#like dude. ppl are fucking obsessed with this sometimes its gag worthy
littlebabycrybtch · 4 years
god lmao when you hear a neurotypical and/or abled person spout the words ‘quality of life’ you know you are about to hear the ugliest most dehumanizing selfish fucking argument abt how anybody thats different from them must be suffering for it and how theyd wanna kill themselves if they were disabled or w/e the fuck like. jesus lmao mam as an autistic person with chronic pain frankly if i had your brain id definitely wanna kill myself cus being that fucking ableist and shitty and self centered is no way to live like i honestly cant imagine being ok w/ that existence. also idk have you even once considered that your evil ignorant selfish assumptions are whats actually contributing to my struggle. 
in other words; stop comparing your life to mine. you are not my fucking advocate and those who ‘cannot’ advocate for themselves still dont need you to be their nihilistic savior or whatever disgusting thing you think it is you are doing. “quality of life” like god karen maybe we just dont make wild assumptions with extreme consequences about how minorities view the worth of their own existence by looking at it through your own selfish lens and ranking it against your personal level of functioning as if its educated and selfless of you to think that should be the metric and standard of the whole universe and anyone who cant match it must be unhealthy bc they cant relate to you. 
like kjsdfsd maybe just stop talking abt how badly you wanna euthanize disabled kids and how its a moral responsibility to kill disabled people and prevent disabled babies bc u assume theyre in pain from nature and not from the ableist society you contribute to with your weird cruel statements like that !!! ffs jsut stop jesis fuckinG C H R I S T stop it its so gross. you literally dont know Shit. ‘but the doctors tm said the patients condition is a sentence to lifelong misery and they’ll never be able to speak they may not even have thoughts i-’ oh my goddDDD DUDE I LITERALLY HONESTLY DONT CARE ABT WHATEVER PROPAGANDA ABLED DOCTORS TELL U ABT DISABLED KIDS FROM WIDELY ABLE CENTRIC MEDICAL SCIENCE CREATED WITHIN AN ABLED CENTRIC SOCIETY, it is 100% FACT THAT YOU CANT ACTUALLY SEE ANYONE ELSES EXPERIENCES SO /YOU DONT KNOW SHIT ABOUT SINGULAR DISABLED PEOPLES LIVES/. YOU HAVE TO LISTEN TO US FIRST, AND WHEN WE CANT COMMUNICATE, YOU HAVE TO PUT IN SOME ACTUAL >EFFORT< TO THINK ABOUT HOW TO HELP US IN WAYS THAT DONT REVOLVE AROUND LITERAL FUCKING EUGENICS AS YOUR GO-TO. your goddamn ‘advocacy’ is literally just talking over us and silencing us, and with fucking lazy and Abominable intentions. shut the fuck UP you pieces of shit if murder is your solution to a group of people you could just be focused on Helping then you people will never be anywhere close to knowing what true ‘’‘MERCY’’’ is even if it bit you in the fuckin dick lol
#tw ableism#tw sui ment/ //#like dude. ppl are fucking obsessed with this sometimes its gag worthy#YOU JUST DONT WANT US TO BURDEN SOCIETY THATS ALL IT IS LMAO U DONT CARE ABT OUR 'PAIN'#OTEHRWISE YOUD FUCKING LISTEN TO US#and oh my god ive had ppl dtry this dont oyu fucking >>>>>DARE<<<<< come and tell me some ugly disgusting bullshit like#'well obvs you have a Good quality of life im talking abt ~severely~ disabled people'#1. no i dont and its bc you stupid fucking shitheads wont fix society for me you head-up-your-own-ass bitch#assuming i have a quality of life bc i can communicate with you efficiently?? proves this is ignorant af and abt you and your viewpoints#not listenign to disabled people or caring about us. its about Your comfort and how our lives make You feel#i literally suffer all the time from shit you could be fixing. you are lazy and selfish and would rather me be dead bc im a burden to you#2. shut hte uckgghgfg UP Oh my GOD!!!!!!!!!!!! 'SEVERELY' DISABLED KILLS ME LIKE THIS ISNT A SLIDING SCALE#you ar eliterally just uncomfortable seeing a child in a wheelchair that cant talk and doesnt act or appear 'normal' thats on you#people born a certain way will not know anything but that life it is up to society to accept the diversity of life#and try to ease any problems that come with differences not fucking assume pain in every goddamn 'not like me' situation#just. stop literally like shut the fuck up its cruelty idc what you excuse it away with to excuse it away at all proves you arent listening#lives dont hold less value for being different from yours
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