#like dude was a creep to kids on camera he can’t disprove that shit and I hate him forever for it
so funny to see people like “oh uwu poor dweamy tommy was mean to him” like. i don’t give a shit considering the shit he said to tommy when he was a minor. actually i think tommy should get to be way meaner. i think anyone who was sexualised as a teenager by a grown ass adult should be given a gun. that shit fucks you up for life and i know bc it happened to me and i'm still struggling with hypersexuality.
(this isn’t even all of it btw, dream and george were “joking” about having oral sex with tommy like literal minutes after he joined the dsmp and also dream went on a weird tangent about tommy being technically old enough to fuck on one of his mcc streams, this was fucking constant for several months and i know that bc i watched the fucking streams and internalised that it must be okay that adults would send me porn at tommy's age and younger bc they were making such a joke out of sexualising him)
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TFTP: With Confidence @ HQ
In which With Confidence rock out in Perth, and some fancy lens drama ensues.
Hi, hello, and welcome!
My name is Skyler and I’ve only recently realised just how creepy it is to be writing show reviews almost two months since said shows occurred. 
*Plays Radiohead’s Creep.*
So let’s get to it. 
In the previous post, we discussed part one of the August 25-27th weekend, in which Why Even Try launched their new single, “More Than”, with Grey States, Shedhead, and Crown Loser, and my 85mm f1.8 Nikkor decided to die.  Today we shall continue that tale, focusing on the return of the lens (and the drama that ensued) and the With Confidence show at HQ. 
I swear everything is at HQ. Or Amps. Or Metro. Or the Metropolis. Or some other 18+ location. (I’ve been informed that some 18+ locations allow underage photographers, though. If you know any such venues – in Perth, Western Australia (not Canada) – let me know!) 
Now, where were we? 
Ah, yes. Saturday. We’d gone from prep to travel to shooting to travel to sleep to editing to prep to travel to shooting to travel to sleep to editing again to just needing to go through editing to prep to travel to shooting to travel to sleep to editing again, and it’s probably worth noting that my aforementioned cold was worsening. I doubt waking up at midday assisted with it, but anyway. 
I had a lot of editing to do, though it had to be delayed for the time being; I had a lens that wasn’t lensing and refused to shoot With-freaken-Confidence with a 35mm. Friday was horrible enough – gear-wise – and if I had the chance to run over to replace it in between sets, I would’ve.  So I had to go to Camera House.
But you can’t just walk in waving a receipt in their faces, no, you’ve got to go through the whole process. This includes researching their policies, comparing said policies to the ACCC’s website, crying over the fact that you might not see your $519 ever again, arguing with yourself, arguing with them, and just generally being a depressed, anxious wreck.
And so I did just that, finding out that they have a fourteen-day return policy and also finding out that this policy is complete bullshit, as such claims are actually illegal.
Great. So I might see that money after all.
Except… they have the option of either repairing the product or returning it and offering a store credit.
Right. So I might see that gift voucher after all.
Except… if they find that there’s nothing wrong with it, and knowing my luck they will, you’re stuck with this pathetic thing.
…So I might not resolve the issue after all. A few hours later, after editing three photos and binge-watching a Netflix show, I gathered my senses and lens receipts and headed down to Camera House. I was met by the dude who sold me the item, some cheerful bloke with probable intentions of selling more faulty crap. He greeted my mother and I (for my mother always tags along when arguing - or leaving the house - is in question), and asked about the 85mm, automatically regretting the query. Dude: So how's the lens? Me: Not good. Dude: Why? Me: It's failing to focus. Dude's face: What the actual fucking fuck did you do to it...? Dude's words: Oh? Do you have it with you? Me: Yup. *Awkwardly attempts to attach the lens to the camera body without dropping and shattering everything.* *Shatters dignity instead.* Dude's face: *Engulfed in cringe.* My mother: *Teeth clenched, bloodshot eyes, ready for battle.*
Dude tested the gear as I anxiously awaited the verdict. What if it only failed when I used it? Did it hate me? Oh my Gerard Way, it hated me!
He confirmed my nightmare: it worked perfectly.  Me: Please excuse me as I lie on your floor and cry endlessly. Dude: Could you not? It diverts potential customers. Me: Kill me. After taking a moment to... regather my brain cells? No, that's impossible. To calm down? Yeah, to calm down. After taking a moment to calm down and accept that my most precious lens was rebelling against me, I let the matter proceed.
Dude called over a guy who was walking past, supposedly the manager. Supposed Manager seemed thoroughly done with life and about to jump off a cliff, sighing as Dude spoke to him.
