all love it too!!
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A little over a week after your romantic evening, things seemed to be moving in the right direction. You felt less like a live in nurse, nanny, maid, and chef. You actually felt like his soulmate now. You weren’t sure if it was the unplanned vocalization of feelings, or the romantic dinner itself, or what it was, but things shifted. 
Mornings weren’t comprised of insisting him to take the new serum over the old, throwing open his drapes, setting to cleaning the house -- he was doing that on his own now. He went to you or Hank when he got up. You still made him breakfast, as well as Hank because everyone needed fuel to start their day; but ultimately he was back to being independent. 
And so were you. You were starting to give it considerable thought to go back home, at least for a while and sort things out. Only thing was did Charles even want you to stay? Did you want to stay? You had a life, a career, and a family back home. Could you give all that up just for him? 
It was the middle of summer, your favorite time of the year. Of course, you loved Christmas, and the heat could be overbearing sometimes, but at the end of the day, you preferred a hot summer day. Something about the grilling out, the parties, the fact that good times never seemed to end, it made you smile. 
Now, tonight was July 4th, your second favorite holiday. Ironic, since your soulmate would be British, and you’re American. But here you were, at 7:00 nestled on the lawn of the mansion in the back about to watch for fireworks that would explode over the horizon. You’d heard about the park nearby hosting an event. 
Thoughts of Charles bean swirling in your mind. You remembered asking him to join you tonight… 
“There’s a fireworks display on July 4th,” you mentioned casually as you got his lunch ready for the next day. 
“And you’d like me to go,” he commented with a cheeky grin. “That’s a bit bold of an American to ask a British man, no?” 
You couldn’t help but smile. “I suppose, but can you blame me? Oh come on, it’ll be fun,” you encouraged with a wider grin. “I’d really love for you to be there. It’s my fa--”
“Favorite holiday aside from Christmas, yes, I remember,” he noted with fondness. The little reminder that you two shared a lengthy history warmed your heart. 
So he did remember things about you… you mused to yourself. 
“Just like I remember it making me laugh,” he continued. “Actually,” he sighed, “I can’t.” He walked over to the island, staring across from you, his ocean blues somehow more blue and clear than normal. “I wish I could, truly. But I’ve got grades to report and I have a deadline for my research proposal.” He gave you a sad smile. “I’m sorry, love,” he said, grabbing your hand and kissing it softly before stroking it with his thumb. “You should go without me though. I’m sure you’d enjoy it.” 
You thought for a moment. “Yeah, I think I will. Maybe Hank could join me, if you don’t mind?” 
“Of course not. You two should have fun. He never gets out,” he remarked with a grin. 
However, Hank let you down. The following day, he said he couldn’t go. That he had a date of all things. Not that Hank couldn’t get a date. He was quite the catch. But he’d been almost a prisoner of this house. You had no idea he was even interested in anyone new since Raven. Apparently though, he met this girl at the place where he ordered his lab equipment and they hit it off. She asked him to a firework show about forty five minutes away from the mansion.
So it was just you tonight. Which was fine. Of course you missed Charles, but you could enjoy this just as much without him. 
The first firework came soaring over the treeline of the horizon and you marveled at it, smiling like a giddy child. The colors were fantastic. You partially wished you’d gone out to get some of your own to set off, but without anyone to share it with, it wouldn't have been as nice. 
Five more fireworks exploded and you clapped, knowing full well no one could hear or see you. 
“Enjoyed that one, did you?” Charles suddenly said from behind you. 
You spun to face him. He stood above you on the side of the lawn that sloped down. He smiled happily down at you before walking down to meet you.
“I brought us some things,” he informed you, raising the basket to make his point. 
“I thought you had to work?” you asked, shocked. 
“Were you rather I not be here?” he questioned, a bit of a laugh in his voice. That merriment was something you very much missed since he’d disappeared. He was always joking, positive, and bursting with great energy before a year ago. Then you got here and up until he started working, he barely smiled. 
“No, of course not, I’m just worried about your work.”
“Oh, it’ll be fine. I got the grades in and the proposal isn’t due for another few days. I may have to work here late a few nights, if that’s alright.” 
“Of course,” you agreed. “Anything you need. I’ll be happy so long as you’re here.” 
“Good. Well I brought us this blanket,” he informed before unrolling it and fanning it out. When it was settled on the grass, you sat on it and he joined you, kneeling. “I’ve got finger sandwiches, chips, grapes, cheese plate, and wine.”
“Wow, a whole spread. I thought you didn’t cook?” you teased.
“I don’t. I put things on plates, wrapped them, and brought them out. I didn’t need a PhD to teach me that. Give me some credit,” he said with mock hurt. 
“Ah, you’re right,” you said, raising your hands in defense. 
“What would you like first?” 
“Mmm, some wine and the cheese plate,” you said. 
“Your wish is my command.” 
He got out the plate, a little knife, some crackers, and poured wine in two plastic cups. 
“Here’s to America’s independence,” you said, raising your cup. 
He peered at you with a bemused expression. “To America’s independence,” he agreed with a coy grin before touching his cup to yours. 
“So when did you think of all this?” you asked as the two of you watched the fireworks. 
“Actually the night you brought it up. I already knew I wanted to do this for you, I just knew I had work to do.” 
“I see.”
“But then as I sat at my desk, I realized I’d much rather be here with you and I could make it happen.” 
“I’m glad you thought of me,” you noted.
“I’m always thinking about you,” he said casually and quickly. 
You smiled to yourself. 
The two of you slipped into a nice quietness, enjoying the show as you leaned back on your elbows. Your head rested on his shoulder every once in a while. Every now and then, one of you pointed out one you really liked. You seemed to like the sparkly ones and he loved the red ones, the ones that had the biggest spread. Every so often, you picked at the food he brought and sipped on the wine. 
Slowly, the fireworks died out around eleven o’clock and you sighed. “Well, I guess that was it. I wish--”
“That we had our own?” he finished as he pulled out some sparklers from the basket. “Way ahead of you.” 
“Either you thought of everything, or you read my mind,” you accused, partially joking. 
He handed you a sparkler before grabbing the lighter and lighting them. Once they sparked and began sizzling and glowing, he said, “I didn’t read your mind. I just know you love to have your own fireworks.” 
You frowned for a moment, thinking, gazing down at the sparkler before making mindless shapes in the air. “Do you ever? Read my mind that is,” you asked. 
