#like ffs they did 3 outdoor back to back dates in tx last summer and we quite literally saw the Physical effect that had on at least ashton
tirednotflirting · 1 year
no but like i’m going to lose it if i see one more twitter girlie complaining that ‘5sos5 isn’t getting a longer tour’
like firstly, asking your favorite band to do a tour the size of tmh tour every year is a little silly. like it made sense last year. they hadn’t toured since 2019, they had basically two new albums to promote, and the majority of the dates were rescheduled from an existing summer tour. like it made a lot of sense.
but the primary complaint i keep seeing (aside from them not playing another extensively long tour) is that this is somehow a ‘diss’ on 5sos5? when the tour last year? was literally. in part. a 5sos5 tour? it was renamed after a single from the new album to better reflect that? they played 5 songs (i think 6 at the aus dates) from the new album which when you consider the full songs they played on that setlist (that was also quite long!!!) that’s like almost a quarter of the set. i just do not understand where this complaint is coming from. it’s not unheard of to do touring for an album before it’s official release.
ok i’m done. also know i’m preaching to the choir here but i stg it’s a new tour! it’s a new live album! be excited damn it!!!
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