Supposed Manager: *Sighs.* What seems to be the issue? Dude: They bought the lens and say it isn't working. It’s fine right now, though. He showed the test images. Supposed Manager: *Sighs again* Right… 
As he inspected the equipment, the pair had a quick conversation regarding the problem. He soon unattached the lens, gained a cockier attitude, and unveiled his complaints.
Supposed Manager: Dust.
Well… yeah. That’s kind of what happens the moment you remove something from its box – dust gathers. Not exactly rocket science.
Supposed Manager: It’s not in brand new condition.
No shit, mate. As you’ve been told, it’s been used to shoot two shows. Not to mention that you’d have to use it to know that it’s broken.
It wasn’t physically damaged, and besides the aforementioned dust, appeared fine.
Supposed Manager: There’s a fingerprint on the back.
Now hold the fuck up.
Me: What?
Supposed Manager: *cleaning the lens* yup.
Me: …No?
What kind of crap was that? 
For those of you who are questioning why I’m making a huge deal out of this: lenses are a photographer's children; we take immense care of them, have favourites, talk to them in weird voices, and they were probably accidents from that innocent trip to JB HI-FI (or in this case, Camera House). And to have a fingerprint on the back of a lens is equivalent to being told you abuse your child.
So never make that claim. Ever. Unless you're desperately hoping to be punched in the face.
Unfortunately, he'd cleaned away the evidence - or lack thereof - before I could disprove his claim. With yet another sigh, he continued:
You're a-
Nope, I can't say it. I need a sponsor. But then again, I prefer JB HI-FI. The only reason I even bought this product from CH was due to the fact that they were the only ones who had it in stock.
But speaking of sponsors and JB HI-FI... would you guys be interested in a sponsorship deal? Please? I'll advertise the living daylights out of you! You know I love you, right? I'll sell my soul for you! No? Dammit... (The Devil: Hey, uh.... if you don't want that soul...)
Side note: am I the only one who thinks that the Devil would sound like the hormone monster from Big Mouth? Also, am I the only one around here who watches that show? Yeah? Okay... But shoutout to my uncle for recommending it! Okay, we should seriously continue with this story... I said: look, I used it to shoot two shows. The first time went perfectly well, though the second round - last night - it refused to work.
Dude looked at me as though I said something hilariously stupid.
Dude: ...You do realise this isn't a concert photography lens, right? My face: Please tell me you're kidding before I stab myself with a tripod. Me: What? Dude: This is a portraiture lens. You came in asking for a specific product, and I thought you knew what you were after.
Supposed Manager was thoroughly confused, though figured his side was winning thus retained his arrogance.
Dude: If you told me it was for concert photography, I never would've sold it to you.
As I fumbled around for words, my mother intervened. 
Mother: *Extreme level of sass* You never asked what it was for. Me to myself: OH FUCK YES, MUM! YOU SHOW 'EM! 
She was so extra, they couldn't deal. 
Supposed Manager gave an ultimatum: either keep the lens, or receive store credit.
But my mother was way too high on her previous sassy success that she couldn't keep from demanding a full refund. And hey, fair enough; JB HI-FI would never do this, they always get personal and you leave feeling emotionally connected with their staff. Seriously: last year, I purchased an Olympus compact camera, the model of which I cannot recall, and the guy working there truly gave a damn about my intentions were, how often I'd be using it, etcetera. He actually cared, shook my hand at the end, and said to come back if I had any queries and to keep him updated. Now that's customer service. (#NotSpons'dButWishItWas #ShaneDawsonQuotes #I'llStopWithTheHashtags)
An argument ensued. Of course it did. It always does. I go in to buy a memory card and we end up in a heated debate regarding the neighbour's goldfish. Or something like that. Regardless, the ACCC is mentioned in at least two threats and quoted eighteen times, and there is no concrete conclusion or win. And yet it continues. Every. Single. Time. 
I'll speed up to the important part: I agreed to store credit, though the cheapest lens available that fit my requirements was $60 more than this one. So I wouldn't be seeing my $519, store credit, or current cash, after all. 
My mother refused to agree to this. How dare they not give it for $519? They just lead us through hell! 
Me? I just wanted to buy the bloody thing and be done with these people. I couldn't shoot With Con with a 35mm. No way. I had more self respect than that. Actually, this had nothing to do with me: I had more respect for the bands than that. I couldn't make them look bad! I wouldn't shoot with a 35mm.
But before I could express such thoughts, my mother answered for me.
Mother: Let's go. Take your lens and go.