“No,” he softly stated. 
“But how--”
“The loudest and the most painful can get in when I’m not paying attention, but I take great effort to give people their privacy,” he informed.
“That’s nice of you,” you mused. 
“Speaking of… privacy,” he started when the sparkler fizzled out and it was just you two in the darkness under the glow of the moon.
Dread began to wrap around you. What could this be about? 
“I wanted to talk to you about… well about staying,” he began, seeming nervous. “Just--Just hear me out. I know you have a life back home, I know, but I was just wondering if maybe… you’d want to stay here, with me.” 
“Charles… I,” you started, having no real idea where you were going with the statement. 
“You don’t have to decide now. I know you have a lot to do. A home to sell, a business to move, family to part with. I just… I want you to think on it.” He gently picked up your hands and held them closer to him. “I love you, Y/N, and I’ve missed you. I’m very happy when you’re here.”
This was the first time he’d said it. He loved you. You suspected it, you wanted it, it seemed highly intuitive. But up until a second ago, he’d never uttered the words in any form or fashion. And now you were on top of the world, feeling as if your insides were warmly melting and softening at his words, his voice, his face...
“I’m happy too, Charles.” 
Even in the darkness you could see him smile and before you realized it, the air turned heavier. Ever so slowly, you two inched towards each other. You slowly shifted to your knees as he began to raise up to match you. You two were now on your knees, facing each other, only a few inches apart. Was that his heart or your heart racing? All you could hear was an erratic thumping. 
As if gravity pulled you to him, you two closed the gap at the same time, your lips finally touching for the first time. It felt like Heaven inside you. Every fear, worry, regret, wish, dream - vanished. You were nothing but whole inside. A feeling of warmth wrapped all the way around you as you reached out with one hand to entwine your fingers in his hair, and the other to touch his hand. Your fingers laced with his as he used his other arm to pull you closer to him. 
His lips tasted sweeter than you’d ever imagined. Heat went from his body to yours, to back again. The two of you couldn’t get enough of each other. You gently put pressure on his lips and he pushed back, his mouth working on yours expertly. 
Although you didn’t want to, you two broke away for much needed air. 
“I uh, don’t think that was the answer you were looking for,” you said with a chuckle. 
He leaned forward, his lips a hair away from yours, both hands in your hair when he replied, “No, but I love the response.” 
You hummed a laugh as he eased you down onto the blanket. 
“I don’t know what to do,” you admitted to Hank the next day while Charles was at work. You were helping him with his wing design for his job. 
“Well, what do you want to do?” he asked point blank. 
“I want to stay,” you said as if it was obvious. “I mean, I know he can’t give up this home to come back with me. My house wouldn’t fit him, I just… I don’t want to give up my patients and my practice.” 
“Well, you might have to.” 
“I just don’t want to abandon them, you know? A lot of my patients feel like they don’t have anyone so if they feel like I’m just giving up on them--”
“What if you scheduled remote sessions? You know, did video chats? They could do it from the comfort of their homes and you could still help them.” 
You cocked your head side to side. “That’s actually not a bad idea.” 
“Yeah I’m chock full of them,” he said with a smile as he glanced up at you from underneath the model wing. 
“I may do that. But what about the rest? My house, my family…” 
“I can’t say anything about your family, I don’t know them. But they know you’re up here, they know you have a mate. Your house -- all you have to do is sell it and have your stuff moved up here.” 
“You use logic so well, it’s so hard to argue,” you said with fake anger. 
“I know. I’m so hard to get along with,” he agreed, rolling his eyes.  
“Totally irritating.” You smiled at him before slightly hitting his shoulder. “Well, I better get to my plans then, huh?”
You made your way out of the lab and began your arrangements home, packing your bags, calling your office, and selecting a flight. When Charles got home that evening, you were ready to tell him your decision. In a way, you were excited. A new life, finally with the man you’d dreamed of for years. 
With everything packed, you awaited Charles arrival. 
He came in the door, dropped his things off in the entryway. He met you in the kitchen, where you always were at this time, finishing dinner for everyone. 
“How was your day?” he greeted as soon as he got in, kissing you swiftly but passionately before grabbing a drink for himself. 
“It’s good. I made a decision,” you told him, ready to rip the bandaid. 
“Oh?” he asked, worry in his tone as he took a sip of his drink. 
“Yeah, I’m gonna close up shop back home and come live here,” you informed, trying to keep the smile off your face and failing.
He all but dropped his drink onto the counter before sweeping you into an embrace. He twirled you twice in a circle before setting you back on your feet. “That’s fantastic news! Oh, I know you’re going to love it here, darling.” 
“I know I will,” you assured once he let you go slightly and stepped back. 
“Are you sure this is what you want?” he asked, his brows knitting close together. You could get absolutely lost in those eyes of his. 
“Yes,” you promised. “I’ll miss my family but they know my place is here, beside you.” 
“Right, and we can always visit and they’re always welcome here. Actually… how would you feel about me meeting them?” he asked. “When were you planning on going?” 
“Well at the end of the week,” you stated. “I have to go tell my landlord I’m leaving my office, pack all my things from home. It’ll probably take a whole week.” 
“Perfect. I’ve got three weeks before my next semester starts,” he said. “I could go with you and they could meet me. I have a feeling they might want to know who you’ll be living with.” 
“They probably want to know who I’ve been talking to all these years, more like,” you said with a laugh. 
“So I am coming with you, yes?” he affirmed, his hands on your shoulders as he peered into your eyes, checking if it was alright with you.
“Of course. I’d love that.” You quickly leaned forward and pecked his lips. 
“I’m looking forward to this,” he said before he rolled up his sleeves, ready to help you with dinner.
Forever Tag:
Charles Xavier
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Thanks // Jay Halstead x Reader // Pt 8
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Description: Jay and Y/N continue to find their footing in this new relationship while beginning to navigate helping Mouse.
Warnings: None
Pairing: Jay x Reader, Reader x Mouse!Platonic, Jay x Mouse!Platonic
Words: 2271
A/N: This part has been a pain in my butt, and I still feel like it isn’t flowing right. But, I’ve done all I can do to try and fix it. Hopefully the next part will be a bit better. 
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
“How does dinner tonight sound?” Jay asked you over the phone as you walked through the halls of Chicago Med, heading down to the ED for a psych consult. He’d called you on the rare lunch break he had. 
Things had been going great since the two of you had kissed that night. In fact, it was better than great. Nearly every night during the next week, the two of you were at one of the apartments. Not to mention, going and seeing Mouse, though you hadn’t told him yet of the new relationship development. 
“Sounds like you should pick me up at seven,” you agreed. “Anything in particular I should wear?” 
“Something border-line fancy.” That peaked your interest, but you weren’t going to be able to get further clarification as the elevator opened up on the first floor.
“Got it. I’m in the ED for a consult. I’ll text you when I can, but I will definitely see you at seven sharp,” you told him, the two of you saying quick goodbyes before hanging up the phone. You couldn’t help but strut into the ED with a smile on your face and an air of increased confidence about you.
“Y/N,” Maggie called out, quickly making your way over to her. “What’s got you in such a good mood today?” Talking to Maggie was like talking to an older sister, she always knew the right things to say. Plus, she always knew when something was up. And something was definitely up with you.
“I have a hot date tonight,” you answered with a giggle, not telling her who it was. But with the raise of her eyebrow and the smirk on her face, you were sure she already knew. 
“Would he happen to be the better looking Halstead brother?”
“I heard that!” Will called out from his computer, though he didn’t look offended, flashing you a smile. Seemed like he might know about the new arrangement as well.
“I’m not one to kiss and tell, Maggie. Where am I going?” 
The rest of the day flew by, Daniel giving you the contact information for his social worker friend. You’d bring that up to Jay later, knowing he was going to do what he could for Mouse. In fact, he was excited, sending you links to facilities in Chicago that he wanted to look at.
When you got home, you went ahead and hopped in the shower, not wasting any time in getting ready for your date tonight. A date with Jay Halstead. It was something else, that was for sure. When you first met him, you would have never guessed that this would be where you’d end up. Not in a million years, yet…
The black dress hugged you just right, letting your y/h/c hair down for once, a slight curl to it. A natural make-up look to piece it all together, and a pair of heels. You were ready to go, finishing up just a few minutes before a familiar knock on the door. When you opened it, Jay stood there with a smile. 
“You look...wow,” he complimented with a smile, bringing you in for a kiss. When you pulled away, you let your hands rest on his chest. 
“You look pretty spiffy yourself,” you retired before another quick kiss. “You ready to go?” 
He led you down to his truck, opening the door for you and helping you in. As he drove through the still busy Chicago streets, one hand held onto yours, occasionally glancing over at you with a smile. The radio played low in the background as you told him about the day you’d had at work, leaving the information Daniel had given you out for the time being. 
He pulled up in front of an Italian restaurant you’d only ever passed, never thinking you’d go. It always seemed too expensive. Once the car was in park, he met you on the other side, helping you out as well. 
“This is too much, Jay,” you told him as he took your hand, walking inside. 
“You deserve this. Plus, I want our first date to be memorable,” he corrected, the waiter leading you to a table. First date...it had a nice ring to it as the two of you sat down, beginning to peruse over the menu. 
The dinner went amazing, enjoying both your food and your company. Jay talked a bit about his childhood, why he’d joined the military, what he’d been up to since he got back. Finally, substantial conversation and not just something to fill the silence. The night continued after dinner, moving a cocktail lounge less than a block away for a couple of drinks. This time, you were the one to talk about your tumultuous childhood, moving from army base to army base before leaving for college. You’d each had a couple of mixed drinks, not enough to be drunk, but enough to feel it.
“You good driving or should we get an Uber?” you asked him when the two of you walked out of the bar. 
“Yeah, I’ll be good. I’m not that drunk,” he assured you, walking back to the valet to get the car. His arm was around your shoulders, yours around his waist. “Plus, your place isn’t that far luckily.”
“True. Thank god for a doc’s salary, right?” You could feel the vibration in his chest when he laughed.
The ride back home wasn’t quiet either. Now, he was telling you funny stories and the drama from work over the years in Intelligence. You’d only heard about the team, not actually having met anybody yet. Though, you were pretty sure you’d meet them soon if you were seeing Jay. He parked the truck out front, not turning it off.
“You should come upstairs,” you suggested, really not wanting the night to end. The glimmer in his eye and the smile on his face said he wanted the same thing, but the words out of his mouth were a different story. 
“I shouldn’t,” he corrected, smile fading just a bit, so you reached out to grasp his hand as you tried to understand his hesitations. 
“What’s going through your head?” That got an eyebrow raise from him. “As your...more than friends epic experience.” 
“If I go upstairs, then things change,” he answered. 
“Jay, things are changing already. They have changed. So much over the past few months, and even more in the past week. There’s nothing I want more than to be with you. But if you’re having second thoughts…” You hoped he wasn’t, considering he’d just dished out quite a bit of money on dinner and drinks. 
“No! No. No second thoughts here. We haven’t had the ex talk, and I have a lot more baggage than I let on.” 
“Then come upstairs, and we can talk. Nothing else, just...talk,” you shrugged, hoping he would agree. It took a minute to get a nod in agreement, both of you getting out of the truck and going upstairs. “Now, as much as I love this outfit, I’m going to go change. Make yourself at home.”
You changed into a tank-top and shorts, pulling your hair up into a messy bun before rejoining him in the living room. He’d ditched his suit jacket, the fabric laying on one of the dining room chairs. His shoes were next to the door, sleeves rolled up and the top few buttons undone on his shirt. You couldn’t help but smile before sitting down next to him. It felt so natural as his arm came around you, letting you lean into him. 
“It was tough for me when I got back state-side. I’ve told you that before. But it doesn’t feel like it got easier at times. The first person I was with after I got back, her name was Abbey. We knew each other when I served, and we met again in Vegas at a funeral for one of the guys,” he explained. “We hooked up a couple of times, a coping mechanism. And then we got married. I didn’t remember half of it. We got divorced a few years later. It was supposed to be sooner, but apparently she never signed the papers. Then there was Erin. I mean, I really wasn’t into the hookup culture when I got back. We were together for almost three years. I thought I was going to marry her, but things didn’t end up that way.”
“Why are you telling me this now?” you asked him, since it seemed like he was done. 
“Since I’ve been back, I haven’t been with a lot of people. I just...It’s stupid,” he brushed off, shaking his head. 
“No, it’s not, Jay. Whatever it is, it’s something that’s on your mind.” You wanted to hear it, wanted to know how his mind worked, what made him happy and sad and mad, what made him get out of the bed in the mornings. 