What. The. Fuck. Ten minutes later we were at Perth Underground and I felt like a bitchy teenager on a TV show. How could she?! I couldn't - I wouldn't - embarrass myself in front of With Confidence. They probably didn't give a flying fuck, but that wasn't the point. A 35mm. How pathetic. So we had a bit of an argument ourselves. Another ten minutes later, we were back at Camera House. Dude had left and Supposed Manager stood behind the counter, in the same place we left him. Me: We'll take the lens. Supposed Manager: *Sighs.* Alright. But first he had to recheck the state of the lens I was returning. I truly couldn't catch a break, could I? He took some puffy pump thing that sighed almost as much as he did, attempting to remove the dust. I was beginning to think that he was seeing things, that there wasn't actual dust, that he was just tripping on acid. If so, I'd love to get in touch with his dealer. (Side note: JB HI-FI don't employ such shady characters. If you want a safe shopping environment - along with a greater range of products and a sausage sizzle on Saturdays - visit JB.) (#StillNotSpons'd. #StillWishItWas.)  Supposed Manager continued on, wasting everyone's time and shortening my upcoming visit to Grill'd.  Supposed Manager: You know, this is in a horrible condition. *Sighs.* My face: Go on, make one more complaint. I fucking dare you. Supposed Manager continued.  Supposed Manager: You should be glad we're allowing this return.  Me to myself: You should be glad I haven't punched you in the face yet... Perhaps their policy wasn't illegal, but I'm damn sure their customer service was. I'm still struggling to comprehend how they even produced any profit with such arrogant salespeople. Okay, allow me to rephrase: Dude was fair enough. I've got nothing against him. But Supposed Manager? Oh, boy... Who the hell even employed this guy? All he did was sigh, be cocky, and refuse to communicate in an orderly fashion; y'know, treating customers as equal humans and whatnot? JB HI-FI has better standards. And prices. He soon cut the crap and proceeded with the payment. But scanning a credit card is a difficult job. It takes true talent to be able to complete such a complex task, and unfortunately Supposed Manager didn't obtain it. It took him ages - and I mean freaken millenniums - to swipe that thing and have me enter the pin. Ages. And finally, he printed the receipt and gave us the new lens. (Which, by the way, was an ex-demo. Freaken pathetic.) But he managed to misspell my name. Sarah Bjeasdfghjkl? It's Sara Bjelanović (emphasis on the ć), thank you kindly. JB HI-FI never make these mistakes. Ever. At long last, we headed back to Leederville to get some (late) lunch at Grill'd. Hey, speaking of Grill'd, I wouldn't mind a vegan sponsorship from them... But food reviews later. I've wasted enough of your time already. My mother was still pissed off. I don't really blame her. At least we had an incredible show coming up. Two nights in a row - how awesome is that?! Before we knew it, we were at HQ, staring at a sea of coloured hair and one hell of a queue. It was roughly half an hour before doors so we took a seat at a picnic table. That razor blade was still there, and so were the skateboarding kids. They probably lived at the venue.  It was going to be a packed night, and for a socially awkward weirdo whose personal space is a top priority, I knew I was about to suffer. (Though in all honesty, there is no such thing as personal space at a concert. You all kind of merge and become one large mass of humanity in a pit.) We got in, set up, and before most people were even admitted, Available at the Counter began their set.  Shooting was fun. Way too fun. This new 50mm was amazing! It was just the right length for HQ; not too close so you didn't have too far back, and not too far that you had to stand in front of everyone. And with an f-stop of 1.4? I was in photographical heaven. The only thing that could've made it better was if it was from JB HI-FI; they'd give you that true satisfaction. If you've bought gear from them, you'll know what I'm talking about. AATC's set was refreshing. There's nothing better than a local act who play like an international sensation. It was a pleasure to shoot them, and all members interacted with the camera; funny faces, staring long and hard at the lens, that sort of thing that makes photographers all content and satisfied with their life decisions. During the intermission, I made a mental note of everyone who was present. Surely I can't be the only one who does this? Regardless, there were the general crowd of scene/emo/whatever-the-hecks that you see at every event, and then there were the photographers; the amazing Talia Ferguson (who wasn't shooting this show but covered With Con at the Boston the previous night), the incredible Leon Martin (who you should definitely check out because holy fUCK he knows how to shoot), and some other person who I don't know, but they seemed super cool and I'd love to meet them. I didn't speak to any of them, of course, because, as I previously mentioned, I'm a socially awkward weirdo. I did catch up with Talia after the show though.  