“It’s because of the leg,” he finally said with a sigh, which made you understand a little better. “Just, being in that situation with somebody is stressful almost. And it shouldn’t be. You know, after thirteen years I should be over it. With Erin, she got used to it, but the first few times were awkward. And with Abbey, we were too drunk most of the time for me to even care.”
“I won’t think any different of you Jay. I’ve already seen it, so on my end, you’re still the same Jay I’ve always known with no surprises thrown in. There’s no rush, though. I want to know you, every part of you, inside and out.” You let your head rest on his chest, 
“You really know how to make a guy swoon, babe.” He pressed a kiss to the top of your head, your eyes closing with a content sigh. “Maybe I could stay the night though? Get used to everything?”
“I’d like that. You work tomorrow?” you asked him, getting a head shake and a smile from you. “Neither do I, which makes tonight an even better night for you to stay. I might have an old pair of shorts that would fit you.”
“I have a bag in my car for those long nights at work. I’ll be right back,” he promised, getting up to go downstairs.
Again, you didn’t personally understand his worries and insecurities, but you understood the concept behind them. Intimacy after amputation was a difficult thing at times. You weren’t going to push it, though, deciding to just let things take their course. Just like promised, he was right back, disappearing into the bathroom to change. When he reemerged, he set the rest of his suit with his jacket, dressed in a grey t-shirt and a pair of shorts. It was the first time you’d seen his prosthetic. 
“Want to head to bed, or sit out here for a bit?” you asked as he stood behind the couch, hands resting on the fabric on either side of your head. He smiled down at you.
“Bed sounds like a plan,” he answered, getting you to stand up and lead him back into your room. When you looked at him, you just saw Jay. 
You sat down on the left side of the bed -- your side -- while Jay sat on the right. You went ahead and got yourself situated as Jay just sat there, watching him take deep breaths. So, you got up on your knees behind him, arms wrapping around his stomach and pressing a kiss to his shoulder not saying anything. He relaxed back into you before leaning down to slide his prosthetic off as well as the sleeve. As he did so, you let your fingers run along his back, watching the process. 
“You’re not freaked out by this?” he asked you as the two of you finally laid down. 
“Not one bit. The benefit of med school.” It took a minute to find a good situation where you both were comfortable, your head on his chest. At first, it was odd to only feel one full leg with yours, but didn’t take long to get used to. “Alexa. House lights off,” you called out, the lights dimming before turning completely off.
“Okay, I need to get me one of those. No more having to get up to turn the lights off,” Jay told you, his fingertips tracing invisible patterns on your back. “Would make life just a bit easier.” 
“You want to carpool tomorrow?” you asked him, pulling the blanket up over the two of you. 
“Sure. Save some gas money,” he agreed. “Maybe we can tell Mouse about this -- us,” he quickly corrected. It seemed like you were both on the same page of wanting it to be more, which was a benefit. Though, you knew you still had to work towards it. “Any progress on applying to be Mouse’s guardian?”
“Yeah. Daniel gave me the information for the social worker. She could probably answer your questions better than I can. Have you found a lawyer yet?” you countered, sighing as he continued to draw patterns. 
“I’ve been looking into it. Voight is giving me a couple suggestions, some people that owe him favors I guess. I won’t be the one to ask why they owe favors, though, that’s for sure. Some secrets are better left secrets.” You wondered what he meant by that, but didn’t ask, not sure how. Plus, you weren’t going to be awake long enough to ask, eyes drifting shut before falling into a restful sleep.
Tag List: @yzas-stuff​ @gemmafountainloves @ceiliesla​ @corebore123​ @annaallicce​ @fullwattpadmusictree​ @bethii1​ @thevelvetseries​ @mich-lynne3 @itmejado​ @music-is-my-escape71 @not-onlyedmlyrics​ @supergirl000983​ @mandybug39 @okiegirl24​ @haileymatthewss​ @httphiddlestan​ @capmanranger​ @ahhh0ahhh @bookgiver​ @daenerys-targaryes​ @galacticsmoon​ @beachfan412 @wearesodrica @danielacastellon @genericcaner @halsteadsway​ @theskytraveler​ @miranda0102​ @amyarondottir​ @onechicago18​ @lovecatystuff​ @doramstr​ @itsdesiree86​ @raveenasblog​ @smalltowngirly05​ @formulahockey @lookatallthefeels @carlimel @talicat713​ @paulafdez99​ @hehurst23​
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adenei · 4 years
Finding My Way To You - Chapter 7
AO3 // FFN
Making Things Right
Hermione woke first the next morning, Ron’s arms still wrapped around her torso. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath in, replaying the previous night in her head. Girlfriend. She was his girlfriend now. It was everything she’d been wishing for, and she was determined not to muck it up.
She carefully extricated herself from his arms and got up to make breakfast. Hermione pulled out the bacon and eggs, and placed them on the counter. This couldn’t be so hard, right? She’d seen Mrs. Weasley cook them hundreds of times. I can do this, Hermione thought. She pulled out two pans, and began peeling strips of bacon out of the package and onto the pan. It took a few attempts at cracking the eggs before there were no shells to fish out of the bowl, but she was finally successful. Hermione mixed the eggs together and waited for the butter to heat up in the pan before she poured them in. It was when she popped a few slices of toast in the toaster that she realized things were starting to come together and she couldn’t quite keep up. 
“Attempting to make breakfast this morning?” Hermione jumped at Ron’s voice when she turned around and saw him leaning against the entryway.
“Trying not to burn anything is more like it. I think I may be a bit over my head here,” Hermione admitted. “I guess I’m really not good at everything.”
“That’s not true, it just takes practice. Want some help?”
“Would love some,” she accepted his offer gratefully.
Together they worked in tandem, and Ron helped her make sure nothing burned. He flipped the bacon, and directed Hermione on when to start scrambling the eggs. At one point, she felt his arms wrap around her waist as he helped guide her when demonstrating the easiest way to flip bacon to avoid splattering bacon grease. Hermione felt her skin erupt in gooseflesh as shivers climbed up her spine. Did he have any idea what he was doing to her?
When they were seated at the table, eating the breakfast they’d made together, Ron spoke. “So I was thinking…”
“About what?”
“I want to take you out on a proper date today. Kind of like I tried to do yesterday, except you didn’t know.”
“Yesterday was meant to be a date?” Hermione almost dropped her fork at his confession.
“I know, barmy, right?” Ron shook his head.
“N-no, not at all. It was-” Hermione thought back on their trip to the museum and then lunch at the cafe. The flowers made even more sense now that she thought more about it. “It was really sweet. I don’t know how I didn’t notice.”
“So what about a do over, then? We can go back to the museum now that we’re not on a time crunch? And we can try another restaurant if you’d like?”
“That sounds wonderful. Though I was hoping there was one other thing we could do first?”
“Yeah, anything.”
“What do you think about inviting my parents here for dinner? I feel bad about how we ended things last night. I need to make things right with Mum, and I don’t think I can do that at their home.”
Ron waited to make sure she was finished. “Sure. We can find something at the grocer if you’d like? Or we could explore the other restaurants. Whichever you’d like. I know how to make Mum’s Shepherd’s Pie,” he offered.
Hermione’s face lit up. “That sounds perfect! I think there’s a bakery nearby and we could pick something up on our way back for pudding?”
“Sounds like a plan. So, should we get ready for our date, then?” Ron flashed his lopsided grin her way.
“Yes! I’ll write a letter inviting my parents while you’re in the loo? We can drop it off when we head to the museum?” Hermione asked as Ron nodded. 
Finally, it felt like they were in sync with each other again.
The day played out as perfectly as it had yesterday. Hermione was ecstatic to explore more of the museum, and they spent a little longer so that Hermione could finish seeing all of the exhibits she’d missed the day before. They stopped at a different cafe for lunch, and enjoyed eating outside on the patio, watching other tourists and locals rush by on the busy sidewalks.
Ron saw Hermione’s eyes linger over the windows of the bookshop and he laughed. “Didn’t you get your fill yesterday?”
“Well, we were on a time crunch, you know. Do you mind if I go in for a bit?” 
Ron shook his head. “I’ll go check the bakery down the street and I’ll meet you back here, okay?” She hugged him in thanks and kissed his cheek before disappearing behind the shop’s doors.
Ron had to remind himself to wipe the smile off his face as he walked to the bakery and picked out an assortment of custard tarts and chocolate cupcakes. He knew what his and Hermione’s favorites were, and he only hoped these would suffice for her parents, whom he knew were not huge sugar fans. 
He walked out of the bakery, bag in hand, and stopped outside the florist’s shop before returning to the bookstore. He knew Hermione wouldn’t be close to ready to go, and he wanted to replicate yesterday’s date as closely as possible. The florist was ecstatic to see him again and asked how his ‘girl’ liked the assortment of roses. Ron’s ears turning scarlet was all the telling that the florist needed to know it had been a successful purchase. 
“So are you here for red today?” he asked curiously.
“Er, yeah, actually. One red rose, I was thinking. Wrapped with some of that white filler stuff,” Ron said.
“Baby’s breath? Yes, of course! Let me prepare that for you. I’m so glad things worked out. Was a bit worried when I saw you with Mr. Granger yesterday. Glad it’s all sorted.”
“Do you know the Grangers well?” Ron asked curiously.
“Well enough. Hugo loves gardening as a hobby, so he comes in at least once a week to talk shop. He’s a good guy you know. Loves his daughter very much. And by the looks of it, so do you.”
“Er, yeah. You’ll put in a good word for me, I hope?” Ron chuckled.
“As long as you keep endorsing my business,” the florist let out a hearty laugh. “This one’s on the house, though. Now, don’t keep your girl waiting.”
“Are you sure?” Ron said, reaching for his wallet. He needed to give him something.
“Yes, I’m sure. Have a wonderful day, young man!” he beamed at Ron, who thanked him profusely. 
By the time Ron made it back to the bookshop, Hermione was sitting on a bench outside waiting for him. “There you are! For a second, I thought you forgot about me,” Hermione joked.
“Never! Sorry it took me so long. I needed to make an extra stop. This is for you,” Ron said, handing her the singular rose.
“Ron, you didn’t have to do th-” she looked up at him when she realized what it was.
“I don’t suppose you need to ask the meaning of this one?” Ron asked through his smile.
“No, not this time,” Hermione answered softly. “Thank you.” She leaned up on her tiptoes to place a hesitant kiss on his lips. It still felt surreal that she could do that now. Kiss him when she wanted.
“Should we stop by the grocer’s before heading back then? We’ll probably need to start dinner soon. It’s already past four.”
“Oh, yes, you’re right! I told my parents six! Let’s go.”
Ron was pulling the Shepherd’s pie out of the oven as they heard a buzz come from the intercom. “That must be them!” Hermione said. “I’ll go down and meet them. Be right back.” 
He watched her leave as he set the hot dish on the center of the table. Ron picked up his wand and used magic to set the table while he waited for them to return. When Hermione walked back in the door with her parents, they all exchanged pleasantries and prepared to eat while dinner was still warm. Her parents had brought a bottle of wine that Hugo opened and poured glasses for everyone.
As they tucked into their meals, Jean looked at her daughter after taking a few bites. “Hermione, when did you learn to cook? You never showed an interest growing up so I wasn’t expecting- This is delicious!”
“I still haven’t really learned how to cook, Mum. Ron did most of the work, and I helped chop the vegetables and peel the potatoes,” Hermione explained.
Mrs. Granger observed her daughter and then Ron for a moment before saying, “Well, it’s very well done.” Her voice wasn’t as stiff as yesterday, but there was still a chill that lingered.
“I have to agree, Ron. This is one of my favorite dishes! It’s been a while since I’ve had one as good as this!” Hugo held up his win glass as he said, “Cheers.”
“Thanks, it’s my Mum’s recipe. I’ve helped her a lot with it, so it’s one of those that’s always in the back of my mind. I was hoping it wasn’t too simple to serve.”
“Not at all, not at all! It’s brilliant,” Hugo said.
An easy quiet fell over the table as they continued their meal. After Hermione took her last bite, Ron noticed her steeling herself to address her parents. “Mum, I’m sorry about last night,” she started.
Mrs. Granger looked up at her daughter. “It’s fine, Hermione, we don’t need to discuss it now.” Ron caught her eyeing him briefly before she continued. “When you come home, we can discuss it more.”
“I-I’m not going home with you and Dad. I’m staying here, with Ron.”
“Hermione, I hardly think-”
“No, Mum. I love you and Dad, but Australia isn’t my home.”