And then Seaway came on.   ​I'm a Seaway fan. Not crazily into them, but I enjoy their content enough to want to purchase their fancy vinyl... at JB HI-FI. (Actually, the local record stores are also wonderful. High Fidelity, Rhubarb Records, Dada, Noise Pollution, 78, Mill's, Junction, the list could go on forever. They all have extensive ranges and great staff. If any of them are interested in sponsoring an indie blog that's about to start posting record reviews, contact me...) (I'm not even apologising anymore.)​​ The band was extremely inclusive in regards to the crowd. They made an active effort to keep everyone jumping around and enthusiastic, and I even managed to get some shots from the stage. Oh, by the way: do bands hate it when a photographer is onstage? Is it annoying? Do you want to throw a brick at my face? 'Cause I'm only trying to get a few good images, so I don't know.  ​​ Intermission. Now, my mother does this thing were she asks me to show her a photo of every band member so she can spot them throughout the night. At this point, she thought she saw the drummer of Seaway chillin' around at the back of the venue, and convinced me to go talk to him. Personally, I suck at recognising people's faces. It takes me ages to figure out that that's my friend waving from across the room, or who the person next to me is. It's fair to say that my short-term memory sucks, and my long-term visual memory isn't a great deal better.  So I spoke to him. Me: Hey, are you that guy from Seaway...? Him: *Laughing* no... Me: Oh, shit, haha.  Him: *Laughs* sorry. Me: No, no, I'm sorry, my... "friend"... thought you were the dude and I'm horrible with faces. And names. And people in general... Him: *Still laughing* that's all right, haha. And so I awkwardly backed away and found a corner to cry in.  The lights dimmed. The stage darkened. The teenage girls screamed so loudly that my earplugs passed out like Miss Fitter in that science class. With Confidence went onstage, and fucking hell, did they deliver.  ​​ From their dexterous playing to Jayden's amazing voice, Luke's commentary and Ini's innocent existence, the band's set was one to remember. Ironically, I can't remember most of it because I spent an equal amount of time fangirling over my new lens. But from what I can recount, they did an exceptional job and were worth every cent spent on tickets.  ​​ At one point during their acoustic session, I managed to sneak back onstage and hide (not really) behind some amps. I was semi-tangled in cables, but nothing fell over so I suppose it was all good. Ini interacted with the camera, that was awesome. The rest of the band soon rejoined Jay and Ini onstage, and Luke even smiled at me, which made my existence worthwhile. He did so again later on, so you can imagine how high on fangirl feels I was.  ​​ And then they left. The crowd cheered for an encore as I remained stuck on that stage. The fans below were refusing to move, afraid of losing their precious front row spots, and it was agonising. There were around one hundred and fifty or so people there, staring eagerly at the stage, and all that was on it was a poor excuse for a human being. (I'm joking, I was fucking fabulous. Y'know who else is fabulous? JB HI-FI. Grill'd. Local record stores.) ​​   I managed to get down and spent the encore shooting from the pit. It was a marvellous concert, and before everyone was fully aware of what was happening, we were lining up to meet the band.  ​​ I dislike revealing entire conversations, especially if they're with band members or otherwise important humans in my life. As you may've realised, Supposed Manager is not an important person in my life. I just feel as though it's a personal thing for everyone. But here's a recap of what went down: Me: Hugs? Handshakes? I'm too awkward for this. Luke: *Laughs* saaame. Luke: I love your jacket! (He was referring to my patchy denim one.) Band: Thanks for photographing our set! Me: asdfghjkl how does one English properlyfghjkl Me: *Explaining to one of their crew members/managers/some cool dude who was there, how to use my camera.* Cool Dude: *Still takes a rather blurry photo.*
And then we were back at Grill'd. I dreaded the upcoming editing.  MUSIC SUMMARY:
Available at the Counter: energetic as fuck/5
Seaway: intense crowd involvement and amazingness/5
With Confidence: fangirling and falling to the ground like Miss Fitter/5
Lenses: I went through hell for these babies/5
Camera: still not allowed to complain/5
Lighting: the reds destroy my soul/5
Editing: not even Lightroom could save some images/5
My sanity: what's a sanity/5 So that was that. Up next: Homebrand's "Shelf" launch show. Until that's up, let's all go send emails to JB HI-FI, Grill'd, local record stores, and Nikon, asking for sponsorships. Send them this link. Let's see how long this goes on for before they get a restraining order against me! Go give these bands a listen: Available at the Counter Seaway With Confidence Live long and headbang,
xx- Skyler Slate
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