“Well, unless you’ve kept the house in England to yourself, I don’t reckon your home is there, either, is it?” her mother retorted.
“Er, no, I guess not. I’m not sure I know where home is, but it feels the most like home when I’m with Ron.” Hermione’s cheeks tinged a slight pink at her admission.
Her mother stared at her. “Darling, I hardly think you should be trusting that judgement right now.”
Hermione opened her mouth to speak, but her father beat her to it. “Jean, I think you’re being a bit unfair.”
“Unfair? Hugo, we’ve been worried sick about our daughter for months, not knowing what happened! Only for her to show up at our doorstep to come bring us home to England, insisting that everything’s safe now! Telling tales of how she dropped out of the Wizarding school we reluctantly allowed her to attend, and finding out she spent the better part of the last year living in a tent with two teenage boys!”
“Who have been my best friends for seven years!”
“And one you’re no doubt sharing a bed with. Don’t think I didn’t notice there’s only one bedroom, young lady!”
Ron felt compelled to say something. He felt that Mrs. Granger’s underlying issues with this were related to him. He needed to talk to her. To set the record straight. She’d never been this cold to him at King’s Cross, or when he’d gone with his Dad to pick up Hermione. He looked to Hugo, who nodded. That was all he needed.
“Mrs. Granger, would you mind taking a walk in the park across the way with me?” Ron asked.
Both women looked taken aback at his question. “Ron, I don’t think-” Hermione started to say.
“Hermione, I think it may actually be a good thing. Jean, you should go,” Hugo intervened. “We’ll take care of the dishes.”
Ron stood up and headed out the door and down the stairs. He didn’t grab his jacket, but the night air was relatively warm, and he had his Weasley sweater on. When Jean met him outside they walked silently across the road and entered the park. Ron hoped that Jean would speak first, so he could get an idea of what was bothering her, but she was tight lipped.
He strengthened his resolve and decided to start the conversation. “Mrs. Granger, I know I messed up-”
“That’s an understatement!” she exclaimed as she cut him off.
“I know, trust me, I know,” he hoped she could sense the pain in his voice. No one knew how much it tore him apart than himself. “I want to make things right, or at least explain, but I can’t do that unless I know what I’ve done wrong in your eyes. There’s not a day where I’m not trying to make it up to her.”
Mrs. Granger huffed in frustration. “I wouldn’t even know where to begin.”
“Then start with the first thing that’s been bothering you, before you knew I left them last winter.”
“You broke her heart in sixth year. She was absolutely miserable when she came home for Christmas. Hermione tried so hard to hide it, but a mother always knows. I was rooting for you! Why do you think Hermione was always able to spend the summers with your family? I knew she was happiest when she was with you. Not your family. You. Do you know how much convincing it took with Hugo? And then you went and broke my only daughter’s heart by choosing her flouncy little roommate.”
“I know. I have no excuses for that.”
“That doesn’t make things better. And then she comes home at the end of term, happy that you’re on speaking terms again, but I could tell there was still something off. She seemed so hollow. Of course, now I know why. She was planning to send us away. You didn’t put her up to it, did you?”
“No!” Ron said angrily. “I didn’t know anything until she showed up at the Burrow a week earlier than expected, sobbing uncontrollably. She never even told me what she’d planned!” Ron said bitterly. He didn’t mean to, but he was still upset she hadn’t enlisted his help.
“You didn’t know?”
“No. I didn’t understand why she did it. Why she couldn’t have talked to you, and convinced you to go. That maybe modifying your memory wasn’t the only option. She was insistent it was the only way, and that it was done. She’s your daughter, I expect you know how stubborn she can be.”
He actually managed a chuckle out of Mrs. Granger. “That’s an understatement.” It didn’t last long, however. “Why did it have to be you three?”
Ron took a moment to think about her words. “To go on the hunt? It didn’t. Technically, it only had to be Harry, but Hermione and I, we talked about years ago. After what happened with the stone, we knew wherever he went, we’d go. He needed us.”
“But you’re teenagers! What could you have possibly done that adults couldn’t?”
Ron couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped his lips. “You sound like my Mum. I know it’s hard to understand, but it had to be Harry. And without Hermione’s booksmarts and ability to gather knowledge, and my understanding of the Magical world, Harry would have been dead long before he even stood a chance. In retrospect, I see that now. Hermione really did what she thought was best to keep you safe. They would have found you and killed you to spite her. She couldn’t bear it. I know how dangerous it was. I lost one of my brothers in the final battle.”
Mrs. Granger took in his words, and knew he was sincere. “I’m sorry, Ron.” She was quiet for a few paces before she continued. “You were supposed to keep her safe. She trusts you to a fault, and I saw that even after you broke her heart. She let you in again, and then you left her.”
“Mrs. Granger, it took me being poisoned in sixth year for us to make up. I know I made a huge mistake in dating Lavender, and it was all over a stupid fight with my sister, and a misunderstanding with Hermione. It blew out of proportion because I let my anger get the best of me, and if I could go back and change it I would.
“As for leaving her on the hunt, I’ll never forgive myself for that. The object we’d collected from the Ministry was evil. I know it may be hard to believe, but it spoke to me. It fed off my insecurities, and told me she and Harry were better off without me. That she desired Harry more than me. I was wearing it when Harry and I got in a row. I wanted to come back as soon as I left. I never stopped trying to get back to them.”
He hoped that she could sense his desperation. That he was telling the truth. When she didn’t respond right away, he felt it pertinent to add, “Hermione doesn’t know about the locket. We haven’t actually talked about its effect on me. She didn’t speak to me for a whole month when I came back. Even then, it took her almost dying for her to forgive me again, I think.”
Ron noticed Jean shudder. “Things weren’t easy, were they?”
“No. She may not tell you this, but we were close to starving some days. There were times when it felt hopeless, but we had each other.”
“Why didn’t she say anything?”
“She doesn’t want you to worry anymore, so it may be best if you keep this between us. You can tell Mr. Granger, too, though if Hermione finds out I told you she may have my head.” Ron smiled.
“I’m sorry you had to go through that. I appreciate your candid explanations, but you have to understand why I’m wary,” Mrs. Granger attempted to explain.
“I know, but when she almost- when she almost died, I lost myself. I couldn’t protect her. I couldn’t take her place. It nearly broke me. It may have taken me longer than I’d like to admit, but I love your daughter, more than anything. And I’ll never stop trying to protect her. I want to make her happy, and I know there are going to be times where I downright piss her off, but that’s what we do. We bicker, we fight, and we make up. I promise I’ll do my best to not hurt her like that ever again.”
They looped back around and walked in silence for a while before Jean finally spoke. “I appreciate everything you’ve told me. I’m sorry for how cold I’ve been, but you have to understand it’s my duty to protect her as best I can.”
“I know.”
“Did she really set canaries on you after you started dating Lavender?”
Ron looked at Mrs. Granger in surprise. “Er, yeah. I’ve got a couple scars on my hands from it. Should’ve known from that, but I was a barmy sixteen year old.”
“I guess perhaps we didn’t teach her quite so well on how to deal with her anger. Has she apologized to you?”
“Er...explicitly?” Ron asked hesitantly.
“I’ll speak to her.” Jean spoke with a finality that Ron didn’t dare question. “You know, it’s supposed to be quite warm the next few days. You two should visit the beach.”
“That’d be nice, but we didn’t exactly pack those sorts of clothes.”
The warm, inviting demeanor he knew from Mrs. Granger had returned. “Don’t worry! I’ll take Hermione out shopping tomorrow. Oh, and there’s a wonderful bistro I think you two would both love. I can get you reservations for tomorrow evening! You can go with Hugo to purchase swim shorts and an outfit for dinner tomorrow. I’ll take Hermione shopping with me.”
Ron couldn’t help but laugh. “Er… may I ask what you’re planning?”
“Now that we’ve cleared the air, and I know your intentions, I’m going to help you sweep my daughter off her feet, of course!”
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yayeetsonny · 4 years
Teamwork Makes The Dream Work~USWNT x Baby reader
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Prompt: Baby reader gets injured during the World Cup final
Requested by: @defenseless-squad Enjoy!
If you had told me a year ago that I would be walking on to the field where the women’s soccer World Cup final was being held and that I was starting in the game, I would have laughed in your face and called you crazy. This has been my dream since I was 4 years old, and now here I am suiting up along side some of the greats of this generation, Alex Morgan, Christen Press, Tobin Heath, Megan Rapinoe and so many more. My teammates are my idols and I look up to all of them tremendously. At 17 years old I never thought that I’d make it here, or if I did it was going to be several years down the line. I was trying to remain calm and focused but I was practically buzzing with nervousness and excitement. 
“You good, kid?” Megan asked as she wrapped her arms around me from behind. 
“Yeah, Yeah. Just a little nervous is all.”
“I know. We all feel that way, but don’t let it overshadow this. You can do this and you deserve to start today.”
“Thanks Pinoe, I’ll play my very best.”
“I know you will. We all believe in you.”
She squeezed me once more before letting go, as she did Alex turned around to give me a pep talk too.
“You have nothing to prove, you earned your spot on this team and you are gonna kill it out there.” She said while giving me a quick hug, kissing me on the head.
I always thought it was crazy how all of my teammates seemed to know what I was thinking or feeling without me having to say anything. It was a blessing more often than not because I struggled with explaining how I felt a lot of the time.
“What are we?” She asked
“One nation. One team” I said proudly
“That’s right. We play as a team, whatever happens out there, win or lose we do it together.”
And with that It was time for us to walk out of the tunnel onto the field. After we lined up for the anthems, greeted the Netherland’s national team and did the coin toss it was time for kick off. Alex was the captain this game so she started in the circle with a Netherland’s player opposite her. She turned to look at me briefly, winking at me and then the referee blew the whistle and the game was on.
From the start we controlled the game, we wanted to find the back of the net as soon as possible. The Netherland’s had other plans however and were able to hold us off, it was nearing the end of the first half already, I could tell some of my teammates were getting frustrated and I was too. I hadn’t been able to hold onto the ball long and when I did I was taken down with a foul. The entire team, including those on the bench were getting more fired up as time went on. They definitely did not take kindly to people hurting me in any way. After another particularly brutal foul Tobin was in the offending player, Vivianne Miedema’s face while Alex was yelling at the ref to card her.
“Dude, What the hell was that?!”
“I’m just playing the game Heath, Take a chill pill.”
“What did you just say?”
“You heard me.”
At this point several players from both sides were trying to get in between the two but they were determined to keep going.
“Don’t you even care that you could’ve seriously hurt her?”
She gestured to me as I stayed on the ground clutching my ankle with several of our teammates crowding me. They all fussed over me and nearly bit the head off of a Netherlands player who tried to see if I was okay.
“Don’t touch her. This is your fault.”
“How is this my fault?! I didn’t even touch her.” Jill Roord said.
“Your team has been picking on her all game. Don’t act like you don’t know.”
“I’m sorry some of my teammates are being extra rough, Especially Vivianne but don’t blame all of us.”
“Whatever. Just leave her alone.” Julie said a bite to her tone.
“Look, I’m just trying to be nice. I just wanted to see if she’s okay.”
“She isn’t, thanks to you. Just leave.”
“I already told you this isn’t my fault.”
At this point I was worried this was going to turn into an all out brawl on the field as I looked up at my teammates. They all had a fire in their eyes and they looked extremely angry at the entire Netherlands team.
Several Players on both sides were arguing with each other and some looked close to throwing a punch but luckily when I called out to them they all shifted their focus to making sure I was safe and okay. Well, all except for Tobin, she was still giving Miedema a piece of her mind.
“Where on your ankle does it hurt?”
“Do you need to be subbed out?”
“Don’t get up, stay down until the medics come check you out.”
The medics rushed out asking me if I needed to be taken off but I said I was okay and that all I needed was some of that numbing spray and I’d be good to go. The girls didn’t like the idea of me staying in the game because they thought
“You need to ice your ankle little one.”
But I needed to convinced them that I was okay to keep going. I could do this, I needed to do this.
“T, It’s not worth it. Please calm down.” I said as Kelley helped me to my feet.
“Easy, put your weight on me babe.”
“I’m okay Kel, I promise.”
“But your ankle- ”
“I know, it didn’t feel great but I can do this. please let me.”
“Y/N, we really think should- ”
“Guys, I promise I’m okay.”
I finally got them to let up and they agreed to let me keep playing as long as I asked to be subbed out if I needed to.
I was afraid Tobin was going to punch our opponent if I didn’t stop her.
“Tobin, I’m okay. Please let it go.”
“No, she hurt you.”
“Tobin, please.”
I went up to where they were standing, continuing to stare each other down and put my hand on her shoulder.
“I’m good T. It’s okay. Drop it before you get in trouble.”
“Fine. If you pull anything like that again I won’t be so kind.” She said while shoulder checking Miedema as she walked passed her.
The ref blew her whistle impatiently and we all went back to our positions so we could restart. The rest of the half went on without a hitch and after the pep talks in the locker room we headed back out onto the field. Jill decided to keep me in for the second half as well and I was beyond thrilled to have the chance to play a full 90 minutes. We kept trying to find the back of the net almost immediately as the second started and after 62 minutes we finally got the break through we were looking for. Alex drew a foul in the box that led to the referee awarding us with a penalty. 
Pinoe being the legend she is of course, stepped up to take it and just like I knew she would, she sunk it in the bottom right corner of the net. We cheered wildly as we had finally gotten what we were after and we could feel ourselves getting closer to being champions for the second straight time. 
After Megan scored there was a renewed energy to the game and we were ready to close it out. 7 minutes later Rose made the score 2-0 as she shot the ball just out of reach of Sari Van Veenendaal. We once again went crazy with the players on the bench joining us in our celebration. We knew at this point that the game was ours to win as long as we remained focused and saw it out.
Miedema was still going after me, clearly not having learned anything from the first half. I did my best to stay away from her or find my way around her but it wasn’t enough. As I crossed the ball to Alex she slid into me, taking my legs out from under me, causing me to land face first in the turf and then as I stayed down she proceeded to step on my back, digging her cleat in as much as she could. 
“Stay down, kid. You know you deserve this.” She spit at me as she walked away.
I didn’t reply as I was too busy holding my back and crying from the pain. My face throbbed and I didn’t doubt that my nose was bleeding, if not broken as well. My teammates were furious and several of them were up in her face and protesting as it looked like she’d once again get let off the hook. Alex was by my side immediately, telling me not to move.
“Y/N, it’s gonna be okay. The medics are coming.” She said as she leaned down by my head.
“Al, my back and my face hurt so bad. Please make it stop.” I cried
“I know babe, I know. They’re coming, you’ll be okay.” 
She got up after telling Chris, Julie, and Alyssa who had come up field to make sure the medics knew everything while she went to go talk to the ref. 
“Come on! That’s a red!” I heard Alex yell
After more protesting on both sides, the ref finally showed Miedema a red and she walked off the field. At this point the medics had gotten me up and on a gurney and I was being wheeled off the field. Alex ran up next to us before I could completely leave the field.
“It’s okay little one. We got it from here, you did so good. I’m proud of you.” 
She kissed me on the forehead and ran back to the rest of the team. I was holding a cloth on my nose and I was strapped to the gurney with something supporting my back. As I was wheeled off the crowd cheered for me and several of the players on the bench came up to pat me on the shoulder. Telling me I did good and that it was okay. I was crying a lot now and it wasn’t just because I had gotten hurt. I had wanted so badly to stay on the whole game and I was frustrated and angry.
I was taken back to the medical room by our locker room and there they examined me for a concussion and any other injuries besides my nose and my back. They determined that neither was broken but that they were both pretty bruised. After getting my nose cleaned up and ice for both I was allowed to go back out and sit on the bench. As soon as I sat down I was swarmed by my concerned teammates.
“How’re you feeling Y/N?” Mal asked
“You played so well.” Ashlyn said 
“It’s okay, we know you’re bummed about being injured but we’re so proud of you.” said Emily.
They all started to ask me a bunch of questions about my injuries and after a moment I snapped.
“Will you guys cut it out?! Please.”
“We’re sorry we’re all just a little worried about you.” Morgan said
“I’m sorry. I know, I shouldn’t have snapped at you guys like that.”
“It’s okay, we get it.”
“I’m so tired.” I whined
“It’s okay. The game is almost over.”
Just like they said, the game came to an end shortly after and when that final whistle was blown I was overflowing with pride and joy for everything we accomplished. We all charged the field and celebrated together, many of us were crying and overcome with emotion, in shock of what we had just managed to do.
“We did it!” I yelled as I jumped on Alex and wrapped my legs around her.
My tiredness long forgotten as I enjoyed the moment.
“Yeah we did, baby! We’re world champs!”
She spun me around and then let me down so I could run off to the group of young players gathered in the center of the field.
“Guys! Holy shit, we’re world champions!”
“Hell yeah!” 
We continued to celebrate and after the trophy presentation we were allowed to go back to the locker room to continue celebrating there. My back and my nose were bothering me but I wasn’t going to tell the others that. I was bummed I couldn’t drink but I still enjoyed watching everyone else (Minus Christen and Alyssa) get absolutely trashed. I got so many videos of my drunk teammates doing stupid things. They were gonna kill me when they were sober enough but it was totally worth it.
“You okay bub?” Christen asked, coming and sitting next to me on the bench.
“Yeah I’m good.”
“You sure? I saw you rubbing your nose and you look uncomfortable sitting here.”
“I uhh… am a little sore.” I admitted
“Y/N L/N, you should have told me sooner. I would have found a way to help you. Come on, we’re gonna go somewhere a little quieter.”
“No what about the celebrations? I don’t wanna take you away from that- ”
“It’s okay, Y/N. We aren’t gonna stop celebrating for several days, I won’t miss much.”
After she convinced me to go with her somewhere we ended up just going to a spot close to the locker room but away from prying eyes. She grabbed a couple ice packs and we got settled on the ground outside one of the many bathrooms in the facility. She had me lay down with my head in her lap, she placed the ice pack under my back and held the other gently against my nose. We stayed there together until it was finally time to get on the bus and head back to the hotel.
Once we got there her, Alyssa and a few of our more sober teammates had decided to lay down in my room with me for awhile before we had to take off again to another party. Just as Chris had said, we partied and those who could; drank for several days after winning, we appeared on good morning America and we had our own ticker tape parade. These experiences were some of the best of my life and being able to do them along side my 22 best friends was all I could ever ask for.
Many days later when everyone was finally sober again and drinking water only for the next several weeks they all coddled and dotted on me. They were determined to help me heal and feel better even though it wasn’t that serious and I’d be good to play in a couple weeks time. Becoming a world champion was certainly the biggest and best thing to ever happen to me and I couldn’t wait to get back out on the field and play the sport I loved with the people I loved.
Sorry for any mistakes, mostly unedited.
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